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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 28, 1912)
THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 28, 1912 EVENING EDITION. PERSONAL NOTES T Grand Benefit Concert M L. D. SMITH of Daniels Crcok Is In town today. 10 BE PUT JOHN DIASCA of Coos niver Is In town today. HEATNG U Coos Bay Concert Band Benefit Marshfield Public Library At Masonic Opera House Sunday, December 29,191 2 At 2:30 P. M. ADMISSION Hear Some Good Music and Help by Attending WOOLEN MILL We Aire Him Bosiimess to Fill Yoor Prescriptions and wc fill them right. Standard Drugs and Chemicals of highest pur itv are used in our proscription department. 'Every prescription is twice checked before dcliv creel FRIGES ALWA YS RIGHT Lockhart-Parsons Drug Co. "THE BUSY CORNER" PHONE -MAIN 298 TONIGHT Re Royal Joe's Reward Tho Rest Sinn Wins A Bcspcrnto Lover The Roar Escapes MUs Mhrlln In two new songs. ed Irwin In new songs nnd stories Any Sent 10c. Hatlneo every Sumlny nt 2:30. Toiilirht tiin first Korstono film Ewn on Coos Ray. , WANT ADS.l It SALE Ono 12-giingo pump sun; ono 22 Winchester repeater; one tool chest nnd tools; ono Victor talking machlno and rec ords. 1093 Flanagan street. M)JT--inlr of cold-bowed spectn- 'es. Reward for return to tno Times ofllce. RANTED Men to take contract to iash smnll alder. Chas. Barrett, 6 Croo Ranch, Hnynes inlet. rU SALE Phono: lareo narlor or ?i BQoa lor scnooi, cnurcn ur - . . i' -. omo. See A. B. Daly. M'AX'TRn m. nnila ii'lm nlnn BY FOR - - - - This Space Donated US tho steering whool nt onco nnd o..i 1 1 iiwiin,. irnniiin a it i avoid further trouble A. n. Stutsman. WOMEN A money maker, nntcod Hoslory to woaror. nronosltlon beats all others. per day. Wrlto Immediately. Qunkor City Mills, 34 So. ICth St., Phllndolpbln, Pn. WANTED Carrier boys to deliver Tho Times. Must bo 12 years V, """" " r.....i. Ln old or over nnd In Fourth grade- or hlghor at scnooi. Appiy nv Times office after 4 o'clock. Pftlt HALE Chcan. If tnktm nt onco, snddlo horse. Can bo drlv en. Inquiro Horso, enro Times. WANTED To borrow $2000 for two or moro years on real estnto1 valued nt ?G000. Address Real Estate, caro Times. I FOR SALE Old newspapers; n big bundlo for n nickel. Just tho thing to start fires with. FOR SALE Dry wood, fir nnd al der, at Campbell's Wood Yard, Forry landing. Phomo 158-L. HOARD AND ROOM In private family. 246 North Fourth St., phono 242-L. Umbrellas Covered at Marshfield Cyclery, Dayton Agents, I Phono 158-R 172 Broadway 25 CENTS a Worthy Cause by STORE I FAMILY DINNER Mr. nml Mrs. Chits. Donno of South Marshflold ontortnlnoil nt cllnnor Christmas. Thoso prosont woro: Mr. and Mrs. F. S. Hlobo. Frank and Eu geno Hlobo, Mr. nnd Mrs. Chna. Doauo mid Clfford and Chnrlcs Donno. IIOTKL ARIUVALS. CHANDLER A. M. Rakor, linn don: Goo. E. Tonnoy, Myrtlo Point: W. 13. Stack, Allogany: Goo. Cllnk- Inbcnrd, Coos Rlvorj Mrs. F. Bax tor, Coqulllo. COOS C. Cardwoll nnd wlfo, Co qulllo. BLANCO P. Ruckort, rortlnnd; Joo Fosso, Conlodo. LLOYD J. II. Prntt, Sluslnw; E. A. Prntt, SliiBlaw; John If. Mnrsli, Port Orford; Louis Mnrsh, Port Or ford; Donnld Mnrsh, Port Orford; J. J. Cllnklnbcard, Danlols Crcok; Geo, Wilson, Eniplro. Tito discovery has boon nn nounced by Dr. Rosonnu of Hnrvard University that Infantllo pnralysls Is cnrrled through tho blto of tho or dlnnry stnblo fly. Moro tnaii 2000 Bteamsiups nnu a,nB. ve8t80'8 woro wrecked nt sen throughout tho world In 1911. n " , , ,,,,, .,. Unltod States hnvo lncronsed from o nr.n in.i jen i.. iono tn i?ti. -?l G"nr'-583,599 In" 1911 an Increase of CO ""i.eont during tho past ton years, Dnnd Donoflt concert for public library at Masonic