HE HASNT AMY. K HIS WTIIORITV WATCH THE WANT ADS. There nro ninny good bargains (d lie found tlioio. Anything lost or found in always adver tised In The Times. ...MM! ()1 Vli . . N llui iiik'ieinl ji ii. IJI"'" u rur i" ".' (ho I'm' II.. Ilri. Ill.lt fiht H,c' TIM IS FAMILY. Ll.V I,! V3E8j2E& member of Tin: associated runs ... ....I In 1U7H MARSHFIELD, OREGON, THURSDAY. DECEMBER 12. 1912. EVENING EDITION. 6 PAGES. A Consolidation of Times, Coiwt, Mall M " 25 ntul Coos Day Advertiser. uiii ixniins"1" '".;,: AAIl',, Tlio toiisi . MAN WILL rBGHT FOR PRINCIPALS WHEN law t PSHB i 1 rtrVir? mill 'ftkJr I I I I 4r 1ST COMITES SENTENCE Ml 1 TAYLOR TODAY Punishment from 5 Tomorrow to Life Lcc MADE hTHE OTHER CASES Killed Two Men in lay uouiuy unni.1 Deputy Sheriff. ' L(i AHOUT NOOX FDec. 12-- The Indl- HoJiy arc tiini um mm hod wen will lib hang Uoiratcly or In twoH III JO o'clock tomorrow, L,j rmi to r .. ilay Tlmoa.1 nor is Governor Fir tommnlcil to llfo Xm- ;t thC WniCln-O Ol .I""" , who whb to nnvo ucon 'tie pcuHci.'.nry lioro to- LAD SHOOTS HIS FATHER BIT CALIFORNIA ELECTION DEBTS Roosevelt Backers Win Over 5&2S.OOO on Result of Bal loting in State in November (By Amo.:M I'i-mii lo Ctm liar TlmM.) fiAN FilANCISCO. Dec. 12. TtU'iity-IUv thotiHand flnllnrs staked on tlm California election will bo raid off hero tomorrow by Dotting ;onuniiftione Thorn Tom Oorbctt. who lie! tlmt Roosevelt CONGRESSMAN OUSTED TODAY Wirleen-Year-Old Los Ange rs Buy Kills Parent for Whipping Brother, ftiy AMWlaM rn tn t' Par Tltnra. "LOS 'ANGELES, Doc. 12. Daniel Tl. HIiiKonrt wiim idiot liud killed bv Jirarlln, "his 1 It-year-olfl boh, while iidniliilntirlng a whipping to nn oillor Mix. Martin h llrst story wan oorroitoiaiod by nia hrotliur who nild Ihi.t n rifle with which he war jilnylng wnH discharged by iccldont, Stlio 'tinllnt onterltiR thu woodshed whoro tlio fnther van worVliuc avd striking him In (lie ln'iirl. Noltfi- burs Mild thnt- Rlckoitri had takmi Iho'if.der hoy to tlio olio lo ul.lp him and under pressure tho lad Inter confossod to flrhiK nt his fa ther, whom ho Hftld whh lmbltntilly OFFER CHASCE RIG SALARY - fftt -ni.irli John 'M. In tcn'tTirco wan the TIllI- H, itirlfi Perry M. aii iatPT min'v. Derembur Tailor I. .id onRnRofl In 'brutal to the moilior. Tho khuot- r . ,, . I , , . . I , . a w li .u . v f. t S ITFT, Uiv war oi wonin , iiik. "o mini, nun luuiiwpti u jni.niy h i iliootiiiR affray. In uiiarrvl In which the mother 'ook Pcrr, lio also acddoittal- thu'joya' part. Rokrt Vltlcmelcr, wim ller'i frleiiiV Taylor wnn ' itcriff In Snn i.-iiir Ol California, years uri) Ut anil two brothers -nro I cf mat Male. p!f Tcst hna not ta'lton In ilmiit Iho other 'four ; li lo nniiRPd toinorrow. ( Frank flarrlson of Coos XoHe I'niihliT Mlko 71or- II. K, TtoltcrlH jrtKnn Will llmnr. :or West loilay iioBltlvuly I Ibat Mike Moruan. No- 'fcr, Trnak OarrlHon and wni. rondcmni'il inurdgr- w nancd at tho shrto ''"''nrillTr IAIiK I . ucnin i u mill i . H MM SPARE1IEN UfT totnoi row finvnrnnp litalcscl by n doleKntlon lui omui from I'ortlnnd Stenographers Not to Testify in Archbalcl Case Will Preserve Old "Custom. llj Aw. Utl TrnM lo rMt