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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 28, 1912)
THE COOS BAY TIMES, "MSI in ROB 8TANLE1. ae i Resolved, That A New Year Resolution Coke Building Watch Out. TIicbo cold dnys It requires a Rood hot flro to ltcop tho houso warm. It's vory KASY for nn ACCIDENTAL FIRE to occur. HOW ADOUT IT? Havo you got your HOUSE and HOUSE HOLD aOODS INSURED In a ro llablo company? If not you aro taking a long CHANCE against LOSS. THE ' NEWARK FIRE INSURANCE CO. Is ono of tho oldost and strongest In oxlstonco. Correctly written policies our specialty. French Realty Co. 315 No. Front St., Marshflold STADDEN ALL KINDS of PHOTOGRAPHIC WORK, Ilromltlo Enlarging and Kodak Finishing. Will Furnish Your House on the Installment Plan W. KWiseman 811 North Front St. Dus. Phono 290-X: Rob. Phono 186 WE WILL MAIL YOU $ 1 for each sot of old Falso Toot sent us. Highest prlcos paid for old Gold, Sllvor, old Watches, broken Jewelry and Freclou Stones. Money Sent by Return Mall. rhlla. Smelting & Refining Co. Established 20 Years. 803 Chestnut St., Philadelphia, l. TO DENTISTS. We will buy your Gold Filling!, Gold Scrap, and Platinum. Hlgu est prlcos paid. " I NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT , Notice Is hereby given that tho( undorslgncd, tho uuiy nppoimou qualified and acting executrix of tho estato of Davjd Roberts, de ceased, has filed her final account !- i. noi.i ncinio wlHi Ihn Cauntv IU tuu omu .vm ...... w ( Clerk of Coos County, Oregon. And; tho Court has appointed Monday, j tho Cth day of January, 1912, as. tho tlmo for hearing objections to tho said final account and tho set tlement thereof. Dated this 18th day of Novem ber, 1912. JANE MORGAN, Executrix of the estato of David Roberts, deceased. (First publication November 23. Last Publication Dec. 28.) Reynolds Development Owners. DECORATIVE ELECTRIC OUT FITS FOR RENT Fruit and Flower lamps at re duced prices. SPECIAL DISCOUNTS In Portablo Lamps for tho Holi days. Coos Bay Wiring Co. I'liono 2.17-J. inn Urondwny N IJUILDING AND REPAIR WORK, House Moving nnd Grading. Wo aro proparod to do this work by tho day or contract nnd gunrnntos satisfaction. Let us flguro with you Q. B. FLOYD & CO., Phono IUO-.T. Mandiflcld. Ore. R. J. MONTGOMERY Real Estate and Insurance 244 North Front Street. City Auto Service Good Cars, Careful Drivers and ronsouablo chargos. Our motto: "Will go anywhoro at any tlmo." Stands Dlanco Hotol and DIanco Cigar Store. Day Phonos 78 and 46. Night Phono 46. DARKER A GOODALE. uronrletorn First Class Weaving promptly done nt Gardiner's Rag Carpet Factory Cor. Union and Montana Strcot. Phono 131. North nond. Or. The Sign of Good Candy Always HOUSECLEAXING A.Ml I WINDOW CLEANING J I Wo mako specialty of this work! nnu uibu uihko jumiuj iw. .. "guarantco satisfaction, unnrges reu I nnnnlilo. c. r. letts. Ordora may bo sent to phone 298 4r oU t Ul0 ..Dusy corner." TFe Star Transfer and Storage Co. Is prepared to do all kinds of hauling on short notice. Wft meet all trains and boats nnd we also have tho latest .tvin novnnlda Piano Mover. We guarantee our work. L. H. Heisner, Prop. Phonos 98-R. 120-J fl-L New and Second Hand Furniture bold on tho Installment plan. HARRINGTON, DOYLE & CO., 302 Front St. Phono JJIO-L Marslifleld, Or. w I will during "Nineteen Thirteen" place a portion of my monthly income in Mnrsli ficld real estate, the best investment today on the Pacific Coast. I will buy a lot on the "South Side," the best residence section, where the new homes arc building, the streets arc being improved and the direction the city is growing. It will be high and sightly, sheltered and accessible; the section where I'll build my homo. I'll invest in FIRST ADDITION, where for $30Q I can buy, on terms, a 50x120 lot facing on an improved street; where I'll secure the greatest value for the least money. I'll call for a plat and make my selection - now, while the choice is of the best. Let Power For You At Wo want to sell every kilowatt of electric energy that we can. But wo do not caro to make a contract with n power user unless tho customer knows .that it is to his advantage to do so. Our power engineers havo devoted years to their work; they know their