Opora Houso Sunday afternoon. Admission 25c. NOTICE. Commencing Tuosdny, Decombor 2i tho Mnrshflold-Emplro nuto will ,ea'vo Marflhf,ol(1 nt 9:30 n ni) nnd 4.00 p. m. for Empire. . Bund Benoflt concort for public library at Mnsonlo Opera Houso bununy anernoon. Admission sue. Trv Tho Times' Want Ads. THE NEXT RIG FEED IS NEW YEARS. PHONE US YOUR ORDERS FOR Booth's Fresh Oysters Water Cress AND OTHER GOODIES. Stauff Grocery Co. Mnskey's Candles, Phono 102 TIDES FOR DECEMBER. Hulow Is Rlvon tho tlrao nnd height of high nud low water at Marshfield. Tl o tldos nro placed In tho order it occurrence, with tholr tlmca on tho first lino nnd heights on the second lino of ench dny; a compar ison on consecutive heights will Indicate whothor It Is high or low water. For high wntor on tho bar, niitrnct 2 hours 34 minutes. lira.. G.13 11.37 5.4G 11.59 5.9 0.5 C. 19 0.0 Ft. . 5.7 2.5 12.39 2.2 7.4G CO S.39 CO I Irs,, Ft., lira,, Ft.. lira.. Ft.. C.G7 G.9 0.47 0.3 1.41 1.1 5.2 1.43 1.8 2.55 1.4 0.0 8.01 4.5 9.21 4.1 31 WEATHER FORECAST. OREGON Occasional rain tonight and Sunday In northwest rain or snow tonight or Sunday In southwest and onst. South westerly winds. LOCAL TEMPERATURE RECORD. For tho 24 hours ending nt 4:43 n. m., Dec. 28, by BonJ. Ostllnd, special government me teorological observer: Mnvlmum 40 Minimum 29 At 4:43 n. m 40 Precipitation 70 Wind: Southwest; rainy. Dor Injured. A delivery wagon rnn over Nels Rnamussen's flno hunting dog on Front street this nftornoon nnd Inflicted Injuries which will probably provo fatal. Kiu Rccn 111 Miss Eugenia Schil ling Is reported to bo qulto 111 nt tho homo of her pnrents, Mr. nnd Mrs. J. E. Schilling, In Myrtlo Point, of nppendlcltls. Special Program Tho Dunkor Hill Sunday school will glvo a spo clnl program thoro Sunday nftor noon nt 2:30. .P A. Sacchl will hnvo charge of tho music. Now Business Messrs. Chantlor and Gottlng havo leased tho storo building nt Third nud Andorsou from Dr. Lcsllo nnd opened n ton, coffco and splco stxiro there. 0K'ii Business. MessrB. llcss nnd Denis todny opened n cleaning nnd pressing establishment nt 121 North Front street, nenr tho Or plinum theater. Mr. Hess enmo hero somotlmo ngo from Portland. Dies lii Randon. Word was ro rnlvoil hero todav that Alvlii Monk. proprietor of tho Englo saloon at llandon, died nt MB 1101110 moro Inst night nftor n long Illness. Mr. .M011K wns wen Known on tno nay ond wns a mombor of tho Mnrsh fleld norlo of Eagles. Wim Ik Divorce. Mrs. Mary ei. Stnmbuck has begun suit for dl vorco from Andrew Stnmbuck. Tho Stnmbucks Hvo on Coos RIvor nnd n few months ago tholr troubles woro nlrod In Justlco Ponnock's court. . .Moving Today Goo. N. Bolt Is moving tho Coos Bay Cash Storo from tho arlmos building on Front Strcot Into tho Tower building on Contrnl Avonuo, nonr Fourth Streot. Ho hns to comploto moving by next Tuesdny night, whon tho aunnory will occupy tho old location. New Uniform. Merchant Pntrol mnn Chnrlos Doano yesterday ro colvod a flno now uniform and will honcoforth nppenr In full pollco un iform. Tt Is found tnnt tno rog ulnr nollco uniform Is moro nil vnntngeous to him than the "plnlu clothes." Trouble Thursday II. Hagomels tor, Honry Wlstl, Gus Foncher nnd W. R. Kronholm woro found not guilty by City Rocordor Butlor today on tho chargo of bolng In n brawl In tho National saloon last night. A man nnmed Brown, who Is said to havo caused tho troublo, forfeited $5 cash ball nnd did not npponr. Mary Pictures Crowd Orphcum. Lnst night tho Orphoum thontor was filled to overflowing at an enrly hour nnd tho Flilrd plcturo In tho "What Happened to Mnry" sor les, "Mnry In Stngolnnd," wns woll rocolved. Tho noxt Installment will bo shown