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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 28, 1912)
THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 28, 1912-EVEN1NG EDITION. NEWS OF NEARBY TOWNS CULLIXGS OK COQUILLW Coos County Sent News ns Told by Tho llcrnld. Thlrlv mlntivGs of Mr. nntl Mrs. W. C. Laird nsscmblod In tho lmll THE CHIMES OF SOUTH SLOUGH MYRTLE P(RXT POIXTEHS. News of. Upper Coqulllo Vnlley us Told b.V tho Enterprise. ia n w fMlnlon of this city i ..' ,.t.. .1 (tin oml nnu'n nf tllO ! death of hor brother, li. 8. Coon, over Lnlrtl's storo on Christmas day JoJlu lcftr jtccnlls Murders Tlint .l.n nnnanil nwnv nt MB I10IUO l mill CHJOYCd mu luuu. "' Dlllartl Oregon. Ho suffered n earth nnd a happy reunion. It was an unusual Rumoring nnn was uiu cxceoilod by tho happiness It produced. Horn To tho wlfo of Thomas c. WEDDIS olrnln nf tinrnlVStS. Gcorgo Mullen InforniB tho En torpriso that at tho special road election In District No. 17, tho spe cial road taxes woro voted down by a voto of 28 to 18. Born: Friday, Dec. 20 to Mr. and Mrs. It. J. Hall of Hall's Creek, a daughtor; to Mr. and Mrs. Fred Garrett of this city, a daughtor. Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Durch arriv ed hero from Portland last 1-rldny. Mr. Uurch Is a mining cnglncor .i thnv nm cottlnc ready to leavo this wook for Curry county, where-f ho will supervlso tno oponing oi u wlno on Sixes river. Elvarus Culver died at his homo December 20, at tho ago of 83. LODGE ELECTS OFl limits dny wm bo ,m,i tho workmen for ' ,, ,, I olght hours' work. Thero aro 17,000 Myrtlo Point Knights of Fythlns Hold, fCot of sowor to bo Undo and tho juociiun. The Entorprlso says: Hector Lodge, No. 00, K. of P., nt their mooting last Thursday evening elected tho following olllcors for tho ensuing term: E. C. Roberts, O. C. L. A. Roberts, V. C. L. H. Plorco, K. of R. nnd S. J. It. Ucnson, M. of E. W. F. Hcndrickfl, Prclnto. I. E. Arnoson, M. nt A. J. L. Laird, I. G. Wm Wnnwlv. O. Q. Tho Installation will tnko place at tho first meeting In tno now year, Tinirniinv m-cnlnc. January 2, 1913. rwtinr fonliirnn of tho evening will bo Initiation of a cnndldnto and n big banquot, for which olaboralo prepara tions nrq being mndo. Connect With Present Ohm. INJPLIE Several Victories Scored by Cupid nt Coos County Sent. Tho Coqulllo Horald says: 11 .. T Dn.ntloii mill 1.1 ill til AT. Tho Coos Day Nows prints tho M.nil ,.;,. of nnndon woro mar- followlng: .... ., rlod bv JuBtlco J. J. Stanloy nt John Denr, In discussing uio . . ; . ,, mchinond-Dnrkor uroly fasten much Joy upon tho tho other dny, e.ilil that ho cav Id t RTQ 0rogonnnD, tho groom bo ipy pnrcnta throughout their lives, recall nlno murders In tho vlclnlt) j product of Jnckaon county lulgo Coko has adjourned circuit of South Slough for which nobody c t bc,ng tho blrth- Marshfield and North Bend Auto Line GORST & KING. Proprietors. Ul 1IIUI1IUM J. r ', ... .. tl. l.nnnli Wo lUUlim "l t" ""-" .