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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 26, 1912)
M THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 26, 1912 EVENING EDITION. n GEORGE STJUIFF PUSSES All Member of Original Baltimore Company and Pioneer of ' Coos County. SELECTIOKS FOR LIEU Hi FILED ixdioatj: the purpose of Tin: HILL KOAD TO HUILD through THK STATU OF OREGON. VALE. Oro,. Deo. 20. Tho North ern I'nclllc Rallrond company, a Mil linn -ntntlHtf (ltfwl fnt mOtVl 111 Word linn boon received hero of , t, MnUl01ir C0UIlty cIork.8 0ico nt tho denth of Gcorgo Stnnff. ono of, Vll, ,,,, r rnnMn.110rlnnc0. cov. tho ploneor residents of Coos nnd Coos county, who Biiccumhod nt tho Odd Follows hospital In Port land, nftor a long Illness. Mr. Statiff was n mombor of Sunsot Lodge, I. O. O. P. Mr. Stnnff formerly resided on North Pront street, Mnrshflold, for ninny yours. Ho wns n enrponter by trndo. During Inter yenrs, Mrs. Stnnff beenmo nn lnvnlld nnd they nindo their home with their daugh ter, Mrs. Walter SlnClnlr of Coqulllc. Ho wns nn uncle of Mrs. Tom IIn.Il nnd Clmrlcs Stnuff of Mnrshfleld. Mr. Stnuff wns ono of tho Haltl moro compnny which enmo to the Coqulllo vnlloy with Dr. llorrmnnn. After n few yenrH on n hqniostcnd ho wont to RoBcburg, nnd lntor re turned to Empire whoro ho follow ed his occupation as n contracting carpenter. Ho built tho first rogu Inr school hoitso in Emplro In ISfiG nnd n year Inter ho moved tti Mnrsh flold, opening tho first rogulnr hotol in this city. In ISfiO. ho nnd Win. Richards built tho Mnrshflold brow ory, but ho withdrew from thnt bus iness nftor n few months nnd re sumed tho business of contracting. In 1875 ho built n browory nt Ut ter City, n onco flourishing vlllago on iRthmun Inlot, which Is now only n historical nnmo. Mr. Stnuff nnd his wlfo woro born in tho Duchoy of Hohmo, Darmstadt, nnd enmo to I .11. U. IV IlliVll Jl P4.WI.V lil'wvivv, ""' I oritur olv full nniTna nf tlin rncnril. Tills OPEN BUSINESS LIFELINE IS COLLEGE HERE LAUNCHED HERE deed is for lieu land selections In sov en counties In Oregon by tho govern ment to tho Northern Paclllc Rnllrond company. Tho land' thus solectcd by tho Northorn I'nclllc extends through sovornl parts of tho state of Orogon. In studying n map of Orogon it is, rounu mat uieso uou minis now own ed in Oregon by tho Northern Pacific strotch from tho Dead Ox Pint nlong tho Snako river, north of Ontario, nnd follow up tho Malheur river. Ono soloctlon of this land is right at tho point cnllod "Tho Narrows," at tho llnruey lnkcs in Ilnmoy county, nnd ono selection is nt Klamnth Falls. It is found that these lieu selec tions givo tho Northern Pacific strips of land extending from near Jordan Vnlloy, through tho Hig Ilond country nlong tho Snnlco rivfcr, npposlto Par 111a, on past NysEii nnd Ontario, to Dead Ox Pint. And It Is found thnt tho Northorn Pacific lieu land selec tions run In strips from Vnlo up tho Willow river past Brogon nnd extend in n northwesterly direction up through tho Burnt rlvor district, nnd thon around In. tho vicinity of Prluiv villo nnd In to tho Dcschutca river. Up (lu) Deschutes. By still further studying tho map, it Is scon that thoso lieu I nnd selec tions in ml o by the Northorn Pacific extend in strips from near tho junc tion of tho Coin inula and Deschutes A .... i i.. f o I n Sovon children woro born to them ! '?,".. I""1,.'