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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 4, 1913)
VUrtmHUHM'ttK.1. AH1P Wii!!JS3iiM I.--w1nV..nw BBtrnni "win iwir m ifsfiitta THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, SATURDAY, JANUARY 4, 1913.-EVEN1NG EDITION. A TEKAS EDITOR COOS BAY TIMES M. C. MALOXKY Editor nntl Pub. PAX K. MALOXEV News Editor Official Paper of Coos County. SMS BODY IS BIG STifl OF T ANGLO-AM I lit I CAN PEACE CELEItltATlOX. ARREST AKERS Ofi SPEEDWELL I'RIIISE AID IS G VEN il MBER SHOW BIN FOR COOS BAY I V w I i ; i 1 1 r V t If J III 1,4 & ffii '."3 ! T tho meeting of the American committee l chnrgo of the nr- rnnccments for ttto poionrimnn Sn 191115 nf the one hundredth an niversary of pence among English Ttponklns people. Speaker Hoot's pro posal that on February 17.1015, live jnlntites Hhiill l)o dlslgnutod hy the Parliament of CI rent Urltnln. nnd In tlio Congress of tho United States ns n period during which nil activities of the English speaking world Hhiill cfltno to n full slop, and thnt "for Jlvo minutes the English speaking world shnll review the one hundred yearn of pence and Its attendant blessings with prayer and contemp lation," wns most enthusiastically ndoptcd. NKV.'SPAPER LIKE A .MAX ti NEWSPAPER isllkcaman A hocnuBO generally It reflects unmn runt. nml If ulinillfl lin Judged as a man should ho Judged; nnB j)00n t B nhlo to get out, Inrniltf nnil nti tlin wliiiln anVfl till' ... . ... i it.- Patch on Shirt of the Corpse Found at Tarheel Point Is Identified by Wife. That the hody found at Tarheel, Point, a few wcoks ngo, wns thnt of Cnpt. Gus Johnson, who wns lost In tho wreck of tho schooner, Osprcy, November 1. Is mndo prnc- tlcally positive by a lottor which Coroner Wilson hns received froihj X. A. Iicnch, mnnnger of tho Wod dorburn Trndlng Company, owners of tho Osprey. Tho clothing on tho' hody wns sent to him somo tlmoj ago to try nnd hnvo Capr. jonn son's widow Identify It. In a few days, as soon ns Cnpt. Llghtncr, ono of tho Jurors who largely nnd on the whole." says the ' , summoned to return tho Western Publisher. No man lives a , T ,, ,.,.. . . porfectllfo: Ig ho doesn't offend some' verdict. Mr. Leach s letter Is as ono tho editor Is namby-pamby nnd flabby. Tho same thing Is true of tho nvorngo man. A newspaper Is bound to mnko mlHtnkes; getting news It must necessarily tnko here- xtiy. But If, In tho long run nnd follows. "Wo ncknowledgo receipt of your letter of tho 24th, nlso tho sam ples of cont, vest, shirt nnd under shirt. These samples did not ar- In tho main, week after week and rivo until two days nftor tho lot year nftcr yenr, n pnpor stands for decency, for honest thinking nnd clean living; If It spenks fair for -tlioso who are trying to do good, nnd condemns snenks and clients nnd low persons that Is a good pn-jpor." CJREETLVGS FROM CALIFORNIA I Tom Nowlln. BJappy Now Yenr to my friends way up on Coos Hay tor wns received, which accounts for tho dolny. "Mrs. Johnson and daughter wero In this afternoon and positive ly Identifies tho vest, overshlrt nnd undorshlrt ns thnt of Cnptnln Ous Johnson. Sho romomborB distinct ly tho pntch on tho overshlrt ns her work. Sho nlso stntes thnt sho hns other cloth nt homo of tho same material, also has a coat