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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 4, 1913)
BBr !Ll!!am n'n? aj. j.-. t ii.v'i'1-- f ' THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, SATURDAY, JANUARY 4, 191 3. EVENING EDITION 2 li I M I i m WWWUIIII . tw- III MM KSB(n)(i r if i i "- i PERSONAL notices of visitors In the city, or of Coos liny people who visit In other cities. toBOthor with notices of social nfTnlrs, nro gladly received In tho social de partment. Telophono 133. No tices of club meetings will ho published and secretaries ro kindly roquested to furnish same. CONTRIBUTIONS concerning social happenings, Intended for publication In tho society depart ment of Tho Times, must bo sub mitted to tho editor not Inter than 0 o'clock p. m.. Friday of each week. (Kxcoptlons will bo allowed only In cases whore tho events occurred Inter than tho tlmo mentioned.) TO MAKi: A HOM1". To mnko n homo you need not build An cdldco of stately size With tnpeBtrles and treasures llllod And turrets reaching to the skies; Tho Jeweled window, glided domo It Is not theso tnat nuiKes u uome. To mnko a home you need not wnlt Till fortune fills your lap with gold; A slmplo cot, an open gate, May moro of cheer nnd comfort hold Tlinn all a Caesar's castled Rome- For lovo, not splendor, makes n home. To mnko a homo, tnko Homo content, A Httlo saving, year by year, Somo homely-fashioned ornamont, A kcopsako chrlstonod with a tear, A voice to groct you In tho glonm Stall Httlo rnattcra mnko a homo. To mako a home, tako slmplo things .A pleasant fire, an ample chair, A Tilcturo that to memory clings, A tjulet beauty cv-rywhero To 'other towns you need not roam Tiliuy tho things to mnko a home. -M-K- N13 OP tho reasons thnl mar riage Is so often a fnlluro Is bcrnuso people bring less In telligence to boar on solving Its problems tlinn they do to any other question on earth. A man gives n hundred times us much reason nnd judgment to doing tho simplest ilnlly tasks by which hn makes his living as ho does to trying to mako Mb married life u success. Ho uses n million times moro tart and di plomacy In getting along poaoably with his boss than ho (loos to smoothing down his wife's fur tho right wny. A woman uses tin a thousand- Told more gray matter In trying to find out what colors sho can wear than sho iIoor In trying to uiulor Htnnd hor husband, says Dorothy nix. nnd Bho Is n billion times moro concerned about how to re tain hor figure than she Is about how to keep liur husband's offoc- tlonn. nine diamond and n rhlnestono sho would not hesitate for nn Instant about which ono was of tho moat va lue, nnd which ono to ibku, jut she hesitates between honor and shame, between keeping her chil dren and losing thorn, between n man who Is pure gold and nnothor who is nothing but flashy pinch beck. . , Sho knows that when a married woman begins to have nfflnltlos, sho Is playing with fire; sho knows that tho woman who recolves se cret attention from men nnd goes to places with them unknown to her husbnnd Is tnklng tho first step on tho road to pordltlon. Sho knows that soonor or Intor hor husband will find her out nnd that tho con sequences will bo dlsgrnco for hor. and that sho will bo turned out of houso nnd homo nnd her children tnken awny from hor, nnd that sho Is putting upon thorn tho atlgmn of their mother's