!!.1,. ,VM',D.8e.,"'t"? .r,,.r to Ileud, which Is nt tho present time, tho tormlnnl of the Hill road built up ino Doscliutos river, Into the Interior i of Oregon. Prom Ilond it Is found theso lieu freo from ndvcrio clnlm, or not oc cupied by nctunl sottlors nt the time such selections, nltuntcd with In nny Btato or territory Into which such rnllrond grant extends. It Is provided that 'patent shntl Issuo for tho land so solectcd ns though It T1... 1in1 lill.. nfllinll.. ..u..lA.t It ?"T ",0..J0J!" i"""',." ll'lr B?ul counties. Lntor. by tho provisions of tho ncf B.7L nnnlh '. inn., . .ninv.' . Kroni nonr Prl.iiovHlo tlico llqu so- npiirovod May 17, 1000. tho provl- i ni- i m ... I. mill c-c ions oxien.Mn ii southwesterly dl- B!ons or tno net of July 1, 1S0S. ... ......... ....... .. ...... rucuun ncross uio unscnuo niouu- Tho othor surviving son, Ocorgo II. ., ,.. ,., ,,,,., ".,. ... "I "" J tUIIVIIUIIdlU IIIUI LU Mrs. Wnltor SlnClnlr of Coaulllo, Georgo Honry Stnuff, John Freder ick, Louisa, Emma and Horhcrt, tho Inttor threo having died when qulto tJIIIlh. I milni'Himu nvtnilil li n unnMnvnolnrlv Mrs. Stnuff Is now with hor .,,,..,,.. .,, , .1. " V," ,r, ... 1 direction almost to tho California daughter: Mrs. Walter SlnClnlr nil '7 I !! 2 "no, .Lin ,1 nnnnllln Tntm qtni.ff rmnllin.. -m, IMOLlUlO, DOUglnB Mill A. E. Stossmeister of Astoria Makes Arrangements for School in Marshficld. A. 13. Stossmeister of Asrorln. who has been hero tho past week Investigating the possibilities of a business col logo In Mnrshfleld, an nounced toilny that ho bnd decided to open one hero. Ho has leased tho second story of tho Wolcott building on North Front street, for merly occupied by tho Eagles' hall, ns tompornry qunrtors nnd states thnt ho hns mndc tonfntlve arrange ments with Henry SongstncUen for tho erection of a building for tho sciiool later. He expects tu open tho school horo about January 20 nnd will stmt with n corps of threo teachers besides himself. Mr. Stossmelstor formerly conduct ed a business college nt Mlnot, N. I)., and hns two Institutions at pro se nt, one nt Livingston, Mont., nnd tho othor nt Astorln. Tho ono hero Is to bo another 0110 In his chain of sch'ools, but ho states thnt ho expects to mnko Coos Hay his homo ami Headquarters. Ho states that tho business col- lego will be nindo complcto nnd in addition to tho rogulnr work n night school will ho conducted. Ho states that tho Isolntlon of Coos liny, nink lug It difficult for students to go nwny to school and tho large popu larlon In this section, practically in Hiires tho success of n school lioro. Ho hns been in conference with Sunt. Tledgen nnd a number of oth er MnrshNold men and brlnga let ters of recommendation from ninny lu towns whoro his schools nro located. Stnuff resides nt Scnttlo, hut hns been nt Coiiulllo for some time. Tho funcrnl will probably hold tomorrow nt tho Odd Follows' ward Coos Hay. And thoro nro lion Tho fune n wll ml Iv bo 8?'octl '"" y tho Northern Pa- 3lTlhtomor0row nt'tho 'of'oIIowb' ? ""111.?. :'"? Homo In Portland. I n,.' '.'