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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 28, 1912)
THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 28, 1912 EVENING EDITION. I Klotcl cr Homan of Wlllnmotto unl- Chnptor nnd Pythlnn Sisters at this orslty. Mr. and Mrs. Urnnnls nro plnco. It Is noodlcss to say hor placo oxpcclied hero next Thursday on In socloty will not soon bo filled and tho Breakwater nnd for tho tlmo novor enn bo In tho hnppy homo from being they will mnko their homo which sho goes nnd In which sho wns with Mr. and Mrs. l 13. Allen In over n Joy nnd a stnr of hopo. South Marshflold. Tho mnny friends, Mr. Motloy, tho young mnn who of Mr. Grnnnls will unlto In n has won tho hnnd nnd honrt of our wnrm welcome to tho young people. ' Jewel, Is a promising young biiBliioBS Tho brido-to-bo hns been a nurso mnn, who hns mndo rnnld strides. It Has Arrived ! Ss 1913 Excelsior In tho Stnto Training School ror climbing tho lnddor of success nnd to tho pnst yenr. nil npponrancos n very bright futuro is dawning uoforo him In tho bus! ncss nnd soclnl world. Wo fool thnt It could not ho otherwise with tho nYrnllnllf linlmiinfn ltn ..fill lmtn ni l.l.. WKDIHXGS fflF$&$&k -5---- f ivfT 1lW vyJ U L ii II . 1 . . ChrUfmnn hold n trronlnr nlnnlfW B,t,' . Ho !" SOU of 0110 Of St. Clnlr m PERSONAL notices of visitors In Uio c.y, or .of Coos liny pooplo who visit In other cities, togothor wltli notices of soclnl nffnlrs, aro gladly received In tlio social de partment. Tclcphono 133. No ticca of club mcotlngs will bo published nnd scorotnrles uro kindly requested to furnish samo. KMPim: thkk g Till: IIAIIVS S.MILK I ,. Oh, there's something mighty know In' In tho little baby's smile, And there's something mighty grlp pln' In It, too; An unless your soul Is stunted with tho vicious nn' tho vile, It la bound to mako n hotter man of you. When tho lttle lips start partln' Into signs of Kindness real, An' tho llttlo eyes light up an' sparklo glee, Vou forgot tho day's misfortunes an' tho weight o' caro you feel, Jin' you'ro suro that you'ro ns happy jib can bo. You may bo tho glummlcst follow over shrouded In despair, You may wondor If tho battlo Is worth whllo, .But your hoart will start to boatln just ns though It had no enro, nr tho baby only grcots you with a smllo. Of you look ncross tho tnlilo to tho high chair whero ho stays And his llttlo oyes look Into yours, nnd thou tBlAzo Into Joy, as only baby's oyes can blaze, You forget tho pptty niennnessos of g0ng by Nvo boys Jon. "A Tnlo by Santa Clnus," , . . ,, , ,, , I Miss Gladys Hobs auu lurKui mm. you are iiouuiuu, jou ji0 Children's Hours," CONTKIDUTIONS concerning soclnl happenings, Intended for publication In tho society depart ment of Tho Times, must bo sub mitted to tho editor not later than C o'clock p. m., Frldny of ench wook. (Exceptions will bo nllowcd only In enscs whoro tho ovonts occurred Inter tlmn tho tlmo mentioned.) else. Chrlstmns Day wns mndc tho occnslon of mnny family dlnnors nnd rounlons, nnd llttlo Chrlstmns trco festivities, mnny of which woro re counted In Tho Times Inst Tucsdny. Tho speclnl oxorclscs In tho church es, Including the Christmas troo pro grams, drow largo nudlonccs, nnd woro n grcnt success. Tho progrnms of prnctlcnlly all tho public functions In Mnrshflold wero printed In Tho Times Tucsdny, nnd nro not repented today. 