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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 27, 1912)
T'S TRY TO MAKE COOS BAY THE BIGGEST ftjWS OREGON. IT CAN BE DONE lag mmtB 'T1IK I'Al'KU OP AUTHORITY' In MMlsIlfleUl is tllO Indonclld- WATCH THH WANT AlMftr Tlicro nro ninny good Imrgnlnep to bo found thorc. Anything! lost or found Is nlwnys udvo? tlscd In The Times. cut Times. It Is for tlio city nlid oMiiiiiiiinity (Ifit, last mid nil tho time. JOIN' TUB TIMKS FAMILY. MEMUKll OF TUB ASSOCIATED PRKS aszn LVVYI I'Stnbiisncu in 18 . TIl0 C(mst Mul Kstnbllshcd in 1878 MARSHFIELD. OREGON, FRJDAY, DECEMBER 27, 1912 EVENING EDITION. 6 PAGES. A Consolidation of Times, Coast Mali and Coos Hay Advertiser. No. 13B? (taa RANGE FATAL E OCCURS IN lorgo laowan diuwii iu Pieces wmie uaiung on Adeline hcck. jUSE WRECKED IN MYSTERIOUS MANNtK lad Man Went to Get Drink and Explosion Followed; No Explanation. KLAMATH FALLS, Dec. 27 ns.u-nn illml tndnv. Ho Wnfl HO It, ,i1v lnlnrnil Hint ho wnn unablo So glvo any explanation. Ho was B5 years or ago. iMiss ijcck, wun khnm lin 18 nllCKOll to lltlVO llCCU Infatuated, wna 17. tir Ar-o latcl I'rrst to C001 Mar 1luet.) KLAMATH FALLS, Ore, Dec. 27. tocoriw Cowun, wiiuo culling upon .. Aiirlltin Uncle hero lust' night. nt Into tlio ltltclion to got n nk of water nnd Hoomn to nave in himself up, An explosion Ich wiocked tlio hoiiso followed ans dlsnppcnrnnco mio mo (hen, Ho wns found on tlio floor lh his fnco blown away and him t hand nearly torn on. i no hock oily escaped with Hllt?lt Injuries. rmisn of tho explosion Is un- lowii to tho police Kowan was said to no an unnr- Ln,1 unttnr fnr MlflS Hcclc'B liailll. It bo fnr hb known, no 111 fool- V existed uotwooii tnom nor was known to bo despondent. MellKXItY IS DKAD insrrssiiiiiii From SKtoentli Perm- f)lviiulu District Succumbs Dr aiio, lated l'lrm to foot liar Timet 1IARRISHURG, I'll., Hoc. 27. prcsontatlvo John u. .Mciienry or t Bixtoontli rennsyivanin uisinci :d nt his homo In Ronton today, nf- ' a Jong illness, no did noi book flection Inst Novombor. fii:.i:iiAL HUHitTA ih:thh:i) ro of Xoitltcni Mexico Campaign I .. Relieved of Command. ID; Assoilalod ITes to Coot lit? TitnM, MEXICO CITY. Dec. 27. Genornl ctornlnno Huortn. hero of tho eam- igns ngnlnst Gunornl I'ascual Oro co. tho robol lcador lender, wns re ed today from conimnnd of tlio irthern Division of tho army. It sofllclnlly stated thnt Huortn iiBked rbe rellovod. Ho hns boen offorcd advisory position In tho Wnr Do- nmont. athetic Tragedy Follows Al leged Acicdental Shoot ing in Colorado. (Dr Associated rmi to Coo I1T Timet WINDSOR. Colo.. Dee. 27. A lid born of Mrs, Frederick Hnui- by means of u caosarlan oporn an. nfter Mrs. nruner was shot In e abdomen nt n wedding colobrn- on last night, died n fow hours ter ltB birth. Mrs. Hrunor Is ex ited to recover. John Llndt nnd icob Llchtenwald wero tho wed- ng gueBts who woro firing rovol- rs nnd aro hold pending tlio out line of tho woman's Injuries, but ie authorities say tho shooting wns omental. ILICE PROBE IN ivestigation of Charges of Graft in Gotham Is Re sumed Today. IHr Associated rrttt to Coot nay Timet.) NEW YORK. Dec. 27. With the -Mimptlon of tho Jong-continued In ulry by