.l. "l.." "" ""1 ,,uw" lo l,lu Mr. Stnuff wns 82 yenrs old and ,,,,,",,', iiiU,,M,r.Wllv Sr.S, l C00S C0U,,ty JU8t "1. 1'"oSo Inn-li'ViiMn ".arrow strips. juiiio iim. . . 'In niircnlu nuii'lm tmm .in ,....,. .... I. Lnndo, who know Sir. Stnnff ,v.;;, .; "H ..." i". ... .'. ""." "'.'" woro extended "to lucliido nny honn fldo Bottlcmont or entry nindo suli- Hoquoni to January 1.. 1S0S, nnd prior to Mny 31, IDOfi, in nccord nnco with tho erroneous decisions of tlio lnnd donnrtmont rosiipptlni tho wlthdrawnl on gonornl rnuto of tho Northorn Pnclflc between Wni- nnn. wnBli., nnd Portlnnd, Oro." I ho deed filed for record horo fit fin nmna nt .. .1 .1A-.I1 11. it hnilirobn W IG.OOO acres thnt nro tho property of lands selected In Oregon nnd grant- thaOMVoLvTLLSnaiVtlian " Nof1t'n I'nclllonnlloail company el 'r tho government to tho North 1110 u in 1'Oiiowb iouj,o ionj,or man 0no of tho crnnt ron.iu in Mm 11111 O.o' 'or.. Tnirin nr.n...i ......... IA ...nn "" ---....m ...w t.inu; ...(, iiiiiiiuiu, 1 MI1I1MIIIJ . . liu vun f.ii. m.A.. 1.. .. ... .... 1 nny othor 1111111 lu Orogon inltlntrd by Dnltlmoro Lodgo No In Sunsot tnm. Tlinn lu ,m .l.ii.t. ...... ..... ...w.u ... ... IIUIIIIL 1111. UIl (11 llllfll Rr.7 nd later transferred to ,?ml wl11 form ",8 " rights-of-way' wn and Idaho w ot Io.?b of OrBon I i,,!r.0UBl1 0roKn for t,l "' rond.. increasing Interc sot Lodgo of Orogon. Tll,8 nctIon on t,n t of , North.i throughout tho N I prn memo lu Bolocting theso Hon , iniuiB in Orogon, grnntod to this rail XOItTH 1X1,171'. rnnif rin.ii.Ki.ii, 1... 1m n... .............. ... 'I ."".'" iv lu KutuilllllUlll, 1H v rognrdod ns u groat fltop on tho pnrt i ui j mi luwnni mo invasion of Hnrrl (Special to Tho Times.) Mr. West, while slnshlng timber ' ,'"'." " ,'."'" .,,.,","1" , "" n"'' ,,, on tho Chns. JoluiBon rnnch, bnd "rail i? tl'r(,B1't Oregon mid tlio misfortune to hnvo n log broken. Ho wns tnkou to Morcy hospital In North Uond. Noxt Sundny tho weokly meeting will bo hold in Mr. W. J. Ilnvod's now houso, nnd will bo conducted by Itov. G. Loltoy Hall. W. O. Hamilton is homo, nnd is mirroring with n Innio buck nnd n bnd cold. Work on tho now road to Ton Mllo in siiHpondod for a wook. UXCIUIMKI) I,K'ITKIIS Itoinnlnlng In tho Mnrahflold. Oro gon, Pomurrice for tho wook ending Dec. 21, 1012. Poraons calling for mo sino win piohho nay advortlsod and pny ono cent for ouch loiter cnllod ror. T. K. Drown, Prod lllHsott, Frank Illggs, Georgo Dwyor. Albert Plnn Btrom. J. A. Poster, Mrs. Geo. Good ren, C. A. Hunter. MIhh Ilnzol Joi.n- bou, MIh Lillian JnhiiHOii, Miranda Latio, minor Lnnugnn, Frank Leroy, . ii. .miuhoo, .iincn. ivolson, Mrs. !. Nelson, Chnrkm