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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 26, 1912)
THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD. OREGON, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 26, 1912 EVENING EDITION. trsMield Business College Day and Night School , modern, representative, broad-gauge liusitiesH cnlelcncy fcIhm1 will lie- opened lier2 Jiiniinry 11). livery subject offered In.tho lending Eastern schools will lie presented by n capable faeulty of business educator. Men and Women with literary-classical education, as well as business training and liroad experience. Actual business from start to finish Is the modern demand, Lenin liy doing. School will ho supplied with Burroughs and other adding machines, tlio latest model typewriters,, a tahulat-Ing-nddlng-subtrnctlng typourller-bllling niachliie, ueostyle, dictaphone, filing and indexing cahlucls, etc., etc. Places for first 50 graduates even now In evidence, so great Is the present demnnd for trained help and bigger thing' are coming. Tor further Information wrlto to The Marshfield Business College Temporary Headquarters, Hotel Chandler. & lS8? fijX 9,NV Kil I (r w f&f f rayia IF YOU HAVK NOT RETURNER A CHRISTMAS PRESENT Don't Worry THE OM SAYING, "BETTER LATE THAN NEVER" HOLDS i GOOD VET. PAY US A VISIT AND THE PROBLEM IS SOIiVEl). WE I AUG GIVING 25 PER CENT ON ALL GILTS PURCHASED j HEIIE. Lockhart-Parsons Drug Co- PHONE "THE BUSY CORNER" MAIN 298 -US TIDES FOR DECEMBER. Below is given tho time and height of high and low water at Mnrshflold. Tho tides arc placed In tho order of occurrence, with their times on tho ilrst lino and holghts on tho second lino of each day; a compni Ison on consecutlvo holghts will Indicate whothor It Is high or low wntor. For high wntor on tho bar, miliitract 2 Hours H4 minutes, 28 Itrs.. Ft.. lira.. Ft.. His.. Ft., lira.. VI. . Itrs.. Ft.. Hrs.. Ft.. Hrs.. Ft.. 3.r.5 n.o 4.13 n.2 !i.2S r.ri 0.13 T..7 C.57 R.9 0.17 0.3 1.41 1.1 S.47 3.2 0.39 3.0 10.37 2.S 11.37 2.5 12.39 2.2 7.4C CO 8.39 CO 2.07 7.2 3.58 7.0 4.50 C5 5.4 C 5.9 0.49 5.2 1.43 1.8 2.55 1.4 9.39 1.8 10.25 1.8 11.11 1.3 11.59 0.5 0.0 0.0 8.01 4.5 9.21 1.1 WEATHER FORECAST. OREGON Rain or nnow In enst and west tonight nnd Fri day. Southerly winds, Increas ing along coast. LOCAL TEMPERATURE RECORD. For tho 24 hours ending at 4:43 a. m., Doc. 20, by BonJ. Ostllnd, special government me teorological observer: Maximum 50 Minimum 28 At 4:43 a. m 29 Precipitation nono Wind. Northwest; clear. mbrellas Covered at larshfield Cyclery Dayton Agents, no 1J58-R 172 llroadwny and Second Hand Furniture old on tho Installment plan. iimi.N'GTON, DOYLE & CO., n()2 Front St. ono 310-L Marshfield, Or. PLEAD NOT GUILTY. Railroad President Answers Indict ments Today. (nr Alio Uted 1'rrM in Coo nr Tlraw. NEW YORK, Doc. 24. Charles 8. Mollon, president of tho Now York. Now Haven & Hartford R. R. and E. J. Chamborlaln, president of tho Grand Trunk, Indicted yesterday for criminal violation of tho Shorman law, ontorod pleas of not guilty to day and woro rolonscd In $10,000 hall each. They woro given until January 0 to change tholr plea It thoy Bhould so deslro. frst Class Weaving promptly done at Jardiner's Rag Carpet factory tor, Union and Montana Stroot. bne 131. North nond, Or. Star Transfer md Storage Co. reparod to do all kinds of naullnc Bhort notice. Wfc meet all trams 1 boate and we also havo tho latent Is Reynolds Piano Mover. We irantea our work. .H.Heisier,ProP. Phones 0R-R. 12 O-J "-T. WE WILL MAIL YOU 9 1 or each sot of old Falsa Toot ent us. Highest prices paid for I'd Gold, Silver, old Watches, iroken Jewelry and Precloa Itones. Money Sent by Return Mall. iPhlla. Smelting & Refining Co. Established 20 Years. 