shnme. Also, overy woman knows that tho very inon who nro most nrilont In their lovo making to a married woman, nnd who use every wllo nnd nrt to tempt" hor on, are tho vory first to abandon hor when her hus bnnd casts hor aside and they fear ilmi tlmv ninv bo called on to tuar ONE OF tho reasons tnat mr- ner r BllI,,,ort ))or. Moro than ringo Is so often a fnlluro Is tj t ovo wotmm inows thnt any linrnllun tinnllln lirltlif lOHH III. I . . . ,. i man who worus eariy nun uuo i support his family nnd who gives thorn everything and keeps nothing for hlnnelf, Is giving the most mng nlflcent proof of lovo It Is posslblo to conceive. One day's toll for n womnn Is worth nil the sentlmontnl toll: that was over reeled off of a glib tongue. Such being the caso. consider tho folly of tho womnn who risks ho much for tho pleasure of n few res taurant dlnnem, n fow violets, n few trips to tho theater, a fow compli ments, n Httlo love making that sho t must know In hor heart to be Hpur- Inus. for no man who ever really loved a womnn would seek to drag her down by making her an unfaith ful wife and mother. In her dortlro for amusement tho woman Is acting tho part of a fool. In not realizing IiIh wlfo's necos- Practically all of the tragedies of omo ct for BOincotIllll 1n married lire that break hearts ad ,,mik ,he monotony of cooking; lintiuui mill ftrti'nt itfiinnu u Mi . . . .. .." wreck hoinitt and cover names with land hewing, nnd baby tending, the tho slime of scandal people bring' ,,llHl,nild i?' netlng the part of an on thomsolvos becnuse they did not ,., ,,., It Is IiIh hand thnt has left tho door open for the robber to como In nnd loot his hearthstone. You can't dump n woman down on n hard Job thnt has nn holidays or high days to It and expect her to be satisfied. She'll play truant from It. sooner or Inter, nnd when she does It's her husband'H fault. Thero nro certain fundamental needs of evory mnn nnd womnn. 'iMirti miiut lint'sx uninii iktunutiwt Any a young woman camo to mo , ? t , admiration: ,.,,I,".,?! "i"c; ..'? .,t...B0. Uioro must bo u fow kisses and- on tiuc tho brains of n rabbit In con ducting their affairs, and If most pooplo who npplled to tho divorce courts to sunder their matrimonial bonds received tho sentence thov tfosorvod, thoy would be committed to nn nsyluin for the feeble-minded. Thoy are to blame for tho catas trophe and could have prevented It had they shown ordinary human In-tolllgonce. lloro's u ense In point. The other Frances Frnnse, llolon McLaughlin, Uolvn and Bcsslo Flanngnn, Alpha Mnuzey. Bcsslo Imnicl, Marian Sea man. Adclnldo Clarko Gertrude Scalfe. Helen How, Gladys Dlment. l'vclyn Langworthy, Randy Stnmsos, Cnthcrlno Smith, Cora Dye, Trask and Khol Holseth, Messrs: Dr. G. V. Les lie, Fred Glover, Clay Church, Roy Roborson. Leo Byorly, Rufus Howe. Fcstus Wnlter, Harvey Walter, Claud Wilson. Ralph Bishop, llonry Lccocq. William McDonald, Kugeno nnd How ard Kelley, Georgo Lecoeq, Ira Howe, Frank Ho wo. Culver nnd Tod Dow nnd Miss Mildred Wilson. . Sf.VDAV SCHOOL PARTY Last Wednesday, Mr. nnd Mrs. Geo. Watklns entertained her Baptist Sun day School elans of boys nt hor de lightful home. "Tho Cednrs". To say that tho boys bad a glorious tlmo would be putting It In small words. They camo early, stayed lato, and Im proved every minuio 01 mo mno ns ...,l. Iinva Imnw tinW. At tWO o'clock. tho hostess, assisted