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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 30, 1912)
En hi ion iou in e wear. lady figures fitting ou get Corset, fN THE COMMUNITY THAT NEEDS SHAKING JWJjg LINE AT AN EARTHQUAKE in impish of authority- jd &i &P . I ""to .tiii? PAPER OF AUTHORITY' In jimisMi'-, iu iimupciMi tnt Times. Ft Is for (ho city ,, uoiniiitiiilly llrst, last ami ,H tho time. JOIN THE TIMES FAMILY. VL'OOS mn$ mmtB MEMBER OF TUB ASSOCIATED PRES WATCH THE WANT A1XS. There nro ninny good bnrgntno to ho found tliore. Anythlnp lost or found Is always ndver tlscd In Tlio Times. EExsXoXaszsa Established In 1878 I vVYUI Estnuilslicu In 187 BL.AAAVIIttfl TJl0 Cfmst Mn MARSHFIELD, OREGON, MONDAY, DECEMBER 30, 19 12 EVENING EDITION. A Consolidation of Times, Const Midi mid Coos liny Advertiser. No. 14Q o Co, 361-J ,!Lfi!dl ""1'ieiea. of EoreVjl ""at or li HIS POST 10 GO EFFECT DAY AFTER TOMORROW "me III. "Here I .toipcl.( " r. i 'onfill it cadeny i 'r Parent! tan. 'owi re- a. Bone-I ' ner noimtfi itiea Oc in Hi) Itltndln li;. ar- Peai i rriendi t of Eta- ado Sat' t!.lt nei ail k (roa r ipeat i a&J lose Hlfccet 'iter. lied it I left or tit Berke k (e father. -I Una of Lame Packages pected to Revolutionize Business or uountry. STOFFICE DEPARTMENT ARRANGES r-UK SYSItM I U of Packages and Weight and Distance Will Reg ulate Charges Made. i; AnocltlM Trrfi to loos ny Tlmca. ASHINGTON. Dec. 30. A New if' Rift by tho Amorlcnn Qovorn- at to tho Atnoncnn poopio win Do toroughly equipped domestic Par- post. Following consideration of lubjcct In n general wny for n 1 of n contury, Congress, Inst rait, authorized tho Postmnstor teral to establish tho now Hyalom January 1st, 1913. It nctunl oponitlon. It In expected it tho Parcel Post will bring the (cry una tho fnrtn Into closer touch tit tho consumer, and that It may loco tho cost of living. Tho InrgOHt j and tho most obscure hnnilot ie will enjoy tho ndvnntngo of the ireel Post. It will bo open to nil on Klicly oqunl terms. rho now systom will bo a dlroct petltor of tho cxprusn coinpnnloH,: ;itlculnrly ou Hinnll pnekago busl- Dy It, shippers prnctlcnllv iniiy -J from their own doors, pnrcols my ono of tho GO, 000 postolllces, tho United States. Jho rales of postage for Pnrcol Post ttcr diner radically from those other classes of mall. First, soo- sj and third class innll mutter now transported nt a lint rnto for any stance. Parcel Post rates aro bnscd m n sorlcs of zones, and they ln-i reaio ns the dlstnuco Increases. Tho, ntzono IncludcH nil torrltory wlthln ramus or approximately ou union from tho postolllco nt which tho pur (I mny ho mulled; tho second, lf.O lies: third, 300 miles: tho fourth, 05 miles: tho fifth. 1.000 miles: tho !itb, 1,100 miles; tho sovonth, 1,- inllcs; nnd tho eighth, nil torn- ory boyond 1,800 miles. uy tho tonno of tho law. nil inntter ot now embraced In tho first socond d third clnssos of mull matter, may teforwnrdod by Pnrcol Post, iirovldel ungio pnekngo does not exceed 11 onus In weight or Is not grontor In tensions than 72 Inches in combln- length nnd girth,, nnd In not of ca n character ns to Injuro postnl uployes or dumneo oquliimont or otter mnll mutter. In u word, it will lacludo nil kinds of merchandise Tho rates nro computed on tho dls Unco nnd on tho weight of tho pack- ate In pounds. Provision is ninth), IlOWflVOr fnt citiinll wnlflilm from ono to four ounces, which may e lent on n flat rnto of ono cent for each ounco. but for nnckniros