1 ,f. .-2S With Goodies FROM STAUFF GROCERY CO. Way down in the too put an Orange then put in some Mixed Nuts then another Orange. This makes just the founda tion that that boy or girl is look ing for. Then put in some of our Fine Mixed Candies and some of MASKEY'S FINE CAN DIES to top it off! with and then some more nuts and Candy. You cannot stuff it too full and if you use our pure candy it won't hurt . . them. Then buy here the good things for the holiday feast and' the day will be complete ' ,'.""' for every member of the family, and the Christmas a, Morry One. But do not put off your buying until the last minute. Come in and give your order now, and wo will deliver in time to assure the presents being in the stockings. Best and finest lino in the city to choose from. Everything fresh and crisp. Phono early. h DEC. 21 F-O-U-R Count 'cm ! Then Count Out Your Change Quick For the Rest of Your Christmas Purchases. DICCOIIATIVK KLKCTIUG OUT FITS FOIt RENT Fruit nnd Flowor lamps at ro ducod prlcoa. SPECIAL DISCOUNTS In Portablo Lamps (or tho Holidays. Coos Bay Wiring Co. Phono aST-J. 153 Ilrondwny N IF PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY OLIVIA KDMAIt, Mcchnno-Thornnlst Scientific Swedish Mnssago, Modlcal Gymnastics ana S. Sixth St. Phono 2on.n. JOKL OSTLIND, Piano Tuner and Repairer. 41b S. Sixth Streot. Phone 103-L J. W. IIU.NM.TT Counott Swanton, Tom T. Donnett Attorney! and Counsellors at Law, Flanagan A Itennett Raak Ilulldtng. Mnrshfleld. Coos Co., Oregon. pKltL RILEY RALLINGER Pianist and Teacher Realdonco-Studlo, 237 So. Droadwaj Phono 18-L. W M. B. TURPKN, AROmTKOT. Mnrshfleld, Orogon. DR. W. MORROW, Dentist. 171 Grime RnlldlBR, over Grand Theater. Office Phono 820. W.G . CHANDLER, Architect. Rooms 801 and 002, Coko IlulldlnR Marfdiflcld, Oregon. DR, A. J. HENDRY'S Modern Dental Parlors. Wo aro equipped to do high clast work on short notlco at tho vory lowest prices. Examination free. Lady attendant. Coke Bids.. Opp Ghandlnr IIoel, phono UT-J. Chalmer's Auto Service J, M. DodKO, Driver. Stand at Palaco Restaurant, Phones, 5-J or 5-L, day and night. Mnrshfleld, Oregon Pictures & Framing Walker Studio "Santy" Only Knew TIIOS HOWARD Jewclor about our fine stock of gift jewelry he would make our store his headquarters. Suppose you como in and look around. The fine as sortment of Christmas pres ents will please you and the low prices will surprise you. All goods sold engraved free. Daily Christmas Hint Here's n line Gift Tor Your Old Lndy friend S"k !' lilrn. r ' Lad, Thinks lllrd Is Stork, una ym. dor Whcro Is Rnby. VANCOUVER, Wneh., Dec. 20 A long-legged cruno, two hoys and n dog woro tho principals In n tragedy today, In Oregon Slough on Haytlon Island, In which tho Btorkllko bird lost Ub llfo. ' 'Klin 1,,,,.., ...III. II... I.. nn ,.. iiiu uujni mm lliuir ,22 Ptlllllrif i-l- 'illlMnti ii, ? K flo and shepherd dog, wore hunting Vou,X7H on tho Island and cnnin mum n.Y. chnren .ua inii. crano standing on ono leg, and pro- ,lurHng Vcrav hnhly aslcop. Crawling close, ono SCo Jo out . J.c.e1'- u .1io".SllS.5& C fo .. DENti.'al,U sajaaSa ,GivcSoin fPiic lift1'11 V voir ul ' cWfi,8 irjnim suitable hoy llrod nnd wounded tho hlg e'rano which could not lly, but tried to got to dcopor water, and Biiccooded ln'cratc landslip Vnltt Blozlng tho bird's leg. Soon tho Ik.vh! effect In 11,' ,e U ,, inn linn... xnuriii . 