4 $ -I On Chrlstmns ovo tho children nnd "grown-ups" of Hmplro mndo morry with n Chrlstmns treo nnd nn excel lent nrocrnm. Tho school tenchor, Mr. Arnold, of fered n prlzo to tho best boy nnd girl sneaker who appenred on tho pro gram. Jack Snundcrs won tho former nnd aindyn Nichols tho latter. Tho progrnm follows: Opening Address Jnck Saunders Song, by tlio school children "The Illrth of tho Christ Child." Olndys Nichols "Tho Mouso and tho Cnko," .... May Mnrtln "No Stockings to Wcnr," Gornld Itoss .,., i... ..,.i nn. .. county s plonoors nnd most hlchlv es pooplo, for mingled with tho chimes ,,0" 0(1 citizen Pink A. Motley, whoso nr fim imiia WnQ imni-,1 M.n "onth occurrod mi tho old liotiicstend chlmo of wedding bolls. . "onr Monegrnw Springs, a number of On Chrlstmns dny, Miss Mnrguorlto fu"'8," T ,,onn ,ms "c,on l,v,n nt Loncson nnd Mnson Nolmnn wore fnolil, n nioBt promising town on Inltm.l In lmlv rn.llnl n tl.n 1,nn, t-OOS Hay 111 Ot'OROIl. of tho brldo's parents. Mr. nnd Mrs. . Mrv n"'l Mrs. Motloy wero tho ro- W. J. Longston of Coqulllo. cipicnis or mnny bcnutlful and valu Ilcv. G. Loltoy Hull of Mnrshflold nbI Prosonta. oniclated, UBlng tho Imprcsslvo ring v v coromony. ' Tlio roniim woro nrnftmnlv itonnrnl. I ol "i alarm od with Oregon grnpo nnd smllnx, nndi ,.. " woro softly Blinded with colors of tho -Htor Times Yulotldo sonson. Tho brldo'a gown' Tho celebration of midnight mnss wns n bcnutlful creation of cream Chrlstums ovo nt St. Monica's satin, trimmed with pearls, nnd bIio Church, by tho Row Father Munro, cnrrlod n boQtiot of white cnrnntlons. brought out ono of tho lnrgcst crowds uesiuea tlio uriuo s pnronts, thoso mm ims over graced an occnslon of n present wero: sir. nnd Mrs. II. N. simiinr Kind in tills city. Lorenz nnd Mr. nnd Mrs. M. J. Hnrt- A speclnl muslcnl progrnm hnd son. I boon arranged and this together with tho boautlful decorntions nnd tho so- Lnst Saturday evening In Justlco lon,n,ty of tho mass prcsontod such a or I'cnco ronnock's olllco, Miss Annlo """ llo minus oi wio congrcgn Stelnlechnnr nmi i Mmiann ..o tlon thnt will not soon bo obliterated. unltod In mnrrlago. Tho young cou- nnd lontl lo tl10 Bolonmlty of this pio, who nro nmong tho best known y " ,y"a l" "rBl 110,J commun of Ton Mllo's young pooplo, wero nt-, ,0Ilt,?I,n88 ,of twonty boys and girls tcmlnil hv tlm lirlto'o nlotn n...i i.-l Whllo tho altar bovn nnd thn r.oln. husband, Mr. nnd Mrs. Stonolnko, brnnt .Woro entering tho snetunry, a who, a fow days proviotiBly woro mar- 5,,,m.rl..t. of n,,xcd volccs BanS, "Sllont iicu vy air, rcnnocK. 4. 4. .J. forgot that you nro Bad, You nro llftod for tho moment from song Isabolla Macgenn Night Whon mnss begnn, tho choir, nssist cd by tho orchestra, oncnoil with I WISH IX TIII3 DALLIES. T !&no E'ol?on ,of F"mot? Mn.fl8 " nt. Following this tho different Tho following from Tho Dalles ,,nrls of tno mnsa woro BUnB 'n a non- Chronlclo will bo of Interest to nor roIioMnK groat credit nnd honor tho mnny Coos Dny friends of Jas. " V1,0 lcn(,or' L- K- Unlllngor. Polhomus, son of Capt. Polhomus T i"8 "1U8lc, hn8 bo." Pronounced by of Portland, who hns visited on "obest musical critics In Mnrshllold, tho Dny n number of times: to bo tho most nrtlstlc offort over "Ono of tho most boautlful wed- 1ut '"'N1, Probably tho most Im- dlngs over Bolomnlzod In Tlio Dnlles J,8,8"0, ,mrt of tM0 work wns tno was colobrated nt tho pnlntlnl homo """"'i tho tempos woro good, tho of Mr. nnd Mrs. w. II. Wilson nt Bp,r,t novcr IncIcl"S. and tho wholo a 8 o'clock Wednesday night, whon , su"?8- , thn r iiniiiriiinr itaa rinir..i urn I Mot a sninll nnrt of credit lu ilnn Olndys Hockott'sou, beenmo tho brldo of Jnmes Vj '"chCBtrn which was undor tho despair, And you thank tho Lord who mndo I "Oneo lu Itoynl Unvld City," ADmrt Hnlilnn vou nnd who lot vou ho thn dad mii.,.,i, t ,i i l.