THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, THURSDAY, JANUARY 2, 1913 EVENING EDITION. Orpheum On account f l'' t?Ilnn possl slhlo fir us 10 ascertain wiiomer or 1101. wu win icccivo our weekly shipment or now iieiuruN him repeat, the, program will host' of II"' I"1"1 "cell's run. ESTABLISHED ADMISSION about the tions. He exactness with which wc follow his directions, and the pure, fresh quality of the drugs wc use. But our medicines arc not more satisfactory than our prices. It is this combination of high quality and low prices that lias built up our business, Wc sell many very good, ready-prepared remedies for different ailments. fAre you troubled witH corns? Wc can give you a positive remedy for their painless removal and cure REXALL CORN CURE. It relieves and cures the most stubborn and painful corns and bunions. It is absolutely painless and ourc in results. Sold with the Rexall guarantee. Lockhart-Parsons Drug Co. "THE BUSY CORNER" MAIN 298 PHONE TONIGHT 5e Royal ISS MAItM.V WILL SING rfnrlNNlnm," Spanish waltz song. jThc Sweetest Story I Ivor T)!!!." 'I Willi! to llu In ItKli-." iooo feet of pictures. IMIXG Musical Comedy Co. fV titcli for Date. Oc 10c ill-Preservation Is The First Law Flro Insurance Is ono of tho (est Important means of protoc- on, And yet people- will continue ' neglect It. Lot us lnaiiro your lioimnlinlil irnlturo, your dwelling or oth r proporty. it win rnt imt Ittlo. It will nrotcct von nor. Idly. ,wo hnvo tho stTongest com- Miles and WO wrltn cnrrnnl tml. lies. S. Kaufman & Co. aimer's Auto Service J. M. Dodgo, Driver. id at Palaco Restnurnnt Ines, 5-J or 5-L, day and night. Marshfiold. Oreson her Auto Service Win. Fisher. Pronrlpfiir. JOne orders tn uiiir'. n... rd, Phono 18-J. After 11 n. m. BO 0-J, NIcht nhnnn iai.T AlarshfloIO. Oregon. PICE OF FIXAL SETTLEMENT mco is hereby given that tho prsignod administrator of tho es- ot Oliver Landrlth. deconsml. Hied hla final account In tho fr of said ostato nnd tho court set Monday, tho 3d day of puary, 1913, at 10 o'clock a. m. Ild day, at Coqulllo City, Coos n, urogon, ns tho tlmo and for tho hoarlnc of nlilnntlnnn !ald final account and tho sot ont thereof. MILO M. PiRnsnM Mnlstrator of tho estato of Oli Pr Landrlth, doceasod. It publication Dec. 19, 1912: pnoiicatlon Jan. 16, 1913.) Tonight wires being down l(. Iiiki been lin- on ioiiikiilh mum;. in case WO consist of four reels, being die 10c. NEVER MORE Depend On Us For Your Medicines Your doctor will never liave the slightest cause for complaint way wc fill his prescrip will praise the fidelity and -US The Best 50,$ 10.00 aedl $112.50 Seitsoini Earth We Sell 'Em Get Yours At The FIXUF Marshflcld North liemi WANT ADS. LOST About 1 1 irro weeks ago, a gold nuggot stick pin. Return to 1031 Central nvonuo nnd ro colvo reward. FOR RENT Largo pleasant rooms nt 237 North Broadway. FOUND An electric coffoo jeioo. Intnr, picked up on tho stroot Chrlstmns day; boarlng tho nnmo T. II. Barry. Party may havo samo by paying for this ad and calling on Mrs. L. M. Nolson, 2-10 ilnll avenuo. WAXTI3D Work by day, washing or uousocieauing. jnquiro tho Times. WANTICI) Partner in myrtlo cabi net shop, Business woll csrah Ushod. Good bargain if takon at onco. Address Good Clianco, enro Tho Times, FOR SALE Young team, 8 nnd O years, harness and wagon. Flno for farm. J. E. Fltzgorald, tole phono 3151. WANTED Competent woman to tnko charge of department in Mnrflliflnlil rirv fi nmln Rtnrn. Must bo A 1 saleswoman. State oxporl-' onen. nnnilfirntlnnn nnd references! te Hrst letter. Good salary to right1'0118 ""or having been closed nnrtv. Arl.trpsa nnnnrtunltv. enro down for tllO Christmas holidays. Tlmos, Marshfiold. FOR SALE Cheap, If taken nt onco, saddlo horse. Can bo drlv on. Inqulro Horso, enro Times. FOR SALE Old iiewspn'KTs; n big bundle for a nickel. Just tho thing to start fires with, FOR SALE Dry wooo". fir nnd al der, at Campbell's Wood Yard, Forrv landlncr. Phone