'eotaMcl "co, 110 laB,.iT.U0Ml "m inning. Y.1' fl of inusln .1?: A lW ovortook tho lluundorlne crontnmn and wrapping a handkcrchlof around tho crnno's hill, picked him up bodily nnd carried him homo. "Look, liiama, wo'vo got a stork," tho hoys Bhoutod, ns they arrived nt homo, "but ho didn't have a Iniby whon wo got him." Uero is a bed slipper that Is comfort Itself, and when proper colorings aro used It Is quite attractive There Is ab solutely nu Hlinpo to the slipper, ns It Is a seamless affair resembling some- .togii u.imiiwrmBgigiA AX ICKLKSS lCKItOX lOWAN'S IXVHNTIOX. MASON CITY, In,, Dec. 20. It now looks as If a llnmpton man had nu Invention which would do away ontlroly with tho Icomnn. It will bo known ns tho lcoless Ice box and If It measures up to Its claims It will bo a vory present help In times of trouble and will entirely do away with tho much Blundered Iceman. It Is simply a miniaturo lco mnuing device which Ills right Into most any refrigerator and makes lco without inbor of any Kind wii,ii 1110 exception or onco In nwhllo putting In tho nccossnry chemicals. It has been tried and found not wanting along thin line. It ca.11 ho used anywhere nnd every where Tho rarmor can havo It at no less cost tlinu tho city ninn. Financially It is to ho a hlg sav ing, tiio plant enn ho Installed at n very Binall cost nnd to main tain It will not cost mora thnu one- llfth ns much ns tho cost of lco, Tho now Invention Is covered nil over with pntontH, A numhor of commercial clubs havo boon after this now Invention trying to got the mnuufacturo In other cities, hut It looks ns if It would ho hold nt Hampton. Tho llnmpton foundry nnd tunchlno shop will mako tho Ice less Icebox. COUI'OIITAIILR ni:t Bui-rat. what the cheap socks that arc often told for menS wear. Such n Christmas girt Is easily mado by the woman who Uiiuw how to do plain knitting Thoo Howard 1 Jeweler Agents for South Rend Watches. MATsMleld. sali:m schools will cost $1 ih.ooo ix una SALKM. Ore.. Dec. 20. A total of $113,000 will ho required for maintenance nnd hottermouts for tho city schools during tho next year, according to estimates prepar ed by tho school board, and It will ask tho taxpayers at a mootlmr Krl dny ovonlng to npprovo tho lovylng or an s..s mill tax. This lovy, should It ho approved, will ho ono tonth of n mill less than that of last year. Of tho total amount, $130,000 will ho needed for main tonnnco nnd oxponBcs; tho remain ing $12,000 for Improvements and hottormonts. SOCK RARXKK WIXS i?:0,oo. Woman Who Rcfrlcudcd l'lnuccr Will Receive Ills Estate. LOS ANGKLKS, Cnl Dec. 20, llccauso sho darned his socks nnd porformed other frloudly services for him, Mrs, Kathorluo Gillespie will recolvo tho ontlro ostnto of Voter I. Thoomcn, a pioneer who died last wcok. When tho ploncor's will Is probat ed it Is expected to show that his es tate Is worth $:10,000, all of which, except n fow Binnll hequcsts, will go to Mrs, Gillespie so that sho may oducato her children nnd live In com fort tho romnlndor of her llfo. .MCDI'ORD l'RL'IT KILLS 775 CARS THIS YKAR Abstracts, Real Estate, Fire and