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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 28, 1912)
WICE IS LIKE A BITTER PILL-EASY TO GIVE BUT UNEASY TO TAKE (HflflS 'THE PAPER OF AUTHOniTV' in Murslificlri is tlio Independ ent Times. It Is fur (ho city nnd ooiiuuunlty llrst, Inst nnd nil tlio time. JOIN THE TIMES FAMILY. ttttfca WATCH THE WANT ADS. There nro ninny good bargains to bo found there. Anything lost or found Is nlwnys ndver tlscd in Tho Times. MEMBER OP THE ASSOCIATED I'ltES OL. XXXVI.J?'Sff,cbSitlMiSJ8 MARSHFIELD. OREGON, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 28, 1912 EVENING EDITION. -FIGHT PARP? Consolidation of Times, Const Mnll uiun 1 rAUEO. nnU Cooa ny Aavcrtlscr, No. 13SP PIRTY-EIGHT LABOR UNION BRITISH BARK WRECKED TODAY MEN GUILTY OF Bill 11 IN mun PACIFIC COAST LABOR IN CONVICTED AT INDIANAPOLIS BAD STORM NEAR ABERDEEN Only Two of the Defendants! in Indianapolis mai es cape Conviction. sentence WILL BE PRONOUNUfcU MUNUAT Jury Returns Verdict Today- Milwaukee ana uavenpon Men Escape. ' POSSIBLE SENTENCE. INDIANAPOLIS, Ind., Doc. 28. Tho posslblo punishments of tlioso convicted In tho dy namlto conspiracy caso varies from any minimum to tho maximum of 39 Mi yoart In tho discretion of tho court. Dur ing tho coureo of tho trial Judgo Anderson intimated that ho would lmnoso sontcnecs In nrcordanco with tho dogrco of guilt. . (Df AmocUIM Trm to Com Dr TlmM. INDIANAPOLIS. Intl.. Dec. 20. Tbirty-olght labor union omclnia to day wcro found guilty or compuc- ... I- tlm tnVnnmrn f1l' In "7. "' ".'".. 4 ..""".. .'J ". ...I pots, inc tiling mo wtcckhik ui l,,u,i nv,' i , , , , " . " "-""Ul Los Angeles Times building. n nnllonal labor circles, with a scat Frank M. Itynn, president of tlio l? tlio councils of tho Amorlcnn International Association of Drldgo N'OdornUon of Labor. end Structural Iron Workors, was, among thoso convicted. Ho Willi others was accused of using tlio union's fundB to destroy proporty !of contractors who rofuscd to ro cognlzo tho union. Two of tho defendants woro rounu not guilty. They woro Hormnn a. Slcffcrt of Milwaukee and Danlol Duckloy of Davenport, Iowa All thoso adjudged guilty woro found guilty on nil countH as charged In tho IndlctmontB. "' "mo, consldor possibility Tho lurv wna discharged and tlio'?' . rodornl prosecution for Illegal court ndjournod until 10 n. m. on Monday, nt which tlmo sontonco will to Imposed. After JudKO Anderson had clear cd tho court room of all spoctntorB and tho families of tho defendants, tho 38 prlsonors woro tnlcon into custody by doputy United Stntoa,8"?""'. narshnla and special detectives and! uct- J Trial boglns exactly two wcro taken to tho Marion county Jail. So ffort nnd Duckloy. tho only two mon out of tho 40 labor union officials who woro adjudgod not Kullty, woro Immediately discharged irom custody. rum 1 WILIi AIUMJAIi CASES. Senator Kern Announces Tlmt Ik'- fenso Won't Stop. tDy AxoclAtoJ Trrii to Coot liar Time. WASHINGTON. Doc. 28. Sonn- tor Kern, counsel for tho defend ants, when told of tho vordlcts at Indianapolis, announced tho cases I Any motions by tho dofonso will be1 : tnado Mondny when tho sentences aro tobolmpoBod. In dismissing tho Jury) . My- i McManlgnl boglns rolat ! Judgo Andorson told tho JurorB thnt. ,nK J"8, confessions on tho witness ;if any of them woro ovor called as ?tnml: "npllcntes Iron workers' un Jurors In hU court, "all you will havo on ofllcIalB as hnving pointed out to do Is to toll mo thnt you sorvodNobs for him to blow up; names t .!,. tioi .n,i n.i win i,a nvonami ." i Hockin as startlntr him In th.. im.. Tho court thanked tho Jurors honrtllyi for tholr attention