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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 4, 1913)
THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, SATURDAY, JANUARY 4, 1913. EVENING EDITION. IVER JOHMSON STRENGTH MATKIMA1' MHHT RUNNING QUALITY DURAWL1TV I SERVICE l VATjUK mm TIDES FOIt JANUARY. WHAT YOU GET IN THE IVER JOHNSON , BICVCLE COJITOKT QUALITY. WORKMANSHIP 'IOMEER HARDWARE CO. IIK1II (JltAI)E JHOYCLES Dclow Is Riven tho tlmo and holght of high and low water at Mnrshflold. Tlio tldos aro placed In tho order of occurrence with tholr times on tho first lino and heights on tho second lino of each day; a compai- iBon on conBecutlvo heights will Indicate whothor It Is high or low water. For high water on tho bar, suhstrnct 2 hours 34 minutes. 4 Hrs.. 1.05 G.tiO 12.19 7.10 Ft.. 3.8 3.2 C.7 0.0 WEATHER FORECAST. OREGON Fnlr tonight and Sundny. Coldor In East. North erly winds. ) Trustworthy Toilet Preparations Don't make the fatal mistake of using strange toilet requi sites, without any guarantee as to their quality. If you do you're taking big chances of ruining your complexion. Bad toilet goods arc worse than none, for they not only do no good, but often contain ingredients that are actually injurious to the skin. Wc can recommend all the toilet helps we sell as being pure, fresh and excellent, containing only ele ments of high nutritive value to the skin. REXALL CREAM OF ALMONDS 13 one of the safest and surest of skin bcautificrs known to us. This delightful preparation is absolutely pure, and free from all grease and oil. It softens, whitens, soothes, heals and preserves the skin and insures a fresh and fair complexion. Sold with the Rcxall guarantee. Lockfoart-Parsons Drug Co. LOCAL TEMPERATURE IlKCOIU). For tho 24 hours ending at 4:43 a. m., Jan. 4, by IlcnJ. OBtllnd, special government me teorological observer: Maximum G2 Minimum 32 At 4.43 a. m 32 Precipitation G4 Wind: Northwest; rainy. Sells Horse. Leo byorly yester day sold his suddlo horso through a want ad In tho Times. M(ss Powell of North Bond saw tho ad and through It purchased tho horso. that tho pupils havo completed a year's work In tho eighth grado. Gels Results. "Stop that want ad about my motorcyclo tools being lost. I lmvo boon ofTercd thrco sots nml If they keep coming It will mako mo poor paying rowards." This wns Hobs Smith's messago to Tho Times todny. Ho lost his mo torcyclo tools and Inserted a lost nd In tho Tlmos one night with tho above results. Is going with tho former or with tho latter, Cnpt. Mncgonn did not stato. D. C. Oreono Is expected to rcacli Washington boforo tho oth ors of tho delegation, ROBBERS MK Clwinibor of Commerce. Tho an nual mooting of tho Mnrshflold Chamber of Commerce which was to havo been hold last night, was positioned. Vlco President C. F. McKnlght nnd Secretary John Mot ley and only ono or two others showed mi and for a lack of a quorum, adjournment was taken to a dato to bo fixed later. Stnrvo Hurro Louts St. Denis of North Inlet, who was In Marshflold today, consultod Justlco Ponnock about prosecuting somo North In let pcoplo, whom ,Wo charges with starving a burro. Tho animal has been mean and difficult to handlo nnd was shut off by ltsolf and Mr. St. Denis says it has not had suf ficient food or wator. Action may bo taken In tho enso later. Trouble Over Road. Tom Hall and SI Noah returned Inst night from Coqulllo, whero they repre sented North Coos RIvor residents who want to soccdo from tho Alle gany road district. Most of tho ranchers along North Coos River want to bo transferred from District No. C to District 7, tho latter be ing known ns tho Daniels Creek dis trict. Thoy want to escnpo tho special tax levied by Clio Allegany district. John Porter of Allegany opposed the change. Tho matter was taken under consideration. Oil Is Lower Mmtngor Montgom ery of the local branch of tho Standard Oil Co,, received word to day of a dccllno of ono-lialf cent per gallon In gnsollno, nnpthn, and distillate, effectivo next Mondny. Highlit Grade Examination; County Superintendent Htikor an nounces thnt tho Eight grado ex amination! will bo hold January 10 and 17. Tho touchers must certify Pollpo Alarms Tho now pollco