business. Thoy aro at the disposal of every power user, largo or small. Thoy will make a complete, thorough investigation and test, and compilo a scientific report upon which you may rely. When these oxperts havo finished you will know your particular power prob lems from all sides. Nothing will be left to guess work. Telephono 178. Oregon Unique Pantatorium THE MODERN DYERS. CLEANERS, PRE8SERS mill HAT RENOVATORS Agent for Howard II. Strauss & Co., Flno Tailoring. Let ua nintco your next suit. 255 CENTRAL. Phono 250-X You Auto Call foote PHONE 1M-J NIGHT AND DAY Stand front of Lloyd Hotel TWO NEW OARS After 11 P. M. Phone S-J. Residence Phono -"8-J. Will Make Trir to Coqullle. Pictures & Framing Walker Studio Have That Roof Fixed NOW See CORTHELL PnONTC H121 ALL KINDS OF JOB PRINTING Co. Telephone 160-J Experts Work Our Expense 4V Power Co. It Is No Easy Matter to handlo tho largo volumo of bus iness wo havo and still glvo por fect satisfaction to every ono of our customers. Yot wo succeed In doing this becauso our mothods aro different from others. Our modern machinery and tho careful training of our oporators Insures satisfac tory results nnd our prices aro sur prisingly modorato when tho hlgh grado work Is considered, Coos Bay Steam Laundry PHONE MAIN B7-J. DONE AT THE TIMES' OFFICE II- " 1 GOOD EVENING. Deeds survlvo the doers. Hornco Mann. 4 THE MAIN CHANCE. I Ilerton Ilraloy. Ho worked and ho Bchomcd when others wero playing, To bnrgaln nnd bent gavo him gleo: And theso aro tho words ho was ovormoro saying: "Well, what Is thcro In it for mo?" Lovo novor could move him, nor friendship, nor plcndlng; A flinty young fellow was ho, And this slogan ho used for sue ccedlng: "Well, what Is thcro In It for mo?" Ho hasn't a friond ho could trust and could tlo to Whoso lovo nnd devotion aro frco: Ho hasn't a Bwccthcnrt whoso arms ho could fly to If all of his fortuno should flee; Ills llfo Isn't plcnsant or cheerful or sunny, A crabbed old follow Is ho: But then, ho haH gathered n wholo mint of money By saying, "Whnfs In It for mo?" Tho "slow" girl Is ofton tho soon est wod. --M-Ono thing about wild oals they never fall to grow. you find n bad hnhlt growing on you, bo n man nnd cut It out. n woman has found hor widowhood so snd that sho re fused to kcop It. -K-M-Whon you feel a cranky spoil coming on, go out and hunt n grindstone. --- Somo of tho charity that begins nt homo Is too fcoblo to cross tho road. -tt-K- TIIK QUI in ORSEHVEH SAYS: "It doesn't tnko n vory strong womnn to break a man." . Tho best capital for a man to begin llfo on Is a capital wife. So says a womnn. -M-K-MobI of tho people who talk about tho blessings of poverty havo never been poor. -H-M-To a number of Coos Dayltcs who aro taking cold Hicbo days, nil things nro to bo sneezed nt. about Spartan horolsml Did you ovor boo a girl danco with an Ingrowing toenail nt a danco? Sometimes a womnn wlshos sho wero a man bo thnt ulio could break tho hearts of othor womon. -H-H- About tho only llhrnry that do moatlc follclty really roqulros Is n check book nnd n good cook book. If a woman hasn't anything else to worry hor, sho can claim thnt hor hnlr Is coming out by the hand ful. -H-- About tho groatoat economy In get ting mnrrlod Is that tho man us ually gets his trousers prossod nt homo. It Is my oxporlonco that charity doosn't usually got out of hor own boudoir, much loss beginning an ovor tho homo. -H-H-It Is a mighty poor oxcuso for n man that can't convlnco somo wo mon that ho Is tho wlsost and bost on earth. -M-tt- Often n woman buys so many bargains that sho has nothing loft to pay for tho things thnt sho roally needs. --tt- Whon a woman boglns to feel imnnv sho boclns to bo mUomblo for fear that such happlnos Is too porfect to last. -Jt--NOT TO HE TA1CRN LITERALLY You havo hoard pooplo say thoy "workod llko a dog" all day. "If this woro Iltorally true." says tho Dr. Wm. Sadlor, author of "Tho Causo and Curo of Colds," says that common colds should bo tak en sorlously, ospeclnlly whon thoy "hnng on," Foley's Honoy nnd Tar Compound lo a rollablo house hold modlclno for coughs nnd colds equally offeotlvo for children and grown porsons. Tnko It whon you fol n mlrl rnmlntr on. It will aVOrt fionfar nt RnrlniiR resultH and euro