The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957, December 14, 1912, EVENING EDITION, Page 11, Image 11

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Shop Early
Mnko your selection early while the best lots
are unsold ami a choice may be had at our
low prices and on your own terms.
Invest in this "South Side" addition where
the lots, each 50x120 feet, arc high and shel
tered; where the streets arc being graded
and the new homes building.
Some day you'll want your home in First
Addition. Start paying for the lot now. Let
us show you the property where you secure
the greatest values for the least money.
As an investment the best on the Bay; only
$300 each on terms to suit.
Reynolds Development Co.
Coko Building
Telephone 160- J
y fii
but not to your horscB. Glvo tliom
Homo of oiith for n ehnngo nml sco
how tlioy will oat It much ,moro
groodlly thnn tlioy lmvo boon nttnek
Ing tholr old fodder. Good food
mentis good feeding mid as n liorso
ownor you know tlmt moans bottor
horses In overy respect.
A. T. Haines
IMiono 100 J Waterfront, MM.
i-U!U, by American Pron Asao-
EH .letculng for two months
n Wlous pints of tlia Hookies.
bero lie lnul been trying to
hrt tliat bo was tho most
iMt fellow lu tho west, Claude
rtlst mmrrlvod," us be styl
M, turned Ills fneo toward hlx
ewatalu cabin nmong tho pines
to cauyou.
N; be Imd shunned Denver,
I we Invitation of two nrtlst
to 0 tile ChrlstinnH rrcrntliin.
pt waut to ruu tho possibility
'- Awyce. It would bo pain-
Wth. since hnr fntliKf lnul 1.
'4!ilai as a "KOod for nothing,
bunting dnbblur."
tt first be mastered, the cold
". tbea If Aldyco had not i
. Ws erent dream would be-1
Mt reality. But what If
w forget him? There was n '
"ws In tho er that was'
;od4 hu understanding. i
'"noon when bo reached the I
wa among tho pines. Tho first I
"iitea was the studio, gay
wa colored Indian blankets and
'wrered with sketches by bis
aud n f0W conM of Ul0
M)u LU easel wns an unfln
Wre. Just ns be had left It
' "" auy In th0 latter part
' He drew aside tho cloth,
' the dust nud looked long
uughing brown eyes of a
Ri. Underneath was penciled
x Aldyce."
'deep drawn breath ho re-
, cover and went Into the
in tbe large zinc lined pro-
2" 'ound that JooCIurk, tho
iL bad lookca nfter tuo
Hi f c,audo'a absence, had
J Instructions by leaving a
"our, some beans, sugar, part
iii Kdrled venlsn-
'?wit...aV,e n 8Upper nf,er m
iSm!; ho Uedared, making a
little stove.
a Z m1 of bcana' wlth a Piece
I jmn 1 flnvor- wna bubbling
ls tao room with Its savory
I tt. Claudo 8wept tho floors.
U fccumulated dust oft the
""tare and proceeded to make
'wuse look comfortable.
decorate to bo In spirit with
lu ' he ld, nfter scanning
iiid... T ",u "iter scanning
4,,ado.rned mantel shelf.
b ,.e tu young man returned'
ms full of decorations a
- .racing dowa tbo. LaBf
driving n steadily Increasing full of
snow nnd sleet before It.
"Geo! Old Worms Is sending mo some
Chrlstmns weather with nil the frills,"
ho soliloquized, milking n run for tho
shelter of tbe enbln.
C'lnudo had scarcely put the Inst of
the mountain holly on the walls and
built n cheerful big lire In the lire
plnco In tho studio when the door burst
open, letting In n dash of snow, lu the
midst of which stood a slender youth
In n furry overcoat and cap, with huge
goggles over his eyes.