and troiiRcrs to match tho black vest, and wo hnvo n number cf stilts In 1 get Tho Times JiiBt once each our store nt Wodderbiirn thnt nro week, but I'd llko It every i the same ns tho coat, n samplo of dny which you send us, Tho facts nro 111 ii ford Davis called on us, but wo hnvo tho trousers of this snmn quickly said good-bye. I suit, ns It wns necessary to mnko And rushed right up to 'Prlsco boiiio adjustments nnd they had not town to seo the bird men fly. been taken nwny from tho store, ns And snld ho would not live down tho suit wns only purohnsod a fow horo because It was too dry. ( days boforo Cnpt. Johnson's death. Ho could not get n little boozo nor Wo would llko for you to look on u bottlo of good old beer, tho Inside pockot of tho cont nnd In fnct, ho did not got n drink tho nee If you will not find n label slm wholo time he was horo. liar to tho one wo enclose, although ."Wo havo had no rain nt nil, down In looking over our stock of cloth hero; tho town wns voted Jug wo hnvo found ono or two ronts dry thnt did not contnln nuy such Inbol, Tlio clouds Just go nroumt ub, or but n majority did, nlthough tho kcop nwny up high, I numhors nro different. Wo hnvo And thnt Is what you'll got up thoro cavernl more suits nf tho snmo ma whon you vote old Coos Uny.tvrlnl In stock nt tho presont tlmo. dry. Pnso Hobles. Cul.. .Inn. 1, I Ml .'I. J. Wright Wilson of Marsh field Receives Encour aging Letters. ' J. Wright Wilson of Mnrshflold today received two responses to letters which ho sent to personal friends In Congress In bohnlf of the Coos Hay harbor Improvements, ns wns suggested a fow wcoks ngo In tho Times. Ono Is from his brother-in-law, Frank M. Nyo, Con gressman from Minnesota. Mr. Nye writes that "ho will bo glad to do everything posslblo for tho Coos Day appropriation," and sends lovo and greetings to tho family. Scnntor 11. L. Myers writes Mr. Wilson ns follows: Denr Mr. Wilson: Your kind favor of tho 21st Is at hand nnd noted, nnd I am glnd to honr from you. I obsorvo with Interest what you hnvo to say. As suredly I will bo glad to meet any of tho gontlomen whom you men tion or any othors from your sec tion who may bear letters of Intro duction to mo nnd who may bo hero looking nfter tho Interests of that section. I will bo pleased to nlu them to tho extent of my ability; Mrs. Myers nnd I nro quite well. I nm glnd to know thnt you nnd Mrs. Wilson nre well. With' kind" regnrds to both of you. T IS 'S fliiro arranged. W fS Wo will send you, by mail, tomor row, tho samplo of tho overshlrt nnntnlnliif tlin llfltrll. nlso ROniO For Water SctvlreTlio Kantfiltlo Illoro R00,,8 of tho 81lmo material I aehool board held a meeting Inst night ... .. , . ,,, , , I lo consider tho Installation of n wntor w'-' Mrs' Johnson will bring nystom for tho new school to furnish from home, nlso n sample of tho, nro protection nnd nlso drinking wn- (.0at which you can compnro with' icr. iiiuoiiKii Homing iioiiimo wns ,. , vm , nvo Ti.s .... think flono last night. It Is likely that a ll0 8t,0" ,, 1 . 