'J3BX.VX li. ir-1 THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, THURSDAY, JANUARY 2, 1913 EVENING EDITION. V i . i,i FILIPINOS MBE SfiiEO Coiiilllc fl(y OltlrlnN Tuning Cure of Stranded Workmen. The Cnaulllo Sentinel says: On Saturday nlno Filipinos cnmo down from Myrtlo Point In dost I tutn circumstances nnd tiro now IMS ABOUT ALfiffl DIFFER WIFE Til IS H. B. Watson Writes Letter Concerning Views Ex pressed by Nymanover. Tho Tillies la In receipt of the following open Ictlnr from II. H. quartered In the now city linll as Watson of tho 1'ondloton Live cncBls of tho city. Tho party, ns Wlro to Evert Nymnnover of n whole, seem to ho fiilrly good Rnnriinntm of tholr race nnd tho forcmnn Is nn cxcoptlonnlly Intel ligent gcntlomnn. Their Btory Is ono which nroiisos tho Iro of nil who hour It. So tho forcmnn says, tho party woro employed slashing right of wny by tho contractors on the Smith-Powers logging rond nliovo Myrtlo Point, nnd had finished tholr contract InBt week. When they de manded their money they woro told their hill would ho paid at tho San Francisco ofllco. They woro told to go to Uniidon nnd tnko n boat there, tho head man of tho contractors giving tho forcmnn of tho pnrty n note to Nosier & Norton of this city requesting thnt firm to pass tho party to Sau Francisco. Thoro waB but llttlo over thrco dollars In tho cntlro party so they otnrtcd to walk from Myrtlo Point to Ilandon. They renrhod Coiiulllo Into Saturday nlsht nnd further traveling was prevented by dark ness. Tholr boat loft Ilandon Sun dny bo tlipy woro tinnhlo to con nect with It, lionco romnlucd In this city. Their case has como to tho es pecial nttoiitlnn of our philanthropic nnd fnlr-mlndod mayor, A. T. Morri son, who Is Investigating tho matter with n view of securing tho money duo tho mon heforo thoy loavo tho county. At present they nro n."ar Marshflcld. IJenr Sir: Sav, what part of Alaska hnvo you been to. And how lung hnvo vnn been thoro? I hnvo lived thoro for nenrly 22 yonrs, ralBcd n fam liv thorn nnd nm out horo tempor arily trying to recover from results of n fool appendicitis operation, at Senttlo. Your nrfiiimcnt about rnllrondB In Alaska tuny bo correct1, but as tho government supervises all rond building, trnlls. ete.. why not nlso tnko In tho railroads. Nnnnlmo nnd Lndysmlth furnish most of tho fuel for our territory nnd tho coal barons chnrge us from $K, to $0 per ton. If tho Guggenhclma can't tlo up local coal In Alnskn or get It entirely under tholr domination, they don't need any railroads: henco, Undo Sam Is welcome to thorn. I contrast your reported statements with conditions as I hnvo known them. In 1SR7 thero wero loss thnn S000 whlto nooplo In thnt territory. Today na fur as Nnmo up north you enn got 21 meals for $S and Hvo In n slenm heatod room for $ir. per month, nnd everything In proportion as to living cost. Do you know the re sources of Alnskn during 20 yenrs hns been over $2SO.nOO,000 to Pn clo Sam? Look up some of tho government's stntlstlcR on these mnllnrn Mnat nf ilin fnll.'B U'lm lorod nt the city hall and nro bolngnro dopryliiK Alnskn nro otherwise LOYAL AS ROTH Mrs. Van Warincja Renews Marriage Pledge Made to Fiddling Forger. given such employment ns is possl bio by Longstnn nnd llnyllss nnd other rltlzons. Tho men nro not bogging nnd nro willing nnd nnxlous to Bocuro Mifllrlont work to support thorn un til thov rocolvo their money from tho contractors. CLl'll EVENT SUCCESS. Interested In kenplng tho sturdy ploneors of tho