The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957, December 10, 1912, EVENING EDITION, Page 7, Image 7

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The Yuletide Gift
Our Toy
Happy Girl and Boy Land
wiippIs within whells humming, buying, whizzing everything moves ov-
.Awlv hove every uouy jmimv m una mir, sparivung uuiu oi inaivc ueiicvc
flltlicr UP MO wJUUiuii twin iuiiiu .-3V.U biui ra in jiunuiiii itiuu xunva just, 11U5"
vilio liiimv i'cs oC tlolls,.loys, games and playthings.
Hear the "Olis!" ana "ivnsr- oi uio nine ioiks as mey see tms great display.
Sec the regiments of loyal soldiers ready to fight all o'er again the battle of
liul oh ! there must bo a "double alarm" fire somewhere fire trucks, hook
and InddCL'S, UOSC Curia iuiu Jiuiiuuiiug oiiui, umw lumping m v; uij-uu-
hGaiucs, too, plenty of them. Gay colored aulos out for a joy-ride galloping,
ZilikiiiB horses. And tho railroads! There's a big iablcful.
-YOU dOH t Waill 10 1111SS uin; uniitf. vium: iiiiu unir, uH-i.tmm.t.
Wp also have some beautiful pictures artistic mottoes and many elegant
' ',. .j tl.i. ...1.1 ,1i.ii nmr lirmin ntwl miilflMo i'nv nlllMSmmR CTIV-
picccs oi iurnuuro una wuum v ' j - -
o not overlook the store that saves you money in buying your Christmas
Headquarters for ChristmasJShoppers
LOS ANQKl.KS, Dec. 9. "Of tho
Oil applicants for mnrrlngo li
ttles to far UiIb yoar," snld CI rlc
firkt of tho marrlago llccnso liu
91 today, "moro tlinu 200 ndmlt
i that tlio clrl snoko first. "
Sparks' coiiiinont was elicited by
tit realization that but 23 moro
iji remained of this loan vear.
P 'aid leap years nlwnya ahowod
Manny UicrctiBo 111 tho numbor
tnarrlaRo licenses Issued, but did
P't look nn tlin illvnrrn rnrnrilH for
Ik corresponding ported.
iJTw I
'vmi 4
i StafcJaX a
To Do Your Christmas Shop
ping Early.
Tflll (Mill J.
kVi. .1' ""J V0J f ruib, get the
IPiM. ' and brUna th0 Ured
Ready! Aim! Fire!
Buv timet. rLtto, 4t1:rfo
Wake Up!
Do That Christmas Shop-ping-and
TTnv vour Job printing dono a
Tho Tlmea ofllco.
Havo your Job printing dono at
Tho Tlmea offlce. -
"Smoke Up. Papal"
(A Christmas Poem.)
r -,
Doctors Use This for Eczema
Dr. p,... . . ...
nn. TiSr"1 'commissioner or neaiw,
teeii mi, er.? ,s almost no relation be
tkiV'J.?1? dlgeasea and the blood." The
a lQU8t bR OnrAil ih.nirli hA nt(n
u'ti ?. '.nust bo washed out, and eo
. m save ions eko been found worth
tilicim.e most advanced physicians of
BrSSJl?.?renow aerreed on this, and
Unao, .Jitlne a waili of wlntersreen.
m tii .? other lntrredlents for eczema
'i other skin diseases. This com
EM.Jtnown as D-D.D. Prescription
3it lii?es' the we known skin spe
KSr prilea- "I am convinced that the
for AfXscrPtlon Is as much a speclflo
it bXL" ""'nine for malaria. We
Ir VnlJ.prescrlblnB- the D.D.D. remedy
". ouri?M
vouch for the D.D.D.
Itch the instant you apply It.
Tf vou aro suffering from any form or
skin troubll we would like to have you
MmtSour store, for we have had the
nron into our store anyway and we
will Si Vou U about thla great remedy.
L !
?vi iTY-X
' c I 'ci
A favorite poem 111 ml 0 Into a booklet
makes n charming gift
A Hat leather penwiper for his desk
mnl;'?K an appropriate souvenir for tho
business man or woiunn.
