"mvjr"" THE COOS BAY TIMES. MARSHFIELD. OREGON, MONDAY, DECEMBER 23, 191 2. EVENING EDITION. 5 a Bill ft if P i?s B -sL ra il rail 11 4& ' 17, MVM I Li- . SII Cofrlibi llirt 5c ballot t & Uut VTOU want Santa Claus to stop here at this store on his way to your chimney and Christmas tree; there are more things here that men and big boys want for Christ mas than in any other store in town. Some day soon you'd better come in and pick out the Jliinrra irrm VI lilrn 4-r lirnrn 1ii Inliirm,. iMl iviniil- them for him and guarantee to get them there at the I right moment. Hero are a few things that Santa Glaus will bo glad to carry for you : Hart Schaffncr Marx Suits and Overcoats; best Christ mas gift possible, $18, $20, $25, $30, $35; finest made. Smoking Jackets $5 to $12 lounging Robes $4.50 to $10 Umbrellas $1 to $5 Suspenders in Boxes 50c to $1.50 Neckwear in Boxes 50c to $1.0Q Combination Sots 75c to $2.00 and many other useful presents for men and boys. WOOLEN MILL STORE Thin Htoro Is tho homo of Hart KchnfTiicr & Mnr.v clot lies PERSONAL NOTES 13. L. UESSEY of South Coos River Is In town. J. M. CULLEY of Stininor la hi town on business. CHAS. ESTERDECK Is a visitor from Sum nor today. MATT NEIME Is In town from Ton Mile an business. Ill' UK LYONS of North Inlet Is In town on business. OHO. DIVILHLISS was In town to- tlny from Lakeside. W II. SMITH of Coos River Is in IOWI1 Oil lillRlnnfia GEORGE DUBUQUE of Suinnor Is In town on business. HAY VANUURGER of Lakeside Is In town for tbo day. WILLLVM JUDD of North Inlet Is In town on business. CAPT. C. W. HARRIS nf Rnn.flnr la In Mni-Hlideld today. JACK ROWRON enmo In from Lakeside this niornlnn- OSCVR JOHNSON is In town to day from North Inlot. FRED AASEN of South Inlot Is In town for a fow days. CHAS. HAMILTON Ib In town to day from North Tnlnf ROSCOE JOHNSON of Lnkcsldo Is in town on business. ALOIE PIERCE Is nnioiiB tho many Lakeside vIhIItitb toilnv. M'SS ELLA KRICK of Lnkcsldo Is a tuarsuuom snoppor. J. CATCIIINQ of Catching Inlot is in town todny on business. A. P. JOHNSON of Lnkcsldo wns n .Mnrsnriold visitor todny. J. II. DYER of Sumner Is a business visitor to Marshflold today. MISS MARGARET JOHNSON Is in town today from Lakcsldo. WILLIAM DONERAKE of Ross Inlot Is III Mamllflnlfl for Mm .Inv SPENCER SMALL, n North Inlot resident. Is In town tailnv. NEIL EICKWORTH Ib n business visitor to Marshflold today. OEOItOE ZIMMERMAN Is n business visitor from Allegany todny. CAUL JOHNSON of North Coos Riv er Is In town on business. P. D. HLAKE of Catching Inlot Is In town attending to business. MRS. J. R. ROWRON of Isthmus In lot Is n town shonnor today. JOHN WASSON of South Inlot Is u Ainrsiiriolu visitor today. MRS. PRANK SMITH Is n town vis itor from Isthmus Inlot today. MRS. W. II. NORTON Is among tho Sumner shoppers In town today. W. S. SHAVER and wlfo of Allogany nro In Mnrshllold todny trading. LLOYD ENDLAND of North Inlot Is In Marshflold on buslnoss. ROIHE WELDON and wlfo aro In Marshflold from South Inlot. MISS VIOLET MEANS of Ciunp 0 Is shopping In Mnrshllold today. J. J. CLINKENI1EARD of Danlols Creek Is business visitor to Mnrsh llold today . OREN LATTIN and wlfo of South Inlet aro In town on business. MRS. W. 1). PARRIN of Suimmr It In Mnrshllold todny on business. MRS. 13. L. ROBERTS is n shopper from her homo on Catching Inlot. .T. D. CL1NKENDEARD is a Mnrsh llold visitor from Suinnor today. MRS. 11. H. PULLON of North In let Is In town todny shopping. PR13I) KARI of Lnkcsldo Is a bus' Iness visitor to Marshflold today. CHAS. MAHAPPY of North Coos River Is