far north from de veloping thnt countrv for thom selves. If my health Improves enough to nllow, I will go back wllli my family to that "damned" country, and assist ns far aB possi ble In making It1 n country ns pros perous ns Sweden nnd Norwny. Ah long ns thero Is life In mo I will stand by you and attempt to help you. Where they tnko you. there I will follow you. nnd bo as near to you nlwnys ns they will nllow me. I shall visit you, care for you, pray for you, work for you, no matter whether you nro In prison or out. It la u vow I mndo when I married you ns you were released from prison nnd It Is a vow I will keep nl wnys 1 know your weakness nnd forglvo It, for you ennnot help It. Mrs. Hnrry Van Wn rlngn's pledge to her husband. FACTS ABOUT JUST rAHutL&ru&i; ARRIVED! KANSAS CITV. Jan. 1. -As Until of the Old Testament mndo tho Im mortal pledges of nlleglnnce to her mothcr-lnlaw. so .Mrs. Harry Van Wnrlngn. wife of tho hopeless thief, Harry Van Warlngn, pledged her faith to her husband. Sho ronowod It to blin nt police liendotinrtora. And Van Warlngn may not liavo to go back to prison nfler nil. Judgo Portertleld said he would keep Vnn Wnrlngn In Jail on n petty larceny complaint, pending tin inquiry into his sanity. Hurry Van Wnrlngn. whoso wlfo formerly was secretary to Cornelius Konch, secretary of tho Htnto of Mis souri, confessed to tho theft of tools from tho Anderson Electric compa ny, II.'UO Main Street, where ho work ed sinco his rolcnse Inst month on pa role from the criminal court. Eleven Fundamental Things to. Remember When Using It. 1 Parcels cannot be mailed In package deposit boxes; niusr bo brought to the postofflco or deslg-. nnted postal station. 2 ttntes of postage on packages ( welchlnir not more thnn four. ounces are the Biimo ns nt present. Pncknges weighing more thnn four. ounces take new post pound rates which nro nrrniiKcd nceonllng to distance carried. a Distinctive parcel post Btanips must be used, and pacunges mailed with ordinary postage alampfl will be treated as unninllnble. Tho pnr- cols post stamps will not he good for postage on other clnsses of mail matter. I Sender's name nnd address must nppenr on nil pncknges. Post masters nro directed to treat ns unninllnble parcels presented fr mailing on which this Information is not clearly shown. fi Seeds, cuttings, bulbs, scions, plants, etc.. nro mnllnble only nt tho into of one cent for each two ounces. Weight limit Is Increased to eleven pounds. Special parcels post stniuns must bo used. fi Printed mnttor. hooks, etc.. nro not mnllnble under new pnr eels pos' romilutfons. but must go ns third class mailer nt present rate of one cent for ench two ounces or fraction, without regnrd to dlstnnce. Parcels post stumps not good for postage on this class of mnttor. 7 Unmnllablo: T.lvo nnlmnls, Hvo poultry, spirituous, vinous or mnlt liquors, explosives, nrtlcles (llnble to Injure tho mnlls or per THIS (.TX MI-TW. 'AM' W''' ,'!m 1-n.iKs ih WM:' THING I'OU A GOOD 'V'.'V HOOT. IT IS CJIIMIM'- IH Mi (. MAHAS HI IIUTTOXH. THIS HOOT IS MAIH: WITH A WHITE oak taxxi:i si:vi:i soli: FULL WKKJIIT. YET FLEXIHLH viSitv stylish, yet is just whvt vor xi:i:i i' amp AXI) WKT WltlTIIKK. IT HAS A HIGH AIU'll, WIIjIj kit VOt'lt FOOT SXTG AX COMFOHTA- 111 V. All Widths, AAA to E "SrUnj Shorn make ytmrct'l hupp;." r Tpa If j b ' pa j Stylo No. (18 Prleu 81.00. Wl AHH EXCLUSIVE AGENTS. HUB DRY GOODS CO, o'coxxf.ll itriLDixn imioxu now A ('(inllrmcd Thief, Vnn Wnrlngn Is n confirmed thief, boiib