by her daughter, Miss Ruby Watklns and Mrs. M. J. u.inranM cnrvmi n niiiiintuoun din ner, which tho boya unanimously vo ted ns "great". In tho afternoon, tho happy party visited tho North Bond High School and woro shown through tho various departments by tho Janitor. Thoso of MnrBhllold returned Into In tho nftornoon, tired yes but with bright remembrances of n Joy ous time. Thoso present woro: How ard Kolley, Ralph Richardson, Es mond OloBsop, Jesso Frnnso, Guy Clnusen, Ernest Drews, Claud Post, Georgo Watklns, Miss Allco Rich ardson, Mrs. M. J. Anderson, MIbb Ruby Watklns and Mrs. Georgo Wnt LODGE SOCIALS I Sale Our" January Clearance which opened this morning offers an opportunity for substantial savings on wearables for all members of (lie family. Bear in mind (.hid these are genuine reduelions on standard merchandise of the well established Magnes & Matson quality. Laid Suits and Wraps AVe must prepare for (he new spring slyles. Not a garment of our magnificent, assortment will be reserved, and in some instances tho prices are lower (ban the manufacturer's cost. Until our entire stock is disposed of you can have your choice i'or One-Half of Our Originial Prices M m. Clothini yet. but alio mnrrled when she waH u morn child, and has three beau tiful babloH that she loves. Her hvmhaml Is a good, honest, hard-' iwklnir fellow, who tolls from early morn till night to support his Httlo family In comfort. When he gotH Tiomo. ho la dead, dog tired, nnd niter he has had bin dlnnor ho p.oos to hlcep. Tim woman Is a good wife nnd n good mother, ho far as making n comfortable home for tho fnmlly Is aoncarnod. She wor'' lnr,i ti i tho homo, but when night come nnd hIio Iiiih hop bableii Into boil, shn wants some nmuMuuput. some ot the iilonmire and filtlon tha nhe liilPBTd nw a Kill through her emrly marriage. Hor husband won't take her nliout. Ho Ib sniiud nsleen and tho other Inevitable man has put In his jMenrnnce. He takes the wife to tnontiMH and rentaurauti, and she's fnllen In lovo with him or thinks nho has nud she looks with dls tlnlnful eyes down upon her poor, linrd-worklng di ay-horse of a hus band . Rut tho woman' eonsclenco hurts hor. In the midst of the invent rcones sho thinks that hlie should bo bad, home with her bahlew and Bho wonders wbnr her hushnnd will rto when ho flndu her Kalllvantlng nrnund with nnothor man. hut tho tomnter tells her that her husband doesn't lovo her, or else ho would I bon-bons, nnd whon husbands nnd wives deny theso to each other, somo othor man or woman steps In and supplies the necessity. It uoodti only n little common sense to mako the wheola of matrimony go round smoothly. I LENT EARLY THIS VHAR 4 An unusually early Easter and con sequently oarly Lent this year prom ises to effect tho usual wlntor social whirl. Lent opons Ash Wednesdny, February .'. and Easter coiuoh on Mnn-h 2!!. Thus this year. St. Val entine's day. WashliiKton's birthday, and other dates that havo usually been the oivntwlon of big social func tions will como In the forbidden time. Even St. Patrick's Day will como dur ing Holy Week and thero will be no rosplto for tho Catholics on that dato this Beaton. LITE KISII SOCIAL - I On Tuesday evening tho Ladles Aid of tho Norwegian Lutheran Church entertained tho members and frlendH with n lute-fish supper. The nffnlr was also a watih party and up to tho hour of 1 