In Mnrshllold on business. JESSE SMITH, tho South Coos River rnnclior, Is In town todny. JOE LARSI3N nnd wlfo of Allegnny nro spending tho dny In Mnrshdcld. MISS LEMI'I MAUAKl of Lakcsldo Is n visitor to Marshflold for tho day. MRS. OUS JOHNSON of South In let Is In Marshflold shopping to day. MRS. W. C. WEAVER of Isthmus Inlet Is In Mnrshllold today trad ing. MRS. OSCAR OHMAN of North In lot was In town today on busi ness. MRS. JAMES LANDR1TH of South Coos River is n Mnrshllold visitor todny. BYRON HOLCOMn Is a visitor to town today from his Lakcsldo homo. SHERMAN CUTLIP of Daniels Crook was a Marshflold visitor today. FRANK TAL1JOT of South Inlot was a Sunday visitor to Marsh flold. ANDREW KARDELL Is spending tho day In Mnrshflold from North Coos River. CHAS. UNDERWOOD of Tnrhool Is In Marshflold to remain ovor tho holidays. J. 8. MASTERS, tho Catching Inlot ranchor, Is a Marshflcld visitor today. WM. PERKINS, head scalor, loft for tho Coalodo camp this morn ing. J. A. JOHNSTON is n buslnoss visitor In tho Conulllo valloy to day. MRS. H. E. DESSEY and family of tho croamory aro spending tho day In Marshflcld. ALFRED RODINB of Allogany Is among tho mnny visitors In town spondlng tho dny. EVAN HODSON nnd wlfo nro In Mnrshllold from tliolr South Coos Rlvor homo today. CHRIS HANSEN of North Inlot enmo to Marshflold this morning to spond tho day. MARTIN VELDE and PRANK HAMILTON of North Inlot nro In town todny on business. MRS. J. C. HCJGLESTON arrived In Marshflold yesterday to Join hor hBubnnd, who Is now In bus- WANT ADS. WANTED Carrier boys to deliver Tho Times. Must bo 12 years old or ovor and In Fourth grade or hlghor at school. Apply at Times offlco nftor 4 o'clock. IWAXTE1) To borrow $201)0 for two or more years on real estnto valued nt $G000. Address Real Estate, caro Times. (LOST Sat unlay, ii pair of gold cuff buttons, with Initial "W", engraved on. Roturn to Times ofllce and rocolvo reward. 'FOR RENT Two-room furnished apartment. Inqulro Nasburg Grocery, 3Y11Y C3AT.T? nl.l naipGrmtuvrci n lilf pauiv um u, oij. , . thing to start tires with. BOARD AND ROOMS Hotel Lnt- nn, centrally located. Good ta ble, homo cooking, and largo comfortablo rooms. Reasonable rates. FOR SALE Dry wood. Ilr nnd ! dnr. nf nninnhall'a Wnnil Ynrii. .;. .. .r. v ' j t terry lunaing. fiiuao inii'u LOST Two jwrt bloodhound dogs, one dark brown whlto spotted toalo, answers name "Loader." Other fomalo, bluo with while and brown spots. Answers namo "Queen." Lost between Umpqua llfTltllniiaa nn.l Wnrth Slmifll A liliArnl rnwnrH fnr Information.! I -"-""- . .." t. W. Wells. Lakeside, ure ' i AT THE HOTELS. HOTEL COOS James Hughes and wlfo, Capo niauco Light; II. Ii. Hen ry nnd wlfo, Portland; Tom Ilrock, Myrtle Point; G. A. Collier, Florence: II. J. Collier, Florence; J. Collier, Florence: J. N. naron, McDonald's Camp; .Chns. Underwood, Tarreols' Point: E. Vnnburgor. Lakosldo; J Kruso, Isthmus; 0, Roscoo, Myrtlo I'oint: Albert miner, south inlet; Mr, nnd Mrs. Geo. Mullen, Daniels Creok; W. W. Doylo, Ray Centor, Wash.; Robt. Costello, South Inlot. BLANCO HOTEL W. A. Pollman, H. II. Leonard, Mrytlo Point; Davo Mulloneo .Seattlo, Wash.; C. II. Nel son, Floronco; Newton Estes, Roso burg: J. F. Whltaker, Mapleton; Frank Talbot, Isthmus Inlot. LLOYD HOTEL A. H. Rahrke, Myr tlo Point, W. C. Anderson, Myrtlo Point: E. Slestreem, Florence. THE CHANDLER F. D. Layton, Portland; II. E. Haefner, Grant's Pass; Francis McGulre, New York; E. C. Dorrls, Eugene; M. S. Shirk, Camp 5; P. Sheehan, City; C. M, Hall, Albany; J, Whltaker, Ma ploton, Or.; S. M. Boden, Now