hnndllng Annie. nnd forger. Mo has boon In Jail s T.luulds other thnn thnne many 1 1 m oh nnd every tlnio ho has, shown In tinrngrnph 7 nt uninalla been In Jnll his wife, nnd oilurntoil ( bio. may bo nccept'ed for locnl tie wotnnn, has worked until bIio hns oli-Jlvory only when It Is unuorosanrv tnlnod Ills release on parole. Van to transport them over steam or Warlnga nlso Is educated nnd nn ne-j electric rnllwnys. T.lquhls may be compllshed musician. Ho wns nen- sent to any destination when mnll- tenccd In November to eight years cd In glass bottles containing not ... :".?..r':"u. '.'"-V " "J.',.""; In tho penitentiary by Judge Portor-lmoro thnn 12 ounces, such bottles mJ 'nZ i l ."l!" ,: Hold for forgery. The wlfo pnld nil to bo encased In n block or lube nn. MmnrnUnnd ,. Mii i. i ,,. nf lIo 0,c forgcil nuil then iipponlod . Biirroundcil with Biiniclont nhsorh " . ' . " " Tt liilHnlrt iflt HANnON, .Tan. 2. Ono of most olnbornto nnd Biicccssful tertnlnnionls of tho Bonson wns whnt It costs tho government to glvon in tho Grand theater Friday, prnduro It. the smnll minors nnd night1. Unilor tho auspices of tho sour doughs of tho country will Commcrrlnl club n crotin of tnl-.mnko It tho most nrndiictlvn coun- enfed players, singers nnd readers, trv In lh world In point of prnf- i iiniiiiou vuiennineu tno largest, itnnio itiiiiistrics. crowd or people tl-nt hns yot beon WHh her con! bottled up, her Bonted In tho Ornnd theater and.Bhlnnlnir and trniiBiiortntlnn busl- mnny woro turned away. Two clo ver comedy nkclcliea woro glvon, nnd theso wero Intersnersod bv ness iii- mil anil nnvlgntlon con trolled bv tho Guggles, minora will temporarily hnvo to suspend oper rPCllllllnllH KdllL'fl mill immln Tim nllnn. l.., i,.l.n.. TT..I,. O., ... nr.ll " " '... . ...j . ...w...., imii , iivii I'm in .7HIII n.'iin jiffnlr wns n great- success flunnclnl- us coal thero are millions of ncres ! nnd gnvo n strong Impotun to of low grndo placer ground thnt tho work of tho Commercial club. vam'ij or itntns. Onl and WoiilKckcr Hnvo Virtues i Tim on Trial. liiiuij.Mj. .inn. 2. I'roof Is nt iinnii unu "tno wise old owl" Is In reality rntbor n gontleinnii, n good fellow, a friend, nnd even n bono factor nnd this In splto of tho inct thnt ho hns been known upon occnslon to disregard locnl ethics to tho extent of purloining n tender young ehlckon or two. ('might nun nnntomlcnlly consldored In tim ,i. pnrtinent or analogy nt the State Ijnlvomlty. under the direction of i rof. ,T. V. Itoynrd. tho contours of will bo profilnblo, but which rnn't bo worked now bocnuso coal Is kont out or rencli ns to price. At Nomo I pny $.18 por ton for hard coal hi winter nnd must use for my smnll family about 1 VS tons n mouth: so you can seo If Is cheaper to como out hero nnd spend tho winter nnd go back In tho spring thnn It la to stay thoro and nay the Oiiggon helniH for the privilege of burning their conl. If von hnvo seen much of Alaska nnd I believe you have, you will not object to going buck there ns soon ns conditions miiko fuel nnd fodder cheap enough to mnke It profltnblo to Hvo In nnd grow rich. a lo. for n parole, which alio obtained Teal's for UN llclplc.ssiicxs "I enn't understand why I hIc.iI," nnt mnterlnl to take up the con tents of tho bottlo If broken. I iiiBiirnnco: Pnrccla tunv be Vnn Wnrlngn snld. "It la nn Irre-, Insured up to $r.O In vnluo for n slstlblo reeling which overpowers me. feo of 10 cents. I was earning SIS n wcolc nnd If I 10 IZeglstrv Abolished: It will nun tiesiroa money l know my wlfo, not no possuuo to register mer Ms stoniHch. ns nnulyaod. has : bee ' , "" , ' 10 "" ,,,k,"B "'." ",,er,v liroof poslilvH r his nianv bonofuc- I 'i"vo' .,n,t ,' n.,?" m' !m ",,w Hoiih. Vor IiwIhiipo" in iiiiiSi trvlnic In hIvo Almkn "the black J."ur young mvl Z been known ' T ,,ml l "nhirn,ly WBnt ,0 ,"0' to catch nnd consuim manv n! '' eta. nnd It Im nlaln Hint In looiil - V.v J,'1' ,fo,'"w,n. 