THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD. OREGON, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 24, 19 12. EVENING EDITION. fie Home of Hart SchaffiierSMarx Good MERRY CHRISTMAS May Joyful Christmas come to nil, May Gladness on each i'am'ly fall, May Happiness Make light each day, May these make Merry Christmas Day. THERE'S no time md happiness. It jassing pleasure to extend these glad greet ings of the season to md hearty wishes for "A Merry Christmas Day ' WOOLEN MILL STORE Tills Moro is Unit Scliatrncr rANT ADS. Ill RENT llM-oom moiulnir kouso with furnlturo for sale. An- ply B. O. Hall, over Owl Drug brore. HXTED Cnrrli'r boys to deliver Tlmos. Must bo 12 years old or over nnd in Fourth grado , Pr higher nt school. Apply at Times offlco after 4 o'clock. .'TRI) To borrow $.2000 for Fo or moro years on real estnto "Hied at ?G000. Address Ileal Pitnto, caro Times. ' ST .Satin day, a jmlr of gol'l cun uuiions. wit u initial "v i engravod on. Return to Times office and rocoivo roward. II RK.NT Two-room furnished parrmont. iaqulro Nasburg Gro - eery. Bit SAIjK OIil iinivRiuiiur8: n lilu k.. .. : .....,...,.--.., . uunaio ior a nicKoi, jubc tno l"lng to start fires with. I Wni) AND ltOOM.4 Hotel Tjit-i I'ttn, centrally located. Good ta- iu'e, nomo cooking, ana largo rnono uiwu ItOmfortablo rooms. npnannnhln;' ! ffates. i ttH SALE Dry woort. fir and al. Ner. at nnmnhnirn Wnnd Yard. lerry landing. Phomo 158-L. ' T Two iart liloodliound dogs, one dark brown whlto spotted ale. answern nanin "Loader.". Other female, bluo with whllo. ana brown spots. Answors narao "Queen." l.nat lioUvnon Tlinnnnfi Jjshthouse and North Slough. A uoeral roward for Information . W. Wells, Lakoslde, Ore. XUl AMI ltnftAf Tn privnto lamlly. 246 North Fourth St., I Pnono 242-U I in ii 1 TLA CI-. nt I IIC ulgll III , mm I'laUl', Good Candy Always Clothes like the present for affords us more than you all, and sincere (Jtn liomo of A Mnr.v clothe STOP ,ii:ttv work Mail Weather Ciuinpn Halt in Sins. law Harbor Work. Tho Floronco West says: "Work at tho Jotty was suspended yesterday and activo operations will probably not bo resumed there boforo tho Inst of Janunry, "On account of rough weather dur- U)0 wJntor ,t Ja dimcult t0 carry .,. ....i. . .i... ., -.- M.i ,,..,.. n, ,nnip,in ,i..m,i,i kiiia i vmouii wcivi bwutiuvvwin uunuvu to Hhut down till townrd spring." . Merry Christmas Hnvo your Job printing dono at ' "e nmefl nIil.- , Umbrellas Covered Rt llVfU:U r,rl,,,- ivicuaiiiiciu wiici v 1)nyton Anents, ,, 1KS. ,, itss nmndnnv I- " New and Second Hand Furniture sold on Uio Instnllniciit plan. HARRINGTON', DOVLK & CO., .102 Front St. Mnrshflcld, Or. Pictures & Framing Walker Studio XWrini'! nii T?IVAT. KKTTTiKIKXT. Notice is nerouy given inai mo undersigned has filed his final ac count In tho matter of tho estate f B P Ross, deceased; nnd that I"0 uuumy vuuii. iiud out .miiiucvi the 6th day of January, iui3, ai tho Court House in Coqulllo City, Coos County. Oregon, as tho tlmo and placo for hoarlng of objec- tlons to said final account and UIO KUUiuim-ui oi nuiu