iB1 'a jf8fflEglgg!iSgagi!ro THE C00S BAY T'MES, MARSHFIELD. OREGON, MONDAY, DECEMBER 16, 1912. EVENING EDITION. If!' 1 Men's Shoes - j In our exclusive Men's Shoe department we are showing the most up-to-date line of Men's Footwear We are sole agents for Selz Royal Blue $3.50 o $5.00 Florsheim Shoes $5.00 to $6.00 "Hunkidori" Chippewa High Tops for Loggers Woolen Mill Store Men's Outfitters. worn TIDICS 1X)K DECEMBER. Below Is given tho timo and height of high nnd low water at Mnrshflold. Tl.o titles nro placed In tho order nf nnrtiiwMAMMn ...111. Mini, tlmna nn Iui ULUlllluuti;, nikii biiu. b.u.wu , the first line nnd heights on tho second lino of each day; a compiw Ison on consecutlvo holghta will Indicate whothor It Is high or low water. For high wntor on tho hnr, . Riihtrnct 2 hours 34 minutes Interests, left on tho Redondo Coos River Is In town on busl- for Snn Francisco to spend tho ness. holidays. Ho expects to return MIgg MA1JELl MIIjLg la ,n town to tho Hny shortly. , . , CHARLES MAHAFFY of North from Sumner today. Coos Hlver wns In Mnrshflcld to- LUTHER JUDY was In town today day. from North Coos River. C. II. DUNGAN is In town today J D. CLINKINDEARD was n Sum ranch, nor resident in town todny. W. T. 'lIRNnUYX of Hnlnos In- MRS. WAKEMAN of Camp 1 WB lot wns In town Saturdny on bus iness. GEORGE WITTB of South Coos Hlver Is In Mnrshfield today on business. MIIS. S. A. YOAKAM of Coos Rlv- Marshficld today n Mnrshflold visitor todny. MRS. 1 D. BLAKE of Catching: was visiting In town today. MABEL MATIIISON of Bunker Hill was In Mniflhtlold yesterday. Oar Toilet Setts Are Abso kafceSy the Finest Ever Slhowini on Coos Bay At Prices from $3.25 to $25 Manicuring Sets from $2.50 to $20 THE LATEST, NEAT EST AND BEST. AVE WANT YOUK INSPECTION. LockhartParsons Drug Co. Ti:.V MILE WEDDING. lira.. Ft. . Hrs Ft. . lira., Ft. . I Irs., Ft. . G.2G 1.7 C.03 4.7 C.33 1.3 O.G 0.1 10.17 3.7 10.52 3.7 11. G2 3.C 7.1G 4.9 4.27 5.8 r..u8 5.3 5.33 4.8 12.40 3.4 10.59 0.4 11.32 0.0 0.0 0.0 C.45 4.3 WEATHER FORECAST. OREGON Rnln In tho west and- rain and snow In onBt to night nnd Tucsdny; BouHnvcst crly winds, brisk to high nlong tho coast, LOCAL TEMPERATURE RECORD. For tho 21 hours ending nt 4:43 n. in. Dec. 10, by BcnJ. Ostllnd, spoclnl govornmont mo tcorologlcal obsorvor: Maximum 50 Minimum 42 At 4:43 n. m 4G Precipitation 78 Wind Southwest; rainy. cr is in business. TI-lQttlMr IflVVnVWV nf Ttnviioa Inlet wns In town Saturday on J- n NOAH la In Mnrshflcld business. day from North Coos Rlvor. MRS. J. J. CLINKINBEARD of, MISS SIGNA STORA of Coos River 011 MRS. W. B. FARRIN of Sumnor Is n Mnrshflold shopper todny. to- DnntelB Crook Is a Mnrshflold alimitint tnilnv I w. it vnnnAK nf rinntnia ni, MRS. LAURA M'REA of North In- ls n Marshfleld visitor today. HORN. On Christmas ovo, Miss Styllght nor and Mr. Munson, both of Tom lilotou, will bo united In mnrrlago nt the homo of tho brldo-oloct. On Christmas night thoro will bo n wpilillntr ilniirn In tlin Tnmnlnfnn hall nnd tho Elliott orchestra, con-' stating of Fred, Claudo nnd Clydo Elliott mid