York City; Dr. T. M. White, Klamath Falls; Frances Cooper .Independence, Or.; J. A. Ward, Mllllcoma: Nell Grindnll, Florence; Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Powell, David City, Neb.; J. M. Nyo, Jr., San Francisco; Miss Wltch or, Portland; Win. Stoddard and wlfo. Bandon. Umbrellas Covered at U)ST Ladies black purso contain-, Phono 158-R ig small cnange ana nuaresses. Reward and thanks of the little boy who lost It for roturn to Times ofllce. Marshfield Cyclery Dayton Agents, 172 Broadway n0.YRD AND ROOM In prlvnto lamlly. 246 North Fourth St., phone 242-L. New and Second Hand Furniture sold on tho Installment plan, HARRINGTON, DOYLE & CO., 302 Front St. Phono 310-L Marslifield, Or. tiinis for tli Christmas Dimeer Grape Fruit SOUPS Campbell's Varieties Heinz Tomato Oyster Minced Clam Cream Celery Booth's Famous Fresh Oysters Best .Ever. SALAD. Lottuco (hard and crisp.) Shrimp. Lobster Fresh Tomato Potato Water Cress Aspara gus (tho good tender kind.) Durkee's and Libby's Famous Salad Dressing, Pure Olive Oil, Coleman and Folger's Mustard, Strictly Fresh Eggs ROAST. Turkoys Ducks Geese Chickens (fryers and broil ers.) Onions and pure sago for the dressing VEGETABLES. Brussels Sprouts, Potatoes Sweet Potatoes Carrots Cauliflower (fresh and nice) Squash Parsnips Pumpkins, Turnips, Artichokes Canned Vegetables of all kinds, such as tender Beets and Preferred Stock Peas. Celery (extra good) Cranberries, .Tellies, Pickles (all kinds.) DESSERT. Plum Pudding Hunt's Quality Fruits, Home Can ned Fruits and Berries. Oranges (new Navels, 20c, 35c, 40c, 50c a dozen,) Pears, Apples, Mince Pies, Nuts of all kinds, Bananas, Christmas Mixed Candies, Pineapples Maskcy's Candies. Dates, Figs, Sweet Cider, Dole's Pineapple Juice, Welch's Grape Juice. COFFEE. Hills Bros. Folgers M. J. B. CHEESE. A Dozen Varieties. Ring us up and your wants will bo immediately at tended to. Remombor we are especially prepared for the Christmas rush. l:OL&.r ' V " ! STAUFF GROCERY CO. Phone 102. lncss In tho city. They hnvo boon living on a ranch enst of Myrtle Point. MRS. WM. FORD nnd little son of Bandon, roturncd to tliolr homo this morning, I3RNKST HARRINGTON, time keeper nt Camp 0, was In Marsh flold yesterday. MRS. PR13D KRUSE and llttlo son of Isthmus Inlot nro visiting rela tives In Mnrshllold. , PAT HRNNKSSI3Y nnd son, Will llenncsBoy, left for their mlno on tho Isthmus todny. CHAS. DUNGAN, tho South Coos Rlvor rancher, Is In town looking nftor business Interests. W. M. ROSS nnd son, J. R. ROSS, of Isthmus. Inlot nro In Mnrshllold to day looking after bustness. MRS. PRANK T13RRY and datich. tor, Kathleen, of Daniels Creok nro Marshflold visitors today. T. J. KOLSTAD nnd son. ARTHUR. enmo to Mnrshllold this morning from their homo on Coos Rlvor. W. B. PIPI3R. tho woll known North Rlvor rnnclior, Is In town todny looKing nttor nuslncBa Interests. .MRS. NI2D GALLOWAY Is nmong tho mnny Christinas shoppers In Mnrshflold todny from North In- lor. L. D. SMITH of Dnnlols Creok, who hns been In Portland on legal business, roturncd to town this morning. J. V. HODGSON nnd N. MOORE will bo outgoing passongcrs on tho Drnln-Gnrdlnor stngo tomor row morning. A. II. STUTSMAN received n letter from Mrs. Stutsmnn, who Is In Portland, saying alio would bo homo Wednesday. E. K. JONES left on tho Break water yesterday for Portlnnd nnd San xrnnclsco on buuluens. Mr. Jones will bo absont a month. MRS. JOHN MESSERLE nnd daugh ters, ROSE nnd MAY, nro In town shopping today from their Sumnor homo. WM. DOYLE, who has been visit ing in Bay Contor, WnBh., arriv