The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957, January 03, 1913, EVENING EDITION, Page 6, Image 6

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t I
I E1HI 10
Mr8. A. M. KorrloB, mother of
W. Ii. Walker of Cooston. left this
week for nn exteinlcil vlnlt In California.
C. V. MeCnlluni nrrlvod Homo tins
Manager of Royal Theater in
Marslifield Arranqes for
Stock Productions.
nwlnir tn tho dolay of tho Drcnk-
wntnr 11(11 ll-nvlMC Oil Sf tU'llUln MlllO u-onlf frfllll lllfl PIlHtoril Mill ROtllllCNl
nnil not having nnj telegraph si'r-nrlp. btit Mrs. MrCnlliim remained ,
vlre Ktnrp InBt sunciuv. 1110 mcniwTB gnn Frnnclsro ror a miiwr vmu
of tho Btock company organized forW,n ,cr Bstern. Mrs. T. It. Sherl
tho Rojtil theater have been tin- , nn,i jim, Moffltt, In Snn Frnn
nblo to Kt here, but will ho In cHr0i
rhnrlca Stearns, n wonmiy prop
erty owner of San Francisco ami
member of tho nrm or loung a
North Bend News
W. C Hnllcy and family lmvo
moved from tho H. ! CoUo house
Into tho .T. ft. Robertson house,
formerly oreupled by Dr. Holllster.
C. T. Farlss and Row D A. Mr
I,eod linvo gono to Dullards where
timv iii nnolst In onerntlng tho
SoTt. More Care in DIs-
port ox iMxniX(.s or khcjixt infecting.
i .mi
i-eirrepcrri "iniiii
, ' Physician Thinks There Should
BHilr"' "W&m7. tflw
PORTLAND. Jan. .1. Dealing
with tli lcgnl and police aspects
of tho social evil tn Portland, tho
vice commission lias filod Its third,
report, and In summing up, tho
commission finds much at fault;
discovers there Is n lack of eo-op-
orntlon between the pollco nnd tho
courts; that tho proBent system Is
such that It iimouuts to licensing
(l. ,1. I.BMANSIU.
Mniiiiucr of tho ltiyul Theater.
on tho next boat for the rehearsals.
A company of 10 people, most of
whom mho been iihhoi'muuii wim
business nnd also visiting T. II.
Sheridan and Gilbert (lllhorlson, old
fiipuds of his.
J. W. Gardiner returned over
land this week from n busliiess trip
to San Frnnclsro.
A II. nerbyshlro was tho first
N'nrlh Ilend man to nvall himself
of tho new parcels post.
Dr K. Walson arrived homo this
week from Snn Frnnchco, whero
ho has been taking a posl-graduato
.T M Thomas has boon very III
of la nrlnito
0 Ollberlson announces that ho
has leased his ICentuck Inlet coal
mine to Washington parties for n
term of five years, lie Is to re
eclve no cents per ton roynlty on
tho ronl taken out during t lint
At a meeting of the rninmlttro
In chnrgo of the project for con
structing a road from North Hond
rnil Cooston tn Allegany, I). D.
llrnlnnrd nnd Geo. Cnntlno woro re-
nueHted to go over tho routo nnd
seo If the cost ennnot bo reduced
liv changing tho routo some. It Is
believed that It can bo reduced
nearly $15,000 by narrowing tho
road from 10 to 10 feot nnd chnng-
Co.. there. Is In North Rend on tho evil. Tho commission rccom-
iiii'iiun iiuii h luiiiuiB uiiiu i. uu blu
nted by the legislature, whoro all
offenders against morals bo dealt
with, tho moral court to bo along
lines of the Juvenile court. Weak
ness of the civil servlco in tho
pollco department Is Indicated; tho
slipshod methods of keeping records
In Urn municipal court, tho lark
of rule or reason In Imposing fines
nnd the nppnrent hunting for tho
victims of the social evil rather
than the "higher ups" nnd tho men,
nro dealt with In uiimliiccd words.