Mrs. Mnudu Peters will furnish tho music. It Is nlso reported thnt n sister of Miss Styllghtnor will bo mar ried on Jnniinry 17. I CHAPMAN To Mr. nnd Mrs. J. W. Chnpmnn, nt tholr homo in West Mnrshflcld Sunday night, December 14, a dnughtcr. This la tho only daughter of tho fam ily, nnd Mr. nnd Mrs. Chnpman nnd their many friends nro ro Jotclng ovor hor nrrlvnl. Mr. Chnpmnti Is assistant engineer nt tho C. A. Smith mill. wns n business visitor to Marsh- Hold Saturdny. MRS. ALFRED MNDSTROM of llaynca Inlet Is In Mnrshflold to dny on business. MRS. MARY KRICK nnd llttlo (laughter of North Coos River nro In town today. INEZ JOHNSON, tho bookkeeper for tho Pioneer Hardware Co., Is taking n twb weeks' vacation. MISSES NETTIE nnd ALICE HED don of Daniels Creek nro nmong tho Mnrshflold shoppers todny. MR. and MRS. C. H. CODDING of Mllllugton nnd llttlo daughter, Elizabeth, spent Sunday In this city. MRS. JENNIE LANDR1TH nnd daughter, Blanche of North Coos Rlvor, nro Mnrshflold visitors for tho dny. MR. and MRS. W. F. RAU. form erly of Marshfleld but lately of Mcdford, nro now located In San Francisco. MISS CATHERINE DYER of Dan iels Creole la tho guost for n fow days of Mrs. Cliambora on Commorclnl avenue. ARTHUR KOLSTAD returned to Mnrshflold this morning after spending Sunday with his par ents on Cooa Rlvor. TIEDOEN To Mr. nnd Mrs. F. A. Tledgcn nt Mercy Hospital, North Bend, Sundny, Dccombor 15, n son. Mr. Tlodgon Is superintend ent of tho Mnrshfield schools. MRS. C. W. MONTGOMERY and son, Jay, left on tho Redondo, to visit her parentis In Snn Fran cisco during tho holidays. MRS. T. F. HAUSC11ILDT of Coos River Is n Mnrshflold shopper today, nccompnnlod by her daugh ter, Miss Ethol Mcintosh. FRED REED of Medford Is now driving for Gorst & King bo tween North Bond nnd Mnrsh flold. Ho haB fully recovered. I MRS. STUTSMAN loft on tho let spent todny in Mnrshfield. EMIL nnd LOUIE STONE nro In town todny from Catching Inlot. CAPT. W. 0. HARRIS of Sumner Is n Mnrshflold visitor for tho day. MRS. JAMES NOWLIN of North Coos River Is In town for tho dny. CAPT. DAN ROBERTS of Allegany enmo to Marshfleld this morn- lug. HERBERT GEDDES of South Cooo River Is In Mnrshfield for tho dny. MISS BETHEL STOCK of Sumner wns spending tho dny In Mnrsh- flold. JMR8. B. L. ROBERTS of Catching Inlet was a Mnrshflold shopper today. J. M. BARKER of Fnlrvlow camo down on tho Sumnor boat this morning. W. VARNEY, wlfo nnd daughter ot Coalodo nro In Mnrshflcld today shopping. MISS EDITH M'CULLOUGH of Lakcsldo wns visiting In Mnrsh flold today. MR. and MRS. J. M. HOWARD of North Inlot woro Mnrshflold vis itors todny. FRED STOCK of Sumnor wnB la Mnrshflold todny looking after business Interests. NINIAN WEBSTER of North Coo Rlvor wns n buslnoss visitor to Mnrshflold todny. Umbrellas Covered Brcnkwator for Portland, whoro hmo hob iiuun mmimuiicn an n wii- liens In tho Hcrrmniin-llnll trial. nt i Marshf ield Cyclery Dayton Phono irSH-K New Road Goorgo Nov 1b drlv Ing piles for tho now Ten Mllo road. MRS. EMILY M'FARLIN loft Snt- i urdny nftornoon for hor North Dinner Party. Mr. nnd Mrs. inlet homo. Sho hna been vlslt Carl Arlnndsnn entertained nt dln-j lug Mrs. Em in a Hllhorn tho past nor Inst ovonlng In tholr now homo wcok. at Forndnlo. IW. II. KENNEDY loft on tho Ro- I dondo for Snn Francisco on bua- Flno Dunce.