nnd "Faithfulness to duty. Scenes During Trlnl. Tho court room Itself Boomed a fitting sotting for tho sombro story. Surrounded by great marbla pillars, with tho daylight shut out by heavy curtains and tho Judgo Installed be fore an allegorical painting ot Jus tice, that court room day after dayj eciioea mo stories 01 violence, 01 tho discovery of burnt fuses and bursted Infernal machines, of mid night visits by mysterious men In alleys, In ompty housos, in lonely country roads, or on tho tops of buildings, Tho vision of a dark spectre with a bomb under his arm became a familiar Imago in the minds oflng 41 for tr,a, dofonsJ 'b , thoso Who listened. Back Of thO.Uockln reslcnfl n Rftornfnrv.tron...,,.. railings, amid tho spectators, sat 1D0 rolatlves of tho defendants ?". wa,J"0P.ro8-ro?.!P'Btrlct Attorney Charles W. Mil- "wu Lliu uvtDuunuiB. niiivut ,"Jer. ecoro ot airornoys sai poruaps mo most ptcturesquo defendant, massive In build, florid In complexion, al ways studiously occupied, now cop iously filling his notebook when tho testimony was exciting; now, when the trial lagged, burying his spec tacled noso In a Latin version ot Omar Khayyam, Ho was Olaf A. Tveltmoo of San Francisco. Another man toward whom tho eyes of the spectators often strayed was Herbert S. Hockin. Ho sat apart, between bailiffs, during much of the trial, for he had been brand ed by tho court as "a man who could not bo trusted by anyone." It was Hockin who was named as having promoted tho dynamiting bus iness; it was Hockin who was ac cused of "holding out" on tho pay of tho dynamiters; It was ho who "as said to havo caused n quarrel la the ranks of tho McNamaras and McManlgal, and It was ho who fin ally charged with "betraying for his own gain" those with whom be once UNI LABOR BOYCOTT OP Man Branded as Strikebreak er Sues Union Paper for $10,000 Damages. Wr AhocUIM rmi to Coon nr Tlmn.J SALT LAKE, Dec. 28. For pub lishing his namo among a list of strlko breakers, Austin Gibbons, a furnncomnn at tho Garfield Bmoltor, hna filed suit against tho Intor Mountaln Worker Publisher Co. for $10,000 damagcB. Tho decision will bo considered as Important In tho fight bolwecn tho labor unloiiB and non-union employes. associated, and with whom ho was affiliated In tho Iron workers' un ion. Grny-halred nnd old boyond his years sat Frank M. Itvnn. nrii..nnt of tho Iron workers' union, by vlr- tun nf wlilMt nil.,.,, l,n ,..'- i..." c-Manigai, tno solf-confessed dy- " ,l"" "' wcukh occupied tno """ """' ,ni!nK foiiniy, tio- -.-..., ..,,., nullum uy apparent wuiiLum lor niniBoir, n nnrratlvo of vlolonco soldom equalled. UlNtnrv of fiiso. Tho following la a chronology of iuu iiyiuumio trials; Oct. 1. 1 01 1 nnvnrnninnl null.n.. I1108' exactly ono yoar nfter tho ';"" ,U10'0.8 nines oxploslon. for transportation of oxploslvos. . I'"' , c 1012 FcdornI grand N",ry rturna Indictments ngalnat 0-1 ..-wv. Miiiuii UIMUIUIH. Fob. 1 4 Most of tho defendants urniiorcu over tno countTy arrested within a few hours by a tologrnphle '""- " - Aiigoies explosion; CO defendants nrcsnnt? thrnn .iia charged by government; Ortlo E. McMnnlgal pleads guilty, leaving 40 for trial. Oct. 3 Jury socurod, composed mostly of fnrmors; government op ons its caso. Oct. C Horbort S. Hockin, ac cused by district nttornoy with hnv Ing boon n Bpy within tho ranks of tho dynnmltors, nnd with hnving glvon Information to tho prosecu tion. Oct. 7 Edward Clark, Cincinna ti, plonda guilty to having blown up a brldgo nt Dayton, O., nnd ac cuses Hockin of having furnished ",0 n?mlto; 45 defendants remain,a'' iness, , ? 