THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD. OREGON, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 21, 1912.-EVENING EDITION. 2 i mm - Mil !! I.,.,. I ,Mt SPECIAL HOLIDAY FURNITURE SALE Wg want to reduce our stock and to do It quickly have cut prices on everything in the store, Some lines we are closing out at cost and on other goods nmm slashed to make them m ove, All goods are marked in plain figures and you can figure the price yourself, mK Everything in the Store Will Be Sold at 10 Per Cent Discount There are a few lines that we are closing out and during this sale you can buy are Iron Beds, Go Carts and Baby Carriages, Wicker Rockers and Framed Pictures at Co st. GO-CARTS AND BABY CABS $4,75 Go Carts at $3.00 $34,00 Haywood Go Cart $25.00 $25,00 Baby Carriages $20.00 $9,00 Folding Cart with storm shield $6.00 IRON BEDS $13,00 Iron Beds for $9.00 $12,00 Iron Beds for $8.00 $6,00 Iron Beds for $4.00 $9,00 Iron Beds for $6.00 YOUR CHRISTMAS SHOPPING IS NOT COMPLETE WITHOUT A VISIT TO THIS STORE AND AN INSPEC TION OF THESE GOODS AT THESE PRICES, COME EARLY TO SECURE A BETTER SELECTION, WICKER ROCKERS $4,00 Rockers for $6,00 Rockers for 52.75 $7,00 Rockers for I HOO $7,50 Rockers for .00 FRAMED PICTURES 5 Make Beautiful Christmas Presents. $2,50 to $3,00 Framed Pictures, closine: ni.t i ,ft $4 to $5 Framed Pictures, .closing o!L.U.L" ' 60c $1,00 Framed Pictures, closing out at. THE QUALITY AND STANDARD OF THE JOHNSON FURNITURE IS BACKED BY 27 YEARS IN BUSINESS ON COOS BAY, THIS SALE FOR CASH ONLY. STORE OPEN EVENINGS. C. A. JOHNSON OLDEST FURNITURE STORE.IN COOS COUNTY NORTH FRONT STREET, MARSHFIELD. QUS3H m m fimMimb re ft BBWKMV Kfiii-fctt ..Si,. nN X l II I wiliii )) 7 VI n IM&1 i&KSrtf SJJ yJy VJ .. i, I, y i i-Y" 57 v L1T PHHflONAL notices of visitors fia tho city, or of Coos Day pcoplo who visit In otbor cities, togothor 'with notices of soclnl affairs, nro Kindly received In tlio social do martmont. Tolcphono 133. No decs of club mootlngs will bo published nnd secretaries uro Wndly rcancstcd to furnish samo. CONTItinUTIONS concerning social hnpponlngs, Intonded for publication In tho socloty dopnrt inont of Tlio Tlmos, must bo sub mitted to tho editor not lator tbnn 0 o'clock p. in., Friday of cacb wook. (Exceptions will bo allowed only In caRCs wlioro tlio eventR occurred later than tlio tlmo mentioned.) a delightful surprise party by their neighbors nnd friends In Unstable. A now homo for Mr. Simpson nnd family has Just been completed In Hay Park and thoy moved In yes torday, and this affair was given ns a token of esteem In whfch tho family aro hold by tho pooplo of Enstsldo. Tho evening, mado Joyous by hnppy conversation nnd gamoR, end ed with sumptuoiiB refreshment's. Tlio following woro prosont: Mr. nnd .Mrs. II. Whltty. Mr. nnn" Mrs. I'orcy Pcot, Mr. and Mrs. F. I'roy, Mr. and Mrs. Clark, Mrs. Mc Laggan, Mrs. McKay and Mr. and Mrs. Amos Simpson nnd tho MIrhch Mortonsen, Ilorglilld Olson, Mabel, Lcaton, Hilda West, FIosbIo, Madgo and Wlnnlo Simpson, nnd Messrs, Johnson, Clifford McKny, Itny Juob, I.oonnrd Clark, Einll West, Chnrlos Taylor, Archlo and Albert Simpson. 4 I I , 7 ... i ino socini sawing (jiuu met on I tlio prlvllego of oxpondlturo thnn Thursday with Mrs. J. C. Swlnford CHIUSTMAS (HITS. .to do Just what ono hns In mlnd.'At her homo on Commercial avonuo. I bollnVO tlint from tllO lllirBOry dn'B Tim nf!rnnnn nnimnil lii anu-lnir Bho needed pots nnd a now floor, this theory should bo Inculcated.1 when tho hostess sorved rofrosh- t oroom, I ana, nn tho coining to mm wrm rnonts. Anil window shades for tho child- of our blessed Lord was ono great, Tho noxt nicotlng will bo with ron'a room: 'net of sarrlflco, so In planning for jfrfi n I( noeso, .Tnnunry 2. gter sheets woro down to n thrend- our Christmas gifts each child In, Those present' woro: Mrs'. Koeso, baro threo