t (- --- . THE COOS BAY TIMES, HAH8HFIELD. OREGON, 1912.-EVENING EDITION. THURSDAY, DECEMBER 12, ' nti 8 ntinrnos being Involved In J'" modal nt l'ortlnntl, Herrmnn Is tiing to get it delayed whllo tlic ouncis or tho Easlsldo propor t involved nro fighting nny post ponement, claiming Hint tho prop-' ert already ling been tied up for fifteen months t,y tu0 litigation. I BREAKWATER IN delayed : day. Owing to tho rough hnr to- I day. tho Speedwell wns unnblo to onll, hut Bho will probnbly got out tomorrow. cgfrr TIDES FOR DECEMBER. h0l.'iWn 'll ?'VCn th llm nnJ Tho tlilon nro placed In tho order 1 with their times on l"r81lllll " eights on tho l01"1 1110 "t onch day; n compai- on on coiuccutlvo heights will K?10 r'hoi,,,i: II l9 Mh or lo" water. Lor high walor on tho bar. Rtjlmtrnct 2 hour 34 ,i t..i r l - Cof jrrljht lltrt SdufTner te Mint ?fl 12 13 14 in II I'M. Ft.. Hits.. Ft. . lira.. Ft.. I Irs.. Ft. . r.2(5 4.7 0.03 1.7 C.3S 4.S 0.C 0.1 10.17 3.7 10.fi 2 3.7 31.52 3.C 7.1C 4.0 4.27 C.S r..us r,.3 fi.33 4.8 12.4(5 3.1 10.59 0.4 11.32 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.4 G 4.3 You'll find thnt tho tuoii who hnvo tho host looking clothes tnlco tho host euro of thorn. YOU'LL be delighted with the new styles we offer for young men in our showing of Hart Shaffner & Marx Varsity models for Fall. Smartest, liveliest, snappiest lot of new clothes you ever saw They're ready-to-wear; and they fit and make you "look fit." Suits $18 and up Overcoats $ J 6,50 and up WOOLEN MILL STORE Tills Htoro is tho homo of Hurt Schnffner & Mur.v clothes w '''Kin "clny C. A. Sehlhredo eft joBtordny for Roseburg nnd l'ortlnntl. At Portland ho will en deavor to prevent n postponement or the rase of Christian Herrmnnn VS. .IINlL'M Itflll nl ..1 l.,,.1. .!.... Hldernhlo Eaatsido. property. Ow ing to McAlllHter. olio of Hcrr- SclN Itunrli Sterling I'rlco sold hid Catching Inlet ranch tho first of the week to Ills boyhood friend, Good-! oy Cobb. .Mr. Price left thin morn ing on tho stage for Huntington, W.1 Vn. to spend tho holldaya with anoth-! er ol.l friend, T. 1J. Stnckhouse. WEATHER FORECAST. Men for Camp. Tho Speedwell thin weok brought n number of men to go to work In tho Estn brook camp on South Inlot. Tho ennip Is In chnrgo of E. 13. Best' nmi will got out ties nnd telegraph poles on tho Sengstnekon ranch. SIlll'K I'lunoneol',. Vililnv'a rliirill. nor-Drnln stago will carry tho follow ing list of passengers: 1). L. Roscn llold, M. K. Tomllnson. M. K. Swec-1 ney, I. C. Smith, V. 11. Dennis, It. 0. Rynn, I). Falconer, F. Do Hoy, J. W. DawkhiB and M. Drown. OREGON Hnln In west nnd snow In east tonight nnd Frl day; southenBtorly winds. LOCAL TEMPERATURE RECORD. For tho 24 houra ending nt 4:13 a. in. Dec. 12, by DonJ. Ostllnri, spoclnl governmont me teorological obBorvcr: Maximum r. I Minimum 4 1 At 4:13 a. tu 47 Precipitation in Wind: Southwest, cloudy. -- Found Not Guilty. After a trlnl yesterday afternoon In City Record er minora