THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, MONDAY, DECEMBER 16, 1912. EVENING EDITION. GUST TELLS OF JjIS TRIP Aviator Christofferson Making Great Hit with San Fran cisco Flights. V. C. dorst, who with his part nor, Mr. King, returned ft fow days ngo from Los Angeles nntl Snn Francisco, reports that Snn Fran cisco Is Greatly enthused over tho hydroplnno exhibitions by Silas Chrlstofforson, tho Portland avln tor, who nindo tho flights hero un der tho auspices of tho Coos Day Times.' Tho Snn Francisco papers nro printing first pngo stories and pictures of tho nvlntor. It wob tho first hydroplnno exhibition glvon nt Snn Francisco. Just beforo leaving Snn Frnncls co, Mr. Oorst says ho wns on ino Redondn eating supper, llo heard a whirring nml Instnntly realized It wns n flying mnchlno. Ho hasten ed to tho deck nnd saw Chrlstoffcr oon flying nbovo him, tho nvlntor evidently having recognized tho ves sel, flow near It. Mr. Gorst placed an order with Olon Martin of Los Angeles for ft three passenger hydroplano which will reach hero shortly. Ho says that In California, they 'cbargo tho passengers from $25 to $100 for much shorter flights than Chrlstof forson gnvo hero for $li. Mr. Gorst while cranking nn nuto se verely Injured his laieo nnd hnd to go on crutches for nwhllo. Snn Frnnclsco papers ropnrt that ono day Inst week, Chrlstofforson's CHICKEN CAS 1 F 1 PROBE ENDED BETTER ROADS I No Indictments Returned in Cooperation Proposed Between CERT BY THE ID Disappearance of Mrs. O'DonnelPs Fowls. ' COQ17ILM3. Dec. 1G. Ucforo ad- Coos and Douglas Conn 1 - ties Talk Bonds. Reports by Messrs, Morrison and Journlng last week, the Coos conn- Snvngo to tho Coos County Good tv grnnd Jurv returned not n truo Honds association hero Inst Friday bill In tho 6'Donnell chicken dls- night showed thnt about $20-1.30 nppearanco caso from Mnrshfleld. liod been spent In tho recent enm Thoro wns so much conflicting tes-Pnlgn, which wan nbout $0S.C0 tlmony beforo the grnnd Jury thnt moro thnn wns rnlscd. However, tho mntter wns simply dismissed, tbero Is n lmlnnce of nbout $30' , Mrs. O'nonncll. when hor homo nt In tho old nssoclntlon's treasury. Hunker Hill burned, took nbout 50 which will bo secured, leaving tho, chickens to Marsnfleld nnd had .association a llttlo over $30 In them kept near tho corner of Con- debt, most to tho Coqulllo papers trnl and Second streots. Ono night for printing. most of them disappeared and shol Ktlgor McHanlel reported thnt ho, chnrged n number of well known hnd sold suniclont membership Coos Bnv men with "stenllng them' .cards In Xorth llcntl to moro thnn! and hnving n big chicken dinner. pay for tho special olection Job Tho grand Jury continued tho In- work ho did for tho association. vesication of tho troubles between ' ' '" '" UlllU Short and Harry Wllklns t HmZ& .1 'h. Si, "ill -. tn i, a-ii in-..i of tho county thnn tho norm nut Ten Mllo until tho April term. A number of mnttors wore taken ip by tho grnnd Jury, but few In dictments wcro returned. Frnnk Cameron, who wns hold for ped dling boozo on South Slough wn8 nbout tho only ono hold. However, tho grnnd Jury Is plnn- nlng n big session nt tho April Mayor Morrison thought this wns iliirt tn nnr nt vnvf 111 Mnrnlif Inlil ....U Mil,!. ...... ... .....W...0 nnd lack of opportunity to let local men Join. .1. C. Snvngp ndvocntod n enm pnlgn to orgnnlzo good ronds nsso clntlnns In nil tho counties so thnt nt tho next election It would bo possible to enrry a good roads law term when additional ovldonco will, thnt would permit tho counties to probnbly bo brought In In n num- l8H1I0 ,)ont,B nml R0 nlpa,j wth tll0 her of mnttors thnt wcro reported, nroioelB for Investigation. Divorce Cases Up, Of tho sovernl divorce- cases up