The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957, December 20, 1912, EVENING EDITION, Page 2, Image 2

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aaauBJZgi:'j:,:iJirhrhMtaffm!rt rTpae
Christmas Jfiint
A Gift Milady of the Limou
sine Will Like
i, jmiiiiiii itii
i ... ....i... iliiititiiltm nmn1ti la trt
Barrels Post Stumps Will Measure "mton which tl.o
One by One mill n Half Indies ' lii-l woniiin who owns Hit own cur ,
mill Will ho In Two Colors.
WASHINGTON, Dec. 20. Winter
styles In postnge stamps were nn
jionnrpil by the Post Olllco Depart
ment. Art nml hulk intermingle in
tlie newest of Unrlo Sam's paper
nunres, which now nre being run
from tho prossos in the government's
jirlntlng olllco, bo ns to ho renily to
3o Into sorvlco when tho new Parcels
Vost act becomes operntlve on Jnnu
ry 1. There are two color schemes,
Tod atamps for tho gcnornl use of the
Tpnbllc, nml green, to ho known ns(
"'iluo" stamps, ilealgneii merely to
witness collection of postage on short
Eiattl mnttor of tho fourth class. j
The stamps with which tho parcel,
mailers among tho general public
will strugglo will he roil for all do-'
womlnntlons, ami will measure ono
!by uno and half Inches between tho
perforation lines. The stamps now'
In iwo for ordinary mailing purposes
are only Bcvon-olghtl'.s by three
quarters of an Inch. I
In n curved panel across the top of
tho now Btamps, supported by n pen
led porpendlcular column at either
end, will bo engraved tho words, "U.
"S. Parcels Post." Tho upper corners
will lie occupied by triangular orna
jmonlB. Largo numerals In tho lower
nicrs will Indicato the stamp de
nominations. Tho only dlfferenco In
the "duo" stamps will bo In the col
or. Tho art work on tho Btnmps will
vary according to tho prlco paid for
Uhom. Tho Illustrative subjectu will
Ibo im follows: Ono cent stamp, post
onlco clerk, two cont city mall enr
wlor; three cont, railway postal clerk:
!our cent, rural cnrrlor; llvo cent
Toxin train: ten cont, steamship and
tronll tendon llftcen cent, nutomobllo
scrvlie: twenty rent, noroplano car
rying mall: twenty-llvo cont, mnnu
fticuitlng; fifty cont, dnlrylng; sov-enty-Ilvo
cent, harvesting; $1, fruit
growing. ,
Ordlnnry postago stamps will not
w accepted as postage on fourtli
dnns mnll matter nftor January 1.
Neither will parcols post Btamps bo
valid for payment for postago of the
jflrst. pp"nn(l and third classes.
fg K
This Will Be Absolutely the
will bo glnd to receive on Christmns
The largo center pocket will hold
various belongings, ami tho sldo pock
ets aro for vanity trinkets and tiandker
Five Days to
I Dec. 20 1
County Clerk Watson Issued tho
tfoHowIm; mnrrlngo licenses during
itho wok:
Kay W. lledgpoth and Sadlo
(Cooper, both of llaudou.
Alex. Stonolnko nml Ellzuboth A.
Did You Ever Get Left ?
Well, You Will if You Don't
Do That Christmas Shopping
at Once. That Means Right
Slclnlechner, both of Temploton. I nff TL. M:..f,n. MntU
coaniiio Herald. ' Off This Minute NOW.
Holiday Offering
Ever Staged on Coos Bay
Seven-Piece Imported China Salad Sets
six beautiful and exclusive patterns, f g
regular $2.50 values, Saturday's M U
Xmas Sale price the set, . . J V
Supply Limited to J 00 sets Come early our Christmas line is still complete,
Come to the Peoples' Store where the people like to trade "Always Something New,"
Peoples' 5-10-1 5c Store
I know a man named "Dublo flay." Ho novor lots his temper
stray. Ho wenrB around n happy grin and always pushed out IiIb fin
to glvo onch ono n hearty Bhako and, somohow you Just have to
tako his big old paw and grip it tight becnuuo ho makes tho day
moro bright, uo incotB you when you ro fooling sick, and snya: "Old
boy, you are a brick. I novcr saw you look no wall, although I hear
you've had a spell ol grip, or mumpH, or rhoumntlz, but you don't
show It In your phiz. So, when old Dublo passes on, you'ro changed
from weak to man of brawn. Ho hears that you aro down In luck
that by mlBrortuno you vo been struck, and thou tho old scout hunts
you up nml says, "My boy, let's go and sup upon tho fatness of this
land. You'ro not knocked out'. Cot up and stand." When Dublo
gets you thus In tow, your knocked-out feeling hns to go.