Marine Insurance Title Guarantee and Abstract Co. HKXitY 6ENGSTACKXN, Mtfr. Coqulllo Office Phone 291 Plattlnc Landx a rptUlt7. BVtrnui Timber Coal anfenti "EA8TBIDR" Ganoral Am UaraUleU OBm 14-J. ;-) I'.j' '''' it C j 1 '' Mrs "; m 1 .va .of sir - safe mWw& 'orTW S - tjPKESENTED X Jr Goosmr.emmi. , COOS BAY REALTY ZYNDfGATTE, CEALERS u&s AGENTS COAL COLONIZATION. MIR. firh fduit. ttfmiuu TIMBER L4FQ)S. ! Organizing or musTRjAi C0MPANIS A SPZWLTY sa ' pSOT Tho past has proven that Investments In small aero tracts near growln" cities aro tho most prohtablo. Tho C. B. R. S. has such to offer. Clias I nruschko. Marshfleld. Ore. J' fi-taUnf Ait Cnwirn'A modorn nrlck I IOllt.1 rilllll utIYilAjl Light, Steam Win. Fisher, Proprietor. Phono ordors to IIIHyor's Cigar Stand, Phono 18-J. After 11 p. m. phono 5-J, Night phono 181-R, Mnrshfleld. Oroeon. ulldlug, Electrl' Heat. KlmrnnMii Furnished Room3 with Hot nnd uoia water. HOTEL OOOS O. A. Metlln, Prop. Rates: HO rente a day nnd upwards Cor. RroadwaT nnd Market GET YOUR JOB PRINTING DONE AT THE TIMES' OFFICE. Wo want to play Santa Clans In tho spirit to nil our patrons nnd nenru.iy wisii tiiom our warmest (Jiiristmas grootings. nut to us It Is an nll-tho-yonr round plensuro to prosont our patrons with tho vory host work that it is In our power to do. We know thnt wo havo nlwajs ploasod thorn hitherto mid tho suporior whltonoss nnd gloss o iiiivo given tnoir linen, also with tho promptness nnd thorough ness with which tho work wa3 dono, nnd with our prices, too, Coos Bay Steam Laundry PHOXK MAIN' 57-J. PrevhniH High Year Saw n:il Car loads G11 Out Apples Lead hy Nearly U(M Cars. MHDFOUD. Dec. 20. Krult ship ments from Modford for 1012 will reach 77C cars, against f3-l for 1910, tho previous high year. Thoro v.oro 211 enra of pears, 130 of ap ples and 10 mixed. It Is ostlmnted that 85 cars nro uwnltlng shipment. Kneli yonr honcoforth tho rntlo will increase to a grontor degreo as tho orchards como In bearing. i'f music. taM.. Weil '"PrcparatUv'ilrl nnd tho grown ''Kll Bovernl ,,?..?.. "PUri.il !" kesno " I'M ,0 I'rscnt1and7'.,lrl l oxtendcl to lwerJ enr. to coL. .Vm Koxy nnd wHilT -""K il j aro ... - '""!. Mrs. Alll6P;"'1 Bchooi:ro8cnuueiii The soclnl TTTTT !!"' a? K?Bns vouiib were Vnr ...7' " oxpressed a desire to E" tlieso llttlo social . time to USri nml very ploasant" ' I'nir Lour talklft1 I-nnglols. Ho ,DV.7.!"- "ut social Influenc lltS til 111 .nr..i "1C,W Ron 'ml assembly M t Is proposed to to? ."I tlieso llttlo social 1, ll 1 "olghborheod throu 'th nn; to learn from c, 13 tilings wo need to mu,? II Mil If n n.,,1 1 ""Mil ir' .....: "v .m iMi Wntcli 0 IMtl V&! life and tliolr Bolutlon' wm it ISO! I'HKW! RURXIXG ONIONS SCKXT CITY OP CHICAGO. CHICAGO, Doc. 20. A three story onion warehouse containing ninny tons of tho odorlforous vege tables, cnught flro hero and blazed up rapidly, n fow doors from a west Bldo hospital. Tho hospital olllcors requested tho flromon not to sound tliolr gongs, or mako un necessary noises, nnd thoro follow ed tho spoctnclo of flro chlofs com municating with tholr lieutenants by signs nnd sending notes to tho plpomon. Tho poworful odor of tho boiling nnd frying onions por vndod tho ontlro district within n half mllo radius. .. 