For Tiiuucillutc Worlr. Hugh McLnln sold thnt It wns nil right to proparo for tho future, but Masonic Opera House Crowded For Entertainment Ben efit for Library. Tlin Mnnnnln nnorn. llOIISO wns pretty well tilled yestordny nftor noon," dcsplto tho lnclomont wenther for tho apcelnl concert by tho Coos liny Concert Hand, tho concert wns one of tho best thnt tho bnnd bus glvon and tho vnrlous num bers were enthusiastically npplnud cd. It wns announced that tho band would glvo n bonoflt concort ft week from next Sunday nt tho Ma sonic opcrn house ns n bonoflt for tho Mnrshflold 1'ubllc Library. An admission of 25 contB will bo chnrged. A flno program Is being nrrnnged by Director Fonton. Director Fonton, nftor repeated renuests. gavo tho descrlptlvo fan tasia "Winter." This beautiful se lection described a sleighing pnrty going to a dnnco, their nrrlvnl, tho dnnco, n breakdown nnd tho return, nnd wns mndo very realis tic by nn Imitation snow storm. Another number worth special mention wns "Homo, Sweet Homo" ns It might bo plnyed In different countries. Victor Grnhnm mndo nls first np penrnnco ns a bnrltono soloist. ANDKIIRON IS HUTTKIt. Inst week, tho Epperson enso fromtllnt Co0R county wnnted something! Mnrshfleld nnd tho Mnchndo cnsoi,lon0 immcdlntoly. Ho snld thnti iiiiiii .uiiiu j u.n. .. ...... .... I(V rolt HIIrc U10 t-ooa county courii pnninnp r nnr nn -,-- nnnn iiiiii ni mi ii .. m . . . . ... a . .. -mf-lirtt wntit linnls tti lilm ntiil lm' nml n . l,n tncrnti n Im.l In wn n' , 0BFi "ml C" '", ,l, WOllllI flimlsh a COIIDlo of portoblo Ln. V S J "An,?.,, " Si n"f ,Jm.?:...?'r8- 'or ? .wmHls. which , would Improve llio mniVv iin-Hniiirnrq mi.iv nf vim n I ""'". " . "i. ' ,, ' '' "u,,,i" " '"I cmiyon OH tllO M.VrtlO Point TOnd ir nrn not bios h y an rnncLrn ? .Hall !'cnrin .fo-.MS EPPonon "m, n,n c Douglas county would ngroo to put patch concerning ono of his flights, ono cnB0 ovldonco was brought In Ti ni,, , Hm mn.t u n .n. says: "It's tho most exhilarating sport In tho world," said Sonor Carlos SanJImos, consul gonornl of tho re public of 'lloflvln, hero, following n trip over San Frnnclsco Hay In n hydroplnno with Silas Chrlstof forson. tho Portland nvlntor. "I folt safer In tho nlr thnn with tho nvcrngo chnuffeur In nn nutomo- WHEAT 91.7." bllo." HAINES. nbout n stntutory chnrgo which Ep-' rnro 1() n -ivMxed community. porson nn.i men ngn nst ins who sonntor I. S. Smith said (he and n "in" nnmed HI boforo Jus- connty wn8 hnndlcnppod bv lcgls tlco Stanley at Conulllo. , "latum nnd pointed out that tho .iiiuiiio i-. .myiiiuj b Kuiiiiuu . 'willamotto valley reslilcntn wore n ticcreo irom win. .i. .Mcuuroy. John L. Mooro was grantod n dl vorco from Dulslo L. Mooro. PEIt 100 AT DonA Overlook This Great Mfoimey Saviinig Sale Wc have lost sight of profits and cut prices to make the goods move before taking our annual in ventory. This is all standard quality merchandise, and many articles are suitable for Christmas pres ents. HERE APE JUST A FEW SAMPLE PRICES: $1.00 Monarch Shirts for .80c $1.50 Cluett Shirts for $1.15 $3.00 ITats, -STow Stvlcs, for $2.15 $2.50 Hats, Now Styles, Tor $1.70 50c Caps for 25c 50c Neckwear for 40c 25c .Men's Sox for 20c $11.00 Men's Jersey Coat Sweaters for $1.50 85c Cotton .Blankets for 70o $1.25 Cotton Blankets for 95c $2.50 Cotton "Blanket s for $1.95 15c Arrow Collars for 10c 50c Men's Suspendors for 40c $1.00 Wool Underwear for 80c $1.50 Wool Underwear for $1.15 $.1.50 Men's Dress Shoes for $2.75 $1.00 Men's Dress Shoos for $3.00 THE BAZAR house of quality Phono 32 MARSHFIELD Latest reports from tho hospl tnl at Ilnndon sny that Itoll An derson, tho solo survivor of tho Soeley-Andorson logging wreck, Is getting along ns nlcoly an could bo expected. Tho burns