court, Judgo llutlor found 11. II. Smith nob guilty on tho chnrgo of Intoxication that had been preferred ngnlnst him by Night Officer Donno, who arrested '"MlMiiBWBWWWMMWW fishermen Attention ! Hie Coos liny ico and Cold "rose CoiiiiNiny IU bo pro- to recelvo nil Steollicnd wn nfter December 10. For r particulars, inqulro nt pos Bay Ice and Cold Storage Co. TOO MANY ONIONS Over 50,000 Sack to Do Thrown Away In California. STOCKTON, Cnl., Lsc. 12. On ions nro bucIi n drug on iho market In Stockton that C0.000 Backs will bo (I urn pod Into tho river, according to Island fnrmorfl. Ovor production 1ms kept tho warehouses full and tho prices nro bo low that It will not pay to keep thorn Btorod. Growers had no dlillftilty In disposing of their onions nt $2 por sack last year, but thoy nro going begging at 25 cents now. Many snlea aro rocordod nt 10 and 15 conta a Back. Potatoes nro only 30 cents a sack. THE DUSV WOMAN'S DAY. It begins early, ends Into, and Is full of work. Sho often has kid ney troublo without knowing it. Her back aches nnd alio 18 tired nnd worn out. Sleeps poorly, is norvous, no appotlto. Her bladdor gives her trouble, too. Foloy Kid ney Pills will cure all that and nro tho best motllclno nmdo for kldnoy nnd bladder disorders. For snlo by tho Lockhnrt-Parsons Drug mako her strong nnti won. iuvy Co.. tho Busy Corner. ' mbrellas Covered at tfshfield Cyclery Dayton Amnto J 138-U 173 Ilrnmlu-nv !fsh and Crisp A BOX OF SARATOGA CHIPS JUST OPENED cIs Now Oranges viiToUay. jauff Grocery Co. ".Kcys Candles. Phono 102 BAKERY AND DELICATESSEN. "Cleanliness is Next to Godliness" Our broad Is inndo clean, kept clean, delivered clean. Also Cakes, Cookies, Pies nnd all linked Goods. Try our dainty Dakery Lunch. Open Evening nnd Sundays Let us Servo You. tS X. 2nd St. Phono 112-L TONIGHT 4 have anything to sell, rent ufc ueip, try a want The Royal OPENING OP HOWARD AND HART In now novelties featuring tho Fivo Talking IMock Head . .Miss Juno Hall will Slug. Dig two reel feature "Legend of Cagllstro," a great Biblical drama. . ."Henrlck's Bid for Liberty" and "Ah! My Piko" two roaring come dies. Admission ISc Balcony 10 c. Matinee for children Saturday at 2 o'clock. ' Make Your Christmas LAST ALL WINTER Smith and C. A. Hunter tho night boforo. Several witnesses wcro cnlled. Hunter did not appear and his hnll wiib declnred rorfolted. Divorce Case Up. Tho Epporson dlvorco cnao from Mnrshflold was scheduled for hearing boforo Judge uoito nt coquiiio touny. Tnlco Prisoner Awny W. W. Gngo will nrrlvo on this ovculng's train wIMl tl 1tlonnni uMiniii r nrt C3 T ". iiouiiVl IIIIUIII IIU filial Mt 11 Noah will loavo on tho Drnln stago lomorrow morning with for Snlom. Cnso Settled. It Is nnnounnoil jthnt tho difficulty botweon .1. II. Bridges and 13. W. Sullivan nnd . wlfo ovor tho leaso or tho Lloyd hotol hns boon ndlustcd. Thn Snl- llvniiB hnvo now a throe-year lonso Ion tho proporty. Tho rental 1b not announced. Grand Jury Bony. Tho Coos pmniri