If IV r ' ti (, r. " " 1 UMM $y THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, THURSDAY, JANUARY 2, 1913 EVENING EDITION. COOS BAY TIMES SO. C. MALOXKV Editor niul 1Mb. AX K. MALOXKV X'" Kdltoi; Offlclnl Paper of Coos County. I '- 1 THOSE PLEDGES '0 m mV IX .MUISIII'IKLI) ?p 311CHK nro n good many reasons i for buying in MnrHhflold 'Our Internets nro liern. It wood enough to llvo in It Is good wiimxh to buy In. II 18 bout to tlunl with our friends. Wo can sou tlio goods. V made some pledges yostcnlny that quickly got Into our way when on the street .,omo friends wo met who wcro not quite through pledging vet, their friendship, In tho flowing bowl whoro pledges nlwayn toss and roll, and founder on tho JaRgwl rocks that He in most nil city blocks. Tho pipo wo passed tip, good, old Wend, enmo back onco nioro with Joy to blond, and twilight beckoned " to go, and stay where songs mii.i imiK.itnr flow. Wo had to yield to tempter's snaro. Wo could not take the fellows' dare. Wo spent our money Hlo young fools, Investing In Old Wo got what we pay for. (Jh.v Hoy's pools. So. now, witn pieugcs pnm wiui-nuu, u u imsg up The money Btays at homo nnd other. I suspect, nml wait until next New l ears uay uerore wo toss our works for Marshllold. faults away. Tho seller Is bock of tho goods. I v, , N year's pledges, come and gone, boforo tho next day's pleas- Thii homo merchant nays part or ... .... ... ............ Uio tiixim ntul dnon u irood deal of "nt unwn, we did our utmt to Keep our worn, mil man is weait, we 8 onen -.. -...-, ...... .. - ,, - - , Dm boosting. Wo linvo tho goods. LOOK WHAT THIS TOWX DIM! hoard. Wo'll lock you up within our hearts, way down where Goodness plays Its parts, and keep jou there out of our way till dawn of coming Now Year's Day. .rfrjarkOWNS that muko no attempt to PL wnko up and show some form " of civic prltlo should look to the example being sot by .Mowrystown, Ohio, a llttlo village which cannot boast more than !I0O souls, Five ynara ngo this llttlo Huckeyo state Sown was such a run down place that cvin the local undertaker thought "thoro was no use In staying. Streets and Hldowalks of tho village wore unimproved, tho alleys wero tilled with trash, the vacant lots had Una crops of weeds, and no one In the vHbigo scorned to caro n rail whether n3iool kopt or not. Ono day a llvo Idea struck one of Uio business men of tho village, who otlierwlso had been about as much of a dead ono ns the other business cui'ii, but tho Idea wim live, and so ittiiuk around for a while. It was "Why can't something bo dono with thiB town of ours?" Tho Idea made itself so folt that tho business man told Ids neighbor about It, and tho dxo called n third to talk It over. TVJm result was that tho Idea got to Ibuzzlng In tho heads of several of rtho business men at once, and It do ncloped Into a real llvo movement. Tho inovomunt of "cleaning up tho ttown" got n good start, and tho good sftuzl kept on until today .Morrystown Oca not to bo scoffed at. The vitiligo ftnii four miles of cement Hldewalks, Uio ntrcots nro Improved, tho vacant Iota mowed, tho business men arc alert to anything of a civic nature flint will help their village and fur ther Improvement conditions. Tho only thing poor about tho village of IMorrystown now Is tho crop of woods, for tho weeds are not doing TVOll. WITH TOAST AND TEA HOW TO MAKE I'ltlKXDS Tho way to niako friends Is as easy As breathing the fresh morning aid; It ain't by an art to be studied Alono by tho men who can spare Tho time from their everyday labors, To ponder on classical lore; It never Is taught In college And It Isn't a trick or n chore. Tho way to mako friends Is to be one, To Bmlle nt tho strangor