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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 28, 1912)
THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD. OREGON, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 28, 1912 EVENING EDITION. )ont Let This Christmas Tree Burn Out You Dig proporty losa, big loss of life, ovory year from Christmas trees. If you ubo candles, DON'T USE "snow" or cotton or othor Inflnminablo ornaments, This la ono of many provonta klo causes of flro. Soma nro not preventable. Protect yoursolf against loss from any causo by ono of our Insurance pollclos. Wo wrlto In only tho greatest companies, I,S Kaufman & Co pFESSIONAL DIRECTORY HjIVIA human, Mcclinno-Thcrnplst Ijdentlflc Swedish Massago, Medical uymnnsucs IBS S. Sixth St. Phono gnfl.R. fOEL OSTLINR, I Piano Tuner and Repairer. hit 8. Sixth Street. Phono 103-L V. DENNETT heanott Swnnton, Tom T. Donnott Atdrncys ana Counsellors nt Law. Irkuiagiin Reranett IUstfc Hulldlnf. Morabiieia. uoo Vo Oregon. EIU RILEY BALLINGER Pismlat and Teacher Resldonce-Studlo, 237 So. Broadway Fhon 1-L. tTM. S. TUIIFBN, W ARCHITECT. Mnrshfleld, Orogon. Dn, W. MORROW, Deatist. 171 Grime Ralldlaff, otct Grand Theater. Ofllra Phono 820. m O. CHANDLER, Architect. Rooms SOI and B02, Coko Building Marwifleul. Oregon. D U. A. J. HUNDRY'B Modern Dental Parlors. We nro equipped to do high class work on short notlco at tho Tory lowest prlcos. Examination froo. ' Lady attendant. Coka Dldg., Opp Chnndlor Ho'el, phono lir-J. WANTED ! ! ! CAUPHT8 UPHOLSTERING AND PIANOS TO GLEAN, by tho Pnou- ! nuitlc Cleaning Company. Orders for work taken at GOING & TIARVEY, Phone ion Clearance Sale RIG GUT IN PRICES Ladles' Children's and Men's SHOES. All now stock. Uito-dnto Lasts. Tho Electric Shoe Shop TO LOGGEItS OF COO? OR ANY OTIIEIt COUNTY Coos Bay Feather-Wcight f f I 1 Loggers ' Shoes wear longer than any heavy shot. Is light and watertight and Is tho bt shoo of Its kind in America. Guaranteed by tho maker. AUGUST OLESON, 215 Broadway So. Mnrshfleld, Or. Ml EN YOU WANT A MESSEN GER ROY Something sc?t for or delivered PHONE J20-L and wo'U do It. Charges reason ablo. OIIAH GRNUY. Chalmer's Auto Service J. M. Rodeo. Driver. Btnnd nt Palace Restaurant. Phones, 5-J or u-L, day and night. Mnrshfleld, Orecon Barnard & Langworthy See our window display of WOOD ELECTRIC FIXTURE8 LEADED ART GLASS DOMES PORTABLE STAND LAMPS. FHON3 184-R. Real estate, insur ANCE AND RENTALS Some flno bargains In Real Es tate Houses and rooms for rent. AUG. FRIZEEN. 08 Central Avenue. Fisher Auto Service Win. Fisher, Proprietor. Phone orders to Hlllyer's Cigar Stand, Phone 18-J. After 11 P. m. Phono 5-J. Night phone 181-R. Mnrshfleld. Oregon. A modern Brick .ulldlng, Electrtt Light, Steam Heat. Elegantly Furnished Rooms with Hot nnd Cold Water. HOTEL COOS O. A. Metlln, Prop. Rates; BO cents duy nnd upwards Cor. Drondway nnd Market r" RUY NOW. Some choice lots In NORTH BEND can be had at a yery reasonable price 11 taken now. E. S. GEAR & CO., Pint National Bank. For Sewing and Reading KT,:dK Rives a clear, steady light, soft and mellow; the Ideal lamp, ac cording to best authorities, for all-work requiring close attention of the eyes (far superior to gas and electricity). The JM& Lamp Lighted without removing chimney or shade. Easy to clean and rewlck. Inexpensive. Economical. Made In Various Btyles, and for all purposes. &$!. STANDARD OIL COMPANY (California) 401 MuUt Street. San Francisco " mm .mm mmm mammm mhm mmmmm ThV First National Bank Of Coos Bay Announces It's 1913 Calendar Is Ready for Distribution Among Its Customers 8TATIJMI3NT OP CONDITION FLANAGAN & BENNETT BANK MARSHFIELD, OREGON" ESTABLISHED 1880. At the closo of lmfilncss, Novombcr SO, 1012. RESOURCES. Loans and Discounts 1483,557.13 Banking Houso .' 50,000.00 Cash and Sight Exchango 2C3.899.9C Total .- J797.-157.09 LIABILITIES. Capital Stock paid In ? 