-.,,,,. Of tho bnby who sits smiling lu hisj ''Chrlstmns Puzzle,'" ! '. Almn MnrUn 1.111111 , Itonrv PnllinnuiB Tim,.ii.. Uirecllon Of LOW Kovzor. Tlio trnni Eplscopnllnn ceremony wnB rend by b?".? Bo1? ,)y Ily Cnrpenter, nnd tho Itov. Dortrnm A. Warren of St.- v,.0," B0,0 ' Mr. Koyzor nro worthy I'ntll'H nlmrnli In ilin ilrnu-ln, i-nnn "' biui:iiii iiiuiuiun. under a bridal nrch of smllax and" Tll hn8B.BOl ' ri- K Hnlllngcr, IiiriHiiiniH i-uzziur .. min .uaruii uiiuur n uriuni nrcil or Bltlllnx nnd "oo nuiu iv 11. i. iiiiiiiiiHi-r, Hnnltntlnti HnrMa Tnnnliann ' vhl(n tnll rri. i...i.i i Wns n lllcnslllir lllllnh In thn linnntlfnl Anil t .nnm Tlnmn T.pdmn (n itm. I ...: ... ........I, "'"' '" uiiuu HB hHUIl -li,,i.. .,,,; ii T, ' , "cciuuion jjiuo iiiiiuou into tno Keeping of tlio bridegroom '..". with her Bweotest smllo, nnd "Docb Snntn Clnus Itomoinbor tho Iby hor fnthor. Sho wnB nttondod' , T'10 inior t tlio odlllco w , . Bn,,, , , ,, , Poor," Holon Clinton by Miss Fldrcnco Wllllnms of So- 0'n"rntoly decorated. Tho I Jmyp honrded nil tho monoy In n Song by tho school children nttlo. Thomns T. Donnott of Mnrsh- nry wns n work of nrt. The . 1 ' . . ..... . , .... I Merry Chrlstmns. August JuHt glvo up that Jlttlo baby nnd It's "Does Christmas Business your's." ou'd Bhnko your hoad.l iny, Am And roply: "I'm richer with that, nathlnham " m "Merry Chrlstmns, August Knglodom field wns tho boat mnn.. hnby's smllo." v ! w v HHB'S n llttlo hint to tho f- married men of Coos Day. Now Year's Is nenr and with It 11 new sot of rosolutloiiB for guidance. Why not Includo ono to lie a little mora nttoutlvo and lov- Inn to that wlfo of yours. Kvory dny I meet bright, Intol 71gont, Intellocttinl mou, whoso lives aru filled with worldly nlms and ambitions, and who booiii siiproinely iincnnscloiiH or Iguonint of tho fact tlmt their wives aro starving for 'WcproHioiI affection. 1 have hoard men laughingly 10 Yer to Hontlmeiit nH a thing out lived, or submerged lu tho Ben of reality; nnd uho tho plural, ludl atlnu that they hollovod tlio condi tion wnu mutual, when I hnve boon tho conlldniito of tho heart-hungry ml rcBtloBnly discontented wives who were Included In this plural Rroforonco. Thousands of Anierlcnn men lo lay hcHove they aro tlio most tin nolfih nnd dovotod of liusbnndB bo 'anno thoy aro giving brain, mind nnd body to hiiBluess with tho Iden f hnBtowlug luxuries upon their fa milies. Thoy hnvo no hour for calling, no tlmo for recreation, no evening for soclnl life or oiitortalnmonts nnd 110 Inipulso for lovor-llko attentions o tholr wives. Thoy roturn homo tlrod, norvous, rrunnio or sleepy nnd ror n row "jnomonls light up n fluo Havana clgnr, bury thoniBoIvos In tho dally newspaper, oxact donth-llko sllenco and then hovo tho audnelty to Khlnk their wives unreasonable who complain, slnco thoy aro giving nil fcholr oneigloa for hor comfort nnd plenBiiro. Yot hor comfort nnd plonBiiro rvoiild he ton-foul If tho husband wero to escort hor about occasion ally with tho sanio Iovo-llko atten tion of his dnyH of wooing; nnd if "ho woro nblo to talk of other thlngH than busiuoss and flnnnco, and It ho would not follow tho Xkinoho rings Into otorulty with such a denth Hko sllenco nnd Bomotlmca cut ehort rending ovon tho wnnt ads lu tho dally uowspapor. 