4 bodkin case with three bodkins is
a useful Christmas gift for tho needle
woman. A homemndo booklet of n dozen re
liable clmtlug dish recipes will bo
prized by the housewife.
A blotter, tho upper side mndo of a
picture H)stenrd of yourself, Is n Rlm
plo yet vnlued gift for nu lutlinnto
Q.-- ----------'' ----Q
Chrtttmas comes but onco a year.
Let's enjoy It whllo It's hero.
Kat your turkey without fear.
Never pause to shed a tear.
Should you feci a trlllo queer
After wlnm or running gear,
Neck mid bishop's 11010 y-fcro,
Take a pill a 1'Alcck Thwcatt,
Ilo who never dares to cat
Walllcn, cakes or aausaco meat,
Nothlna sour, nothln sweet;
Lives a week on shredded corn,
Never smoked since ho was borni
Water's all ho ever drinks:
Llvlnti low. ho hlBhly thinks.
Christinas turkey, Christmas plo.
Christmas pudding, Christmas sight
Merry Christmas! Merry wcokl
Happy Now Ycarl Very mcoltl
T this season of tho year Pfob- nM Coc.innP.r firnW Klltfih llSfifl
niny no city of the nneient "" ""'"" -.www -..... www-
- .1
world presents n more pic-
turesnuo or attractive nsnect
than Ilethlehum, whose population is
many times multiplied by the pres
ence of n vast nrmy of pilgrims from
every pnrt of tho globo. Mecca, in tho
height of the great annual Moslem In
flux, or Ilurdwnr. In tinner India, nt
the season of tho Bncred festivnl, tuny ,
For Making Charming Gifts,
Tho recent revival of cross stitch
for needlework goes merrily on, and
not tho least attractive and useful
menus of cmnloyiug this old fashioned
Kr much' rgS,;Cffi they "caZt 1 " I- in tho manufacture of guc,.
An Old Fashioned Party For the Chil
dren. Tho nrrnngemont of n tnblo nt a
Vuletldo party was qulto unusual, ln
asuuich ns It wns nn old fashioned
squnro ouo. lengthened to nccommo
dnto twelvo children. It wan pushed
back against tho wall, and at tho back
wns tho largest sized Yulo log candy
box, resting on, a bed of holly and mis
tletoe On top of tho log was a doll drossed
ns n Jester, called tho "Lord of Mis
rule," and nttnehed to tlu front end
of tho log by red ribbons wero six
dolls dressed to represent tho first six
mouths of tho year. Following after
tliu log wore six moro figures dressod
like tho last six months. At each pluto
wero n holly pnper covered horn nnd 11
weo tree lit with red wax tapers.
Tho children wero to blow out tho
candles, muklng n wish for each ono.
If they go out with tho very first puff
tho wish will cotno truo. A white nnd
red Christmas ribbon goes to each
plato. fastened by n spray of holly.
Then ench child looks nt tho dolls nnd
says which ono ho or slio thinks rep
resents tho month in which they wero
If there bhotild bo two In tho samo
month tho ono who Is tho oldest gets
tho dolt for that mouth. As thcro Is
ono for each guest, n satisfactory ad
justment Is easily made. The Yulo log
nlso contains small favors for ench
Enollsh Plum Pudding.
Tor thoao who wnut their plum pud
dings hoiucmndo tho following rcclpo
may prove useful:
Take oue-hulf pound of flilcly shred
ded suet, one-half pound of washed and
dried currants, three-fourths of n pound
of stoned raisins, four tubtcspoonfuls
of dried and sifted breadcrumbs, three
tnble.spooufiils of warm sifted Hour,
tlvo ounces of loaf sugur, tlnco eggs,
threo ounces of shredded citron, one-
half nutmeg grated nnd a teaspoon
ful of brandy. Mix theso well togeth
er, adding enough milk to mako It of
nlco consistency, and boll for six or
olght hours.
This puddlug keeps admirably, aud
when It Is not to bo used for some
tlmo It should bo boiled, sny, for six
hours nnd then bung from a hook, in
tho storeroom until about to bo used,
when It should again bo pluced In tho
pan and boiled for nn hour and a half
or two hours longer.