Pnlmor, Hnfrnloi rololtle. w. S. Putor, W. W. War ner. W. H. CURTIS, Postmaster. COST OP CHRISTMAS. in About $U(),iloi,()0l MKiidiMl i inciigo ('olt'Drullon. CHICAGO. Due. 2C Chicago's Christmas this yoar, It is estimated, cost about 120.000.000, ninhlng It tho most prosperous lu tho history of tlio city. For glftB. Including toys, It Is figured that ? Id, 000,000 wns spent. Dlnnors. wines, liquors and tobacco added about $1,500,000 wlillo tho romuindor was uindo up in gifts of employers to thel, oin-ployoa. Morchnnts doclnro thnt prospoiity in California P. Ai I. X. IMciislon Tlin.iigh Orogon. Tlio general direction, for Instnnco. of theso Northorn Pacific Holcctlons rrom Dond Ox Flat nlong tlio Malheur river, tiio Narrows and Klamnth i-nns, seoins to bo a strong confirma tion or tho general bollof thnt Hill will como on down tho P. &. I. N., nnd oxtoml his rond through to Klnin ath Falls and on to Snn Francisco; thnt his prosont DoBchutes rond will db oxioiuled south of Ilond to tho California line, connecting up nt boiiio ilium wun mo lino going into Snn Francisco; and thnt Hill will mil i,u road through to Coos Day. Authority For Selecting lieu Ijiud. Tho groat deed (Hod for record In tho county clerk's olllco nt Vnlo Bhowod that It had been previously llled In six othor couiiHob in Oregon.l Tho deod In tho followlne aimwa tim lauroau-fl nutliorlty for limiting theso Hon laud bolcctlous, Under act of concross. nnnrm.i July 2, 180-1, ontltlod, "An act grnnt- iiik iauii8 10 am in tlio construction of a railroad and tolograph lino from Lnko Suporlor to Puget Sound, by tho northorn routo," thoro was granted to tho Northern Pacific Railroad com pany, Rb successors and assigns, "ov ory altornutlvo section or public lands (not mlnorallzed) doslgnatod by odd numbors, to ninoiint or 20 nltorniito sections por mllo on oach sldo or said rnllrond lino, ns snld company may adopt, wliouovor tho United States hna mil Htlo, not re served, sold, granted or othorwlso appropriated, at tho tlmo tho lino or snld road (Northorn PncRIc) Is definitely fixed, nnd n pint thoreor wen 111 tlio oil co or tlio comnilH Kvory movo mndo by Hill in Ore- Ill bo witched with rest by tho pooplo Northwest. H In enn- lidontly hollovod thnt moro dofln ito Infornintlon concerning HIU'h railroad pinna in theso two stntos will bocomo known within tho next twolvo months. INCREASE OREGON IN VALUE Rev. Hall's New Colporter Craft Put in Water on Christmas Day. "Tho Lifeline," tho now coipor-i tor bout for this district, was' launched nt tho W, II. Cnvnnaugh I shipyards at Eastsldo yesterday nT-i lernoon. Only n fow woro present,; Rev. G. Loltoy Hnll, who will hnvo chnrgo of It, having decided to hnvo j tho formal ceremonies attached to , tho crnft tnko phico at its dcdlca-l tlon. Instend of nt tlio launcning. "Tho Lifollno" was christened by Miss Frances K. Hull, tho llttlo daughter of llov. and Mrs. Hull, who broko n bottle of Coob liny water, tied with libhoun nnd holly, over tho prow nn the boat glided