liar TIhim. WdlIIXTON. Dec. 12. The 4,re wim roiiRlit to hn ho)i iiiimnKorr aniionncod today '"' fml ve Mm tnwn .'In4 thnt rliey will try to nmko out "iratu io tl 'lr nltudliiKh. ' their liupmirlimeni nh aaintt dcflaiirj-T ' " was oppoH- .TihIku Archbald of tlit coiiiiiioho utlnR tti much now as':ourt vllhnut subjecting Mliw Miuy Tin Ms mlnilnlstrntlon Ilolnml nnd alius Anna mnrxiiiort. d tlnre would bo no stonoBn.phoiH, lo ttie ordufci or to Chicago Player-Manager Of fered $18,000 and 5 per cent of Profits in N. Y. inr AibMoHI I'rm to Com Itajr Tlmm.) CHICAGO. Dec. 12. Krank Champ will receive a salary of llS.nnn n year and n por cent of tlio club' not oarnliiKS, If ho be comes nunmner of tho Xcw York Anu'rlcHtiK It was rupnrlod today when the American League tuaR naUm rennmed tholr Eossloni. Owner Farroll did not confirm the report but ssld ho would hnvo something to Hay on tho subject of inunnBiTnAip later. TEI I ILL TAX B 0 Council Fixes Levy for Year Urge Action on Bridg ing 'Bay Permit. The North Hand City council last evonliiR adopted an ordlnauco fixing the tax levy for tho onmilni,' year at would carry tho state win. Hoose volt won both tho electoral dele gatlon and tho popular majority. When tho betting closed tho odds were two to ono on KooBovelt. Tho final election returns In California shows that Wilson car ried six of tho eleven Congressional districts by largo majorities and two by Blender margins. Wilson carried 41 counties and Itoosovclt but 17. WI'CARTHY IS EASY VICTOR Nebraska "White Hope" De feats Jim Flynn in 16th . Round at Los Angeles. I.OS ANOKLKS, Dec. 12. Luther McCarty. tho Nebraska "whlto hope" won from Jim Flynn, tho Pueblo flremnn, In tho sixteenth round of what was scheduled to bo a twonty round go, hero Tuesday nlglit. sic Cnrty had tho host of It all tho way through and his showing moro than met the expectancies of his backers. McCarty lu much larger than Flynn, and Ills height and reach gavo him decided advantages over tho l'uoblo in mi. AFTER SERVING TWO YEARS J! BELL MOOSE PUS GIVEN SCHOOL Party Appoints Committee to Study buropean uonui tions Reforms. (Hr AMO'lalftl 1'rrn to Toot nT IImm.1 CHICAGO. Dec. 12. Pinna for a commlttco of seven membors of tho Progressive party appointed yestor day to study social conditions In Northern Kuropo In tho Interests of tho Progrcsslvo pnrty, nnvo devel oped rapidly. Tho commlttco will consist of two roproBontntlvcs of tho agricultural Interests, two of Inline nun limfnHHnr lit fiCOIlOJIlK'B, ' .l ...... nllinHn in l.n ifllnan.. ...li.. Illlll IWU UlllVIO, iu U V"""Ull "III!- out rofcronco to tholr professions, Mcdtll McCormlcIc probnbly will bo Bccrotary' of tho party, which Is expected lo sail In Mny. Spcclnl attention will bo given to tho study of tho widows' pension liudgot re forms and Inhorltanco nnd Income, taxes. Hooscvolt depnrted for Now York today. "Good-hyo, boys, I've had n grand time," wore his parting ! words, REPORT IDE ttllO Im iirrniilnn Mm ?. hb .ould nbldji by ! Of tho lOfiilr. oxnresdod prelection and carry out :n tn flmncn Imw. ..iuii3 icn uovornor Ml cfllci-. lo having had "Dish lioiin niiil rnmn In ijMtlon tin tpr nKi,t