In boiuo plnros, especially on his lower limbs, wcro very deep and will tako soino weeks to heal. Coiiulllo Son- tlncl. Cl'IMtV NOT IIIIV YET. IF "Santy" o illy Knew THOS HOWAllI) Jeweler about our fine stock of gift jewelry ho would mako our store his headquarters. Suppose you como in and look around. Tho fine as sortment of Christmas pres ents will please you and tho low prices will surprise you. All goods sold engraved free. vory conservative nnd that It would bo difficult to got them to voto for any bond Issuo measure Ho said that Coob county should work with Multnomah anil other progres sive counties In getting somothlng dono. Ho snld lm hnd In mind n lnw to provldo thnt nuto licenses Bhould bo paid to tho county clorkB nnd tho Inrnmo from thorn bo used In tho rond fund. Ho nlso npoko In fnvor of o liberal appropriation by tho stnto for an exhibit at tho Pnn FranolBco exposition. Ho Bnld nun no wiiu icu u.ruKHi(MiB on inu proponed 1500,000 appropriation, which ho would linvo to voto on In tho sonato. Ho said that Coon county, having tho largest number of roBOiirfOB, would probably do rlvo tl'o greatest benefits from tho showing tho stnto mnkos nt Snn Francisco. Cost of ItoniR Dr. Bartlo proposed thnt tho county go nhend with tho good ronds work under tho two por cent bonding lnw onnctcd. Uo snld thnt Just nn soon nn tho Icglfllnturo mnkcR It nvallablo, ho though tho county Bhould mnko tho most of It. Ho snld thnt two per cent would rnlFe $100,000 nnd UiIb with tho $130,000 or moro coming In nn nunlly would ctinbln tho county to build upwnrds of forty miles of rond. This would ombrnco tho 20 miles from Myrllo Point to tho Douglas county lino nnd tho road : from Coob liny to Shoro Acres. itiioii from tlmo to tlmo tho county i could raise additional funds nnd build moro ronds. Ho nlso suggest ed tnnt tho districts most benoflt j teil mnko speclnl tax lovles and do I tho most possible I Ho mndo n motion thnt tho Doug Ins county court bo naked If thoy would mnko n good rond out of Its pnrt or tho uosoburg-Myrtlo Point hlghwny If Coos county did out of Its shnro. This cnrrlod. Mayor Straw suggested thnt tho mountain pnrt of tho rond bo plnnkod with four-Inch plank, say ing It would bo less oxponslvo thnn tho permnnont rondwny nnd conse quently moro could bo built. Ho rnvored getting nn estlmnto on tho cost In both Coos nnd Douglns counties and then lotting tho work In ono big contract, nnd thus got It dono moro cheaply. Prisoners to AVoik, Mayor Morrison suggested that toos nnd Douglns counties unlto in: n roqucst to Governor West to hnve n Inrgo number of stnto pris oners put on tho work on tho enn yon pnrt of tho Myrtlo Point rond In Douglns county. Ho snld thnt ho thought tho Douglns county com missioners could bo induced to co- opornto If thoy woro approached In mo rigni way. They aro now sur veying tho road through Camas val-1 ley with a vlow to improving. Ho snld Dinger Herman had nlso ox pressod himself In fnvor of It. Owing to nn error of hoiiio of tho county ofllclnlfl tho Dnlryvlllo BalooiiB wero Biiminnrlly closed Boon after olection, but within n wools wero running "full blast." They will close permanently at1 tho j 'loglnnlng of tho year. Oold Beach MIOIIO. It was suggested that Coos, Cur ry and Douglas counties unlto In an effort to hnvo thq government spend Itn $10,000 In Oregon on the Myrtlo Point road. Messrs. Morrison, Snvngo nnd Kolly wero nppolnted n coinmlttoo to drnft n resolution notifying tho county court In Coos county that tho association favored Improving tho trunk highways first and also to notify tho Douglas county com missioners that Coob county would Improve Ita portion If Douglas would do tho same. Tho fliiostlnn nbout specifying any pnrtlculnr rond to bo Improved