- Tho dnnco glvon by, Iness nnd to Join MrB. Kennedy, - . I... r T. 1. .1. .., ......... . ...1.- ,.- ..I..III..... UI.... i ....I- ngCIIln, IIIIO vuu nu) uuuiiiuii a nuup in, who ih vimuiiK uiuiiiih null iimi- 171! Uronrtwny Eagles' nail Snturilay evening was uvea tnero. well attended nnd provod very en- MRS. MARY A. EARLY nnd MISS joynblo. Orgnnlzor Holdlmnn Is ELIZABETH DONNELLY lenvo highly pleased with It nnd plnns n on tho Rodnndn for Cnllfornln, number of slmllnr evonts during where thoy will spend a fow tho year. I mouths for tho bonoflt of Miss Donnolly's honlth. Forms New Band. Word reach- GORDON RASMU8SEN. who Is nt od us by tolopliono thnt n brass toudlng Orogon Agricultural Col baud wns orgnulzcd nt Qold Beach logo, Is oxpocted homo Thursdny I Monday evening, with Prof. Knorr to spend tho Christmas holidays Guv Mannorlnir nnd Moc Morrl- from Mnrsliflold ns instructor, now nt tlio nomo of ills parents, Mr. lies. Queen of tho Gypsloa, nro pros- lot Port Orford go thorn ono hot- nnd Mrs. Nols Rnsmussen. nn m tim liirth nf iinrrv Iiortntn. tor by organizing n ladloa' bnnd. .MR. GREENLEE, who has boon lmir n iia iinrimin ontnton. i Port Orford Tribune , visiting his daughter, Mra. E. E. WANT ADS. TONIGHT The Royal WANTED To tan-row 91000 on lmprovod ranch. vddress M. D enro Times. BOARD AND ROOM For four. Ap ply W. II. Rurghagon, West Bunkor Illll. WANTED FuinMieil liniiKckoopInB rooniH by couplo. No children. Will bo steady tonnnts. A, enro Times. POSITION WANTED Young ""iiinn, familiar with gonornl nfllco work, rotnll soiling, storeroom nnd wnrohoiiso work, desires position. Chna. Zlmiuormnn, North Bond. WANTED Huff Orpington rook, i yonr old or oldor. Phono 294-X. Meg Merrllles casta tho child's horoscope, predicting nn unhappy life until his 21st year. Pale& Co. IIIcll Gnuta dies' and Gentlemen's Tailoring JMtted and Domostlc Woolona VHt do i u work right hero. - nonn Front Street Mnrshflcld. '10.00 Box of Candy Free "9 llflVft nlnnn.1 ...!! ZLiirt ot w,,,to bennB on Ll tcr nnd ovory PorBon ml a. nurcl"so of 60 cents 4 on 8,V8n ft ,r00 8UeS8 0nd mi I e .w" Kuesses nearest .'" 08 Elven tl, i. r'a Christmas. ktoL??ur Chrttma8 Cnndlos IW,,, , .l a cnanco on this rWltlflll inv nr n.i SarteKs Front Street. two reels Also Rugs Make Very Acceptable Christ- A Tfimioht In n Teapot. liiim DD'sonlK. WO wenvu uruoiiu. ........... ...... ....... .... .... . w Total llnliifiill. Slnco tho first of iinrrv'a tho rainy Benson boglnnlng Sop- futhor iiiniH tho Gvnslos nwnv from tombor 1, tho total rainfall has tho holidays with another (laugh his estates. Ho also Incurs tho "pen 25.12 Inches. During tho tor In Vlcrorvlllo, Cnl. ..., t om,,nr.inra ...i, lninr Bftiiio noflod last year It was 16.31 W. E. PARKS him boon engnged Htoni nnd enrrv tho child nbroad. Inchon. For tho 24 hours ondlng to pack