'f you do not hollovo mo gentle men, Just try It for yoursolf and oo If tho chaiigo In tho lovo and atfeetlon of your wives Is not gronN r tiinn ir a rairy nad ontorod your homo touching ovorythlng with hor mnglo wnud. Tho mlddlo-nsod man may bo satisfied with lis nmhltloiis alms, lint It Is tho mlddlo-ngod womnn who craves nnd feols tho doopost lovo. o t (MIltlST.MASl'KSTIVITlKS O Socloty hns given way to Kris Kiin Ble tho past weok, nearly every ono being bo busy with Christmas that thoy hnvo had no tlmo for anything ns most Snuctu- lin nntlrn frm.f tl'na n nlrt.i.1 nttl I.. ......... 1 wns 1110 uoat mnn.. 1 "". "" """ uuuci, in wnuu HonllV "Fnllnwln. n. ..nn.,m,, n -. Studded With Icloctrlo llcllts. Thn moa Mctcnlf . contlon wns hold. Itccolvlnir with wu holding tho Infant, Jesus, wns of Uothlohom," Maud llldor tho brldo and croom woro Mr. nnd wn t0 9ll,fro "! Bilk laco. Tho "Tho Child's Puzzled Visitation," Mrs. W. II. Wilson. Mr. and Mm.! "inln .A,tnr wn beautifully decorated .1. S. Polhomus, MIsa Floronco Wll-i'YtE0" "JF.0 """ I)llln of whlto Hams nnd Thomns T. Donnott. v'"""" Jvu" "umoroua wnx cnndles. Cntherlno Dnrry A Mlnuot Irono Nichols and Charlotto McMullon Ilocltntlon Iloy- uold OIboii nud Dud Nichols lllghlnnd Schottlsh, Isabella Mncgonn Song, "I Ain't Going to Cry Any More," BobsIo Mncgonn ! I NO I till ItllXI) PIKX.MtAM I p A most Interesting cntortnlnment was given on Christmas ovo at tho United Ilrothron Church In North lloiul. Following Is tho program: Opening Song, "Joy to tho World," Congregation Invocation Fred Ustor, Superintendent of Sunday" School Song, "Itlng Swcot Dolls," Sunday School Kxorclso, "What Do Thoy Say," Six boys Recitation, Pansy A ml row 3 Song, "Wo'ro Going to Grandma's for Xmns," . . Primary Dopartmont ExcicIbo, "Pralso Illm," ....Twolvo of Iutormodlnto Class Kccltntlon, "Tho Vision of Christ mas," Eldon Cnvannugh Song, "Go Forth to Moot Htm," . . Choir Heeltatlon Vorn Mooroltoiuo Drill, "Tho Shophords Told Us. ClaBs of glrli Song, "Wo Como Today." Sunday Schorl Heeltatlon, "Lovo" . . Dorothy CoiTolt "Good Night," Four glrla Itomnrks by Pastor, Mrs. It. N. Lowls Tableau. "Gift of tho Christ Child." "All Hall tho Power," . Congregation Presentation of eighteen certifi cates to tho cradlo roll moinbors pro moted to Dcglnnor's Class, by Mrs. It. N. Lowls. Pantomlmo "Nenror My God to Theo," ton young ladles In Qreok costumes. Tableaux "Leaving Homo," "Com ing Homo," "Tho Storm," "Tho Donth of Virginia," and "Deautlful isroning star." I KXKAHKMKXTS. Mrs. Polhomus' nro1 ,T1 flornI ""ocorntloiiH constituted Mr. nnd spending port 11 rut tl-o prcsont will ho Dig Eddy, whoro' "y embroidered In gold ndlng their honeymoon nt Now-or "" """'Klnnco of polnsottlns. t, where thoy will ho until tho1 V10 clobnint woro n costly sot of t of tho year. Tholr homo for, jostmonts of whlto molrio silk, hoav- .Mr. Polhomus' work calls him." 4 I wi:d ix Missouiti Tho following from n nowspnpor at Oaccola, Mo., will bo of Intorost to tho mnny friends of John W. Motloy: . "At tho rosldonco of Mr. nnd Mrs. h. O. Shrowshury, of tho St. Clnlr County nopubllcnn. Inst Mondn- ovo. nlng occurod ono of tho most pleasant Father Mllliro dollvornd n nhnrl nn.l imprcsslvo sermon on tho birth of jurist, nnd n fow touching rcmnrks to tho children. During tho evening, lCf! took Communion. Gront credit Is duo Fathor Munro for tho nrrangomont of tho wholo. Hn hns given his pooplo nnd nil othors nn opportunity of tho ploasuro that ono hns In tho largor city. During his short stay In Mnrshllold for his pnlnstnklng, ho hns Increased tho nt- tonuanco nt St. Monica's, until tho nnd delightful homo mnrrlngo coro- ,,,,,,?,, ni bU J0lllms' nt tho llinnlna nvnr ll,mocn.l I... n ....... UttlO OCllllCO CntlllOt nCCOIll IllOlhl tft tha frlonds In whut mnny nro plonaed to cr.owd7 ""'I 'or tho benollt of thoso lorm tno bonutirul vlne-clnd city of m"" ,,"""," , '" lu ""' '"'ssiou tho Osngo. at which tlmo tho only ue,ad1ny, n,pht Ul ,mtlBB wl" b ro datightor. Miss Krmlno A. Shrowa- noi,tod Sunday morning, nt 10 o'clock, bury, wns unltod In mnrrlngo with) 0m. UJ' Waa Thore. Mr. John W. Motlov of Mnrshnnl.i ' . v v - ......