you meet, To think cheerful thoughts and to speak them Aloud to tho people you greet. To hold out your hand to a brother And cheerfully say "Howdy-do," In a way that ho'll know that you in ea n It Tliat's all that's expected of you. Ho honest In nil of your dealings, realizes that he will need that good right baud of his to sign thousands of commissions for clamoring Dem ocrats. Adam was fortuuiito In losing only his rib when ho married; somo Coos Hay men scent to loso their entire backbone. -ll-tl- There's nothing better thnn mar rlago for bringing out nil tho tem per there is In red hair, "I'rojudlco and narrowness of mind," according to Lilian Russell, "are barriers at the gates of Hea ven." Somebody who tried to got In must have returned to do somo tattling. -U-tt- "Antioycd nt seeing his divorced wlfo listed In tho St. Louis directory Ho truo to your word and your homo, as 'Caroline Draper, widow,' David T. Draper remarried hor," reports tho Chicago Intor-Occan. Presuma bly It pcoved him to bo considered a dead one. According (o a scientist who has Investigated, Bomo Intoxicated rab bits hecomo mad and fight, whllo others run around In circles or he como sail and morose. Hut wo linvo yet to hoar of a rabbit that beenmo so soused that It attempted to kiss the bartender good night. A. TRAGIC TIMOLKT. And you win mako friends, never doubt It Whoreover you happen to roam. Condemn not tho brother who falters, Nor fawn on tho rich and tho great, Speak kindly to all who approach you, And give up all whining at fate, Kdgur A. Guest. The mistakes of others always look fierce, our own arc lambs. I'crhaps tho year III will bo tho best for n century. All tho dairyman had to do Is to got up, milk the cows, separate (ho CITV IIPILDIXM i..V i i.T . . '"'""."""'V re,,m r,'om ""J """ "' "" " to linvo riirrli'il llui iiwmt tiulrinlulilin. mi.1 .1 ....... . .. .. xiomuomonts. 'Now York's .Men- tint part of the next month. No nn Supremacy. "Hecnilt CHIwiir churning or finning over smalt but ln Whirlwind Tour to lloimt C ty", mi. ,.,., mtu ,invo been somo of tho headlines MiiyH tlio (lloiie. No city, no matter what Its maliiral advantages, may trust wholly to chaiico If It would re tain Its position. Other commit ultlcH tiro not trusting to chance, ' but nro carofully planning and working to enlarge their llelds of nctlvlty. Now York In Its early yciiro 'was tho most pushing of Amerl hmiii cltloH. In recent yoars New York has Toll that It could Indulge the lux ury of doing nothing for Itself In a concerted way. Tho conse quences nro already beginning to .npponr. To break up this condition of prejudicial apathy tho Mer chants' association has sot It- wolf to work. (An adopted poem dedicated to Dob Stanley! I wrote It as plain ns could be, "Her checks were ns rod ns n rnso." As nu nrdent and soul-stirring plea, I wroto It as plain as could bo. It appeared to tho printer's groat glee, "Her cheeks wore as red ns hor nose." I wroto It ns plain ns could bo, "Her cheoks wero as red ns ns a rose." --- Hero Is a good ono; The tlmo-to hit opportunity Is when It Is over the homo plate. Hugh .Mcl.nl n snyH Walt Mason's latest poem Is a libel on tlio demo crats. Hero It Is: Dear Woodrow Wilson: Horo I stand, n lightning rod In either linnd.it ...... ...,', ,, , , Impatient to bo struck; I told you "", sl- i'' ()l' ' ",: ll--' how I'd bleed mid die. but you linvo I I'MO.M-. KIltL. sent mo no reply Just like my dog-1! , '. ' gone luck! I told you If I had n ",0 ,'oi'io girl fits still In her chaiico I'd be your minister to! , , t'l,",r IVaiico. or ditto to St. James; turn ' "steiis to tho voices from ov- down tho patriots who shirked, butL, . orywlipro. don't neglect tho ones who worked, &,, Il0l,r.8 .' ,l10 ROBslp. she hears mull iii.,i. I,.