Bulugloa In tho now Bhln- In Indln, Harry falls In lovo nt 4:43 n. m. Doc. 10, tho rnlnfnll with Julia, daughter of Guy Man- was ovor threo-qunrtcra of nn Inch. I nor iib. Bonutlfully plcturod In " iiruiiiuici ii i- !?l.r "L i?.ftni0'".,P?L f"f. !!!" FOR HALF UouRo'nml two Iota oh '"?.u:,;,.i"" Z"Z.. "": :'S: Monroo nonr North Bond U. B Mini 11 ll Ml inu iiuiiwuiiij lu nruilill glo mill now bolng built by tho C. A. Smith Lumber Co. Mr. Church. Phono 304-X-8. LOST Brown muff. between Mnrshflold nnd Bond. Roturn to Times and rccolvo rownrd. Tiiiflt ovenlne North olllco Pnrks wnB known na ono of tho ,.m, aT.,. ni.i iimrni.nw.rai liiir fnatest Bhlnglo packers of DoliSnSK'tfioT'it" llS iv tint i ffiniii - i.itiitririiiii . , .. .. thing to start fires with. Slum irvni-mn. ..w...w ...( -- - nn.i .inrniiin Mir mpa nnd cnrnots Jv onterminers. from old or now matorlals. Also' 15c mul 10c Admission. mnkn beautiful nlllow. couch and1 tnblccovors from Bilk or woolen ' iEOPLK SHOULD C.'UARI) rags. Address Gurdlner's Rng (ur- . .. ... tttn V.. .11. Ilntiil pet iwicior,. iox .., . Mnrshflold neonlo who slnco 10 o'clock Inst ovonlng. Norto county, Cnllfornln, -...... 1T...1..II.. n.fin.l. n nnl TTQa nWVMPnnn Tnwnr wlirt linn' : ll.-N tllllll I'll!!. I III Wilful! ,11.11V ..ww u .. .....w... ...... ...... .im( ,wCW7i iVl, lW.IO I.,.!,.! ml In Tho Times. C. I. Rolgnrd boon visiting nt tl.o Homo or hor "?"' ?1 ,v " 0V CT G0od tn Snturday recovered an umbrella, grandparents, Major,, nnd Mrs. " c"lnm"yn0lv.n. ' ,!i comfortable roolna. Rensonnblo rntofl. that ho had iriven nn as lost. Frl-I Towor nt Emplro. loft on tho Al dny ho dropped Into Tho Tlmos of-, llnnco ,to apond tho Chrlstmns flco nnd loft his rnlnstlck. A want. holldnyB with hor pnronts, Mr. .n.S m 'vniPio nil brought him to tho offlco Boon nnd Mrs. Morton Towor nt Eu- HltU U IIIVI M -... w - w.-- or phono 131. hnvo rccovored his lost article. Ho was NUTS NUTS NUTS Walnuts, Brazil Nuts, Almond Soft Shell Pecan Nuts, Hazel Nuts, Pine Nls, Hickory Nuts, Chestnuts, Phili. Nuts, Black Walnuts, Filbert Nuts, Cocoanuts. I stomach and bowol troublo ahould nono too Boon for Bovoral othora glinru aganiBi appunuiL-uiH uy iuii- " " " uhuih ..,.t..v.. SATURDAY PERSONALS. Stauff Grocery Co. Staskey's Candles. Phone 102 s a. - - t C3 n H.1 r 1 AAA tw tlin ntl A fAiinil Jug simpio miCKinorn unrK, giycor- ouuuuuy m du .. n.u u,.u ......... nAI PH JACKSON loft todny for Ino. etc., na compounded In Adlor-, could possibly bo their lost ones. '., y 1-ka, tho Gorman romody which bo-i unruinor. camo famous by curing appondlcl-l Girl Injures llniid. Cecilia PoBt, A. J. HAINES of Isthmus Inlot Ib tls. A SINGLE DOSE rollovea sour an omployo of tho Coos Bay steam. jn town today. stomach, gas on the stomach and laundry, this morning sustained 7 T aior IN f tl Taihmiis !a In coiiBtlpntlon INSTANTLY becauso qulto a sovoro Injury to hor hand., ' '"' ' f oZ l8llimB s ' this slmplo mlxturo nntlsoptlcizos While putting a string through tho town u8inoss. tho dlgestlvo organs nnd draws off flnwork Ironor, sho nccldontnlly