The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957, December 21, 1912, EVENING EDITION, Image 1

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1,1 Mnr.shflcld Is tlto Indopcnd.
lit Times. It Is for tlio rlly
,1 ooiiiiiiiitiKy "rst, lust and
U tho time.
There nro ninny Rood lutrgnlra
to bo found tltorc. Anytlilng
lost or found Is always adver
tised In Tlio Times.
memher of tub associated pres
. wvifl Kstnuiisncu in i7
lOL. AAAVI.1w Tj,0 const Mult.
A Consolidation of Times, Coast Mall t Mn j5
and Coos Hay Advertiser. uu ,0r
""" mmmmmmmm i mn mi m in iii..iictim m.
he joyner case
Lponderance of Evidence Is
inat uruwnuu muii is
Missing Rancher.
Ly Description t of Joyner
Tallies wen wmi Boay
at Examination.
I Coos County officials liollovo Hint
le preiKiiiuuni"-w "i iwm- m.
Ex-Convicts Held in Chicago
for Murder of Diamond
e body found near Tnrlicol Point
that nf Win. .loyncr nnu mm ino in. a-o.i.ii n... , r. i... Tim-i
. ..... ..... n. -' -'
ritery ot ino mmim-uur.... . nu; cuiCAOO. Doc. 21. Every avail
alh SIotiBli rnncner mny soon no nWo cIow wnB foIovvC(1 hy tho olco
lived. . .. .. .. 'today In an effort in find tlio sliivors
Yesterday I entity i-roBOCUiiiiB ; At- ,)f .,,, , , t, (ininan(1
nev LUJcnvIst gathered from urn,.. .i.n ... ii.i..i ...i i....
,-r.e of tlio witnesses at tlio In-; to (1 '.i. ,.. ..... ,,, ... tllo ,.,
tit Bonio important lings in 1110 of tIlo i.I1BllnB .liutrlit. mii,.i, im-
iln of rlrcumBtnntlnl ovldonco nnrtnnpn i. ntt.iM.n.i m ! ...-oat..
hlch Imd boon secured In tlio of C..(Io strntton. nn ox-convict and
,Tner ciroFoon rmor nis iiisnp-i rtiKltI-o from Columbus ponltcntlnry,
irancc, 1Mb undorsloo.l Hint lio i.j.twnrd Iliimpdoii. urrestod with
lines l;o lm soino vory strong strntton. nml two women, elulnilng
Idenco for criminal prosecution In ,0 ,m hl8 wfo nmMl,n.B othGr wlfo
wl ran l.o deflnltoly cstnl. Isliod nmi "Toronto Jim" Johnson, a snfo
,t tlio body found Is Joynor s. I i,nW(!r mnv , lll0 110nltontlnry. F.
Dr. R. Mlngim today completed a f'nnmi rnnnr ,n,ri,.. niin,,,.. f
: pont-morton oxnmlnntlon. Ho 1 tin emmtv. Mnnin.... n... tu-n ...n..
11 unable to find nny trnco of r,8i,B from tlio ImlldliiK nbout tlio
jurui . 1....1. i..u uuiiu uniu or tho Murdor. Ills doscrlptlon
IS had 1)0011 nllOt. TllO lintlly dO- lo.l (n flu. nrrnaf nf Klrnltm. n.wl
anoscd condition of tlio body, iinmiiiimi. sn.nnn wnriii nr inwnirv
tide tho post mortom vory illffl- jH niliwIiiK.
;'t. In met. it- wouui no i m-; Later In tlio dny, rrnnk WllllnniB,
I 10 imtui nun w.iui.iur i..iinii...K,' un i In Im nn nv.rnnvlfl wna ni-rnulml
:!on or r. rniiKiilntlon mlRlit linvo Ho lived with Strntton, Hninpdon nnd
jiod dentb. Tlio frnrturo of tlio tlio two women. Consltlornblo Jow
31 abovo tlio oyo wns found jo, olry wns found In tlio lint.
