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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 28, 1912)
THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD. OREGON, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 28, 1912 EVENING EDITION. 8 Hi )Ffi m (Continued from Pngo Two.) shades being used offcctlvoly. Four tables of Brldgo wore played, ami tlio Bunker Hill. Tlio color schomo of prize, a plcco of Imncl ln n,0'1.1'""1 rod and green Is displayed In the was won by Mrs. W. Is McEldownoy decorations, and tlio hostess Is being Mrs. P. G. Horton ami Mrs. A. u nsslsted in serving by Mrs. A. L. Buttz assisted Mrs. Lnngaon m Bor Duttz. lng n two courso luncheon. Mrs. Langdon'B Invited guests aro: Those- Invited were: Mrs. I-. A-Tlc'l-Mrs. J. W. Wilson, Mrs. K. L. Roblh- son, Mrs. A. L. "nrker, Mrs.W. II. eon, Mrs. J. 13. Bufkhnrt, Mrs. I. S.J Kennedy. Mrs. W. S. Scott Mrs YV. Smith, Mrs. P. S. Dow, Mrs. B. II. F. McEldownoy, MIbs Mchldowno, Morrlsson, Mrs. II. II. Ilydo, Mrs. Mrs. Q. O. Sutherland, Mrs. C. P. Tlcdgon, Sr Mrs. E. A. Harris, Mrs. McKnlght, Mrs. A. T. Haines, Mrs. E. V. P. Snulrc. Mrs. Mary E. Thomp- Converse Mrs. w. a. ic noisun, im. son and Mrs. C. H. Walters. 4 I BENEFIT CONCERT. 4 The special benefit concert to bo given tomorrow afternoon at tho MaBonlc Opera Houso by tho Coos Bay Concert Band for tho Mnrsh flold Public Library promises to draw a largo attendance. In addi tion to tho attraction of an excel lent musical program thcro will bo tho added attraction of know ing that tho proceeds aro going to a most worthy causo ono that Is bonoflclal to ovory man, woman nnd child In Marshflold. Director Fen ton has proparcd an especially flno program for tho occasion. Tho program follows: March, "Arms of Amorlca," Pryor Ovorturo, "Barbor of Sovlllo," Ros- slnl Intormozzo Eloganto, "From Los Contcs d' Hoffaman" Offenbach A Dream PIcturo of tho Old South, "Undo Tom's Cabin," Lampo. (By request) Hungarian Fantnsta Tobanl Idyl, "Tho Glow Worm," .. Llnche Sacred Soloctton, "Joy to tho World," Barnhouse. Star Spangled Banner. ! .;. .J. I FIRST COMMUXIOX CLASS 4 A comploto list of the chlldron who mndo their first Holy Communion nt nt midnight mass Christmns ovo, at St. Monlrn'fl Catholic Churrh, Is ns P. a. Horton Mrs. Fred Powers, Mrs A. H. Powors, Mrs. A. E. Dlmont, Miss S. D. Hnrper, Mrs. D. C. Grconc, Mrs. W. S. Claybaugh, Mrs. Thomas Inglehart, Mrs. A. L. Buttz, Mrs. I. B. Bartlo of North Bond, and Mrs. W. S. Knrr of Myrtle- Point. $ I CLUBS I ; Tho Progressive Club moots Janu ary 13th with Mrs. P. 0. Horton. .j. .j. ijf Tho next mooting of tho Prlscllln Club will bo Wednesday, January 1C, with Mrs. Henry Olson, j. . .j. Tho North Bcnd Altar Guild will meet noxt Thursday afternoon with Mrs. J. C. Wallace. v Tho Coos Bay Motor Boat Club will meet January 8th at tho club rooms. Tho Roynl Auction Brldgo Club meets next Thursday, Jan. 2nd., with Mrs. B. K. Booth. fr Tho Ladles' Art Club will meot Fri day, Janunry 3rd, with Mrs. Nols HasmuBscu. ! ? Tho Social Sowing Club will meet Thursday, Jan. 2, with Mrs. J. D. Itccso. ! Tho A. N. W. Club mcots Thursday, Jan. 2, with Mrs. Eugeno O'Conncll. Tho next meeting of tho Brldgo day afternoon. Aftor a short buslnoss session tlin nftomoon was Bpont In I sowing, when tho hostess served ro- frcshmonts. Tho noxt meeting will bo January 10th with Mrs. I. B. Bnrtlo. Tlionn nroscnt wore: Mrs. C. S. Kaiser, Mrs. It. F. Gobhardt, Mrs. C. C. Williams, Mrs. H. O'Mnra, Mrs. II !. 