G. A. BONEBRAKE of Robs Inlot tho Impurities. Tho Lockhart-.got her hand caught under tho ondi jB n town today. Parsons Drug Co. I0,1'10 r" nt u'o onA of.UlQ ",a PETER GUILLIAMS of North lllllliu. llliuu iiiihuio nuiu inunj FOU HATE Dry wood. Ilr nnd al dor, nt Cnmpboll'a Wood Ynrd, Forry landing. PIiobo 158'L. WANTED Two Menrty i-oomcifl and bonrdora In prlvnto homo. Mra. MatBon, 34 0 First street. WANTED To buy n 5 or (1-foot show rnso. Goo, Goodrum. FOR HALE Good paying restaurant In nearby town. Address '., caro Times. FOU ItENT- Broadway, I'breo room Ikiiino oh Phono 1C4-J. , sovorely criiBhod and whllo tho ln- a -. m I tlinifP ranirlmriliniiJ"rod no'"ur very painful, It is UKIIUUt; I ailiaiUI lUIIIInut oxpectod that It will havo any THE .MODERN DYERS. CLEANERS, PRESSER8 nnd HAT RENOVATORS Agent for ntrvmrd II. Strongs & Co.. Fine Tailoring. Lot us iimko your next suit. lasting 111 effects. Sho la tho daugh ter of L. J. Post of South Broad way. 2.-J5 CENTRAL. Phono 250-X T. J. SOAIFE A. II. HODGINS I I Marshfleld Paint Decorating Co. PERSONAL NOTES Is In Furnished. Estimates Abstracts, Real Estate, Fire and Marine Insurance Title Guarantee and Abstract Co. Tra.V .n .,... r,, AtrClU Ul. .. ncnid tsK.nua.LAiuvx.iii " ittUle Office Phone 191 Platting Land speelaltr. UJ -- TIttiK rt.t ..4.nii """s Vt AUUCUI1 BABTBIDi;" General As Marsbleld Office 1-J uork taken ut GOING it TTARrEY. Phono n FRANK HEATH of Camp 1 town todny. JOHN PORTER of Allegany Is In town on business. JAMES GIBNEY of Camp 1 camo In MnrabflnM Saturday. Phono 149-Ti. Oregoi j0uj SCHETTER of Ten Mllo wns 'ARSnFIEIiD. a Marshfleld visitor today. MRS. F. B. ROOD Is In town to day from South Coos Rlvor. WM. VAUGHAN of DanlolB Creok Is In Marshfleld on business. CHARLES SIESTREBM of LakoBldo wns a Marsnfloid vuitor rouny. In town WANTED ! ! ! CARPETS UPHOLSTERING AND PIANOS TO CLEAN, by tho Pneu matic Cleaning Company. Orderu for R q'koRGE SMITH wna lllix- NOW. snmo nhoice lota tn NORTH BEND can be had at a very reasonable price if taken now. E. S. GEAR &. CO., First National Bank. Saturday from South Cooa River. E. L. DBV'TER of South Coos Riv er Is In trwn on buolness today . HERMAN EDWARDS of Allegany left on tho Redondo. for a short visit In California points. I J. II. BRIDOES who has beon hero looking after bis property 8 MORE SHOPPING DAYS boforo Xmna nnd lta opportunltiea for making npd keoplng frlenda la- over. You nro Wolcomo nnytlmo to como In nnd ovnmiuo our llnca of Solectod XmnB Gifts. AT THE LEADING DRUG STORE Wo hnvo Just rocolved tho latest nrtlstlo novelties from Port land; thoy nro usoful ns well as ornamental, and will mako nccoptablo prosonts for Ladles and Gontlomon. Thla la tho storo for Waterman's IDEAL Fountain Pons, Parisian Ivory, Fancy Packages of Porfumos, Umbrellas, Doposlt Sllvorwnre, Mnnlcuro Sots. Tollot Sota, Kantlook Hot Water Bottles, Cut Glass. Hand Painted China. Bronzo Waro, Wltman'a Famous Candy and Ladles Hand Bags. THE STORE fOR QUALITY GOODS AND NEW DESIGNS I m m wm V WiSiTiH('fc"l n fAHMttl JJMiB71KTTtjJSM r l m ifi rffr'ii-'-