nt tho Orphoum In nbout threo weeks. Watch for tho date. EAGLES' NOTICE. All Eagles aro roquosted to moot at tho rnllwny depot tomorrow, Sun dny, morning nt 8 o'clock to accom pnny Marshflold Aorlo In special train to Bnndon, to attend tho funeral of Brother Alvln Monk, which tnkes plnco thero tomorrow. By ordor of O. O. GpiNG, Worthy Prpsldont. I ALONG THE WATERFRONT Tho stenmor Bnndon nrrlvod In nt Bnndon yesterday from San Francis co. Tho tug Roberts Is hero loading with gonoral morchandlso for tho Slusalw, thoro being a largo accum ulation of freight hero for thoro. NORTH BEND NEWS Thoro will bo services In St. Mary's Enlsconal Church on Sunday at 2 o'clock. EVAN HODSON of South Coos River Is In town today. JAY RICHARDS of Sumner Is In town for tho day. SAM SHOOK Is In town today from North Coos RIvor. MRS. P. D. DLAKH Is In town today from Catching Inlet, MISS MA1JLE MILLS, of Sumner Is In town for tho day. FRED WATERS of North Inlet la a town visitor today. E. J. MASTERS of Catching In let Is In town today. LOUIS STONE 'of Catching Inlet Is a town visitor todny. MRS. II. E. BESSEY Is In town to dny from tho Creamery. G. II. MYERS of South Coos River is in town for tho day. CLYDE BARKER of Falrvlow Is a Marshfield visitor today. ,MRS. T. F. SMITH, of Daniels Crcok Is In Mnrshfleld for tho dny. CAPT. C. W. HARRIS of Sumner Is In town todny on business. MISS OLLIE RICHARDS of Sumner Is n Marshflold visitor today, JAMES LANDRITH of South Coos River Is in town on business. CHAS. MAHAFFY of North Coos River Is a visitor In town today. MISS ELNA SELANDER of Sumnor Is spending tho day In Mnrshfleld WM. DOYLE Is In town todny from tho Luso ranch on South Coos RIv or. FRANK SANFORD of Sumnor Is n business visitor to Mnrshfleld to dny. QUS nnd CARL MATSON of Cntch Ing Inlet nro Marshfield visitors today. MRS. EMMA HILBORNcamo to town this morning from her Mllllcomn homo. MRS. J. M. CULLEY nnd children of Catching Inlot nro visiting In town todny. ROCCO BIASCA nnd wlfo nnd llttlo daughter nro spending tho dny In town. MISS SIONA STORA of North Coos RIvor Is n Mnrshfleld shopper todny. MISS EDITH DHEIER of North Coos RIvor, Is In town today on business. MISS FLORENCE ROOKE of North Coos RIvor Is visiting In Marsh flold today. MISS LULU IIODSON of North Coos RIvor Ih spending tho day la Mnrshfleld. MRS. J. J. CLINKINBEARD nnd dnughtor, Miss Anna, aro Mjrsh flold visitors. MR. SLOCUM, who Is living on tho Brldgoa plnco on Catching Inlot, Is In town todny. RAY and PHILIP LANDRITH of North Coos RIvor nro spondlng tho day In Marshflold, F. C. HAMILTON brought tho North Star to Mnrshtlold this morning In plnco of dipt. Nod Galloway. MRS. E. L. BESSEY and hor mother, MRS. E. W. GUPTIL, nro Mnrsh flold visitors todny from South Coos RIvor. MISS ALICE STEMMERMAN and children, who havo boon visiting Mrs. Lawhorno of Sumnor, return ed to Allegnny today. ANDREW LOWLAND, who has boon visiting nt tho Louis Stono homo on Catching Inlet, return ed to Marshflold this morning. T. J. SOAIFE Is now visiting frlonds In San Diego nnd writes Mrs. Scalfo that ovorythlng sooms to bo booming in tho southern California city. FRED GAGE of Allogany nnd his son, Wllllnm Gago, Jr., nro In Marshflold today on tholr wny to Coqulllo to visit at tho W. W. Gago homo for a few days. MR. and MRS. CLARENCE HARRIS of Coqulllo, who spent Christmas with Mrs. Harris' parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jud Mills, of Sumnor aro In Marshflold on their wny homo. MR. and MRS. E. R. VARNEY, who! spent uiiriBinius wim , iij nnrnntu. fiant. nnd Mrs. Lattlll Of South Coos RIvor aro In Marshflold j on tholr wny to tholr nomo in uoa ledo. MRS. MARIETTA KING, who has been