'!' : THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIEU). OREGON, WEDNESDAY, DECMBHM1. 1912. EVENING EDITION. BANKER F H RAPS COUNSEL ''! D New York Banker Witness at Money Trust Inves tigation Today. . i. .. t. in Tool nT Tim M.I WASHINGTON, Dec. 11. Wnltor E Prow, prosldont of tlio Corn lux it i" Vni, nf Nnw York, nnd president of the Now York Clear- lnir JtioiiBo ubuv;iuii" "o ncss yesterday beforo tho money trust lnvestlBatliiB commlttco nn had a Horlcs of lively clashes with Samuol Untormyor, the comrottoos counsol, about tho powor which tho clearing Iioubos oxorclso over banks. Prow declared that ho did not ad mit tho clearliiB houso 1ms auto cratic powers and hold that a bank could only temporarily bo excluded from tho cloarliiK house by the t .niiAn nntntnlMPn mlt Lllttl body did not huvo nnl decision as to tho expulsion. Prow admitted n bank stispondcd by tho clearing houso could not clear through an othor clearing houso bank. I3ut. ho said, "a bank can carry on Its business without that privilege STATU CAN'T ACT. Unndon Loggl"K "l Investigation Until lit' .'""' ,,. SALEM, Ore., Dec. 9. CltlzoriB of Bnndon hnvo sent n poltlon to Governor Wost asking an Investiga tion with a view of placing blatno for tho collapso of tho trestle near thoro which resulted In flvo deaths last week. Tho governor turned tho potltlon over to tho railroad commission who Informed tho Ban don pcoplo that tho accident did not como undor moir jnriBuii.u cnuso It occurred on a logging road. PEEL SCHOOL HOUSE Ml'RT NOT 1)E USED FOR DANCES mimi rtnK n At Pool. In Douglas county, tho school dlBtrlc wantB to purcnaBo n tho Idea haB been advanced that . .. ..... nmilil tin rnlitml 1)V ClV- Ing dances In tho schoolliouso. Two mombors of tho nchool board have written tho nttornoy general i"i" ' Ing If thin might bo done The attorney general will advlso thorn that tho statutes specifically pro hibits dancing In sclioolhouses. 1MIOTKST BY ENGLAND. Formal Protest AgnliiHt Pniiniuii '...ii.l 'Pull Provision. Dr AMMUtisi PttM to Cool D7 Tlme.1 WASHINGTON, Doc. 10. Tho formal Brltlsli protest ngnlnst tho tollB provision of tlio recently en acted Panama cannl bill has been received at tho Stato Department. Its full text will bo mado public la tor In Washington nnd London. SIGHT IS RESTORED. Hoys' rmiik ICnubli'H Blind French it t Set. OKLAHOMA CITY. Okla., Dec. i A bit of tinfoil flipped from a rubbor band by a child la declared responsible for tho restoration of eyesight to Nov. O. C. import, the pastor of a local church, who had been blind for 28 years. Tlio mis .,n I. It l.lm In thn ovn and to allovlato tho pain hot cloths woro nppllod. ThlB occurred sovoral dayB ago and when It wnB appar ent that tho sight was bolng ro Btorcd tho nppllcatlonB woro con tinued. Virtually normal vision has roturnod. Mr. Ituport becamo and donly blind whllo conducting rovlv nl services. CHRI8TMA8 REUNION8. How many families whoso members have been dispersed and scattered far and wide In tho restless struggles of life aro on this day reunited nnd meet onco again In that hnppy stato of companionship and mutual good will which Is n source of such puro nnd unalloyed delight nnd one so Incompatible with tho enrcs nnd sorrows of the world, that tho religious belief of tho most civilized nnttons and tho rude traditions of tho rough CBt savages allko number it among tho first Joys of n future condition of existence provided for tho blest nnu nappy i many old recollections nnd how many dormant sympathies docs