- " V "y"'Vgy"yf',rrW7Mlllfy vtyr THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, MONDAY, DECEMBER 23, 1912. EVENING EDITION. tc nn fits WAV tn Cnns Countv and vou surely expect him to brin von nn Y ANTA CLAU: Are you prepared to return the compliment? If not READ THE FOLLO WINC01, orner urrers lou ld rex On All Christmas Gifts Purchased Here 1 Cent Discount Busy JUL 3.mL3 The Richest Selection of Parisian fvory Toilet Sets Manicuring Sels Gentlemen's Sets Few of us can afford real ivory, but we can afford Parisian Ivory. It is very beautiful and durable. Nev er a better or more varied display of Parisian Ivory in Marshfiold than you will find at the Busv Corner. Rosewood Toilet Sets, .Manicure Sels, JM Hilary Brushes, AT PRICES THAT WILL PLEASE YOUR POCKET BOOK Perfumes All Kinds, Domestic and Imported. Stationery The most beautiful line ever shown 5n Coos Bay. A beautiful selection of Steins. Very useful and ornamental at lowest prices. BRASS! BRASS! No matter what may come and go in the way of ornamental metal for the home and elsewhere, ham mered brass will always be popular. These lew sug gestions will not be amiss. Brass match holders Brass cigar and ash trays Hammered brass ;jardi-nieres, Brass vases, etc. Silver Clothes Brushes Just the thing for a pres ent. Silver deposit ware. Leather Hand Bags Leather Music Rolls Leather Sets playing cards, all games. Leather Handkerchief and Tie Holders. Leather Collar and Cuff Holders. Hand Painted China and Cut. Glass at cul prices. look Things Useful All Year Around Won't nv. ne.so bargains. n i i n i i ,11l(' 1,,M an,l Plensum Columbia Graphonola .' 'm.i.n.,i. iw L . . . r . should possess 0110 TV Columbia Records from $20 1 $200. ' i 5? counl. Uls" Art Goods, beautiful Statues, ornament for the house. MIRRORS Rose wood, ebon v. PnriNimi t,. , Individual, double and tripie at lowest prices. ousters, Cliafin. 11,0 most beautiful Manning & Bowman's Electric Dishes, Cotiee Percolators, Carving Sets cornier and nickel Alcohol Gas Stoves, Curate Trays Casse role Dishes, in fact a department by itself.' You must see it in order to appreciate it. ' NO DISCOUNT. PHONE MAIN 298 LOCKHART-PARSONS DRUG CO. THE BUSY COMER COOS BAY TIMES JU. C. MALONI3V IMItor nnil Tub. AN K. MAI.OXKV News Kclltor Official Vnvcr of Coos County. A WOMAN MAYOlt. -yysr ANSAS Is no lonor tho only t fato In tho union boastliiK a woinim mayor. Vorron nwii, 11 n Incorporated town of our ova Htato linH neon to It that Ore sna will uo( poriult KaiiHUH to liavo .-any of tho best of u In tho way of political IniiovatloiiH, liouco tho victory of MIhh Clara C. Munaon. Thoro Is nothing of tho modesty of tho vlolot about tho modern po- Htilncl aspirations. Tho nvorngo, roan will usually nialco good as. councilman, or In hoiiio ovon loss conspicuous position oven, boforo Sitting his eyes to tho moro ox-l il(i.1 fl et ittuunK Iktifr rt an LEAVE SUNDAY EAK 1 altiul offlco of mayor, but not bo with IiIb political slstor. She wants flfco boHt or nothing and alio np- JCH'ars to bo Bottlnj; It. I ALONG TIIH WATHHFllONT Tho SpoodwoTT Ib duo In tomor row from San Francisco with pass nj;orB and frolKht. Tho Ilcdnndo Ih duo In Wodnos Vay from San Francisco with pnss 'enj;ors and freight. Tho HrooUlyn, Tillamook and Xlic Bchoonor C. T. Hill arrived ta at Handon Saturday. AMONG TIIK SICK. C. II. Curtis of tho Union Mont Co. J confined to IiIh homo with a pain ful nttaclc of "ShlnRlo". Capt. J. It. LlRhtuor is confined to tala homo by IIIuobs today. coqi'illh w. o. w. Tho Woodmon of tho World hold Vholr roKiilar soinl-nnnnnl election ut officers Wednesday ovonlng with tho following; results: A. J. Shor- wooil, ('. C; T T. Lano, A. L.5 3!urk Morras, baukor; J ,K. Quick, escort j J. W. Lonovo, clorkj (5. A. BlobiiiBon, innniiKor; C. W. Whlto, ntry; C. I.oitovo, watchman. Coqnlllo Sontlnol. Steamer Sails for Portland With Large List Capt. Nelson Coming. Tho Droakwntor sailed early yes terday morning for