raiuiu, QKOltUK 1'". HUBS, Executor of tho Last Will and Tes tamont and of tho estate of B. F. Ross, deceased. i Vi3 M ft VtY 1 1 SHll TIDES FOR DECEMIIER. Uolow Is given tho tlmo and height of high nnd low wntor at Marshflold. Tho tides nro plnccd In tho order of oceurronco, with tholr times on tho first lino nnd heights on the second lino of each dny; a compm Ison on consecutlvo heights will Indlcnto whothor It Is high or low water. For high wntor on tho bar, itilwtract 2 hours 34 nilnntps. 2i!Hrs.. 3. OS 7.51 2. IS 8. 53 iFt.. 4.7 3.1 7.2 1.8 25 lira.. 3.55 8.47 2.C7 9.30 iFt. . 5.0 3.2 7.2 1.8 I WEATHER FORECAST. OREGON Haiti in west and rain or snow in cast tonight I and Wednesday. Warmer east. Southerly winds, high nlong const. LOCAL TEMPERATURE RECORD. For tho 21 hours ending at 4:43 n. in., Dec, 24, by DonJ. Ostllnd, spoclnl government mo teorologlcal obsorvor: Maximum 49 Minimum 35 I At 4:43 a. in 40 Proclpltatlon 41 I Wind; Southwost; rainy. horn. HAAS To Mr. nnd Mrs. O. A. Hans at their homo on South Sixth strcot Tuesday, , Doccmbor 24, a daugh ter. Air. Hans is n man carrlor in MnrBlidold and whllo ho has been delivering Christians presents to many homes ho serves, tho stork boat him to his homo with tho fi nest present of thorn nil, Today ho would not trndo places with Santa Clans. Merry Christmas Now Homo James Wall Is mov ing Into IiIh now homo on 14th nnd Commorclnl Sts, today. Puis in l'hoiiL'. Juatlco Ponnock has Installed a tolophono In his of flco as a conveulonco to litigants and tholr nttornoya and hlmsolf. No Bridge Xcwh. No word has boon recolvod from Washington yet as to tho War Department's ac tion on tho Southern Pacific's ap plication for permission to brldgo tho liny. No reason for tho do lay has been assigned. Highest Hidden W. 13. Hoag- lnnd of tho firm of Connor & iionginiul wns tno highest bidder Saturday on tho Dlanchard llvory, stioinis for the Christmas Dioimer Grape Fruit SOUPS Heinz Tomato Campbell's Varieties Minced Clam OYSTERS Bootb's Famous Fresh Oysters SALAD. Lettuce (hard and crisp.) Shrimp. Lobster Fresh Tomato Potato Water Cress Aspara gus (tho good tender kind.) Durkco's and Libby's Famous Salad Dressing, Pure Olive Oil, Coleman and Folger's Mustard, Strictly Fresh Eggs ROAST. Turkeys Ducks Geese Chickens (fryers and broil ers.) Onions and pure sago for tho dressing VEGETABLES. Brussels Sprouts, Potatoes Sweet Potatoes Carrots Cauliflower (fresh and nice) Squash Parsnips Pumpkins, Turnips, Artichokes Canned Vegetables of all kinds, such as tender Beets and Preferred Stock Peas. Celery (extra good) Cranberries, Jellies, Pickles (all kinds.) DESSERT. Plum Pudding Hunt's Quality Fruits, Home Can ned Fruits and Berries. Oranges (new Navels, 20c, 35c, 40c, 50c a dozen,) Pears, Apples, Mince Pies, Nuts of all kinds, Bananas, Christmas Mixed Candies, Pineapples Maskey's Candies. Sweet Cider, Dole's Pineapple Juice, Welch's Grape Juice. COFFEE. Folgers M. J. B. Dates, Figs, nills Bros. CHEESE. A Dozen Varieties. Ring us up and your wants will bo immediately at tended to. Remember wo are especially" prepared for the