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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 4, 1913)
ESlSSPws if .jXJfJKUVClK'n i "j-MVfVifc.iwE'-.r- THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, SATURDAY, JANUARY 4, 191 3. EVEMING EDITION uvmrmw EM GRAPHIC ISLE OF I liiml task. They Inliorltuil tho war.leauPo other ngonrlca ; nro now or the nnny wan whnt the committee k'anlzeu to tale up tint work and u. ..... .., ...'.L. i..i , i-nrrv it on: but It In titmliiK Us n ,o r ,mr Vvn filed w Hi attention to the rofimcoB who hnve Urndn niolnffo" ' "omeo! There! fled from their homo. In European has been' no .orlo..B disorder In Turkey. In many , tier PRESIDENT GATES OK AMI-MICA V tlli rltv dtirluR the war. Robert ColleRo him not missed one duv of lessons. Tho Krentest dnncor wan in urovlnrcn. As of old. when nny trouble nrose In the Honinn Hmnlro thev erled, "Tho Chrlstlnns to tho linns'" ho In the TurKlflli Empire ,....... ,v PiivcTvTivniii' tho ChrlBtlniiH linvo tiBiinlly Buffered COLLEGE IN CONSI'AVIIMH'M, ipn lh,)KH wpMt wrmi, Tho Ar. WHITES AIIOI'T CONDITIONS IN SUITAN'S EMPIRE. fnr Amoiltlrt I'itm to toos Di Tlmw.) NEW YORK. .Tnn. X Scones in niul nfoout Constantinople nnd con ditions resulting from tho Ilnlknn war nro Interestingly described in a lottcr "PrORH III" lon nt nohert College nt the Turkish cnpltnl. Tho letter follows nwiiiinn T'ntrlnrrh nnd IiIb rounell hnvo licon In great anvloty for tholr neople In Adann. in tl-e Illtlls nnd Vnn HobIou. nnd In other parta nnd thev lint! reason to ho anxious. 'Wo nil 'Bhnred their nnxlety nnd do yet. Hut there hnB been no goncra! mns- snero in llie Asiatic prunm: houses hnve been burned. Sonm will never return to their oM homes They enme Into Constnntl nonle in enrtH or on foot. Snuu' had a few household goods with them, others fled In racs. The irnvornnient wlselv sent them on In It) Asia ub fnsf ns It could nnd Is trylni: to feed them. The nnUnnrv food nllowanro la one ionr or nronti a dav for adults, nnd half n loaf for children. TMt snundi Binnll, but It preserves life, which1 la the main thine, now Of course this flight ontnllH un told suffeHng. Husbands have lost slRht of their fnmllles. Soldiers re turning from the wnr do not- know and eliildren are. d thorn again? plnce. and wo who know tho conn- Thoro are a great ninny children In try nro nnro that thoro would lmvo Constantinople who do not know been very sorioua massacres mere wi-ern mh-t imii'ius uu. inu mn Interestingly ticscrincu in n Tllpro lmVo i,PPn disorders and soniol turning from the wi nddrosscd to tho Assoclntcu , , , , , t nothlng whore their wives a l.y Dr. Calob P. Uatcfl. prosl- , t f , ,mB tnICI1 WI1 thev over flu This hna boon n war of surprise-? lni not 'tho government exercised ish Tied Cross la trying to provide to most people. The TurltB them- n atrong control over tho turbulent for them. The Red Cross nnd the selves were nmoiiK thnso most stir-! populntioiiB. ' Hod Crescent societies of different Tiioy unci exponuoii mimo, T( i wnr ig Bad(IenlnR to nil who ",,UI,B "" ' ;" lu .lu,v '" l" -two million pounds upon tier,, Turkey nnd the Turks. It re. ogees in miming nmo. mu -. They supposed tlmt whnt-j " .' "" .... 