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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 26, 1912)
THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 26, 1912 EVENING EDITION. IWP ! IIIIIPI1 Official Fner of Coos Coimly, w-t-x.rr n a ir nrinrro ovmt 'Kitisco. 1 Two Wedding.- Christmas ovo.i VLJJtJ 0 I A 11VJLHD Justice Ponnoik offlclatud at tlio ..,.. ".777 TTTT Clirlstorfej-soii Slakes Klltfht In lio. marringo of W. 11. Burghagon ami M. CL MAhOSKY Kdltor mid Tub. Daiknesx. Ida '. Coonoy at the Bunkor Hill WAN' E. MAI.OXKY Xcms Kditor RAx FRANCISCO. Dec. 20. Sllns boarding liotiso. Tlio scrvlco was to 2 , ChrlBtofforson, hi a hydroaeroplane, have taken place earllor In the nf- I carrying four automobllo search-, tornoon, but .Tustlco Pcnnock for- IlirlitH. finw nvnp Rnn Francisco tlio1 trot their names and couldn't find lotbcr night. Ho was In tho air 30, tho houso, although ho stopped at 5303JK NKW YKAH KKSOLUTIOXS. minutes, nnd though his machlno n numbor of Bunker Hill places I searched tho sky with Its hlghpowcr nnd Inquired If thoro was any one -J USOM'13: I lights, fow persons saw him. Ho thoro who wished to bo marrlagod. )bif That you will keep so busy roBo from tho bay at Harbor Viow; Yesterday Mr. I'pnnock officiated at -J-- boosting that you won't havo nn,i returned thoro for a landing. ! the marrlago of 13. O. Hall and Mrs. 'flmo to knock, i m n height of 2000 feet I, Julia Hobbs in Fcrntliuo, That you will vote, talk and coui(i BC0 m10 streets of tho city -amrlc for a bigger, bottor, brighter Vory plainly, but tho city itself look sown, o.i nninll. I nnuld rph far out over 'JTHKHVS DHUfl OX MAltKKT. That you will help to nmko this tho ocenn and could nmko out tlio' gnu Kianclsro Denlrri Pu..lod by wxood town so tho town can mako ships In tho bay vory clcnrly." This wbu- i was tho way Glirlstofforson dcsrrlb- Tlmt you will Incronso tho valuo C(i his flight. "Everything went j your property by Improving ltf no," continued Christoffcrson. rippenrnnco. I "Weather conditions wcro excellent, That you will say something good OXCopt for a strong wind. I was In irtiont this town every tinio you , the air at least a half hour." rrlto a lottor. ; . That you will Invest your money, CITY OK TOPKICA IX PKItlfj Jwre where you nindo It nnd whoro, ThTyouvn'not point out the!SAN FRANCISCO. Pec 23.-Caught down's dofects to a stTangor or fall'" " 'mavy sea with her rudder gone, tin point thorn out to a neighbor. tho stoamor City of Topeka, In tow of Timt you will keep your promises tho stoamor Maverick, awaited Tricked up and your buildings ro-'Tl ,,......, f .. Tolrud nB a mattor of both prldo, V ' i K abatement of tlio cwil profit, (storm, CO miles south of Kuroka. The "XTmt you will novor buy a thing City of Topoka Bcrapcd tho Humboldt onl of town until tho local mor-bnr on tho way out from Eureka and SfTlt toTonT" R " R t0lB bC'ne t0WCd B0Uth by tho Mnvor' That you will brag about tins ,,v 'Sown so much that you will havo 4o work for this town In ordor to rcop from being a liar. Thnt you will tnko n halt day riffhL now to pick up tho odds and nfls around tho placo iSrutiia Into olthor iibo, aifhi-A. Tho vossol walloped through the rough seas until lato