woluh- lag moro than four ounces tho nound rate of nostuuo nnnlles. Within tho postnl district of any Postolllco n local rnto of five cents for the first pound nnd ono cent for each additional pound Is proscrlbod. With la tho CO miles representing tho first one, tho rnto Is flvo cents for tho nrtt pound and threo cents for oacli additional pound. This rnto increases lth tho dlstnuco, until It roaches n maximum of twolvo cents a pound for dellvory within tho eighth zone. 1, 300 miles from tho point of mnlllng. under tho regulations promulgated by Postmaster Gonornl Hitchcock, tho maximum rnto of twolvo cents a Pound applies , except tboso weigh ing four ounces or loss, addreseed to oy point in Cnnadu, Mexico, Cuba nd tho Republic of Pannmn. Tho domestic rnto nlso applies to nny Point In tho Hawaiian Islands, tho United Stntea Postnl Agency nt Bhang tud, to any point In Alaska nnd bo tweon nny two points In Alnskn. It applies, likewise to parcels mailed In the United States for dellvory In tho Cannl Zone and to parcols going to or coming from tho Philippine Is lands. In tho opinion of tho postal exports the new sorvico will bo tho most gl lautic transportation proposition over undertaken by the Govornmont. Tho lOrvlco will nvtnml nvop mora than 1.435,000 miles of transportation j lines, Including 233,899 miles of, uuwayai ltn, J'J'J mi. oi sinr rumen steamboat lines, nnd 1,007,772 miles of rural mall routes. For parcel post matter, n distinc tive sot of postngo stamps has been Provided. Theso distinctive stamps must bo used for all parcel post mat ter, if tho packages bear ordinary stamps they will ho held for postage. Immediately upon tho enactment of the Parcel Post law, Fostniasto- Gen eral Hitchcock appointed a committoo t Postal officials to work out tho do talls of the new system and to put Into operation. Tho committeo consists of the highest authorities on J'l Phases of postal ndralnlitrntion.t Jts personnnl is Robert S. Sharp, Chief Postoftlco Inspector, Chairman; j J. O. Koons. Superintendent of Sal-, arles and Allowances; O. D. Hurroy. Chief fiprir in ihn TMr.i Assistant! Postmastor-Gonoral; G. L. Wood, Su perintendent of tho Rural Malls; and GOAL PRIGES iE 60ING UP Beaver Hill and Libby Products to Be Advanced Fifty - ' Cents Per Ton. It was announced today that tho prlco ot coal in Mnrshflcld will ho advanced CO cents per ton Jan uary 1. It Is understood that tho ndvanco hns boon agreed to by both tho Hen vor IIIU nnd Llbby Minos, which have been supplying tho bull; of coal for Mnrshflold this year. Under tho advanced schedule, M. II. Mulloy snld thnt Llbby coal would soil for $C.C0 nnd ?C.OO per ton. Hugh McLnln, who handles the nonvor Hill coal says tho prlco tin dor tho now schedulo will bo $0.00 por ton. Mr. Mcl.nln has been hnndlcappod by tho Iloaver Hill bunkers In Mnrshfleld. being out of commission. Ho ban to hnvo tho conl shoveled from tho cars Into wngons, mnklng a longer haul, and costing about; 2G cents por ton ad ditional for hauling. MAIfj IS liATE Tho Incoming mnll this morning wns several hours Into ns n result of tho stago being delayed by tho bnd road nnd trees blown down across tho highway. I L W (Continued en Pago Foar.) CrilllY COUNTY PIIESKNTS HKA SOXS WHY KTKKAM SHOl'1,1) HE KEPT OI'H.V FOlt COM.MEHCIAIj 1NDUSTHY. Tho Port Orford Trlbuno prints tho following: "Petitions nro bolng circulated throughout tho sovernl counties In this part of tho state asking the leg islnturo, which couvonos In Janu nry, to