1lirmintnF Mrn H. A. DaVlll-. son, Mrs. Pred Glazor, Mrs. A. II. Dorbyshlro and Mrs. I. B. Bartlo. 4. SOCIAL CALENDAR. i. MASOXIO INSTA LLAT10N (oilow.V Eltatoiir imam McOl.mClSl"1i..ll.b.? Si"""5' 8- wU" Mr" Iloso Agnes McGlnnls, Helen Hausor, Edna Loulso Kronholm, Mary Anna "Whltty. Mary Lucllo McLaln, GlndyH Mary Burrows, Agnes Mnrle McLean, Mnrcnrnt Eltznbntli Powers. Kstlmr Mario Sullivan, Clara Theresa Abel, ' Henry Scngstackcn. j. .;. 4. ' Tho Jolly Dozen Club will meet Jan. 8, with Mrs. It. F. Bush. ! Glonda Voronlca Parroll, Emoraon Noff, Adrian Thomas Morris, Ray mond Wllllnm BurrowH, Thomas Mc Glnnls, John Proctor Flnnngan, Ray mond John Whltty, Vnlorlan Vnsoy, Lawrence Charles Parker und An drow Foster. 4 4 INVITATIONS. I CARD PARTY ! I 4 Mrs. J .II. Flanagan has Issued Invitations for a brldgo luncheon Friday afternoon, January 3, .j. .j. 4. HONOR MISS BOOTH. I - Mrs. R, K. Booth was hostess In formally nt miction brldgo nt her Mrs. L. W. Lnngdon of Bunker Hill , ho,mo ln Wc8t Marshflold yesterday tvus hostess yesterday afternoon nt a dollghtful Brldgo party. Tho decora tions woro of Christmns suggestions, counr, cmnsimns noim ana cropo nftornoon, complimentary to Miss Mary Booth, n sister of Mr. Booth who 1b hero from Spoknno for tho holidays. At cards Mrs. P. E. Haguo won tho honors. Among thoso Invited woro Mrs. P. E. Haguo, Mrs. E. K. Jones, Mrs. J. T. Hnrrlgan, Miss Hutchison, Mrs. C. K. Perry, Mrs. M. C. Malonoy, Mrs. E. Mlngus, Mrs. P. G. Horton, Mrs. G. W. Bonnett, Mrs. G. W. Knufmnn, Mrs. W. A. Toyo, Mrs. Boyd Richard son nnd Miss Evelyn Anderson. I NICHOLS HEUNIOX. Thorn was a Joint Installation of tho North Bend Coos Chapter no. yu, order of Eastern Star, and tho North Bond Masonic Lodge, No. 140, ln Tay lor Hall, there, last night. Tho offlrcrB of tho Coos Chnptor, No. 90, Installed woro: Worthy Matron Emma Stoln. Worthy Patron MIIcb Evorltt. Assistant Worthy Matron Ethel Worroll. Socrotary Maude R. Bartlo. Treasurer Zolla Wldnor. Conductress Lnura B. Bylor. Assistant Conductress Joolla Wlnsor. Organist Knto Wlnsor. Tho flvo points of tho star aro: Inez Pullcn, Anna Coffolt, Flronn Morten, Annlo SlmpBon nnd Jonnlo Jacob. Inner Gunrd Mary Mandlgo. Outer Guard Elmor Rusaoll. Immediately aftor tho Installation, Rev. D. A. McLcod, In bohalf of tho EaBtorn Stnr, presented tho retiring Grand Matron, Mrs. George Mandlgo, with a beautiful Eastern Stnr pin. Af ter this tho following cxcollent mu sical program was enjoyed: Selection Orchestra (Piano. Ethol Worroll: Bass Viol, II. Sumner; Trombono, Chns. Worrell; Clarinet, Mrs. WltiBor; Violin, Geo. Windsor. Vocal Solo .... Miss Ellon Andorson Piano Duet Mrs. Ethol Worroll and Mrs. Jack Gclsondorfor Vocal Solo .... ."Miss Grace Williams Piano Solo .... Miss GlndyB Kranlck Vocnl Solo, Mrs. George GelBcndorfor Selection Orchestra Aftor tho program nn olnborato banquet wns laid nt which 125 wcro Boated. Tho following Masonic offl cers woro Inntnllcd: Worshipful Master William Dolnn Senior Warden Elmer T. RubhoII. Junior Warden Gcorgo F. Wind sor. Senior Deacon Dr. II. E. Dunnes tor. Junior Deacon E. T. Coffolt. Sonlor Stownrt Waltor McLcod. Junior Stownrt