Chrlstmns tlmo nwakeul -Charles Dickens. Daily Christmas Hint Just the Present For nn Athletic Maiden ORES TASTE . i. tnr. h irirl who is fond of outdoor sports, especially that of skat Ing. nothing would bo more acceptably than a homo knit set consisting of a THE LEGEND OF THE MISTLETOE. T past. HE hanging of tho mlstlctoo at this coming Chrlstuiasuuo in vites tho usual tour across tho mystic, musty pages of tho nMi iimncli of tho holidays . -.1,... r0np.iiri within it sweets that to tho youug pcoplo aro most templing. It was tho sauio ten contu rlca ago, and so It will bo for centuries to como. DltlNKS THREE GALLONS. Suicide by Swallowing Twelve Quails or Boou. SOUTH BUND, WnHh., Dec. 9. Locking himself In n room for 17 days, AlborC lllddoll committed sul cldo by consuming 12 quarts of -whiskey, wnon uio suppiy who running abort, lllddoll unlocked tho door and Btnggorcd Into tho hull calling for wntor. Thon ho dropped dead from tho offocts of tho whis key. Ho waa tho son of a ploncor and promlnont horo. no feathers ox hats. U Angeles Says tho Ornaments "Tickle" To Bur by Law. I.OS ANGELES, Dec. 0 Contend ing that "constant tickling" la ns exasperating nnd ntonnclng as tho pricking of line pins, luiim-iuiiim Tophnm has a proposal beforo tho city council to nmond tho hntpln ordlnanco bo aa to curtail tho alzo of mllllnory plumago. Tophnm wantB sweeping fenthora banished, tnoinrini' thov worry ovorybody In tin. vipinltv of tho women whoJ wear thoiu. The Sign of Good Candy Always A modern Brick .ulldlug, ElectrU Light, Steam Heat. Elegantly Purnlahed Rooms with Hot nnu Cold Wator. HOTEL OOOS O. A. Metlln, Prop. IUtea: 00 cents a day nnu upnu Cor. Broadway mil Murkot CrvalmerYTuto Service J. M. Dodge, Driver. r.. i . Tininrn Tlnatnurant. Phones, 6-J or B-L, day and night. Marshfleld, Orgon Whllo their Itiayslilps wero waiting And tholr lordships woro debating Thcro wero other genuflections going on. It Is hardly worth whllo stating That ncoustlo osculating Baptized that Hrlttah Christmas before dawn. MM,- innrniltinHH of tllO mlstlOtOO b08 ilways been respected, particularly by tho Britons nnd tho Scandinavians. It was a part of tho religion of tho Irulds. nnd they regarded It with tho utmost veneration, but restricted their worship of It to tho plnnt when found growing on tho onk. Tho oak was tho fuvorllo tree of their divinity. Tutnue, which tho books say appears to hnvo i....... 1 1, a umnn mr ttio Phoenician god Hani, or tho sun. was prayed to under llircrent nninca by uio eariy pagan. At tho nerlod of tho winter solstice, which wnB about Christmas time, a urent festival was celebrated In honor of Tutane. When this anniversary ar rived the Britons, nccompnntcd by their priests, the drulds, went forth ...i.i. nini-tmiu nmtin nml lollltv to gath er tho mistletoe, which they believed io possess wonderful curntlvo powcra. With them they took two white bulls tud sometimes human uemgs io uo iiicrlilccd. Upon llndlng tho onk with the mis tletoo clinging to It tho chief dmld, clnd In white, tho emblom of purity, itHcended tho treo nnd with u golden knlfo cut the vino. As It fell It was -might In the folda of the robo of an other priest. Thon tho bulla nnd somo. times tho humnna wero offered to Tu tnno. nnd various festivities followed. Clio mlstlctoo thus gnthored was cut into small portions nnd distributed mnno til A noODlC. WllO lltlUg It OTCr tho ontrnnccs to tholr dwellings to notify tho Hylvnn deities that thoy wero wolcomo to shelter uunng uio xenson of frost nnd cold. Theso