-,. i.. (i,,. i.. l, ,.i v.... all tlio news: ....... ...,v ......... ii. v, I iniiiii:n. 1 If II Qi, ,, i , . well may shudder when you think: h" knowa who Is happy and who .. . "... - IlIlM l 1.1...... 01 now yriii'i lio lllioll tho b nk luul . . "" '" if; 1 our joyfl. knows nil tho girls who nro how you'd bo upon tho blink had oi, ,..''"" l", "11108; not tolled niul slaved for you, K,0W8 ,"" "r Borrows and nil iim.iwu.t H. i.. ...i ti our Joys. V,wo " . I throughout tho long campaign; V hn nils Morcants' ashoclatlou has had wore out body, boots ami brain ami Sll ' "mw ' out on a systein-l how have you behaved? Long sluco1 1,, " tlio Hoys; ...... ,,...,,., ,.,- , , m.,, nun you got my courteous unto: in. nn-i " "" "'r irouiiics, vnimri on twonty-iive. the coiiini tteo, Hwer to tho saino von wroto hut lon'. . "ow of our utrlfo, meolhiK nt 0::iO o'clock In tho morn- me hero ?" ,?, " ' ' Sho know ,,ver-v ' who Is ng to consult before setting forth, lu town predict tut J mi 1, . ,n ,l18 w'fo: ini iiiiiii in iiinciimin at Delinonlco'H mo down, that I'll uot soun for mli. lOM0 K" ? .vor.v " wo a vo i upon tlio tiay'K kii ns. much after i iim.'i i.wiut .... t i.'. ."...; . . wun mo Povs. --.....,. IS v iiinint nil nil imi:ii iiiihi ' f l .. uw iiiaiinor of the Y. M. ('. A. cam nlnu. "Wo Intend." bu.vh William V. Heed ponnrnl iniiiiagor of the inoveiuent, thn Merchants' association, with lis twenty-six committees and bureau it bus established and purpose es tablishing for industrial lulwincoiiuMit t?r foreign trade deelopiiitntn. for o obtaining of convent Innu. ri lhiindllng trnllli' problems Intelllgeiit- wy nun ror giving uronor nub icltv to nr work, wo Intend that all these T.ncies wun tlio rmtdH to bo added through Increased m.-uiborshlp, hIiiiII fete, oinployod for the general adanci' jmmit of New Yoik and Its commercial nd clvh' Interosts." When New York is forced to ad mit unit soinetliliiK more Is numloil luui nu iidvnutaKeoiis location and n v-icn country, wlint Is the lesson for otJior cities? is Tiiiim: a mokal? Mickey Smith died In Ireland tho Atliur day nt tlio ago of 1 1U. From a nrior nccount of Ids life wt learn tlmt ho smoked mid dr.mk Hourly all ins nro, married tiiroe times, worked until ho was li;i. and auddlod In tho poor house. If you can see tho norm In that you are welcome to It. inn sun to cost $11,000,000. J'lans tor lln(tli.iii IViinhiiiilii .ire linen nut, WASIIINOTOX. Pec 31.- Socr tnry of the Nav .Meyer In slunlne tho coiitiact plans for tho new bat tleship l'miiisylvHiila announced that uoo wotiiu ue kiii to tho pros tmciivo iimuers and tho bids will lie opened February IS. With hor meat displacement nf i.-ioo ions, tuu nattieuhlp will bo tlio Inrsetjt ami 11101 formidable of iiny navy. kh without her ar mor mid mm she will cost J7.425. ,00. Probably her lotsl cost, ful ly equipped for service. wl e b tweon Jll.OOO.ilOO and f 12, 000,- XOTICK. Coinmenclug Tuos.dny, Decombcr a, tho Mnrshflold-Hmplro auto will luavo Mnrshfleld at !);30 a. in. and 1;00 p. in. for Kinplro. BllQ mean ro out 1111 rii:ii - fi though such 11 sunn would m It mi"11 m.w..,.no ,""'P '"'i fallow Suri!;x,Jr,;!',!,;.,,),,,,,?,;;;;si'' taris;s .. man who drllleil tho dubs, mid or. ganWed tho Wilson clubs at Mudvllle-oii-the-Illll. Walt Mason. STOKY OF tin: day - I V .Money Well Spent. Arthur lUnnchard. who spoiuN much of his time traveling over tho country for the government, was beate.l behind n brldo and groom In 11 I'ulliunii car one afternoon when tlio train went through u long tun nel. As It emerged Into the light "i ua- uio urine was grabbing des each saury curl Of the quiet, deniuro tolephono girl. If tho tolophono girl would tell nil sho knows It would turn nil 011,. friends Into bitterest foe. Sho could bow n smnll wind thnt would turn to a gale, Kngulf us In trouble mid land us In jail; Sho could lot go n story (which gaining In force Mould cause half our wives to suo for dlvorco;) Sim rnulil irn nil ....