open Hoguo Hlvor to commor clnl fishing to tho oxtont of using sot nnd drift nets, but prohibiting solnos At first thought this seems n wlso provision, nnd doubtloss many nro signing tho potltlons who would not do so If thoy stopped to consldor tho ninny phases of tho question. Not another stream In tho stnto has such restrictions, nnd tho point nt Issuo is, aro conditions such us to warrant nn exception In tho Hoguo Hlvcr case Tho country contiguous to tho Co lumbln, nnd other rivers In tho stnto, has many developing Influences bnck of it, whllo In Curry county tho fish ing industry on Hoguo Hlvor hns for ninny yonrs been tho only pormnnont pnyroll Industry in tho county, nnd with tho oxcoptlon of tho Ilrooklng compnny, Just stnrtlng in tho south end of tho county, It is so today. And tho prohibiting of seines on tho river mny work havoc to this industry so fnr ns tho people of this section are concornotl. Tho Weddorburn Trading Com pnny, who bought out tho Hume es tnto nbout n year ago, havo spent over $100,000 improving tho property in tho Interim. Thoy nro ono of the heaviest taxpnyors In tho county. The groator tholr returns from tbolr hold ings, tho grontor will bo their ex penditures In Its development. Tholr Interests aro Identified with tho in terests of tho peoplo of tho county, and with tho advantage tho seining would glvo them It would be money In their pocket to keep tho river stocked with fish. Now, by opening tho river to set nnd drift nets, nlono, it places any outside company with nn oqual footing with this company. Tho outsldo company has not a dollar In vested In tho county thoy como in nfter tho first of March nnd go out in tho fall, thereby escaping tnxntlon. In tho pellmoll scrnmblo for salmon, no ono company will bo deriving suf ficient returns to Justify maintaining a hatchery. Tho day for the small meshed solno hns passed nnd tho open season may bo shortened without objection, nnd with theso innovntlons, together with tho bound ngreoment of tho Wedder burn Trading Company, that thoy say they would give, to operato two hat cherlos and pay a fair prlco for fish, it seems to tho Tribune that there may be a grlovous mistake made If tho river Is not opened for selnlung. Tho question is at least worth tho careful consideration of thoso who have tho Interests of the county at heart." VESSELS KEPT IN BY STORM Expect Nann Smith, Redondo, Speedwell and Breakwater Sail Today. Owing to the storm that has been prevailing off tho const, tho flcot of vessels which woro ready to sail Saturday woro kept in tho Day un til today. This morning tho bar was qulto n bit smoother than It hns boon slnco Frldny nnd it wns ex pected thnt nil of them would got out on this attornoon's tide. Tho vcsscla In tho Uny wcro tho Itcdondo, Nnnn Smith and Speed well, bound for San Frnnclsco, and tho Urcnkwator, bound for Portland. Tho Homer and G. G. Mndnuor woro roportcd off tho bar this fore noon and it was expected that thoy would cross In this afternoon. Tho Hardy, Llndnurer and Homor arrived In from the South this afternoon. SQUALL CAUSES SMITH COMPANIES MAKE BIG M M E Humor Dented. It wno roportcd around town thnt a big trco had fallen ncross n trcs tlo of tho Smith-Powers Logging rond near Cnmp G and put tho lino out of commission. Tho tolophono linos nro nil out of commission ns n result of tho storm, but A. II. Powors stnted thnt ho wns nuro tho report nbout tho troublo near Camp G was wrong ns thoro was no big trees near tho long