iiiiRin 0110, nnu innt 110 iirain; Ln(ui. (m nutomombllo driver, who
i not boon Injured from It. Tho i RII,i to lmvn iirlvnn simiinn n.ui
tff bono Of tllO COrilBO WnB Very Hninnilnn nlinnl flin .lv nn n
In and n fillRlit concussion nKnlnst 0f trips wna nrrcstod. KIrIU porsoiiB
mo uiidiiii-iii ... iiiu uivi .i..Ht. in mi aro in custody in contioctlon
re CatlBed It. Wltll tlin nmriln. Tlin nnllrn lmvn n
Tbo absence of liullot wounds do- troiiK bollef that they Imvo succcod-
uiB nnu til iiiu iiii'tiricit nun iiiu 0,1 in lifonlr nir mi n ilnnimrinu mm.
lCCm WCro WOrltlllir 011 In tllO nf nnln lmn.lllu Hint nnnrnln,l In tlin
.... .. 11. ... i. 1....1 1 1 :. "-" ....w. ....... ... .....
' ... , i mil-, city. At lonnt Bonio of thoso urrCBtod
With n BllOt Klin. urn Hlisnoptml nf linvlni? n knnwlmlcrn
Dr. MIiiriis will mnUo n com-' 0f recent snfo IiIowIiibh and otlior
eie repori on ino poBi-mortem to crlmlnnl dopredntlons. A bciucIi of tho
t coro nor h jury Monilay nitor- .vort, sido lint, whoro tho stispots
iva. ixiuiiiur niiy uuiur wiiuunaun . wnro rni-nnliul n iiiiiiilinr nf
III appear then In uncortnln. tools. Instruments nnd n nunntltv of
.. .i,st .f. I'vhlciicc. I dynnmlto nnd nltro glyrorlno enps.
.fltnoiich posltlvo proof Is Inckliiir.
it tho body found Inst Monday,
ir Tnhoel Point Is Win. Joynor 8, f
propondernnco of tlio testimony
kta nt tbo Inquest Indlrntes Hint
U. Tbo Inquest yoflterdny nftor-l
a broiiRht out boiiiu additional
'Ifcnco to Rtroncthon tho claim.
U tho body Ib Joynor'o.
The Innuost was ndJourncd lnnt
Ing until Monday to permit a,'
i-niortcm exnmluntlon liv Dr. I J.
'nVllfl tn 1 n.iAnlnl
"... 111 uu i;uu.i.uiuii. ii djiu;..
port will ho mndo to nscortnln nny
of foul piny. Owing to tho
in? AMorlitM rrru (a Coo. nr Tlmm.
INDIANAPOLIS. Intl., Dee. 21.
ti k ., . ii 11.
i aro you koii'K to convict iiieso men
, jt ,.-.' ," .... . ii.i vro you Kt'iiiK 10 vunvii'i iiieso muii
decomposod condition o o0 ,, tetlnny of dynninltorT
rlnr "in1 ?Ck ot SV ,0" L?l You l.nvo the word of McMnnlgnl nnd
tIor Indentions of foul piny, tho ,l0IlIn, of tho80 .lofondnnts.
to tl ,IO,,,,lBi,i?nCiM,!:ii- m ' Which nro you KolnK to hollovo?"
.JMnth0 'T1"0'1"11, l"10'n,s Attorney Hovoy Bummod up with
S h-? m T T n11?"11,0'.', tl,08o words today his argumont Hint
"her, nro na follows: ii.,,i,i i. tim MPxt...iii ..!
wnRMi of body Is within ono.l'nlf ;
fli of tho height of William Joy-1 Wilson thouuht Hint tho
ff: Tlio decomposition of tho, V0"1' ? U8," , l """!?''' l"nA
P mill tlin boIob nf tlin feot nro '' !""" "' mw --"ii "
Ahi to oxnlBln Hiln dlfforonce Rrm' description of Joynor did not
Form mSy 1 Mto-l'ft owov.or- '"tor ""P"'".0"
Kri, oi ino two miuwuu u liitiiy uiubu
oed. tostlflod principally nbout Joynor'B
Corpse hns vncclnntlon scar on 'description una na to wnoiiior inpy
m sanio na Joynor had I tll0URht tho cor,)B0 wnB Jo'nor8'
Cornun i.o on ..o li n,ii Howovor. In fow Instances, Mr. Llljo-
Inger of rlEht lianl eorrcsnondlnK"Ivl8t flestloned thorn about Bomo
nth aL !L,m2 I' COrinC8PTT nl missing links In tho chain of cir
cumstantial ovldonco which had been
gathered at tho tlmo of Joyner's dis
appearance. Witnesses Yestcitlay.