'I'lduit from tho tloH wlraro owu are i" en fu H ' "''tJand .lournnlf which he n exteriiilnuiln., ,.r .. .'i.l. '".",l .. ,.".,, 'l'd with bin le'ter: .!., """" "IfVI- ...pi,. , .., ,,, -,.. ,...,.... IIIMII. i I'.mii ,. 1,,,-, ,11K.I1IIII1H ? ?'! w .n., or z rv sz wz '!:, - fiv iMinuilllllK M IflllllM' Allliilia,. u ... m In tie wtrlnic wiiTi foiii L -L.I "''v i"isineiw or modrn tlniP." elovn.lwelfih of i. . ft,.,L .'""'oAi" Kvort Nynuinovnr. Mnrsh- Unci- benefit n tl.n f,r,,,L "'"" ,l'r '"'"ruing from AiaskH. Ho lm evhlH v",d ex R, volv onirrf""", V" 1" w n flf w" many runners' nWu 2f' L..?ll ly. 'T '";' beeauw, they can -Mini- never ik unu uir aniiiu,.n.i would lot me hnvo It. Yet I Btolo tools for which I obtained $2. I didn't need tho money. "What mnkos It nil tho hurdor Is that I know my wlro will stick by me, If I wero sentenced for llfo. I know sho would. Kor I trent her nlcoly nnd stay homo every night. Tho only trouble Is my stenllng when I nm powerless to quit. I wish thoro wns sonio cure." Tho prisoner wept. The Wire la Despair Xmv. Kor Mrs. Vnn Warlnga tho prison romnnco Is now woavlng In very so ber colors. She wnlked slowly up mid down the corridor of Judge Por torllold'H court. "What a m going I to do now?" sho ropeaieii tno intorrngiit on. "Well I mndo up my mind six months ngo wnai in no ir mien n tiling aliould ever happen." 'Are you going home?" "No. I have no homo. Thnt Is, my mother nnd father ennnot afford to support mo," "Aro you koIiir Into somo biifcl iiean?" "No." "Then, will you stay In your pres- viii viiiiiiiyiueill; ciinniiise pnrreis under tno now regulntloiiB. tho Insured mnll tak ing tho plnce of the registry bvb tem as nppllod to fourth clnss mnt ter. 11--Wrapping: All unreels must lo securely wrapped nnd sufficient ly well pneked to protect contents from dninngo In transit. TIUa.MOOK DAIItlKS PAY. Income for I'M" Averni'es $100 for Kneli Cow. TILLAMOOK, Or.. .Tan. 2. The dairy Industry In Tillamook county will show n romnrknblo Incrons'e over 1011. both In the output of cheeso nnd from a flunnclnl stand point. Tho ninount of rlieeso mnnufne tured In tho county will reneli .. 000.000 pounds or more, nnd tho iuoi remnrknlilo feature Is thnt tho average Income per cow will bo over Sion ror tho yenr. Most- of tho dnlrymon rnlso their own feed for winter nnd do not have to expend monoy for mill nnd other feed. This Is the boat record the coun ty lias mndo on nil iiv-nvn,rn .... 'I .,. .... ..i .... .. "... ... ..... ..., ,.., . mii. auiiiiuii imjii nn ine lu" iur oiiu year. Rtenographer's 'three dollars n The vear'H record for sonio of the woek. she said, lightly. best dairy herds In the county will Tonrs cnmo In hor oy and she reach from ?12.'i to $150 per cow mi uini iinilj , KQIIII'I'liU WITH WIUKIiKSS 5teamsWp Breakwatd ALWAYS ON TIMH. SAILIXGS l'KOM POKTLAXI), TueMlny evening of ench mN K P. M. SAILIXG l-'IKMl MAU.SHKIICLH, Tiiesdny, Jnn. 7, 0:00 a. Sunday, .Inn. 11!, Ill: 110 p. in.; .Satunlny, .Ian. JH, J 1.00 a. Saturday, .Ian. 25. Phone Main IIWi. J. O. M1LLKK, Agent Ctl,i VAST AND COSUIOD10UH