tho Aldermanlc committee "0 police affairs, It was Intimated tho Investigators that for tho. resent It would bo aimed directly, ' Police offlclnm who It is alleged 1Te been hampering members of f committee In the search for. rdB at nollce hcadouarters. It &s said tho Investigators had found , Pleeon holes at headquarters 300' ""iplalntB of questionable resorts J connection with which It was not . -nii tiiar nnv nmciui ncuun wua ken. Nil CHILD GUN'S VICTI1 W KLAMATH FALLS Delegates of Balkans and Turkey Intractable in Negotiations. (tlr AtsoMated I'nia to Coo IUJ Tlmet.J LONDON, Dc. 27. Tlio poaco en voys of both the llalkan states and Turkoy adopted tho expected attitude of lntractlbllity toward their oppo nonts In tho iiroposetl terms of set tlement. Knch declared tho others domnnds woro preposterous. Third parties, who nro In touch with both groups of negotiators, shnro In tlio opinion Intimated that n port od of whittling Is necessary to trans form tho proposals Into such tdinpo as well iib to unablo a ponco confer ence, assisted by friendly pressure powers to strllco a bargain. This, It Is thought to occur In duo time. As n matter of fact, tho proposal of tlio Rnlknn allies by which they would oomo Into possession of tho roast of tho Sea of Marmorn, Is re nin! oil oulto ns Impossible of nehlovo- meut ns Is tho Turkish domaiul thnt tlio Ottoman empire ho allowed to maintain Its rulo over tho roast of Aogonn Sea, including tho City of Salonlkl. Tho powers, It Is pointed out. would promptly voto tho pro ject of the allies which would If enr- rled Into effect glv3 Ilulgnrln practl cully control of the Dnrdanolls. EXPRESS MEN 6ET SENTENCE Two Colorado Men Will Be Sent to the State ' Penitentiary. IHr Associated rrrss to Coot liar Timet. GRAND JUNCTION, Colo., Dec. 27. Uort Tcachout nnd ncn Ollbort, formerly express mossengors hero, were recently convicted of robbing tho Qlobo Kxpress, woro sentenced to day to tho stnto penltentlnry, Tonch out for two to four years, and Gllbort tree to Ilvo yenrs. JURY IS SIILL OUI IN OIG CASE Indianapolis Dynamite Case Continues Under Consid eration of Jurors. I INDIANAPOLIS, Dec. 27. Up. to 2:4fi p. m. no worn was rocolved from tho jury In tho dy linmltn trial. Judgo Andorson nt 3:05 p. m. adjourned. court until tomorow at 9:30 a. in. (Py AttofUted Vteu to Coot Djr Timet J INDIANAPOLIS. Ind.. Dec. 27. Tho vordlcts In tho dynamlto con spiracy enso mny be rotumod to dny. Tho govornmont ofllclnlB mo confliit-nt that befo-e night, tho Jur ors will bo able to return tho flnn ings In tlio cntcb of tho labor union ofllclals accused of assisting In ap propriating $1000 a month for tho services of tho 100 dynamlto and nltro-glycerlno explosions carried on by tho McNamnra Drothors. From tho fact thnt Federal Judgo Albert B. Andorson Instructed the jury to "carefully consider" all ev idence In tho case, which required threo months to present, attorneys for Frank M. Ryan, president of tho International Association of Ilrldge nnd Structural Ironworkers' Union, and other defendants, nro of the opinion that tho Jurors might not be able to render a ver dict within 24 hours aftor their re tirement, which was shortly after n o clock last night, Ortlo K. McManlgal, tho