THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD. OREGON, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 18, 1912 EVENING EDITION. tf'nXH iiivTriflfT?H'niV sS7 Bart Wcjrjfj tw ft I Fj ' vsV''jiiiBB I 4LJbB fin tlmt nnyono on Coos Bay will rccolvo. otrftu Ilia itmffoei It Mrx VTOU want Santa Claus to M- .i.AM L. -4. 4.L'- -J. 2iup neie cii uus siure on Ills way to your chimney and Christmas tree; there are more things here than men and big boys want for Christ- mas'than in any other store in town. Some day soon you'd bolter como in and pick out the things you'd like to havo liim deliver; we'll mark them for him and guarantee to get them there at the right moment. Hero arc a few things that Santa Clans will bo glad to cany for you : Hart Scha finer 4-Mnrx Suits and Ocrcoats; best Clirisl mns Rift possible, $! 8, $20, $25, $30, )5; finest made. Smoking Jackets if'5 to $12 tounghiff Tobcs $-1.50 to $10 Unibrcllas $1 to $5 Suspenders in .Boxes 50c to $1 J50 yeckwcnr in Boxes 50c to $1.00. Combination Sots 75c to $2,00 gdinnny other useful presents for niojiandjioyg. WOOLEN MILL STORE This Moro N the homo of , Hurt ScliairiuT At Marx clothes tides for Dni'iammt, hi"?,.ow . '1 . lTlvon th0 tlmo n"d MnShfleld. W,UCr Tho thloa nro plnced In tho order if urrurrence, with tliclr times on ilio first lino nnd hoIghtB on the i-potid lino of each dny; n compni son n consecntlvo heights will Indlrnto whether It Is high or low wafer. Tor high water on tho bar, '''"tract 2 hours .'14 minutes. IS Mrs.. 2.23 fi.27 n .10 mil 5.5 10.22 n.8 11.09 C.l 5.00 3.2 'Ft. . 10 His. Ft.. 20 His. 'Ft. . 21 His Ft . . a I WEATHER TORKCAST. 2.1 3.17 2.0 4.12 2.0 o.'ao 1.0 1.8 i. in 1.0 5.39 0.2 c.r. 3.5 11.25 3.7 0.0 0.0 C.31 0.7 OHEGOX Occasional rain to 1 night. Thursdny probably fnlr. SouthwcJt to west winds. LOCAL TEMPERATURE RECORD. For tho 24 hours ending nt 1:43 a. in., Dec. 18, by HonJ. Ostllnd, special govornmont mo tcorologlcal obBorvor: Maxltnuin 54 Minimum 44 At 4:43 a. m 47 Precipitation 74 Wind Soutl west; rainy. I HORN. I RPDXAS To Mr. nnd Mrs. Theo dore Hudnns, nt Heaver Hill, nt Hie homo of Victor Hudnns, n son weighing 11 y, pounds. Xh'tp Lives Hero. Mrs. Dennott Swnnton of Marsh field Is n nlcco of Jacob Knnini, tho wealthy Co lunil)la river pioneer, who died nt Portland tho other day. Receives Sml News. D. McCnr thy, tho timber crulBcr for Coos county, recolved n telegrnm this morning bringing tho sad news of tho tlenth of bis father In Now Hrunswlck, nt tho ago of 79 years. LoMt. Aulo Crunk. Mrs. A. I. Hotisuworth was tho victim of n nonr-nuto nccldent tho othor tiny when she lost her auto crank. Slio was nblo to stop tho machtno all right, but It couldn't bo started again. Lmvo on Hinge. Tho following pnsscngors nro booked to lcavo on tho Drnln-Gnrdlnor lino tomorrow morning: II. J. Mnthlson, E. A. Lnhoy, Win. Stolnhardt, L. J. Mor gan, E. D. Doran, II. E. Dultman, Hov. Drowning, A 11. Cnso, P. E, Douipscy and Henry Dlock. DOLLINGER To Mr. nnd Mrs. Dolllngcr nt their homo on North First Btreot, Tuesday, Decombor 17, n boy. Mother nnd child nro doing well and tho father thinks hu has tho finest Christmas pros- WNAVWW Improve South Slough. It Is ro portcd that South Slough pcoplo will appear boforo tho noxt meet Ing of tho Port of Coos Dny Conv mlsslonors nnd urgo Improvements In that waterway. A now ehnnnol Is desired. It Is claimed that tho old channel when thoro Is a strong obb tide makes It dangerous for small boats, as they nro llnblo to bo carried out over tho bar. FOR RENT Ono largo front room with stovo In It, sultablo for two persons. Call nt 321 So. Rrond-way. FOUND Vosteiilny Tho keys on n ring. Owner mny havo snmo