83 Chestnut St., Philadelphia, Pa. TO DENTISTS. It will buv your Gold Filling), Nd Scrap, and Platinum. High E5 Prlcos paid. !R. J. MONTGOMERY sal Estate and Insurance 244 North Front Street. Will furnish Your ousc on the istallment Plan W. KWiseman ail North Front St. liPhone 29fi-X: Res. Phone 16B Jf you have anything to sell, rent trade, or want help, try a want A Good Soil!: off Clothes FOR DICTTER ONES UP TO $25.00 FIXUP Marshfield North Ilend WANT ADS. WANTED flood cheap work horse. Phono C21, North Bond. FOR SALE Choap, If taken nt onco, saddle horse. Can bo driv en. Inquire Horse, care Tlmos. LOST Gold brooch feet with small pearls, Christmas ovo, Tuesday, on Contral or Front street. Lib eral reward If returned to Or pheum theater or Telephone 347-J or 110-L. FOR RENT 12-room rooming house with furnlturo tor saio. Ap ply E. O. Hall, over Owl Drug Store. WANTED Carrier boys to deliver The Times. Must bo 12 years old or over and In Fourth grade or higher at school. Apply at Times offlco after 4 o'clock. WANTED To lwrrow $2000 for two or more years on real estate valued at ?C000. Address Real Estate, care Times. i.Ttn cT.r niil ntwsimiers: a lilc hundlo for a nickel. Just the thing to start fires with. mil HAT,I? Drv wood, llr and al der, at Campbell's Wood Yard, Ferry landing. l'noo i&h-l.. HOARD AND ROOM In private family. 240 North Fourth St., phone 242-L. l..ltnnn.1 WnvlrninnTWftntV-cIcllt laborers nrrlvcd this morning on tho Rcuonao tins morning ior wn lot and nurr. iviii ntvn Ttnnrn Tlia nnstnoncd dance of tho Fortnightly Club will bo given Snturday ovoning, uocomuor zo, at tho Eagles' Hall. VI.,.. lt.nwi iintirn. Thn band danco nt tho Eagles hall Christmas night was tho most successful over hold, 111 tickets bolng sold. Tho music was fine, tho floor good nnd Mm prnuwi rnnconlal and everyone enjoyed thomsolvos Immensely. Father Dead Mr. Jones or mo Ilcntloy & Jones yesterday received n lnlrtfrn,n nnnminrlnir tlin (lentil Of Ills fnthor nt tho old homo In Eagle Grovo Iown. Whllo the nows was noi unox poctod, It enst a gloom over his ChrlstmaB. Owing to tho grcnt dls tnnco. ho will not bo nblo to roturn homo for tho funeral. Wed In Coqulllo. Miss .Mnrgnroi I.ong8ton, only dnughtor of Mr. and Mra W T T.nnt'Btnn nf Onmilllo. nnd Nathan Nolmnn, a woll known Co qulllo abstractor, woro mnrriou ni 1110 homo or tho hrldo'B paronls thoro yes torday, tho Row O. LoRoy Hall of Marshflold oniclntlng. Only a few ln tlmnto frlonds woro In nttondanco. Loggers In Trouble II. Byles, n loggor from Tarheel, and Charles Swnnson, a flshorman, woro fined $5 npleco today by Rocordor mil ler for drunkenness nnd fighting. SwniiBon got an nwful Jolt In tho Jaw and a black oyo. It was llrst reported that his Jaw had boon broken. Aside from this thoro was rmiinnratlvolv