- - i-t a ...!.... to riiwiniir ni u iiuuv uii mu uimi t...,.n. tn...i.... rnrnnnnn. iinnnnv UUCKlO OI ITUSJICr, UIL un-uuiuiii i c. ---',, , n.,,11. Clnlli'll OU1IUIHB, iuuiiuuj ..... , n daughtor. May this llttlo Ducklo near the mouth of South Bloug . bor 23 Doth Ul0 contracting pnr secure happy .iiiiiuii ijiiivii nun uiuvjuiiivu v - v . .. . . .. court to Monday, January 27. I'md oyer boon ni ljctcii. Mr. u car plco 0, tho brldo Thoy wI11 ro. A. F, lorgon, who has ucon roro- - ; ," ;""",""" "7 skip nt Dnndon. , mnn of tho uoos uny raving com- ",DU '""'.,', ' ,, A',1,,1,;. ", 7A i John nciiboii nnu lunruiu uiuiiuuu, pany, haB takon tho formnnshlp for South Slough ho thinks occurrod in f Dnndon, woro married by Edwin ElIIngBon. who has tho sowor, 1868. Tho last was t ho i urdo ol JlBtlco Stanley nt his offlco In Co contract. It Is tho Intention to start1 Joynor In August of tlilB oar. Tho , Dccomuor 24. Mr. Nollson woric on mo sewer mo iirsi oi mo ";"" ..- -- - --- l8 ft C00B county ooy, a uooKnuuji- ycar. Thirty or moro men will bo, murder wns A. 11. 11 Inch, who kill- nt Dnndon. Mbs Dlundoll Is n employed and thoBo living In Coqulllo ol n, mnn named Wlckman over a tcnchor ,n tll0 i)nmion public and vicinity will bo given proforonco. dispute about road building nt BCjlools mimcdlntoly after tho cor- Work on tho sowor will bogln after South Slough n number of ycarB mony tlloy Btnrtod for Mnrslulcid, KVu. Voni-fl Wn nrn nlrl P Rrt nop aKO. WllOn R. M. WlCdCr WBB SllOr- . !. ..i nt,lnt flin ufonninr w.. .u. ... . T-.uv I'-"l." ' ... . . .,. . lTUIll kllUL IIIHWU ..... a. o ... JIT. Ilincn cscnpcu irom jau uv . u u - for B,,ort Btny. Empire and remained at largo In lo h , f Q L Klmo wnB tho tlO South S OUR 1 Vicinity Until llO i. ", L.Yi l.,. lim.roHqlvn limn nllnttmt fnp Itn roninlotlon In Wns almost doad from Consumption, ........ . lnat Tnnmlnv. ono hundred nnd twenty days. This when ho enmo to Empire, and sur- , villlam M. Roll, son of John wnrlf will tint .linnsnnila nf .Inllnrn rendered to tllO authorities, dying ,.. f vnv n.,,1 T.iiplnn C. In circulation, nnd Coqulllo will fool n Bhort tlnio nfterwards. lllnch R 'hlBon (innKhter 'of Prlco Robl lta benefits in mnny ways. . wis tho father of Ldnn HInch. who ' u , ,n ninrrago by J. -ii r - r I Intnl.. inn tnntlmniiv linfnrn fnn " ." . ... ,.. iir, uiiu iiiro. uiuiH. jiuruii ui irnii-i "'j r.u .- - - j. smnlov. ltlBilCO Ol iioncu. .1110. don woro tho proud parents of a Brand Jury concerning tno muruors E Schrou,lcr, a alstor of tho baby boy which camo to tholr homo of Jako Evans nnd Joynor. brldo her brother, Roy Roblson, "in looKing over boiuo om i-u- u f ,, f Mr Klmo nnd tho .-a tn nMinr ,lnv wn rnn nrrnHfl "'y .".' . . .