50,000.00 Surplus nnd Undivided Profits 04,989.75 Doposlts 082,407.34 Total ; $797,457.09 C. A. Smith Lumber & Mfg. Co. RETAIL LUMBER, LATH, SHINGLES, MOULDINGS, SASH AND DOORS, ROOFING PAPER, ETC. CUT THE FUEL RILL IN TWO Y USINQ OUR WOOD. PHONE 100. Abstracts, Real Estate, Fire and Marine Insurance Title Guarantee and Abstract Co. HENRY BENGSTACKEN, Mr. Coqullle Offlc Phone 291 Platting Lands a specialty. Farms Timber Coal undent! "EA8TBIDH" Genorol Ag Uarshfeld Office 14-J. Parties Desiring Monuments Erected Would do well to call at PACIFIC MONUMENTAL WORKS GET YOUR JOB PRINTING DONE DEPARTMENT 182 SOUTH RROADWAY Handling Bread that Is always so fresh, delicious, dopondablo nnd satisfying Is a roal pleasure Eating It Is a groator IIII1. 1II1II 111 lllll Ul L.UI1 lllll LiUU I vert anyono Into a big brond eater. And ns brend Is n porfoct food the more loavos or ours you consume tho bettor for your health. Coos Bay Bakery The place for goOd goodies. Market Avo. Phono 111-L South Broadway and make selec tion from the large stock now on hand. T&v. "Wilson has in his employ the only practical marble and granite cutter in Coos County. And nono but the best work is turned out. AT THE TIMES' OFFICE. At the Churches (Ministers and others aro request ed to hand In tho Sunday church no tices not later than Friday evening to Insure Insertion Saturday.) METHODIST EPISCOPAL Itov. II. T Hutlcdge, Pastor. Sunday school at 10 a. ra. Morning services at 11 o'clock. Epworth League at 0:30. Evening sorvlco tit 7:30. Junior Loaguo Thursday aftornoon at 3:45. Prayor meeting Thursday ovenlng at 7:30 o'clock. You aro cordially Invited to attend theso services. O EMMANUEL EPISCOPAL. Rov. Robt. E. Drowning, Rector. 8 n. in. Holy Communion (2nd and 4th Sundays.)- 9:30 n. m., Sunday school. 11 a. m morning prayor and ser mon. Holy Communion flrst Sunday of each month. 7:30 p. m. Evening prayer and Sermon. Friday Evening. 7:30 p. m. Evening Sorvlco and Diblo study. Sorvlco In St. Mary's church, North Bond (2 p. m.) and St. Luke's Church, Empire, (3 p. m.) ovory nl tornnto Sunday. - SEVENTH DAY ADVENTISTS. C. J. Colo, Pastor. Sovonth Day Adventlst services are conducted ovory Saturday as follows: Sabbath school at 3 p. m. Preaching sorvlcea at 3 p. m. Como and spond an hour with us; wo will do you good. - I CHURCH OF CHRIST. Z. O. Downrd. Minister. Dlblo school at 10 a. m. Young Pooplo's mooting at 7 p. m. Thcro will bo communion and preaching sorvlccs nt tho Christian church, cornor Sixth streot nnd Contrnl avonuo, tomorrow morning. In tho evening Rov. Downrd will deliver n Now Year's mossago. Tho choir nnd malo quartot will fur nish spcclnl music, 4 PHKSUYTEIUAN CHURCH t Mnrshfleld J. E. Burkhart, Minister. At tho First Presbyterian church sorvlces may bo expected on sabbath as follows: Sundny school nt 10 n. m. Morning worship nt 11 o'clock. Young Pooplo's Mooting at t):30. rcvonlne worHhln nt 7:30. Snlondld music bv tho choir nt both moraine nnd evening worship Tho sormons will bo npproprlnto to tho Now Year. You aro cordially Invited to worship with 8. Bring n friend nnd come. NORWEGIAN LUTHERAN. I n. O. Thorno. Pastor, i Preaching services will bo. hold . In tlm Norwegian Luthornn church nt Marshflold. Sundny. Doc. 29. nt '7:30 p. in. Sunday school at 10 Thoro will bo no Norwegian sor- ' vices In tho Swedish Luthornn church at North Bend, Dec. 29, on ' account of tho nbsonco of tho pns I tor. I 7 CHRISTIAN SCIENCE. Christian Sclonco hall, 237 Thlrc" street North. , Subject: "Christian Sclonco." Sorvlco Sunday nt 11 n. m. Sundny school 12 M., Wednesday 8 n- m m Rending room opon on Tuosdays, Thursdays and Sati rdays, 3 to 5 p. m. SWEDISH LUTHERAN. I . Dr. John E. Oslund, Pastor. Sunday School, 9:30 a. m. Morning sorvlco, 10:45 n. m. Evening sorvlces In English at 7:30 p. m. In tho morning tho pastor will proach on tho subjoct: "Christ- Sot for tho Fnll nnd Rising Again of Mnny In Israel,' and In tho ovon lng on "Christ's Advent In tho Flesh." Wo extend a cordlnl wolcomo to tho nubile to Join in our worsnip. A I IIVITH1) HRETHREN CHURCH North Bond. Mrs. R. N. Lowls, Pastor. Sabbath school, 10 a. m. Christian Endeavor, 7 p. m. Preaching 11 n. m. and 8 p. m. Prayor mooting Wednesday ovon Ing nt 8 o'clock. FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH. I Aiimrt p. rtoBsford. M. A.. Pastor. Our BIblo school meets promptly . 