Tho witnesses yesterday woro
Edna Hindi, Walter McLcod, II. 0.
Dlora, W. 0. Barnes, Thomas C. Wy-
man. James Wages, Dr. Mlngus nnd
fen years ago. Poat-mortom Indl-;C. R. Woodward nnd William Clln
ld that tho rlEht collar bono of. ton.
corpso had been broken. How- Mr. Wyman teatlflod that ho
f. Edna ninny, testlfieii tlmt Jov- tlioucht it was Joynor nnd declnrod
ler did not have tntoo on hand but that ho was posltlvo Hint tho coat
Tai others who knew him well. and vest found on tlio corpso woro
"Hied that ho did. Joynor's. Ho wub nbout tho only
Scar i im ,. ,. i..i ,- ono who testified that articles woro
"e of third flngor. aa Bpeclfled Joynor's. Edna Hlnch declnred they
my uescrlpt on of Joyner, mlB8-pvuiu t. ,, QiMniv
S from corpso James Wages testified positively
Coat nn,i v.i' n,i .... ,in' about tlio location of tho tatoo
..n ,vov iuuiiu u.i i".!'""-! ,. .... .,. , M,- .,,
IIIUIK UClllfi 111 puii.o un n.w ww.j.ww
ns on Joyner. Ho Bald Hint if ho
had found tho body In tlio Ilay,
thoro would not linvo been a doubt
in his mind hut that it was Joynor.
that is If It nail boon recoveroti
ith description given in U. S.
ray inscription.
underwear on corpso samo kind
lt Joyner woro.
far tho principal 'points
ought out that tlio body is not
t of Wm. Joynor, aro:
Wna Hlnch tostlflod that Joy
eft left collar bono was brokon
IIo who helps n child help b humanity with nn Immcdintc
ness which no other help given t o human creaturo In any other
Btaga of human llfo can posslbl y give again.
Philip Ilrooka
THE grenter blessing of giving Instcnd of experiencing tho delight of
receiving forms tho chief expression of tho rcnl spirit of Christ
mas. What n pity It is then, thnt overy year thoro la bo much giv
ing that carries nothing from tho heart, nnd so much receiving, that
It Is llko signing n note.
Thoughts llko theso nro auggestod by tho numerous roplles thnt
linvo como to Tho TIiiicb omco from Its published Snnta Clnus coupon.
Whllo thoro nro not ninny families In dlro distress or need, thoro nro
homes whero thoro will bo empty stockings nnd snd llttlo henrta on
Christmas morning, unless some good nnd generous hearted souls pro
vldo tho means. A number of Mnrshflcld's genuine good follows linvo
promised to nsslat in providing Christians Cheer for theso unhappy
homes, but thoro nro so many ensos and In boiiio Instances bo ninny ar
ticles, such na clothing nnd bIioob will bo required In addition to food
and toys thnt tho Times Is constrained to mnko nn nppcnl to tho genor
ous pcoplo of Mnrshllcld to nld In this noblo work. It Is, howovor, to
bo n gonulno heart offering. There la to bo no subscription lists, no
publicity, no nnmes. This cnll Is for a puroly voluntary offering from
thoso who fcol Hint they would llko to holp in a cnuso Hint is most
I mind mo of .Tcnnlo Dcnns, tho poor Hlghtnnd lnsa In Scott's
"Heart of Midlothian," snld to Queen Elizabeth, to present to whom in
London, her pitiful petition, alio had walked nil tho way from tho brnca
of Halqtilhltldcr: "An when tho hour of troublo comes, na comes It
dais to malflt of us; and when tho hour of death comes, ns comes it docs
to nil of us, it Is not what wo hn' dono for ourBol's, but what wo hn
dono for lthcrs Hint wo think on tnnlst plonsnntly."
Homo of tho letters telling of cases of rcnl need nro pitiful In their
portrnyal of conditions. To holp thoso needy ones, clothing for boys
from .'I to 1C yonrs will bo required, nnd clothing for girls from two
yonrs to 10. Toys for tho llttlo tots will bo welcomed.