- n. .! LEAVE RIARSIIFIEL1) December 20. TROUW.i: IX COQUILIiK HUllil) NEW MXES C. L Mniipln Charged With Tlncnt. enlng P. M. Ilnll Lewis. Tho Coqulllo Herald says: "C. M. Maupln was arraigned bo foro Justlco Stanley today on com plaint of P. M tho defendant with threatening bod Ily harm upon tho person of our wor thy townsman. Maupln mot Mr. Hnll-Lowls on Saturday last, and threatened to bent nnd "swnt" him pors tho other day, wo ran ticroaB 0mcinting magistrate, woro tho only nn nccount of ho murder of two nlU!nl, nnd tho ovont wns whlto men by Indians on tho Co- HUrl)ri80 to nil, oxcopt tho lm qulllo In 181.4 Tho nccount was ?,1C20 rolntivcs. ' After tho coro- wi-muu uy mo .uju . ... A....W.. -. imrtook or n sumpiuouB ; South Slough, who gave It to ub t, ,CBtB of Mrfl Klino. . ono dny In Marahflold early In the T , prosperous young '80S. Ho BPOllB tho nnlllCS Of tho ."...t " "f ! klnrwnv minmnn. JillUll -v " - 7:1B A. M. 8:00 A. M. 8:45 A. M. 9:30 A. M. 10:15 A. M. 11:00 A. M. 11:45 A. M. 12:30 P. M, 1:15 P. M. 2:00 P. M. 2:45 P. M. 3:30 P. M. 4:15 P. M. 5:00 P. M. 6:45 P. M. 6:30 P. M. 7:30 P. M. 8:30 P. M. 9:30 P. M. 10:30 P. M. 11:30 P. M. 12:30 A. M. LEAVK NORTH nENI). 7:00 A. M. 7:45 A. M. 8:30 A. M. 9:15 A. M. 10:00 A. M. 10:45 A. M. 11:30 A. M. 12:15 P. M. 1:00 P. M. .1:45 P. M. 2:30 P. M. 3:15 P. M. 4:00 P. M. 4:45 P. M. 5:30 P. M. 6:16 P. M. 7:00 P. M. 8:00 P. M. 9:00 P. M. 10:00 P. M. 11:00 P. m. 12:00 P. M. Lcnvo North Bend Allen'u New tnnd. Lcato Mnrshflcld Chandler nnd Blanco Hotels and DuBy Cornor. lall-Iovs accuslnt. mo nfl Vonorbal and Rurton. Thoy """ lali-I-OWIS, aCCllSint'. . , wnrltlnir nn Min lionpli nl Uy- Randolph with HInch and Jnko Ev nns, and loft tho enmp In August, 1851, to go up tho Coqulllo river This not bclntr in accord with manll- Home Telephone Company to Make. n0Ba atu dignity, Justlco Stanley was Jlyrtlo Point Extensions. appealed to and ho plnced Maupln un- Tlio Entorprlso says: dor ?200 bonds to keep tho ponco. "E. C. Drews, manngor of tho Coos. Mnupln Is n workman on tho city hall, amy nuuiu uii-iiiuu vui... ."""I nuru mu iiiiiicuiiy ucuuruu iiiiu inr. t . . ,.- - i. nlilnf ' looking nftcr business nffalrs horo Hull-Lowls wns discharging his duties, nbl n Joriroriwo oiuor. Inst Friday. In conversation with Mr." tho capacity of architect and su- Drows, tho Entorprlso man loams that poiintondent of construction upon tho tho toiopliono company airoauy iiaa bu d nc. Ru dors should dwcl to-. cu.M;i'i.uivnv. poles nnd wire on tho ground to build, gothor In unity." a lino from this city to Norway, tho construction of which will bo pushed ns fast as tho woathor will pormlt. A number of tho ranches nlong tho An Untold Story. Thero wns one occasion when Clintin- on n prospecting trip. Thoy wore coy Dcpow's mlrthtnnklng nbllltles re- killed by tho IndlanB nt Dead Man eclved a severe joii. Slough, so called on nccount of tho, Feeling tho need of upbuilding him- traKCdy. but later tho nnmo was Holf nlivBlcallv. ho went to n country changed to Iowa Slough. HInch sanitarium which mndo n business of wns a young follow of 19 or 20 urdonlng muscles nnd perfecting tho nt tho tlmo, nnd Evnns wns l'""" dlgcstlou. In tho routine work of tlu Institution thero wns u morning nan ADRIFT IX I10AT. hour dovotcd to pushing up Into th nli. n nntr nf fliiiulilioll.q. Illld with t lilt I ns with every other feature of the w " , , training tho rulo was nbsoluto oheui- Tho to al population of tho