rites wero retained throughout tho Romnu dominion In Britain nnd for n long whllo under tho Jules, Sax nus nnd Angles. Tho most beautiful legend regarding tho mlstlctoo nnd tho ono from which It derives Its mystic powers la of Scan iinnviiiii nrtuln. Bnlder. tho god of poetry and elomienco nnd second son of Odin and I'rojn, had a dream In which It waa Intimated that bo would lio killed In bnttlo. Ho communicated this dremn to his mother, who was very fond of him, nnd Bhe, to protect him, Invoked tho powora of naturo flro, earth, air nnd water as won ns am mala nnd plants nnd obtnlned an oath from them that they would do Balder no hurt With his invulnerability aa surod, as ho thought, he entered tho combats of tho gods and waa very suc cessful In slaying nil who camo for tvnni to enirniro him. Thov Btruck him with their arrows, but ho plucked them out nnd derided hla antagonists na they fell mortally wounded beforo him. It waa nbout tlmo for Loko, his arch enemy, to chnllongo him or Buffer tho Ignominy of cownrdlco, but ukq was a schemer. Ho disguised himself aa an old wo man and, determining to discover tho oecrct of Haider's Immunity from death, cnlled upon Preja. IIo address mi iin mntiinr with comnllmcutnry re marks upon tho vnlor nnd good fortuno of her son. nnd tho goddess replied that her son was snfo from unrm, as nil tho nroduetions of tho world had sworn not to Injure him. Loko waa very much discouraged nnd was about to go away when Preja added that thero was ono plant sho did not con jure becauso of Its Insignificance. With well feigned Indifference Loko Inquired tho nnmo of It. nnu irroja saw it was tho mistletoe Tho designing Loko procured a shoot of tho mistletoe, mndo nn arrow of it nud then sought tho assembly of tho gods. Thero ho met tho blind neda nml concluded that tho humiliation of Baldcr's family would bo more com plete If Balder should be killed by n sightless god. So ho asked ueaa, "Why do you not contend with tho ar rows of Balder?" neda replied that ho waa bllud and unsupplled with ar rows, whereupon Loko gavo him the mlstlctoo arrow nnd said, "Balder ia In front of thee." neda shot, and Balder fell plowed ami slaln.-Cinclnnatl Enquirer. tJtoVi h yiJi .""r5. (l lli $?0&ks 80 wJBB hum iBA. KNITTED 8KATINO BET. snugly Ottlng cap, a muff nnd a long throw Bcarf. Any funcy crochet stitch Is good to use In developing this very nttractlvo knitted set. The muff la made up ex actly like the regulation affair of fur. SKNIOlt CLASS PLAY, DEC. SO. Llbby COAL. Tho kind YOU have ALWAYS USED. Phono 72, Pacific Livery and Transfer Company. Nursery Stock. Soo a. E. Seaman Phono 4 a-J. Times' Want Ada bring rosulta SILL HEARING A Simple, Harmless Remedy Quickly Relieves Catar rhal Deafness. Tho thousands who Buffor tho .Xl. -. i.i nml eatnrrh and miseries w .-- - . cur0 smsi-a . nolntlng mo buhuih. Unllkflntornal medicines which unset the stomach, or strong snuffs wS only aggravate the trouble. thia cicniiBiiibi .u.o. .- . balm instantly reaches the eat of tho troub o, bioiib mu -' --. l.'u' -iJ,. tim noso. head and throat, and brings bock : tho senso of tnsto, Bmou nn", ""1"":,":ra ; hearing. Moro than this, it fltronctl ons tho wcakoncd and (lis eSUssues, thus protecting you against a return of tho troMH This remedy will euro n cold in a day! and prevent Its becoming chronic or resulting in catarrh. cn!?n'. .... i. io nn Inflammation of tho mombrano lining t Ho r nnssaucs. and cannot no reuuu , mixtures taken Into tho stomach, nor can It bo cured by