by paying for this ad nt Times olllco. FOR SALE Good imylng restaurant In nearby town. Address Z, enro Times. U Rclcgnle. Don Chandler, son of Mr. nnd Mrs. W. S. Chnndlor, has been honorod by election as dolcgnto from tho Oregon Sigma Nu chapter to tho national conven tion of tho fraternity, which will bo held at Atlanta, Ga. Ho will leave Eugcno this wool: nnd will meet n friend nt Santn Barbara, California, who will mako tho trip with him. Enrouto homo thoy will visit nt Now York, Washington, and Chicago and othor points of Inter est. PERSONAL NOTES CHAS. JACKSON of Ross Inlot Is In town today. MISS DETHEIi STOCK Is In Marsh field for tho day. MAYOR JORDAN of Eastsldo Is n Mnrshflcld visitor today. A. H. M'DONALD of Lakeside Is In town todny on business. J. S. MASTERS of Catching Inlot Is In town on business. MRS. H. E. DERRY of tho Cream ery Is In town shopping. ED NOAH of North Inlot Is a busi ness visitor In town todny. REV. DROWNING leaves on to morrow's stngo for Gnrdlnor. MRS. D. L. DARKER of Sumner is n Mnrshflold shopper today MR. and Mrs. A. F. JOHNSON of Lakeside nro Mnrshflold visitors will visit relatives In Eugono, re turning In two weoks. AL SMITH Is In town. MRS. NEPTUNE YOUNG Is a vis itor from Lnkesldo. NELS nnd JAKE MUNSONaro la town today from Ten MlW J. D. CLINTON, n rancher from Norwny Is In ..lnrshflold on busi ness. JULIUS KHUSE of Isthmus Inlet Is in town for n fow days on business. C. J. COLE Is In town from his homo on llnyncs Inlet attending to business. HENRY 1HGGINS Is In town to day from his ranch on North Coos River. MISS LULU HODSON of North Coos River Is a Mnrshflold vis itor today. J. L. JOHNSON of North Inlot is n Mnrshflcld business visitor today. MRS. ORVILLE WILSON of Sum- ncr, who has boon visiting at tho Fred Dnrnnrd homo for tho past few days, returned homo to-tiny. MRS. SHERMAN CUTLIP waB In town from hor homo on Daniels Crook. MRS. L. D. SMITH of Daniels Creole Is a shopper In town for tho day. ROCCO DIASOA of Coos River Is In town todny. Mr. Dlnsca, who was seriously Injured a year ago by falling from tho roof of his barn, Bays ho Is beginning to fool Hko hlmsolf, MR. nnd MRS. BT. DENNIS of Inlot nro In Mnrshflcld today shopping. MISS OLLIE RICHARDS of Sum ner Is spending tho day In Mnrshflold. WILLIAM MORGAN nnd wlfo of Daniels Creek nro Mnrshflold vis itors today. MRS. R. J. MONTGOMERY and sons of Eastsldo, nro Mnrshflold visitors today. JOE KNiailT has roturnod from Scottsburg, whoro ho has boon employed in tho Oardlnor Mill Company's camp. Ho reports tho camp has been closed down for n couplo of months. WANTED Man to net iih runner for small hotol. Apply Times olllco. Havo your job printing .ono a Tho Times office Times' Wnnt Ads bring rosults. mm 1 TONIGHT nu ie Royal Howard & Hart k Taco nnd Character Come dians. 1 Sew Reels Pictures no He IKMitcrs. 1 Maverhk Ration of Sierra Smith 5 ug nnd tho Count 1 n Account of a Hnmlkei- I EOOd nu. , n,l Inu lUadMloii, loo to'nny sent. Rnhson's Anlmnl Circus Coining Soon.. WANT ADS. FOR REXT Two-rooni furnished npnrtmont. Inquire Nnsburg Gro cery. TO Your Christmas NUTS wd CANDIES From Us Stock is Fresh and Complete. auff Grocery Co. "cjrs uonoics. Aono 102 WANTED Position ns cook In ho tol, hoarding houso or prlvato homo. Geo Gooy, P. O. Dox 507. NOTICE Will tho lrty wlio pick ed up an umbrella, mission hnu dlo, nt Golden Rulo, last ovon Ing, kindly leave tho same nt Times office WANTED To Imiitow i?MI( on Improved ranch, 3 to 5 years. Address M. D caro Times. rOU.VI) Yesterday In 12:15 ntito, botweon Marshfleld and North Bond, pair of gold-rimmed spec tacles, Owner can havo samo by npplylng nt Times offlco and pay ing for this ad. WANTED Competent Stenographer state salary and oxporlenco. Ad dress Dox COO, Marshfleld. WANTED Armless revolving clmlr. 