confess ed dynamiter, upon whoso stnte mentr. tho government bnsed Its charges against tho labor union of ficial, will be returned to Los An geles county, California, as soon ns tho trial ends here. Edward Clark, who confessed to tilnwlncr un n lirlllco at Davton. O.. is to be sentenced after tho ver dicts as to tho other defendants are returned. I IKE W ' S 56 eiRTHOAY TOMORROW President-Elect Will Spend Anniversary at His Old Home in Staunton Plan a Big Celebration. injr Aocllcd Prctt to Coot nr Timet 1 PRINCKTON, N. J., Doc. 27. Gov Wilson today shook off IiIb attack of la grlppo and started for Staunton, Vn., his birthplace, whoro tomorrow ho will eolcbrate his fiGth birthday. Mrs. Wilson accompanied tho governor. National Chairman McComb and a party of Vlrglnlnns living In New York woro nbonrd tlio governor's train. Wilson ex ports to sleep tonight in his own bed In tho rectory nt Staunton, wlu-ro ho was born. UHCKI'TIOX IX WASIIIXfJTOX. Democratic. Congr".imen and Citi zens Will AWIcomo Him. Wr AnocliteJ rrett to Coot nr Timet. WASHINGTON. Doc. 27. Whon ORCHARD COMPANY OFFICER GUILTY Another of Men Accused of Gigantic Fruit Land Swin dle Gives Up Fight in the Federal Court. tnjr AMcx-latM Preet to Coot lUjr Timet, PORTLAND. Dec. 27. H. H. Hum phroy, one of tho accused Columbia River Orchard olllcors, arose In tho federal court today when tho taking of testimony In tho caso began, nnd nsked tho prlvllogo of pleading guilty. His plen was accepted. This makes tht Bccond. of tho flvo men nccusod.1 WOMEN AFTER THE MIDDLEMAN National Housewives Leagues Want Produce Direct by Parcels Post. Wr Attoiltted Treit to Coot lltr Timet NKW YORK, Doe. 27. Apples, ftesh oggs, nnd country buttor direct from tho farm to tho housowlfo by parcels post to reach half n million homes In Now "York nnd Its environs, Is tho nowest plnn announced by Mrs. Julian Hoath, prcaldont oftho Nation al Housowiro League Mrs, Heath plana to ellmlmlnnto tho mlddlo man. Other farm products mny bo hnndled Iu a similar wny, she snys. T FATAL TO WIFE San Francisco Woman Kill ed by Faulty Connection of Electric Heater. Hr Atiocllted Trett to Coot Da? Time. SAN FRANCISCO, Dec. 27. Tho first tlmo Klvlra Lubattl used the' Christmas present thnt her husband ( gavo hor, It killed her. Sho la doad at hor homo from failure of a weak heart, overtaxed by an olectrlc shock. Anxious to test tho present, a sub mersible bath heater, sho tilled the, tub, turned on tho current, thoro wns n faulty connection, nnd tho water beenmo highly chnrged. Honrlng a monn, her husband broko into tho room and received a sharp shock when ho lifted his wife's body from tho tub. ItKIMIHADKI) IHLS AXOKK DOCILH CAITIVH SHAL. Animal Ilecomes Panic Stiicken at Women With An burn Tresses. i LOS ANGKLKS. Dec. 27. Women with red hair will havo to bo barred from tho Venice aquarium or tho latter will havo to dlBpenso with "Old Hundred," a recently captured seal. I "Old Hundred" Is extremely do ello In ordinary circumstances, but the moment a woman appears whoso hair hns oven a touch of sunburn, ho seemingly becomes panic strick en. Dr. P. S. Rarnhnrt, Instructor i of biology nt tho University of, Southern. Cnllfornln, who was at tracted by reports of tho