ed In Mnrshflold thla morning nnd will spond Chrlstmns with rel atives and friends on tho Bny. HERMAN LARSON has roturncd from tho Sltislnw, whoro ho has been looking aftor somo work which his dredgo is doing thoro. BILL HUNTER who hns boon in Cur ry County tho pnst yenr pnssod through horo todny enrouto to Portlnnd nnd Wlllamotto Valley points nrior spondlng tho summer In Curry County. TOM BROWN loft for tho Coqulllo Valloy this morning to spond Chrlstmns with his slater, Mrs Archie Kruso nt Prospor am with other rolntlvcs. C. O. GILKEY, n rcBldont of Coos Bny a numbor of yenrs ngo, pnssod through horo Saturday on routo homo to Coqulllo, nftcr a visit with a daughter at Hills boro. C. A. MYRICK nrrlvod horo this morning from Marshflold to My, who will return to Mnrsh flold with him. Roseburg Ito vlow. PAT SIIEEHAN of Smlth-Powors enmp 5 enmo In todny from Coa lcdo to spend tho holidays. Tho camp has been very lucky, not having had n serious nccldcnt In ovor a year. II. A. COLLIER and sons, G. A. COLLIER and J. A. COLLIER, of Coqulllo arrived from Floronco Saturday evening onrouto homo. Thoy hnvo been nt the sick bod of their daughter nnd sister, Mrs. Jar Mahonoy, of Florence. PROP. MORRIS of tho Marshflold High school loft Saturday morn ing via tho Coos Bny Wngon Bond for Corvnllls, whoro ho will spend tho holidays with roln tlvcs. PRANK L. GRANNIS of tho Mnrsh flold High school left Snturdny morning vln tho old Coos Bny Wngon Bond for Snlom, whoro on Dccombor 29 ho will wed Miss Anoltn Wilson. MISS ROSS hns taken a position as Btenogrnphor at tho C. A. Smith mill, succcodlng Miss Loahy, who loft last week for Los Angolcs. to Join hor sister, who was ro contly admitted to tho bar thoro. MR. and MRS. JAMES HUGHES of Capo Arago Light woro In town yestordny. Mrs. Hughes loft on tho Breakwater tb spond tho holi days with relatives In Portland. Mr. Hughes, aftor spondlng a fow days In Mnrshflold, will roturn homo. MISS MARGARET BELATT ro turnod to Bandon this mornlntr nftor n fow dnys' spont nt tbs homo of Mr. nnd Mrs. James Cowan of Marshflold. Miss Bo latt's homo Is In Tbo Dallos, but sho Is spondlng Christmas with Bandon relatives, WARREN BACHTEL will loavo to morrow for Chattanooga, Tonn., to Join his llttlo daughter nnd other rolntlvcs for nu oxtondod stny. Yestordny ho mot Jnmc S. Williams, chlof engineer of tho Acmo, whom ho had not mob in about 18 years. Tho two ran on tho Pacific mall out of San Francisco nnd laid off tho Btcamor Collnm, tho trip boforo sho wont down off tho Moxlcan Const, Decoration Day, 1805, with 107 people Messrs, Bachtol, Williams and Chlof Engineer Rossltor, who Is now on tho Korea, wero tho only onos of tho regular crow who oacapod. T i 'Wear-Ever" Aluminum pppRulo and Papor Cuttor '' with each fl.00 pur chnso of "Wonr-Evor" Aluminum Wnro. Pioneer Hartlwnro Co. , COLLIXJH PENNANTS nnd CUBIN mVB n VmiTV AV tlAVHI.'V'U iiuuii iiiu iiunuiijH wkii ma tajn- two STORES. 3 Everybody Welcome at the Leadlrag Drag Store for Quality Goods asnd New Desigms Watch this space tomorrow evening. THE CHRISTMAS DINNER HVKRYTIHNO TO MAKE THE FEAST ONE WORTHY OF TJIB OCCASION AT THIS STORE. Golden Dates ' Smyrna nnd Candled Figs California Flg-i Fresh Pluenpplo Cocoamits GltAPIS FRUIT Apples Oranges Lemons Bananas Cluster Raisins Mixed Nuts Mlnco Meat Christmas Candles FRESH VKGETAULICS Celery Head Lottuco Egg Plant Sweet Potatoes Cabbage Parsnips Carrots Rwl Beets Cauliflower ATMOKE'S PLUM PUDDINGS IN TINS PHONE YOUR ORDERS EARLY. THE BAZAAR phone aa Fresh Sealshlpt Oysters il, BJ t: hi 1:1 I C 'B -if S