"No combination of tho lnw. tlo
courts nnd the police." says tho re
port, "ever can drlvo tho social evil
from n city of 200.000 Inhabltnnts.
but an Intelligent and active deter
mination to enforce tho laws can
do much to make tho business of
vice both hazardous and unprofit
able. To this end the laws should
bo simple and comprehensive, tho
courts eniclent, and the pollco In
telligently active In administration
and oxecution."
"The sooner we realize that la
grippe Is a foe worthy of our 1
steel and not to ho despised, the I
better. La grlppo patients should '
bo isolated. The lianils or n i
patient, dishes used, cloths (es-
poclally kerchleffll should be I
carefullv disinfected. Patients I
should bo cnrorui in caicn iinmu i
discharge and sputum In hand- I
kerchiefs or cloths. No food I
which has been In a patient's
room should bo eaten by any one
else. No In grlppo patient should
ho kissed by any one. nnd tho I
room should bo fumigated with !
formaldehyde candles on tho pa
tient's recovery." remarked n
Marshllcld physician today to the
lnmlliiir nroductloilS Oil tho Pacific!
Coast have been engaged and nro; lug tho courso a little. It Is like
ly tunc t no cnuniv court or port
high class artists, both In dramatic
nnd musical comciiy.
It Is tho object of O. J. I.omnn
ski to chango tho policy of enter
of Coos liny will bo asked to fur
nish n I ticket dredge tn aid In tho
work, the latter nlso being nvnllnblo
tnlnmont at his popular theater and, for clearing the channel besides
islvo his patrons tho best talent ho, uirowing up n ciiko. which can lie
can proem e. I no stocit company
will change bills nightly, tho rep
ertoire Including melodramatic, rn
barot, iiilimtrol, nnd musical come
dy, also featuring specialties of sin
gle nnd doublo numbers, Tho op
ening week will bo In Marslifield.
Tito following other towns will bo
on tho circuit: North Ilend. Co
qiilllv, Unndon nnd .Myrtle Point.
used for the road part of tho wnv
It. A. Hock nbout January Ifi
will open a new meat market on
Virginia nveniio and he Is Installing
tho fixtures, n fenturo of which will
ho n freezing plant.
P. A. McNabb of Raslsldo Is re
ported to be contesting the hoinc
slend of W. 13. Covey on Wlllnnch
Inlet on tho ground that tho latter
has not done the required amount
of nultlvntlon. This mnkes four
contests on homestead near Cooston
nnd much bitter fooling has re-
Poseidon Indgo. Knights of Py.
I among Tin: sicic. i
Mrs. II. A. Wells, who wns pol-
annnil K'nw Vonr'n fivn hv mitllli: sal- ...
..7.7.7 i.,u i.rn." iiMiiiv Vii.ivnr,..r i'iinn. or fsortii uenii, lias elected
M p' M nLmnl- m li' 111 nt' ",0 '""""I" Wr for the OUSU-
Mrs. C. J. .Miihonoy, who is in nt i,. Vem- r n wnmi n r t
Mercy hospital Is reported better this, 'ZJy, 1 cimS. willln.." P. V
morning. I t i.. r-..i.i. . i..n. .....
Mrs. Chnrles Haldwln. who has ': 'T V"A""n' ; " . " "'".V" -V.. V
.U. l.i HTO, llll.l'l, ,. fi.l . I.
boon finite III at her homo In
South Mnridiflold, Is slowly Im
proving. Mrs. II. P. Harrington Is recov
ering from n serious spell of sick
ness nt her Iioiium on South Fifth
Mlsa Itlllu Itoss of North Broad
way, who was operated on Wednos
Painter. IC. It. S.; Archlo Phillips,
I. O.: U II. Chrlstlnnson, O. O.
Tho Motor Iloat club of North
Ilend will meet Wednesday, January
8, at t-lio Club rooms.