Robt. Llllqulst. Tyler Joseph Horn. Marshal Dr. I. B. Bartlo. Tho Installing olllccr wns J. T. Mc- Gulro. I PRESENTS FOR GIRLS ; . nnnlii nnd Santn Claus nro playing nt rivalry with tho hearts of tho fair maidens of tho Coos Bay Homo Telo- phono Compnny. On Chrlstnins ovo. tho girls ro- colvod numerous boxes of enndy, n fruit enko and n largo baskot nf vari ous fruits, nuts nnd raisins. They also oxchangod prcsento nmong thorn solves, tho result being that each girl wont homo with arms Blacked high with Christmns gifts. 4 A i COX FAMILY KEUXIOX IKMlDiS Ol f U. Cfet Ur, il.-. l K.. Yk Be Different Why dress like every olhor man? Why liavo people say "IIo always looks tho same." Bo different. Dress with individuality! SCHL CLOTHES Baltlmoro aro designed along in dividual lines. They'ro made from character fabrics. AYe'ro glad to havo them; and you'll be, if you look at (hem. Rolntlves from dlfforont parts of tho Day gathered nt tho A. A. Nichols homo nt Emplro last Wed nesday nnd enjoyed n good old fnshloned family reunion dinner. To say tho least, It would bo to Bay that tho day wns ono of tho Imp plest In tho yonr nnd ono that pass ed nil too rapidly, for tho oldor onos as well ns tho chlldron. Thoso present woro: Mr. nnd Mrs. A. A. Nichols nnd Glndys, Alcono, Thomas nnd Clnr onco Nichols, Mr. nnd Mrs. Glen Rozollo, Mr. nnd Mrs. Homer Man zoy, Mrs. M, J. McDonnld, Mrs, Wm. McDonald, Mrs. Wm. McMul lon, Miss Dolln Oldland nnd Stnn, Ed nnd Walter Oldlnnd and Chnrles Nichols. v For tho flrat tlmo ln seven years nil tho chlldron nnd grand children of Mr. nnd Mrs. W. B. Cox assem bled togothor nt n Christmns dlnnor at tho W. B. Cox homo In South Mnrshnold. It Is nocdloss to any that n very hnppy tlmo wns tho rosjilt of such an occasion. v -i TONIGHT. Fortnightly dnnco nt Hull. Eaglo SUNDAY. Band Bonoflt Concert at Ma sonic Opera Houso. TUESDAY. Young People's Soclotles unlto In Now Year's watch party. THURSDAY. North Bond AHnr Guild with Mrs. J. W. Gardnor. Royal auction brldgo with Mrs. R. K. Booth. Coos Bny Motor Club nt club rooms. Social Sowing Club with Mrs. D. J. Reoso. Ladles' Art Club with Mrs. Nols RasniusBon. Mr. nnd Mrs. Wm. Schrocdor entertain nt their homo In North Marshflold. . - tlvoly decorated with colors of Christmas suggestions, and n most pleasing feature of tho dining room tnblo was a largo contorpleco of begonias nnd asparagus fom. Tho affair was n very dollghtful ono and not soon to ho forgotten In tho minds of tho guosts, who wore. Mr. nnd Mrs. R. McCnnn, tho pnronts of Mrs. Smith, Mr. nnd Mrs. Hodson and Emmn nnd Ireno Hodson. 4 Mrs. Lydln Steckol of EaBlsldo wns tho hostess at a family reunion dinner last Wedncsdny, to tho fpl lowlng gucstfl: Mr. nnd Mrs. Lconnrd Masters, Ollvo Rlchnrds, Rohort and Jay Richards, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Sleek ed. Mr. nnd Mrs. C. J. Stecko , Mnrlln, Gllbort and Clco Steckol, Mr. nnd Mrs. H. R. Hess, Roland, Rnlph, Lloyd nnd Elvln 8tockol, tho MIbscb Edyth nnd Clco Steckol. .;. 