Portland. Sho had a good outgoing list and a fair cargo of freight. It Is oxpoctod that Capt. II. C. Nel son, formorly of tho Nairn Smith and M. P. Plant, will roach Portland In ttmo to bring tho vessel back from thoro this trip, as It is understood that Capt. T. J. Macgonn will go to San Francisco boforo leaving Port land for Washington with tho Coos Hay delegation to sccuro aid for Im proving tho Coos Day bar. Among tlioso sailing on tho Dreak water woro tho following: 0. II. Cono, Mrs. 0. II. Cono, Miss Cone, Mrs. C. J. Ostordnhl, Kbba Os torhahl, Victor Ostordnhl, Colea Os tordnhl, TIiob. Joyo, W. Fulchor, J. It. Stlllwoll, II. 11. Henry, Mrs. Hen ry, J. Iloholnndor, J. M. Drown, C. M. Cono, Fred Potorson, M. Dradshaw Mlnnlo Talbot, C. II. Davis, J. U. McDonald, Clins. Duffoy, Albert Motz, Olio Hanson, Mrs. Wndo, J. M. Dnt ton, Mr. Layton, K. K. Jonos, Mrs. J. Hughes, J. A. Drisncll, Mrs. Ilagorty, Mrs. K. It. Warnor, N. II. Mullor, Mrs. W. II. McCroa, W. II. McCroa, MIbq Dodeu, Miss F. Cooper, F. Mln ard, Mrs. F. Mlnnrd, J. Fclshor, Mrs. F. 13. Wndo, Mrs. II. McOrackon, F. M. Hanson, Mr. Iloltnborg, II. M. Cracken, C. Drown, W. Kaufman, J. Martls, Chas. Flshor, G, Damos, II. Lomnndo, G. Johnson, N. Phiuomo, F, Heckmnn. SPECIAL MUSIC IN CHURCHES will oahlktox di:ai MOD lA'NOHKS NKGKO lluton Kongo lVopIo Tako Convicted ltlack From Jail. DAT0N ROUGK, La., Dec. 23. When Bhorlff Parkor wont to the -court, house in Daton Itougo today, lio found tho body of Norm Cndoro, a negro, swinging from a tolograph volo a short dlstanco from tho Jail. Cndoro was convicted of kllllug Jo- fopli Norman, a plantation mauugor. Tie had been takou from tho jail and lynched, HANI) 1)NCK Ninas night. Author of "Our tho Hills to tho l'ooihouso", Pneiiiuonla Victim. NBW YORK, Doc. 23 Will Carlo ton, tho poot, newspaperman and lec turer, dlod at his homo in Brooklyn from pnoumonia, "Over tho Hills to tho Poorhouso," was tho best-known of his earlier works. Mr. Carloton moved to Brook lyn in 188-1, and for soveral years ho had been editor of an Illustrated magazine. From 1873 to 189G ho wroto many poonis of farm nnd city life and traveled extensively as a locturor. Ho married Miss Adora N. Nlles In 1881. For a tinio ho was editor of tho Detroit Tribune. Ho was 67 years old. Plans Made for Fine Service in Observation of Christ mas in Marshfield. Preparations aro bolng compet ed todny for tho special Christmas exorcises In Marshfiold churches. In most of tlioin, n feature of tho services will bo tho special musical programs. Tho following program will bo rondoretl by St. Monlca'a choir at midnight mass, undor tho direc tion of tho choir leader, L. K. Dal llngor: Hymn, "Silent Night" Quartet. Mnss In D flat Farmer Choir and Orchestra. Solo, "Nool" Adam L. K. Ilalllngor. Trombono solo, "Kvonlng Star"... Roy Carpontor. Violin solo, "Trnumorlo" Low Koyzor. Hymn, "Adesto Fldolos" Hymn, "Tho Heavons Dond to Kiss tho Earth" Hymns, "Angols, Wo Havo Hoard" Hymn, "Pralso Yo tho Lord.".... Mombors of tho orchestra undor tho direction of Low Koyzor aro Dr. W. A. Toye, Roy Carpontor and Chas. Schjonborg. Tho niombore of tho choir aro: Tonors W. J. Murphy, B. N. Mc Donnoll, Sopranos Mrs. M, D. Meoks, Mrs. K. L. Robinson, Mrs. C. Schjonborg, Miss Myrtlo Cowan, Miss Mamlo Ma houoy. Altos Mrs. Robort Gobhardt, Mrs. Rebecca Stump. Bass Mr. A. Legal, Mr. L. K. Dalllngor. Organist Mrs. Efllo Farrlngor. ICtiHtbtdo Tree. Tho Eastslde Sunday school and school children will untto in a Christmas treo program at tho Eastsldo school. Great prepara tions havo been made for tho event. Mr. L, W, Travor has beon appoint ed tho now choir director of tho Christian Church. ALLIANCE IN Steamer Arrives from Eureka and Departs for Portland Soon Afterwards. Tho Alllanco nrrlvod In oarly todny from Euroka and sailed a few hours later for Portland. Sho had quite a largo list of through passongors from Eureka for Portland nnd nlso much through frolght. Among tlioso arriving