"Well, can't you come In and shut
tho iltiori" demanded tho nrtlst Impa
tiently us ho stared nt the nppurltlon
before him,
"I must look llko I'm posing ns old
Snnlii. don't I Y' Inugbed the boy. Then,
with n start of recognition, "Claude
Hvti-mii mm 1 live and whistle!" Suit
ing I bo action to tho word, bo gavo
vent to n prolonged whistle.
Tho artist grew red nnd whlto by
turns as ho recognized tho boy. It
was tho alxteen-yeor-old brother of
"Hal Haunters!" be cried. "Where
did you drop from)"
"Prom the snow clouds," answered
tho youth, bugging the surprised urtlst.
"This Is some luck, all right. Ilndltig
shelter, and Just think of Its being your
mountain retreat. Aldyco Is out there
In the car. Tho machine broko down
Just below your cabin."
"Aldyce in tho car out in this storm!"
cried Claude, buttoning up bis coat nnd
rushing to tho door.
"Yes. Wo were on our way to I ra
zler'o, up Rear canyon," nal shouted
hta explanation as be clung to bis com
panion's arm through tho snowy gale.
"Tho Fraelers are giving an old fash
ioned Christmas evo party nt their
ranch houso. You know Aldyco nnd
Doll Fraeler were great pals at school,
so Aldyco was bound to go to tho par
ty. I waH sure I knew tho road there,
but this boow came on bo suddenly I
was n little confused where tho roads
fork. Aldyco Insisted this was tho right
way, so wo came up tho wrong can-
Tho artist paid scant heed to young
Bannler'a explanation. As they sturdily
breasted tho keen, snow burdened wind
toward tbe crippled car he was think.
Ing what a strnngo prank fato hod
Played on him. Ho hod wanted to bury
himself In his mountain cabin, sixty
flvo miles nwny from Aldyce, and hero
sho wns, snowbound nt his door.
Tho wrecked nutomobllo In tho snow
tempest looked llko a red rock half
burled In raging wbltecaps near n
stormy shore. In tbo back seat sat a
girl veiled nnd clad In rich furs.
"Aldyce!" exclaimed Claudo, opening
tho door wldo enough to admit bis
bQ"Vo nro uninvited guests," laughod
tho girl, giving hlui one of her small
gloved bands. The girl was the more
rational of tin! twp, tbo young artist
being too confused to offer tfio cus
tomary courtesies of host.
"Come, Clnude, why don't you nslc us
In? I'm getting cold," sho reminded
him. "Perhaps you wnnt mo to freeze
stiff and stark out hero so you can hnvo
a real model for n famous painting en
titled 'Frozen In it Motorcar,'" sho
laughed lightly.
Without a word In reply she felt her.
self lifted In tbo man's strong arms.
-t & ,""
, e
OT&. 3cU
"iiBLrl marl" una oiukd
Tho next second be was hurrying ber
away to tbe cabin.
"Help, help!" sho caiica in raocic ter
ror. "Hal, bring tuo sun coses, une
mountain brigand Is enrrylug off your
ninuilo Extrum deposited his guest In
a great easy chair In front of tbo blaz
ing pluo log on tbo tlreploco. Then ho
helped her remove her wraps. Present
ly sho sat back qulto nt her ease, her
handsomely shod feet on nn Improvised
footstool, while her face glowed lu tho
dancing llrellgbt.
"What are you cooking, Claude, that
smells so tarnation good?" demanded
Hal. sullllug robustly as bo found n
plnco for tho suit coses lu an unoccu
pled corner of tho studio.
"Not u Christmas turkey, you young
gastronomer," answered Claude, his
soniberness leaving blm under the
merry mood of his two unexpected
guests. "It's beans-pure, unadulter
ated beans." hondded. with a tragic nlr.
This Is n regular beau soup even
ing," observed Aldyce. "I'm sure I
shall enjoy It."
I wnnt tbo largest bowl In your
china collection." ordered Hal, assist
ing tho artist to sift flour for tbo bis
cuits. "Nnturo lias etuUnved mo with
a big sized attachment for benn soup."
