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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 4, 1913)
THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD. OREGON, SATURDAY, JANUARY 4, 1913.- EVENING EDITION. MILLIONS M BE SPEST I! EIT5 HEBE THII Will i the First Addition To Marshfield During ilio past three years Marsh field has been growing to the south and on the high lands overlooking the eity has been created a new res idence district. In this section 90 per cent of. ihc new homes have been erected; streets been improved and property made accessible. With this development property values have advanced rapidly and now South Side residence property, as well as being the most attractive, coniands the highest price. "When you build your new home it will be on Hie South Side among the other new homes. "When you invest in real estate it will be on the South Side where the property values arc in creasing most rapidly. For home or investment buy now. Never again will the opportunity be so great. See First Addition where, for $300 you can buy on your own terms a 00x120 lot; high and sightly, J'acing on an improved street and in the section where the new homes are building. You'll like First Addition let us give you a plat or show you over the addition where you get the highest values for the least money. Reynolds Development Co. Coke Building Owners. Telephone 160-J "Queen Quality" shoes have a nack of satisfying when others faiL For style, fit and comfort unsur passed. Prices most reasonable, Golden Rule Mcrdinnt'u Old Stand. 'ux;r.rg?'-i'.rzt?ZfAri'i7?rvt $3.50 II ) to n ffm ' $5.00 g0 sz5S2aalrga2rc"',-' Tyqv:iiuas larshfield and North Bend Auto Line GOItST H KING, Proprietor. iGSBbs. fflfc..y ZlkL I Wv LEAVE MARSHFIELD 7:1G A. M. 8:00 A. M. 8:45 A. M. 9:30 A. M. 10:15 A. M. 11:00 A. M. 11:45 A. M. 12:30 P. M. 1:15 P. M. 2:00 P. M. 2:45 P. M. 3:30 P. M. 4:15 P. M. 5:00 P. M. B:46 P. M. 6:30 P. M. 7:30 P. M. 8:30 P. M. 9:30 P. M. 10:30 P. M. 11:30 P. M. 12:30 A. M. LEAVE NORTH BEND. 7:00 A. M. 7:45 8:30 9:15 10:00 10:45 11:30 12:16 1:00 1:45 2:30 3:15 4:00 4:45 6:30 6:15 7:00 8:00 9:00 10:00 11:00 12:00 A. M. A. M. A. M. A. M. A. M. A.M. P. M. P. M. P. M. P. M. P. M. P. M. P. M. P. M. P. M. P. M. P. M. P. M. P. M. P. M. P. M. The 1913 Indian Motorcycle Is a Winner Heretofore, -we have handled the Indian and Hur ley Davidson Motor Cycles but after careful consid eration wo decided to concentrate our efforts and handle one machine exclusively. After considering tho merits of the different machines, we decided that "The Indian" is the machine best suited to this sec tion and will give greatest satisfaction to purchasers at a lower figure than the higher priced machines. j-yyAfeCjyVj. i MWfWTOv Leave NorUi Bend Allen's News stand. Leave Mnrehflold Chandler and Blanco Hotels and Busy Corner. . QsAJClVmdS V 83BNW9 'WnUGltW JO 9HIZMV9HQ i i SJ.N30V Star S2f31V3(t AJHteti AVQ S000 I'.i.i i i.i. 'I.I Nil AIT " vv AteS . XjkL Sim OJr. wmw AB& SQOO i i.i.ri r e past lias proven that Investments In small ncro tracts near growing les are tho most proMablo. The C. B. R- S. haa such to offor. Clias. T. ruscnKo, Marsufleld, Ore. The new 19.13 Indian. The 1913 Indian 7 h. p. Twin Cylinder has tho reservo power that carries you at any pace over any road. Through deep mud and sand and up steep, rough hills. Wonderful ly smooth running motor. New Cradle Spring Frame Equipped with recoil leaves and rubber bumpers. Positively no "bottom" to spring action. Normal working zono of 4 inches. Double Scrools at rear shackles, coming into action auuuua&ivuijr uuuur uul uuu. iiuuvy JOICS. XLingeCl joint bracket has wide bearing surface, steel on steel. Oilers placed at all working points. Frame motion docs not cramp chains. Rear seatjnast cluster a horseshoe-shaped steel casting of 'amnio rcronortion for the service intended. Our demonstrator' is now on tho road and will