0..r ttyin,mthles near the walls to shelter hem. To or olso they had not dono thc.Vnni1 ,m si,orkp,i us wltli Its nor- American ted itos nns lurneu rs nt least prepared an nrmy, btit, ,., ti,ro i i,riKht sldo 'nttc-ntton to tno refugees in Asia. nrmv lino fnllnd them. I ...i.i.i. i.- nnr.,i in im It la onoetniiy ntminicd to do HUB prison. forty army. ov liad that Tho nrlncinnl reason lack of orRnnl7ntlou of tho nrmy woro not In touch witn n..Aril , nirni'i'llnif ncnlnst tro their men. Tho committee of "-l mondonn difficulties to keep order Ion nnd progress lind gotten rid of(U1(1 nrC0nipll8li ita task. J" ".' ' "",,r"'.,w" L , "" .. X' There Is one otnor thhiR I must on seoma to ho 0WBpnpers, nnd that Is tho ,irw work lippniw It enn cnll upon the . The officers ,t ' B TCiiBth and wisdom of tho Anierlrnn mlBslnnnrlea stationed t In touch with Lvrniiinnt. Htrueisllnit aealnst tro- oro nnd there nil oyer tho couii- from tho ranka nnd who know their men. nnd substituted officers trnln ed In tho mllltnry schnola of Tur- speak of, thoiiRli I find it difficult trv to nld In organizing tills work of rellof. Already It hna found 12.000 re fiiROOS nt nriisi. where Miss .Tlllot son Is orpanizlnp work: 20.000 at A ...ll nl.m.t UMw.ii Million woi-p'?"". "! "'' '""'" ""':. .-"'""V ed In tho military schoola of Tur- " "',",,,, ,1' cc verm ontl Ko'""". v'"or "r- wmnni I'ost Key and Europe. ITnfortunntoly " " 1r0M tct' vclJntfo. tT so lor" Ib "rennlilnK work. Tho relief II lino Ulliciirn iiiivu iirt-N iihiuuiih ., ,,, ,, . i. ..nin,i llmf flip '""'"" , .n '. ....o ..u..i ....- too much time to polltlm and iAZlcTFlhS o I i,Dr, "'! re. and this Is only tno llttlo time to tholr work with' tho """J 'rtwo,,,""1 )0 nrfec" Tho ,,CR,nn,.nK- T,1P. ('lrcl0 of l'"?00 nrmy. So they did not adequately, 'K1)V,0 lll,,p .wo "' Ln 0L .lip. , work la suro to ro 011 widening Xv their men. SK.noK "CnTwSS "oui .-T"te. "IS "'5 ,n'J I'2 'ill- war werowe.l eaulpped. clean fe.-w 'nnd " ,a cl!aK Sr leV soldiers to l.,o fwnt.' Thor.Xn"'" 0 wounded miod ' thwo " tf n! nvfZ cimo In by nhlim which passed ,, they had to provide more, rhoy JJ j1'" "i'l "Vi f,,,lHo v i,Jit down the lloBphoniR every dav. took harrncks which wore very dlr-' ?1 nl r , Ji i i, ii the noldlcrs cheorliiK nnd tho bnnda'ty. n, tho people who hnil chnrgo '"''. nn'0 W,'RC ,",' ,,i i.nnS' r,Jnl.,.r T,nan nnl.llnrd wnm nut ', 11 .11.1 .. !..,... ,..!. In WMPie II ir- rrnWIIPII 111IO IIIlllS. Into cars nnd sent to tho front.' do. Much time was lost and mnn f''" Z1ZZ often without tholr officers. When wounded died for Inck of caro. J "', ?r, n, ,Kwi,l i, they nrrlved nt tho Htatlnn whoro Thoro was Inck of system In tho J1'" "nvo drifted and whom they tl.oy woro to lenvo tho railroad of- reception of tho wounded nt the w,u ,so" ''" 'orgotton, unlesn nomn flrera woro waiting who took thoni station when tho trains enmo In ono 1 " " s AjL'J? " ' Vl ...i . nd placed thorn In their romimn- from tho front, and often they re- M ' L1"!?, ',nn,L -, ,.ni , onn nn" lea. All corn nnd division, form-' malned mnny houra without care, '" ". tll,nt ''1Prfl ;N,U4 ,,)0 200',n.n,0 ntlon wna lost. It- was confusion. without water, Buffering Fovoroly.Pn",lB ,0 l' cared for through this TheFe Roldlera went to tho battle nut tho