C. II. Flltcroft. who ennio over
from the Conulllo tol sneud tbn
holidays. Is trying to nrrnngo for
way, w no was nporaiuu on m uos- i.ib ,nMini. u ..... i ii..7..
day morning at Mercy hospital, is1 '"" S01," l.P. n" ,?, 'rSr r"!
getting along nicely. Tl.o IU.hh fam-J "'2 - V., n B ioilqimrJow for
Hy recently moved horo from Maine.
Mrs. Mlcklom Is reported quite
III nt her homo on South Fourth
M. J. Anderson of Hunker Hill Is
coulluud to his home with an attack
of the In grlppo.
.Ml s Mary lilleu Itoeuey. one of
tho nurse at Mercy hoHpltui, Is
quite III with In grlppo nt tlu home
of her aunt. Mm. Morlarlty, In
South .MarNhflold.
Ml him Alma Kkblnd. bonVkeeper
nt the Kkblad & Sou lliinlwuio
stern, underwent n muecwful oper-
niion ror nppemllclllM nt Mercy hits
I AI.OXO Till: W.Ti:HFIt()XT I
Tho Hardy sailed this morning for
San Francisco with lumbor from tho
Smith mill.
Tho (I. C. Undnuor sailed today
with psissengors and lumber for Snn
The Hanger has boon put nu tie I
South inlet run lu place of tho I
.Miiyiinwer wnicn wns destroyed by
lire tho other day.
lapi. unit was up from the llfo
pllnl this afternoon. This makes ll station on business yeer
tho third meinlwr of the UkliUU ''"' .When the stutlou will bo
family who had Imrt to undergo nulUOVIHl l,w location has not
opemtlen for apimnillclUs within
tho psst hhi A slhter of Mr. Kk
blad succumbed to the dlsenso a
few years ago lu Miuuexotu.
l''lti:sil OI.Y.MPIA nnd KAKTKUX
OVSTHHS Just recclvod. IMION'K
oiiuKits to coos ii.vv in: AND
fvM sroinoi: co. phonk t:i
been auuouncod.
Owing to tho uuvunro of coal nt
tl-e mine. Heaver Till t will bo $G.OO
per ton on and after January 1.
Have nur Job printing dono nt
Tho Times otllco
Oct n llottlc of
2oo and olV a Uolilc,
for your cough or cold. It is harmless to tho young
as well as tho old so do not bo afraid to givo it
when needed.
Vvco Delivoi'v.
Phono V22-,
pnnsoxAi, ovKfti'r.ow
ed from Osceola. Mo., whoro ho
went to nlllciatc as groomsman
for John W. Motloy.
JOHN W. MOTI.RY nnd brldo nr
rlvod hero today on tho Alll
nnco and woro warmly greoted
by Mr. Motloys many friends.
WJr. HANTOIU)" WANN. "tho sys
tem mnn", has arrived from Port
land nnd will spend u few weeks
on Coos liny.
H. X. l'AIItCIIII.I) N iimKlug some
swell vlows of Marslifield and
vicinity. If you want u good pic
ture of your homo cnll him up.
Phono 123-X.
"Grippe Is n good nnnio for In
lluonzn. for It gets a grip on one in
the minium nnd has n pretty good
hold along In the spring." ho contin
ued. "Wo do not iiuariintlno for
gilppe. and tho patient seldom ob
serves tho rudiments of precaution.
La grippe Is ono of our most hlghlj
contagious diseases and causes annu
ally from 10.000 to Jl'.ooo deaths
In the United States. In 1907 It
cnuscd SO.iMiO. Might now It Is grippe
season, and wo nro hnvhig consid
erable of It here In Marslifield.