world nc0 Morcovcr, tho suporlntcndont of is cstlmnted to bo 1,520,150,000. . , ,-. ...nq n R,,voro ,iuctor. ol Unltod "states 'll'-SOOOmenl 'r"u flrat ,"or"' ,,t,r ,)e,,c,v'rt " o united btnics i,i.o,uuu nion .,. ..,..,,,,,,,,.,. ,..w, .,,. Ilnvn Hnlvln ilnnnrloil for Ilnrlmr til routo win do connccieu wun mo now , , k , , k ft , . . ont. ovor qq years of ago who are do- l"u' "" """"'" " , ;, . V lino. Mr. Drews nlso states that his' nBt Qe0J Ko Rlvot. Ho r Sondlns on private or public chnr- Ws bauds. During tho first ew mln company contomplatcs building linos J J aundny nftornoon to tho ty for support. ,cs ho m,8hc1 U,cl" ,llt0 ,l! c,,e.r up each of tho North, Middle and JJ"" ? nr,Vor nccompan?od b? T ior0 woro 677,000 nutomobllcs1 nnd pulled them down again with South Forks of tho Coqulllo River.","101"" i,.i "!, or' .?., oraKiJ , .i I.. .,bo. or mm In ovorv 110 of tho crcnt haste, but tu a llltle while the -vS r'Wia.t.s ,i)H ' SAFE AHDlVW.r - f ybQVSFNTUti W J . , iMM-.M-. Got&mr.wewi. ,., vvw urti nunti r w SYNDICATE. DCALCRO KjLAtCNTS COAL COLWIZATION. Miff. farm mm. timub Qrsmizu6 or nmsTmi COMPANIES A SPUlAlTYs ' Tho nast has nroven that investments in small aero tracts near growlnl cities aro tho most profitable Tho C. D. R- S. has such to offer. Clias. J nrnschko. Marshllold. Oro. Wanted the Latest. 'Ilavo you any parlor Socialists?" asked tho young woman who was wnn dcrlug through u Inrgo furnlturo storo. "Whnt's that?" asked tho dazed clerk, not real ccrtnln that bo could ho llo vo his cars. "I don't know Just oxnetly what It Is myself, but l have heard so much about parlor Socialists that 1 thought 1 would llko to look at one. Wo nro furnishing our new parlor, nnd ns 1 un derstand It no modern parlor is com plcto without ono." In Hla Line. "Ho charges tno with adulterating my foods," said tho Indignant grocer. "It Is nn Insult. You must demand an npology or n meeting on tho Hold of Louor." "And. should worst coino to worst, what would you suggest for weapons?" '.'How would adulterated cauued goods do?" Hod It In For Him. "no Is n finished musician." "Finished?" "Yes." "I nm glad ho got what was coming to him. Where did ho run ncross bU flulsh?" Provident Youth. "He diHwn't pay his bills." "Hi- doesn't?" "No." "Why? What does ho do with bis money?" "Uses It for things bo likes." Fashion's Latest. Folly Off Its trolley! Tlint'M Hit Itttivst Anil lli Hrwiteot Think' iiiuler tho mm Tlio lioliUU sUlrt outdone, Tlil for i nor saucy gown Told to no nwny back nnd tit down. Enter the trouscrotte. On a but? No; on tho fair, how shall wo express It,? Yos. Tlint'u tho woiil. AVm liiiow o had heard It fionn'Whure. On tliu fair Lower eMrniltlos-don't crone your necks Of tho fair sex. .At lMBt The die Is oast And uonmn Imn n chance ' To wonr IH ims. Humors Of bloomers Aro In the air. Take home pair Tu tho loved ono And watch Hit) fun. l'nrls Iihs tried 'em. Tho binall boys eyd 'em. And the "hoop they hurled l'o r tli soundeil twice around the world And Is still going, with tho echo to mnitt, "Which U koIiik