on tho Al llanco woro tho following: Floyd Miller. Mrs. II. Dean, II. Donn, Floyd Eddlo, J. M. Nyo, Jr., T. Ilradloy, Mrs. 13. S. Twambloy, Gladys Shaffer and Mrs. II. C. ShafTor. W. G. Hunter nnd J. E. Walkor woro tho only two Coos Day passon gors going north on tho Alllnnco. NORTH HEN!) NEWS. It is announced that Miss Graco Fulton will tench somo of tho do mestic sclonco branches in tho North Dond schools during tho bal anco of tho year. VESSELS SAIL EARLY S y Many Ships Leave Coos Bay and Coquille River After Some Delay. Yesterday mnrkod tho closo of tho long spell of rough woathor along tho const and tho vessols that have been bnrbound hero and at Handon woro nblo to got to sea. "Prom Coos Day, tho Nairn Smith, A. M. Simpson, Homer nnd Now borg snllod for tho south. Tho L. Roscoo sailed for Gardiner nnd tho Sltislaw and tho Anvil sailed for Roguo Rlvor with a special cargo of morcluindlso and supplies for tho MucIoay estate From Dandon, tho Ellznboth, Ft Hold, Dandon nnd Brooklyn snllod for Sun Francisco. Washington Returns. Tho Btcamor Washington, which hns been on dry dock In Portland for somo time, nrrlvod here jm tordny and will rcutirao tht Cod Day-San Francisco run, with oca Hlnnnl trips to Snn Pedro. EU will remain on this run for it least a oar. contrary to tht rt ports of her being possibly tru forred to tho Portland-San Fru cIbco run. Sho will take on tlf halanro of tho cargo wllch iU left hero when sho went to dry dock In Portland nnd will ul to morrow morning nt 9 o'clock for Snn FrnnclBco nnd Snn Pedro lti passengorfl and freight. i no sieaiaer Acmo carao in jd I tordny at tho Smith mill and till sail tomorrow. Tho master of tit Acmo has gained tho name of I'Mldnlght" Olson, on account ol his foarlcBsncss In running the bar at Humboldt liny, ns no matter what tlmo of dny or night he ;tU thoro, ho alwnys goes In, and tt . is reported to ho tho only skipper I on tho const who does It. Hand Banco Ingles Hall, Chrlit mas night. Times' Want Ads bring results. Times' Want Ads bring results. tf25PSfJST5j H Guaranteed by and for Sale by All Grocers. TONIGHT TEe Royal LINK HROTHKRS Two swell singers. Everybody likes 'om. Miss .Myrtlo Mmllii, tho swoot voiced Prima Donna. In Photo Play Tho Faith Healer. Matrimonial Kxprcss. Grandfather's Clock, . .Jack, as n Window Cleaner All Lui .1 Admission 15c, Dalcony'lOc, for tho double bill. Cat, Drink and be Merry ENJOY LTFE. ENTERTAIN Become imbued with the Christmas Spirit Don't fail to see our windows filled with all manner of delicacies and suggestions for your Christmas dinner. Come and see our immonse assortment. WE OFFER FOR Y0U1? SELECTION: Grape Fruit Fresh Pineapples Orancros nil Sizns. Cranberries. Fancy Red Yakima Apples Bananas Lemons JIquva Pure Mince Meat. Sweet Cider Homo Made Fruit Cake best you over tasted. Ci olden Dates Cluster Raisins Cocoanuts All Kinds Mixed Nuts All Kinds Christinas Candies Fancy Boxed Candies Choice Mixed Candies Fresh Tomatoes Crisp Celery Choico Cauliflowor Turnips Carrots Pumpkins Squash GreenPeppers Beets Cabbage Fresh Parsley We also havo tho famous Red Ribbon and Preferred Stock Lines to select your canned goods from and an assortment of the well known Tlomz 57 Ararioties and many other delightful del icacies and necessities which a visit to our store will roveal to you. OLLI V ANT & WEAVER THE PURE FOOD GROCERS, A Good Place to Get Everything for tho Christmas Feast. Phone 275-J. Cor. Central and Third "Llfo's a .StJiKo" iiml Iho Ut driver smokes Smoke Up and for tho holiday cigar com horo. To tho Indies who nro going to gin tholr husbands cigars, come here. Chances nro that ho buja Mi ci gars horo anyway, bo our bsiIiUim In helping you choose will bo tistf on cortnln knowledge. All Standard Brand Cigars Can Be found Here Also n flno lino of Pipes ana To baccos, , , ... M Pipes rango from the beat down tho moro medium priced. Blanco Cigar Store The Sign of GoodCandy Always Pictures & Framing Walker Studio