I often think nbout this mnn who brings to Tom, and Dick and
Dan Bomo Joy that drives nway their woo and makes dull days with
brightness glow, and thou I wonder why wo, all, don't lift our bro
thers when thoy fall, and holp them through each weary mllo, like
Dublo, with a Jovial smile. Hut, still, wo'ro busy with our d renins.
Wo have no tlmo to Bcnttor bonms of brightness for our neighbor's
way. Wo ro not nil built llko Dublo Day.
I Ml
Make Your Christmas Last All Winter
Tho One Ideal Gift for All the Family
All the Year Around.
You Possess All the Music of All the World
When You Buy a Columbia Grafonla
$25 to $200
Lockhart-Parsons Drug Co.
"A great ninny Improvements
over tho preaont tolophono sorvlco l'wtvv n,os' ,,,Mn " (,Vl """J" "
aro promised during ,, siusluw.
Ixcicpiiuuo me iiusi iwu juuiB uf
Improvement, tolophono inon," Bald FLORENCE, Or., Doc. 10 Tho
a trnvollng mnn. "I mr'5 I'ortor Dros. mill nt Florenco
I .. ....... tl'llftli llfld lint n mini. ni in.l.1 n
was mixing with an oiucini or tuo "" n iuiuu u
lloll sorvlco In nnothor city sovornl whlstlo In n yenr and a half, Is
days ago, and ho predicted that tho nrnl roporloil ns going to stnrt up.
next two years would boo soma Tho Porters hnvo bought Bovornl
marked chnugos for tho hotter. Tho ncies of wntorfront up tho river
prosont switchboard hns outlived its from tho mill. This bolonged to
usefulness and hns boon put Into William Kylo & Sons, and It hns
tho background by bottor, modorn- for somo tlmo been known that
Izod CQiilpmont. Ono trouble with tho futuro of tho mill doponded on
tho present switchboard Is that whothor tho Porters got this land,
tho tolophono girl hoops hor oyos Kylo & Sons nskod sovornl thous-
rlvotcd on tho lights nenr tho hot- nml dollars moro for this land than
torn of tho board. Tho person hnv- tho Porters woro willing to pay,
Ing n number nenr tho top Is not nnd Kylo & Sons suggested tho oo-
notlcod so readily. IIo waits. Ono llo of Florcnco pay tho dlfforonco,
of tho Inconvonlonces which some- a proposition that was nlmoBt un-
tlllien cmiRn niimli rnninlnlnt In Inl. nilllllOllSlv rolnntnil.
' - . ' I
onhono nnorntors. It In not nKvnva It was thon 'ronnrlnir tlmf dm
nn easy task to got employes that mill might possibly bo romovod.'
aro nlort and prompt. In Bomo Hut Inst Snturdny, after sovoral'
parts of tho country tho automatic weoks' negotiations, tho donl for tho
phono finds much favor. Tho au'lnd was closed, and recently ono
tomntlc phono Is nil right whon It of tho Porters, snld that tho mill
works. Sometimes It does not work, would bo onlargod to a capacity of
After you havo flddlod around wltlinoiit 1 80,000 foot.
nn nutomntlo phono and rocolved hogging has been steadily going
no nnswor your patience becomes" on nt tho head of tho Sluslnw nil
oxhniiBtcd. Thoro may bo no ono fH. sovornl million feot being ni
ne mo oinor onii, nut u is a ro- iuuy in xno wntor.
lief to ubo a phono on which
thero Is somobody to nssuro you fllAUITV HALT IS CKNSOItl:i)
that 'party don't nnswor.' In somo c.,.,1.,., Afi i .' T7 ...
in , . . , w . npokano Mlnlstei-s Stop 'lJimnv lliiir'
cities tho sorvlco Is bettor than In ,, 1N)Hpo rllsl,i,Mmllo Dane"
othors. San Frnnclsco lins a hotter SPOKANE, Wash., Dec. 20. A
sorvlco than Marshflold. This may wel1 dofned Uno between what ho
bo due to tho fact that San Fran- ffi "t ""S.
Cisco hns both tho Doll and tho William C. Hicks, dean of AH
Home or automatic sorvlce. Two Saints' Episcopal cathedral, whon
3jBioiup In a town, howovor, aro n ll0 orlored stopped tho dancing of
nulsinco and a financial burden. ,?.?, ",UI!J!J n"B'," ,tho "Cubanola
. 1 ulldo, "tho Grizzly Hear" and
MILMOXAiitKS' WIVES 'other "rag" dances nt n fashionable
INDEPENDENCE, Kan.. Dec. 20. tol.