1 :10. games and Impromptu program of musle and speeches woro Indulged. At 1 1 -30 o'clock Rev. R. O. Thome bo taking her to places of amuse! delivered an able address In keeping mont. And tho woman stHiids at the tnivii of Mm rnn.l ilcnivn Ami by a sonso of duty and tho other ""p. ashing oach other a very with the occnslou. Shortly after midnight the mom bor nnd fi lends dopartod for tholr by hor lovo of pleasure, and asks Actually aks which wn she hnll ioko: ue isu i iihiuk me common,' Konso or a snat in doctiiing her fnt ' nnd tunt of nor liusunud and ohll- bnppy ami proaparous Now Yonr. uen- WATCH PARTY a1)- .... , l-t New Year's eve. tho different Sho Is acting like a hopeless Id-1 Young People's Unions of tho city lot and et ho Iibk got pleutv of. united hi a watch party and social lntolllgenci and nouud enough jut iho IlantUt Church, which was Judgment about other mnttPrs. If, laigi-ly attended and which proved to he one of tho most enjoyable affairs uf the ROHBon. "Stunts" story telling nnd lougregg were some of the games played, lifter which snndwlihes and loffeo were servod In cafeteria style. Among those present wore; Mr. nnd Mrs. Rarboo. Rov. and Mrs. J. K. Uurkhart. Mrs. K. Kelloy, Mrs. 0. 11. Marsh, Mr. and Mrs. C. O. Oosnoy, Mr. nnd Mrs. 11. P. Colvln, Misses: you would show her - - S: .. SPTKELLA CORSETS may bo obtained hi Marshtlold from Mrs. Amiio Holland, Gorsoticr. tB2 So. 5th St. Phono 200X. Myrtle Lodgo No. 3, Knight's of Pythias, will hold Its annual Instal lation of otllcors nnd bnnquet next Monday evening. A number of frloudH of members havo been Invited nnd the function promises to bo ono of tho largest of tho kind this season. J. T. Hall nnd D. L. Rood havo charge of tho arrangements for tho big bnn uet. Mascot Lodge, Degree of Honor nnd Mummouth Lodge, A. O. U. W.. will hold a Joint Installation of ,o Ulcers next wcok. A big bnniiuot Is to fol low tho formal ceremonies nnd n de lightful tlmo Is being anticipated. : A number of Mnrshllold Masons woro guests of honor nt a mooting of ,!.. V....,l. T1.....I lnut MntlilllV evening when Alva (Irout wns given tho third degree. A social session followed. The North Ilond Masons were guests of lllnnco lodgo a few weeks ago nnd returned tho compli ment in full measure. I MISSIONARY SOl'l KTY Tho ladles of tho llaptlst Mission ary Society enjoyed a social hour InBt Thursday afternoon nt tho homo of Mrs. A. .. Downs, who proved n most delightful hostess In her man ner of reception and entertainment. Tho rooms woro beautifully adonr-j ed with tho Hcason'H colors. During! tho nftornoon Mrs. Carl Kvertson ron-. dored n number of piano selections. Some of the ladles brought along their hewing. Mrs. Downs, assisted by Mrs. Doano mid the little Mlssos: Margaret Lund, Helen (iiilovson nnd Anna Downs, served oxqulslto refreshments to the following: Mm. John Nuglo. Mrs. W. Hill, Mrs. Graham. Mrs. O. O. Lund. Mrs. Clausen, Mrs. (5. Chain o, Mm. 1). Anderson. Mrs. C. Wilson. Mrs. W. Perkins. Mrs. C. Dnvls. Mrs. 11. P. Colvln, Mrs. Largent, Mrs. Win. lloag lund. Mrs. II. K. Ronnlor, Mrs. T. J. Scalfe, Mrs. Carl Hvortsen, Mrs. K. Kelley. Mrs. Wm. Phillips. Mrs. J. C. Donne. Mrs. C. II. Marsh, Mrs. W. Brown, Mrs. C. LaChapollo, Mrs. .1. Dashuey. Mrs. 0. L. Hall, Mm. II. Raldwln, Mrs. 0. (iiilovson, Mrs. A 'A. Downs, Mlssos Eva Dresser, Mamlo (lulnvson, Margaret Lund, Anna