worflt scenes were perhaps "1"' ""'. in of'nom wm under bnd cniidlllnns Thev needed nt St. Stophnno. This Htatlnn Is' n", ,1P,H to set up 1 fo In now n month nt least to train with their, on tho railroad botweon tho Clint-, mmrlorfl-, l ,,1"11 tIlnt "'jny of now offlcera nnd r"t to know ono nldjn lines nnd Constantinople. It-"1080 'K,,n l novor return to another nnd their lendora. I beenmo n aort of receiving Htntlon! V"rnJ,',c', cro ll0! V'011!1. , , "l1" Then tho Cnmmls-.nrlnt failed. It for the Hick. Cholora prevailed, nl-"cr ?'""". r. C'J, wU ll.0'1'. ,n fnon becamo evident to un hero, though I think much what was , MnW T"1r'ioy- T1J,;I0' In Constantinople that the govern-1 culled cholora was not truo chol-lnB not cenaed to exist. Her king man t wbb bringing In men mueh'orn. I (,.nni w,m ,,n "" 'Binl " ,nnI faster than food. Thev giv0 mo- These alck men wero tnken orf,s" vin, "00l ,'IP ' orKniilzo Mint. ney to the soldlora and told them tho train at St. Stephnno lu order! America la freo from the Htraln to go and buv food for tlipniRelves.l not to bring contagion Into tlio.or tllPS0, 'enta. wlileli not tho but often they could not- find food city, but pnlna woro not tnken to "oroa .r K'lrono tingling; sho hna to buv. nnd "mnnv of Mm soldiers son Mint nrriincomonta woro mndo n hountoful harvest and great wero suffering from huiifer before, for caring for them. Sick nion,M,,ro8nfr'P'' I nni Btiro thnt tlio noo they snw a bnttle or henrd n wounded inon who wero nlso Hlc-k,Ml0 "' Ainorlcn will lyo KoiicroiiBly mm. -UMion OirliHiif nrttinllf linfrnn nnil ilnnil inon lnv nrnnnil linnil i I0 " M0 1IVCS nnd rOMOVO tllO nil their dlffieultlea were Increased.1 tho ground without Bholtor. Tho It Is nnlnful to contemplnle. (lend wero not burled. Often a Under these conditions the Turk- alck mnn wna found with his head fal. fll.t.. .... am in tin.. a n .1 1 1 1 1 1 .1 It'n.l ll.m.l .. .Infill (tl fl II rPllf nil ..III!.. UUIIl IllitCI HI IIIHIT H- .l . fl, llMl l .' ...I .....ll. .1. . . ., - . ii, vanced bevond tho lino of Lulo alck woro calling for water. It,0' ,t." country In which donors Tlurgna. They should hnvo taken whb n alckonlug hcciio nnd ninny! nl . i "" ovi,on,,ptI. nB lip lied up ntrong posltlona thoro: wnlted wero nfrald to help theso sufferers r"B Is carrying on work In tho in cnt nil limits nrtiiv tncntliof rrnni fnnr of rontnulnn. nnil innnvi """ u,"" "inn. trained their men and put them knew nothing about tho nnd con Into avmpnthy with tholr officera. Idltlona prevnlllng thorft. Ilv tblH lime nil the world known i Tho American lied Ci-ohh dlscov thn tlulgnrlan nrmy did not nnrsuo ercd this plnguo npot through Mr. tho Turkfl beyond Lulo nuruna. ' lloffnuui Philip, first secretary of They wnlted nenrlv a week before tho Amorlcan embassy. Mr. Philip, they mndo their dnnionsrntlnn to tho Itov. Itohcrt I-'row and Dr. fry tho atreimlh nf Ihe Turkish Kord, with two Swiss ladles wont nrmy at Clialaldja. There has lie- there and net to work. They bur- vor bee Bufferings of theso peoples. Tho American lied CrosB Society Is re ceiving and forwarding nil dona tions, hut they aliould be deslgnnt TO STAUT HOAI. lOnints Pahs Clly Comiell l-'liiaiiclng Crescent City Itonil, Tho Ornnta Pass Courier Bays: Thursday, January 2, marked tho ftiif nnMi'n nntml nnMn.. itnl. .... ll. mi a pitched bnttle there and , li'd the dead: they cleaned up tbon .