t earner Re dona Kqnlppcil vltli wlrelcAH and siibnmrlno bell SAILS FROM SAN FRANCISCO for MARSHFIEM MONDAY, JAN. 6, at 3 P. M. All Pnsftcngcr ItcftcrvntlotiB t'rom Sim IVnnclsco Miiht Ho Mftde i 805 I'lfo Hluldliig, or Pier No If). Alt reservations must t ken up lit Ikiiiih before sailing. lNTKlt-OCKAN THANSPOHTATIOX CO. PHONK 44. C. F. McGISORGB. AmM Steamer Homer Sails from San Francisco, for Coos Bay Will Freight only, Friday, Dec. 27th F. B. DOW, AftcmU Ocean SteaS SPEEDWELI OAPT. UUKTIS. JInster. Sails for San Francisco from Coos Bay, Friday, Dec. 27, service 01 tme. THK SPKKDWKLTi Is hpeedy nnd has excellent passenger I inoilntlons, lingo clean and nlry i-ooiiih mid electric light! wireless. VTQ3 1'or freight nnd piissngc, npplv. A. V, l.stnbrook Co. Tltlo (.uurmiteo mid Abslract I iM.i unl. St., Nan Francisco. MnnJifld rnlu n.i.i HaI.i ..., ., . . i.,1 .1 , . ."ri" """ ,M"B ooiug an lucnlculnhle animini nt ,i At the reiiuest of the state IUh nnd gnmo eommlMlou. tho xoology department Is nlno eoncernliK It yolf with testing tno reputo nf vnr ous other birds. I'rof. Itoviir.l will next consider the flicker or w-oodpeeker. Itesenrch In other m..n,n in mim upon oxnmlnntloii of nm iuiuliH'Kirn ov bio th 00 sh 1. i,"'," m,1,l"08 ny ho harmed.1 1,,,,!, .tills lini.in lu miii,wi .,!. ...... .. . i iiuiiia. :-""" '"I'luninuiy Hlliail III relation to tho benefit dono. The crow, oven, soonm to have n Rood deal In his fmor: that Is to pay he eats as much animal nmt tor ni he does grain. Wliethor ho Is to he maintained or not rests nn iuti lunuor e tniide eU iinnortlnir. "Of course. If the (InKuenhoIms enn unload their railroad scheme on I'ncle Sam. they will get rid of a white elephant." said Mr. Nvinnn over. "hut In thnt event, perhaps the Socialists of the United States would object to their conversion to government ownership. "I do not slinro In tho glowing eporls or Alaska so often heard. urnninf.it i...i i. eniKou only 20 nor m.,f v-i.:':." "' "." ry i loumi t' a coun- nmtter. while t, , .";": i i". """"" bv nature. There nro ero has boon fou.1,1 nJ ,.'.. l '"ol I'.l'Ie In the whole territory por eenf or nulnmi .., .: "n ! " ""-v "H ' Vro lu tho '00s. ows that while rrult trees ii.nl 1 , 10 J,1nl,,lln,1ii "f Alaska Is u, . . IHIIl inH'H Ullll IOHH ll.HIl tlm nt II....I I.. .. .1 . . .. , " illllllUO Hll- MOVKS laXdLOIS SALOON'. Peter llnagensen. the nopulnr sa lou man or Lauglols after Decem ber 31 will locnto In Ilandon In his i'M-Mm iiiisiikws. Mr. Haagonsou Ieputatlon 0f other well known' , hiv?i.J" 0,l,,ro, f,un,ly t,,oro birds will be weighed and MwSirJii . i . . "xv f,H,001, llpar ,ho upon; their habits will be ohlom lr " r hM' Cnrry Coill,t' hm- filP M n.lldtil.lH..l.l . il .-. .i . ..M....ICTI mm. iHMiiiiii nr ilin.. bo ns lo know In the end bevond tho diiestloii or a doubt whether our bird neighbors are fit asso-dates. CITY lll'YS LAXI). Anlilimd Will Protect Water Supply by Purchase. Mrs. Van Wnrlusa still oiiioja ui iiuiiosi connueiico in her hus baud. His fnlllnns sho ntirllintr,u Jo Uleptoinanla. The Van Alarlngas nine men in an apartmeut under an assumed name. Nor Is the wire's Identity known at the business house iioio suo woiks as a stenographer. (HI OK TIIAXHS. I wish to extend my bearfelt thanks to the Dromon, frlonds and neighbors, who nllantly cnmo to my assistance yesterday when tiro throat, enod to wipe out my worldly liolong- i. . 