1Q- CInBBCS for nit agos. Afnrnlrnr worshln at 11. Junior Society meets at tho church at 2:30, all children wolcomo. Young Peoplo'a Sorvlcoa nt 0:30. A sorvlco conducted by Young Pco- nln fnr tlin lionoilt Of Young People. nun niiiin school concort will bo glvon on Thursday at 7:30. Tho gen ornl public is heartily Invited. Mldweok sorvlco for con'oronco and nnin nimiv on Thursday at 7:30. Mrs. Goorgo Wntklns will load tho mnrnlni? services In tllO nbsonco Of tho pastor, Rov. A. F. Bassford. in tlm nvonlncr. tho Ladles' Mission nry socloty will havo chargo of tho sorvlces. . . if . wo nxtpnii n. cordial Invitation to hA nnlillo to sharo tho benoflts of CROUPY COUGHS AND WHEKZY COLDS. Tho quickest, simplest way o rid tho chlldron of dangorous croupy coughs nnd whoozy stuffy colds Is to glvo thorn Foloy's Honoy nnd Tar Compound. It gives almost In stant rcllof and stops a cough promptly. It soothes and heals. Contains no opiates. For salo by Lockhart-Pareons Drug Co., the Busy Cornor. theso services with us. Ncm church gours aro especially urged to vUlt our services. Como thou with us and wo will do thco good. I CATHOLIC CHURCH North Bond. Rov. Father Springer, Rector. Mass will bo colobrated at 8 o'clock Sunday morning by tho Rot. Fathor Springer. , I CATHOLIC CHURCH. Mnrshfleld. uov. A. R Munro. There will bo two masses at St. Monica's ono at 7 and high mass nt 9 o'clock. I PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH I North Bend. Rev. D. A. MacLeod, Pastor. Sunday school, 10 a. m. Preaching sorvlco, 11 n. m. Chrlstlnn Endeavor, C:30 p. m. Preaching Bcrvlco. 7:30 p. m. METHODIST CHURCH North Bond. 1 Tho sorvlccs Sundny will bo as fol lows: Sundny school 10 a. m. Vesper Clrclo nnd Epworth Loaguo 7 p. m. Sermons by tho pastor 11 n. m nnd 8 p. m. Humor and Philosophy 9y DVyVCAA M. SMITH REMEMBRANCE. OH, can't you romembor tho feellns last winter Clear down to tho end of your toc, Tho chilly effect of tho frostbitten vfcatli.t That painted the end of your note? It doesn't leom poidblo, now that we welter And long for n bit of n brcoze, Thoro could havo been Just a few monthi In tho backcround Such tcrrlblo aymptomi n those, t vairuoly recall as I lit hero partaklng- Of pa'ato enchanting Ico cream One mom when the furnaco was dead ai a doornail. It sooms llko a horrlbto dream To think that I sputtered and muttered, "Confound Itl" Ard raised such a tcrrlblo row. It seems It wcro senso to havo shouted, "Fine business!" Tho wny I am fccllnc Just now. Cut not As I hustled nbout In my ntclitl. Of klndllnir and so forth In chaso I think I may say that my temper was truly Tho only warm thine on tho placo. t thought to myself If It only wero Au Bust How nno and how warm It would be, liut now that It's present I nnd I am kick Intr. Nor am I with praises so frco. Dut that Is tho ytay of mankind, you may notlco. In winter wo lomr for tho heat: In summer wo think that a chunk of a bllzxard Would mako our Ufa moro than com plete. Wo sIrIi for tho brands that nro out of tho market, Tho weather ahead or behind. Tho brand that Is present wo rise to con found It And b-lvo It n piece of our mind, Problem For Each. "What's worry lug you?" "My wlfo told mo I hud to flru tho cook." "Aro you going to do It 7" "I told her I would If s b o would como down town and II ro in; stenographer." BETTER THAN SPANKING Spiuklnc does not curt children of bed. wetting. Tbtre U s rooitltutloiul ctuio for UiU trouble. Mrs. M. Summer, Ilox W, Kotro Dime, InJ,, will teml free to say mother ber suecewful borne