trestles. Supt. Fred Powom wns sent to tho Isth mus Inlet enmps this morning to sco thnt any possible dnmngo wns quick ly repnlred. Tho camps woro to open today after being closed nbout a week for tho holidays. WEATHER T 0 Only About Fifty Turned Out for Benefit Performance for Public Library. Tho storm thnt provnllcd yestor dny rnlsod havoc with tho benefit concert by tho Coos Hny Hnnd, for tho Mnrshflold Public Library. Only nbout fifty peoplo braved tho rough wonthor nnd tho door rcncelts woro nbout $1G. Dosplto tho small nudlcnco In tho theater, Director Fen ton nnd tho bnnd boys decided to go nhond with tho concort nnd rendored nn excel lent program, inoro than reimbursing thoso who hud dnrcd tho storm to honr it, Todny Mnnngor Wilson nnd Direc tor Fonton woro discussing tho Idea ot repenting tho concert nt nn onrly dnto when nioro favornblo wonthor would ennblo them to turn over a lnrgor nmount to tho library. This will bo conditional on whe ther or not tho city council decides to contlnuo Its support of tho organi zation. Tho city, through tho coun cil, Is now appropriating $1C0 por month for tho innlntnlnnnco of tho bnnd. Without this support, It is stnted, tho band boys cannot bo kopt up. It Is likely thnt n strong nppcnl will bo mndo for tho contlnunnco of tho band, ns rt is recognized ns ono of tho best muslcnl organizations that hns over been gotten together In n small city, and for that matter, mu sical critics consldor It tho oqual if not tho superior to many of tho met ropolltau bands. Wind and Rain Storm Made Sunday Most Disagreeable Day in Long Time. Coos Uny yestcrdny experienced ono of tho worst squnlls It has known In a long time. Rnln nnd wind mndo tho day one o ftho most dlsngrcenblo for tho yenr. Tho wonthor wna fitful, tho wind blowing sovcrcly by gusts nnd spells. When It cnlmcd down n llttlo, tho rnln would begin nnd contlnuo until tho wind beenmo moro sovcro. Telephone, telegraph nnd electric light wires wcro bothered consider ably. During tho nfternoon somo of tho high tension wires nenr tho Mr. sonic Opcrn Houso wont down. Ono end fell In n puddlo of wnter. shock Ing n number of cnnlnes thnt happen ed to wander through tho pool. Tho other end fell ncroBs tho tolophono cnblo nnd gnvo nn electric dlsplny. Tho current had to bo shut off nt tho plnnt for hnlf nn hour or so to en nblo tho llnonien to repair tho brenk. Sovernl poles woro broken in North Uend and distribution wires In both towns woro blown down nt n numbor of places nnd n crew worked most of tho night nnd todny repairing tho urenkfl. A number of signs woro blown down nnd somo minor dnmngo douo nround town. A chimney on top of Leld's bnkory building was blown off nnd broko n renr window in tho crash. Scores of umbrcllns of peoplo who ventured out In tho storm wero torn to shreds or blown away, nnd not u few lints of both men nnd women woro enrried nwnw by tho blnst. INCREASE IN CAPITAL STOC W E KIT BY STOBM All Telepgraph and Telephone Lines Down in All Direc tions from Coos Bay. NO TIHjEOHAPH news Owing to the wlro bolng blown down, Tho Times whb unnblo to eccuro nny Assoclntod Press sorvico todny. It Is doubtful it wiro sorvico will bo restored by tomorrow. PENSION FOR WIDOWS ASKED 1IHEAI) AXI) WATEH IS FATE. Eugene- Pennllzcs City Prisoners Who Hefuso to Work. EUGENE, Oro., Doc. 30. Eleven city prlsonors, charged with vng rnncy, aro now living on bread and water, as tho result of refusal to go to work on tho streets. These men wero each given flvo dnys' work