Downs, Frances and Phyllis Hall, Tholma Wilson, Mnrgnrot Wood, nnd Whltfnrd and Hnrwood Hall. Iii our wren's and Youth's Clothing we will offer our entire stock (o choose from at 'W&'' ' ' One-Third Off Regolar Prices As an extra iuduccmciit wc have a few small si'es from 31, 35 and 36 Values to $18, Will Close afc $4-oSO a SnA SIlS Throughout our Shoe Department wc have selected hundreds of pairs for this sale at t Less Tlhaini One-Half of Foramen0 Prices Regular $4.00 Walk-Overs and others $1.8.") Kegular $3.50 Walk-Overs and others .-J? 1.(50 Regular $3.00 Bilt-Wells $1.-10 Misses and Children's ttcgular $2.50. Sale price $1.13 Misses and Children's Regular $2.00. Sale price STw You cannot afford to miss (his opportunity (o make big savings on these goods. Conic early for wide choice in your selections. Magnes & M atson ICVlSllYTlllNG TO U'liAlt. Mr. and Mrs. Kred Oluxlor, Mr. and Mrs. Archie Phillips, Mr. nnd Mrs. Charles Kaiser, Mr. and Mrs. John l.ennoii, Mr. and Mrs. A. K. Morton, Miss Isabcllo Lcnnoii and 'Ihco. Kal 80 r. NKW Vi:.R PAIITIICS NKW VI'AH HALL Tho row Year's dance given by tho members of tho Mllllcnma Club to tholr wives nnd sweethearts nt tho club rooms. Tuesday evening, was n most delightful affair. The evening's onjoyment openod with a sheot and pillow case parade, which was fol lowed by a dance, musle of which was furnished by tho Low Keysor Orehos trn. During the ovenlng numerous small noisy favors woro distributed so nt the dawn of nnothor year tho storm of tin horns broke looso and tho mer ry revellers stood on tho throshhold of 10K1. Among thos,o present wro: Mr. nnd Mrs. C. r. MeKnlght. Mr. nnd Mrs. A. T. Haines. Mr. and Mrs. Judge Coko, Mr. nnd Mrs. .1. H. Flanagan. Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Merchant, Mr. and Mrs. Claudo Nasburg, Mis. and Mrs. Dr. A. L. Housoworth, Mr. and Mrs, V. M. Parsons, Mrs. nnd Mrs A. L. Powers, Mr. nnd Mrs. Fred Powors. Mr. nnd Mrs. Krod Hach inann. Mr. nnd Mrs. W. T. Stoll, Mr. nnd Mrs. O. W. Kaufman and Mr. and Mrs. R. K. Hooth, Messrs. Malr Dano. W. J. Conrad. Arthur Pock, Ueorgo Ooodrum, John D. (loss, Rny Olllvnnt, R P. Norton, Dr. Morris C. Robins. Domey Kroltzer, Hugh Dar clny and MI86O1 Mary ilooth, Floronco Alken. Mamlo Mahonoy. and Mos dames Doblo and Nnsburjj. I XHW YKAR SOCIAL p Mr. and Mrs. A. I J. Morten of North Rend were host and hoai last Tuesday evening to a number of menus wuo watciied the old year out and the new yoar In. Musle, games nnd dainty refresh meiits wero tho principle diversion, of this most pleasant ovenlng which nfforded enjoyment to the following; Dr. and .Mrs. K. MlngiiK ontortnlned n fow friends New Year's evo nt their spacloim homo on Commercial Ave. Tho ovenlng wns spent In tho good old wny. Their guests wero: Mr. and Mrs. Ward M. lllnko nnd A. L. Ilong ston. ! ! MIsh Agnes Mutson of Sumnor wns hostoss nt a wateh party Now Year's; ovo. .j. . . T. R Ilnrvoy, Mr. and Mm. C. C. Ciolng, Mr. and Mm. J. O. Kinney. Mr. and Mm. L. R Falkonsteln, Mm. Annlo Lnrsen, Mrs. V. W. McColIoch, Mrs. R. N. Kenton, Mrs. I lurry Until Hold nnd Mr. II. R Wllloy. i J Mr. nnd Mm. K. S. Ilargolt ontor tiiluod a fow friends Informally last Saturdny ovenlng at their homo In South Murshlleld. I LADICK AID SOCIAL I LADIKS' ARTCLUIJ Mm. Nols RaHinusHon very pleas nntly outortulued tho mombom and friends of tho Ladies Art Club last