soon bo here to prove the efficiency of this popular motor cycle.. . The 7-H. P. Twin, $2 F. 0. B. Marsbficid WV -rroTYWAftfii wgas.r - r-" RESUME OF Ill'ILDIXtt AM) coX-'orn Pacific of largo docks nnd HTRUCTION DURING YEAR HUH wn,cno,S08 south of Mill Slough. "l It Js not unlikely that If til SMOWS AX UNUSUAL GROWTH Southern Pnclflo enrrios out Its WITH WONDERFUL PROSPECTS Il"ns for building a dock nnd waro FOR lOl'l house, near whero tho ficavor Hill coal bunkers are now located, that Although Coos Bay had no largo the present depot will bo inorod buildings erected last year and no further down town near tho Intor partlcularly largo Individual 1m- soctlon of Curtis nnd Broadway nnd provements, If Is estimated that ov- n railroad and steamship dock bo er a half million dollars were ex- maintained at tlio samo place. Pinna pended In Marsbficid nnd In thojnow under consideration for im lmmcdlnto vicinity In building ami. proving the lino from horo to public work last year. Tho oper-.Myrtlo Point next year call for tho atlons at tho C. A. Smith plant far exceeded the others. This year will undoubtedly see a much larger Bum expended. While expenditure of many thousands of dollars. Construction of tho Southorn Pa cific bridgo and tho possible rccon- tho $700,000 pulp mill of tho Obstruction of (he North Jetty thin A. Smith company was started last, summer arc two other projects that year, only portion of tho work waB would mean tho expenditure or a dono, a Inrgo amount will bo ox-'million nnd n half dollars on Coon ponded In Its completion tho com-! Bay. Ing saason. It Is hoped to have) In public buildings, tho Eaststdo It ready for operation In tho early school houso will bo shortly coni sii minor. This was tho largest Bin- plotcd and It Is expected that tho glo ploco of work. now $5000 school Iioubo at Libber However, many othor Improve-, wl" ,)0 "tnrtod ' f'o early Hprlur.' monts have been projected by tho ,n R'reots work, Bowers and other C. A. Smith compnnlcB and will . '""nlclpnl Improvomcnts, MnrshftcM bo finished early this year. Tlio!JlHH expended In tho neighborhood romanufacturlug plant wnB put In j of $75,000 tho past year nnd nexl this year nnd now nnd larger dock,"cnr w'" expend as much or maws. nnd loading facilities wero nrrang cd. Tho EaBtaldo Mill nt Bay City Is being greatly enlarged bo that probably. North Bend, If tho street ffn- provomonts which linvo boon con- Its output will bo practically dou-Jsldcrod by tho council tho paBt fow bled Boon. Then tho now shlnglo, months nro carried out, will ex mlll and compo hoard mill plant pond In tho neighborhood of $100. havo been stnrtod find will bo com-. 000 tho coming season. Dieted In a few months. These, if tho boulovnrd from Marshfleld with tho now lumber carrier, tho.i0 tho South Inlot brlii i m.f Adellno Smith, now on routo from through UiIb year, It will mean tho Nowport News, vln Capo Horn, tho expenditure of between $150,000 nn now docks nnd yards nt Onkland. $100,000 probnbly. Thoro nro flvo tho ynrds at Bay Point, tho now nn(1 n nnrtor miles of road to bo electric plant which tho company built nnd If It Is put through, has put In horo, tho 20 odd miles mnny would llko to bco It mndo n of logging rond which tho company Poco ot m0(lol ,,orn,ancntly con Is putting In beyond Myrtlo Point Btructcd highway menu tho oxpondlturo of betweon ,,,,, , , two and three million dollars, all1, ' 'J n 10 0rt "f Co " of which' Is going to tho develop-' ' n , T,S B,i " '. n, !'