Twolvo of tho wealthiest nnd Eluding that his prohibition was
most prominent women of this city disregarded, whon his oyos woro uoi
were- summoned to servo on n jury upon tho dancors, Doan Hicks and
i,!,. c,"so ot Jnn,os n,". chargod Cannon Gross patrolled tho bnll
wlth firing a shot through tho win- rooms of tho hotel until tho last
(low of nn Intorurbnn car, nenr dnneo was over.
horo, endangorlng the lives of tho .
passengers. Among tho women . .CLOSING OUT TOYS AT IIATJ.1
summoned aro tho wives of two IMUCH at COOS HAY OAm tiTnin.
mllllonnlro oil operators, two h-m,.. W AS" STOI1"
ers1 wlvos and two suffragist lead- WHEAT $1.75 PER 100 A!
ers- 'n.VINES.
Surviving Itnclicloi'H of California
Town Will (Vlcbrntc.
FEUNDALE, Cal., Doc. 19 Tuos
day night, Decomhor Ul, during
tho last fow hourB of tho year 1912
tho bachelors, of Eorndalo who aro
ovor IIO yenrH of ago will bo hostn
at n unlquo banquet nt tho Ameri
can hotol, a dinner of thnnkBglvlug
for having escaped tho matrimonial
nets of designing maidens during
leap year.
Bachelors from other parts of
tho county will bo invited to nttond
nnd Join In tho fonst of thanksgiv
ing for being allowed to coutliiuo
tho enjoyment of uuwodded bliss.
It Is reported that tho girls aro
toutntlvnly planning to rnld tho
bnuquot hall, armed with hatpins
and pronchors, determined to hnvo
husbnuds nt any cost, but tho bach
elors nro not fearful ns thoy In
tend to havo Bovornl largo mlco
chained In tho doorwny.
Judge non Illllor will ofllclato as
master of coromontos.
i ui
UcivimcN Acting Supervisor of the
UiiiHim National Forest.
Tho IlOBohurg News says.
Smith C. nnrtrum, supovlsor of
Unipqun Nntlonnl Forost, nccompnn
lcd by Mrs. llnrtrum and tholr chll
dron, loft last night for Portlnnd
whoro ho was called by tho United
Stntos district forostor. Mr. nnr
trum hns boon In tho forost sorvlco
for ovor 13 yonrs and Is tho oldest
supervisor in point of years In tho
sorvlco in tho ontiro United Stntos.
His long oxporlonco lias no doubt
had much to do with his selection
by tho govommont for this Import
ant work. During his nbsonco from
tho olllco horo his place will bo tak
en by Georgo nonobrnko, who has
recontly beon promoted from tho
position of deputy supervisor. Mr.
Uonohrnko is well qualified to fill
tho position having boon in tho for
est work for n number of yonrs un
der Mr. Dartrum,
Iloschiirg to Iuin. SKcll UcnJ
on I ttishirss Houses Now.
KOSEIll'ltO. Dec. 19. Tte c!'
council Is planning to Impou i
occupation tax on practically t
kinds of business hero to meet H
city's current expenses. Th li
tor IlmltntlnnB will not enabli tt
council to levy a heavy tnou
general tax to moot the cltj'i ei
nouses next year. In addition t
din lIcmiRes tiHiinllv levied la
J city, nn annual occupation Ui
propuHOII, 111 iiiuunoi
Nursory Btock nptenls. 150; bK
agonts. per day. $10; tanh. lit!
boot black stands, f 10; contrition
$10; fruit packing houses, UO; P
coninnnlos. $TiO: Ico lactorf K
'cold stornco. $50: pool and inau
halls, $G0; sporting Bo, I
spray manufacturer, $!5l
snlo tobacco stores. $25; wnlnE
porformnnces, $2.50; theaters, ft
ontlla nilllllHllon. $10 Ptf BMtl
theatorB, over five cents admUta
nr. nor month: hardware w
$10, keeping harness, $10
bakeries $10. keeping confection
r. virn. .inic stores. UJ':
whiskey, '$10. with blar. ''
with building materials, W, V
Ing estnhllHhmcnts without "?
per $15, with newspaper S5,
ii fniinwini!: Shoe store, l
browory and Ico. $75; dottaW
lB $10; furnlturo store H J
stables $2:.. gnrase M
nlshlngs $30, harness rtcp J
.. . . , ,uv. 150. Ju
HOIOIH, over fi ""''''in.
ry $25. livery stables !$ .
ory $15, plumbing ?):
tographor $50, real o-
?25, shooting gallery ! "
n , wnrks It
fountain $15, urtlertaken .'
rloty stoics $15.
OTK.UJKU hi; . -"" "1
hEAVF. SAN '--' jo
DECEMiiKii nmja
Whhy COAL. The d
AIAVAYH J.'"" . '"TinBpd.
lilvery and i"1"""
Times' Want Ads bring results.
Trv T" Times' WapJfc,
a .r,,.rt Pnmlii nation;
Something really &Z!g
and at the same time benefi
Golden Rod OCB0CEs
spell "Golden UuU" "