TSe liliriltn nf nil Mm -rt.MpItu, junlshmont Is F-J that t'r Covoriinr t'"i rC:rleVfl In Mm .nn. I:'ll tho won,, u could bo . wonimitv to voto nn r tlfylng before tho sonntt). Should t-lthor tako tlio stand, it would nc ttio llrt tlmo, In recent jiws nt Itust, that a woman's ro1i has bnon heard In tho Senate Jwnibur. ST PRINCE NO TRACE Of ONI01 HEY Officials of Ironworkers in Au diting Accounts Did Not Investigate. (11 AMoilited ri?M to Coot iur TlraM.l INDIANAPOLIS, Intl., Dec. 12. Whothor ho know that $10,000 of tho International Association of Drldgo nnd Structural Ironworker, funds lind boon oxpondod for "Dynn. mlto and nltro glycorlno nnd to pay salaries of tho dynamltors" wns nsk ed by tho governmont In cross ex amination of John II. nnrry of St. Louis at tho "Dynnmlto conspiracy" trlnl todny. As vleo-presldont of tho unlnn n.i.l mninlinp nf tllfl eXOClltlVO Regent of Ilavarla, died I board, Darry testified ho nudltod tho JfllDtv.nnA -rr . .'. I . -w -r ir.IT. n Mn Mist an.. UnTik . ,v' " no boon accounts oi j. j. .miimhuuwi, vu v aun for sovoral months rotary, ho assorted ho never traced 6W. fc.""OAl,ocle' 0 IIIO Iinni USO ot mono iu" i.i'- b bi. re.,Bn,nS I'rlnco In'marn, Frank C. Webb nnd Herbert miy ..0l Jenrs. H6 was S. Hockln. wlilcli tlio govornmem for BES AWAY Uilthold of Bavaria 5yf"bs at Age of l Years. ut TZU '" Co0' n4ir TlraM-l Sj',pavarla,Doc. 12.I k nf kX R,"Poror Frnn- chnrges was used for dynnmlto. . W AUStllla. Tim lo- nnrt Ttrnwn. nf Kansas City. L.? trendy ocpnninri tim mnr hiiRlnfiss agent of tho local ur years, wlilln t.i.ih.. Marshficld Has 466 Boys and 398 Girls of School Age This Year. Thero nro considerably moro boys tnan girls or school ago In tho Alnrshflold school district, accordion ton mills. The tthsessod vnluntton of i In tho olllclal consus which Juduo iNorin iiomi nils year Is ?l,2:is,05a, Jolin F. llnll has compllod. Tho n sunlit ltu-re!iHi over Inst year. school consus hns Just been thor- i. J. MiuiHion nmi nr. Jinrlle woro (Higlily oheckod over by Mr. Hall Instructed by tho council to sond telo- nnd Superintendent Tlodgen and Kmum to ConKromuniwi Hnwloy, Sonn- forwnrdod to tho county suporln tors Chnmborlalu nnd Ilourno, pro- tendont. testing against tho nw-mlt tor tho TIl0 c0llBim h1iowb 80 roH,,,onU Southern Psclllo p brldgp tho Day. of 8Chool ngo In Mnrshflold, a gain beliiK held up furthor jon tho roquest'nf or, mL in.t vnnr ,.,in ' .,. 1" of n non-resident This action was g, n85ft "VZr.0 he 'o aro iIOf!!lntfrrlnir.lHl'HM boys 'and 308 girls of school ttr from C. J. Mlllls to City Uocord- 0 , Mnralifloltl. or Dorbyshlro In rosponso to Mr. ,,.,,,, , lWbyshliVa letter. Informing tilm of , clor,c Jor'n,"fl "B"ro? "howod nn the provlous action of tho council, tomato of 27 ovor last year's ron- about tho grading of Stanton nventio. 8V8 . 