4. Mr. nnd Mrs. Gcorgo Bolster of North Bond woro host nnd hostcsH nt a dollghtful ChrlstmnH dlnnor, nt which a number of friends from Al Icgany wcro guests. Among them woro Mrs. Allco Stcmmermnn, Lorenzo, Ronnldo and Myrlo Stommermnn. : 4. : Mrs. Helen Baldwin nnd dnugh tor, Miss Inez Bnldwln, woro gucslB nt tlio D. A. Jones homo on Christ mas day. 4 I K. V. BANQUET. I XMAS DINNER PARTY Mr. nndMrs. W. P. Mlllor entortnln od Christmns evening with n dlnnor to a fow friends and rolntlves. Thoso presont woro: Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Morrlssoy, Mr. nnd Mrs. F. M. Par sons, John Mlllor nnd wlfo, Dorothy Miller, Harry Fuog and Ed. Morris XMAS DINNERS SUNDAY SCHOOL. T On Tuesdny afternoon Mra. K, Rood and Miss Kara Shouso, as sisted by Miss Allco Wnttors. onter- tnlnod tholr Sunday school classes nt tho North Bend Presbyterian church. In tho evening, tho members of tho Chrlstlnn Endeavor enjoyed a Christmas tree and short program, nfter which refreshments woro sorved. Among thoso present woro: Misses Kara Shouso, Mildred Rood, Naomi Smith, Alice Wntters, Juno Young, Allco Cnrlson, and Mossrs. Goorgo Hlnzoy, II. Richards, Tom Storn, Herman Mondo, Lylo Chappllo, Molvln Jncobson, Rny nnrd Golscndorfor, Oscar Carlson nnd Mr. Moody. i' 4 $ I HAS BIRTHDAY I Mm-Mhflclil North Bend Noxt Sundny. Erie Bolt, son of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. N. Bolt, will colobrato his twonty-flrst birthday. Ho Is spending tho latter part of the holi day vacation nt Willnmotto University nt Snlom with a schoolmnto nt Sheri dan, Oregon. On Christmas day ho wns one or mo gucsis ni n umner nt tho homo of Mayor Strovo of Salem, Ho waB ono of tho star athletes of tho Marshflold High School and Is ono of tho stars at Willnmotto Unlvorslty. Ho Is Just six foot tajl and now weighs 214 pounds. I T11IMHLE CLUB I Mrs. J, D, Wallaco was hostess to tho North Bond Thlmblo Club yestor- sary, Tho living room wns nttrnc- At tho Will Elckworth homo nt Mllllcomn thoro was n Christmas treo and family dlnnnor, Christmns day. Thoso presont woro: Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Elckworth, Mr. nnd Mrs. R. E. Plnogor and Mr, nnd Mrs, Robort Gobhart. V f V Mr. nnd Mrs. M. D. Mcoks enter tained Christmas day with n treo nnd dinner. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Seafuso and Mr. nnd Mrs. James Bennett. Mr. and Mrs. Garfield Slmnson of North Bond had as guests to dinner on Christmas day, Mr, and Mrs. E. E Hayes. Mr. and Mrs. Frnnk Rogors en tertained nt a family dlnnor Christ mas day at tholr homo on South Cooa Ulvor. Among tholr guests woro: Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Coffolt, Floyd Coffolt ana ramny, all or North Bend, Miss Mnmlo Mosona,, Mr. and Mrs. S. 0. Rogers, Capt. Ernest, Miss Carpen tor, Mr. nnd Mrs. Keys and dnughter. Tho affair was also n farowoll to Mr. and Mrs. S. 0. Rogers, who will leave shortly to spond sovornl months at southern points. V V V Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Lawhorno en tertained with n Christmas dlnnor last Wednesday. Their guests wero Mr. nnd Mrs. M. J. Pratt, parents of Mrs, Lawhorno. Percy Peot nnd Roy Lawhorno. Mrs. Altus Kingston of North Bond ontertnlned at Christmas dln dor tho following: Mrs. W. II. Gnmblo. William Gamble. Mrs. Sleop, Miss Lolota Sleep, Miss Ida E. Gamblo and Mrs, A. Brash. Mr. and Mrs. E. Georgo Smith entertained with n Christmas dlnnor nt tholr South Coos River homo last Wednesday, tho occasion also being In honor of Mr. nnd Mrs. R. Mccann's cnlna wedding annlver Tho Knights of Pythias will hold tholr annual Installation oxorc!ncs and banquet on Monday, January 0. ! -h