on tho streots, but nftor thoy had boon fed a breakfnst of good beofstenk, frlod potntoos, brend and coffeo, they rofusod to leave tho Jail and tho chlof of pollco announced a brend nnd water diet until thoy ngreed to go to work or until tholr sentenco has oxplred. Tho chlof nlso took awny tholr tobneco and their newspapers. L. -15f7 . THOUHLE AT EUREKA. Steamer Wellesley Hntlly Damaged ly KiriKing on uio Jinr, EUREKA. Cni Dec. 30. Tho stonmor Wellesley scraped Humboldt bar Thursday and was compelled to put back to port horo. Tho ves sel's pumps wero used nnd gangs of stevedores dlschnrgod tho deck lond. Whllo lonklng badly. It Is not bolloved sho will sink. Tho Wol lesloy is tho third steamer to striko tho bar this month. NEW YEAR'S HALL nt EAGLES' HALL New Year's night, JAN. 1, lOia. KEYZER'S Orcheitra. Mrs. Herbert Armstrong and Other Local Women to Circulate Petitions. Mrs. Herbert Armstrong of North Ilend wns In Mnrshflold todny en route to Myrtlo Point for a short stay, Sho Is nldlng tho campaign to sccuro tho enactment of a bill nt tile coming session of tho Oregon legislature providing for pensioning widows nnd orphans. Mrs. Armstrong will hnvo peti tions circulated In North Uoud nnd Mnrshflold, tho Coqulllo vnlloy towns nnd In Curry county. Tho potltlons will bo directed to Sonntor I. S. Smith, Representative Darton nnd Representative Pelrco, who com poso tho local loglslntlvo dologntlon, Sho will hnvo tho potltlons circu lated by prominent members of tho W. C. T. U. nnd women's clubs and plans to got n lnrgo numbor of sig natures. It la understood thnt sim ilar potltlons nro bolng circulated throughout tho stnto nnd n form of a bill desired Is attached to tho po tltlon. Tho proposed law will nrovldo thnt onch county shall pay a pon slon of $10 por month to each wo- womnn who hns ono child to sup port, nnd $7.C0 for each addltlonnl child. Tho bill provides only for women, wno, through tho loss of their husbands by death or Incar ceration in somo Oregon Institution or by tho physical inability ot tho lattor, Ib compelled to provido for tho children. It is stated that tho object Is to keen tho chlldron with tho mother. In caso tho mother proves Incompotont, it provides that tho county court shall deslgnnto somo ono to supervlso tho expondl turo of tho pension money allowed. It further provides that tho pon sion shall cease in caso tho woman romnrrlos nnd ponslon monoy will not bo nllowod for nny child nfter ho or sho attains tho ago ot 10, Coos Day Is nioro completely Iso lated from tho rest of tho world to dny than It hns been In n long time. Tho Western Union wlro botweon hero nud Rosoburg went out ot com mission enrly yosterdny nnd Manager Schcttcr does not bollovo thnt It will bo pnsslblo to rcstoro sorvico for n dny or two. Ho fenrs thnt scores of trees woro blown down across tho lino along tho old Coos Day wngou road. The lino Is oven down botweon hero nud Sumner so thnt ho cannot got nny doflnlto Idon of how oxtenslvo tho troublo Is, but ho fenrs It Is tho worst It hns bcon In n long time. All of tho Coos Dny Homo Tolo phono Company's toll wlros nro out of commission, tho lino oven bolng down botweon horo nud Coqulllo this morn ing. It is roportod thnt tho wind wns moro sovoro In tho Coqulllo Vnl loy thnn In this vicinity yestordny, nnd consequently tho dnmngo to tho lines will probably bo greater thoro. Ltnomon nro now working nlong tho lines. Filed Amended Articles of fir corporation at Salem ta Provide for Big