Would It not bo giving thnt would bo worth whllo, to romembor
theso needy ones on Christinas day, and let a llttlo of tho light nnd
cheer of your hnppy homo o'orflow Into thoso cheerless abodes whoro
gaunt want makoa gloomy tho j,lnddcBt dny of nil tho yenr.
Tho distribution of theso gifts and donations will bo In ehnrgo of n
commltteo of throo well known Mnrahlleld men, who want no other ro
wnrd than that of doing a llttlo good In n qulot nnd unostontatloiiB way.
All donations of ensh, clothing or ChrlstmnB nrtleles nnd toys mny bo
loft nt tho Times offlco with nsBiirnnco Hint thoy will bo properly enrod
for nnd bo plnced whoro most good will result.
Would audi giving not bo bettor thnn Bending presents to pcoplo
who would bo ombnrrnBaed by tho thought Hint they must Bond ono buck
that will bo equally na good nnd coat oqunlly ns much.
Mnko this Chrlstmna n dny Hint wo nhnll remembor with a Binllo In
tlnya to como, bocauao It was so full of heart's sunshlno, nnd becnubo
handwjroxjoud n hcnrjfolt Jm
Very Sensational Develop
ments Mark Arrests for the
Murder of Diamond Merch
ant Logue in Chicago.
til AnixUtM TiTM to Cool mr Tlmn.l
CIllCAOO, Dec. 21. Tho discov
ery of two human skolotoun In tho
North Sldo flnt which sorved ns n
rendezvous for tho gnng of robhors
capped tho cllmnx todny In a sor
tos of sensations which has attontlod
tho pollco Investigation of tho mur
dor of Diamond Morchnnt Logue.
Tho skeletons woro found In a
closet of tho flat whoro tho otn
cora also discovered a small arsenal,
many goms of various vnluo and
parupliornnlla of professional hurg
Inrs. Erect in tho comor of tho
cloBot tho BkolotoiiB woro Hiirround
ofl by richly broendod gowns nnd
olognnt clothes of ninny sorts.
Logue, who wns shot, stabbed nnd
honteu to denth, figured In a pollco
nffnlr ton yonrs ago, when n Now
York Jowolry sulosinnn suddenly tils-
nppenrotl witn a Baicnoi inn oi
valuable Renin. Subsequently tho
gems woro found In Loguo'B pos
session, according to tho pollco,
Tho pollco aro working on tho
theory that tho persona who killed
Lnguo enmo to his storo with tho
Intention of deposing of somo sto
len Jowolry and becamo Involved In
a quarrel with tho jowolor and kill
ed him.
Following Ib nn Inventory of tho
nrtleles found In tbo North Sldo
Two humnn skeletons.
Elghty-flvo pounds of dynnmlto.
Two qnnrts of nltro-glycorlno.
Throo dozon nnfo-hlowors' drlllB.
Three thmisands dollars' worth of
parcels post stamps.
Threo hunches of skoleton keys.
Six nutomatlc pistols.
Flvo uncut diamonds.
Throo thousand dollars' worth of
Ono thousand dollars' worth of
Tho flnt wns In n fiiBhlonnblo res
idence district nnd wns furnished
luxuriously. Evldenco on overy
hnnd showed Jt was tho seeno of
a dobauch recently.
I0' correspond exactly to what Joy
r is ueueved to hnvo worn.
Is Not Johnson.
Deputy PrnHfir-iiflncr Attnrnnv T.ll
llst who conducted tho examlnn-
:on of witnesses for Coronor Wll- nftm- .Tnmnr lmrt iHfinnnenrod
" Jeerdav Rlntn.1 fn.lnv thnt tho ... ti........ n.i..
Im "early posltlvo that tho q n Woodward, who was for-
Insn as not tunt ot CnPt Gus morly nn engineer on the Osproy,
fuunsn Of tlio Oanrov TTnwnvor. in . ...i..i . P.nlnln flno Tnlin.
0 r in Hint It la nnt hn tins . i nm .lolm1 Hint lio
enl r, . . .Z. : r " " . huh m.114 n.i.u uw ... ..., ..