Thursday, when tho tow lino broke. It required good Boamnnshlp to got tho two boats to- nnd turnjgothor again. Tho stoamor City of money oriPuoblo, from Seattle Bhould roach TOnt you will contribute as much tho Bt0m bUmI VU880,S Iato tonM' money as you can afford, and as much enthusiasm as anybody, to any Tntwjmont to dovolop the towh'o ro oerarcoa. That you will Join tho movement rlo lnfluco tho pooplo In this town tin do their buying at homo, or, If BIO DIAMOND CLUK. Hare Stone May Solve T,ogiie Mur der MyHtcry. tDr Auaclitej rrrtl to foot "ly Tlmcu.J CHICAGO. Doc. 21. A nilsRlnir xthcro 1b no such movomont, that you j"nlond' w'Hlilng two and a half rm Htart ono. enrotu. of oxcoptlonal brilliancy and That .you will mako Manila with Jlod nt G00 ,s thought by tho til tanners, If a town man, or with "0l c. ,0 h n 1ov to tho Bolutlon '.tho town folks. If a farmor, nnili.f i1'0 nOMtorlous murder of Joseph &en work togothor Tor tho good or " "". "" ' morcnani. .ho community of which this town lll,1 ulamonil wr.3 loft lor solo by ... ,.,.mnr . n blondo woman shortly boforo tho fca thu center. TilKKI) XMAS KDITIOX (From Bandon Bccordor) Tho Coos Bay Times put out its shortly boforn Mm victim a noily was round. Captain Halbln thinks sho might bo nblo to throw somo lmport-nnt light on tho murdor mystery. IDAHO CASK 13XDS annual Christmas Edition last Satur-'. . , ... . wiar n-l It In certainly In Ueoplng N"Um1 KIW,,0g,H;,t '''"''"K" -arltli Brother Malonoy'B enterprise. mr aihm Vrm to coo nr Timn.i Tho Edition Is noat In ovcry way, full BOISI3, Ida., Dec. 21. It. 8. Shorl- 18 to 20-Ccnt Qiintntloii. SAN KBANCISCO, Dec. 24. San Franciscans appear to havo given over eating turkey on Christmas, reserving ono day only. Thanksgiv ing, for tho national bird, nnd tho San FrnnclBco dcolora In poultry nre puzzled. There havo been no advanro In tho prlco of turkoya nt wholcsalo and tho mnrkot doca not appear to show any signs of stiffening. Tho prices run from IS to 20 cents at wholesale nnd there nro said to bo ample stocks In storage "With what will como botweon now nnd Christmas, turkeys promlso to bo almost n drug on tho market. On tho other hand, It appears that San Franciscans will colobrato Christmas with n chlckon dlnnor or turn to somo other sort of poul try. All of tho grades of chickens aro up about $1 a dozon, with In dications of a Jump In prices. Gccso nnd ducks nro up; so Is everything oxcept turkeys. Guaranteed by and for Sale by AH Grocers. I "Queen Quality "shoes have a $3.S0 I Zgj nack of satisfying when others fail. to IffjM i For style, fit and comfort unsur- nft sSfljn I FJ passed, rnccs most reasonable T lli&ffl P pi Golden Rule rr i 3 AIcrcluuit'M Old Stiuiil. gjr H Illiteracy In tho United States has to 7.7 in 1910, according to a con declined from 10.7 per cent In 1900 sua roport rccontly Issued. Band Benefit concert for public library at Masonic Opcrn House Sunday afternoon. Admission 25c. Wbby COATj. Tho kind YOU have ATAVAVH USED. Phono 72. I'nclflr Livery nnd TrnnNfer Compnny. XOTICK. Commencing Tuesday, Dccombor 24, tho Mnrshflold-Emplro auto will Icavo Marflhflold at 9:30 a. m. and 4:00 p. in. for Empire. kjTtiowb nnd advortlBlng, a crodlt to!ln"' IMibllBhor nnd