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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 28, 1912)
WY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, SATURDAY DECEMBER 28, 1912 -EVENING EDITION. m COOS BAY TIMES M. O. MALONNV Editor mid Tub. O&X IS. MAI.ONHY News Keillor HI r LEAVE Official Paper of Coos Count. caicatod to tlio sorvlco of the people, that no good cnuso shall lack ml champion, and that ovll shall no. dbriro unopp scd. Eatcrcd nt tho postofflco at Marsh' JBoMt, Oregon, for transmission Ctrrough tho malls as second clasi uiall mattor. SUBSCRIPTION RATES. DAIIA'. Ono year v JG.00 Por month . . . .' CO WEEKLY. En year $1.50 Whon paid strictly In ndvanco Hie arabscrlptlon prlco of tho Coos Day Vitnoa Is $5.00 per year or $2.50 to: ssix mouths. Address all communications to COOS HAY DAILY TIMES. TWnrslificld :: :: :: : Orcgoa 0 Steamer Leaves for San Fran cisco Rough Bar May Delay Vessel. VESSELS DELAYED i 1JY ltOU(Jll HAH I 0REG0NAT1HE EXPOSITION OREGON AT THE PANAMA EX-POSITION. IN ANOTHER column of this lssuo of Tho Times thoro np pcars a copy of n letter writ ten by Stato Sonator I. S. Smith In xraponso to n query from tho Oro ysorilnn as to his nttltudo on tho matter of a stato npproprlntlon for -an exhibit at tho Panama-Pacific Exposition In San Francisco In '2915. Mr. Smith takes a broad and SJbornl view of tho mattor and Tho Tflmcs fools cortnln voices tho son CamontB of tho people of this soc tllon In his expression favoring a largo appropriation. Oregon hns nl m&dy neglected Its opportunities ftoo long. Possessed of resources alehcr in natural wealth and czrcalcr In variety than either Cal IBfomla or Washington, this stato &S3 lagged In dovolopmont bocnuso j3op!n havo not lenown or realized Tte resources and opportunities. Tho Times endorses Senator JHmlth'fl vlows and suggests that "& utnto and nil tho counties In Orogon unlto in ono largo building In -which exhibits from each coun ry and section could bo consplcu vtmly displayed. Py such co-oporn-tlon Oregon and tho counties with in Us bordors would occupy such st. commanding position at this SCTM't exhibition that no visitor oronld go away without n fnvorn Mo Impression. Tho Coos Day bar is very rough today as a result of a storm that hns been prevailing slnco yesterday off tho coast. Up to u lato hour this after noon, tho Nnnn Smith, Speod woll, Redondo and Breakwator woro unablo to cross out nnd probably will not leavo before tomorrow. men who ought to go TO .IAIIj. Tho Redondo sailed this aftornoon for Snn Francisco with a largo cargo of lumbor from tho C. A. Smith mill. Tho bar was reported qulto rough nt noon nnd it was doubtful if tho Redondo will bo ablo to cross out bo- foro tomorrow, Among those snlllng on tho Redon do woro tho following: II. Hongoll, J. Irvine, Win GUfoIl, Miss Delia Somors, Mrs. E. Hackers, C. J. Hoc kott, Mrs. J. Hockott, A. H. Quorln, 0. F. Ouorln, A. Thornhavon, J. Thorhavcn, J. W. DoLnplna, A. Apal la. J. Valentino, P. Mngapao, A. Balncs, P. Panln, J. Coopor, M. Sol- Hsos, O. Oltovo, Geo. Lontcru, Inez McFnrlnnd, Mary Klomonttl, Master Surback, Mrs. A. J. Surback, A. W. Russell, John Dlasca, R. W. Bulllng ton, Mrs. R. W. Dulllngton, N. Bor dlna, S. Vollawa, J. Eulan, J. Espln oza, O. Molina, A. Ortega, J, Crcar and W. Korpchoff. SHIP FISH ON BREAKWATER THE TIMES Is not Puritanical in morals or prejudiced in niiittoi'H of porsonnl liberty, Tint It boltovoH that such liberty should not become llronso for tho nsn of lowd, vulgar nnd obsccno fcingungo on Marshfleld stroots. I.ot'B lay It