llttlo trouble dcsnlto ,tho many Christmas "Jags." Attend Services. Tlio special Christmas sorvlcos In tho Marshflold churches, Including tho Christmas tree festivities, woro largely attend ed. Tho midnight mass at 8t. Monica's Catholic church drow a crowd that moro than flllod tho church, mnny stnndlng outsldo to Hston to tho oxcollont spoclal music. Tho church was prettily decorated nnd a flashlight plcturo was taken of tho interior. Mrs. Stanford Injured Mrs. D. Y. Stafford was qulta sovoroly burned nt their homo nt tho comer of North Second and Commercial stroots yes terday morning, whllo preparing tholr Christmas dinner. A pan of greaso on tho stovo for making French frln.l nntntnag nnilfllf flflrn. Mrfl. Stnfford picked it up and started to tho door to throw It out. Sho slipped ntnl fnll nml tlin hot creaso struck hor arms and faco. Ho hair caught fire and was slightly burnod. Tho Injuries nro very painful, but not se rious. Rlpo Raspberries Tho plonsant noss nnd possibilities of tho Coos Day cllmato were practically demonstrated by J. Albert Matson, whon on Chrlst mas ho picked sufllclont rlpo rasp berires from a bush In his yard In West Marshfield for tho Christmas feast. The Times has frequently dl lntnrt on tlin C.nnn Bnv cllmntn. but nothing can bo written that tolls tho story so rorcoruuy as this pleasant Incident. Whllo tho mid-west and east were shivering In the blasts of a blizzard, Coos Baylies woro rovol Intr In roses and raspberries. Those scientists who aro devoting much time and research to locate tho origi nal gardon of Eden should visit Coos Day. "What Happened to Mary."' Tho third of this great sorles will bo shown at tho Orphoum Fri day night and Is entitled "Mary In Stagelnnd." Don't miss It, ns Mnn ager Keller says It Is ono of tho best In this series, which has mado such a hit with theatergoers. EARLY TODAY PERSONAL NOTES CHAS. DUNCAN was a Marshflold visitor yesterday. FRED PLAPP, a Lakcsldo resident, 1b In town today. Capt. H. C. Nelson in Com mand in Place of Capt. Macgenn. Tho llreakwator arrived In today from Portland with Capt. II. C. Nel son, formorly of tho Nnnn Smith and M. F. Plant, In command, In placo of Capt. T. J. Mncgonn, who has gono to San Frnnclsco preliminary to his trip to Washington In behnlf of tho Coos Hay Jetty project. Capt. Nol son was warmly welcomod by his many friends on tho Day. Tho nrcnkwaor had a rather light cargo of froight, tho holidays Intor forlng with tho rogtilnr run of busi ness. Thero wns a Ford automoullo on hor for Gcorgo Goodrum. Tho Dronkwator will sail at 12:30 Saturday for Portland. Among thoso nrrlvlng on tho llreakwator from Portland wero tho following: E. Nymnnovor, D. Holmes, T. E. Nnrdalust, R. Apploton, Mrs. Apple ton, Cnssio Apploton, It. Rlomonsch mcldor, Mrs. Rolomcnschmcldor, Iva Scnmorgan Miss Knvnnaugh, E. C Peachoy, Mrs. Pcachoy, Mm. C. Rad flold, Mrs. II. Schnydor, D. T. Chand ler, Mrs. Chandler, W. A. Hays, Mrs. Hays, II. E. Whltsott, K. T. Ucstus, A. McCellan, O. R. Hamilton, N. Woodcock, L. Woodcock, Juanlta El lorcy, W. E. Vammor, C. E. Drown, Mrs. Brown, C. L. Wood, D. J. Durg hoff, W. S. Wllklns, R. A. Enston, Mrs. Wllklns, A. Simpson, 8. Trlgues, W. Then, V. U. Kootnolarky. L. D. SMITH of Daniels Creek Is In town on business. WILL PIPER of North Coos River is a town visitor today. W. II. SMITH nnd family spent yesterday In Marshflold. 