some. How would you llko to dirt With a harem skirt? Tho olwncu will soon be here. The way I It nill bo some display. The circus parade "W III be throuit In tho shade, I!U8103 Will Stop, Men with weak hearts will drop Dcuil, and there will be some din When the llrst bisected skill di If U In. "Corkscrew." Mr. Thompson Is om- population In tho United StnteB in senatorial muscles hi'gan to grow ployed by tho Ilrooklngs Lumbor 1011. weary. Tho new member of the clnss, Co., nnd tho dog Is gonernlly om-1 Sonttlo spends 51 conts por cnpl-' looking round at his companions, took ployed entlng. Thoy cast anchor tn for Its public health sorvlco and icnrt nmi 8lm.t 0 Uiu work. At Inst outsldo, tho ropo chnfod nnd tho its death rato of 10 Is tho lowest ,0 COuld stand It no longer, nnchor was lost. Tho boat drifted of any city nenr its bIzo In tho Un-. no ,ct hl9 inn(l3 ,lrop t0 ,rt 8uics until daylight yostordny morning, od States. .' and laughed Infectiously. "Doctor." ho when, after an oxcltlng glldo ovorl Then, , . , 20(! lmo IntUan wards XL 'this reminds me of a storyl" mo bouu apii ino wuouii ciuuo i u - .";":,.""" :;" .;; r7V "Mr. Denew." Hiilcl tho trainer rough- port. Tho two men enjoyed tho trip, but tho bow-wow wns trou bled with scnBlcknoss. Oolo Reach Qlobo. TROUI1LK IN OAMl Henry llm-ney Injinril In Mlvup Near Myrtlo 1'olnt. Tho Entorprlso says: Henry Rarnoy of Llndborg s rnmp, Thoy own proporty nnd funds nggrogntlng $078,504,253. y, 'Vllher keep on pushing those j dumbbolN or leave the phico!" $100 Reward, $100 And Mr Dcpcw pushed, grimly nnd The r liners ef Ihlnnsncr til bo nleiCl In . WllUOUl luinn. lrsm tht there Unt leoitniiodresilcil clUetio lint irieuce lis been nbie to cure-in nil lis luce, and Hint liC'stsml. Hull's Catarrh Cure Is tlio only positive euro now known to tho tnrdlral fraternity. Calami bclns n con stitutional illifHfo, rcqutres a ronitltutlonal Paylno His Debt. A peevish and nagging professor who loved to flunk Ills students was exam Steamer Homer Sails from San Prancisco, for Coos Bay With freight only, Friday, Dec. 27th F. S. DOW, Agcat. Occab Dock. treatment. Ilall.sratanh enrols takon Inter- (nine? n class III nhvslolouy. lie placed !''" flrcW. "E" .te.S .'?: I Z-" ,,Z V T f.Tldotlflentlon a ...l.n lo .. n.nn.l.n. f !. .....,! o... " "" " Hl J.irill, llivit"! "'V"J '" , """ .-.-,- --; - ' . . .. ...,i ,n .. ii.u.i.uu. u. .u .uiiiiui ....- II0 louniiaiion oi tnc innate, ami Rivins me with tlmlinrR hrimli nm! nx which tlnn and skIvIIkk naturo In doliiB Its work. Willi limners, nrusil nntl nx, WHICH Th0 )ropr0tora have no much faith In Its cur resulted In a long, deep flesh wound atno powers that they offer One Hundred Pol just below tho kuoB, Ho was brought larsfornnyrai'oihatltUlUtocuro. Seudior to town nnd Is bolng cared for nt tho u,0"c",f,L01J:,Jft;"f:nKNKVACO..Tolcdo,o Whlto Cross Hospital. i BoMbyall DmikkUu.7.v. IToro wo aro sssKisW'tW'BIssssssssiHI Bl HbmHisssssssHL1sB kV JcssHileHHvlsHisssssssssssssssissssH tflHBfiHsBSSSSSSSsl essssLLsT &x 4sssHlissssHsQsssssssssssssssssH