? mont of Coos county nnd which will 1 . n ' ,'r , moan big things for this section. moiint ,I,IIK'" B0'whnt on whar -. , , . Itn Kovornmont engineers nnd eon- ioxi to mo u. a. biniui company, BrPRB (1()C,,0 a1)0Ht fC(lornl lmrbor o, Terminal Hallway Is putting In imnrovomonts. UnJII il,t ,inMtnn tho tho most monoy horo now. Tho in renehod. thrt T'nrt finni.inr, work dono this Benson represents. wlM probably not dotormlno just ho oxpondlturo of In tho neighbor- llow nnil ,low qiol tl0 mo hood of $100,000, and It is plan-, rnl80(, w, ho B)ont , nmtlon nod o spend consldornblo more In ro tho oo.dOO bonds, tho commlH- tho immcdlnto futuro as soon as tho construction plans of tho South orn Pacific becomo certain. In building construction, W. S. Chnndlor will probably bo far in tho lead tho coming summar. Tho construction of his now block nt tho corner of Central nnd Commer cial and or tho Chandler Hotel an nex will mean tho oxpondlturo of considerably over $100,000. In ad- slon will hnvo about $20,000 ta?: money at Its command this sea son, Eastsldo Is also figuring on con siderable strcot Improvement work which will run Into tho thousand's of dollars. Many Xetv lMenror. Whllo last yonr witnessed tho construction of many now houses dltlon to thoso, ho plans to put on Coos Bny, tho coming season In a big central heating plant to, will wllnoss tho oroctlon of a fa furnish bent for tho down town sec- larger numbor. Even residence tlon of Mnrshflold. Win. Grimes Is, construction has been kept up to also expected to put up n brick jn Binall oxtent during tho winter or block nt tho corner of Second and rainy months this year, an almost Contrnl this spring. J. W. Bounott unhonrd of thing In tho past. Mnny and Tom Macglnnls nro also fig- now Iioubob wero built in Bunker urlng on a brick block nt tho cor- Hill, Eastsldo, Bay Park, First Ad nor of Broadway and Mnrkct. dltlon nnd Forndnlo In addition to Messrs. J. Albort Mntson, Horbort.tho now homos In Mnrshflold. Lockhnrt nnd J. V. Smoaton nlso 1iavo plans practically porfectud for tho erection of a modorn brick During 1012, Building Inspector Goorgo W. Trlbboy states that ho issued 212 permits for now build- block at tho cornor of Front and. lugs nnd nltorntions In old ones and Central. These nro tho largest, cstlmntos that tho work ropresont bulldluB projects immediately in cd nn oxpondlturo of nbout $200,- sigin, uut n numbor of others hnvo 000. Tho permits varied from !m boon talkod of, but nro not at all definite Thero is considerable construc tion thnt hinges moro or loss on whether or not nctivo construction Is startod by tho Southorn Pnclflc at this end of tho lino this spring. Among these will bo tho operations of Porter Brorhors In building pos slblo docks and warehouses, tho posslblo construction by tho South- Times Want Ads. Bring Results ESCAPED AFTER 15 YEAItS. W. P. Broylcs made a success ful escapo after 15 years or suf fering from kidnoy and bladder troubles. Foloy Kidney Pills re leased him and will do Just tho samo for others. Ho says. "Thoy curod a most sovoro backacho with painful blnddor Irregularities, and thoy do nil you claim for them." Rofuso substitutes. Lockhnrt & Parsons, Tho Busy Cornor. TO LOGGERS OF COOS OR ANY OTHErt COUXTY Coos Bay Feather-Weight provemonts costing $C0 to tho Olson nnd Nordrum houses, which cost about $7000 nploco. During tho year, ho Issued 15S plumbing pormlts, which ran rron n few dollnrs worth of work to $750 Jobs, Ho also issuod 199 pop mlts for olectrlc wiring, tho Jobs varying from less than n dollar to $300. In all, ho Issued 5C9 pormlts anc! basing this ns his work and Ills pay at his presont salary of $75 per month, each permit cost tho city about $1.G0. Loggers' Shoes wear longer than any heavy shoe. Is light and watertight and Is the best shoo of Its kind in America. Guaranteed by tho mnkor. j AUGUST OLESOX, ' 215 Broadway So. Mnr&hficld, Or. CONSOLIDATE Busby and Huliw, hotter known as "Ed nnd O. K." who formerly con ducted tho Antlsoptic Barbor shop, have purchasod tho Goldon Oak Shop which whs formerly conductod by Chnrllo Hunter, and have movod Into the latter place. From now on. It will bo known as the "Antlsoptic Barbor Shop," They nro romodoll tug It nnd whon completed will havo tho largest, cleanest, strictly mitl soptlc nnd most modorn up-to-dato barbor shop in Coos County.