down as good law nnd good koiihu that tho man who 37)0 ii Ib ohsconlty nnd blasphemy on ;hn streets ought to go to Jail. Thru lot's put tho thoory Into practice nnd put In Jail a few of those who habitually uao vllo lan jenngo In public. It Is u nutttor of nomo complaint nnd wider observation that groups r younger inon nro guilty of this iffoiiFu on tlo prlnclpnl streots of the city. On Saturday nfternoous and evenings whon tho streets nro most crowded tho offonso is most mnrltcd. Men going pnst theso Rroups hear lnngungo unfit for hu Bnun earn. Women hoar It. Chll ilron hear it. Thoso follows should nit It nut or go to Jail. A couplo of young men of de cent .ipTionranco rnnin out of a bur Evnr .whop on Front stroet tho other nvonlng talking freely nnd nloud ,Tr. .Mio vilest language. Anyono jinsslng could hear It, Thero omod no thought or caro In T olr minds iih to who hoard or fulled to hoar. Thoso youths need j shock. Thoy should havo It. Filthy expletives, rotton remin iscences, uncontrolled profanity, nnd tAo gonornl output of ovll nnd care lens minds nro not for public ox- pTcaslon. Somo of tho follows who assume such license ought to go to Jail. ir n fight on a street rornor is tan orfonso dcsorvlng of a stiff fine rr Jail sentence, how much more rtooB tho croaturo who stands Hpoutlng tho vilest obscenity in tho warn of passersby of both sexes ilffsorvo? loots' seo that ho quits tbl s diversion or gets part of what Tin, "hns coming to him. Steamer Sails This Afternoon for Portland With a Big Shipment. Tho Ilrcnkwntor snllod this nftor noon for Portland. Slio had n com paratively small nasoongor list, ow ing to the light travel so soon nftor, Christmas. Sho had a fair enrgo of, outgoing freight, including nbout flf-( leOII IUUS (11 HllllllUll llUlll IIIU V.UUS Day Ico and Cold Storngo Company. Among thoso sailing on tho Drenk wnter wero tho following: J. A. Clayton, Jas. Skinner, Mrs. .Ins. Sklnnor, C. W. Martin, Mrs. C. W. Martin. (Jcorgo Cordon, Mrs. Goo. Gordon, Wnltor Gordon, Mr. Wullnco, F. Ruckort, Jno. Marsh, Louis Marsh, Donald Marsh, Dr. Ilnkor, Y. M. Mc I.nln, Mrs. Y. M. McLnln, I. IIIU, II. Dorr, L. W. Jacobs. Mrs. S. W. Ja cobs, C. Olson, Mr. Stossmolstor, Mrs. II. I.eo, Lucy Leo, Charles Loo, Doro thy Lee, A. Laval, Mr. Norton, S. Mc Glll, Jno. Mnrclnok, F. E. Crcots, Mr. Wnyne. .SCHOOL CENSUS COMPLETED. Tho comploto school consus of Coos county rocoutly complotcd, says tho Coqulllo Sontlnol, shows the school population of tho coun ty to bo as follows: Males 3219. Fomnlos 320S. Total 0247. Tho census ns regards tho cities of tho county Is divided nu follows: Bandon 922. Marshflold 8G4. North nend 005. Coqulllo 507. Myrtlo Point 331. fiOOR PEOPLE GOOD TOWN. THE people in Marshfleld nro as good as uny othor pooplo; and If thoy will, thoy enn imnko this ns good ns any othor town. WHAT CEDAlt RAPIDS DID RECENTLY tho Rockofollor Foun dation offored to glvo $100,000 to Coo College Cednr Rapids, "Iowa, for a building nnd ondowmont (unci, on condition that Cedar Rap ids Itself ralso $2G0,000. A commltteo of 100 Codar Rapids business men rnlsod it in ono wooK. Tho rontrlbutlon ranged form $5 to 35,000, This community, nny community, fan do things if Its morchnnts and its pooplo are working togothor nnd In terested in each othor's wolfaro. It is not posslhlo In tho town whoro tho pooplo havo not tlmo to study tho town's needs nnd advantages bocauso thoy nro so busy studying mnll-ordor catalogs, A QUESTION OF QUALITY SOCIETY NEWS THERE is Just two things that govern tho prlco of any artlelo Quality and