- 1 nv "ii uiir cuiirciios mix- V1 "!J '' '' 'lt'-o And turn atf dllriiUys" sorrow fast rounds with one or two hatpins niiuii nun necouio loosoned. In order to relieve tho sltuntlon and Inject some hnrinloss conversa tion into the gap. Ulaiichaid re marked: "This tunnel cost 112.000.000." "Woll." said tho brldo Judicially, "It was worth It." If tho family no.t door wonrs nioro st.Nllsh clothes thnn hor own, a woman can easily Imagine thev have lew to eat. -ll-ll- It's easier for some Coo liny men to pray for forKlveness than It is to fight temptation. -JJ-M- Wloii will cut out tho public 10 ceptlons and handshaking stunts nt the Whllo Houso. No doubt ho lllg IllKlltS! In fact eho could keep tho wholo town in n Btow If sho told the tenth part of tho things that sho know. Now, doesn't It mako your aching bond whirl When ;oii think of tho trlnls of tho telephone girl? F. M. Cookslo. -tt-H- "uinl'ifn0rl,V"wKay3 nr cArthur. will become better as truth become universal." The ono depressn" thought in this connection T tlmt it Mil decrense tho number of rail- oiySpSg"'0 bul,t ,0 Cooa Wi i:sc.i'i:n .iTi:it in ykahs. W. P. Hrojles nmdo n success- 1111 cheapo after 1 rerlnt; from years Kinney and of suf-bladderl trouble. Foley tUdney Pills re leased him niul will tin 1mr ii buiiio jor ouiers. o says. "They cured a most sovero backache with painful blnddor Irrogularltlos. and they do all you claim for them." Uofuso substitutes, Lockhart & Parsons, Tho llusy Corner. Pictures & Framing Walker Sfudio Have That Roof Fixed xow See GOliTBELt I'HOXE aiat. Marshfield Business College Day and Night School tiii: sioxs of thi: ti.mi:s. Lack of business knouledgo uns nluays n grlcious bii cai even before business as King; before It became too biggest gn.no men play, ns It Is today. Long Uillom appicu tlccshlps nt llttlo or no pay foiineily morcniuo handicaps, np prentlccslilps nro no more not In inisliicss and I lie Inexper ience Mlilcli ns onco 11 handicap, Is now 11 poslthe bar, Unit HOPKLKSSLY HLOCKS even your beginning. l "-' tU' cldctlly still your ndvaiiceinent. A mail unfamiliar with business Is undesirable ns nn qui ploye, useless ns n lnaiiagcr, niul n .serious iinlik'in to those who would befriend lilm. A sound, modern training, ulilcli will enable you to glvo n good nccount of yourself, right nt tho stmt, In a position of trust nnd responsibility, Is what Is now offered jou.' Lv plnnntory litcrnturo will won bo on the ground. For partic ulars write tlio college. Temporary Headquarters, Hotel Chandler. Cli-mv A .,1 Q x.y nmu oervij woou jurs, uaroiui Urhen .Ananimliln .linrffna .. l iu..u...,..uiv Viiiuitjua, UUf . "Will go nnywlioro nt nnv C,...lr. tllna.M.. ff.4., . "Q nii.iiun uiuiiv.u uwim nnil III. Cigar Storo. Dny PhonoaTg ..l Night Phono 40. "I You Auto Call h IMIOXH 1II.J NiailT AM)r, nuuiii mini, 111 uiojii Hqij TWO NKW OAltS After 11 1. M. pw. Itcsldenca I'liouo .8J iii niiiKii in-m ir, rnqnlUjl Unique Pantatoriu TIIK MODKHN DYICltB. Cl,nAJ PHKSSKHH and HAT ItHXOVM Agent for lVnvnrd II. Htrau, Co., Kino Tnllorlng. 