I tho family should bo encouraged to jfrs. Ayro and Mrs. Swnnson. An1 her tnblo cloth was u sight something of solf sncrlflco In tho, ... ... .j. to see; I gathering together of tho money for . Eho wanted scarfs and a towol rack his gifts. I llko to plcturo tho old-, , Kl'ltPltlSK IWKTV. I And n good, plain, usoful dressing fashioned Vlrginln homo, says .lulla ' Hack; . Holmes, wnoro round tho library on Tuosdny evening Miss Colin Sonio kltehon spooi.s nnd a box of (able Orough tho fall months tho Osterdnhl was given n surprlso par thread: el'llilrJn of tho lioiisohold nnd tho ty t nor noino nt nny Park bv a Gho hoped sonio practical friend kinsfolk and acquaintances who number of hor young friends. The would stop I might bo within tho doors busied Osfordnhl family will leave on tho Anil ilguro out that she'd llko a tl.oniBolves In tho preparation or noxr nreakwater for Portland, whore mop dnlnty nothings which shonldcarrr tliov will mnko tl"lr fuhirn honm Or n bathroom rug or n lacquorod on Christmas morn tho sweet words nr,, jjjss Ostordahl's companions trny , or loving reiuaiuuniiicu. took this wny of expressing tholr ' rncnr.T nnr? rnirrnlu fnr ihn ilnnnrtu SOC1.W SKWIXO -o I! - f Or n fow plain plains for ovory day; SIw hoped and hoped nnd she wish- oil a lot, ' But those of course, wero tho things she got: rognrd and rcgrots for tho depart ure. Tho young lady was presented with n fnnnfnln nnn. On Christinas ove, Doconibor 2-t, Tho ovenlnc wns spent In slnchic CIIIIISTMAK KXKWISICS. - I - ' tho Dniltlst Sunday SCllOOl Will glVO nlil nn.l nnnnlnr nnni?.i nn.1 nlnvln.. M. cut glass vase and a bonbonnnlre, a Chrlstmns treo entertainment nt Rnmos, nfler which refreshments A. china thing for rccolvlng hair, tho church. Tho Sunday school Is woro HPrvc,j tho guests by Mrs. Os- Bomn oystor forks, a innnlcuro sot, full of tnlentcd llttlo chlldron who tcrdnhl. A. chnflng dish and a collaret. hnvo boon working diligently In Thoso present woro: A lioudolr cap and a drawn work preparation for this nappy ovent. ' Tho Misses Lnura Dubay, Donn mat, , Drills, songs, solos nnd recitations Mortonsen. Tlorghlld Olson. Mnbel. AqiVa sterling this nnd n sterling are sonio of tho features that pro- Cora and AHco Mnthlson. Cecil and jthat; i nilse to mako this hour Bpont with Ktlin Ostordnhl and .Tohn King. A gllt-eilged book of a lofty theme, tho children a most onjoyablo ono. Androw Anderson, Alf .Tnron. Olaf And fancy bags until sho longed to, Klrhlolt, Pnlmor Nnlson, Clifton Hcrenm; I The children and oldor I'cl)lo of Clirlstenoen, Abraham Dubay and Come curling tongs nnd n powder tho Presbyterian church will hold victor Ostordnhl. ,)Uff I their aniiunl Chrlstmns festival on .j. .$. ivntl a bunch of otbor usoless stuff; Chrlstmns ovo, Decoinbor 21, nt tho , But though sho Inwardly ragod sho church. I DIXXKIt I'AltTV I wroto ! Next In linportnnco to tho chor- 4 , To nil hor friends tho solf-samo Iwhed Chrlstmns troo will bo n niu- Mr nnil Mrs Cnrl Arlnndson ontor- noto, slcnl enntntn, "Tho Light of tho talnod nt dinner Sunday evening nt And said to oanh fit tho dnmpholl Chrlstinns Stnr," by tho Sunday tholr now homo In Forndnlo. host. (school children. Hov. J. K. Durk-. Tholr guests woro: Ttov. Father "iliist how did you guess what I hart will sing and tboro will nlso Monro, Mr. nnd Mrs. John nurlc, neodod most?" , bo a niimbor of recitations. Mr. nnd Mrs. John Morrlsoy. Mr. Mc- .Kiln Hontloy Arthur. ! Tho chlldron nro looking forward Konnn. Kdgar Cason mid Mr. O. K. ' with hnppy llttlo hearts and smiling Murphy. CllirSTMAS shopping and gen- JJcoato "''"..S0"8? . oral iironnrnllnii for thn irreat wl" "l'l'car Willi ins Kica. hiu mu k. 4 . a festal Klin cmwded out nt'?.03o0,0,v;'ock,,"0"t ' r0,",UOnCO j m MBCTI.VfiS. I "! nfCtthP ' clulm'adjoun'od TiSli " T1'" rwoginn Sunday school Practically all tho clubs and othot S?"r Uio h dl.Ss an 1 ost of "ho "111 "'! 