3argo tunic will bo put up nnd pros- I Bufllrlent ovldonro to wnrrnnt n Jury in deciding mnr mo romnuiH nro that of Cnptnln Johnson, nl though wo hnvo been under tho Impression nil tho tlmo thnt It could not bo him, owing to tho fnct thnt ho wns not ns tnll ns you hnvo It. Tho muscles might rolnx and tho Joints glvo nwny enough to mnko this difference. Tho writ er hns not known Cnptnln Johnson over six months, theroforo could not hnvo Identified him or any of his clothing, oxeopt possibly Ills cont, which would not hnvo been good evldonco, owing to tho fnct thnt other morchnnts carry the snino lino of clothing, nnd thero nro plenty of men nt Mnrshflold who know him bottor. Mrs. John son nnd her dnughtor nro tho only ones who could Identify tho cloth ing nnd from whnt they sny thoro ROUGH I lAlliance, Homer and Newherg Unable to Get Out Owing to Breakers. Tho Coos liny bur Is again feel ing tho offocU of tho heavy storm xt son and today wmh rpnMtPd to the rougher than It hns been for a long tlmo. Tho Alliance, bound Tor Kurokn, nnd tho Honii'r nnd kAwlmri hnimil fm Him I.VnitMupiv mndo tho trip down tho Bay this ' "" absolutely no question about It morning hut whon tho cnptnlns saw tho condition, they turned nround nnd returned to North Hend. Thoy yacpect to try to get out tomorrow morning nt S o'clock. Tho IJronkwntor will arrive to morrow or Mondny from Portlnnd nnd Ball from hero Tuesday on tho return trip. Tho steamer Washington Is duo "from San Francisco. Among thoso sailing from horo todny on tho Alllnnco for Kurokn nro F. II. Toppendorf, Jorry O'Con noll, T. It. Fawcott and Mrs. Q. S. T'mbly. SAVH YOl'lt l'KXXIICS, S.WS HOOKKFKrJiElt TAnnYTOWN. N. Y., Jan. 4. "Snvo your pounlou," wns tho nd 'lco given by John Rockefeller to a number of school touchers to whom ho gnvo n alolghvldo nbout Ills estnto. Tho young schoolmn-' nms wore so Impressed with what thoy snw thnt ono of thorn snld. ns ho nllghtod from tho slolgh: "Just Should you decldo thnt tho romnlns nro those of Cnptnln Johnson, alio wlshos you to glvo him n plain burial In tho comotory at Marshfleld and put n mnrkor nt tho grnvo bo that she will bo nhlo tx) find It Inter on. We will wrlto you ngaln to morrow, nnd will also send you a wire ns soon ns tho lino Is working ngaln, ns It Is In trouble todny." Belief Expressed That Corpse Found on Beach Yester day Is Osprey Victim. Thnt the corpse found on tho bench yesterday Is tho body of Kd Hnrvey, or "Indian Ned" who wns lost In tho wreck of tho OHproy enrly In November, Is tho belief of Coroner Wilson, who returned with the body lust night. While tho body Is considerably decompound nnd tho features altered by tho long tlmo tho body has been dead, con siderable hnlr remains on tho skull, nu Indian's. The body Is thnt of This Is long, conrso nnd black llko a 'linn nbout llvo feet seven Inchon tnll. Tho left nrm wns tntoood from the elbow to tho hnnd, but It looks llko n row of dots. Tho body had ovldontly been up on the bench for somo time, flo sldes tho shoos, which wero of tho ordinary kind with hob nntl In thorn, pieces of tlio- underclothing nnd trouBors wore nenr It. Tho teeth nro excellent, ti couplo having recontly boon knocked out. Coroner Wilson will Impanel a Jury nnd adjourn forn time until he Is nblo to get somo witnesses. Dennis McCarthy Makes Ex cellent Report on Cruises in Coos County. Dennis McCarthy, the ofllclnl tim ber cruiser of Coos county, who hnsi chnrgo of tho cruises ordered byj .. . ... l..lM..M.f. In mfttA tllO COUIlty COimuiHiuuum " " equitably obsoss tho