1 .MUSI 1)0 Clicup. nuuit vy...., ! caro Times. HOARD AND ROOM' For four. Ap- , ply W, H. Durghagen, West Bunker Hill. FOR SAWiJ Old newsimiiers; n big ! bundle for a nickel. Just the thing to start fires wun. HOARD AND ROOMS Hotel It tin, centrally located. Good ta bio, homo cooking, and large comfortablo rooms. Reasonable rates. FOR SALE Dry wood, fir nnd al der, at Campboll's Wood Yard, Ferry landing. Phone lPtf-L. WANTED Two steady roomers nnd I boarders In prlvato homo. Mrs, 1 Matson, 340 First Btreot. OUR CHRISTMAS PRESENTS ARE THE BEST, FINEST and CHEAPEST EVER SHOWN ON C00S BAY i Make Your Christmas Last AH Winter The One Ideal Gift for AH the Family All the Year Around. You Possess All the Music of AH the World When You Buy a Columbia Grafonla ROBERT U, FEEBLE of HnyneJ Inlot Is n business visitor to Mnrshflold todny. MISS UMA MARSH has roturnod from Gardiner, whoro slio has been tho guesc of Mrs. Frodor Ick Brown, wlfo of tho Southern Pacific cnglncor In chnrgo of tho construction work near tho tun-nol. REV. FATHER SPRINGER of North Bend was In Mnrshflold yestordny nftornoon. MRS. E. A. STIFFLER of South Inlot enmo to Mnrshflold yestor day, and roturnod today. MR. nnd MRS. CHARLES MAIIAF FEY of North Coos Rlvor, nro Mnrshflcld shoppers today. MRS. A. D. BOONE of Sumnor Is visiting nt tho homo of hor son, Archlo Boono, for n fow days. MRS. JOHN COLVER of Catching Inlot returned from n visit to relatives at Loon Lako this morn-Inj,'. CAPT. DUNSON of Arngo Light Is in town today and says tho bar has been vory rough, tho Inst fow days. S. C. ROGERS of South Coos Rlvor oxpects to lcavo tho first of tho yoar for an oxtondod visit In Soutborn California, FRED HAUSCHILDT Is In Mnrflh flold from his ranch on Coos Rlv or. Ho Is building n houso on his Eastsldo proporty. S. E. MARSTERS, editor of tho Gold Bench Globo, nccompanlod by his slstor-ln-lnw, Mrs. Mlllor of Myrtlo Point, was a Marsh flold visitor this afternoon. D. F. DARNARD of tho Hrm of Barnard & Langworthy, loft yes terday on tho Breakwater to nt tond tho Eloctrlcnl Contrnctora Association ineoitng In Portland, Boforo returning Mr. Bnrnard SOCIAL CALENDAR. WEDNESDAY. j Prlscllla club with Mrs. Win. Nolson of Dny Park. . ' PASSEXOER Btoamor O. C. LIN DAUER satin FRIDAY 7 A. M from ALLIANCE DOCK. San Fran clsmco faro, ?10. Los Angeles faro $17.00. Try Tho Times' Wnnt Ads. "I hopo I'll hnvo a Chrlstmns troo A hundred tlmoH ns tall ns mo, With candy nung on ovory limb Enough for mo nnd Tiny Tim I hot that Stafford will como, too, For ho has tho vory host to chow, Ho'll como along with Santa Claus An' bring his candy boro, bocnuso Ho has tho kind that I lovo best, For It Is goodor than tho rest Decauso IT'S STAFF0RDS We are agents for Oliver Typewriters Marslifield Cyclery Phono lrSH-R 171! Rrondwny $25 to $200 Lockhart-Parsons Drug Co. "THE BUSY CORNER" pH0ME . MAIN 298 US 6 MORE SHOPPING DAYS before tho big flurry Is ovor nnd ovoryono mndo happy. Ro Horvo your cholco now of Xmns gifts ns our lines nro bound to vanish rapidly on account of rcasonnblo price's. New Designs and High Grado Quality Gifts. AT THE LEADING DRUG STORE Wo havo a nlco lino of both Imported and Domestic Perfumes In fancy packages, 25c and up. Bonutlfully Boxed Xmas Sta tionery, 50c to fS.OO. A comploto lino of Lndlos' Hand Bags, mado of genulno Seal and Morocco Leather, Silk and Kid Lined, bosldos aovoral othor kinds to suit your special taBto. Wator mnn'B Ideal Fountain Pens, onuf Bed. Come iu and boo us. For Quality Goods and New Designs i Jk fl m i v, y . ! .f-':-rrj v?v-.?