Christmas rush. STAUFF GROCERY CO. Phone 102. sold by Trusteo Wolstend. Tho snlo Is subject to tho confirmation of inu uuuii. Open Hnr. It Is nnnounccd that' Mossrs. Lawler nnd Wober, tho now nrnnrlotors nf Mm rnt,. imfni nt proprietors of tho Arago hotol nt Empire, hnvo scoured a liquor II- cciiHo and will soon open a buffet In connection with tho hostelry. Itimlncss College. A. 13. Stoss- mcsltor who conduets business col- For Deserter. Sorgcant llully of, logos at Livingston, Mont., nnd As-'1,"0 Vancouver bnrrackB arrived to-. torln In In Mnraliflnl.l Innkln. ).( dny to tfU0 l ctcr lllorcby, tllO do lOria IS 111 ..MnrallUOlll looking tills Hnr(nr n,.,.,,,,..,.! l,iirn. l.nrl? Willi 1,1m! section over with n view of open- Ing a branch hore. l!l Oi ...ilii.titu tlntlvAHt. fit of the Wnrner Grocery Company , tJS rPvalWo0 1" to owturned In West Mnrshflold yes-i morrow to permit tho distribution torday, tho Iioibo bncklng tho vo- hlclo up a steep ombnnkmont.. Christmas packages woro scattered but tho damngo was slight. Forms Xow Coiinmiiv. II. J. IJVaughan of Walla Walla, Wash., hns arrived hero to tako charge of tho A. D. Dnly logging supply business, which Mr. Vnughan and Bomo nssoclntcs hnvo taken over. Tho namo of tho now company which will nssumo charge of tho business Janunry 1 hns not been determined upon yet. Mr. Dnly will then lcavo for California to Join his family nnd locato there. Who Got tho Duck? This is tho Question thnt Is porploxlng John D. d nan, who roturncd yesterday from an ovor Sunday hunt with V. N. Ekblad and othors at Dcalo Lake Itlor to tho hunt, thcro wns moro or less spcctulatton as to who would bag tho most game. This flnnlly lesultcd In W. N. Ekblnd wagering Goss G Mint ho would got moro ducks than Goss. La to Sunday aftornoon Goss camo into tho cabin with flvo nnd ho was olatcd when -ho snw Rkblad's Btrlng of four hanging on tho wall. IIo laid his flo on the bench outsldo nnd went in to twit Ekblnd and collect his flvo. After moro or loss pnrloy It camo to a show down and Goss strode forth confident of vic tory. Rohold his chagrin when ho found only four ducks on tho bench whoro ho had placed flvo. IIo has not boon nblo to ascertain whoro It disappeared to but thinks ono of tho dogs cnrrlod It off. And incnnwhllo Ekblad Is holding onto his flvo for lnck of poaltlvo ovl donco thnt Ooss really beat him. Wed In Coqtilllc. Mr. nnd Mrs. Cal Langworthy leave Tuesday for Coqulllo to attend tho wedding of Miss Mary Hurley to Sherman Huf- ford, hoth of Coqulllo. Tho wed- ding will bo n qulot ono and tho ceremony will ho performed at tho Oyster Cream Celery -Best Ever. homo of tho groom's parents. Mlssf Hurley Is u sister of Mrs. Lang- wormy. Ferry Service Tomorrow, tho Mnrehllold-Enstsldo ferry will run on SllIUny schedule, with tho exception that tho 12:30 trip will bo omitted. liar Hough. Tho Coos Uny bar was very rough todny and tho "learner Washington was no! ablo to sail for San Francisco as was expected. tonight. Postofflco Tomorrow Postmaster Curtis stated that tho postofflco and delivery of ChrlBtmns packages. Return Today