It may be boiled In a mold, a basin
or n cloth und must bo kopt In which
ever Is chosen until ready to bo served.
he said tn havo more dovotit or moro
cosmupolltnn crowds than those thnt
tloek to the city of David In tho Christ
inns week. Shaped wonderfully llko
a crescent, yet tho only thoroughly
Christian town In all Syria, Bethlehem
puts on Its gayest garb as Christmas
approaches. At all times a pretty and
attractive place. It Is then n thousand
fold moro so. Tho thrifty townspeo
ple, their handsome wives and dark
eyed daughters, preparo for tho festiv
ities weeks In advance nnd aro ready
to wclcomo the first arrivals.
Vn wnrds rnn ndcmiatelv doscrlbo
the grandeur of tho Christmas services I
nt tho Church of tho Nativity, which
Is the center of Interest for tho pil
grims. Theso services nro kept up tho
entire week. On tho way to church
the visitors nro beset by peddlers, who
Insist on pushing under their very
noses little ornaments of ollvcwood
nnd mothorofpenrl. Tho Church of
tho Nativity Is ono of tho oldest struc
tures In existence, nnd, although It has
been repeatedly repaired, It still ro
talus much of Its original form nnd
character. In tho side aisles at dif
ferent ultnrs priests chant tho sorvlco
In tones thnt swell nnd dlo nmld tho
tnll columns thnt support tho roof.
At tlm shrines crouns of nltcrlms
kneel In reverent adoration, whllo still
other groups nro guided nround tho
church by monks, who point out tho
rich relics nnd sacred places, tho most
venerated of nil being the shrlnu of tho
monger, beneath the church, which. It
Is claimed, Incloses tho actual birth
place of tho Saviour. During tho
Christmas festivities this manger
shrlno Is resorted to by great multi
tudes, who crowd each other in their
pious eagerness to kiss tho inarblo slnb
on tho floor with a silver star In tho
So fervid nnd enthusiastic aro theso
worshipers that tho mnrblo slnb has
been repeatedly kissed uwny In places,
rnmlnrlni? n new slab necosSlirs. TIlO
same experience has occurred with tho
stono covering of tho crypt In tho
Church of tho Holy Sepuleher In Jcru-
'H '1:'-
H ,ii.iiniunnnit".i.i...,., ,,,,.,!( H
towels for Christmas presents. Tho
Illustration shows u very dnluty
model with quaint basket design car
ried out lu dull blues, tans nnd pink.
A fnticy work bag In creamy linen
with llttlo flowers of cross stitch
across tho lower end of it for n border
nnd tho owner's lultlnls In cross stitch
above would bo nn appreciative gift
for tho housewife.
M A gave pa some Chri-tmaa
And he smoked one by and by
When it smcllcd like a feather
We couldn't tell whether
He wanted to laugh or cry!
Send Your Heart With It
Don't give presents because others
expect you to. Give becauso you love
to. If you cannot send your heart with
tit gift keep tho gift
A Mean Holiday 8p!rlt.
Do not gauge your Christmas giving.
Thero Is nothing tnoro desplcnblo than
to work off the hack numbers or tho
shabby, useless gift on tho girl who
"needs everything" and spend a emull
fortuue on thoso who can spend on
Christmas Eve.
The hoar of time where the frost's Bray
In fantastic glamour lies;
A sheen of Unlit on the gleam'ng white
That mirrors tho spangled skies:
A great cold star In the heavens afar
And a moon trail on the hills;
The earth Instilled with an awe fulfilled
And the night with muslo thrilled.
The carolers sing as the church bells ring.
While up In the organ loft
The sage owls croon as the calm, sweet
Comes swelling, but ever soft
The message nies through the changing
By changing time and tongue,
Out ever the same as the tale that came
The shepherd men among.
Where the mistletoe and the laurel bough
And the holly and bay are twined,
Where the hearth fire gleams as In an
cient dreams.
One age Is but In mind.
As tn modern dreams the hearth Are
80, under the casement still,
The carolers sing as the tower tongues
Man's peace and God's good wllL
Stephen Chalmers.