snuffs and powdora which only cniiBO addl tlonal Irritation. Don't waste tlmo on thorn. Clot a 50 cent bolt lc of Ely's Croam Balm from your drug gist nnd after using t for a day you will wish you had tried It B00.n?r.' .. i...i,i Hen tho children Ely's Cream Balm for colds and croup. It la perfectly harmless, and nloaBant to tn You Auto Call Poote PHONE 14 1-J NIGHT AM) DAY BUind front of Lloyd Hotel TWO NEW OABS After 11 P. M- , ,1'l,1ono M' iralilAiipn l'liono ..nil. Will Mnko Trlr-i o CnqnlllP IZ&'fri ltiLi j i ;i r-mt imms. wm Ruddy Roast Beef Hint looks splendid and tni.. tor than It looks. ThafsM ' b,el you get at this markst. JueJ have to bo an expert meat ft1 to got It cither. K0P 5? Jud only cholco grades and all mVV1 hero with tho same certnk? h' satisfaction. certainty 0( MAnam-'iELi) oAsn MArunyp FOURIER BROS RI1irahncl,l--Tcled,,,nXor;inii(1 ... uuiKfn m C. A. Smith Lumber & Mfg. Co. RETAIL DEPAUTMKNT LUMBEH, LATH, 8HINOLES, MOULDINGS, SASII AM) llOOriNG PAPElt, ETC. H00I13, CUT THE FUEL BILL IN TWO BY USINfl OUB WOOD. PHONE 100. 1HU SOUTH IIUOAIWAY ; " j Ti?ff vThe Trials of, w ffrs Home Canning OJJ VN-C?V iiiirfniUiil'l) I t PTjidw"iuu'lM'1"'lWri,y7jYVRt on W&tm he label K"l TAvgSfcmin i uyyass A J 0 by depending entirely upon T I HUNT'S dellcloutly ripened nd I I cuefullr pretcrved IruiU. I I Buy tltcso fruits from n K tluio retailers: s. 3 E4 jm i ftAs J MAHSHEIELD Hiiznnr Pioneer Grocery Wnrncr Grocery Co. Geo. Coolc Clina. Stnult Mnrsliflelil Grocery Niusburg Grocery NOUTH BEND Coos Bay Grocery U.YNDOX Bamlon Bukery COQUILLE Geo. A. Hoblnson Skcels & Son 1. K. Denno 0 Lyons & Jones MYRTLE POINT 0. Roberta Wholesale Distributors Mnson-Elirman & Co., Portland Have That Roof Fixed NOW Sec GOJITUELL phont; mat. OK A OOOI.o UATCH . E. C. BARKER JEWELER Fine Watch and Jewelry Rcpnlrlig. 2(1(1 l'roilt ht., .iinrwmitMH1 Unique Pantatorium THE MODERN DYERS. CliKAWftim. PltESSEBS n.l HAT RENOVATORS Agent for Etrwartl u. nirnuM . Co., Pino Tailoring. Lot ua "ninko your next suit. Qnn OEXTRAL. '""Q 3-A WANTED ! ! ! CARPETS UPHOLSTERING AND PIANOS TO CLEAN, by tlio Pnctf mntlc Cleaning Company. Orders for work Uikcn at GOING & HARVEY, Phono 10 WHEN YOU WANT A MESSEN GER BOY Something went foi or delivered P H O N E 120-Ii and wo'll do it. Charges reason able. CRAB GRANBY. First National Bank Of Coos Bay MARSIIPIEliD, OIHCGON. CAPITAL FULLY PAID, i?HM,000.0). A general banking business tranancted. Accounts of ItultvltlualH, conorn(lons nnd firing received. Interest iwild on Tlmo nml Savings DeposllH. Safe depoalt boxes for rent nt $11.00 and up per niimiin. Your business hoiiciicu. DTR130T01IS: W. S. CHANDLER, Prooident. DOHSEY KHEITZEK, Cashier. W. U. DOUGLAS, JOHN C. MERCHANT, STEPHEN C. H0QER3. WM. GIUMES, JOHN V. HALL, W. P. MUIU'IIY, JOHN S. COKE. STATEMENT OF CONDITION FLANAGAN & BENNETT BANK MAR811FIELD, OREGON ESTABLISHED 1880. At Uio close of business, November -!, 1012. RESOURCES. Lonnu and Discounts 4!H5H! Banking Houso , CiiBh and Sight Exohungo 263-m-" Total 1737,157.01 LIABILITIES. Capital Stock paid In BO.OOO 00 Surnlus nnd Undivided Profits ,,!'?!;' Deposits CS2'"7-" Total '"" R. J. MONTGOMERY Real Estate and Insurance 244 North Front Street. T. J. SOAIFE PB SA. II. HODGINS Marshfleld Paint, (2b Decorating Co. Furnished. Phono 1-P)-L. Oregoi Entimiiirti -AiiMiii'-iwuif. E. Pale & Co. Mali Grade Ladies'and Gentlemen's Tailoring Imported and Domestlo Woolons Fit nnd Satisfaction Guaranteed Wo do all work right horo. 870 North Front Btrcel MarsMlcld. OLIVJA EDMAN, Meclinno-Tliernnlst Scientific Swedish Massago, Medical Gymnastics 825 S. Sixth St. Phono 205-R. T OEL OSTL1NI), J Piano Tuner and Repairer. 