lRrt-L. Havo your Job printing aone a Tho Times office. TIDES FOR DECEMBER. Uolow Is glvon the- tlmo and height of high and low water at Mnrshflold. Tho tides aro placed In tho ordor of occurrence, with their times on tho llrst lino nnd heights on the second lino of ench day; n compni Ison on consccutlvo heights will liullcnto whether It Is high or low water. For high water on tho har, snlitrnct 2 hours 34 minutes. iii-h. . r. 21 0.1 0.2 3.7 11.30 (1.19 0.0 0.1 0.0 fi.R0 12.10 7.10 3.2 0.7 0.0 3 I IXH'AL TEMPERATURE I record. I For tho 2 1 hours ending at 1:13 n. in.. .Inn. 2, by HuuJ. OHtllnd, spnclnl govorniucnt mo- Icorologlcnl olisurvcr: I .Minimum 32 .Minimum 32 I At 1:13 a. in 15 1'reclpltntlon nono Wind: South west j Cloudy. Commissioners Meet J ml go John F. Ilnll went to Couulllo today to at tend tho regular meeting of tho Coos County Commissioners. Christinas Baby. A dnughtcr was horn ChrlstmnB dny to Mr. and Mrs. Kulju, who rcsldo at tho comer of Third nnd Commercial. Enstshlc Meeting Thero will ho a special council mooting of tho Enslsldo city council tonight for tho purpose of Installing tho newly elected officers. IIoiim Damaged. Pnrtlos In from IlaynuH Inlet today report that tho homo of a homestendor named Mason was Wrecked by tho storm tho other day. To Iluy Auto It Ih rcpotcd that II. F Williams of tho Flnnngan & Dennett hank will shortly Join tho ranks of tho local nutolsts, having aliout decided to purchaso a lino touring car for hlmsolf nnd family. Leave Tomorrow Thoso listed to leavo on tho Drnln-Gnrdlnor stngo tomorrow morning are: .1. It. llrowu, Mrs. .Incobs. It. I). Cham horlalu, Mrs. I). II. nurllngnmo, Mr. I). I). Hitrllngniue, W. Pugh nnd Herman Larson. WIII Elect Tho Swodlsh-Luthor-nu Church will hold Its annual busi ness meeting this afternoon, nt which tlmo will occur tho election of vari ous olllccrs and also tho reviewing of llnanclnl affairs. ..Forfeits Hall Win. Ingcrsoll, who was arested tho night boforo Inst In tho Breakwater Hotel for causing n disturbance, forfeited his $5 ensh ball today by not appoarlug for trial ho foro City Recorder Butler. Sells Home Mrs. S. A. Farrln of North Bond has sold her Marshfiold property near Golden nnd 5th strcots, to Mrs, Fannlo Hazard nnd will leave on the noxt Breakwater to make her future homo In Portland. Sho will 1 buy n homo there. ' Tunnel Work Stops Tho I3ugono Register says: "Work on tho Noll . tunnel has been temporarily closed down. Tho contractors nro out of l some supplies for blnsting nnd thoy 1 nro expected to nrrlvu from Snai I Francisco In n fow dnys, when tho i work will bo resumed. Thoy nro In to tho mountains nbout 1300 feet." Now Lights J. 13, Edmunds of tho Coos liny Wiring Company has just Installed a kind of electric lights in Lold's Bakery. Tho now system Is cnllod "Indirect" and Is so nrrnnged that tho light 1r reflected Instoad of being thrown direct from tho Incnn- descents. Theso nro tho first of tho kind In this soctlon. Gets Many Answers "Plonse stop that ad for men to do slashing at EI Creo ranch. Tho first Issuo brought us all wo neodod." This was tho statement of J. R. Robort son tho other dny. Ho had boon ad vertising for men to clear his land on llnynes Inlot nnd put a want ad In Tho Times with tho result abovo statod. Is Arrested F, J. Vormehr Is be ing tried In Justice Pennock's court this nftornoon on tho chargo of tres pass proforred by C. I, Relgard. Thoy own nuuttlng proporty In South Marshlleld and tho trouble results from n dispute over tho dividing line. Leaves for Washington, Dorsey Kroltzor recolved a delnyed 'tolo- grnm from Win. Grimes today Btatlng that ho had arranged to leavo Monrovia, Calif., yesterday for Washington to assist the Cooj Bay delegation in their campaign for nn appropriation for restoring tho Jetty. It Is expected that ho would try and -meet tho balance of tho delegation at San Francisco. Mill Resumes. Tho C. A. Smith m8. uotli' t'10 big plant nnd tho ono