1,,'nB,B,"f' ll,oro ,)0,"K ibl In the lottor .Mr. Mlllls stated thnt tho' of BC"001 "go this year. Southern Paclllc was inking stops to . . comply with It. He stated tho com- J huuhm; uvkk kta.NH nmiv liml bnen nnrnnRtlv nrL-Ini? tlm . War Departmont for somo nctlon on I-'rort .Tolinson Charged Willi .Selling Iho roijuoot for a pormlt to brldgo tho '' Mann- uronginiiy. Day. Ho sld that they woro hoping! Fred Johnson, who has boon con to get news soon that would onablol ducting n "shlno stand" In Curry's thorn to start tho honvy construction) harbor shop, was arrested on tho work on this end soon. Ho said that, charge of soiling propoi;ty that did FATAL FIGHT I E Chas. C. Bowman of Pennsyl vania Loses Contest of 1910 Election. I , CORRUPT PRACTISES ALLEGED BY DEMOCRAT -tt-tt- C. B. McLean Wins the Long Fight Gets Salary and Rival's Allowance. inr AorIM I'itm to Coot liar Tlran.l WASHINGTON. Dec. 12. Tlopro sontntlvo Charles ( Ilowman of tho oloventh PeniiBylvnnla district was unseated lu tho Douse today by a vote of ir.Il to IIS in favor of O. n. Mc Lean, his Democratic opponent, who charged corrupt practices In Ilow luan's election. The contost was ovor tho election of 1010 and gives. Mc Lonn tho unary nlloywuiiuAtoiN tho term. Itoprcsontatlvos A, MMeholl p-x. "inor nn, J-'nrr of PonnnjltlSiln ot Into n dlsputo on tho lloor of the Hoiiso during conslderntlon tiT "Wie Ilowinnn-Mi'Loan contest whini Vnrr chnrged thnt olllclals of tho linch nwnnn railroad had nctlvcly snpport d Palmer In the recent oloctlon. Palmor ropllod thnt Fnrr's chnrgo was n "willful, dollbornte, malicious llo"and domnndnd that Farr publicly npologlzo or provo his assertions to tho House, HUACH VEIIA CltUZ. Aiiierlcaii Itatllcshlps (Vituplolo the Flint Leg of Ciiilsc. Ilr AwmHjim rn In Com Day TlniM.1 VKHA CltUZ, Moxlco. Doc. 12. The booming of tho big guns ol' American wnrshlps nnnounrud to dny tho nrrlvnl off Vera Cni7!-ol tho hnttleshtps Kanshs, Minnesota Michigan and South Carolina. Mre tier Ho command of Roar Admiral Flotcher. KILLED DV TltAI.V, Two Guards Killed and Dozen Wounded in Shadyside, ll. J., Coal Yards. lllr Amoi !(v im to I'imm liar Tim 1 NEW YORK. Dee. 12. Twn linn. drod moil nrmod with rlflos nldml ""lo tracks nosr Pullmnn today. by n searchlight, guarilod Oio coal , I'rofosor Francis Tlionipson of the yards of tho Susquohnnna & Wost-pVnshliiKlon Stnio college nt Pull orn railroad, n slhsldlnry of tho ' "inn. was killed by a train IiqIiir Krlo, near Shadysldo, N. .1., oppo-, hnckod Into 'tho dopot. He lonvos mio uno jtiiniiroii mid Mntli street," who iiiiii iiuiiiiy, last night nnd todny. Tho strlkors Prof. TlKUiipson of Pullman Col lege Run Down on Truck. "llr Am 114 Vn lo Cok liar Tlm.) COLFAX. Wnsh.. Deo. 12 WhUo wnlklny on tho Northern Pa in n cinsh Inst night Id Hod two gunrds and wounded a dozou, ho had not forgot his promises to tho pooplo of North Rond and assured them that they would ho carrlod out Just as soon as tho obstacles and de lays would bo eliminated. Yostorday aitornoon, Ulty itecoruor Dorbyshlro, K. T. Coffolt nnd Justice Shustor canvassou tno returns or tuo North Rend oloctlon. Thoy found that Cin votes had been cast, divided as printed in Tlio Times yosterday. Of tho total voto, 191 ballots woro cnl by women. FIVE DIE III TRAIN WRECK VPflfQ .1.1. II.. T ..1.1. Wen ki-'. . ""'" ijuiui' , -"-eemBinco 1880. union, was tho sovonteonth of tho fnriv.nnn dnfondants to testify. Ho is charged with having met in Kan- nmlnir In n. V. D ... ' 'oo fif,. Tnnina Ti. MeNnmara. tho Laithoid Emnorn!.inwMfiT.os Angeles Times dynamiter, and S?4 cenmrr, rnT' y Plotted tho. destruction of abrllBO .'"w. Tim im;;ri " - ncross tho Missouri mver. wiiiuu iu- M Idln.,... ".".""""" 