-., - V ,A Oregon "Tho coromony wns solomnlzod by'i, Itov. Wllllnm M. Lovo In n fow boaii-l I COIIDKK FAMILY IIKUXIOX I kj I .1 . SPIRELLA OOliSETS cany bo obtnlnod In Mnrshflold from Mrs. Annie Holland, Gorscticr. SS2 So. 6th St. Phone 200X. Coos Dny frlonds hnvo been ap prised of tho ongngomont of Mr. Hnrry G. Dutlcr nnd Miss Vlvinn Taylor of Santa Hosa, Cal. Doth tho young peoplo aro well known on tlio Day, having boon prominent lu tho younger sot hero a few years ago. MIbs Taylor Is n rolatlvo of Mrs. K. 13. Straw and vlsltod on tho Dny n nuinbor of tlnios. Mr. Dutlor Is a civil onglueor and Is now oniployod on tho coiiBtructlon o( tho Smlth-Powors road boyond Myrtlo Point. Tho mnrrlngo will tnko placo In tho spring nt tho homo of tho brldo's pnronts In Santa Dosn, Tholr host of Coos Day fiiomls will unlto In oxtondlng reiicitntioiiB. 4 I TKACIIKU TO WK1). 4 An ovont of much Intoreat In Mnrshflold will tnko plnco tomor row nt Snlom, Orogon, whon Frank L. Grnnnls, n Marshflold High school Instructor, nnd Miss Anolta Wilson will ho mnrrlod at tho homo of tho brldo'a undo, President tlful nnd well chosen wonis. In Unnn Ing with tho ring coromony fnmlllnr to nil. Just horo It Is nronnr in ntntn thnt n fonturo connected with tho oc cnslon wns found In tho fnct thnt Rov. Lovo wns tho ofllclntlng minis tor when tho parents of tho young miiy, wno tnon stood beforo him, rendy to listen to tho words which would mnko hor n brldo, woro united In Osceola twenty-seven years pro- VIUUH. Tho guests wero assombled In tho parlor, nnd promptly nt tho tlmo tho flngors on tho dial pointed to 0 o'clock to tho strain of Mondolssohn'a March, rondorod by Miss Eva Mntthows. tho brldnl couplo, nttondod by Mr. Knrl S. Cllnklnbonrd of Marshflold. Orm-nn and Miss Molllo Gordon of this city, umuiyu jhki iook inoir positions In front of tho mlnlstor. At tho close of tho ceromony congratulations by relatives and frlonds followod, after """ii mo orinai party leu tlio wny to tho dining room whero nn old fashion ed wes sorved In courses, Mrs. Motloy's nttlro wns of whlto silk chiffon, trimmed in lnco nnd was protty, tasteful nnd rich. Sho wns born nnd renrod in our llttlo city and tho writer knows ho could not say anything In pralso of hor that would not bo honrtlly commondod by tho lnrgo list of frlonds. who hnvo known nnd mingled with her from n nhii.i oxcopt during tlio years in which sho wns a student In Southwest Daptlst Collogo. Dollvar, this stato, nnd Hnr dln Collego, Mexico, Mo., No young ln dy ovor stood hlghor In tho estimntlon of our peoplo becnuso of hor puro, sweot life, which hns nlwnys been ono worthy of omulntlon. Sho Is nn nc complishod plnnlst nnd hns Inspired muiy uuuieiices wnu nor music, to say nothing of tho plcnsuro sho has glvon frlonds In our town nnd In the homo bocauso of hor musical talents, sweet, sunny disposition nnd othor nc compllshinonts, nnd will provo a pop ulnr addition to tho church nnd so cial circlea In hor now and far away western homo, tho thought of tho dls tnnco which sho will bo from ua In tho futuro bolng tho only unploasant