1 III VESSELS S 1 TH WM. WARWICK of Toledo spent yesterday In Marshflold. W. J. HOWARD of North Inlet Is in town todny on business. MISS LULU HODSON of North Coos River is In town today shopping. EVAN HODSON of South Coos Riv er, is in town todny on business. SOCIAL CALENDAR. THURSDAY. Norwcglnn Lutheran ChrlstmaB ontortalnmonr at church, FRIDAY Mrs. L. W. Lnngdon of Bun ker Hill entertains nt cards. Joint Installation exorcises of Eastern Star and Dlanco Mnsonlc Lodgo. I NORTH REND NEWS. J. W. Grant and Bon, Alvn, who has been attending tho Stnto Un vorslty of Eugeno, arrived In North Dond on tho Inst Break water. Mrs. Grout will arrlvo on tho noxt trip of tho Breakwater. Miss Blanche WIIIIaniB, who Is teaching on South Coos River, will spend Christmas In North Bond with hor sister, Miss Grnco Williams. Mrs, E. E. Hayes and daughter, Miss Flosslo, and Mrs. Gnrflold Simpson, wore Marshflold visitors Saturday. V. Walters has returned to North Bond, nftor visiting his dnughtor In Oregon City, who has boon qulto ill. Tho Mlzpah BIblo class of North Bond gavo an ontortnlnmont nnd social In tho class rooms, on Tuesday ovoning, In honor of tho mombors who havo roturnod homo to spend tho Christmas holidays. Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Coffolt, Ed Coffolt nnd family and Floyd Cof folt nnd family of North Bend spont Chrlstmns with Mr. nnd MrB. Frank Rogers of South Coob river. Mrs, F. W. StovonB nnd dnugh tor of North Bond, spent ChrlstmaB with MrB. Stevens' son on Soutn Coos Rlvor. Mr. nnd Mrs. Robort Gobhnrt of North Bond woro guests nt tho Will Elckworth homo In Mllllcoma yesterday. NARROWLY ESCAPE DROWNING CUOUI'Y COUGHS AND WHErZY COLDS. Tho quickest, simplest way o rid tho children of dangerous croupy coughs nnd wheezy stuffy colds Is to give thorn Foley's Honoy and Tar Compound. It gives almost In stant relief and stops a cough promptly. It soothes and heals. Contains no opiates. For salo by Lockhart-Parsons Drug Co,, the Busy Corner. Mrw. W. J. Howard of North Inlet Falls From lloat Into .River. Mrs. W. J. Howard of .North Inlot foil overboard tho flrst of tho week nnd but for hor coolnoss and presonco of mind would no doubt havo been drowned. Mrs. Howard and a frlond, Mrs J. II. Plnkerton, wero crossing tho siougn in n row boat, whon tho bqnt reached tho landing Mrs. How ard sprung ror tno wnnrr. wnon tno boat Jumped back and tho lady went into tho water. When sho camo up sho caught tno Bido or tno boat and hung on. giving directions to Mrs. Plnkorton, who was badly frightened. Aftor Konio tlmo Mrs. Plnkerton landod tho boat and throw Mrs. Howard a ropo, tho latter lady bolng fin ally safely landed. AT THE HOTELS. COOS A. F. Hodgson, South Coos River. BLANCO B. E. Bonder. Myrtlo Point; Chas. Robinson, Los An geles. LLOYD C. M. Johnson, Catch ing Inlot; E. Yorbrough, Coob City; C. O. Conrad, Bandon; Henry Jac obs, Canton, China. CHANDLER J. S. Hughes, Port Orford; J. T. Bush, Maxwell; VIolot Means, Isthmus Inlot; Otto Erlck son, McMInnvIlle: G. E. Nordqulst,a Minneapolis; Richard Hohmes, Min neapolis; Frank Lowls, Portland. MRS. TOM SMITH of Dnnlela Creek Is In Marshfield for tho day. JESSE