Johnnlo Thomson. tho young son of J. P. Thomson, tho IsthmiiB Inlet rnnchor, who recently died nt St. Louis, returned today. Thomson's funeral wns hold In Now port, Wash. Tho lad hns Improved Bomowhnt. Ho was accompanied by nis uncle, Aug. Ilcnnliigson. ioses sioincs w. l-Jinniorson, a brnkomnn at Smlth-Powors Camp No. G, was buforo Justlco I'cnnock today to Becuro a warrant for a tnllor unmed Douglas. F.mmcrson rlniuiH ho loft n good suit of clothes with Douglns to bo ropalrcd and thnt when ho enmo to town todny, ho found Dou gins had loft for Mexico, and his clothes woro gono. Ho will probab ly appoal to Doputy Prosecuting At- tornoy Llljcqvlst to hnvo Douglas Drought back. Wedding Aimotiiicttiiicn(i. Wed ding announcements woro received hero fbday of tho marriago of Jon athan Wiseman Motley nnd Miss ISrmlno A. Slirowsbury, which wns solemnized nt tho homo of tho par ents of tho brldo, Mr. and Mrs. 13. O. Slirowsbury nt Osceolo, Mo., Do comber 16. They will bo at homo In Marshflold after Janunry 1. Thoy nro expected hero on tho noxt Ureakwator. Mr. Motloy'B mnny Mnrshflold friends will unite In welcoming the nowly-wcils, SKK THE KliKH PARADE nt tho 1912 reunion In Portland nt tho Orpheuiii Tonight. Special pictures taken for Patlio'M AVuckly. Mnny other flno scones, thorn. Don t miss PERSONAL NOTES CHAS. DOONE of Sumner Is In town todny. II. 13. IJESSEV of tho Creamery is In town todny . I MR8. HAYDEN Is n visitor from Sumner todny. ED NOAH of North Coos River Is In town on business. into ltnmi.innml - , ..I..,...- from Rimmnr fn.lnv OEOROE CATCHING, n Sumner resi dent. Is In town todny. 55. T. THOMAS of Allcgnny Is spend ing today In Mnrshflold, AL SMITH nnd wlfo of Coos Rlvor nro town visitors todny. Y-ISn CLARA LILKIE of Camp 1 la n Mnishllold shoppor todny. WM. DICKFORD of Allegany Is n Mnrshflold visitor today. I ,I,Hw8J? v0' C?.!fi'nJL,B '0t '. PAUL CItOOKS nnd wlfo of Suninor. nro visitors to town today. CLARENCE GOULD and wlfo nro In Mnrshflold from Allcgnny. C. O. IIRIDGES Is In Mnrshflold to-' fin V f rfllll X?ntt ll Pnnu IMiritt I "ll MUIHI VUWI) IHIUI) C. 13. MATSON of Suinnor was n vis Itnr to MnrHhllcld yestordny. WALTER KINO of Smith llnBln hi A Merry Christmas Wo liavo for none, a ulsli for ill, Wo only wlah (lint Joy may 1111 Knell cup to overflowing. That it may como this ChrlHl- iiiuh time, And Willi you dwell, to muko Biihlluiu Tho years time In bestow- lK. Stafford's J. Lee Brown, Ph. G. WE THANK YOU For your patronage and wish each and everyone a Merry and Happy Christmas. We remain. Yours Sincerely, 7 xo PAPER ISSUED OX CHRISTMAS DAY Tomorrow Tho Times forco will enjoy a holldny so that thoy enn ohscrvo Christmas to Its fullest extent. No pnpor will bo Issued until Thursday evening. A Merry Christmas to each and ovoryono of Its rend ers Is tho wish of Tho Times. mending tho dny In Mnrshflold. MRS. C. M. ELMORE of Allegany is In Mnrshflcld to spend tho holidays. MRS. IIERI1ERT ROGERS of South Coos River Is In Mnrshflcld today. REV. FATHER SPRINGER of North Ucnd wns a Marshflold visitor to day. CHRIS NELSON of Gould'a Camp, abovo