Supply. Thoro is cm) artlelo of ordinary uso that your uoino morchnnt cannot buy in tho open market. No mall order houso Mr. nnd Mrs. P. D. Diako ontortnln- od on Christinas day with a family dlnnor. Thoso presont woro: Mr. nnd Mrs. E. O. Crnuslmy, Mr. and Mrs. J. Mastors, Mr. and Mrs. Brnlnnrd, Mr. nnd Mrs. P. D. Blnko and Rnlph nnd George Blako, Paul Bralnard, Archlo nnd Loo Vlncnmp. j. . .j. Mr. nnd Mrs. Carl Wost of Eastsldo wero host and hostess to n numbor of friends and rolnttves on Christmas day. Tho guests woro; Mrs. M. Cav annugh, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Cavan augh and chlldron, Clnro, Edith, Hu bort nnd Eldron, Mr. nnd Mrs. Wilkes Cavanaugh and chlldron, Ethol and Hormnn. Mr. nnd Mrs, R. L. Cav- annugh and children, Muriel nnd Rob ert nnd Mr. and Mrs, R, KItson, and son, William, 4 Mrs, Viola Hansen of Gnrdlnor Is visiting for n fow days with her bro thor, C. W. Molvln, on Broadway. $ Mr, and Mrs. Adolph Johnson nnd family of North Bend spont Christ mas with rolntlves in Marshfleld. .. .. ... Mr. and Mrs. R. K. Bootho, Miss Mary Bootho, Mrs. G. A. Bonnott, Mr. nnd Mrs. P. M. Wilbur nnd Fred nnd Jno Bennett will spend tomorrow at tho sand hills. v . v Miss Alpha Wlcklund is visiting rolat lvoa ln j'lmplro. has a comor on good goods If it had, it would lncronso tho prlco. Thero Is no quality that tho merchant can not glvo ns woll ns nny othor, If you nro willing to pay for It. And thero Is no living man who can materially cut tho prjco of any article without cut ting tho quality. Senator I. S. Smith Thinks the State Should Make 1 Big Exhibit. Tho following copy of n letter writ ton by Stnto Sonator S. S. Smith to tho Portland Orogonlnn in rosponso to an Inquiry as to his views on tho question of nn appropriation for nn Oregon Exhibit at tho Pannmn-Pacl-11c Exposition In Snn Frnnclsco. In 1915, Is solf-cxplnnntory. Marshflold, Orogon, Docomber 27, 1912. Editor "Orogonlan": In roply to your favor of tho 21st Inst requesting my vlows rognrdlng nn npproprlntlon by tho stato for nn exhibit nt tho Panama Pacific Expo sition, will say that porsonnlly I fa vor a largo and llbornl stato appro priation for nn Oregon Exhibit nt this Exposition, which Is to bo hold In San Frnnclsco In 1915. In fact, I rogard It ns obligatory upon tho Btnto to mnko such n show ing nt this Exhibition, wlileh la Tntnr. nntlonnl in Its scopo, that It will not loso promlnenco or prestlgo by com parison with any othor Pacific Coast stato. Wo cannot afford to bo nig gardly. Oregon with its groat woalth of undeveloped resources hns- nn op portunity nt this Exposition to plnco tho information of its grent natural and varied resources boforo tho poo plo of tho world first hand. I bellovo tho progressive and prosperous poo plo of this Btnto will sustain tho legis lature in such nctlon. I nm confi dent Hint my constituents In Coob and Curry Counties will bo favornblo; for with tholr untold wealth In timber, coal, mlnornls, dairying, agricultural, horticulture and fisheries, tho pcoplo of this section will dcslro that a showing bo mndo at this Exposition that will attract attcntioln. Witln n radius of 05 miles of Coos Bay is has been cstlmnto by our boBt authorities that thero nro 120 billion foot of standing tlmbor, which Is suf ficient to kcop every saw mill in Ore gon running for npproxlmntoly forty years. Every aero of coal land will fur nish ns much tonnngo ns nn aero of wheat land will produco In ton thou sand years, nnd Coos Bay has, accord ing to uio u. s. geological survey, 137 thousand ncres of known conl