23Hocklns bond Increased In dofnult of which ho Is committal to Jail, after moro testimony thnt ho was employed by detectives while an omcini or tho union; court de nounces Hockin as "not to bo trust ed by any ono day or night"; Miss Mary Field, a wrltor, denounced by tho district nttornoy ns an "anarch ist" for criticisms nubllshod In nn. Ion magazine; Olaf A. Tvlotmoo, of ann irancisco, n derondant, also de nounced by district nttornoy for publishing "anarchistic" criticisms of tho trial. Dec. 2 Government concludes Its case, nftor presenting 549 witnesses whoso testimony covers 25,000 pages: four moro defendants dls. charged by the government, loav- er of tho iron workers' union. -....,-.... ..,, ..VHHHa Chief prosecutor United States Chief counsel for tho defense United States Senator John W. Kern and William N. Harding. Federal Judgo who conducted trial Albert Ti, Andorson. Lnbor Union of which most of the defendants woro members In ternational Association of Drldgo and Structural Iron Workers. Charges Illegally transporting dynamlto and nltro-glycerlno on passenger trains, or conspiracy to do tho samo. DR. E. P. WINKLEH has return ed and Is now open for business In tho front rooms OVER 130 IlItOAD WAY, opposite Tho TJmes office. SPECIALIST In RHEUMATISM, APPENDICITIS, diseases of tho stomach, bowels and heart. NO DRUGS and NO KNIFE. CONSUL TATION FREE. Llbby COAIi. The kind YOU have ALWAYS USED. Phone 72, Pacific Livery and Transfer Company. Tvietmoe and Clancey of San Francisco and Munsey of Salt Lake City Guilty Hockin Also Guilty. nr amocImm ritn to coot nr Timw. INDIANAPOLIS. Ind., Dec. 28.! Tho conviction of Tvletmoo and Clancy of San Francisco nnd Mun sey of Salt Lako sustained tho gov ernment's charges thnt they aided In plotting tho Los Angeles Times explosion In which 21 woro killed, nnd assisted In tho cscnpo of J, D. McNnmnra In his flight from tho Bceno of tho crlmo. By their verdict tho Jury sustain ed tho chnrges thnt tho McNamnra brothers,' now In prison in Cali fornia, woro aided In nationwide dynnmlto plots by almost all tho! mont ot ' JI McCarthy, former may cxccutlvo ofTlcInla of tho Iron work- ?f San Francisco, nnd presldont of ors union, and thnt they knowingly carrlod on tho conspiracy for years by causlug. oxploslvca to bo trans- ported on passongor trains. As head of tho union of 12,000 members President Itynn onco sat In tho councils of tho American I Federation of Labor. I Tvlotmoo of Snn Francisco wnn1 charged not only with supplying' Gompors declined to mako a state- tli'n Tllnti In naaial Im 1.1ih.Ii.m . '& Ht ll.l .1 .... .. ... ...w.. ... i. m uiunuiK ui tho Los Angeles Times building, uiu. uiou nun iiaviiiK hhkcu lor.iaicr novo someininR to say. moro explosions on tho Pacific Coast. Ho Is socrotary of llm Cnl- Ifornln Ilulldlng Trades council, nn editor, and recognized In labor cir cles on tho Pacific Coast. Also at tho head of thoso culltv. IsHorbort S. Hockin. cnlled tho STATES MAY ALSO PUNISH Government to Turn Over In dianapolis Evidence for Further Prosecutions. (Dr AuoclataJ Ima to Cooa Oaf TlmM.) WASHINGTON, Dec. 28. Attor ney General Wlckorsham will con- alfln Mm nnnadnn nf (iimlnn W tU HUVHIIVH IJt lUUllUb Ul VI . to tho vnrlous stnto authorities the ovIilnnoA tnlrnn In tin flvnnmltn trial for such action as tho local authorities might wish to tako tow-! ard posslblo prosecution of tho con vlcted mon on charges of bolng ac cessories to tho murdors and de struction ot proporty. According to tho Department of Justlco omclnlB it is posslblo that sontonco for tho fodoral conviction might bo suspondod whllo the mon aro tried In tho stato courts. PETTY LARCENY THIEF SLAIN Broke Jail at San Francisco and Is Shot by Deputy Sheriff Today. 