!,' 0 Gohl Deach for snmnlos Of ... n.tat.. ti. pnrnsn vim nnt
n& . ... - " " " nuo Lu.iu.i. Ktv vw.,-w .. "-i
i ' C1 "rung of Cnptnln Johnson Johnson's body. Tho fingers of the
1, moro tlotalled description or corpso woro long and thin wiuio
the rnnniipr In whloh ma IT R Tfn tastlflnil thnt Johnson wns flvo
$J description of Joynor tallied foet, nlno nnd a half Inches and
.J -- u it.u i;u.isa nrttf out-, itvtbuuu auv,
'. It was sent hv telncrranh and
i t . . t. r " -------. -- - mw -M ,.-..
ure uetauea ono will como uyi . .CLOSIM out tuih at iniia--
"1. Whnn in flrat rannlvaA It ItnTflV. ot rTnJ TIAV CJANll NTllltl'J.
VM MW A..MV .WVM..VM , A &J4 UV W W ... V.--. .
Great Britain Accords Dead
Ambassador Highest
Military Honors.
nr Aulite4 Prt-n to Cooi lliy Tlm".J
LONDON, Doc. 21. Tho body of
American Ambassador Whltolaw
Held was stnrted on its Journey to
tho United Stntes todny, nnd tho
highest mllltnry honors woro paid ns
It Inft T.nnilnn.
PORTSMOUTH, Eng., Dec. 21.
Full nnval honors woro paid to tho
body of Whltolaw Rlod on its nrrivnl
nt this port from London. As tho
train drew In from London, Nelson's
flagship, tho Victor, fired n Bnluto
from nlnoteon guns. The coffln, un
dor escort, wns plnced nbonrd the ar
moured cruiser Nntnl, from tho mnln
mnst of which tho United States en
sign was Immodltely broken.
" Up to a Into hour this nftornoon,
no word hnd beon received on tho
Dny nbout tho Wnr Depnrtment'B no
tion on tho Southern Pncltlc's appli
cation to bridge Coob Day. Not oven
a message na to tho cnuse of dolny
was received. Tho other day, Con
gressman Hawloy wired that It might
bo next weok before It was settled.
Hold Up Two Paymasters and
Get Away With $1200
Today. '
nr AMoclite4 Prtu to Cooi litj Tlmei.
NEW YORK, Doc. 21. Four "au
to bandits" attacked two paymasters
of tho Silk Finishing Company of
America, on tho Lowor West Sldo to
day, boat thorn unconscious nnd rob
bed horn of S1200, tho weekly pay
rolls, and escaped.
wi "WMir-Kver" Aluminum
HV'pplRulo and Paper Cutter
tt'wlth each ?1.00 pur
chase of "Woar-Evcr" Aluminum
Ware. Pioneer Hardware Co.
HAND DANCE Xmas night.
Accuser of Sec. Ballinger Be
ing Investigated by Gov.
tUr jVio.Ule4 rrtii to Cooi Diy Tlmn 1
SACRAMENTO, Cal.. Dec. 21.
Govornor Johnson Is investigating
charges that Louis R. Olavls, secre
tary of tho State Conservation Com-
mlsnlnn hml lIRnil his olllclnl nosltloil
In tho Intorost of a cortain big lum
ber concorn, to get tholr lieu lands
listed ahead of nil others, uy tno
United States Land Department. Tho
charges wero mado by tho stato sur
veyor, General Klugabury. Tho pro
ceedings were executive
King Ferdinand in Address to
Army Issues Warning
to Sultan. '
(nr AmocIHp.1 I'm. to Coo. llr Tlmm.
SOFIA, Dec. 21. King Fordlnandi
of Ilulgnrln todny nddrcsscd nn or
dor to tho nrmy, cxprcaslng appro
elation of tho work of tho troops
during tho enmpnign against Tur-j
koy. Tho order commences, "ny
the conclusion of nn nrmlstlco bo
tweou Turkish nnd allied troops, tho
lliat porlod of tho wnr with Tur
key hns been concluded."
Ho concludes, "You should pro
fit hy tho present moment to rosti
In order to propnro yoursolf fori
ircsn Honors in winch case I linvo
no doubt you will covor your ban
ners with new nnd Imperishable
Special slgnlficnnco is attached In
somo qunrtorn to tho two soiitonccs
quoted, which nro rond nn a warn
ing to Turkey thnt Ilulgnrln Is Btlll
propnrcd to enforco her own penco
Steamer Arrives From Port
landWill Sail Early
Sunday Morning. '
Tho llrcnkwntor arrived In tills'
morning from Portland nftor n fnlr
ly good trip down tho const. Sho
had a fnlr enrgo, Including lnrgo
BhlpmontH of ChrlBtmns goods.