tlmbor lands In tho county, hns Just compiled n report of his vtork. It Is highly Important In addition to its valuo In assessments, ns It gives nn ex cellent Idea of tho otnnd of tlmbor. Tho figures on tho cruises ho hns mndo up to Dccombcr 30, 1012, nro ns follows: Number of acres of timber 3-16,-270.92. Numbor of ncres no tlmbor 119,333.80. Totnl ncres cruised 1C5.C13.72. Tho following shows tho stnnd nnd kind of timber on tho lnnd" cruised is ns follows: Old growth yellow fir G.1S3, 390,000 feet. Second growth fir 7,172,180, 000 foot. White fir 40,575,000 feet. Spruco 530,974.000 feet. Whlto cedar 218,040.000 feet. Rod cedar 87,192.000 foot. Hemlock 361,636, 000 feet. Sugar plno 3,620,000 foot. Myrtle wood 572,000 feet. Total 14,005,069,000 fcot. Avorago per aero 42.14S fcot. Youth Wanted for Robbery of North Bend News Co. in Custody in 'Frisco. j HHAitixrr xrcxr tuksii.w. I Phil I.onnon, tho lil-yenr-old I North Hend boy, who confessed to being Involved In tho rob- bery of tho North Hend Nows f Company, will bo nrralgnod be- fore Judge Hnll In Juvenile court nt Coqulllo next Tuosdny. Tho lad's father was hero today consulting attorneys nbout tho cubo. Phil Is too young to bo punished In tho- crimlnnl courts but his pnl, Clint Akors, Is not. Col. R. M. Johnston of hJ ton Post Will succeed josepn uancy. tllv Ak.nrtmit Prr.a ,n Piui. .... AUSTIN, Tex., .Ian. 4 -ThJI polutment of It, M. Johnston Ident nnd oditor-lu-chlef m' llMtlHtOn Post. 'MM II Rllf'rnnun. I. oph Ilnlloy ns United Stntes ie: or for tho term expiring iK was unnouueed today by Don Colquitt. ITArMCY QUITS POST, I E SEKI TO JAIL E. S. Sheridan, Relative of Coos Bay People, Sen tenced for Contempt. (Ur AOfllrt Trrti to Coot IHr TlmM.l nOISK, Idaho, Jan. 4. Thous ands of letters and telegrams from prominent porsons In all parts of tho country wore received today by E". S. Sheridan, C. O. Ilroxon nnd A. It. Cruzuu, serving toidny sen tences for contempt of court. Tholr colls wero onco occupied by Moy er, Haywood nnd Pettlhono of Westorn Fedorntlnn of Minors fnmo and are bnnked with flowers. Their offense wns publishing In the Ifdlso Cnpltnl-NewH u urlticlsni of the Idaho supreme court for Its decision keeping tho Koosovolt olec tors off tho ballot In tho Novembor oleetlon. Tho prlndpnl pnrt of tho crldclsm wns a message from Col. Koosovolt denouncing the- decision. has itciiATivi: iruiti:. XAVA1 SKIUMISH TODAY, (Jreelc nntl Turkish Wnnhlps In a Italtle. irijr AuorltttJ Tttm lo Cool Pr TlmM.) ATHENS, Jnn. 4.Tho Oreok nnd Turkish warships ongaged tn n skirmish today off tho entrnnco to Tho Dnrdnnelles. Thoro wns n mnn In our town, Who would not ndvertfso, Hut ns ho wns n burglnr, Porlmps his course wns wIbo. C. S. Slii-ililaii of Ilolse In Ilrotlier of T. It. Sheridan of Itoselntrtf. K. S. Shorhtnn, one of the men Imprisoned for contempt at Dulse, Is a brother of 'I. H. Sheridan, the ltosoburg banker, -who Is. now on Coos Day visiting relatives and looking nfter business Interests, Mrs. T. It. ShorMan Is a sister nf J. W. Flanagan, J. H. Flanagan, E. O. Flanagan and Mrs. C. F. McCol him or North BoniV E. S. Sheri dan formerly ltvod nt ltosoburg. No, Cordelia, It doesn't mnko a singer's tones clenr to strnln hor volro. WHO'S TO 1H.AMK The College President : Such rawness In n