1'OKTLAND, Ore., Dm, 11 J iionori Dollar. 18 di ! reiicncii lOKnaoma Thundij. hh imiuy uamagca In atjplocl SAN KKANCISCO, Dm. a rniiiogrnm from the loha eorrospoiKient, tlio raxrlw 4 merit of tho Chamber ot & was Informed today that fcwl ion in .inpau tor the iitdyt Hrltlsh steamer Robert 1 hound from Portland for Shiri uninn. Tlio vessol left the 1 bla river on November It largo cargo of lumber nltrtl 153,292, and Is seven dijiontl nt Kobe. 1 Tho Ilobort Dollar Is a ittisa 3120 tons, owned hj the EovJ Dollar Slenmshln Comrmr e! ! Francisco, nnd commanded t; Ci tain Houghton, slio wai tho Clyde at a cost ot (00,(ll. RUYS FLOHEXCE USD FLORENCR. Or.. Dec. !0-l woro signed hero last Ssturlijp nlng by which Johnson P. Port bought front William Kyle t fa Co., tho tldo land ana wiiem owned by them In the upper fut town, adjoining tlio boom u ,!'." 1,111 r - tlKAAt Mr. Porter B'atod thatbeillli onco sond a crow of men tew u pnir tho mill nnd put It In order mmrntlni Hn Intends to till ready for sawing by Febrouj 1, 1013. , iiia ninnu inolmin tua erectlorici !-.. ,lrvllln nnil cnmfl Otbtt tl' innnla fnr tlin mill. He IntUdl U employ a forco of about 110 w T.lhhv rOAK TI11. fcln,1 VniT nva ALWAYS USED, riiono 72, Pacific steadily and to work a double Livery and Transfer Coninnnr. I during tho sunimor. if . TTe Star Transfer and Storage Co. Is prepared to do all kinds of hauling on short notice. We; meet all traluc and boats and wo also havo tho latest stylo Reynolds Plnno Mover. We Biiarantuo our work. L. H. Heisier. Prop. Phones 98-R, 120-J 9-L. FBEE TO YOU HY SISTER Free to You and Every Sister W I erlng from Womnn'i Aliment fnm a woman, know woinivn'ij aafftrlngi. W Via sta fnnml ViCk Mm FA ..,111 M.1t fpu.nfbnvinilMa tnTUMtU . ...ItV. ! Ljtruprf.mitAanT tnfftttf frQS womiin'iillnii'iiti. 1 want to ttU ioni! thU.our-to. my rtader, for jrjwJ-'S tHl you how to euro yourjelTW Wft out the htlp of t doctor. Mm tiuilwaenW iipiilnei, wo know Utter than ny docu 1 know tlutt roy'homn tnatment U euro for liucoiihjn or Wbltitb M'Pfty5 hill), bilk mil bo.ll, Hm '"V'LUjTmW crimlnt filllni W ti WW'lPWxi,, ? i3 If wtikninu ficulln to our w. I want to send you 1 wjl.li 11 T Itllnlr fmto nroTO to you tnl Jju cmwj unilr. Romewber. tlmt.il "' tcA?t3 UJ J.iVh treatment coinjilrtatrUl. ' ,. wish to oontlnuo. It will coat yon only about ocntu a wecK or ls3."ifii,;:,0tVll tae bo J will not Interfere with your wbrk or oooupStlon. Jutl mi n ioar Vlir f wta pW"11!)!: tint X?tm?tor ,llustons Hhow InB whr women surfer, nnd how ''."""n tho doctor WK HV home. Everv nnin.l,.,,M ..,,. ji...n tn Ik 11k In? h.rta I. Til' n"Bi " ,uy. i..ind thViS3' '"TO "ll'Ji0"." 7 9?n decide for you,lf. S gjW It iao. Irrt,8ular Wcnatruutlon in young Ludloa, t'lumpnos and hrultn ) tll ST1' yo?,retI Cttn "for yon to ladles of your own lKBl"t2d wrtSwM"JS JriSy "Uffercr that thtf Noun Tnilmmt really coriiaU women'adbeasea.onama. . lhTE5lfSwMl4"i,,,u" inl WttafrMtenjtoyitrtatmeH j nobookWritotoHlny, asyou may notaoothti sffer aijiiln. Addriu , ii.Sifc iMotro uui"i MRS. M. SUMMERS, DoxM it o usclv k t k F 1 1.0T.01 01 gj ir Ion Hint ihoi I Cuara: K&'Vml Have your Job printing dono at BMrJM The Times offlce, I , ' ' mill i irmiii iinTirMTiinTrTMirT'1 mm