cnll boxes aro bolng Installed by H. J. Keogh of tho Coos Day Homo Tolophono Company. Ono box will bo put nt Central and Droadway, ono nt Front nnd Alder and ono on Central avenuo nnd Droadwny. Tho call boxes, besides a "buzzor" havo a rod light attached to them to at tract a policeman or causo pcoplo who sco thorn to ni'olfy tho pollco. Start for Washington. J. W. Dennett todny received a telegram from Capt. T. J. Macgonn of tho stcninor Dronkwator, dated at San Francisco yestorday, stating thnt ho and Col. Grimes woro leaving thoro for Washington nnd thnt C. A. Smith nnd L. J. Simpson would fol low them. Whothor Dr. McCormnc Wlfo Is 111. Taylor Domont of Myrtlo Point Is not In nttendnnco nt tho mooting of tho county com missioners owing to tho Illness of his wlfo. Tn conBoquonco, Commis sioners Hall and Armstrong are taking up only tho roullno busi ness nt present and leaving tho ap pointment of road supervisors until all aro present. It Is expected thnt P. P. Norton of Mnrshflold will bo reappointed but thoro nro sovoral applicants for tho placo of Supervis or Grout of North Dend. Tho com missioners will bo In session all next weok probably. IN MARSHFIELD I Baltimore Cafe Entered Last Night and About $4 in Cash Register Taken. Tho Unltlmoro Cafo In tho Qovr Wliv liiillilliifr nt flm pfirnnr nf Commercial and Drondway was last I night robbed of about $4 In cash. wiicuior nnyining excopt tno onango In tho ensh register was takon. Proprietor Fred Knudson Is unable to determine, Entrnnco was gained by crawling undernqath tho building from tho Ioouiu siuo ami men opening n imp door leading up Into tho rear of mo iinmmoro unio. Somcono ovldcntly familiar with tho lay of tho building Is suspect ed of pulling off tho robbery. Mar shal Carter so far has been unnblo to find any dcflnlto clues. Fnhy's mothor, Mrs. W. H. Simp son, of North Dond. PERSONAL NOTES JOHN DRUNNEL of Coos RIvor is Is town today. B. J. MASTERS of Catching Inlet Is In town todny. MISS ELNA SELANDER of Sumner Is In town todny. CHAS. SWANSON Is In town from North Coos River. HARRY and DELDERT DENSON of Tomploton nro In Mnrshflold nnd will remain over until Monday. MRS. CHRISTINE ATKINSON, who has been visiting on Hnynes Inlet roturned to Marshflold this morning. MISS LILLIAN ELMORE roturned to Mnrshflold this morning, after n visit with her parents nt Alio-gany. ED NOAH of Coos RIvor Is In Marsh field today on business. Orpheum Tonight If new pictures do not nrrlvo on tonight' stage, wo will liu obliged to run four good repeat Mibjccts. If tho rcjitfiitcrs nro run, "Mary In Stiigolnnd" will bo shown, being tho third of the "What HiipiHMicd to Mary" series, and tlireo other reels. ESTAIiLISHED ADMISSION - - 10c, NEVER MORE PHONE -MAIN 298 -US rANT ADS. IT 1011! .Model Dayton llleycle, Uvnnlzcd rims and spokes. 21- ich frame. Roward for return Norton & Hanson's. MIEN A money maker, Guar fiicou nosiory 10 wearer. unr ropositlon boats all others. $10 or day. Wrlto Immodlatoly. luakor City Mills. 34 So. ICth ., rniiaaoiphia, Pa. NTED Roomers: himwl fop nni. IPPiy 471 Elrod Avo., Phono 200 jL AUDIT, open, closo or wrlto lj uuukb. urmmrn RrmumnniR nnn istnll systems. Wm. Horsford rann, accountant, P. O. Dox CC2, arshflold, Oregon. ' RENT Fniirrnnm limisin nnrtlv Irnlshed, on South Droadway. In- iro Times omco. BALE Household furniture id fixtures for five roomB. Ev ening for homo. Present house tS South Droadway can bo rented. ;.ii. ta Cliapollo. phono 385-J, or nddross Ownor, caro Tho Times. J MIST Last Friday evening, string of carved roso heads. Please leavo at Times olllco. WANTED Steady roomers nnd honrdors at 219 South Droadway. WANTED TO KENT Dairy ranch by rollablo party; Coos RIvor or Catching Inlet proforrcd, Stato terms nnd equipment with reply, John Doo, caro Times. FOIt RENT An attractive front room in a prlvnto homo closo In,! for gentleman roomer. 