Into the water. The only othor sorvlccs wns n s'-ort prayer by Rov. Hnll. Immediately after tho launching, tho boat wns given n trlnl trip to tho bunkers nnd return by W. II. Cavnnnugh, tho builder, nnd found to run perfectly. Tho finishing work will bo dono nt North Ilond nnd following Kb completion, tho of flcinl dedication of tho vessel will tnko place. Dr. Win. Sadler, author of "Tho Causa nnd Curo of Colds." snya that common colds should bo tnk ou seriously, especially vhon tlioy "hang on." Foley's Ilonoy nnd Tur Compound Is n rollublo house hold medicine for coughs' nnd colds equally effective for children and grown persons. Tnko It when you feel n cold coming on. It will nvort danger of sorlotm results and euro quickly. No harmful drugB. For snlo by I.ockhart-Pnrsons Drug Co., tho Ilusy Corner. TO l.OGGF.RS OF COOS OK AXV OTIIIUl COIW'TY Coos Bay Feather-Weight Loggers' Shoes wenr longer thnn nny heavy nhoo. Is light and watertight and Is tho best shoo of Its kind in Amorlcn. Guaranteed hy the maker. AUGUST OLKSOX, i!in Hroailivny So. MnrMirielil, Or. We Clean and Press Ladies' and Gent's Suits Goods Called for nnd Delivered Coos Bay Steam Laundry PIIOXB MAIN IVW Mni-shfleld, Oregon. After Christmas Reduction MUX'S RATH HORKS. fir.on. '" NOW r HMOKIXG .fACKOTS, $7.00, IIOIIKS, .97.00, $4.75 SIHN'H ROt'SH MLIPPFRS, SU.oo WU iNOW Clrn SIHN'H XKCICWHAR AXI) HOSIO HOTS f ''W AT .'.' One-TliirH n WOMKN'S RATIIRORICS ?(l,0O. II Ut MS It1 It - .. ' Money NOW wo.mkx's PKir sIiIppiirs, si.r.o iu" WO.MKX'S KVUXIXG SCARI'S. AT ' Talks" AT HUB DRY GOODS CO OVOXXKIJ, ItUILDIXG ' ''"ONE 3o,j Steamer Homer Sails from San Francisco, for Coos Bay With Freight only, Friday, Dec. 27th r. H. DOW, Ageat. OcasDort, KQUIPl'UD WITH WIRIILCSS teamship Breakwater SAlIil.VGS 8 P. M. FROM AIAVAYHONTIMK. i PORTI,AXI, TucMhiy eicnlng of each bV it 8AIMXG FROM MARSIIFIKMl, 8 A. M., Snturdny, Dec MP M., Saturday, Dec. J-ltli; 7 A. M Kiilunlny, Dec. 21: 1230 p Satimliiy, Dec. 28. ' '' l Pliouo Main JI.VTj. J. 0. MILLER, Agnl SPEEDWELL THE NEW Stealer OAPT. I1URTIS. Master. Sails for Snn Francisco from Coos Bay, Friday, Dec 2, it service ot due. THK SPi:i:i)Wi:i,T, .In Bpccdy and bus excellent pasMng(rtc(e inoiiaiioiiH, large clean and ulry rooms mill elcctrlo lli:liti s4l wireless. For freight nnd imssiiKC, npiilr. A. F. lCitnbrook Co. Titlo (uiiriiuti-o nmi Almlfict Cb, 1:1.-5 Cnl. St., Snn Francisco. JlmMtJJ. Coos County Assessment Is Slightly Less Than Last YearOther Counties. You Auto Call f oote l'HOXK MI..T XIGHT AMI l)V Stand front of Moyd Hotel TWO NEW OARS After U 1 M. Phone r,l Resldenro Phono 8-7. Will Mnko Trips li Coijullle. Bioner of tho Ronornl lnnd olllco, and "Whorens, Hy Uio net or con gress or July l, 180S, (fourloon years hro) nutliorlty Is given tho Northorn Pnclflc Rnllrond coinimny, iiimer evriiiiii coiuntiniiif. to ran. nnnnnv.M l n.,,.ni ,.,r "'""." . i-immuuiH, L , .r,iti,""P ""l'' '" the Indemnity 1 linltB of T8 Rrant Aw th rtIovt'w,,H;0rg0,,0ra,ly nl t in lieu thoreoV'u, liLUJi'" Jj'i'V , wyru a yer ago. .SunHty u,nnntltL ofphUo lands, SALEM, Or., Dec. 20. Not In cluding tho assessments thnt nro made hy tho Btato hoard of tax commissioners, tho nssossod valua tion of tho stato Is noiirly $9,000,- 000 Brentor this yoar than it wns last yonr. Tho total this vonr in tho stnto is J703.095.1S1, and last year it was 5784,118,857. ino greatest Incronso wns in Multnomnh county, whoro over 58, 000,000 wns added to tho tax rolls this year. In a fow of tho coun ties thoro was a decroaBo In vnlun tlon. Tho comploto summary as com piled by tho stnto tax commission, showing tho vnluntlons In 1911 and 1912, included: County 1911 Coos ....519.455.C15 Curry ... 3.997.8S1 Douglas . 2fi,S75,5S0 Multno'h 295.333.G20 XOTICK OF OF KXKCUTOR'S SALK RKAI, PHOPKRTV. 'THU FRIICND OF COOS 1IAV S. S. ALLIANCE KQUIPPKI) WITH WIRKLKSS SAILS FROM COOS BAY FOR. PORTLAND MONDAY DEC. 23. CONNECTING WITH TIIH NORTH HANK ROAD AT P0RIUXP NORTH PACII'IO STUAMSHIP CO.MPAXV. Piione -I I. O. F. JkflKOIWE, ipA Notlco Is hereby given thnt tho undorslKiiod, John D. McNeil, as Executor of tho Estnto of Carrlo Nashurg, docoaBod, will, uudor and by vlrtuo of an ordor duly mndo by tho Honornhlo John F. Hall, us Judgo of tho County Court of tho Stnto of Orogon. for tho County of .Coos, on tho 8th day of Decombor, 1911, nnd ontcred in tho Journal of said court on Bald day, in the matter or tho petition of tho said John D. McNoll, as such oxocutor ror an ordor of snlo of tho real proporty of said estato, which said ronl proporty Is hereinafter partic ularly doscrlbod, offor tho Bald real proporty for Balo, at prlvato snlo, to tho best blddor thorolor, or for olthor of tho Bald pieces or parcolB of real proporty, on tho 27th dny of Decombor, 1912, at tho hour of 10 o'clock In tho foronoon of anld day, or on nny dny thoronftor, tho said oxocutor horoby rcsorvlng tho right to roject nny or all bids or oirors ror tho said roal proporty or ror olther or tho said pieces or par cols thereor, tho tonus or said salo bolng one-hnlf cash at tho tlmo of salo and tho halanco, or ono-half payable within ono yonr from tho dato of tho confirmation of said salo or sales by tho said County Court. Tho said real proporty is described as follows, to-wit: tho noy Scouts Is "to holn otimr n1 T1,. JPts. numbered four (4) nnd Plo nt all times." Tho nov sn nf !" ." "l tl10 uloc' numborod i onnortunltv 7h ' ?en ' ETon 127) FAST AND COMMODIOUS 1912 519,32C,929 4.102.G99 27,052,145 303,093, 1C5 AMONG THE ROV SCOUTS 1 Ono or tho working principles of ' O enoy red"c'g your living - expenses use Goldon Rod Oats Golden Rod Wheat Nuts Golden Rod Oat Flakes Golden Rod Wheat Flakes Golden Rod Panca'-.o Flour AT ALL GHOCKHS. PrWIAI. NOTICr A'ihtPil nt IMtrr In tiory in, v, fl IJin It si ,i,,Iii-4 . ! II i lu nil , , t ll "(JolJ. u It u ' uu.l h,t a tln . ire li S, (, m W"WT!"IIII mn, f$SL GOlCtHROOWUiNSCa Marshtlold had an opportunity this S, ,V, ,, ",, l-7' ,n lh0 town of Christmas of carrying this "out I n a' M.urAhfloU1' Coos County n(l Stato Binallway, ndoptlng