Tho llrcnkwntor will anil nt 7.00
Sunday morning for Portlnnd.
Among thoso arriving on tho
Uroakwator todny woro tho follow
ing: MIbs M. George, Mnrlo Noymnn,
Mrs. E. L. Plorco, Chns. Lnpp nnd
wlfo. Miss Wilson, Mr. Fredericks,'
E. Fredericks, Mrs. Frodorlcks, A.
Fredericks, Dick Johnson, MrB. Dick
Johnson, W. King, Art Conch, MrB.
E. Elliott, Mrs. A. Imhoff, Mrs.
ilitild, Mrs. Goodrich, Geo. Goodrich
II. L. Fong, Earl Powel, Mrs. Powol,
Miss Sndlo Thorn, Miss Dorn Thorn,
Mrs. C. Peterson, Alron Petorson,
W. A. Pullman, C. Peart, Mrs.
Ponrt, Mrs. Jcnnlo HodRcson, E.
Hock, Mrs. Hock, Jack Irvlno, G. W.
Topo. C. O. Gllkoy, W. W. Col
llor, C. J. Homhort, Ilarvoy RiisboII,
Mr. and Mrs. C, P. Ilronnnn, R. G.
McKonzlo. C. E. Pool, Miss A. Job
ophlno, MIbs F. Goldon, Grant
Hunch, Chan. Harlockor, Mrs. G.
S. Chattorton, Mv Chattortion, Mrs.
Grnco Chance, Miss .7. Chance, Mrs.
A. J. Waltor, M. S. Lester, 0. Muf
fott. Mrs. M. Muffott, Mrs. J. Wuko
flold, Sybl Wakoflold, R. 0. Rhodes,
Mrs. Rhodes, Mr. and Mrs, Durch,
MIbs E. LowIb, Mrs. C. 13. Poolo,
F. Ruckort, Thos. Maas, MIbs Nol
Ho Huntley, II. Truoman, MIbs N.
L.Witt, Oscnr Oulovson, II. Wil
son, F. Rorgor, 13. Rorgor. G. Itus
spll, A. E. Stossmclator, II, Griffin,
II. Lund,
Tho Rroakwator encountered somo
vory rough woathor tho laat trip up
after crossing out. hut the run to
Astoria was mado in 1G and n half
hours. At Portlnnd, Cnpt. Mncgonn
riiBhod tho londlng nnd would hnvo
gotten away earllor had not a heavy
fog doloyed him sovornl hours In
tho rlvor. IIo Is planning to mako
n fast run up and will mako up all
lost tlmo. being only about six
hours behind schedule.
Agreement About the Balkare
Terms Expected to Expe
dite Settlement.
Unable to Agree About Send
ing Supplies to Adrianople.
1 Austria Cornered.
IHf At-orlal! Titfi to Cool 111) Tlm--,r
LONDON, Dec. 21. Tho nnxlou
ly nwnlted Ottoman courier hns ar
nrlvod from Constantinople bearinr
fresh Inalrucllons to tho Turklal
penco plenipotentiaries. In vfow ot
tho forecast of theso Instructions toR
ogrnphed from Constnntlnople, It a
feared Hint tholr contents nro ltludj
to prcclpltnto troublo. Thoro Is- Ht-r
Ho doubt, howovor, Hint tho forolgw
nmbnasadora hero during tholr corr
vor8atlona havo mado an Irrntrliiv
nblo rupturo of tho penco conforonetf
until thoy hnvo tried to hrldgo th
gulf Bopnrntlng tho nlllod Ilnlkan na
tions from tho Turks, on tho queat
tlon of tho futuro of Adrlnnoplo.
Plans of Austria.