I PARTY TODAY. I 4 Mrs. W. S. Nicholson Ih enter taining thlfl nftornoon ln honor of Miss Mnry Booth, who Ih visiting nt tho homo of hor brother, R. K. Booth, In West Marshflold. if . I DANCES. I Tho Christmas ball given by tho Coos Bay Concort Band nt tho Eagles' hall Christmas night was tho most Biicrossful and 0110 of tho most onjoynblo over given by tho band. Thoro woro Ml tickets sold for tho dnnco nnd tho largo con genial crowd, cxcollent music nnd good floor mndo it all thnt the nioBt ardent of dancers could do To night tho momhors nnd friends of Dovro Lodgo, No. 2(5, Sons of Norway, will enjoy tlio urst annum banquet nnd ball nt tho Odd Fol- Iowb hall. Auoui iuu invitations havo beon issuod for tho affair nnd It promises to bo ono of unusual pleasure. Tho Fortnightly club announces thnt tho postponod ball, originally planned for a weok ago last Thurs day night, will bo hold this even ing at tho Eagles' hall. Announcements hnvo been Issued for n Now Year's ball to bo glvon In tho Llbby Hall, Janunry 4, a feature of which will bo a big Bup- por served by tho ladles or Llbby. 4 The Leaders r 1. W1 A dsnion The lculore 0f fashioil . every comnmnilv m ! Vn JB erican Lad, Co because Ainorfenii t! ' Lady Corsets lnn.'in i.a.. . ay and. more perfect fitt gowns. Insist thnt v " American Lnfly Corsct mg O'Conncl Building. Let us fit you. $1.00 to $3.00. Hub Dry Goods Co, Phone 3G1-J Marshflold. Her ninny friends will bo pleased to learn of hor rnpld re covery. Many of thorn havo vlsltod her nt Morcy Hospital tho past weok. Last Tuesday n special Christmas treo was arranged In hor room nt tho hospital, so that Illness on tho groat holiday did not scorn so dronry as It might othcrwlso havo been, j. .. 4. Dr. nnd Mrs. W. A. Toyo nro planning to lcavo soon for Cali fornia with tholr little daughter, Cathorlno, who has boon poorly for sovoral weeks. Mrs. Toyo nnd Cathorlno will probably remain thoro during tho winter months. 41 Dr. J. T. McCortunc Is expected hero soon from Borkoloy for n short slny on tho Bny. Ills visit hoio now Ih for tho purpose of looking nfter bin Mnrshflold homo, which will soon bo vacated by Mrs. Browning nnd MIhs Nnitn Browning. ! ! A. T. Lngorstrom nnd bride hnvo tnkon npnrtmontH in tho C. A. Smith building nt Bunkor Hill for Miss May Prcims, who Is attudln tho winter until they can sccuro school nt Ilerkcley Unlvcnll; ir possession of tholr now homo In rived overland this week to ioj South Mnrshflold which will bo ns Chrlstnms with relatives and frlcndi soon ns Mr. nnd Mrs. A. E. Ado's-, ? 4 plniiH to return there In a tn a, ns his business wns no fnm! Klra CI a n. .f -.? VI. n. 1 wfimnifL- .. Calif Is a guest nt the h me cfT brothor Gcorgo 13. Cook "' Goorgo Haines arrived hom in, week from San Francisco .?. T has beon for botch 1 moi .." ll tho holidays with K?S:1, Mrs. A. T. Unities. "' Goorgo nnd William Horifill r rived horo this week to S , weeks holiday vacation' K1, " Htudles at Mt. Tnmalpali Aa3eii Snn Rafael, Cnllf.. with the St, Dr. nnd Mrs. Wllllnm Hor 11 '' air. anil Mrs. A. Z. Down. r. turned today from tho 0. Doit brako homo on Catching Inlet w tllOV SIILIlt fl.n Plirl.l.. l,,r" Misses Anna Downs ami tt.i.. . lovson roninlncd for n loneer itn ,,. M. 1),.,,. !.-!. 