289 Cen tral avenuo. (IBlillils ((ItlniliJ Dajtoe Bicycle Not the only good bicycle in the world, But one of the best bicycles in the world. JOHN WATERS of North Inlot Is In Mnrshflold on business. A, D. DALY Is n business visitor In tho Coqulllo Vnlloy today. ALFRED STORA of Allegany Is a Marshflold visitor today. MISS SERB STONE Is a Marshflold visitor from Catching Inlot. MISS SCIIETTER of Lnkcsldo Is spending tho day In town. P. D. CHAMDERLAIN nnd THAR ALF NERDRUM will bo pnssongora on tho outgoing Drnln stngo tomor row morning. MRS. E. M. SUMNER nnd children, who hnvo been visiting rolntivofl nnd friends In Dnndon, roturned homo yestorday. RUDOLPH MATSON Is In Marshflold today after a visit with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Matt Mattson of Catching Inlot. MISS ELI55ADETH FOX, who lino been visiting at tho Jud Mills homo In Sumnor, is In Mnrshflold today on her way to Dnndon. FOIt SALE. CHEAP Grand piano. Address P. O. Dox 7C5. E. N. FAIRCIIILD Is making somo swell views of Mnrshflold and vicinity, if you want a good plc turo of your homo call him up. Phono 123-X. -Now Yeni-'s ilnv. Millil'a rwilil acolot with lnltlnla P. A. 8. Ho ard for Its return to Tlmos ofllco. JTEI) Position hv (vyiwi-IpiipmI kokkeeper. Roforonces furnlsh- Apply Times ofllco. REXT Ilouseltppiiliif? rooms. yl North Droadway. JTED Steady roomers. S2.KO n pok. Portland Hotel, 301 Front feet, FOR SALK Slx-holo Toledo steel range, 1 bed, springs, mattress nnd pillows; also cooking uton sllo, cheap. Apply Times ofllco or Olson's houso, near unitod Rrothron church, North Dond, WANTED Work by day, washing or nousocienning. inquire mo Times. WANTED Partner in myrtlo cnbl not shop. Dusiness well estab lished. Good bargain If taken at onco. Address Good Chance, caro Tho Times. SALE Furiisheri tent cabin. Ban. On .Tnlirtflnn nvonnn tm- ben Fourth and Fifth streets. NATl1-Tjl1-ITn 1n. Cln.t pdern five-room bungalow in fit resldenrn llntrlpt rwna kvlng town. Easy terms. Telo- FOR SALE Young team, 8 and O years, harness nnd wagon. Flno for farm. J. E. FItzgorald, tele phone 3151. ' L It V E R itv M llJfL--i) r l .III' - MISS DETHEL STOCK of Sumnor Is n visitor to town today. ROV LANDR1TH of North Coos RIv or Is In town todny on business. MRS. ELIZA NORTH of Mllllcomn Is n Mnrshflold visitor today. LOUIS ST. DENNIS of North Inlot Is In town oil business todny. MRS. LAURA McKAY Is In Mnrsh flold todny from North Inlet. J. S. DARTON of Coqulllo, Coos Coun ty representative, loft via Gardiner, this morning for Salem, to attond tho preliminary sessions of tho Orecon leglslntors. .MISS MADEL MILLS Is In Mnrshflold today from her Sumnor homo. mmmm mm MISS OLL1E RICHARDS of Sumnor Is visiting In Mnrshflold todny, E. C. DREWS wont to tho Coqulllo Vnlloy on business this morning, JOSEPH STRETCH of North Inlet In In Marshflold today on business. J. D. CLINKENDEARD, n rosldont of Sumnor Is hero on business for tho dny. JUST ARRIVED A Fresh Assortment Famous Since 1842 ( 00& ) CHOCOLATES and MR. RUDEN LYONS and family of North Inlot nro In Marshflold to day. DORIS and KAY HOWARD nro In town from tholr homo on North inlot. Oliver Typewriters Not the only good typewriter in the world, But one of the best typewriters in the world. FOR SALE Old newspapers; a big bundle for a nlckol. Just the thing to start fires with. FOR "SALE Dry wood, flr and al der, at Campbell's Wood Yard, Ferry landing. Phoie 1B8L. For Sale At.,.. M ar; ihfield Cycfc Not the only cyclery in the World, But one of the best cycleries in the world. ay W. II. STULL, a resident of Allognny, is a business visitor to Marshflold today. MRS. PRESCOTT and family nro moving from Lnkcsldo to North Dond today. f EXTRA occasions call for specially, good Chocolates CHAS. MAHAFFY of North fionn Tllv or is in town todny looking aftor uuBiness interests, airs Agents for DAYTON BICYCLES Phone 158-R Agents for OLIVER TYPEWRITERS 172 N. Broadway C. I. REIGARD mndo a business trip to Coqulllo this morning, return ing this aftornoon. C. DRUNER nnd C. RUST woro pnss ongors on tho outgoing Drnln-Gnr-dlnor stago this morning. MRS. E. W. FAHY nnd HAZEL nnd RODERT FAHY loft this morning for tholr homo at Dullards, aftor spondlng tho holidays with Mrs. Fresh Bunch Turnips Crisp Head Lettuce Fresh Celery Stauff Grocery Co. Mnskey's Candles, Phono 102 A little lit tetter than you cv'er dreamed of tu ting. Selected assort-'' cd Chocolates without a cream centra in the box. 4 Get Her the Best by selecting a fancy pack age of this famous candy. Price .$10 to 50c. i