Sum. PROVIDES f"0RMANY CHANGES IN BUSINESS Enlarging Mills, New VesseTs and Construction of Log. - ' ging Railroads. SALEM Or. Doc. 30. Tho CT. A. Smith Lumborlng & Mnnufncturfoc Company, n Mlnucsotn corporation!, tiled supplemontnry articles lneteni Ing tho capital stock from $3,GflO),4QO to $R,000,000. Tho Iiitcr-OceiKa Transportation Company nniV tue Smith - Powors Logging Comcmnri both Smith concerns, nlso IiwrKiaw tholr cnpltul stock, tho former tVraa $300,000 to $7,n00,000 nnd tho lat ter from $G00,000 to $900,000. PROVIDE FOR WORir.. L LINE? IN E THANKS ARE GIVEN. Library Houitl Expresses Apprecia tion of Concert. Miss Topping, librarian of tho Mnrshflold Public library, issued a stntoment todny In npprcclntlon of tho concort. In it, sho states: "Tho library board of tho MarBh flold Publio library wishes to thank tho nowspapors, for tholr help In advertising tho concert given for tho benefit of tho library, December 29, They also deslro to oxtond tholr thanks to Mr. Goorgo Rotnor of tho Woolen Mills storo, Frank S. Sum ner of tho Sumnor Hardwaro Co., nnd A. J. Mendel of tho Hub for their contributions of advertising. "Though tho amount raised yes terday by tho bnnd was small, it was not duo to any lack of pluck on tho part of tho band, which turned out to a man, nor to tho smnll but nppreclatlvo audlonco whloh braved the storm. Tho board appreciates tho spirit which prompt ed tho benefit, even though through untoward circumstances, tho result waa not largo.' Representatives of Companies Projecting Southern Ore gon Roads in Portland. PORTLAND, Doc. 30. Represen tatives of threo conflicting linos from Southern Oregon to Crescent City, Cnl nro in tho city, oxcluslvo of tho Southern Pacific proposition to Invatlo tho samo timber and min ing country. Tho utmost secrecy hns boon mnlntnlncd ns to tho ob ject hero ot nil thoso dlvorso forces hut thoro is reason to bollovo thnt tho backers of ono or moro of tho projects nro horo to got nctunl do velopmont work undor way. Ex-Mayor J. F. Roddy of Med ford, who hns bcon nursing tho Grants Pass-Crescent City lino for soma time, and hns nlrondy secured tho pnssngo of $250,000 to fiunnco tlio road, is horo In conforenco with a numbor of local promoters. It Is understood thnt this issuo of $2(10,000 to flnanco tho road, is horo in conforenco with a numbor ot local promotors. it Is under stood that this issuo Is invnlvod In somo logal rod-tnpo that will havo to bo unwound boforo any actual work can bo dono. McArthur & Porks, tho great ratlrond contracting firm of Lon don, who forcod tho Southorn Pa flo to buy thorn out of tho Wllln motto Pnciflo lino now bolng con structed from Eugono to Coos nay, havo an ngont in tho city, who has only rccontly returned from n con foronco in London. This outfit has millions bohlnd It nnd Is now lutor ested In promoting n lino from Mod' ford to Crescent City, to connect at tho former city with tho Pacific & Eastorn, ns woll as with tho Southern Pacific at that point. Tho activities of tho McArthur & Porks crowd may not moan tho ac tual building of tho rond by thorn, but it mny bo nnothor enso of com pelling tho Hnrrlman Interests to pay a fancy prlco for this feeder, just as wno dono when tho London firm grabbed tho most doslrnblo rights of wny for a lino to Coos Day. Enlarging Cnpltul Stork to Tnko Cncw of Incrcmcd IIiimIiichs. It Is understood hero that the to cronso of tho cnpltnl stock of th C A, Smith Compniilcs Is to moroly tatto enro of tho enlarging of the liuafncin