Allegany, Is In town for to dny. J. L. DARKER and JESS DARKER of Falrvlow aro Marshflold visitors today. JOHN MICHELnRINK of tho west fork of Coos Rtvor Is in Mnrshflcld today. A. C. COX of South Inlet is in tho city todny on his Boml-an-nitnl visit. MRS. LOIS W1RTII and children of 8otith Coos River nro spending to dny In town. MR. PETERSON Is on his wny to Hayncs Inlet to spond tho holldnys with his family. FRANK HODSON nnd wlfo nro spending todny In town from South Coos Rlvor. MRS. ANNA ENSTAD and son, NILS, of Gould's Camp aro In Mnrshflold to spend Christians. ALDI3N DESSEY nnd ENOS SMITH of South Coos Rlvor an spending tho dny in Mnrshflold. MRS. J. A. STEMMERMAN and family camo down from Allegany to upend Christians with relatives. W. V. GAGE of Coqulllo, who is In Mnrshflold on civil business, will return homo todny to spond Christ mas. DR. nnd MItS. C. W. TOWER nro planning to lcavo soon for Mon rovia, Cal., whoro thoy will spond tho wlntor. MISS JOAN FITZGERALD, who has i.nn,, vlHltlne Mr. nnil Mrs. Herbert Rogora of South Coos River, re turned homo this morning. GEORGE SNYDER and family of Danlols Creole nro spending Chrlstmns nt tho John Snydor homo on South Drondwny. MRS. FRED CATHERALL, formorly Miss Mny Stauff, Is oxpected horo this wcok from Oakland, Cal., to visit frlonds nnd rolntlvcs. R. M. WEIDER nnd MISS EDNA, 1 WEIDER of Lnkosldo loavo today i for Dandon to spend Xmas with MrB. Fred Tuttlo. Mrs. Tuttlo was . . LIBS '",,J:Y",".V MRS. G. S. TWOMHLEY nrrlvod on tho Alllnnco yestordny from En rokn, nn n Christmas surprlso to Iter brothor nnd mother, Mrs. Cook nnd Goo. Cook of Mnrsh flold. E. R. VARNEY nnd family of Con lodo went up South Soos Rlvor this nftornoon to spond Chrlstmns with MrB. Vnrnoy s pnronts, Cnpt. nnd MISSES' NOltA TOWER and MAY Mrs. Lnttln. PREUSS, Htudonts nt tho Uni versity of California, arrived homo this morning ovorlnnd to spond tho ChrlBtmns holidays nt tholr homes horo. WM. PUG II, formorly of North In lot, but recently of Mnrshflold, has roturncd from a trip to Northern nnd Contrnl Oregon nnd says that whllo nwny ho onjoyod a slolgh rldn nt La Grnndo. NELS OSMUNDSON nnud wlfo ro turnod to tholr homo in Coqulllo yoHtordny. Mrs. Osmundson has practically rocovorod from tho oporntlon which sho recently un derwent at Morcy hospital, MRS. 8. A. YOAICAM of Coos Rlvor Is In Mnrshflold todny to moot hor dniightor, Miss Marlon Yonkam, who Is oxpoctod to arrive on tho Spoodwoll from Chlro, California. Miss Yoakum, who In coming homo for tho holidays, hns boon nbsont from tho Uny two years. 8UPT. A. 0. RAAIJ of tho North Uond schools was a Marshflold visitor today. IIo Is endeavoring to rotnln Rov. A. S. Hlsoy to fill tho vacancy In tho North Uond schools cniisod by tho resignation of Miss Grlllln to tako n position In tho Mnrshflold postofflco, Rov. Hlsoy Is tho M. E. paBtor at North Uond, but boforo ontorlng tho mlnlatry was a successful teacher nnd served as a county school superintendent in tho oast. JRobt. W. S wanton, Ph. G. m it ff m l r , ? .'! i. :1 '.I (First publication Nov, 2G and last publication, Eoc. 24.)