ivinii.l fni. la .lmat, Ituffiofl i gating n number of mnttors. In I rlllflltlir flin n'Mntltinll nlllntm. nnaty ..will ..nil am iviii, luu nillfll. tvilltllirf troublo nt Ton Mllo nnd nomo nl 1 loged liquor law vlolntlons on South Slough. llimrli I iiipiti venuMi I n. W. J. Howard, who purchnsed tho old ' Hopo placo on North Inlot. about a yenr ago, In rorrnlnly an onorgol t Ic nnd progresslvo fnrmor. In tho yonr Mr. Howard Iuib built n Hno barn nnd JtiBt now n modern dwell ing houso Is nenrlng completion. Those, together with othor Improvo montB, hnvo inndo tho old plnco n modorn, well equipped farm thnt nny ouo might wnll ho proud of. AMONG THE SICK. THE ONE IDEAL GIFT FOR ALL THE FAMILY FOR ALL THE YEAR AROUND You Possess All the Music of Ml the World When You Buy a Columbia Qrafonola. $2S to $200 Lockhart-Parsons Drug Co. PHONE "The Busy Corner" MAIN 298 US - I 4 Chns. Skorrolt of Bunker Hill un derwent nn operation nt Mercy hos pital today. Ho Is reported to bo gottlng along nicely. Kloyd McGrlff, n young EnBtsldo lnd, who hnB been nt Moroy hospl tnl ror Homo tlmo, will bo nblo to return homo tomorrow. Mrn. Dnvo Holdon, who ban been qulto aide nt tholr homo near Em pire being threntoucd with pnoti nioiiln, Is ropnrtcd Improving. E. P. LowIb of West Mnrshflold Is nt IiIh post or business today after a wooIc'h Illness or tho grip. Ono or tho twin dnughtorB born to mt. nun Mrs. .lonn droves or North Bond on TuoBdny Ih very low. Oscnr Kronholm, who boiiio tlmo ngo Biistnluod an Injured kuen, Ih nblo to return to his work at tho pulp mill. Steamship Arrives from Port land With Good Pass enger List. The Broakwator arrived in rrom Portland nt S:30 UiIb morning. Tho hnr wns pretty choppy but Cnpt. Mncgenn said thnt ho did not think that vosboIs would hnvo nny troublo getting out nt high wntor. Tho Breakwater had a rnlr trip down. Sho had nbout CR passen gers nnd nbout 380 toim of frolght. ano una nomo freight for Empire nnd inndo tho stop thoro tills morn ing. Among thoso arriving on tho Bronkwnter today woro tho follow ing: 13. D. Dornn, E. Dolnn, It. W. Davidson, Mrs. Davidson, Chns. BlBklrk. M. C. Bobbins, J. W. Totz, .1. It. Horron. C. J. Smith. L. A. Lnthor, It. G. Roberts, W. P. Stonhnrt, J. Truo, II. Blflhop, MIbs NoIboii, Mlsa Lynn, Mrs. L. II. Mur phy, A. Enns, L. B. Murphy, A. Valcnt, J. .Mnycrs, L. .T. Cody, E. M. Smith, A. J. Sweet, O. L. George. II. A. Phillips. W. Grant, Goo. Gcttlns, Mrs. W. II. Foloy, L. G. Haw, A. Boynolds, II. J. Mathle boii, C. D. Gnbrlllson, J. Skinner, Mrs. Skinner, L. P. Whlto, Mlsa Ponrl Illlms, J. C. Wilcox, J. C. Kolly, E. P. Clnrk, P. N. Irwin, A. W. PorkliiB, W. S. Lnsholls, Myrtlo Marlln, Mrs. W. 8. Lashells, Prnn cls Johnson, Christ .Ml Ico, Goo. Dennis nnd Christ Bill. Tho Brenkwntor will Ball nt 1 o'clock Snturdny afternoon. Tho Brooklyn nnd Elizabeth ar rived In nt Bnndon yesterdny. i WANT ADS. WANTED BiilT Orpington cock, n year old or older. Phono 291-X. WANTED Roomers; bonrd for ono. Apply 