nt Bay City, resumed opera VW41DUUIUUIU Ul WIU llllllMUr I'll WIU docks has been tnkon out by ves sels tho last fow days and It Is not believed that tho mills will be handicapped again soon by tho yards bocomlng choked with lum ber. Umbrellas Covered at Marshfield Cyclery Dayton Agents, Phono 108-lt 172 Broadway I Ft.. 2.1 lira.. 1.18 (Ft.. 2.0 lira.. 1.05 Ft.. 3.8 SOCIAL CALENDAR. THURSDAY. North Bend Altar Guild with Mrs. J. W. Gardner. Koynl auction hrlclgo with Mrs. It. K. Booth. Coos Hay Motor Club at club rooms. Social Sowing Club with Mrs, 1). J. Hceso. FUIDAY. Ladles' Art Club with Mrs. Nols HiismuBscn. Mr. nnd Mrs. Win. Schroodor entertain nt their homo in North Marshfiold. North Bend News Mrs. Kale Hood and Miss Mild red Hood of North Ilond spent Now Year'B with Mrs. F. U. Hood on South Coos Hlver. Mrs. E. Gcorgo Smith, who spent Now Year's with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. It. McCann of North Ilond left for her homo on South Coos Hlver this morning. Mrs. R. L. Simpson nnd daugh ter MIbb Margaret of North Ilond, left today on tho Speedwell to visit with Mrs. Simpson's mother in Snn Francisco. Rov. Mrs. It. N. Lowis, pnslor of tho North Bend United Brethren church. Is holding rovlvnl services. They began last ovonlng nnd will probably continue for n period of thrco weeks. Tho Mlzpnh Blblo class of North Bond onjoyod a watcli party on Now Yenr's ovo nt tho Presbyterian church. Miss Ollvo Richards of Sumnor Is n guest for n fow days of Mrs. 13. Goorgo Smith of South Coos Hlver. Tho North Ilond city council did not moot this week but will hold Kb regular session noxt Monday night. I AMONG THE RICK. E. II. Snulre. cnrrlor of tho mall between Mnrahflold nnd Emplro, is roportod qulto ill nt tho homo of his dnughtor, Mrs. W. E. Wilson, In Forndnlo. Miss Eugenia Schilling, who has been very III nt her homo In Myrtlo Point, Ih reported to bo getting nlong nicely now, much to tho gratification of her ninny friends on tho Bny. An acuto attack of appondlcltls was followed by peritonitis, tho complication mak ing It very serious. Miss Eugonln Schilling who has been seriously III with nppoudlcltls at hor homo In Myrtlo Point, Is re ported ns greatly Improved today. Mrs. Z. O. Doward, who hns been seriously ill, Is roportod convnlesc ont, nnd was ablo to bo out today for tho first tlmo. Mrs. 1), A, Jones Is reported re covering rnpldly from tho effects of n recent operation at Mercy hospi tal. Tho sovon months old child of Mr. nnd Mrs. W. R. Blckford of DaulolH Crook, who undorwont nn operation nt Morcy hospital for spi nal trouhlo, Is roportcd to bo get ting nlong nicely. OVSTICI) m- REBELS. Tho Bnudon Recorder says: J. L. Plorco has roturncd from Mexico nnd Is visiting frlonds In Bnndon. Mr. Plorco roports n llvoly tlmo down In war ridden Mexico. Ho hnd a gonornl storo, 150 miles south of Vorn Cruz and soys tho wholo country heenmo In- festod hy bandits who subsisted by ronnery nnu spoliation. Mr. Plorco hung to his proporty nnd struggled against Increasing dnngors until ho wns forcod to floo for his life, being glvon Just tltreo (laya to get away. Everything In tho Bhnpo of proporty wns lost. After his oxporlonco with Moxlcnn bandits and tho hardships undor gono In gottlng out of Moxlco. Ban don nnd Coos county Iook pretty good to Mr. Plorco. DR. E. P. WINKLER has roturn od and Is now opon for business in tho front rooms OVER 180 BROAD WAY, opposlto The Times office. SPECIALIST in RHEUMATISM, APPENDICITIS, diseases of tho stomnch, howola and heart. NO DRUGS nnd NO KXIFE. COXSUL TATIOX FREE. CUT THE HIGH COST OF LIVING W. II. Chapman of Wlnnobago, Nob., tells how ho did It. "My two child ron had a very bad cough nnd tho doctor's modlcIneB did them no good. I got a hottlo of Foloy'H Honey nnd Tar Compound, nnd bo foro It was nil used tho children woro froo and cured of their cough. I saved a doctor's bill for ono 25o hottlo of Foloy's Honey and Tar Compound." No opiates. Sold