seal's be havior, Is unablo to explain the an lmnl'8 antipathy to red haired wo men, i About 55,000,000 babies aro born into the world annually, 15,000,000 creased from 5 to 7.2 per cent dur ing tho past ten years. M Piesldent-olcct Wilson arrives hero Into toilny on his wny to Staunton, Vn ho will bo given an ovation nt tho rnllrond station by ninny Donocrntlc members of Congress, who nro here nnd who will bo nt tho station with many cltlzcnB. STAUNTON IS HKADY. Wilson's Ilirtlinlacc Tlnns Great Tribute for Him. IHr Auocltted rrrti to Coot nj Tlmet.l STAUNTON. Va., Dec. 27. A great nrch with tho words "Wel come Homo" In Incnndescont globes rorinb tho gntowny through which tho pooiilo of Stnunton will wolcoino homo tonight tholr distinguished nnllvo son, Prosldent-olect Wilson. Final proirntlons woro complotcd today, and Staunton, despite lower ing clouds nnd a slight drlzzlo pre sented tho nppearnnco of a city pre pared for tho greatest event In its history, to plead guilty. R. H. McWhorter, being tho Ilrst, W. K. Dolnrm, tho principal nnd G. C. Hodges hnvo nov or boon enpturod. Dolnrm wns re ported to hnvo died In California. A. J. lllltho, charged liy tho govornmont with being closoly associated with Do lnrm In tho operations, which resulted In tho throwing broadcast on tho Pa cific coast nearly four million of nl logcd worthless bonds, Is now tho on ly man on trial boforo tho federal tribunal. Iu his prosecution about 200 witnesses havo been summoned from nil parts of tho Northwest. Tho taking of testimony to prove tho nl- logod fraud began today. TWO DIE IN FIRE IN HOTEL Unknown Men Victims of Los Angeles Blaze Five 0th ' ers Are Injured. IHr A'loelttod rrrti to Coot l'y Timet LOS ANQKLKS, Doc. 27. Two un identified men woro burned to death nnd Ilvo other persons wero Injured, ono fntnlly, In n fire thnt destroyed n North Main Street lodging houso, Into last night. Tho Ilvo injured woro hurt by jumping from tho windows. Olga Waters, n llftccn-yenr old daugh tor of tho proprietor. Is belloved to liavo been fatally Injured. WILE WISHING JOY John S. Rogers Executed at San Quentin Protested Innocence. Wt Associated lrttt to Coot y Time, SAN QUKNTIN, Cnl Dec. 27. Protesting his Innoconco and wish ing nil the nowspapormon a hnppy Now Year, Joun a. nogerfl was nangou. noro louay ror mo murucr or iionjnnun uouumnii, a ouu jtiui clsco Jowolry snlesmun, Nov. 21, 1911. Rogers killed Goodman with a hatchet and robbed too body of Jowolry worth $2500, nnd hid tho body In tho collar of n building whoro ho wns employed. Ho work ed not ton feet away from It for threo days. AMOXG THH SICK. Mrs. Jay Mnhonoy Is reported Im proving, much to tho gratification of many frlonds. Srophon Lapp, who was operated on yesterday nt Mercy hospital for appendicitis, is 78 years old. Ho Is loported doing fairly well. Mrs. 