SMITH, tho South Coos Riv er farmer, Is in town for tho day. PROF. HONSKA of North Bond wob a Marshflold visitor ycBtor-day. E. GEORGE SMITH of South Coob Rlvor Ib a visitor to Mnrshflold today. R. G. ROOK, a North Coob Rlvor rancher, Is a Marshflold visitor today. ALBION GUSTAVSON of Loon Lako, Is In town attending to business. MRS. RANKIN nnd threo chlldron of Danlols Crcok aro in Marsh flold today. MR8. EMMA IIILBORN of Mllll coma, la n Marshflold visitor for a fow days. MR. nnd MRS. W. F. MILLER en tertained nt dlnnor Inst ovcnlng nt tholr homo. MR. and MRS. FRANK HODSON nro In Marshfield today from South Coos Rlvor. MR. and MRS. It. E. P1NEOOR spent ChrlstmaB at tho Will Elck worth homo at Mllllcoma. GEORGE SMITH and fnmlly spont Christians in Mnrshflold, at tho homo of Mrs. M. R. Smith. MISSES SARAH nnd LORENA HENDAROARDT of Grnvol Ford nro Marshflold shoppers today. MR. and MRS. E. A. EICKWORTH spent their ChrlBtmns with their son, Will Elckworth nnd family of Milllcnmn. HAROLD nRIOGS roturnod to Myr tlo Point this morning nftor spondlng Chrlst-mns with hla par ents In Marshflold, MR. and MRS. ROBERT M'CANN of North Bond, woro South Coos Rlvor visitors Chrlstmns day at tho E. Goorgo Smith homo. W. M. 8TODDARD nnd wife and llttlo dnughtor aro in from South Inlot for tho holidays. Thoy ro turn to Camp 4 tomorrow. E. C. PEACHY and wlfo formorly of Modford, nrrlvod on tho Breakwater this morning, nnd will mnko tholr homo In Marshflold. MRS. C. II. DUNOAN and daugh ter of South Coob Rlvor aro spondlng a fow days with Mrs. Dungnn's mothor, Mrs, M. R. Smith. MISS MYRTLE LUND, who Bpont Christmas Day with hor paronta In Marshflold, returned to Pros por this morning, whoro alio has a position In tlio olllco of tho Prospor Mill Co. HARRY BUTLER nnd ALBERT ABLE, who havo boon working with tho surveying crowd in in Myrtlo Point, roturnod thoro DON'T KNOW THEY HAVE APPENDICITIS. Mnny Mnrshflold pooplo who Imvn nhinnln n nnnnrif nlHa wtifnli In not very painful, hnvo doctorod for yonrs ror gas on mo Biomncn, sour n,n.nnl. w nnnaltnntlnti 'Plm munition Ut LUIiavirHllwiii u Lockhnrt-Parsons Drug Co, stnto It ineso poopio win try a uiiNuuiu DOSE of slmplo buckthorn bark, glycorlno, etc., as compounded in Adlor-l-kn, tho romody which bo camo famous by curing appendici tis, thoy will bo surprlsod at tho QUICK benefit. M T Tl 4 A 7 TL1 Z 1 THE NEXT RIG FEED IS NEW YEARS. PHONE US YOUR ORDERS FOR Booth's Fresh Oysters Water Cress AND OTHER GOODIES. Stauff Grocery Co. Matkcy's Candles, Phono 102 netlondo and Speedwell Arrive from San Francisco Light Passenger Traffic. Tho Rcdondo nrrlvod In today from San Francisco with about 200 tons of mlscullnncouB freight. Sho had a good trip up tho coaBt. Sho brought 31 workmen for Wlllott & Burr, tho contractors building tho Smith-Powers lino beyond Myrtlo Point, but no othor nnssoncors. Sho will snll from hero nt 1 o'clock for San Francisco. Tho Spcodwoll nrrlvod In nbout 11 o'clock last ovoning from San Francisco. Sho had a fair paBson gor list nnd nbout 100 tons of miscellaneous freight. Tho Spcod woll Is londlng at North Bond nnd will sail at 1 o'clock Saturday for San Francisco. ALONG THE WATERFRONT X Cant. Mcllburc of tho Orcein, who has been coming to this port for eight ycnrfl( first