"The pot Is full," eald Claude, lifting
tho lid to glvo the boy n peep, "but If
you ndvUo nu extension wo might
bring the wash boiler Into service."
It was n merry meal to w Ulch they
sat down as tbo early dusk of Christ
miis evo began to creep into tho rustic
studio. Hal declared the' bean soup
was nectar, nnd Aldyco herself pluned
.. i.. ainnvna nnd made delicious cof-
fee,. Put tbo. reacUoacamo ta Claude
at tho close of tTio feast. Ho suddenly
pushed back his chair from tbo tablet
and snt moodily staring Into tbo crum
bling embers on the hearth.
Aldyco regarded tho young man's
clouded countenauco for n short time
lu silence, u mysterious twlnklo In her
dnrk eyes. Then sho nroso uud wnlked
over to the window.
"Hnl," sho cnlled to her brothor,
who showed symptoms of dozing In his
chnlr, "tho enow tins nlmost stopped.
I wnut you to go out nnd sco If the
enr Is still properly covered."
With a yawn tho young fellow obey
ed, whistling merrily ns ho trudged
down tbo cauyou.
Quickly Aldyco opened ber milt enso,
took out n long euvelopo nnd laid It
before tbo nrtlst.
"A Chrlstmns gift for you," sho snld
simply, the mysterious sinllo now lurk
ing ut tho comers of her mouth. "Open
It, Clnude."
Ho obeyed nnd n crisp check for
$3,000 dropped Into his hand. Then he
rend tho nccompnnylng noto:
Oonr Old I'al Tlio Inclosed check la for
your imliillnif, "Italnbow Canyon In Hum
mer." told to the famous art colloctor.
Mr Btevcm of Now York. Ho wants Out
same scciio In winter nt your own price
Ho says to be prepared for boiiio orders
from tils friends. Merry Christmas!
"Aldyce, how dfd you learn I was
horoV ho nsked, moving toward her.
"Lawronco told me. I was lu the
studio when Mr. Stevens bought your
picture on exhibition there. Ho was
so hnppy for you bo let out your so
cret that you wero coming hero to bury
yourself for tbo holidays," Hho replied.
"Then I plnuued"
She hesitated, blushed, looking ni
hlui with laughing eyes,
"Doll Krnzler'a party," ho finished
"How daro you Instnuato that I fab
ricated that as nn excuse to bring you
tho good uows of your fortune?" sho
tuuuted him, assuming a touo of In
jury. Ho sprnug townrd her. With n llttlo
cry of felgued fright she eluded blm,
but stopped uuder the hnuglng lamp,
where n daugllng spray of mistletoe
touched her hair. Then bo kissed her.
Paoktng the Present.
Tissue paper, excelsior or finely cut
paper will provo the best material to
fill In all rpace, making It Impossible
for tbo Christmas gift to bd broken.
He's Almost as Busy at Dear Old
Santa Claus.
Doha have ever so many things hap
pen to them. Sometimes llttlo brothers
break off their heads and sometimes
their "mothers" lot tbein fall nnd
break an arm. a leg or u nose. Then
their hair comes off, and n bnldhended
dollle certnlnly Is not benutlful. Alto
gether dolls hovo more accidents and
discuses than really truly people.
And that Is where tho doll doctor
comes In. Did you never hear of the
doll doctor? Well, ho is n very nice
man who fixes up nil tbo broken dollies
and nuilies them as good as new
If you should over visit tho doll doc
tor you would find blm with all sorts
of battered, mnlmed nnd dNnblod dolli
around blm. i-omo with eyes gouged
out. some with legs or arms gone, some
with broken lingers nnd cithers with
onlv naliit scratched from their faces.
i 'I'lm lninr InnkH nfter them nil.
I Ho Is n very busy man nlmost as
busy as santa umu.
Very Useful
Ono girl who believes In giving
Chrlstmns presents that can bo used
Is making for several of her girl
friends this year the daintiest posslblo
Annuel skirts.