'rlstmns festlv ties next organizations have postponed their "wuwronlnoro li "onunl af- Thursday ovonlng In tho Norwegian meetings from next week until tho B!rH. n UMln ninr.i ilnllulilfnl tlinn 'l'u. .. . . '"'' J" Ll " '"ry. lunsmins mun hocniiso of tho prevalent f , 'n(,M2 n" , " "'3 nnlot. I5ven tho Kortnlglitly club Presented, ills llnitl ng tho preson s felt eompollod to adjourn Its dance o Christmas two will rnko ftor tho Invitations woro Issued. ,,nco', "' 5iloh " " " W,U bo iMrntmo tho nil - absorbing Christ- 'ofieshmonls for .ovoryono. wins duties occupied ovoryono. " v NMth tho return of Christmas and .c. n i tho return of innnv nt tho vouncnr ' 1 III .Mi h.MMI'.N lli. (Continued on Pnco Ton) ot from collogo, noxt weok glvos rosy promlso of more nctlvltlcs In woelnl circles, t . .;. A curious thing comes to my mind concerning which I hnvo a word to sny. and that is apropos r honosty. Xo ono has a right to HClvo away anything except what inny bo in oxcess of tho Just do wands upon tho Inconio. Tho toutchor, tho bakor, tho dry goods mnn, noods his inonoy ns suroly as flnes tho onthuslsstlo woman oagor to make n pretty gift or tho lover ro bestow upon his swoothonrt what lie knows Is her heart's deslro Sue Bwssful Christinas giving should vnonu solf sncrlflco to deny onesolf . SPITiELLA CORSETS mny bo obtatnod In Mnrshflold from Mrs. Annie IJollnml, Corscticr. 262 So, Cth St. Phono 200X. The young ladles of tho Xorwog Ian Lutheran church mot at tho - pnrsoiingo last Thursday and or ganized what will bo known ns the Young Ladles Aid Sowing and So clnl circle Tho ofllcers olectcd aro: President. Miss Sundo; vlco presi dent. Dlnn HJolloj trensuror, Jonnlo Johnson. Mrs. R. O. Thorpo acted ns sec rotary pro torn. Tho first rogulnr meeting of tho clrclo will ho January 2 at the pnrsonngo. Thoso prosont at tho mooting Thursday woro: MIrros Sundo, Dlnn Mortonsen, Dlnn Hlollo. Corn Mnthlson, Amolla III lebo. Jonnlo Johnson, Corn Lund, Klslo Larson, Mablo Mnthlson nnd Mrs. Thorpo. fr 4 4 1 i:.sTsini: pahty. i 4 Last Thursday ovenlnc Mr. and. rjpm w V TV? Jk' m V A FOR HER: whnt Is Christ mas without can dy? That is, Pure, Fresh, Dollclous Candy. Thnt'8 tho only kind y o 11 can really think of giving to tho ono you lovo. Stafford's Chocolates and Don lions nil In tho most charmingly hnnd sonio boxes nnd baskets nt prices from 25c to $5. Kvory box gunr o n t o 0 d to bo fresh and In por fect condition. "When hearts speak tho nnswor Is STAFFORDS." All kinds of Xmas Presents at the Busy Corner Shop early -shop here. We are saving you money YOUR INSPECTION INVITED P W 25 o - CQ W The Rexall Store I The Luxury of Hot and Cold Water In your homo ennnot bo overesti mated when supplied through tho niodluni of modern sanitary plumb ing nppllnncos. Wo nro propnred to fit up your homo with all tho lat est ideas In sanitary plumbing, steam nnd gns fitting, nt prices that will onnblo tho man of modorato moans to enjoy It. Willey & Schroeder .10.1 North Front Street. PHONE 77-J " It Takes a Big Load of our feed and grain to supply our mnny satisfied customers. Do you think thoy would keep on getting their supplies horo unless our feed, grain and prices wero satisfactory? Of course not. Then why don't you buy your supplies whoro so many others aro evidently woll treated. Commence today with n trial order. You'll repeat all right. A. T. Haines Phono 100J Wftterfroat, Ufld. STADDEN WOUK, Ilromldo EnlW I Kodak i-iiii!ii' KOTICK OP FIN."' sent Notice is hereby $ undersigned, tne ' ,rlI , qualified and acting , the estate 01 -- , Ca ceased, has filed in tho said e- - Clerk of Coos CoudO the Court has appoint ,, tl10 CtU m tho time fr ,ieiDnVa ,l tho said final account tiement thereof. , Dated this 18th W bor, 1912. .mQi. Roberts, Qftc"- N'oresf,: .S''tl Mrs. Amos Simpson wero tondored 1 " nP