Friday aftomoon. Tho committee In chnrgo reported that during tho holi day season ton dollars worth of Red Cross stamps had been sold. Tho following recently olectod of (Icors for tho Now Yonr wero Install ed: Prosldont Mrs. Ivy Condron. Vico Prosldent Mrs. W. Hoagland. Socrotnry Mrs. F. L. Sumner. Troasuror Mrs. K. D. McArthur. It was decided to meet next Fri day nftornoon with Mrs. F. A. Hnlnes. After a pleasant tlmo of sowing itnd conversation tho hostess served re freshments to tho following: Mm. John Illntt. Mrs. ivy Condron, Mrs. R M. Flyo, Mrs. W. Schrocdor, Mm. K. D. McArthur, Mm. J. Cownn, Mrs. F. L. Sumnor, Mrs. W. Hong land, Mrs. J. W. Hlldonbrnnd and Mrs. F. II. Storey. I DAXCKS I Tho Fortnightly Club dnnco In ivagies' Hall last Saturday ovonlng wns a very enjoyable nffalr. Tho music wns good ns was tho uttendnnco nnd nil had n good tlmo. Tho dnto ior i no next unnco has not yet boon sot. t Tho Now Yoar's danco In tho Ka- Kies unii, Wednesday ovenlng. un- mi no mrvviioii oi j.ow Koysor wna a success. Thoro wns a largo crowd, tho musle whb goon aim ovoryuody was hi boll day mood, and all had a good tlmo. Last Thursday ovonlng Rov. Mm. R. O. Thorpe ontortalnod tho Norwo-glan-Luthoran Young Ladles' Aid; at which time tho constitution for tho orgnnlzntlon, drnwn up by a cominlt too composed of Mm. Thorpe, Miss Stindo and Miss Mabel Mathlbon, wnu rend, approved nnd necoptcd. Mm. Thorpo was elected secretary of tho organization. Sowing Is tho main object or tho mombom, who plan to glvo a fancy work bazaar at a Inter dato. Music and games woro iViJoyod, I.VKXIXG PARTY I Mm and Mrs. William Schroodor ontertalnod a number of tholr friends Thursday ovenlng nt tholr homo in North Mnrshfleld. Tho ovonlng's di version was progressive whist. Mrs Fonton winning ladlos' prize and T. F. Harvey gentleman's prlzo. Aftor carda tho hostoss sorvod re freshments to tho following guosts Mr. and Mrs. E. F. LeMioux, Mr. and Mrs. J. W, Hlldenbrnnd, Mr. and Mrs. SPECIAL CANDY SALE Turkish Nougat and Aiifjcl Food 35c Pound Saturday and Sunday at Stafford's nftor which Mm. Thorpo nerved. ly refreshments. Tho following woro present: Xl Hondo, .icnnlo Johnson, Klslo ixi Mnbol, Corn nud Allco Mnthlson,! Lumen nud Mrs. Thorpo. On Thursdny. Jan. 10, Mm.'Y' son of Hay Parle will entertain moiuuem. I ALTAR GUILD , Tho Altur flulld of tho North! Kplscopnl Church wuh cntertii laat Thursday afternoon at the! of Mm. J. W. (lardnor. AfWl general routine of buslnoss had? transacted tho ladlos snout the In Bowing. Later, tho hostm Hlutcd by Mm. I. II. Rartle, x dainty rofrcshmonts to Uio follot Mm. John Lonnon. Mm. A. EJ ton, Mm. Archlo Phillips, Mr.C uyior. Mm. Loyton, Miss aen; innniKOjAiiKS 1''inHoaUianaj (Continued on Pago Bight) Your Linen II lj)A TMvVg Ai If properly laundorod will I" less snowy whlto, and your and cuffs will not bo Ironed shapo or frayed at tho edge AT THIS LAUNDRY nil tho clothes nro properly TiJ and Ironed, Insuring BatisfacM nil customers, Coos Bay Steam Laim PIIONH MAIN 57-J. As (he Old Year Goes Orfl lot, your old unsanitary, un! plumbing go with It. Have stall a handsome sanitary equipment in your homo a provldo enjoyment nnd heaIt! years to como. Tho cost bo groat, not nearly ns much ' benoflls you dorlvo will be ' Willey & Schroeder 303 North Front Street- r PnONE 77-J 1 l i ii ML. - y -5-;a5; -L-J-? -T-'M y.vAsxa- l?.j