-.,.,, i " .m .. . now pence negotlntlnns nro going pinco ami iiisinrectod it. Tlioy foul v .w..w. ......,,. on. Tho Turk Is not driven out of tno bick nnd gave tlioin drink. 7-3iiropo, nor do I bellevo Mint ho When they went thoro IfiO died In will bo now. CoiiHlnntlnople will 2 1 hours. After n wook'a work remain under tho Turkish govorn- thoro was a day with un dentha. merit and a nlrlp of tonltory the Mia. Itockhlll. wife of tho Am- nl70 of wlilch will bo determined erlenii umbuBKador, stood back of by ueirotlatloiiB. j tho workers, boiifjlit supplies nnd While the iiewapspei-M have been forwarded to them, brought the filled with nrcniiuiH nf Mm cnu'H- conditions tn the notice of tho nil- ilonn of Constantinople, filled with thoritlos, nnd atlrord thoni up to TofugppH and BobUers driven bnek do Boiuetlilug. and showed great upon the cl'v. and while thoy hnvo executive ability In denllng with the been describing scenea here "onlv rivalled by the scenes In Dun e's Inferno." we have been living In ConstniiMnnnlo In pence nnd niilet iioss. There hn been no blood shed here and the uovernnient hna innlntnliiiMl order with grout- fii-ni-ness. Wo Hhnuld remember Mint Klnmll Pnshn'a government took up the work after the committee of union and progress lind been turn ed out. anon nfter the beginning of the wnr. Tho leiiBt that we can piiv about- the committee of un- sltuntion. Thiee luemhniH of the l.?n iv 1 lull Un.1 Pi'mjiinnf lir wrfn waiting for their milt to got togoih.nilrt to nsk m covor er. went to St. Stephnno nnd or- to run for 30 years w! gniilzed n tent hospital at tho ox peuso of (he American lted Ciohm. And now the Egyptian Hod Cres- ";"" "" , .,,, ,, . cent Is organizing a Inrjjo hospital ,,m 20 Jn'8' wUh Ul l'rlvllego of there. Tliero aro now plonty of retirement nt tho ond of flvo years. Tho city council lu special bos- slon paved tho way for Immediate construction work, putting tho $200,000 Hpeclnl bond Issuo on tho market, nnd providing for n cash fund from other sourcos to pny bills for Inhor whllo tho bonds nro being floated. Tho resolution passed by tho council authorized tho city auditor to ndvortlso tho bonds for ID days, Ing an lasuo 1th tho privi lege of rotlrliiK them nt tho ond of 20, nnd nlso for the samo Issuo to people ready to do tho work, but tuey did not Know or tho condi tions. One bright side of this dnrk niC' lure Is tho way lu which all tho Ion nnd progress Is that Its namo. communities, fmelgn nnd native, la n misnomer, for the cnninilttPOnro working to relievo suffering ntood neither for union nor for .nnd save life. progress. nio American lieu vross is witn Tho bonds nro to boar flvo por cont Intorest, nnd nro not to bo sold nt loss than par, Tho mayor, who was ahsont from tho special meeting sunt a commun ication In which ho snld that ho anticipated that tho bonds would Klnmll PaBha'fl cabinet lind n drawing from Its hospital work. be-'sU nt a piomlum. rmmmEMM Tightness In tho Chost, Irritation In tho Throat and a Dry Hacking Cough means a. miserable night for tho wholo family, BALLARD'S Horehound Syrup Is An Effective Remedy for the Throat and Lungs. It roltoven tickling In tho throat, tlfjhtnoso In tho c'lost. Inn.imed lungs, dlMcult breathlm- nn.i oslng In tho bronohlnl tubos. Conveys a soothing hoallnsr Inlluenco to tho aore lunns nromotca nu. ornnntnrntlnn nnil nnntrllilltnn In 11m .. Inn.,i..i . ..! i... . . '""" VU"OlVa j .