now under wny. Tho C. A. Smith Lumbor nnd Mas ufncturlng Compnny Is making; Wr: Improvements horo nt Oakland dH nt Sncrnmcnto. Tho Smith-Powers Logging Coru pnny Is building tho railroad beyond Myrtlo Point nnd this with other fra cronBoa In their operations Including tho olcctrlfylng of tholr logging; en nips will cost n lnrgo sum. Tho construction of the Adcllixi Smith, tho big now lumber Cfirrfvsrr is ono of tho ronsonH for lucrcnutixr: tho stock of tho Intcr-Occau Tnui' portntlon Compnny. BIG INCREASE-' IN SHIPPING Tonnage in and Out Over Coos Bay Bar This Year Wilfi Exceed 402,000. Tho 1912 report of tho slifpnfrre in nnd out over tho Coos Day bar will show n big Incrooso over lOtK. tho bnnnor yenr up to tho prcnotit.. According to tho dutn compftoa Uy H. C. Dlors of tho Port of Coos Bmr commission tho shipping this yctrr will total over 102,000 tons, that la both outbound nnd Inbound frofgliR. Ho bus not qulto completed his flnuH report on tho snipping but linn pre pnrod this total ns tho preliminary for tho uso of tho Coos Dny dolo gntlon, which goes to Washington this wool; to ondenvor to socuro fal ornl aid for Improving tho Coou Boy bar nt onco. Tho totnl tonnngo in and out ororr tho bar In 1911 was 353,700 touw according to Mr. Dlors' figures. CHINESE NEW YEAR. CeleslInN Will Now Observe Kamo Dny iih Americans; CHICAGO, Dec. 30. Chicago Chi ncso aro to colobruto tho dnwn off tho now year for tho first tlmo oca January 1. Tho old anil faniilbtxr slghts which usually attoud tno colobratlon of tho Chineso Now Yoar horo In Fobrunry aro to bo passed! noxt year. dnys and this has glvon rlsa to rumors of early activity In that sec tion of tho state and Northern Cali fornia, Tho Southorn Pacific hns, frorra timo (o ttmo, despatched suivoyora into tho field working their way from both Modford nud Grnnt&i Pnsa down toward Crescent City, which seoins to ho tho Paclffr Coast deop wntor tormlnnl objectlva point of all schemes undor consideration, Many to Funeral. About forty mombors of tho Mnrshflold Aork of EagloB went to Ilnndon yostordajr to attend tho funoral of Alvfrj Munck. n niombor of tho lodgo who dlod a fow dnys ngo. OwInnr tr tit aAVArn iirsin (lint lirt Tt?fl frlna The third group of contending In-! funornl rtuaBt0 gorvlcos worw ' conducted In tho Ilnndon Knlglitsi of Pythlna Hall. Thoro waa a big? nttendanco nt tho funoral dosplto tho had weather. Tho MarshflolcS mombors traveled by special trnini and boat arriving homo last nlghtt nbout 7 o'clock. torosts now roprosontcd In tho city Is that of tho Hobbs-Wall Co. of California, which Is said to bo back ing Lincoln McCormlck In n Mod-ford-Crcscont City lino. McCormlck Is said to havo a big crow of sur veyors down In tho southwestern corner of Oregon and through Dol Nort county, California, doing pre liminary work. Tho Hobbs-Wall Co. controls a vast nmount of mor chnntnblo tlmbor nnd valuable min ing concession in Dol Norto county. It is known that local railroad location engineers havo beon ap proached by at least two of thesquiALI promoting interests Jn tho lust fciVYviiia. xtyncE. Owing to tho advanco of coal at tlio mlno, Dcavor Hill will bo $0.00 por ton on and after Jununry 1. HUGH McLAIN NEW YEAR'S HALL at EAOISX??.' HALL Now Years night. JAN. KEYZER'S orcheJUr, , iY w- ,iAfc W$U 41 59 Mai vv M" t.a Q b w M si ,i utick llOE- uio rcRt;- 1 s theui tea ees WoiTf -r-jf-KV .1-v-'" ..l'-. U L.. AL r ! u; un.if - l fvJ ' TmmimiSs A "K-il. llHBlllHKlHHni ' . CSfc.W .' vwg ,pr