' Not n White Elephant Qlft.
Ono of the most useful presents for
n busy woman Is n simple tnendlnff
bag. A moro elnborate present tuny
become a "whllo elephant," whoro nn
everyday necessity of this kind will
provo its wortlt repeatedly. A useful
gift for n busy mistress of a house
hold Is thnt of a cretonne pocket, sus
pended from n folding wooden frame,
after tho manner of n camp stool.
Tho fraino en 11 Always bo procured
easily and only requires sulllclont cro
tonno of n dainty pitttcru to form tho
nucleus of nn eminently serviceable
sewing kit. When not In tiso It can bo
folded up and placed In n corner,
while It has a distinct ndvautugo over
tho ordinary sowing bag, In that when
tho frame Is extended the wholo of
the contents nro visible nt once.
I The cretonne should bo gntiged on to
the frame, with a bending of about an
Inch extending nbovo tho rods, whllo
1 Inner noekots for tho sowing addenda
cun bo added to suit Individual tnsto. ,
The round or squnro wooden boxes In
which crystallized fruits nro bought
cnu bo transformed Into things of
bounty, with tho help of n yard or so
of cretonne. Very flno cretouno should
bo used, mid tills should be pasted on
the box.
An Extremely Useful Offering.
Tho hotiscwlfo who Is careful of her
handsome mahogany dining tnblo wll
bo charmed to receive on Cltrlstmaa
morning u set of linen tnblo mitts.
Tho number Is only limited by tho
salcm, which has had to bo renewed
sovoral times lu conseqtienco of Its out
er surfuco being literally kissed away
by pious devotees. Tho tradition Is
thnt Christ was onco Inld In this mon
ger. A few feet distant Is the chnpcl
of tho Magi, where tho wlso men of
old, Melchlor, Caspar and Hulthazar,
cumo worshiping with rnro glftB.
A subdued, rich light Is diffused
throughout tho grotto by Uio softly
glowing lumps over tho star, und the
swluglng censers lend nn agreeable
odor to uu otherwise closo nnd musty
ntmosphero. All worldly thoughts are
banished as tho kneeling pilgrims Us
ten spellbound to tho melodious chant
of tho sacred ofllco or tho full, sturdy,
noblo singing of tho grand looking,
bearded priests. Tho low roof, the
"living rock," tho censers, the music,
the lights, nil seem to dissolve and in
their stead thero nppeur to tho moist
eyes of tho adoring pilgrims tho man
ger cradlo with tho bube, tho Virgin
mother and Joseph, tho mean surround
ings, tho oxen und their litter of straw
and tho gontle, wondering sheep
I ' 1
skWV ' vtv3i'' -v it vi
rinnnr'a L-nnoroaltV. but OB a rulo tho
in inn crmiiio. wuuuuiujk duvuii i - ...
The Christmas festivities, however. t consists uf a largo mat for tuo meat
nro not routined to tho Church of the
Nativity. Tbo week is u general festi
val In tho town and a season of finan
cial harvest for Its citizens. Liko nil
orientals, they nro thrifty to n7uriclous
ness, and the sight of tho splendid gifts
thnt nro brought year after year to the
churob and especially tho Grotto chap
el, by strangers from afar widely ox
cito their cupidity. Among those thou
sands that are living temporarily In
tents, or, It may be, quartered In the
more comfortable convent, thero are
many rich who can bo easily persuaded
Into generosity when under tho super
natural Influence that seems to pervade
everything at Bethlehem- Phlladel
Dbia Hecord.
nlutter and four of tho protectors for
uso under vegctublo dishes.
To make these mats two pieces of
heavy whito linen are required for
each pad, which Is buttonholed togeth
er except at one end, whoro an open
ing Is left In which to slip asbestoa
mats cut a trifle smaller than the out
er linen covering. The dlfTerenco In
slxe of tho linen and tho asbestoa mats
Is employed to form a border, which In
turn is outlined with a row of machlnr
These mats may bo of colored linen,
but white Is a safer choice unless one
knows the color scheme most ufTectod
by the person to whom the present Is
to bo given.