student Is a shamo, Dut lack of preparation Is to blamo. Tho High School Pi-luciiml: Clood Heavens! What crudity! Tho boy's a fool: The fault, of course, Is with tho grammar school. The Oi-ammui' Principal: Would that from n dunco I might be spared! They send thorn up to mo so tin- prepared. Tho Trlmary teacher: Poor Kindergarten blockhead! And thoy call That "Preparation!" Worse than nnno at nil The Kindergarten Teacher think. Mr. ltockefollor. you hnvo this largo ostate with threo houses j Novor s"d' n ,nck of training did I - ..-.- i... -i 1...1 w. xo tivo in, winiu wo iiiui milium oursolvos with n smnll room In a lint." To which tho oil magnate's la conic rcsponso wns: "Savo your pennies." What sort of porson .can tho mother bo? Tho Mother: You stupid child! Hut then, you're not to blamo: You're father's family are all the snmo. Opemiiinig Aomioiuiinicemeinit y We desire to announce to the people of Coos Bay that we are now ready to supply the choicest Teas, Coffees, Spices, Extracts, etc, that can be procured, We are making a specialty of this line, We would like to have you visit our store and let us show you samples of these high grade products, If you can't come to the store telephone us a trial order or give one to our representative when ho calls at your home, Coos Bay Tea, Coffee and Spnce House 189 South Third Street, MARSHFIELD PHONE 394-J Marshal Carter received a tolo gram from tho San Francisco clilof of pollro this morning that Clint Akors, wanted for aiding In tho1 robbery of the- North Hend Nowb Company snfc had been arrested on tho nrrlval of the Specdwoll there, and wns being held for fur ther ndvlsos from tho Iocnl olllclals. Marshal Cnrter tmmedlntoly notl ITod Deputy Prosecuting Attorney Llijcqvlst nt Coqulllo nnd J. A. Allen In North- Dend. Lntcr todny tho San Francisco authorities wired that thoy had al-( so taken Hick Lonnon Into custody, and wero holding him. Lonnon may throw somo further light on tho matter nnd ns to whoro the money went. Phil Lennon Insisted thnt Hick Lciinnn know nothing of tho robbery, nlthough ho hnd giv en hlm $1C of the M00 haul. Sheriff Gago will wire this af ternoon to nsecrtnln If tlio lmyH will return without oxtradltlon pro ceedings. If they will, they will bo sent back on tho Speedwell In rare of Captain P.urtls. Otherwise nn nfllcer will bo sent for thorn, i Aker's urrvst wjib mndo on tho wireless message sent' by Marshal Carter. Owing tn his inability to find the operator of tho Marsll field wireless station, nlthough ho mitdo snvernl trips there, ho hnd to phono tho message: to Capo Hlaneo and' hnvo It sent from there. I Marshal Carter says that tho credit for running down tlio rob bers belongs to J. A. Allen of North Dend nnd ho considers It ono of tho host pieces of dotettlvo work dono here In n long tlmo. Phil Lonnon is confined In tho county Jail pending his arraignment I which will probnbly not ho until Akorj fa brought hack- here. Ho maintains that his brother hud nothing to do with tho rohlfery1 and only received $lt of tho spoils-, j Kt-rntlc. 