jib master of tho schoonor C. P. Hill, nnd Inter of tho Oregon, recently laid off a voy ago and took unto hlmsolf n wlfo. Wo hnvo not learned tho nnmo of tho fortunato lady. Bandon World. A public hcnrlng will bo hold at Floronco, Or., on January 8, boforo Captain II. II. Robort, corps of en gineers of tho United States Army, in rcgnrd to tho establishing of har bor tines In tho Sluslaw rlvor thoro. Tho RtiBtler, which roturnod tho first of tho week from Roguo Rlvor, Is loading with gonornl morchan dlRo for tho SliiBlnw. Tho ochoonor Coqulllo will bo towed hero in n day or two from Bandon to lond with gonornl mer chandise for tho SltiBlaw, thoro bo lng n big accumulation of It hero. Cox Family Reunion. A family reunion nnd Christmas dlnnor was given nt tho homo of Mr. nnd Mrs. W. B. Cox on Chrlst maB day, all tho children and grnnd chlldron bolng present for tho flrst ifoll l'l JPyJ'-y0-"!?' this morning nftor n fow dny spout In Marshflold. MRS. W. E. BEST roturnod todny from n visit in California. D. C. GREENE and wlfo loft via Drain Christmas ovo for an ex tended Enstorn trip. MRS. CLAUDE HOCKETT of Em plro oxpoctB to lenvo In n fow days for California to visit with frlonds. OEORGE HAINES roturnod Inst ovoning from San Francisco to spond tho holidays with his par ents, Mr. nnd Mrs. A. T. Haines. MISS MARION YOAKA.M nrrlvod last night on tho Spcodwoll from California to visit at tho homo of hor mothor. Mrs. S. A. Yoa knm on Coob Rlvor. ARCHDEACON nnd MR8. WILL IAM HORSEALL of Bandon Bpont Chrlstmns with Dr. and Mrs. William Horsfall, Jr., nt tholr homo on Contrnl nvonuo. Thoy will roturn homo todny. R. II, GARDINER of North Bond was n MarRhflold business vls Itortoday. Ho recontly started a rag carpot ami rug factory In North Bond and reports thnt ho Is meeting with good success. SENATOR I. 8. SMITH will loavo In n fow dnya for Snlom to at tend tho coming session of tho stnto legislature Ho will spond a fow days nt Portlnnd nnd other northern points boforo tho bos Blon opons. WILLIAM and OEORGB HORS FALL nrrlvod on tho Spoodwoll Inst night from San Francisco nnd will spond n wook with tholr pnronts, Dr. and Mrs. William Horsfall, Jr., whon thoy will ro sumo tholr studies at tho Mt. Tamalpnls military aendomy at Snn Rafaol, Cal. J. M. WRIGHT has movod his fam ily horo from Hood Rlvor, Ore gon, nnd Is occupying tho former Tom Froeso homo In Forndnlo. Mr, Wright was formorly a mom bor of tho Hood Rlvor city coun cil nnd sorvod a term ob mayor thero. Ho will ongago In tho gonornl contracting business horo. MRS. DORSEY KREITZER nnd son. William, loft via Myrtlo Point nnd Rosohurg today for Monrovia, California, whoro thoy will spend two or threo wooks with Mrs. Wm. Grimes, whllo Mr. GrlmoB goes to Washington to nld tho Coos Bay delegation In getting Fodoral aid for tho Coos Bay Jotty. II, C. HODOKINS and wlfo and son, A. II. Hodgklns, and tho Iatter's wlfo arrived hero this morning from Bar Harbor, Malno, to mnko tholr homo. Mr. Hodg klns and R, A. Cortholl aro old friends and It was largoly duo to tho Iatter's boosting lottera nbout Cooa Bay that Mr. Hodgklna camo. Ho Is a woodworker by trade Get New Years' GIFTS at tho STORE FOR QUALITY GOODS AMI NEW DKSIG.VH. ISsTii f .ffliV it 1 f nllTiM -sfi 1 "il l-i U 11 11 in 4 lit M m