tho rolo of Santa !m "KOn- according to tho plat Clans. A laPBO numlior of them th7J "ron"C( bJ' B' D- Clement brought n present of a bo o r l'r! ?' fQ,nl ItI, mco of tno or some toy. which Z L ,' S0"ntL 9lorlt ot Coos County, Oro- Steamer Redondo Kqulpied with wlrclees mid suliiimrlno bell SAILS for SAN FRANCISCO FROM MARSHFiaD SATURDAY, DEC. 28, at 1 P.M. All PftHnenger IlencrvnUoiiH Fr om Snn Francisco Must Be H05 Flfo UluIdliiK, or Pier No 10. All reservation un w Iten up Ut lwurs beroro sulllnb. 1NTKR-OCEAN TRANSl'OlUVViii w. t C. t. "'""""" PHONE 44. PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY 'r IAVIA KDMA, Mechnno-Tliornplst Sclontlflo Swedish Massage, Medical Gymnastics 323 S. Sixth St. Phono J Olili OSTL1ND, Piano Tuner and Repairer. 41b S. Sixth Street. Phono 103-Ij J. W. UKNNUTT Uonnett Swanton, Tom T. Dennett Attorneys nnd Counsellors at Law. Flanagan & Dennett Dank Dullillng. Mnrshflold. Coos Co., Oregon pKHIj HILKV IlAIililNGEIl " Pianist nnd Teacher Resldonco-Studlo, 237 So. Broadway Phono 18-L. pnrrlo1 .. - nrOllllil nn PliHuhnnn r,. i.n i. . "" "U u .."". "' MU,,"U" 1 in lntR mimiinrail inn 1A nl oveiToiio"; reel1 'imt ho' .WfriSSu-! 0,,OVO,V A11 V lnA tho " """S and this rriendsh 0 is o t how Lvn .' ?,n., V' ot Azn,oa Park Addition to tho duml niiiiVin i i . ." t0 tno t0WI f nandon, Coos Coun- rulo to'S laTi " n 1 ". 0,".t,1lr I?!' W?n. according 'to tho plat """"B umrooi on Illo nml nf rnxnnl )., whenovor posslblo. Troon A.,. h. i.i-n ' i ? "mco. ot "9 bounty Clorlc or Scouts, is on ''hike" today oa'r Orogon."' ' LS aml Stat f degree oniorrow morning fr0n, 10 Executor ot t ho Estato o? Carrlo mini' m ,ltlle( B?Tln on Sat" NwurBl deceased Ca"10 dn moinlng nt 50o Market Avcn- (Dato or first publication. Nov. 28 ana last publication Dec. 2G.) no. WM, S. TUHPEN, AROIIITKOT. Mnrshflold, Orogon. DR. W. MORROW, Dentist. 171 Grimes Diitldlng, over flrand Theater. Olllco Phono 320. Yf G. CHANDLER, Architect. Rooms .101 and !502, Coko Jltiildlng Mnrshfiold, Oregon. rit, a. j. HENrmvs Modern Dental Parlors. Wo aro equipped to do high class work on short notice at tho very lowest prices. Examination free. Lady attendant. Coko Bide., Opp. Ohandlor Hotel, phono 112-J. window ctfJ. Wo mako Peiwif 'i!rt nmi nlso offlco Janitor w ?. guarantee satisfaction. wi- sonablo. .-a i . . c-'.Tt0,wy orders may. "? -"''- rmtt: t: or loft at tne i'j; Mnrshfielu & North Bend Auto I .nvn PrODrletor, cSSjgwyrw- minutes from isi -v BeBi mi'lnlBht. Leave , ?.?i"?.UhT BeeBittrftf1- UCIH Uliuu-D ror schedule. XOTIC1J OF FW-16 f"S ki v.i. la hereby ela tM' iindorBlBnedndmlnlWor tato or . j.hii Oliver i'l, M co off rut. w .... nmo .0 tcd no -- """ .:. . ...- final accoun linn fllOll 1113 '""" . iha matter or Bald estate , rf has set M0,1U' ..o o'clock February, !' " ... .. i.i ,inv. at Coquliw Ol D4IUI ""- County, urego, oi.i final accouui, tlomont thereof. s0.v, Administrator ' ,n" j. vor Landrltli, WJJ (F,rst publication J tU last publication Ja- . ...Una Pl-cofortUoWH-J,, to 1 fKi ', " k