spondlng the Christmas holi days with Jay Montgomery and family of Eastsldo, Is In Marshflold today on hor wny to Milllcoma to bo tho guest of Mrs. Emma Hllborn for a few days. LLOYD ROSE loaves on tho Speod well for San Francisco to moot his wlfo who Is returning from an ox tended visit with rolatlves and friends In Los Angoles. After n brief visit In San Francisco the;, will return homo , I W. S. Chandler May Supply All Business Houses in Down Town Section. W. S. Chandler Is considering plans for a lnrgo central heating pinni wnicii will neat all of tho business buildings tn the down town section of Mnrshfleld. Ho hna practically mado up his mind to Install a central boating plant for tho Chandler Hotel, tho Coko build ing, tho First National Unnk build ing and tho now Chandler block, when It occurred to him that It would be ndvnntagoous all around probably to havo a central heating systom for tho business district. His plan Is to put In tho largo heating plant on his property In tho rear of tho Chandlo Hotol. Ho now has a f ranch Ibo for tho streets around tho Chandler, but to carry out his now project It will bo nec essary for him to securo franchises on additional streets, probably cov ering tho district from tho William block south of Curtis nvcnuo to north of Markot nvcnuo, nnd from front strcot to Fourth strcot. Ho Is contemplating tho installa tion of tho plant noxt spring and will probably tako doflnlto stops In the matter In n few days. LEAVE TODAY ON SPEEDWELL Vessels Sail This Afternoon for San Francisco and San Pedro. Tho Speedwell sallod this afternoon for Snn Francisco and San Pedro with a lnrgo enrgo from tho North Bond mills nnd n lnrgo numbor of pnsscn gors. She will return In about ten days. Among thoso sailing on tho Spood well woro: Mrs. II. C. Hodgklns, Mrs. A. II. Hodgkliis, Sydney Williams, A. II. Hodgklns, E, E, Hayes, Mrs. L. Hayes, Flosslo Hayes, Lloyd Wilson, Dick Lonnnn, F. Ritchie, Mrs. F. Ritchie, Mrs. A. M. Ferries, L. J. Simpson, Dr. C. W. Tower, Mrs. C. W. Towor, A. Kruckow, W. F. Bakowoll, F. W. Days. Mrs. F. W. Days, N. E. Potor son, E. (1. Rlchnrdson. E. Nerby. Wm. Donnelly. II. O. Hodgklns, Archlo Freor, M. linker, M. Cluster, Edwin Johnson, J. Smith, C. Robinson, Joo Smith and twelvo Coqulllo RIvor pas Bongors whoso mimes could not bo ob tained. Coos Bay Branch of Organi zation Holds Annual Elec tion Here Today. At a meeting of tho Coos Bay Grango In tho I. O. O.. P. hnll to day, tho following oillcers woro elected: Master Noll Watson. Ovorseer Philip Landrlth. Lecturer Mrs. E. I Bossoy. Chuplnln J. E. Fltzgornld. Socrotnry Chnrles Mnhaffy. Stownrd Louis Stono. Assistant stownrd R. N. Wob "tor. , .. Lady assistant steward Mrs. II. E. BesBoy. Gatokooper Eliza Worth. Cores Cathorlno BcHsoy. Poinonn Gladys Roberts. Flora MrB. Cox. Is Your Hot Water Bottle Leaky? How often linvo you suddenly needed your hot water bottle only to find it leaky nnd unfit for use ? You will not havo this troublo with tho "Kontlockll Water Bottlo. It fa poiitliely toratI to bp perfect in workmanship and materials. If U shows any imperfections within two years from tho day you buy It. tho manufacturers guarautco to rcpfaco it without charge. nro rondo of tho finest Para rubber, with triply rc-cnforccd seams and perfectly adjusted stopples that roako Ieakago impossible, Tho surfaco is soft and pleasing to tho touch. livery botuo is full capacity. Various sizes prices no higher tlian for tho or dinary kind. Wo are tho ex clusive agents. If you will call, wo will gladly show you our complete lino of rubber goods; Brown Drug Co. Marbhlleld, Ore. NEW OFFICERS OF IHE GRANGE i I I 'ti i i; ', f v Ufl ued tho boat Toddy to replaca