C. O. Broxo'n man him, uiiuor in mo evening capital .ows, cited for contempt beforo tho Supremo court of Idaho for tho pub- .""Ualmiey and Coob Bay. 1 CIIltlSTMAS AITEItMATII. I 1& DOX'T DO IT flIULS Did you do It girls? Klujr fnthor a baudannn 'kerchief, An airship, automobllo, Elollor akntcfl horso blanket, A bnll nttorney'B soal. Song book a Jumping Jack, TIalf a ton of coal, Gimlet, tobacco, toloscope, Tlund-palntod china bowl. Sluy him a flddlo, slide trombono, A humming, flinging top, Ji. trnln of cara wIiIhIc broom, A papor of pins a mop. Siifoty razor, salted poanuts, A dozen Bartlott pears, Ialr of nvorallB, fnuutalu pen, Sio mnttor how ho swenrH. Iliiy him a map of Africa, Ilottlo of library paBto; Printing out lit oanthook, I.nrgo sized drum to basto. S?alr of choapost gartora, Tnckago of cliowlng gum. OTurkoy, chlckon or a steak, Ceo! TIiIb would bo going somo. 'Buy him n fancy electric bolt, A can of oysters covo, Ton ran't afford tho f rosh ones, Pathor -will fenst, by Jovol Order n pound of bacon, Or courso, you'll havo to savo, .Out romombor, 'tis Chrlstmns, Iot Jealous neighbors rave. uy him mnckinaw, anvil, ax, Hocking horso fneo smonr, Anchor, marblos, Blblo, Tho plcturo of King I.oar. A. toy dray building blocks, Sawbuck fow tin dippers, afliit don't dear girls, for heavon'a snko, Duy fathor CHRISTMAS SLIP-PEItS. Ilcatlon of n messago of Itoosovolt to mo poopio of Idnho. durlnc tho m cent campaign, togother with odl- mriai romment on tho court's deci sion barring tho Progressive doctors from tho ballot, Bubmlttod their chnrgo without ovldonco or argument todny, tho court announcod tho deci sion win do given January 1st. IIIIIllllilt MllllAltV. Somo ono wlio wants to mako a uiinainina prosont nnd Is not suro whoro It will do tho most good Bhould think of tho Marsh nold Public library," romarkod a well known Mnrshllold porsons yes torday. "Gifts of money or booka win iiruiB moro pioaauro to moro pooplo tho coming yenr through tlio library than nnywhoro I know of nnd I think thnt I havo thought It ovor Homo. It la a wholo lot hotter than making usoloss pros onts to pooplo who don't neod them." I I.O.VO AXD SHOUT I OK IT IX JAILEBS. I I NOIITII YAKIMA, Wash., I Doc. 24. ShorJff-oIoct Josoph Motzgar will nppolnt Snm Hutchinson Jailor on January I 1. It la bollovod Hutchinson will bo tho tallest Jailor in tho wost. Ho is aovon foot five I Inches tall. i I MEDFORD, Oro., Dec. 21. I Whllo North Yakima may havo I tho tallest Jailor In tho wost, I Jackson county boasts of tho I I shortest. Jailor Eaton of tho I county Jail nt Jacksonville Is I only 4 foot, 2 Inches tall. I UICKLY Thff First National Bank Of Coos Bay Announces It's 1913 Calendar Is Ready for Distribution Among Its Customers Fiv i ai ti H rifinf-. . "'wuiias iree USIO "hiiow" 0r Pft,?aics. DON-t 1,1 Th,!',n,,,", S2S 0r Provoninlilo. LAHii, HRalnat loss from"1 4 o f our Z,J?' Mni b eompniiios. y m Srcatett LS. Kaufman & Co, Fisher AutoServicc I'l'ono C,I. n, llt' U . , .MiimliflnM 4r(-- Light. Steam ff V,KWl Furnished Roonu wlh xTn' Cold Wator. in Hot 1 ''rH Picturcs&Praming Walker Studio KOIt A O(X)I) WAT' II oh Fixfc smm Jt C. BARKER jkvi:m:u Klnc Watch nnd Jewelry Ikpalrtot T.J.SOAlKKA,IIiIroMia Marshfield Paint 9b Decorating Co, Kurnldhtd. Phono W. U Oitpi KNtlniiiloM 'AltSliriELD, COD. HOSA SANTA CDAUS. It. H. Rosa H. Co. materially aa aistod Santn Claus by donating a oplous supply of candles for dis tribution among tho pupils of tho juniiiiou hciiooi, Tho llhorallty of LUin lirill Mttlo hoar World. $100 Reward, $100 .I.d. !..