Innd. Whllo ovory county'In Oregon Is not nn rleli In rnnnnrpna nn thin section, every ono hns possibilities of wonlth and homo making that will warrant an effort to acquaint tho world with tholr possessions In nntu- rni wealth. This Exhibition will bo 0110 of the wnrlil'n irrnntnat rntlmr. Ings for oxchnnglng Idons nnd tho (iispiay or mo possibilities and pro ducts of tho Pnclflc Const states. Vis itors should ho lmprcssod with tho mngnltudo nnd vnrloty of tho resour ces of tho grent Btnto of Oregon. Wo should profit by tho opportunity nnd not pornilt it to pass unhcodod or loso oy snore signtca economy. IRA S. SMITH. Buy Property. At n meeting of tho directors of tho Tormlnnl rnll wny yostordny, the negotiations which Gonornl Mnnngor W. S. Chnn dlor has been conducting for right of way across tho Coos Bay Ico nnd Cold Storngo compnny's proporty nnd tho purchnso of tho James Ma goo proporty on North Front stroot woro approved. It wan also do cldod to put in tho lino on South Brondwny Just ns aoon ns tho hnrd pnvlng Is put In. OAM E WARDEN FINLKY filVKS IIEPOKT FOU YEAlt. SALEM, Dec. 28. Tho summary of tho report of Stato Gamo Wnr don Flnloy, forwnrdod to tho Gov ernor, shows that 7.4 -M, 5 -10 fish woro distributed in tho stato tho last two years, 0,044,540 of which woro trout, 1,400,000 bass, crop pies nnd catfish. Thoro woro 900 Chinese phoasants rolcased nnd 200 Reeves Silver nnd Golden pheasnnts, whllo 15 oik wero transported from Wyoming to Wallowa county. Humor and Philosophy "By OUflCAJt rt. SMITH PERT PARAGRAPHS. rpiIE crook never puts off until tomor row tho man whom he can do to day. This Is u enso where nu old saw works against the good of society In stead of doing what It was Invented for. It takes a bright man to keep a woman In the dark. Tho man who Is gone on himself al ways has bis love returned. The downward path Is easy for tho mau who wears skates. When tho dog howls all night wo enn't help wondering how anybody ever got tho Idea that the dug Is man's best friend. Strange, but men dou't seem to take to long hatpins nny more kindly than woman takes to cigar smoke. It always seems llko a waste of euergy for a pretty girl to bo clever. Tho small boy Is beginning to wonder whether ho hnd better go to tho pic turo show or save bis money against tho opening of the ball season. Special Sale E. PALE The Tailor IS compelled to leave the city on ac count of ill health and will sell all suitings BELOW WHOLESALE price. Theese goods were purchased for the best trade and are for ladies' and gen tlemen's suits and one-piece dresses Call at Once to Secure a Great Bargain E. PALE & CO. 379 North Front St. Marshfield, Oregon TRIES TO BE ALBANIA RULER Report That Egyptian Prince of Albanian Descent Will Seek Control. (n? Auotltttl rrrt to Cooi IU7 TIrim.) LONDON, Doc. 28. An Associat ed Press corrcspnodout stntos that Prlnco Ahmed Found Intonds to dls ombark nt tho Albnnlnnport of Avl lolna or somo neighboring point on tho const. Prlnco Ahmeld, who Is of Albanian descent, rocontly exchanged visits with Count Von Dorchthold, tho Austro-HuiiRarlan forolgn minister in Vlennn. Ho wns nt that tlmo regard ed as a sorlous candldato for tho throno of Albania, Ismail Komal Hay, a leader, whon nskod whothor Prlnco Ah mod Mund would bo accepted by tho Albanians, declnrod tho question of selecting a hoad of tho stato would bo decided in accordance with tho wishes of tho pooplo, nftor tho formation of n doflnito govornmont. Prlnco Ahmod wns lator reported to bo on his way to London to conduct n personal campaign In his own