"I.n grippe Is tho result of n bacil
lus found in sputum and nnsul mu
cus. Tho bacillus grows In tho mouth
ns well an bronlclinl tubes, nnd dis
eased tonsils make n very fertile
breeding placo for tho germ to devel
op nnd llugor. Grlppo germs will nt
times remain in the crypts and folli
cles of the tonsil ns well as In tho
mucus membrane of the nuso and ulr
tubes very much like diphtheria, and
nro spread lu the same way as nro
the germs of consumption nnd pneu
monia. "Tho grlppo gorni produces n poi
son which wonkons and depresses
the body. It nlso attacks tho nerv
ous systom, resulting in physical In
firmities that years of enro fall to
eradicate. It Is hold by competent
meuicai onsen ors inai m grippo is n
sort of advance agent for pnoumonln,
oar and eyo troubles, nnd occasion
nlly takes n rap at the stomach and
kidneys, often disabling them permanently.
The 1913 Indian Motorcycle
Is a Winner
Heretofore, wo have handled the Indian and liar
ley Davidson Motor Cycles but after careful consid
eration we decided to concentrate our efforts and
liandlo ono machine exclusively. After considering
tho merits of the different machines, we decided that
"The .Indian" is tho machine best suited to this sec
tion and will givo greatest satisfaction to purchasers
at a lower figure than the higher priced machines.
Hub Clothing aed Shoe Co,
Where Money Talk
AVlmt you got when you buy clothing a
shoes at tho Hub
Lower Prices
lu these two little words lies the story of Hub
Lower Prices Here
Because Lower Cost
All Hub merchandise is bought by us direct
from tho manufacturers. We pay no profit to
the middleman. We buy for cash, which means
that wo buy at the lowest prices.
In buying for cash we not only gof every di$.
count, but iiav.c our pick of the choicest inercliati-disc.
Lower Prices at Hub Stores
Because 'Less Profit
AVo arc content with less profit on each .sale
thai is business.
For every I Tub salo means a Hub friend, which
in time moans more Hub sales.
We do business for cash.
When you buy clothing from us, you pay for
the clothingyou do'i't pay a part of sonic one
else's bad debt.
Hub Responsibility
Your protection lies solely in the proen re
sponsibility of the house Irom which you buy.
Wo1 absolutely stand behind every piece of mer
chandise that we soil, no matter how large or
small the sale may bo.
People tell us that Hub Ololhing is slrongor-l
better made than most ot the clothing they see,
To Sum It AH Up
"Wo expect your patronage on the merits of our
merchandise and tho manner in which wo do
business. This should appeal to you the same
as it does to us.
"Money T allcs."
Hub Clothing and Shoe Co.
mm9mmwmTmymmKni mi,niwwsnnw
I "Off J
to n WjI
$5.00 iSV
Vog I -
"ti . J Jf. vtggfc
Tho now .1913 Indian.
The 1913 Indian
7 h. p. Twin Cylinder has tho reserve power that
carries yon at any pace over any road. Through deep
mud ( and sand and up sleep, rough hills. Wonderful
ly smooth running motor.
Now Cradle. Spring Frame-Equipped with recoil
leaves mid rubber bumpers. Positively no "bottom''
Oilers la..l t 11 ,,. G ZJ "' ' s ?"
-loos t ,,,,, chi,ls7Sl.""Set.n, , n,(;
Our domoiistrator is now on tho rond and will .nn
tejKW to prove tho oinoionev o thh plnTuSS
The Ml. P; Twin, $267 F. 0. B. Marslifield
"Queen Quality" shoes have a
nack of satisfying when others faiL
For style, fit and comfort unsur
passed. Prices most reasonable.
Golden Rule
Merc hunt' Old Staml.
AT 'llli: IIOTKI.S.
M.OYD J. T. Conklin. Hmplro;
I.. S. Cotton, C.rnnta Piibh; GoorRO
Mmlfonl. Ahordoon; Stiinloy I.oiik
wii'lli, Now York.
CHANW.RH Win. Cnnilllii, Co
qiiillo; Roy Austin. Sonttlo; J. O.
Klrhpiitiick, Snn Kranclspo; T. J.
lliutinnn. Manll, Or.; I D. I.nyton,
Portliuid; W .K. Cntturon.