'A. O. Doward, who has boon suffering from a sovero attack of tho grip, Is reported somewhat Improved J. C. Jones, mnnngor of tho Coos Ray Steam Laundry, is confined to his homo as a rc3iilt of a strain. Mrs. W, F. IrlBh, who was oper ated on at Morcy hospital this morn ing Ib reported doing nlcoly. KASTKRX STAlt NOTICH. Members or Doric Chapter and visiting moniberB entitled to privi leges, nro requested to bo present at 8 p, m., Friday ovenlng, Do comber 27, at which time through tho courtesy of Blanco Lodgo, A. F, & A. M. tho olhcors elect will bo Installed Jointly, Dy order of WORTHY MATRON. FRANCES McLEOD, Sec. FINAL ACTION ON COOS R BRIDGE PERMIT N BULGARIA TO RESUME WAR Little Nation Summons All Able-Bodied Men to the Colors Again. Mr AiooHited Prrii to Coot Dtr Timet, IIRRLIN, Doc. 27. Hulgnrla Ib preparing to rcsuiuo wnr, according to n special dispatch from ' Rust chuk, Ilulgnrln. Tho correspondent says I hut tho Dulgarlnu wnr minis ter hns culled up tho recruits to bo unrolled only hi 191-1 nnd hna sum moned nil nblo-bodlcd mon up to the ago of GO to tho colors. Lnrgo supplies of munitions of wnr hnvo ronched Rustcliiik on a Russian ves sel. MOIH-J WAR TROUIHiK. Undo of Klicdlvo or Kgypt, to Claim Rulo of Albania. Illy AMorUted l'trtt to Coot liar Timet PARIS, Dec. 27. Prllico Ahmed Fund, undo of tho Khcdtvo of Kgypt, In propnrlng to ontor Al bnnln at tho bend of 20,000 troops to proclnlm hlmBolf iirlnco of Al bnnlii, according to n correspond ent of tho Tomps. Tho plaeo of tho origin of tho dispatch Ib not given. Chicago Man Kills Wife for Her Holiday Kindness to Him. Wr Atto.ltlM Trrtt to Coot lltj Timet, CHICAGO, Doe. 27. Accusing his wlfo of oxtrnvngnnco, beciuiflo sho gave him n uinall Christmas reinoin brnuco, nnd Inst night served beef stonk for dlnnor, Pnsquulo Moutnguo stabbod his wlfo to death In tlio pres enco of their lU-year-old son. PERPLEXED Are Endeavoring to Ascertain Home of Prof. Grannis and Bride. Tho Marshfleld High school stu dents nro making n strenuous or fort to nscortulii whoro Prof. F. L. Granule nnd his brldo will Ilvo, Tlioy aro anxious to do a llttlo "decorating" boforo Mr. and Mrs. Grannis reach horo next week. Thoy will bo 'married Iu Salom Dec. 29, nnd will go to Portland nnd tnko tho Breakwater to Coos Day, ronch- Ing horo noxt Thursdny, probnbly. So fnr tho High school students hnvo not beon ablo to solvo Mr. Grannis' secret, nsldo from tho fact that ho nnd his brldo will spend n fow dnys at tho F. K. Allen homo In South Mnrshflold, Tho Salem Statesman has tho following about Mr. Grannis arrival thoro. "Frank Grannis, a teachor In tho Mnrshflold high school nrrived iu Salom early Sunday morning. Ills business In Salom will coucludo noxt Sunday nftornoon when ho will bo united In marrlngo to Mlsa Anolta Wilson, n nloco of Prosldont 1 Ionian's. Tho brlilo and groom win dopart Immediately for tho Coos Ray town viiicli thoy will mnko tholr homo. Miss Wilson has boon tho nurso at tho Oregon state trnln Ing school for tho Inst yoar." TO IAU IWKH SALIvS. The Portlnnd Journal tays: "Portland nd men nro Interested in nn ordlnanro which tho Rolso Ad club sooks to hnvo adopted by, tho Rolso city council. It would bar fako flro salos. It would mnko it n mlsdomennor to mlsroprosont tho pluco of manufacture, quality ,or nmoiint of goods. Fictitious prlco placing would bo mado illognl. Oio gon has state regulation, and nd mon bollovo specific municipal on nctmont would strengthen tho law and tholr campaign against fako advertising." Times' Want Ads bring results. CHRISTMAS HAS A SAD ENDING EXT WEE General Bixby Recommend That Secretary of War Grant It. MUST EITHER KEEP DRAW OPEN OR RAISGT Southern Pacific to Ber Re quired to Keep Tug Ther&. if Necessary. - i piniriov OX TO GIVK pr TKItMINALS TO K.. VU ' Dr. K. Mlngiis (oday wm5"4' 1 Alftin4taft n tml It Inst 4t .ft jm . at; i:tl l ilitillllK " iruiiiiuu iu txju Termlnnl Railway Stockhold ers, nBklnglhom to turn tint tormlnnlB In Mnrsnflold orrrr I.. II... Coll...... llnAlfln III Hill OUIIIIM'l l I lll.