by Lockhart & Parsons, tho Busy Corner. Fresh Bunch Turnips Crisp Head Lettuce Fresh Celery Stauff Grocery Co. Mnskcy's Candles. Phone 102 PERSONAL NOTES LESTER SMITH of Coos River is In town on business. MAYOR JORDAN of Enstsldo Is In Marshfiold today. L. D. SMITH of Daniels Creek Is In Marshlleld today. ALBERT DAVIS Is In town llnynes Inlet today. from J. N. COLE of llnynes Inlet spent the dny In Mnrshlleld. A. L. NOSLER Is hero from Drldgc on business nnd plensure. P D. BLAKE of Catching Inlet Is ii Marshfiold visitor today. MRS. 7.. T. THOMAS of Allegany la u visitor In tho city today. JOHN STONELAKI3 of Haynos Inlot is In town today on business. J. M. CULLEY of Catching Inlot Is In town today on business. MRS. R. 13. DYER Is a Mnrshflolil visitor today from Daniels Creek. MR. nnd MRS. WJI. STOCK of Sumner nro town visitors today. It. A. CHURCH of North Inlot Is a Marshfiold business visitor to day. MISS OLLIE RICHARDS of Sum ner Is n Marshflcld visitor to day. MRS. F. 13. MASON of Haynos Inlot is a visitor to Marshlleld for tho day. POHN ROBERTSON, n Haynos Inlot rancher Is In town today on busi ness. R. A. CHURCH of North Inlet Is n business visitor to Mnrshflold today. MISS HANNAH SANDQUJST of Sumnor is visiting In town for tho day. MR. and MRS. DAVE Daniels Creek aro visitors today. RICE of Marshfiold MR. and MRS. ANSON ROGERS aro In town today from their South Coos River homo. J. CLINKINI1EARD nnd wlfo of Dnnlols Creole nro In town today on business nnd pleasure MRS. W. II. DUNCAN loft on tho Speedwell this morning for n month's visit with rolntlvcs In Berkeley. MISS ZELLA SWINFORD roturnod today from a visit ovor Now Year's at tho 55. T. Thomas homo In Allegany. J. 13. SCHILLING and MR. MORSE roturned to Myrtlo Point Itoday after a short stay horo on business nnd plcnsuro, MR. nnd MRS. 13. N. M'DONNELL entertained nt Now Yenr's dlnnor hiBt evening nt tholr homo on North Fifth strcot. THOMAS BRADSHAW of tho Klm bnlllBrndBhaw Company Is ox pected homo soo nfrom n busi ness trip to Portland. E. N. FAIRCHILD loft for CoqiiIIIo yesterday to tako somo photos for nn nlbum of Coos County vlows, which ho oxpects to lssuo soon. MISSES EDNA AND ESTHER ASP LUND, who havo been visiting nt tho Mntt Mattson homo at biimnor, roturnod homo this morning. MRS. KATE ROOD of North Bond who has been visiting hor daugh ter, Mrs. Harry Russell for sov oral days, roturned to hor homo this morning. MR. nnd MRS. CHAS. SELANDER of Sumnor nro now In town to at tend tno business mooting of tho Lutheran Church. They will re turn tomorrow. R. N. WEBSTER Of North C.nrnt River, who has heon a guest at wie w. u uouoris Jiomo on Catch ing Inlet for a fow days, roturn od homo today. MRS. MARY ELROD, MRS. FRANK DENNING and IRIS ELROD re turned last ovenlng nftor spend ing tlio dny with Mrs. Win. Wlor oi uaynes inlot. HERMAN LARSEN, captain of tho dredge Orogon. will leavo tomor row morning for tho Siuslnw nf ter a two weoks' visit with rol ntlvcs and friends on tho Bay. ALEX WILSON, who has been Hv ing In Sumnor tho past two months In hopes of benefitting his health, roturncd homo this morning much Improved by tho chnngo. FOR SALIC Six-hole Toledo steel rango, l bed, springs, mattress and pillows; nlso cooking uton Bllo, cheap. Apply Times offlco or Olson's houso, noar United Brothron church, North Bond. C. A. MYRICK, brother of L-. W. Myrlck, formerly of Mnrsnflold but now of Gardiner, arrived in Murshflold from Rosoburg yester day. Ho brought his family with him nnd will remain on tho Bay for some tlmo. W. F. MILLER nnd wlfo will leavo on tho noxt Broakwater for Cali fornia. Mrs. Mlllor has not re covered from a sovero cold and nt tack of la grlppo sustained dur ing nn oastorn trip last fall, and will probably spend sovornl wcoka In Southern Cnllfornln or Arizona In hopes thnt tho warmer cllmato will provo boncflclnl. J. G. MULLEN of North Bond is a M Mnrshflold visitor today. J. II. LnCIIAPPELLE returned yes terday