Petticoats nro supposedly out of
favor, but tho-sensible girl knows bet-
"T-'-T I .
i -
I '
tcr than to discard flannels. Sho In
sists, however, that tbey tako up ns
llttlo room ns may be.
Tbo skirts being mndo All tlmt need.
They nro of tine while flannel ns wldo
ns cau bo bought;aud nro cut from n
circular pattern, so ns to fit Biiugly
n round tho hips. Tho tops and bot
toms aro bound with Inch wldo wash
rlbbou In n dellcato color, nnd tbo
plnckct nnd back senm nro cotatltchcd
lu a color to mutch.
To nvold extra bulk tho skirt fastens
with n button nnd buttonhole rather
than with ribbon tics.
One skirt, for tho best friend, has n
lino or two of small embroidered dots
dotio In pink mercerized cotton Just
above tho pink satin binding at tho
Another useful gift Is bnudkcrchlcfs,
of which ono cnu never hnvo too great
a supply. The one Illustrated Is of Duo
handkerchief linen finished with n nar
row hem, above which at Intervals nro
two rows of hemstitching, between
which are rows of fenthcrstltchlug.
The handkerchief hus tin edge of pret
ty princess luce.
Novel Coat Hanger.
Now don't say that you nro sick nnd
tired of tho sight of coat nud skirt
hangers, l'robnbly you hnvo seen and
mado n number of them, hut hnvo you
ever turned out a coat hunger like tbo
one pictured? It Is covered, to bo sure,
with tho regulation flowered ribbon
gathered along tbo edges of tbo fruuio,
Secretary of State's Reports
Shows 140 Machines in
This Section.
SAMCM. Ore., Dec. 11. Tables
prepared by Sccrotnry of Stato 01
cott show that llconso fees aggre
gating tho sum of $-11,808 hnvo
been taken in by tho stnto slnco
thu pnssngo nt tho now nutomobllo
Inw by tbo last Icglslnturo. They
further show tho totnl number of
motor vehicles to bo registered slnco
tho law went Into effect to bo 10,
1G2. Applications nro now being .re
ceived for licenses for the yenr 1013
nnd tho sccrotnry will begin Issuing
them soon.
Coos county bus 110 llconsesd nu
tos, distributed nmong tho towns as
llullnrds, 1.
Unndon, 25.
Coqulllo, 13.
Umpire, 1.
Fnlrvlow, 2.
Leo, 1.
Mnrshflcld, 39.
Myrtlo Point, 11.
North Uoud, 10.
Norwny, 1.
Curry county bonBts of two ma
chines, ono owned nt Hnrbor nml
ono nt LnnglolB,
nud tho loop from which tho useful
contrivance hnngs Is wound with nar
row rlbbou. Hut Just make a note or
tho four dainty llttlo sachet bags that
nro iitfuched to tho loop with bunches
of baby ribbon, nud If tho elTect Is
not novel nnd pleasing then look up
another trltle for your ChristmuH of
fering. Shirt Waist Basket For Gift.
The now shirt wulst baskets make u
delightful present for maid or matron.
They hnvo taken tho plnco of fnbrlc
covered boxes. Tho bnskcts hnvo two
trays plnccd ono nbovo tho other, but
so carefully fitted that tho weight of
tho upper ono docs not In tho least In
jure tho freshness of whatever la
placed lu tho lower one.
Tho first tray Is designed for tbo best
blouses, thoso that nro most expensive
to do up. This trny Is first covered
with n heavy whlto linen, then with n
sheet of lavender scouted cotton bat
ting and flnnlly with dotted bwIbs or
embroidered muslin. Attached to tho
Inner sldo of tho tray nro half n dozen
little sheets or leaves of linen, ono of
which Is laid over each freshly laun
dered blouse ns It Is placed In tho bas
ket. Tho lower tray, which Is soverol
Inches deeper thnn tho upper ono, Is
for tho tailored waists nnd tho differ
ent sort of outing skirts, nnd whlto It
Is Bochet lined Its covering Is of Inwn
nnd tho sheets ore of tbo samo sub
stnntlnl material.