1 6" UJ .v ..u iiuiivuinnv I1UIIIC, ll m porgor enn comploto their now rcsldencu on South Fifth Htrcot. : Dr. C. "W. Tower nnd wlfo nnd Miss Nolllo Tower left today for Monrovia, Calif., whoro tlioy will spond tho bnlauco of the winter, j. 4. .. MrB. Dorwoy Kroltzor nnd son, Wil liam, left tills weok for Monrovia, California, whoro they will spend two or thrco wcoks witli her mother, Mrs. Wm. Grimes, whllo Mr. Grimes goes to Washington to assist tho Coos Bay delegation In socuiiug nn npproprlntlon for tho Improvement of Coos Bny harbor. H n R. M. Woldor and family of Ton Mile spout ChrlstmnH nt tho Prod Tut tlo homo ln Bnndon, roturnlng tho Inst of tho week. Mrs. Woldor ex pects to lcavo In 0 fow days for Cali fornia to visit with hor sons, Henry nnd Ed. 4. .3. .. Mrs. Prod Cntliornll of Oakland ar- 11. uu iiuio iiiid wuvk ior 11 Biiori vinu , . . .- .. . v j with her Hlstor, Mrs. J. T. Hall nnil,I'odB A' ,f &A X LJl 7, other rolntlves nnd friends on tho 'orntlons the color "hemo cf J Nl Bay. Mrn. Cathorull was formorly u,,u Krut''T. uin, riir t Miss May Stnuff. "8 rcl candles, adding greatlr .j. .j. 4. tho nttrnctlveness of the fcanjwj E. W. Fnhy. wlfo nnd MIsb Hnzol tables at which P. B. Allen prlW and Robort Fahy of Bullnrds !. toasimasior. "eP Hpondlng tho ChrlstmnH holidays at Rlvpn "y M". Anna Hansn. Ma tlio w. R. Simpson homo on North Bend Heights. Jas. Rlchnrdsnu, tho llttlo son of Mr. nnd Mrs. C. a. Hoekitt n r. . 1. m .. . " piro win ienvc on mo ncdondo Bit- uniay ior n Kcvcrnl weeks' rlilt San Frnnclsco. Mr. nnd Mrs. Oco. A. Salnei la) children returned this week (roa El Vcrnno, Cnl., whero they tpeal n few weeks with rclatlrei ani friends. On their arrival ho they received tlio sad intelllfc.M of the denth of Mr. Balnea' t'lter, Mrs. Louis Peterson, who died it 131 Vorano soon after the; left thoro fur 1101110. Roger Gobs, who Is attendlir ih University of California at Berke ley, nrrlved hero this ek t spond tho holidays with bis father. John D, Goss. I JOINT INSTALLATION'. I Last evening at the Muonk Lodgo roms occurred the Joint In stallation of tho Cork Chapter 0! Enstorn Stnr lodgo and Bim Kollov. C. II. Marsh. L. A. W-, ni n v MoKnipiih Ther wai a totnl 'attendance of about tit. Tfci nnnolntlvo onicera ior w 1NTORMAL Miss Myrtlo Lund enmo over from Prosper last Tuesday evening to spend Christmas with hor pnronts In Marshflold. Sho roturnod Thursday morning. Miss Norn Tower arrived this week from Borkoloy to spend tho Christ mas holidays with her parents, fr D. C. Green nnd wlfo loft Christ mas ovo on tho Drain stngo for Rush vlllo, Ind., their formor homo, for nn oxtendod visit. Aftor tho Now Year Mr. Greon goes to Chicago to attend tho II. M. Byllesby Convention, nftor which ho will go to Washington, D. C. on business, when ho will join Mrs. Groen In Rushvlllo for a visit "before roturnlng homo. Mr. nnd Mrs. Gcorgo P. Murch's now homo In South Mnrshflold Is rapidly nearly complotlon and thoy expect to bo ablo to occupy It with in a snort timo, it is located on South Elevonth Btreot, noar tho now homo of their son-in-law, Hugo Qulst. .j. ;. Mr. and Mrs. E. N. McDonnoll nro planning to move Into tho now houso on Central, near Elovonth, now being comploted by Davis & Swanson. Thoy have beon occupy ing npartments nt tho homo of Mrs. Rebecca Luso-Stump. ! Miss Lucy Powers, who recently undorwent nn operation at Morcy hospital for appendicitis, is recupera ting rapidly nnd will soon bo ablo to return to tho homo of hor parents, Mr, nnd Mrs. A. II, Powors, ln South Mrs. 