--. -" i.iiivfliirtl .lim-KBC ..... "nmuiim nceu aialoiOPIiro 111 nil ID r-,!??'i.rtni "'! I" 'lrnl. IUI1' Catarrh .1 .."Lilii"'? ""ly lwlvo euro now known to ! W,.nJ?. Lciln'r,er,,u'' lrni belu aeon. Mllulloiial Jeafe. reanfrca a constitutional ,'..i1lm.e".V "?." C"1"1"11 c taken "at" r' A.. i " '" iy upon uio uiooa ami mu A Harmless Remedy, Made From Garden Sage, Restores Color to Gray Hair. A fooling of sntlncss accompnnlcs tho dlscovory of tho first gray halra which unfortunately nro lookod upon as horalds of advancing ago. Gray hair, howovor, hadaomo aa It may bo, makes a porson look old. Wo all know tho advantages of bolng young. Aaldo from tho good Im pression a youthful nppoaranco makes on others, simply knowing that you aro "looking lit" gives ono courago to undortako and accomplish things. So why suffor tho handicap of looking old on account of gray halra, whon a almplo remedy will glvo your hair youthful color and boauty in n fow days"tlmo? Most pcoplo know that common garden sago acts na a color restorer and scalp tonic na well. Our grand mothors uaod a "Sago Tea" for keeping their hair dark, soft and luxuriant. In Wyoth's Sago and Sulphur Hair Remedy wo havo an Ideal preparation of Sago combined with Sulphur nnd othor vnluablo romodloa for dandruff, Itching scalp and thin, wenk hair, that la split at tho ends or contsantly coming out. A fow applications of this vnluablo romody will bring back tho color, and In a short tlmo It will romovo ovory trnco of dandruff and greatly Improvo tho growth and apoaranco of tho hair. Got a flfty-cont bottlo from your druggist today, and notlco tho differ ence In your hair after a fow days' troatmont. All druggiata aoll It, un dor guaranteo that tho money will bo rofundod If tho remedy la not ex actly bb represented. STATEMENT OK CONDITION FLANAGAN & BENNETT BANK MAIlSIIKIKIiD, OHEOOX ESTABLISHED 1880. At the closo of ImiiIihwh, Noembcr SO, 1012. iieso uncus. Loans and Discounts S-1S3 557 13 nnnklng House ;;;; co!o0o!oo Cash and Sight Exchango 203,8!9.9C Totftl $797,457.09 LIABILITIES. Capital Stock paid In no.oao.OO SurpliiB and Undivided Profits C!989!75 Don08Ua C82!4G7.'34 Total $797,457.09 KXlMrtM Clearance Sale I1IO CUT IN niicis Lndlcs' Clilttlren'fl anil Mcn'i SIIODS. All muv Mock. U-to-ilto IjuU. Tho Electric Shoe Shop rouN iiirlaeeii (.r Hut system, thereby iteMroyinn tho foiimlatloii oltlie.lleae.ami giving be ffi e,it.,".,r:'"Fl ! '" b,"l' lip the rVn.tltu! lion and ustli'tlnc unnm ;ii.,,. i. .. ;,. - -.. Vlltiu l . -----CI -niuiv III MWIII 1(11 llUlkl r berwUhn,Jov iUnL?Z I &X ?lS W SfiJTAi'iaftSi'fii t ueat witli Joy. Handon lrf.raiiyeaetliaUtfalUtocure. Send for Hand Uonoflt concert for Jiurary at .Masonic Opora public Houso Ut of lestln.oiilais. Hni i .. .ii ' ' f'nKN'KV ACO., Toledo, O Hol.l by all nniKKlsts,7,v. Sunday aftornoon. Admission 2Dc. the nrsv womwm iv It begins early, onda Into, 'and la. tun oi wim-k. hiio orton has kid ey tioublo without knowing it. ur uacu acnos and 3ho is tired ind worn out. Sleeps poorly, is lervous, no nppotlio, Hor bladdor -.vts her troublo, too. Koloy Kld- I'Jlls will euro all that and in. 