471 Elrod Avenue. Phono 200-L roil HA LIC llouvo and two lots on Monrou nonr North Bond U. B Church. Phono 30I-X-8. WANTED .Sliiglemau, ago 117, o bor, good nppoarauco, 18 years huBlucsB oxporlenro, rotall and wholesale, good snlosuian, wishes position. Por Intorviow nddress, Stranger, Caro Times. l''()lt RENT Three convenient un furnished rooms, Hiiltnblo for housekeeping, cloeo In. No chil dren. Address Box II, caro Tho Times. . LOST Brown inulT. Last eveulnit hotweou .Mnrshflold nnd North Bond. Roturu to Times olllco nnd receive rownrd. MR8. CARL 8MEDBERG of Catching inioi spoilt tlio dny In Mnrshllold. MRS. W. A. LUSB of South Cooh Riv er wns n Mnrshllold shoppor today. Tho Alllnnco la duo In tomorrow from Portland nnd will Ball early Saturday for Euroka. , 4 SOCIAL CALENDAR. I THURSDAY. Norwegian Lutheran Young Pooplo'a Socloty at Church hall. A. N. W. Club with Mrs. L. M. Noblo. FRIDAY. Thimblo Club of North Bond. Plnco not decided. Ladles' Art Club with Mra. E. D. McArthur. LOST Pui-ho containing ijtlO. Kv turn to tho Gunnery for rownrd. WANTED In country; lady to enro for two stunt! children nnd to do light housework. Apply room 2. ovor Conk'H grocory. WANTED Carrier boy to deliver Tho Times. Must bo In Fourth grndo or hlghor In school. In qulro nt Times olllco nftor 4 o'clock. KOII SALIC Old mm'HiwH'rs; u lilgr bundle for n nickel. Just tho thing to Btnrt flros with, POIt RENT Furnished liousc-kecv Ing rooniB cIobo in. Phono 230-J l'Olt REN'lv l'uriilshed iimiiiih with hontlng btovos. Apply 24 C North Fourth 8treot. Mrs. KIOKlor. BOARD AND ROOMS 207 North Third Btreot. cor. Commorclnl. 1 lBMMBMiJiMBMMWBBMMMBMMMMMMMBMMMMM' iBaiiiHaHaBHBBHBHMHHBHHHnHMI i I'OR SALE At n sacririce, large slzo hlgh-grndo piano In flno condition. AddrosH box 533, Mnrahflold, Pro. FOR Ri:.T Nino room houso lu Bunker Hill, partly furnished Apply Tlmos olllco. Over Stock Sale i Now is the time to innko one dollar do the work of two. My entire stock of ladies, and misses coats, suits and millinery to closed out at once. $35 Coats and Suits, $22.00 $22.50 Coats and Suits, $14 $30 Coats and Suits, $18.50 $20 Coats and Suits, $12.50 $25 Coats and Suits, $15.50 $15 Coats and Suits, $9.50 AH Millinery at One-Half Price Ladies $30 Trimmed Hats, now $15.00 Ladies $25 Trimmed Hats, now $12.50 Ladies $20 Trimmed Hats, now $10 Ladies $15 Trimmed Hats, now $7.50 Ladies $10 Trimmed Hats, now $5 Ladies $5 Trimmed Hats, now $2.50 MRS. M. J. ELROD FRONT STREET be WANTED To Rent n Piano or Or gan, or both, Apply Grand Theater. BOARD AND ROOMS Hotel Lat tln, contrally located,. Good ta blo, homo cooking, and largo coiufortublo rooms. Iteusonublo rates. LOOK Listen Frew guess on tho $10 prlzo "boan Jar" with ovory no cent purchase botweon now and Dccombor 25th, Sartor's Conroctlouory, Front Btreot. FOR HALE Dry woou. llr and nl dor, at CampboU'B Wood Yard, Porry landing. Phono 1ML. Everybody Welcome to visit the Store for Quality Goods and Now Designs. .SXUSZ-U "