sH - rHHH car- RIGHT IN CLOVER and wo aro right horo to toll you thai Ao To Maiines has now tho largest lot of Baled Hay every nod under ono root on Coos .bay. Also a large lino of Feed airadl Flooir all of the very host. Have a sack of flour sent up for your next halving and try it. AVator Jront, foot of Central Avenue Phono 152 drop of blood obtained by pricking bis own linger. Ono of tho students who owed tho professor n grudge when asked by tho examiner to stnto to what animal the blood belonged looked up after carefully examining tho speci men nud sweetly replied, "A reptile. Hlr!" A rinrhed Wlro Cut, Collar or saddle uau not propeny healed leaves a dlstlgurlns Bear. Ballard's SNOW LINIMENT ' Iw tho IllRlit Ilcmedy for All AhrnsloiiH of the rivsb. If tho wound Is.clonnhcd and tho Hnlmcnt applied promptly, tho healing process begins at onco nnd tho wound heala Irom tho Insldo outwardly, thus per- l rornuntr a pcricci euro inui f leaves no scar. If tho wound p heals on tho outsldo too qulolt ly, pus forms under tho sur rnrn nnu urcnKS our iniu 11 run nliur boro that Is hard to cure L uiiu iiiuvitauijr ivniva u uau scar. Ownors of blooded stock pro fcr this Hnlmcnt tn nil others for that reason, nnd they uso It not onlv on lino animals, but nn human llish. nn It ilooa Ita vorU quickly and thoroughly. I'rlee SSc, COo nud 91.00. JamesF.Dallard.Prop. Ct, Louis, Mo. j Stephens Cys Salve Is a heallna ointment tor tioro uyes. laoLOANDHECOMMCNPtDHVfc I.ocklinrt-l'nr.sons Drug Co, "Tlio Husy Corner" Tho lloxnll Storo. T. J. SOAIFE A. JI. 1IODGIXS Narshfield Paint (Sb Decorating Co. Furnished. Kstlmutcs Phono 11' -T. Oregoi AllSIIFIKLl), FOU A GOOl) WAT' II OK FlXIi JEWELRY E C. BARKER JEWELER Fino Watch nnd Jewelry Repairing. 200 Front St., Mnrslifield. t EQUIPPED WITH WIRELESS Steamship Breakwateii ALWAYS ON TI5IE. SAILINGS FROM PORTLAND, Tuesday evening of each week H P. M. -...r.--. .Mrt iiiciiiMprit u A Af Cndmliiv. Tier. 7! 1 M., Saturday, Dec. lllli; 7 A. M Sntuitlay, Dec. Hi; VMSO I. Jlj Mittiriiay, nee. i:. Phono Main 35-L. THE NEW Steamer J. O. MILLER, Agent, SPEEDWELL CAPT. I1URTIS, Master. Sails for San Francisco from Coos Bay, Friday, Dec. 27? a service of tide. THE SPEEDWELL is speedy nnd lias excellent pncnger nccon inodntlons, largo clean nnd wiry rooms nnd electric ," " wireless. , For freight nntl passage, npply, .lia(Pflrt Co A. F. Estabrook Co. Tltlo Gunrnntco nnd Abstract w ... r.. a a.... T.' ,Mcm illlimiinwt". Mid Vlll. OK, . -...v.avw. THE FRIEND OF COOS RAY' S. S. ALLIANCE EQUIPPED WITH WIRELESS SAILS FROM COOS BAY FOR. PORTLAND MftNnAY DiVC 23. CONNECTING WITH THE NORTH BANK ROAD AT I'OUTLANI -...n-. nn.n...nrim nmllllVV. i.i tA O. F. McGEOHOb, Ag" FAST AND COBDIODIOU8 t earner Redondo Equipped with wlrelws nnd submarine bell . SAILS for SAN FRANCISCO FROM MARSHFIEU SATURDAY, DEC. 28, at 1 P. M. f AH Passenger RcservnUons Fr om San Francisco Mste u 803 Fife HluldtaB, or Pier No 10. AH rcsenatlons mu liCU up Hours uuiuiu o. o- PIlONB 44. IXT,:"-O0E'VN m""aSjLi The Times Does Job Prii B? h