415 S. Sixth Street. Phono 103-L J W. BENNETT Bennott Swanton, Tom T. Bennett Attorneys and Counsellors nt Law, Flanagan & Bennett Bank Building. Mnrsliflelil. Cooa Co., Oregon. PERL RILEY BALLINGER Pianist nnd Teacher Resldonco-Studio, 237 So. Broadway Phono 18-L. TAKE THE BEST CARE OF OLD RAGS Not for their value, but b'o- rmiRn tlinv C.111RO flrCB. Most Ipooplo do not know that old rag8, particularly oiled cloth8l UBOU lOr UUBUHB, UW. """ I i!t. Il.n onnnlnnnnnnlv. MflTlV I flrea whoro "causo ia unknown" might bo traced to carolossnesa in disposing of rago. Anybody knows It's wlso to insure against loss by flro, nnd anybody may find out, by tho least Investigation, that wo havo flvo of tho groatest InBiir anco companies on oarth. Wo know how to wrlto poli cies that protect perfectly, too. I. S. KAUFMAN & CO. 17V Front Btrest WM. S. TURPEN, AROIUTEOT. Marshfleld. Oregon. DR. W. MORROW, Dentist. 171 Grimes Building, over Grand Theater. Otllco Phono 320. New Goods and Second Hand Goods Itmii.lif. snlil nr nvcluillircd. HARRINGTON, DOYLE O. CO. 8na Front Street. Phono 810-L BUniDING AND REPAIR WORK, llnnu Hfnvlnt mill GradlnC Wo aro proparod to do this work by tho day or contract and guarantes satisfaction. Lot us figure with you. G. S. FLOYD & CO., Phono 81B-J. Maroliflcld. Ore Pictures & framing Walker Studio Marshficld&NoMli Bend AiloM Cars leave .MswMeM JW mlnuteo from 7:io n. , j inldnlcht. Leave North W 3 - . .,... .lAvllnf. II I e. r sanio scneuuiw, '""a.t ..h.IUm until midnight. Seo Saturday TU" for nohodiilo. THE SPANISH GRILL A.. Un-lo-Dalo EstW vjt& mH UppOBllO .HUB" Spanish Dlsbcs a SpecW- W.G . CHANDLER, Architect. Rooms 801 nnd 302, Coko Building Marshfleld. Oregon. DR. A. J. HENimY'S Modern Dental Tarlors. We aro equipped to do high cIbbb work on short notlco at the very lowest prices. Examination free. Lady attendant. Coke Bldg., Opp. Chandler Hotel, phono 112-J. Rugs Muko Very Acceptable Christ mas presents. Wo weave artistic and durablo rag ruga and carpets from old or now materlala. Also make beautiful pillow, couch and tablecovors irom suit or wooien rags. Address Gardiner's Rag Car pet Factory, Box 458, North Bend, or phono 181. Shoes Mcn'a Work Shoes and Misses' High Top Storm Boots on Sale Now at The Electric Shoe Store I 180 So. Broadway. Mar-Iifield. Barnard & Langworthy See our window display of WOOD ELECTRIC FIXTURES LEADED ART GLASS DOMES PORTABLE STAND IiAJuro. PnONM 184-R. IIOUSECLEANING AND WINDOW CLEANING We make specialty of this work ntwl nlon nfflrn innltnr WOTk OnU guarantee Batiafactlon. Charges rea sonable. O. M. LETTS. Ordera may bo sent to phone 2J loft nt fhn "RllRV Comer. Ui V W V Palmer & Dm .--I PlllIlO IIW" .. Fourteen K"? faC , lonce. wo uu .-"-rr or k cases, make )elte9 rem""5 white liko new. Rate Satisfaction ;" ,e. Ke Plana boxes fo ie. Becond-lmnd P'B' ""n0i 533. " 29G-X, or Ruui" fioid. Ore. rn tn' NOTICE OF -ssM-js-r,' .mint in tlio u",A.ged B" - " .-- nnCl UCfcv-- ttV REAL ESTATE, INSUR ANCE AND RENTALS Somo fine bargains In Real Es tate. Housos and rooms for ront. AUG. FRIZEEN. C8 Contral Avonuo. ...... . i.oroty SlT.e.? final " N0UC0 i "filed nw.TrfJ itter ' leceafi of V court ba'se9 . o Court House ;i5ile, Co?8 .C"n,)for e.rtof , anu r"""" 1,1 (nai ";,,te. tho -"'BWtaBbB?iSSil Executor of tho J", Ul mment and or ' decease". ji p Boss. .deee-K0Tl 1 bjr$1'