1 (Ur Aiaoelatfcl Trraa to Cooa Day Tlmea. SAN FRANCISCO, Doc. 20. Pe tor Nayantzer, serving five months for potty larcony, escaped from Jail yestordny and was shot and killed todnv hv n. ilonutv sheriff, who saw tho man and gavo chaso in tbo'i tonderloln section ot tho city. EAGLES WILL 60 TO DANDON Charter Special Train for Del egation to Attend Alvin Monk's Funeral. A lilir flnlnpntlnn nf Mnrnhflnld Eagles is planning to go to Dan-'" don tomorrow to attend tho funeral of Alvln Monk, a well known Ban don man, and a member of tho Marshfleld aerlo, who died last night after a lingering illness. A special train has beon char tered by Presldont O. O. Going nnd P. MIrrasoul. to leavo hero at 8 o'clock In tho morning, and special boat service will bo provided down Uio uoquiuo river. j. Bj.ccitw iiuiii. will bring the delegation homo Sun- day evening. Band Benefit concert for publlo library at Masonic Opera Houso Sunday afternoon. Admission 25c. "Ingo of tho conspiracy," bocnuso ho was charged with first Initiating Ortle E, McManlgnl na n hired dy namiter nnd then betraying nil tho dynamiters to promote his own am bition. It wna ho, who once was secretary of (ho International union, Hint wlllatiftpn.1 Intn Mm nm rf rin toctlvo Burns tho names of tho Los Angeles Times dynamiters. view of McCarthy San Francisco Labor Lender Expects Victory lu Appeal. tny AMOclated rrraa to Coon Dtjr TlmM.) SAN FIUNCISCO. Cnl., Dec. 28. "moro is no doubt In my mind thnt In nn appeal In this enso to n fair tribunal tho defendants will bo speed ily ncuulttnd." Tlllu wna tltn ntnln. ",0 "ulldlng Trades Council of Cnll- rnln. ' GOMPEUS IS SILENT. . , ., . . American I-ederntlon Ofllclnls ItcfiiHO to Comment on Verdict. (nr Anwuted rmn to coo. 1117 Time.) new vmiir r.n 00,t muni in, hub nine on mo rcstiii or tho trlnl nt Indlnnnpolls. Ho mny tnr AModtttj riTi to coot n.r Timm.i WASHINGTON, Dec. 23. Frank Morrison, secretary of tho American Federation of Labor declined to mnko any comment on tho Indian- apolla verdict. E DELAYS IN PEACE PACT Balkan and Turkish Delegates Adjourn Until Monday Af ter Futile Conference. m (nr Aiaoclaltj Trraa lo Cooa nr TIrim.) LONDON, Dec. 2S. Tho pence -" ' rf v,.ivVMHMt l.U UUIHIIU - lies and tho Turkish emplro met ntraln todav nnrl nftnr nn hnnt nnd envoys representing tno ualkau al a half discussion decided on further adjournment until 4 o'clock Mon- dny afternoon. Tho first matter to day was tho presentation by tho Turkish dolegatcs of counter pro posals put forward by the Ottomnn government, in reply to those of fered by tho Balkan allies. Tho Ualkan representatives found that tho Turkish conditions woro Quito unacceptable and nn hour nnd a halt discussion was without pro gress. Tho Turkish dolegatos said thoy would again communlcato with tlielr government. Turkey's Terms. Tho Turkish proposals wcro: "Provlnco of Adrlanoplo romaln un dor tho tho direct administration of Turkoy, Macedonia to bo convortod Into a prlnclpnllty with Salonlkl ns Its capital, tho principality to bo undor tho Suzcralnity ot tho Sultan of Turk ey, but governed by a prlnco chosen by tho Bulkan allies and nominated by tho Sultan of Turkoy. Tho Prlnco to bo a Protestant from a noutral stato, and Albania to bo automus un der tho sovereignity of tho Sultan, govcrnod by a prlnco of tho imperial Ottoman family, for a term of flvo years witn tno possibility or a ronow al of his appointment. All Islands In tho Aegean Sea to remain Turkish. tlio Cretan question not to bo ono for discussion of tho conforonco, as it Is a matter between Turkey and tho Great European Powers." "These terms do not form oven tho basis for negotiations," was tho