-,.v. ............ .. --.vw .- ...v. v.mj...v.,v vi n uuivji ib.i ana rosttui Bleep. Put Up in Three Sizss, 25c, 50c and $1.00 per Bottle. Tny tho Dollar Im. It contain Hva tlmoa an much .ia tho 26o else, ana you sot with each hAtiin u Dr. Ilerrlclfs Rod 1'oppor I'rou Piaster for tho chost. b UI ST. I.OUIS, MO. j.jins v, ii.vl,u.vui l'KOl'IMRTOU l'or bore U)t; l.ruuululoil Miin. IUxIdc.h of tho 15;Iia1, MVhU 8lli, SinnrtlnK ScnoatlouH lu tin. R uo yu-pln-ui i:o Snlc. It lu a rcufdy r proeu morlt. tmsimfmmmmo ano ficBOtwS:OKOvn llusy Corner" Tho ltcxnll Store. Lockliart-I'arsous Ilrus Co. Tho WtSBMBRa&ikixn KSSW4Kifit rsyK?s$fV ge The School of Success AVIIOSI'J aiOTTO IS AD OMNIA PARATUS Which mean.s pivpaied for eer thing. Are you P'epiiml? If you are, you am nt least audit n set of hool.M, write legi ble' shorthand rapidly nnd skillfully use a typen liter. You are a good peiinian, rapid and neem-nte at llgiireM? you can write n telling,'ttlng letter in good Kiigll-di. Von know bow to use a llurroiiglis adding liiiiclilne, a wrlterpress, multlgi-npli or neostjlc. You can operato a letter copying press a filing nnd liidevlni; cabinet. Yon understand the die Hipbone, the tabulator, adding, subtracting, billing typewriter and other modern offlco appliances that multiply a busy innn's time, power and efficiency. You can make out checks, notes, drafts, deeds, mortgages, Hens, power of attorney, bill if sale. You can write an agreement that will hold, etc., etc. If you can not do most or these things, all of which will be taught In both our day ami night school, jour Iiojki to win Is unfair to yourself. It Is tho most o.ienslvo hopo you (viiihl possibly entertain, and It will keep jou hoMlessly lash ed to mediocrity for years. Xo matter how much you hank on rainbows nnd wait for some favorable hreeo to waft you to harbor, every trained hoy nod girl will draw rings around jviii as they pass you on the toad, IWI.KS.S YOU IMICI'AUK. I'or pai-tlciilars write the College, temporary headquarters, Chandler Hotel. Send a Check Don't run around paying your hills lu currency when you can Just ns well send a check. Xo trouble about making change when you pay by check. Xo dispute can ever arise about a payment iiiude by check.. Tho bank, nfter cashing It, bands It back to you, making no uiidisputublu receipt. Xo danger of losing money, or being robbed of It when you put It In tho hank ami pay by check, Less temptation to spend It If It's lu Ihe bank Instead of lu jour pocket. You're money ahead nudlcuvo worry behind when you hnvo n checking account at tho First National Bank Of Coos Bay STATI1MKXT OP CONDITION fLANAGAN & BENNETT BANK MAllSUFIKM), OltKGON KSTAnUSHUD 1889. At tho close of binlness, November 20, 1012. RESOUHCUS. Loans nnd Discounts $483,557.13 Hanking House. 