fen turo of tho hnppy wedding. Sho Is nlso a mombor of tho Eastern Star Thero was a rounlon of tlm nnr.inn rnmuy nt Chrlstums dlnnor on Christ mns dny. Mr. and Mrs. Cordes hnvn four chlldron, tho oldest being thlr- D-mx. yenra oiu, nnd tlio family hnvo novor mlssod having tholr Christmas dlnnor together nnd In tho samo houso whoro they woro born and renr od. Thoso prosont this yenr ns usual, wore: Mr. and Mrs. It. C. Cordes, Itonico Cordes, Herman Cordos, Mr. nnd Mrs, Robort Mnrsdon nnd son and Miss Josophlno Cordes. v i I SEWIXG PAHTV I This nftornoon, Mrs. L. W. Lang- uuii ia oniermining a numbor of (rienii8 at sowing at hor homo In (Continued on Pago Eight.) HOT DRINKS nro comforting on a chilly, day AVo hnvo a- full lino Hot Coffee, Hot Ten, Hot Chocolate, Hot ISoulllon Always something new and good nt Stafford's Motorcycle and it is as perfect as skill, money and ma chinery can make it. One oi! the first products of tho Excelsior Motorcycle factory reached Marshfield and has been given a thorough and satisfactory tryont by J. L. Koontz. It has a number of improvements over the 19J2 model, including nn arrangement by which the clutch is controlled by tho left han dle bar instead of by a special lever. This makes it possible to handle the machine and control it without removing tho hands from tho handle bars. fi i!vrW&rit&! ixj Tho machine is a beauty in appearance. Compactly built and beautifully finished. It looks like a greyhound and has the going qualities of one. Backed by an experience of 2-t years as a machinist J. L. Koontz says ho cannot sec a single thing in this new machine that could bo changed or altered to advantage. "It is perfect," he exclaimed in an outburst of enthusiasm. Don't miss seeing the new .1913 Excelsior Motorcycle, whether you expect to buy or not. It will bo a liberal education in tho perfec ion of mechanical equipment and artistic at tainment in new vehicles. Call airy time at tho Koontz Garage North I'Yont St. Marshfield t "Queen Quality" shoes have a $3-50 ; nack of satisfying when others fail. to IffM I For style, fit and comfort unsur- g qq ojwMj i passed. Prices most reasonable, ' lt&ffl I f Golden Rule rv f I Merchant' Old Htuutl. Vgj ll Marshfield Business College Day and Night School Till SIOXS OF T1IK TIMKS. Luck of business kuowledgo was nlwnys a grievous Irnudl caiv even beforo business wns King; beforo it bccaiuo tho biggest gnino men play, ns It Is today. Long tedious njmren tlceshlps, nt llttlo or no nay formerly overcame hnndlcaiis. Al rircntlccidilps nro no inoro not In business nnd tho inovner ienco hlcli was onco n 'handicap, Is now a positive bar, that HOPKLKSSLY IILOCKS oven your beginning, but inoro de cidedly still your advancement. A man unfamiliar with business Is undcslrnblo ns nn cm ploye, useless ns n manager, nnd a serious problem to thoso who would befriend Mm. A sound, modern training, which will cnnlilo you to glvo n good account of yourself, right nt tho Mint, in n position of trust nnd responsibility, is whnt Is now offered you.' Ex planatory lltcrnturo will soon bo on tho ground. For partic ulars write tho college. Temporary Headquarters, Hotel Chandler. The Kitchen Is the Spot whoro poor plumbing raises havoo with homo hapi'ness. If tno water boiler doosn't wont, If " stationary tubs nro not tight iamb go wrong with a vengeance. iwv us attend to your Ultclien plumo Ing. We'll mako tho wrong r !s with thoroughness, promptness, m tie muss nnd at little expense. Willey & Schroeder 803 North Front Street. rnoNE 77-J Ik." 1 1 'M 'H .