from Wisconsin, whoro ho accompanied tho remains of hla wlfo a fow woeks ago. 11. C. DII3RS of North Bond Is la Marshlleld today. Ho expects to outer Mercy hospital In n fow weeks for an operation for tho in juries sustnlned In the auto acci dent with J. A. Allen a fow months ago. MRS. T. J. MACOENN of Emplro wns n Marshlleld visitor today. Sho ro ports that tho olllcors of the Nnun Smith and Redondo gave a very pleasant dancing party thero New Year's ovo. Tho storm did very llttlo damago In Emplro except to blow over n fow windmills. IIUOII McLAlNwllflonvo Snturdny for Salem to attend tho meeting of tho Oregon Presidential elect ors. Thoy will cnBt tho ballot for Oregon for Wilson and select ono of tholr number to carry tho re turns to Washington. Whether Mr. McLnln will bo tho lucky man Is not ccrtnln but it is hoped that ho will ns ho would bo ablo to do somo good missionary work for tho Coos Boy Jotty whllo thoro. THE PEOPLES FORUM Tho Tlmos will bo ploasod to pub lish letters from Us readers on all questions of publlo lntorost. EacU totter must bo signed by tbo writer, and so far as poaslblo bo limited to ZOO words. In publishing tbcio tet ters it must bo understood that The Tlmos does not indorse tho vlows ex pressed thorolnj It Is simply affording a moans for tho voicing of different opinions on all questions . affoctlns; tbo publlo wolfaro. Law Which Should lie Pnscri la tho Next Legislature. Editor Times: Wo should havo a law rogulatlng tho transfor of real C3tato which compelled tho actual consideration to bo named In tho deed; n sworn statement in tho acknowledgment of such consideration would do more to settle tho tax troubles than nil clso wo could do. It would nlso glvo n bnso of values from which all could keep posted on tho innrkot prlco. In somo In BtnnccB It would dopress values and lnjuro Individuals. Wo should hnvo all such conditions beneficial to our county which will causo Its general dovolopmont. , THE INSTIGATOR. U t WHAT IS POIXSETTIA? " Editor Times: Cnn nny of you toll us what re lation tho poliiBottla blossom bears to Chrlstmns? I havo hoard the question asked ropentodly. I know what thoy hnvo meant to mo nt this tlmo whon thoy havo figured bo largoly In decoration.' of church nnd homo. Tho wondor f ul star In tho East pointed to tho birth of tho Savior and King, thoro In tho brown, baro stablo. So at this soason, from out tho browu atom of tho branch, hursts iiuhoraldod, tho blood rod stnr, king of tho Benson's blossoms, Ita shnpo calling to mind tho wondrous star of old; In color reminding us oC the shod blood for tho world's re demption. Warm, glowing, Im mensely vnlunblo, blooming at Christmas tlmo, a real flowor, does It not remind ono of tho honrt and spirit of tho Christ llfo bo hard for many to got and keep fresh la tholr lives, hut, onco nttalnod, brings such Joyous comfort? M. Damago by Storm, Part of ono of tho smokestacks on. tho old olectrlc plant In West Mnrsh flold wns blown clown Inst night. Many roofs woro damaged, shingles being torn off nnd water damaging tho Interior. ALONG THE WATERFRONT If Tho G. C. LIndauror Ih expectod to sail at C:30 tomorrow morning for Snn Francisco and Snn Podro. Tho Alllanco Is oxpected In horo lato Friday or oarly Saturday from Portland. Sho has heon barbound at Astoria, but It was expected that sho would cross out from thoro this, morning. MRS. SPEXOER RETURN'S. Mrs. C. M, Sponcor roturnod on tho Elizabeth from San Francisco, whero bIio had been for sovoral weoks during which tlmo Bho un dorwont nn operation at n hospital. Mrs. Sponcor has now entirely ro covorod and says she Is feollng flno and glad to get homo again. Her many Bnndon frlonds are glad to seo her homo onco moro. Bandoar Recordor. FRESH OLYMPIA and EASTERN OYSTERS Just recelvod. PDJON15 ORDERS TO COOS BAY IDE AND COLD STORAGE CO. PDJONE 7.1 KANTLEEK HOT WATER BOTTLES AND FOUNTAIN SYRINGES CANNOT LEAK AXD ARE GUARANTEED FOR TWO YEARS FROM DATE OF PURCHASE.