50,000.00 Cnsli nnd Sight Kxchnngo 203,800.00 Total J707.457.00 LIABILITIES. Capital Stock paid In $ 50,000.00 Surplus and Undivided Profits 04,980.75 UcposItB C82.4C7.34 Ttl $797,457.09 City Auto Ser nood Cnra, Careful ronnonnmo cnariton. n... "Will irn nnrah.rn .. ' 4 ,?rl'ftll JI1P . go nnywhoro at . ,, , ,. vv - mi outuun Jinuirii iioiei nnd ll I'll'nf fllnrn llnlr 111..,,... - "I Night Phono 40. 8,-l IUUKKU tiOtlDALP!. lm You Auto Call h 1MIONM 1I-I-.T NIOUT Ah, Btnnd front of Lloyd U TWO NKVV OAltS After 11 1. M. p,, Hcrddonco Phono j win niiiitn Triim to (i Unique Pantatorii TDK MODKItN DYHIW. OLPJi 1'ltKSSKItM nnd HAT ItWvnvT, Agent for IVnvnrd II. 8tri, Co., Flno Tnllorliig. i innue your next suit. !inr, CHNTUAL. lhont PROFESSIONAL DIREClJ i LIVIA KDMA.1, Mccbano-Tbcrntil,! Scientific Swcdluh Maosago, A uyiunaBiica .'125 H. Sixth St. l'lmne : TOKIi OSTIJND, J Piano Tuner and He 41b 'S. Blxth Street. I'honJ pKHJi IHLI3Y IIAIiI.INdut PJanldt nnd Tcb Hcoldenco-Studlo, 237 So. Drc rnono 18-L. W M. S. TUHPKN, AltOIIITKCT Mnrahflold, OroRon. ru. W. MOItltOW, -' Dentist. 171 Grime Itulldlng, over Theater. Otllcu Phono Sal TYT a. CHANDLKIt, V Archlt Itoonm il()l mid 1102, Coke 1 iMnrsli field, Oregon. riu A. J. IIKNimY'8 - Modern Dental Vufa Wo nro ouulnnod to do hid work on Hhort notlco at tii loweet prices. ICzarnloaUct Lady attendant. Coko n't Chandlor IIool. phono UN I-'Olt A OOOD WAT II I Oil riNJ-. JE E. C. BARK! JHWKLKK I'lno Watch and Jewelry 2(1(1 Front St.. Miinlii New and Second Hand fun mild on tho Installment IIAHIUNOTON, DOVLU k :t(l2 Fixuit St. Phono .'IIO-L MarsMM T. J. SOAIF13 VU A , m Handling Bread that Is alwaya bo frofih, dolIcloiiH. dopondnblo and Bntlsfylug la a real plensuro. Katlng It Is a greater ono. A loaf of our brend will con vert nnyono Into a big brond eator. And na bread la a porfoct food tho moro loavefl of oura you consuino tho hottor for your health. Coos Bay Bakery The place for goOd goodies. Market Avo. Thono 111-L Marshfield Pail p Decorating Furnished. Phono MMi.' Kstlmati-n J-'AKSII FEAL ESTATE, INS ANCE AND RENTAI Somo flno bargains In Rn into. IIoiihus nnd rooms fctl auo. Fitizi:i:v. CS Central Avenue. R. J. MONTG0MI Real Estate and Insuri 244 North Front Strei HUILDING AND r.KPAIH Wo aro prepared to do tW Dy ino auy or contract nnu s satisfaction. Lot us figure Q, 8. FLOYD & CO Phono aid-J. MurolifW C. A. Smith'! Lumber 8c Mfg. Co. ' RETAIL DEPARTMENT LUMBER, LATH, SHINGLES, MOULDINGS, SASH AND DOORS, ROOFING PAPER, ETC. CUT THE FUEL DILL IN TWO UY USING OUR WOOD. PHONE 100. 182 SOUTH BROADWAY Abstracts, Real Estate, Fire ' and Marine Insurance Title Guarantee and Abstract Co. I HENRY 8ENGSTACKEN, Mgr. Coqullle Office Phone 191 putting Lands pctlalty. Farina Timber Coal andrutj "EASTBIDF," Gonoral Ag Mt.-ahUold Office li-J. First Class Weav promptly dono at Gardiner's Rag Carpet fo Cor. Union and Montana I Phono 131. North B TEi Star Trail and Storage I nrnnnrml tn rfn nil UlndS ol on short nnttcn. W meet and boata and we alBO hare $ style Reynolds Piano Motm guarantee our work. L. H.Heisner,P Phones 98-R. 120-J WHEN YOU WANT A GER BOY Something "1 or delivered PHONE 120-n and wo'll do it. Charge ablo. OIIAS GRANBY. ALL KINDS OF JOB PRINTING DONE AT THE TIMES' OFFICE Have That Roof f NOW Sec COBTIlEtt rnoirr; ai2t Havo your job pnntlne J 1 Tlio Times otllco. J 'r V-U .A EZra 1UX s