behalf. CURItY COUXTV NEWS. Kvents Thero ns Told by Tho Port Orford Tribune. Don't think that bocauso tho gamo warden is offorlng him for salo that tho Tumor mulo has been caught violating tho gnmo law. Ho Is a good, honest, faithful, ablo bodlod mulo, nnd woll worth tho prlco asked. No loss than 17 vessols woro ob Borved from tho McKonzIo resldenco Inst Sunday, passing down tho const and so.closo in thnt deck loads of lumbor could bo soon on 11 of thorn. It is supposod that thoy composod tho floot that hns been barbound nt Coos Bay. Woddlng rumors aro floating up from Gold Beach. All qulot in Port Orford. Prof. J. J. Weerslng of Agnoss will succeed Mr. Connor ns prlncl pnl of tho Port Orford public school, commencing his duties on Jnnunry G. v This wrltor knows where thoro is to bo planted n strawberry patch, bran now nnd a goor. Arthur Wal ker brought tho -young plants to this placo from Pistol Rlvor Satur day last. LESLIE RUTS Purchases Donnelly Holdings at Corner of South Fourth and Hall Avenue. Dr. Geo. W. Lesllo today closod a doal for tho Donnelly proporty nt tho southwest corner of Hall nnd Fourth streets. Tho prlco wns not given. Tho proporty has a frontngo of 200 foot on Fourth street nnd 70 fcot on Hall nvonuo. Thero nro threo cottnges nnd ono houso on tho proporty, making it n good Income-producing proporty. Somotimo ngo, tho Hov. Fnthor Dou nolly transforrod to tho Rev, Fnthor Arthur L. McMahon, head of tho Order of Priests, with which Fathor Donnolly Is now affiliated in San Frnnclsco. Tho deal wns mndo through I. S. Kaufman & Co., who report tho following othor sales this month, showing thnt tho local real estnto market has boon rnthor brisk des pito tho Christmas holidays: Mnrshfleld Land Co. to W. N. Ly on, lot 5, block 1C, Bny Park, W F. Mlllor to Arthur Drowa, lot 2, block 7., West Marshflold. Arthur Drows to W. F. Mlllor, lot 9, block 14, South Marshflold. R. E. Olson to Dr. Lesllo, lot 1. block 7, Marshflold. O. J. I led wall to I. S. Smith ct ux, lots 2C, 27, 28, block 2C, It. It. Addition. O. W. Kaufman to A. K. Adds pergor, lots 3, -1, block 38, It. It. Addition. F. IJ. Allen to Mrs. A. Mc.Nnry, Io.h 4, r-, block II, West .Marsh flold. M. E. Doll to L. E. Hoborson, lots in, It), block G, Bny Park. A. McMnhon to Dr. Lesllo, cast Vj lots 33 to 40, block 39, It. II. Addition. Tho deals nggrcgnto between $30, 000 nnd $35,000. HAS NARROW KSCAPK. Ladder Slljw nnd Leaves Plumber Suspended by Arms. Hugh Long, a plumbor, escaped a sorlous nccldont, tho first of tho weok. Ho wns working on n stand plpo at tho Lloyd hotel, whon tho lad dor on which ho wns standing slip ped nnd loft Mr. Long hnnglng to tho plpo In "mid air. His calls for holp wore- heard by n passorby, who camo to his assistance and putting tho lnddor up ngalu pre vontod what might othorwlso havo boon a- very sorlous accldont. Mr, Long was nearly exhausted whon tho ladder was again placed In position, so thnt ho could avail himself of Its support1. Have your Job printing done at Tho Tlmea offlco. Times' Want Ads bring results. Havo your Job printing done at Tho Tlmea ofHco. Tlmos' Want Ads bring results. If you have anything to soil, rent or trado, or want help, try a Want Ad. Havo your Job printing ciona n Tho Times office. YOU'LL NEVER MSS TRAIN OR BOAT If you wear ono of our wntches and rely on It. Trains may bo behind tlmo, but our watches never nro, Thoy aro regulated nnd guaranteed, no matter what grade you select. Even our lowest p.rlced tlmo pieces will bo found accurate nnd trustworthy. florae Red Cross Jewelry Depi 4 18. Fl