When tho peace envoys met ngnlu
In conforonco thin nfternoon, Sorvlw.
declnrod hor routllnosa to nccopt thw
prlnclplo of Albanian autonomy nn
neutralization. This movo linn tho
object of mnklng AuBtrla Ilun-pirj--expluln
tho reason for hor nrmnmentw
nnd sny whnt hor ultlmnto desires
ronlly nro. Fenr Is outortnlncd In
somo qunrtorH thnt Austria Hungary
Is planning a schomo, If It proves sue
cesHful, to mako Sorvla a kind of -
vassal Btato. It In rumorod thnt Aua
trla Hungary Intend to lmpoao a Hin
Itatlon on tho atronRth of tho Sorvtaat
nrmy, which neither tho Unlkon lea
gue nor Russia would over admits
Thla altuntlon. it in said, exprnln
why Austria Hungary Is Itoopriifr lrs
twolvo nrmy corps on war footing.
Prevent CrlMs.
Tho poaro tlplegntca woro rocolvcd?
In uudlonco today hy King Goorgo at.
nucklnghnm Palace. Each dologiUIant
wnn rocolvod separutoly hy his niujo
ty, who In n fow cordial words, 1m
prossed tho envoys with his ciirness
hollo Hint MlccoKH wnulil nttnn.T tlm
nogotlutlons. The ngroomont vrtat
reached hy old powers of tho auto
nomy of Albania, and In rognrd to ta
conimorclnl outlet on tho Adrlntfo:
Bon for Sorvla havo lnrgoly dlssfpn
tod tho nightmare of a Europonn wur,
NowspnporB of Eurnpt, with a vlrtua-J
unanimity' hull this ngroomont. the
first result of tho ambassadorial "con
vorsatlons", with tho groatoat sntl
factlou, and as marking a sottlomont
of the Inrgor crisis.
Illicit Over Adrlnnoplo.
Today's session, tho fourth sinew
the pence conforonco begun, wns tho
longost yet hold. Tho dulogatcat
hod boforo them Turkoy's froah lt
Btructlons empowering tho Turkfsfv
tlelogutlon to treat with tho Greet
representatives on condition that
Turkoy bo allowed to rovlctual thor
fortross nt Adrlnnoile. Tho dls
ciirsIoii of this quostlon occupluut
tho entire session nnd an agrcomonS
wns not ronchod whon thoy ndjourn
od to moot ngaln Monday.
It in understood Hint tho conten
tion of tho Ilnlkan nlllos Is Hint,
tho question of rovlctualliig tho fort
rotiB Is a quostlon of tho tonus otT
tho nrmlstlco nnd thnt they have
no power to Interfere with tho
8tv, ICnnv IoNtpnucH Rejoinder to
Mndero's Nolo.
(Br AmoIM4 1'r-n to Com llir Time. 1
WASHINGTON, Doc. 21. Tlio pres
entation of tho Stnto Department's
rojolndor to tho Moxlcnn roply to
Socrotnry Knox' noto of Inst Soptom
ber, demanding protection for Amori
enn lntorosts in Mexico, may not tako
place until after tho holidays. Knox
is leaving Washington todny for his
homo in Vnlloy Forgo, to bo absent
until nftor tho holldnys.
"Wear-Ever" Aluminum Roasters
for your Xmas turkoy. Cookod In
n Wodgowood Rnngo nnd sorvod
with a Gunrnntcod Carving Sot.
Sold by Pioneer llimlmiro Co.
131) TODAY.
Eight cars of a Smith-Powers log--glng
train woro dltchod noor Coon
City last night. Tho cars woro In the
roar end of a logging train. Althougti
tho logs woro dumpod In had shape-
tho cars woro not much dnmagexl
Tlio prlnclpnl dnmnge wns tho tear
ing up of a long stretch of railroad
track, two crowa working all night
repairing it. Tho morning train was
not nblo to go to Coqulllo until nboua
Something In art or craftsman
lino. Prices right at Wolkor's Studio.
Will Havo Charge of President WIT
hon's Inauguration.
(Hr AmoiUIoJ rr-w to Com Bay Time
NEW YORK. Doc. 21. WHHnri.t
C. Eustla of Washington was selects
today ns chairman of the InnuguraJ
commltteo which will have charKe oS
President Wilson's Inauguration Ht
Ih n hrothor of tho lato Senator Eur -tls
of Louisiana. Tho soleatjnn &t
announced by William McCom
chairman of tho Domocratlc natioi