wnn discussed nt length. Some thought thnt unless enro wns oxorclsod, jealousy notweon tho communities might defent tho movement. It wns Biiggosted thnt ilnndon would bo placated If thoy wcro assured thnt tho 12 miles of rond from thero to Curry county would bo Im proved, while tho bnlanco of tho county might ngroo on fixing up tho Myrtlo Point rond If Douglna county would ropnlr Its sharo of It. I. S. Smith nnd Mayor Morrison urged thnt n doflnlto program bo outlined, that Douglas counly'fl nt tltudo bo ascertained, thnt plnns nnd estimates of tho cost bo obtnln cd when tho tlmo Ih ripe nnd thnt n campaign of education bo carried on. A resolution urging Sonntor Smith nnd ItopresontntlvoB Durton and Polrco to do all thoy can to has ten necossnry loglslatlvo action was adopted. Sonntor Smith, Mnyor Straw and Hugh McLnln woro nppolnted n comniltteo to hustlo now momborfl or cno uoos county Good ..onda ns Boclntlon on Cooa Dny. It was decided Tlint no furthor meotlngs bo hold until tho legis lnturo passes nn net enabling tho county to tnko ndvnntngo of tho iwo per cent bonding lnw. Have Your 1nl nrlntlnf ..nnn n Tho Times ofllcn. TlhoSo Howarcll Jew eler AgoutM for South Iteml Watclies. Multifield. XOTin: OF FlXAl, RinTriFMFXT. Notlco Is horoby glvon that tho undorslgnod has fllod his final ac count In tho mnttor of tho estnto of John Hllbnkn, doceased; that tho County Court has Bot Monday, tho third day of Fobruary, 1913. nt 10 o'clock n. m. of snld day at tho Court Houso In Coqulllo City, Coos coillltv. Oreiron no ii !. and placo for tho hoarlng of objec tions to said final account nnd tho Huiwuiucni inoroor. , ... . -rRKD HOLM. Administrator of tho estato of John Hllbaka, decensed. (Flrat publication Dec. 1C, 1912 last publication Jan. 13, 1913.) ' fete hJULf-fTm i rt a i b ... GGtCN RDOWLUNGCa H Used systematically and persistently Foh Breakfast it Will Help (7 jar "Your Complexion. ALL GRO 'HtS iririiL MmfE.iUkiUi!.M.e I. , i,i, ,f .4144,. ..,., 7 T, I wo Important Questions WHAT TO GIVJ4? UVlimtPJ TO GET f, TUB HUB CLOTHING AND S1I0F nn SOLVES BOTH QUESTIONS F0U Yoi Our store is full of useful, practical for ovory member of tho family, An unusual assortment of lhinn- inon wnmnn mil nliilliwm .,i.. .. 1 ciato aro now ready for your selection. Wo have ovcrijthim for men ami l0ys. WHY NOT A BENJAMIN SUIT OR OVIWCOAT? "MONEY TALKS" Hub Clothing and Shoe Co, Marshfiold Bandon Hi 'I Wi llU ''' '4' Jj X M t Useful Christmas Gifts MEN WILL APPRECIATE An electrical sift is certain to plcaso any man. There is business-like practicability about a handsome IDlcctrio Desk Lamp, for instance, that is certain to find instant fa vor with him. An Electric Desk Lamp throws a strong concentrated glow of light wharc it is needed, but leaves the eye in rest ful shadow. The Electric Ciffar Lighter An Electric Cigar Lighter is especially con venient for the don, library or office. M more need to search for matches-no more burnt matches to litter tho desk or floor You simply touch the cigar to tlionsbcsos pad and you havo an instant, cwiilifjni Then, too, the risk of fire from a smoldering match is oluninatod. Other electrical gift suggestions for men aro: Shaving Mirrors, Massage Vibrators and Shaving Mugs. ";T1; Trice $1.00. Oregoim Power Co. Phono 178. li ARE YOU LOOKING F01 HOLIDAY GIFTS? i silver My stock of Watches, Diamonds, JjJTO; utoosl ware, Ulocks, etc., lias oeon seieciu" . caro for this season's selling. ,. , i.er0 aft The most exacting taste will bo satist ea tho prices are extremely fair and attractiu. Gall and bo convinced. ,v.liased. Engraving free of charge on goods vmiu F. Wo BERTRAM onECO-1 jKWKi.i:n, 1,10 Xorth llroailwny MAnsiiFiniJ. The Times Does Job j L tH - i i ii -- -mhMUUIimimm,. m