treatment, with full Instructions, Seni do money, but writ ber todtr l( your children trouble you Id tbli way, Don't blame the child, the chance are It can't belu It. Tub) treatment aUo cures adulta and aged people troubled with urUs difficulties by day or nleht. We Are Too Busy Taking inventory To Write an Advertisement but not too busy to soil All Kinds of Hardware at prices that tho pcoplo of Coos county know arc right all tho time. AVhon you want anything in tho hardwaro lino from a carpet tack to a Iftillor Farm Pump or a Do Laval Separator, como to I 3a 4J,&J& Qjj6h The crap Book Handed Back His Own Coin. A Washington prent tells the fol lowing story of his young son, who, by tho wny, bus not reached the shaving ttogo yt'l. but. ns tho story Indicates, n not nviM-u' to trying: 'The othor muriilng he was rending tho uewHiuper when he suddenly ex claimed. 'Put her. I nee In the paper that the corporation U going to bust Hint ynti are president of.' "Now, I knew that 1 knew moro about my buulucsi ttuiii tho paper, so I replied very comfortably, 'My son, never believe anything you see In tho tuwspnper.' "A few days later I found my new t-Nior broken, wrapped hi a newspaper and thrown behind the house. 1 Im mediately went In search of Bobblo. " 'Look here, young man, what's th meaning of all thlsV I snld. 'ncro'o my new razor broken nil to pieces, wrapped In a nowspnper nnd thrown behind the house.' " 'Father,' ho replied, bncklng hnstlly out of tho room, 'never bcllcvo any thing you see In a newspaper.'" Washington Star. Tho Mirror of Life. Do you wish for kindness? Do kind. Do you wish for truth? Do true. What you give of yoursolf you nnd. Your world Is a reflex of you. For llfo Is a mirror. You smllo And a smllo Is your sure return. Hear Imto In your heart nnd crcwhlto All your world with hatred will burn. Bet lovo against lovo. Every deed Htinll armed ns a fato recoil. You shall gather your fruit from tho se4 That you cast yourself In the soil. Each act Is a soparato link In tho chain of your weal or your no, Cups you offer another to drink The taste of their dregs yo shall know. Sams as Here. Senator William Plcrson Flcro of Cntsklll was seated about tho enor mous flreplnco In nu Albany hotel ono night when ho told this story: "1 remember thirty years ngo, wtica I was a young lawyer, thcro were about fifteen or eighteen of us-nll law-ycrs-scnted about a much llko this. It was a raw, wet night. A bedraggled stranger, wet to tho hide, cnino In, tried to get accommodations and was told thcro was not n room left. Tho uenrest othor placo was a mllo away. Shivering, tho stranger looked at tho lire, but wo formed such n solid lino nbout It that ho could not get near It. Finally ouo of tho lawyers In n spirit of frivolity turned to him nnd said: " 'My friend, nro you n traveler?' " 'I am, sir. 1 havo been all over the world.' " 'You don't snyl Been In Germany, Egypt, Japan nnd all tho countries la Africa and Asia?' "'All of thorn been everywhere.' "'Ever been In hell?" " 'Oh, yesj been thero twice.' " 'How did you find things thcref " 'Oh, much tho snmo as hero law yers all uoxt to tho lire.' "Now York Herald. Did Not Look Right. Tho Intelligent compositor, ono of tho klud that figures la mnny nn an ecdote, worked on nn Arkansas paper at n period when a well known novel 1st was editor. Ono day tho printer undertook to set up tho word "dough nut." Ho spelled It "douut." "Seo hero," snld tho novelist, "don't you know how to spell 'doughnut? You've mlspelled It hero." Tho Intelligent compositor camoovcr and gazed nt tho proof and scratched his head In perplexity. "Well," ho admitted, "that doesn't look right, but It had n v' In It once, nnd somehow that didn't look right either." Tho Limit "Oood heavens I" "What Is It, John?" "Tho bill for your now hat Is nn out rage." "Oh, nover mind tho bill. Just look at tho lintl" Havo your Job Tho Tlmos ofllco. printing dono at 2? DWARE, . i ! i