'he host modlcino mndo for nrnc-y and bladdor disorders. Eor male by tho Lookhnrt-l'nrsona Drug xnako hor strong nnd well. Thoy ' o tho Husy Ccrnor. DECOHAT1VE ELECl'IHO OU1'- KITS KOU KENT Fruit and Flower lamps at ro- duced prices. SPECIAL DISCOUNTS In Portnblo Lamps for tho Holi- daya. Coos Bay Wiring Co. Phdno 237-J. 1H3 Ilioadway X Watch Out. Thoso cold days It requires a good not flro to keep tho houso warm. It's vory EASY for nn ACCIDENTAL FIRE to occur. HOW ADOUT IT? Havo you got your HOUSE nnd HOUSE HOLD GOODS INSURED In a ro llablo company? If not you nro taking n long CHANCE against LOSS. THE NEWARK FIRE INSURANCE CO. Is ono of tho oldest and strongest In oxlstonco. Correctly written policies our specialty, French Realty Co. 315 V No. Front St., Marshfield I1U1LDIXO AXD r.EPAIIt WORK, House Moving and Grading. Wo nro prepared to do this work by the day or contract and guarantee satisfaction. Let ua figure with you G. S. FLOYD & CO., Phono 816-J. Mwahfleld, Ore, C. A. Smith Lumber & Mfg. Co. RETAIL DEPAItTMEXT LUMI1EH, LATH, SHINGLES, MOULDINGS, SASH AND DOORS, ROOFING PAPER, ETC. CUT THE FUEL HILL IX TWO 1IV USIXG OUR WOOD. PHOXE 100. 182 SOUTH BROADWAY Abstracts, Real Estate, Fire and Marine Insurance Title Guarantee and Abstract Co. HENitY SEXGSTACKKN, Mgr. Coqullle Offloe Phone 191 PUttlnc Land, a apewUlty. Fra Timber Coal andenU "EA8TBID1T General i.g MarahSold Office 14-J. Fixed Have That Roof xow See CORTUEll PROMT 3121 W1IKN YOU WANT A MESSES GEK HOY Something Kit l or delivered . P HONE I20-L and we'll do it. Charges ru oiias nicANii. Parties Desiring Monuments Erected DfflilllKI . Would do well to caU at PACIFIC MONUMENTAL WORKS South Broadway and mako soloc tion from tho largo stock how on hand. Istv. Wilson has in his employ tho only practical marhlo and granite cutter iu Coos County. And nono hut the host work is turned out. Chalmers Auto Service J. M. Dodge, Driver. Stand at Palnco "o3a""DH .m Phonea, fi-J or B-L. day and nu niaraniioia. u'7" ATTn rnrEK 68 Contral Avenug; City Auto Service Oood Cars, Careful Drlvera and, ol,aree8. our motto: c. i 80 nywhere at any time.' Standa--Blanco Hotel and Blanco Cigar Store. Day Phonea 78 and 46 Night Phone 46. "ui BARKER & GOODALB. proprietor. The Sign of Good Candy Always Tailoring ,raPorted and Dome. WgJJ Wo oo hii "" Vn t Street mu nvriu - iiiim.1111-';'. BUY NOW. . Some choice l SJirtto can be had at a "igAB cd If taken now. B. u yirat National BanK. WANTED!!! (JAIUMTTH UPHOITIMtlXO AAD PIAXOS TO CIiKA.V, by the Pbm. iiintlc CiciinhiK Company, Ordfn or work taken nt OOINO A IIAIlVEr, Plmnc IfHI Unique Pantatorium THK JIODKUX DYKR8. OHJANXM, Piti:.SSi:itS and HAT IIKXOVATOM Ajjcnt for lNnvard II. BIwmi Co., Pino Tnllorlnic. M m mako your next suit. 255 CIJXTHAIi. Phone S50-X Barnard & Langworthy woorEK LBADKD AIIT aMM pffl ii tun v "- REAL ESTATE, INSUR ANCE AND Kdi'" Some fine bargains la Rel tato. Houses uuu - E. Pale & w. High Onule f Ladies' and Gentlemen 5 I ,lirttv