HI.AXCO Kiank Torry nnd wlfo,
' nnnlnls Crook; I'. A. Church, North
Inlol; C. K. Fox nnd wlfo, Unndon;
T. II. Yonknni, It ddlo; J. A. Good
will, Cooa Itlvor; John Wnsson,
South Inlet; Joo Horn, North
COOS Miss J. nurford, Port
land; A. V, IIodBun, South Coos
Itlvor: Win. Hood nnd wlfo, Den
ver Hill; (. B. iHlmiio and wlfo,
Portland; Mrs. Hay B. Porklns,
Spoknno, Wash.; J. B. Doylo, Myr
tlo Point; Charles P. l'apo, Dan
don; Mrs. McKutohon, Ileavor Hill;
Jesso Smith, South Coos Itlvor; R.
J. Goodman, South Coos Rlvor: Al
Smith, Coos River.
Chlcngo Attribute Iucreimo in Wed.
rtliiKs to Ia'iiii Year.
CHICAGO. Jan. S.T.nn,. .-
given credit by tho marrlngo Hconso
clerks In this city for a gain of 3.
374 In tho number of llconses Is
sued horo during 1912. Total num
ber was 32,877.
I wish to express my thanks pub-
llCly for tho CXCOllnnt- snrvlnn .n-
dered m0 and tho kindness shown
by Mercy Hospital and Dr. Geo. B.
Dix during tho sovornl months that
i iiuvo uuen conuneii thero slnco
my injurlos sustained at Smith
Powers Camp No. 1.
Commencing Tuosday, Docombor
21, tho Marshfleld-Einplro au o wU
lonvo Mnrshflold at 9:30 n. m and
4:00 p. m. for Empire.
Times' Want Ada bring results.
Bl.DORA, Jan. 3.- One tfl
cnsoH that promises to bo InterJ
which Is llled for tho Januar
of court Is that whorcln Mn
modii MosMiunii sues Arch Mo-
Tor dlvorco and alimony in lt'
ot $10,000. Tho case Is out c
ordinary for sovoral roiaoin.
Tho petition llled by Mr.
man's attornovH Btntcs that
MoBHinnn. nf llilnrn. nnd A-
Kolly, or Omaha, woro marrl'
uui. I, iJll, aim lip l" '
1912, thoy Hvod togothor asnii
wiro. Thnt tho dofondani
years of ngo and tho plaint-
years youngor. Tho grouiim1
vorco nro on sovoral counts,
which nro morosoness of dUp
jealousy of plaintiff on the P
tho dofendnnt nnd thnt the
ant rcfusoa nocessnry apondlcl
Attached. to tlm notition ll'
hlblt In tho shapo of antH
agreomont. In this agroomentt
unimportant Itoma it la nP"
iweon tho pnrtlca that at tM
of Arch Mossmnii, If tho !'
witn Him till his doath, she
celvo tho sum of f C.000 ns W
In full of all rights of dower
of estnto. If ho survives W
Mr. Mossmnn is Ilkowiso to f
shnro In her estate. This a?"1
waa made Oct. 7, 1911, on daj
Tho iiiarrlago was tho rcsul'
work of a matrimonial bure
Mossman answering nn an'
ment nindo bv tlm brldo. Tl
about threo years ago and alu
Mossman went to Omaha to'
tho appeal, it was two year1
he succeeded In Induclnc Mrt
to marry him. Finally an at'
tlal agreomont waa nrrnnged
innrringo took placo.
Mr. Mossmnn hna lioen l
boforo, hia w Ifo deceased. TW
wns iwico beroro niarriou '
bns two divorced huabnnds l1
Tho plaintiff's childhood WJ
InGrundy County nnd her
minio wntson. Tho paper'
caso allogo that tho IefeM
worth ?30,000.
iA, .
iiV. v. ijMEl
fc .l mi.i
a.VlX'iWps.-'..A. "?.,
Im fl