1 J mnko your next suit. ana ohxtual. i'iinne; PROFESSIONAL OIRECTCl Send a Check Don't run nroiind paying your bills In currency when jou win Just ns well send n check. Xo trouble about making change when you pay by check. Xo dispute can ever nrNo nliout n payment 111111I0 by check.. Tho lmnk, after cashing It, hands It back to you, making nu iiudlspiitnhlo receipt. Xo danger of losing money, or being robbed of It when you put It in tho bank anil pay by check. Less temptation to spend it if It's in the bank Instead of In your pocket. You're money nliend niidlmvo worry behind when you have 11 checking nccount nt the ThD First National Bank Of Coos Bay OLIVIA KD.MAN, Mcchnno-Tlieranlst Scientific Swedish Massngo, j uymnasticR 025 S. Sixth Ht. Phono flj TOUfi OSTLINI), J Piano Tuner nnd Hon lit) S. Sixth Stroot. Phone 111 r)UItIi UILEY llAIiLIXdCIt Pianist nnd Tccb9l Kcaiuonco-aiuuio, zii so, Drob'J I'uono 18-ti. WM. B. TUHPEX, AKCHITKCT Mnrshflold, Orogon. It. W. MOItKOW, Dentist. 171 Grinioo llulldlng, otct Theater. OIUco Phono 820.1 "WT O. CHAXDLKH, Architect I IlooniH 001 nnd .'102, Coko Dt Marshflcld, Oregon. pvIU A. J. HKNmiY'H X-J Modern DcnUl Pnrlonl Wo nro onulnood to do hhrhi work on short notlco nt thii lowest prices. Examlnntlon! Lndr attendant. Coko nidc.o Clinmllor IIool. phono IKJ. I'Olt A (JOOD WAT' II OH l-'IXK JUT! . C. B ARKEI 1 ji:wi:li:u I'Iiio Wntcli nnd Jewelry Ilfp 1 2(1(1 I'nuit St.. MnrsliflcUl Parties Desiring Monuments Erected Would do well to mil nt PACIFIC MONUMENTAL WORKS South Broadway and mako selec tion from tho largo stock now ou hand. 2na Wilson lias in his employ tho only practical marble and granite cutter iu Coos County. And none but the best work is turned out. New and Second Hand Furn sold 011 tJio iiistullmciit A HAHIUXGTOX, DOYLi: A 11(12 Fix) nt St. Phono iMO-L .'Miirnhtkld T. J. SOAIFK A. II. 1I0DCI1 STATKM1CXT OF COXDITIOX FLANAGAN & BENNETT BANK MAKSIIFICLI), OHKfiO.V KSTADLISHED 1889. At tho close of business, Xovomber 20, 1012, RESOURCKS. Loans and Discounts jjRir.isTii CaTn'n , "ST, h' ' J ! ! ' ' ' ! ' ! '' '' ' "'SioM Cash nnd Sight Exchange 2G3;89!UC Tolal 1 J797.457.09 ..... . LIABILITIES. Capital Stock paid In s r,n nan an Surplus nnd Undlvldod Profits ..'.'' ' mosq'tr Dopo8lta .....:::: om:"?: To,al J797.4B7.09 C A. Smith Lumber & Mfg. Co. Marshfield Pain p Decorating , Furnished. Phono 1-1' .11 EfttiumtcH 'AltSHFIKLI REAL ESTATE, INSll I ANCE AND RENTAL I Somo fino barRnlns In Hfill tnto. iiousos and rooms for AUO. FHIZKICX. 08 Contral Avonue. R. J. M0NT60MEB Real Estate and Insura 244 North Front Street RETAIL DEPARTMENT LUMI1KK, iaTII, SHIXGLES, MOULIUXGS, SASH AND DOORS ROOFIXG PAPER, ETC. CUT THE FUEL HILL IX TWO II V USIXG OUR WOOD. PHOXK 100. 182 SOUTH BROADWAY UUILDIXG AND REPAIR House Moving und Grdlo(J wo nro proparod to do toll' by tho day or contract and mir atlsfactlon. Lot ua flguro wltbl O. H. FLOYD & CO I Phono 31-J. MartdifleUl First Class Weavij promptly dono nt Gardiner's Rog Carpet fad Cor. Union and Montana StrH Phone 131. North Benl Abstracts, Real Estate, Fire and Marine Insurance Title Guarantee and Abstract Co. HEXitY SKNGSTACTCEN, Mgr. Coqullle Office Phone 191 - PUttlns Land- ,peuity. Farnia Timber Cosl andenU "EA8TBIDR" anoral Ag Mtrshgeld Office 14-J. Clearance Sale HIG CUT IX PRICES ladles' Children's nnd Men's SHOES. All now stock. Uto-dato tasts. The Electric Shoe Shop WANTED ! ! ! CARPETS UPnOLSTERIXaAND K uSS? Con,pany' n,ers t0t GOING & nARVEY, Phone 100 Marshfield & North Bend Auto GOnST & KING. Propriety Cnrn Ipdth KfnrafiflalA MD ralnutoe from 7:15 a. m. unlH mldnltrht. T.nnni Mnrth KHil same schedule, starting at 7 J uuui mmmgnt. Sou Saturanr tor Bcnedulo. We Clean and Pf Ladies' and Gent's S Goods Called for and Delivered Coos Bay Steam Latin PHONB UAIN 57J Marshfield, Oregon. Somo choice lots In NORTH w can De had at a Tery reasonaf1? If taken now. B. S. GEAR ' vim National Dank. Tkikik. "Tn'ii 7rri"?'i(cr",r-us.w WffKTU . .-. v-. .. .. J. tliJ