'u,"tnt. ivaa lPBrnved bv MCManlgni. A . . -'.miuuu nvni r.iict i w. " " --..-,.-- , m - . i8oSnOVCr Chr,Bt- lV '.V CO.VfilM.'oa k tH to n r. 1o?ei,.'..12.-In tho 3 M :r funis uiii was t iri,, 'he Archbald im- " proceeded. itom5??.10 In caucus an- ( Tafti"eof to Plan action " federal nomlna- iJl "e0 contlntiiwi ivi..n .Ci8 to tho Now York ?.a.rcLean election guinea on tho floor. former witness who said ho had mot Drown in a barber shop where tho latter was Introaucou to aic Namara, testified that nrown nnd McNamara tried to Induce him to blow up tho bridge, promising big monev- , , , 1 1 "Thoy told thero would bo big doings in Los Angeles and lots of money for tho work," said this wit ness. Brown entered a denlnl of tho charges. Drown said that ho first learned tho causo of tho bridge explosion on hearing McManlgal's confession nt tho trial here. HALF PRICE MIIJilXERY sale at MRS. ELROD'S. Seo adv. on PaB 2- . Four Others Injured on Run away Coal Tram in Maryland. nr Aioclt4 Trwa to Coo Par Tlmea.) CUMBERLAND, Md., Dec. 12. Flvo trainmen woro killed todny at Gloncoo In tho wreck of a Balti more & Ohio coal train. Four woro Injured, two perhaps fatally. Tho train of 42 cars and two en gines ran nway down tho moun tain side eight miles and Jumped tho track. SATURDAY wo will SELL for XET OASir: , nt , t . $9.00 Havlland Chocolate Sot, for 7.00 ?8.00 Germnn China Set. . . . ,$3.50 $0.50 German China Sets. . . .'$I.BO $0.00 German China Sots. , . .81.00 $5.40 Japaneso China Sot... $1.00 Odds and ends In China at HALF PRICE. SEE OUIt COUNTERS. COOS nAY CASH STORE, Front Street, not holong to hi in. It seems that ho had only partly paid for tho stand, wlilcli was worth about $00, and sold It to n man named C. M. Lotts for $10, Ho had not settled claims amounting to ovor $32.50 against tho stand, After hearing tho detail of tho caso, Justlco Ponnock Hi' morning released Johnson to gl' him n chance to sottlo tho matt' figuring that was tho best way r of It. LOAN MILLI01 WV M LUU L - i ' WAS ITALIAN IIOAT. iu Mew York Bro- Twi'iily.Flvo Il In CoIIWiiii KiikHsIi CIiiiiiiicI. tllv Aw UlMl 1'r.M la daw Bar TliMa.) DAVENPORT, Knilnml. Deo. 12. It Is now believed that the stenm or sunk by the Centurion wan tho Dernt, owned nt (Jonon. Ilnly. Sho carried a crew of in men. X ship's host marked the Derlin wns picked up todny off (ho Ula ot Wight. It contained tho body n man. CONFER IX IM Bulgarian IVnro mt'h li'orel' 'Hr Awoiat BERLT' o STEAL $25000 III NEW Yf 5, i n Big Theft of Jewelry Off Successfully Tl Hole in Ceilin (nr AiioclalM Frtif to Coot NEW YORK, Dec. last night robbed tho elry Co.'s store on of diamonds valued Thoy entered tho stc hole cut in tho celllr on a ropo tho samo IMPROVEMENT J WASHINGTON, rotary of War to iL-ess the adversi Army engineers improvement oi from tho enrran navigation, n di Tho report dec and prospective Justify improve this tlmo by ment, Times' Wa y 41 i i .4iav'.uVfti'" -i