unanimous outcry of tho pcaco envoys after tho chief of the Turkish delegation ba'd preseutod them. TO KEEP ALBANIA. Servian Garrison Declaro Tliey Will Retain Positions. (Or Aaioclatcd Freaa lo Cooa JUf Time. VIENNA. Dec. 28. Gonoral Pon- ovltch, commander of tho Servian garrison In tho Port of Durazzo, Is credited hero with tho declara tlon that neither ho nor his troops will recognlzo any order to ovacu A'banla .They say they -will ' UUIVI1U lIU 'Vail.W.JH fc.lWJ W.VM'J, even against tho decisions or tno London conference or orders from Belgrade. OLCOTT IS MARRIED. Secretary of State Wo1h Governor" West' SlHter-In-Law. SALEM. Dec. 28. Ben W. 01 cott, secretary of stato, becamo tho iiubuuuu ui mi -u.u..i ....... w.. ., Christmas at tho homo of Governor West. Simultaneously with Mr. 01- cott becoming a benedict, ho also becamo tho brother-in-law of tho state's chief executive, tho brldo bo lng a sister of wrs. Oswald West. i FREIGHT RATE RAISE HELD UP Interstate Commerce Commis sion Suspends Advance by Railways. (nr AmocIiIck rmi (0 Cooa llr TlmM.J WASHINGTON, Dee. 28. Ad vances In tho transcontinental rates on certain commodities from East ern points to tho Pacific CoaBt and Drltlsh Columbia, from ten to 30 per cent wcro suspended by tho In torstnto Commorco Commission un til Juno 30. An investigation Is being mado. President-Elect Spends Night in House Where He was ' Born in Virginia. (Pr Ano lata.1 rrraa to Cooa Ilaf Tim. J STAUNTON, Vn., Dec. 28. President-Elect Wilson oponod Ws eyes horo todny In tho snmo houso with practically tho same surround Ings ns those ot GO yonrs ago to- day, when ho was born. Ho had siopi in 1110 pnrsonago of tho nrst Prcsbytorlnn church, of which his ratnor, tho Rov. Joseph R. Wilson, was pastor moro than half a cen tury ago. From far nnd wldo hnvo como ndmlrors and friends ot IiIb childhood. Tho crowd bogan to surgo through tho strcots onrly to gain tho host vantngo points to catch a gllmpso ot tho future pres ident and vlow tho parado which mnrka his birthday nnnlvorsary. Govornor Mann nnd othor offi cials, both stato nnd local. Joined In wolcomln" aovornor Wilson. Tli on followod a public reception nnd tonight thoro will Uo n ban quet at which ho Is to speak. Govornor Wilson Inserted n fow extra numbers In the program whon ho decided to visit threo women, who danrod hlm on their knees admiringly and examined his first tooth. Thoy aro M:s. Ellznboth Kaysor, Mrs. H. L. Hoover and Mrs. Amanda Fultz. With tho music ot a dozon bands and tho cheers of thousands of pooplo gnthorod In rounlon from nil parts of tho country, Govornor Wil son stood In tho glow of tho stin shlno today and rovlowed tho groat parado of his follow townsmen. Practically tho wholo town and Its guests Joined in tho parado. As a birthday prosont tho muni cipality prcsontod tho distinguished j guest iwo ivory miniaiurca or jiov. and Mrs. Josoph R. Wilson, parents or tno govornor. POOR SIGHT OF Many Students of New York Schools Suffer from Im paired Vision. (Hr Aaaoclatad rrraa to Cooa Par Tlmea. NEW YORK, Doc. 28. Thoro are 78,000 bad pairs ot oyos poring over school books In this city, ac cording to a specialist's report to tho board of education today, Ho estimated that 80 per cent of theso caBoa of dofoctlvo vision woro Inex cusable. In Bomo cases tho child ron aro wearing glasses 20 sizes wrong, as a result of which the vision ot only about 20 por cont Is efllclent. ADDRESS 1JY KELLOGO. Noted Lawyer Defends Judlclury Reforo Ilftr Association. Dr Aaaoclatfr Trcia to Cooa Day Tlmea, OMAHA, Neb.. Doc. 28. Frank B. Kellogg of St, Paul, speaking boforo tho Nebraska Stato Bar Asso ciation, vigorously defended