'Boyd M. Richardson, has boon quno 111 or cnleken pox tho past week. fr Mrs. D. Y. Stafford Is still confined to her homo by tho burns alio sus tained whllo preparing tho Christ mas dlnnor last Wednesday. How over, sho Is gottlng nlong nlcoly nnd no lasting ill results nro nntlcipatod from tho Injuries, although thoy woro vory pninrui. 4- airs, u, j. Mnhnnoy, who wns bi ought to Mercy Hosnltnl last weok. from hor homo in Ploronco, Is gottlng niong nicely nlthough her condition la still rnthor critical. Mr. nnd Mrs. C. P. McCollum of rsortn Bond nro expected homo in n fow days from their extended enstorn trip, tho last few weeks nf which hnvo beon spent with rolntlvoa ln Snn Fran cisco. Mr. nnd Mrs. Frod Kruso of Isth mus Inlet Bpont Christmas with rola tlves In Marshflold. 4. 4. T. II. Barry and family nro today moving irom Empire to tholr new homo In Forndnle. Cops Bny friends of Miss Eugenia Schilling havo recolvod word that sho has boon very HI tho past weok at tho homo of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Schilling, in Myrtlo Point. Her undo nnd aunt, Mr. nnd Mrs. W. P. Murphy, of Mnrshflold havo boon spondlng the greater part of tho weok W1UIO. Miss Marlon Yoaknm nrrivod horo this weok from Chlco, Calif., whoro Bho has spont tho past two years, to mnko nn extended visit with hor mother, Mrs. S. A. Yoakam, on Cooa River, nnd with other rolatlvos and friends in this section. Mr. nnd Mrs. C. A. Langworthy went to Coquillo this weok to attend tho marriage of Mrs. Langworthy's sister. Miss Mary Hurloy, to Sherman minora, tho weddlne was a au ot now Wnolnrn Rfnr nrn! Mrs. Dorr. Ada; Mi ,. Ruth; Mrs. Alva Doll, ''":" Robinson, Martha; Mrs. Dan Keat ing, Electn; Mrs. Mary McknW chaplain; Mrs. Ellen Keller. al! Mrs. Cnrl Everrsen, ou. Mlsa Anna Cox, warden, ana jo Stndden, Bontlnel. 4 j I). V. 11. CLUB ' Tho mombora and friend' of tt D. Y. B. Club of. the WnMj tortnlnod last ovonlng at he how of Mr.. and .Mrs. R. P.I on Bourn mu DI.J.V., - u.t being tho annual business weUBl of tho club. Tho padon roow of tho homo wero artlstlca on cd with greens, and poinsettW. color scuenio ui if -7 -.- ,B vm. !" carried out a" whTwcoVidently afraid pid'B darts. . atuuw Tho ovening '', 7' ,. WETe In games. Blunts and HwV sation. a "' ,nr the ensu' was hold and officer, for , vonr were elected, as .. jw..- ---- .,, fAflrnBi. r Dr. G. W. maw, ---. Edwn Alpha Mauxoy.pre.ldea I, Dolan. vlco presldcntl iiu nell. T-nnchl n. secretary; BB" fold, treasurer. lJent of , MIsb Aipnn i""ur.''d- m r"" .. oini, was assistea i" ... -uii. fhree-course iopsr.-, M?S"BtTheSor . c m?go of Miss WJ. e 7t ory nnd Mlsa Beiva - & 4rle4, a 'late hour the gueit l,omf each voting it one of 1 fbesfenjojinS onings ever spent. io" tho occasion were: Harrington nnd llttlo son, Evr' BiuIb ul. Allco Tlckell, I" " rola, Eva Dresser, Effle nm one, only lmmodlato relatives being In Montgomery, ."e Florence BJ T,' nttendnnco. Ituth Mu"Vvua Flanag"11' 7 .1 Besalo and Bolva r 1 Dr wriie, i W. P. McEldownoy, who haa beon MauM??J.0y Edwin DpW arfl lonklni nffn- in.n -iiinnio Tlnmor Mauioy. n h few " I arrived homo this weok to spend Bono Dolan, - Christmas with Mrs. McEldownoy. Ho j Clay Churcn.