quickly. No harmful drugs. For salo by Lockhart-Pnraons Drug Co,, tho Dusy Corner. ' Wo dream our dreams as days go by, And build our homes 'neath nzuro sky. Wo hopo nnd trust to Future day, With naught but Joys of llfo to sway. Wo llvo nnd lovo, forgetful, nil, Of thoso about, upon whom fall Tho cloaks of pain and discontent, Whoso hearts aro torn, whoso hopes aro spent. Wo never pauso to hear their cries, To look with pity In their eyes; Wo paBs them by, wo spare no glanco, For each haB had an equal chnnco. Sometimes, I think 'twere bettor, far, To bo for these n guiding star To cenBo our dreams, o'en for a day To hear their calls, and then obey. Concordia Press, "tho twenty-roar hours would bo spent thus: Ono hour digging out n rat, two hours gnawlns a bono, ono hour waiting for n csft to como down from a tree, half am hour tweclne In cnl Inin tlin liniir and tho rest of tho tlmo stooping as n mm in iront ol tno door Jlglillnc fleas." A man can bo moro kinds of n fool than n woman In a given time, but In endurnnco sho bunts him to a standstill. When n coquotto begins to thlnfc it Is about tlmo for her to get mar ried, sho finds that It Is too lato in tho opinion of men. -K-- Whcn n Coos Hay man colclirntes tho anniversary of his birth ho takes n day off, a woman UBitnlly takeiuw year off. -Jt-H- Till: QUIET OllHEEVEE S.VYSI J No black balls aro cast agafimU tho limn who makes application? to Join tho down nnd out club. -& ...t I have noticed thnt thoro haven been any great books written slnco tho invention of typewriters and fountain pens, --H-Syndlcntud. Ho called her darling years ago, Ere caro hnd marked hor brow; l)ut others sliaro hor lovo, and ho Ho calls her mother now. I tiii: feminine omserveic r HAYS: I often wonder how preachers gor married If they novor toll a llu. Men who work for a living got' ft-, men who work for moro than n liv ing get It. It Is my personal opinion Hint thcro nrn no women In Hades. Thai Is why It Is Hades. t wmiiW wliv Id Is that "iroodl' ! Christian women" always wear hucT stunning clothes? How docs a man spend his mo noy? Investments. How does n womnn? In vest ments. TALENTS FOR THE LAW "I'm cortnln, William," sho began-, "Whon Johnny growB to ho n man. And his mlnd'o bins flnds expression, Ho'll chooso tho medlrnl profosslouu LaBt night I noticed nl tho table. How thoughtfully ho cautioned MalxrJ About tho hurtfullncsB of plo," "HIh tnlcnts," William answered, "lte-. Judging from what I hoard nnd saw", Rnthor nlong tho Hiioh of law; Though nil bo told hor might bo lrun. He nto his plo nnd Mnbol'H too." Solcctout. "NELL ROSE" THE NEWEST COLOR 1WD OK THE YHAIC Followliifc the fnd of rocnt yoar of naming a color for tho daughter of tho I'rosldont, Noll rose, namod In compliment to MUa Elinor Wilson, dniiKhtor of Woodrow Wilson, lias boon nddod to the list of novel slindett for lints and gowns. Allco bluo nndl Ilolon pink havo had their day, nmX Noll roo promlsos to be qulto as popular as wor ovor either of thosw chnrmliiB colors. It Is a shade bc twoon Amorlcnn Ileauty and cor'so", but with moro of nn electric quality tlion olthor. Cl'RRY .MAIL SHRVICU. WASHINGTON, Dec. 28. Sena tor Hoiirne la urging tho pwttofftcw dopartment to (wtnlilUU a dunv? mnll service betwoen Dothnn, on tho Southern Pacifc, and Goltl Ilonch, In Curry county, with t view to giving Curry oounty Sff hour' quicker mall service. SWALLOWS A I'KAim. SICATTLK, Di-c. 28. While eat ing oysters In a restaurant hoie, Louis LaJaffMi, 21 yearn old, sud denly Jumped up with n ory of pain. For several minutes ho was. spoeohleHs but ho finally made IC known that ho hnd swniiowed a btp slug pearl from nn oyster. FRESH OLV.MFLV and EASTFRV OYSTERS Just received. I'HOYFJ ORDERS TO COOS RAY IC'K AND COLD STORAGE CO. IMIOXE 19. THE Ill'SY WOMAN'S DAY. It begins onrly, ends late, nnd If full of work. She often has kht noy tioublo without knowing If Hor back aches and sho Is tlrorl nnd worn out. Sloepu poorly, ft nervous, no nppotlto. Her blnddor gives hor trouble, too. Foley Kld noy Pills will curo all that aniT nro tho beet medicine made for l-IHiinv nml lilndilnr dlsordors. FOC salo by tho Lockhnrt-Pnrsons Drcr mnko nor strong nnu won. jou; Co,, tho Uusy Cornor. f '; f f f; it . i . Ml 3 f, ;: I H