(IIU, I. A meeting of tho Tonnlnuf f I directors wns to bo hold this f I nftornoon. - L. J. Simpson of North Dond IxKt ovenlng rerelvcd n tolegrnni tnw Sonntor Rournu In which the lthtr ovor tho nctlon of tho Wnr DirprrrtV. ment on tho Southern PnduVer apirtV cnllou for n penult to bridge Catn Day Ib pnrtly explained. ' Iu his wfrvt Sonntor Ilouruo Bays that (Ion. Hhc by, head of tho United States- EtiKf neors, had slguod tho rcconimondntloxa to tho Secretary of War, favoring die granting of tho permit, nnd Saauttar Rourno further states tho pontile iciTC probably bo granted on tho return ir tho Secretory of Wnr, noxt Monday or Tuesday. In his wire, Sonntor nourno con-"-linns tho story printed In Tho Tlmcar n weok or two ugo about tho conrtt tlons thnt would probnbly bo artucb oil to tho permit. These nro. uav falrV lows: If the brlilgo Is only twlvs fifS nbovo high wator murk, tho- itewr inmit ho kopt open nil tho tlmo. con cept when trnlns nro passing. if tho brldgo Ib twonty-rour ffcett: nbovo high wntor, tho drnw ran to kopt closed nil tho tlmo, except whrs lnrgo vossols nro to puss through If nocessnry, tho Southern Partffc--must mnlntnln a tug nt tho brldg.cttuf convey vossols through tho draw. Southorn Pnclllc must dredge nxnty nny shoals that may bo duo to tlao construction of tho brldgo. It Is presumed thnt tho HtlimiSe tlon for u tug will provldo. tntsf towngo through tho drnw. Whether or not tho pormlt -viffl contain n "common usor'' chvu& has not beon stated nnd this prole ably will bo tnkon up with ta Wnr Department by Coos liny x plo boforo noxt Monday. Gunboat Smith and Frartfc Moran Ready for Go?, Moran Is Favorite. lly AuoiUled IVm to Coot llr Tlmewy BAN FRANCISCO, Doc. 2T. "Gunboat" Smith, n local hea-rp weight, and Frank Mornn of rBttJv burg, will go into tho ring hero- to night for tholr 20-roundB fight, witiL Moran n ton to nluo or bettor t'sx nrlto, Smith has tho reputation, ox" bolng nn "In nnd out" fighter, tad' therefore hns not tho confldermr.' of ring followers, desplto thir tat. at his recent Knstern tour nottJu him 1G decisions out of 17 cos tests, Tho winner of tonlght'B fcatv tlo will bo matched with tho wluetvinr of tho McC'urthy-Pnlzar fight Jec Los Angolea New Yonr's Day. Youthful Lover Kills His GlrS Sweetheart and Commits. 1 Suicide. tnjr Anoilatel Treas lo Coot liar Time' MILLJ1URY, Mass . Dee. 27. A Clara Lornnn. oged 12 years, w. ontorlng tho cotton mill whore th was omployod, sho ob shot ami adfr led by Charles Adams, aged 15-yvnrs who then shot himself, dying shortl after Tho pollco say tho i aiiso of tti tragedy was Jealpusy, Tho mill om. - ployes woro so (Usturuoii u aarj shooting, thai tuo mnnugemenc cios the plnnt for tho dny. BIG BOUT IN FRISCO TODAF TRAGIC END OF BOY AND GIRL ri II M 41 1 'A ,2 I ' 1 6 1 IF.,- s1 Si. ft 1 p el