'i'"1" response did much m. uiiiiiiiiaiv me danger to my belong ... .....,,,,,, n,,,,,,, siunvu oy nil wns "no in me greatest consideration. mum. AllC'lIAMliKAU. Llbby COAL. Tho kind YOU liavf ATAVAYS USKl). rimno VJ, Pnrlfli Llverr ntid Trnnifer Pomnnnv. nii .mm St. Noblesvllle. Ind.. says. "Aitor suffering many months with kidney trouble, after tiylng other rome dies and prescriptions, I purchased box of Foley Kidney Pills which not only did nie more good thnn any other remedies I ever used 11,1 Imve.M "osltvely set my kidneys light. Other members of mv fain- esults. ake nt 10 f, , f kidney trouble. Sold by Lockhar & Parsons. The lliisy Corner. An'Onl0rn "r,ck JlMsrRir7! Light, Steam Heat. Elegantly . "i' Purchase. It O '1' V T. n r r o If you have anything to soli, rent th .m''' 7 0r " ,,HH,V l "- " A. Me li v b or trade, or w..nt help, try a Wau . ' ' 8, taVe oHa,e' with own-' Hates; BO Jms , ' ," ,V Ad '' ,yKUV " ale over an additional (0, i-i,- i..i 8 H ""X ! upward r .' '" I" t' As'ilaml rnmoii . .nV.la rodv and Market (jl5ggmmasmB--?3ix- I'1,1, ,,,!l1' t,lp IMer Intake, deem-1 'ttsjuurar j- b li.-u.-nre, t-signn.,,,, j L MtJfj3tftAJtBi I I i ' Hd nn, If... .......... a .......u iii-i i-k ii v iiinnpr ti nioteit the nurll nf Hie di's v tor Mipptv (Ira.lunlly the In. , '"""" ""lainniK control of Iho entire watoi shed of the Ashlnn 1 Creek district. Themc"? pnnl,n" at VBKVHV The Sign of Good Candy Always MARSHFIELD DRUGGISTS DESERVES PRAISE The .Lockhnrt-Pnrsons Drue Co. deserve praise from Mnrshflold poo-! Pie for Introducing horo tho simple! buckthorn bark and glycorlno mlx- in-, unown as Adlor-i-ka. This "inline uermnn romody first be. cnmo famous by curing nppendlcltls and it has now boon discovered that A SINGLE DOSE rollovea sour munmi.il. kiis on tno stomach nnd constipation Instantly. It's quick nctlon Is n big snrprlso to pooplo. sVw UAKHUV AXI) di:licati:ssex. "Cleanliness Is Xe.xt to Godliness" Our bread Is mndo clean, kept clean, delUered clean. n AI. rwkV8' Cooklcs- 1'lra '"id all naked Goods, Try our dainty linker,- Lllnchi "pen Lvenlngs and Sundays Let ns Servo You. l:i:i X. 2nd st. n00 llg.Tj WIIKX VOL' WATTMKSSii: OKU HOY Something s,eit for or delivered 1 H O N is tSO.1, and we'll do It. Charges reason- CITAS OH WHY, THE TIlIEND OF COOS HAY' S. ALLIANC1 EQUIl'I'KI) WITH WIKKIjKHS SAILS FROM COOS BAY FOR. POR.TLi MONDAY DEC. 23. uunacuxiMU WITH THE NOHTH HANK HOAl) AT POK1 NOUT1I PACIFIC PTEAMSIIIP COMPANY. O. I-'. McGEOHGB, i Phoae II. DECOHATIVE ELECT1HO OUT- FITS FOH HENT Fruit and Flower lamps at re duced prices. SPECIAL DISCOUNTS In Portable Lamps for tho Holidays, Coos Bay Wiring Co. Phono 237-J. IBS Hroadwny N Iho Star Transfer and Storage Co. Is prepared to do Ell kinds of haullna on short notice. W moot nil 1-n.ina and boats and wo also havo tho latwt (style Reynolds Piano Mover. We . guarauteo our work. Barnard arKmnMnii. . Sco om" window display of WOOD ELECl'IHO FIXTUItrs LEADED AHT GLASS DOMIN POHTAHLE ST VXD LAmT LAMPS . Heisner, P Phones 98-U, 120-J rop. I Will Furnish 1 House on the Installment Plan W. KWisei ail North Front St. I Dua. Phone 29H-X: Ttea. Pbowl 9-L WE WILL MAIL YOU for each set of old False- sent us. Highest prices P1 old Gold, SHvor, old W brokeu Jewelry and Pi Stones. Money Sent by Roturn M rhlla. Smelting & RcfinWl Established 20 Year enn ri,.,.. r,. ... .. ..,k!J "" vmaiuiil at., l'liunoeij"" TO DENTISTS. We will buy your Gold F"J liulU MCrnn nn.l Tlntlnllffl. " -.!' MM.. X . .. I est prices paid. Times Want Ads. Bring Resi PHOXa 181-H. r ""n UfC-5ji f--ll jsygja-wgyc-.v. .fAXf