Fillet Lace Cover.
Every woman Is proud to own ono
or more soft cushion covers made from
flno handkerchief linen and squares of
fillet loco.
Nothing gives more distinction to n
tea room couch thnn tho addition of
ono of theso cushions. Spreads for the
bed can also bo made of these lovely
materials, which, if bought, would bo
qulto beyond the average woman's
pocket book.
Tho fillet squnres can be bought for
llttlo price. They show classic do
signs woven III" solid, nnd often sev
eral different designs nre used In the
making of n bedspread. Tho work Is
done somewhat on the order of old
fashioned patchwork, only It Is much
Strips of linen are sewed lietwecn
fiio squares. Tho work Is douo ou tho
machine If you aro a busy woman,
but If there Is time to spare da It by
band, rolling tbo edges.
pahtmi-jnt and machinb
hhop op cji'oikjic aooduum's
M. Ij. Curry, ono of tbo beat
known nuto exports on Coos liny,
has Just purchased tho mncblno shop
nud nuto ropnlr department of
Gcnrgo Roodrum's gnrngo nnd will
conduct' It. Ho hns tnkon chnrgo
nnd hns ovorythlng lu renditions for
Borvtcc. In discussing tho mutter
todny, Mr. Curry snld:
"I hnvo purchased Mr. flcorgo
(loodrum's ropnlr shop, tbo sniuo be
ing loented lu tho renr of his gnr
ngo nt Fourth nnd Contrnl ntroots,
"With tho equipment nl ready In
tho shop nnd with tho now lino of
tools I hnvo ndded It mnken It tho
only flrst-clnss gnrngo nhnp on tho
nay. It Ir partitioned off, thereby
enabling mo to glvo ench Job my
undivided nttontlon. I fool that whon
you pny for nn hour's work, you
uro entitled to ovory mlnuto of tho
snmo nud I nm euro thnt nrrnugo
niont of my shop will convince you
thnt you will got It. I nm propnr
cd to do nny nnd nil kinds of nu
tomobllo nnd gas engine work, bnt
tory charging, mngnoto nnd elec
trical ropnlr work. I hnvo Just In
stalled n now stoma vulcnulzlng
plant, onnbllng mo to ropnlr nny
nlzo hole In nny alzo tubo.
"My bnttory charging plnnt Is tbo
host to bo hndj upon tbo propor
charging nnd euro of n bnttory do
ponds Its lire. Tho best Is nono
too good.
"Mr. aoodrum bnvlng his gnrago
modornly equipped will onnblo you
to run your enr In nt nny tlmo of
tho day or night for either gnrngo
or shop Borvlco. My shop Is run
Independently, but nt tho snmo tlmo
you nro nt llborty to uso tho gnr
ngo nt any nud nil times. I would
bo pleased to lmvo ovory nuto own
or nnd gns cnglno owner nnd In
fact ovoryono Interested In mcchnn
lca cnll nnd boo. Seeing lu bollov
Ing. Whon in doubt ob to tho
propor performnnco of your car or
that "blnnkoty-blnnk" carburetor,
don't bother tho neighbors about It,
but phono 373-J nnd toll Curry
your troubles."
United States Imported Them
at Rate of $1,000,000 a
Day in October.
(nr AuocUtM I'mi 10 Cooa Pr Time.
WASHINGTON, Dec. 13. Tho
Imports of luxuries Into tho United
Stntea In October, wero probnbly
tho largest on record, oxccodlng a
million dollars a dny. Tho Imports
for tho cnlendnr yenr of 1912 nro
expected to reach $250,000,000.
We Clean and Press
Ladies' and Gent's Suits
Goods Called for
and Delivered
Coos Bay Steam Laundry
Marshfield, Oregon.