tho Integrity of tho Amorlcan Judiciary and condemned what ho said was a disposition theso days to criticize tho courts, Band Benefit concort for public library at Masonlo Opera Houso Sunday afternoon, Admission 25c. W GREAT WELCOME P Captain and Crew of Thirty Saved by Lifesavers from Westport Station. VESSEL THOUGHT TO ' BE A HOPELESS WRECK Torrisdale Bound from Glas gow to Portland to Take. Grain Meets Disaster- IDr AiioclatoJ rrraa to Cooa narTlmm.p. ABERDEEN, Wash., Doc. 2G. Tiif four masted British bark, TorrlsdaJi-;. wont ashore nonr tho West Port fwttjc early todny In n terrific storm. Thw cnptnln nnd n crow of thirty -vene snvod by tho llfo saving crow oftbet West Port station, Tho Torrlsdnlo lies moro tnm;-raM. eighth of n mllo from tho surf koalfoJ over on her sldo. 8I10 is believed" bit bo n total wreck. Tugs aro standing by In hopo of saving her, howevac Sho was bound to Portland to eaxrjr grnln to tho United Kingdom. Snw hnlls from Glasgow, nnd Is of steoM construction. TWO ROBBERIES' INCJUILLE THIEVES FORCE AN KXTRAXOE THERE LIKE THE ONES WJIOr MADE 9IOO HAUL AT NORTir REND NEWS COMPANY. COQUILLE, Doc. 28. Tho Sonrt- nol says: Two bttrglnrlon In Coqulllo is sovon nays has caused tho business? mon of this city no llttlo worry ov or tho safety of their cash rogto tors. On Saturday night, Bomotlinv botwoon closing houra nnd Sunday morning, btirglnrs entered tho hnrtr waro storo of J. A. Lamb, but m relvcd nothing for tholr troublo, set far as Mr. Lamb has beon nblo to nscortaln, Tho miscreants ontorctE tho storo nt tho back window, eft to oling out tho sash nnd break Ins tho glnss. In their efforts to gor tho contontB of tho cash rogloter tho "K" sales koy was prcasetU down nnd tho crnnk turned nronndf till tho boll rang. Evldontly t ringing of tho boll frlghtonod tnt thlof away, ns n further motion or tho crnnk loss than a qunrtor tuna would havo oponod tho till. Mri Lamb Mates thoro was but n llttUr small chango In tho roglstor, mo tho burglnr would hnvo boon scnir tlly rowarded even had ho opoueS tho till. Last night n second burglary was pulled off nt tho aportlnc goods storo of Clnudo C. Moon;, whon ovor $26 was tnkon from lite cash roglstor. Tho burglar ontorc' by breaking tho lock on tho hucb door, using n chlsol or "Jimmy" te pry tho lock off. Nothing but tho cash In tho till was molostod. 1 LAND HELD UP Government Blocks Patents of Power Co. as Scheme to. . Gain Vast Rights. (Or Aeeaclatfcl rrtee to Cooa T)lJ Tlmea.)' WASHINGTON, Dec. 28 By Joini action todny tho War, Interior and: Agricultural departments ordorc& oxtonslvo patents of tho Interna tional Powor and Manufacturing Co. In tho stato of Washington hold up, becnuso of tho bollof or Secretary Fisher, as expressed in at statement, that tho company wok trying to "freo Itsolf from nil con trol by tho government by socurlng: patonts to lands undor tho gulso ot mlnlnK claims or by railroad scrip filings In combination with a spe clal license." Tho company Is planning to bulled a sorles of power plants, which it Is estimated will produco 200,00 ft horsepower, having a valuo of ?B 000,000 to J6, 000,000 por year. The power slto Is In tho so-cnlled "Zf canyon of tho Pend D'Orolllo rlvorv slttintod partly In tho Kanlkau Na tional Forost and partly In the power slto rofaorve sot naldo by Tart. Tho mining claims had boon ac quired by tho Pend D'Orolllo Devel opment Company, which also bg cured scrip land from tho Northern. Pacific Railroad, later soiling both) to tho International Powor amfl Manufacturing Co. Tho validity if tho mining claims and railroad serin selections will bo Investigated, WASHINGTON .3 ! !i I )' I ! ; 1 Is' if HI H m