'IVuih Keualor ltclgni Place, Kffectlvo at One, inr AmwUtrt I'm, lo Coo H, Tl WASHINGTON, Jnn. 4. JeJ Dnllcy lias resigned lis senator Toxns, to tnko offect ImmcdlaU'l 101 ROBBER HO II Witti Pistol and Nitro-GhJ i'ne Holds Officers at Bal at IVTanon Jail. Hr AmorlilM I'm., lo Too. lit? TIul CEDAR RAPIDS, lown, Jan, With a bottlo of nitro-glycerb ouo hand ami n pistol In the ? Hnrvey Lee, charged with Lurj hold a squad of pollco at baj nearly an hour today In the tc: Jail at Marfon, six iuHch from! Then ho turned loose with tbj tol and killed Officer Chark-i lit and wounded Dotertlvo : Cook. Tl'o fight followed u tempted Jnfl delivery in whlcl explosloiiH occurred In rapid tv Hion. None of tho prlsoncrt cd. Alter tho killing of (Willi other officers ororpowored L.l An Investigation after l overepowered cast somo douoti who killed (Wilt. Leo chlal had no pistol nnd was not a savo for a bottlo of nltro-uljw which ho carried In his hand. fired tho Bhot which killed hns not been nscorlnlnod' AIM'KAFmS I'Olt CASTIta mvortcR is ox ixcukasi:. .Maitlitge ItecortK In .Multnomah County Also Show (irmvtli. I PORTLAND, Jnn. I. Doth mnr-, rlnges nnd dlvoivcs nro on tho In erenso In Multnomah county, their; ratio of Increnso corresponding sub stnutlnlly to tho Increase in popu Inrion of tho county. Records In tho county clerk'8 otllco show thnt thoro wore 730 divorced allowed nnd 3022 licenses to mnrry Issued for tho year 1912. Tho figures for 1011 are: Mar riage lleonaes, 3450; divorces, 034. In 1910. there wore 3202 marrlngo licoiisa nnd 409 illvnrcos, Hnvo your Job printing uono a Th Times offlro. Cl'T THE lllfill COST OF LIVIXO W. II. Chapmnn of Winnebago, Nob., tolls how ho did It. "My two children had a vory bad cough nnd tho doctor's modlclnes did them no good. I got a bottle of Foloy'H Honey nnd Tar Compound, and bo foro It was nil used tho children wore froo nnd cured of tholr cough. I saved a doctor's bill for ono 2Gc bottlo of Foloya Honoy and Tnr Compound." No oplntes. Sold by Lockhnrt & Parsons, tho nusy Corner. Former President of Wuczurlil 1mm1 from El Ilk Mand. (nr AmcxUIM Vitm lo Cnoa Itr T NEW YORK, Jnn. 4 -Af;l tlon for n writ tf habeas corps! tho relcaso of ClprlUno Castro j Ellis fslnud was made In tbti oral court horo Tho nppW wns by Georgo Gordon llattltl writ wjib grnntod on Dntttel tentlon thnt Castro was befnj "without nuthorlty of law" J ho hnd been deulod tho rlt- consult with counsol whllo belK tnlncd. Castro, whllo PresldM Vonozuelft, Imposed many fcf upon tho Uultvd Stated. Judge Holt Issued nn orlnl rectlng that tho writ of linbeul pus ho granted yostorday b i roturnnblo Jnnunry C nnd thai I tro bo held nt Ellis Island that dntA. AMOXG THE SICK. TONIGHT Mrs. M. A. MoLeod, who hul 111 nt her homo on Pnrk Aij able to bo up. ai- TEe Royal THIS THIEF'S WIFE A COMEDY OF EltltORS HEDELIA AXD TnE NEWLY- WEDS. . MISS MARLIX IX .1 XEW SOXGS. Mntlneo Sunday at 2:0 RIG SPECIAL PROGRAM 3 REELS OF FIRST RUX PICTURES TWO HIG VAUDEVILLE ACTS MISS MARLIX IX SOXGS Gilbert & Lyons, thoso laughablo two, in "Tho Hebrew nn.i fi. Sioe." $8.50 TO $l5.t Our lines of Suits' Overcoats are so large' so well selected that can satisfy tho needs any man no matter I modest his nurse, ovl fastidious his taste. got tho utmost in v$T and desirability liM whether you pay $8.50 OR $i5i AYe want you to 1 in our windows this v. and see tho Suits and1 ercoats wo are sclliugl $8.50, $10.00, $121 and $15.00 THE FIXUP Marshfield. North W ADjnSSlOX 10c. 1 MTi '.-rr"-"-" .n'- RftZrBl iWSRvi. ,' 1