ttivoniiOABT.t flSfflON-Fnir iu...But ..uu IfsHesd?' itncoiu). ... ihn 21 liours ending nt For wo . n bv Uon ... nneclnl Govorninont mo- loglcal observer: ffRTn.".',,:':: i ' . ...llnn IlOnO r'cTni.vcBt: clear. Ainu " MpcIh Accident. Q. S. Cnpps, tlia foreman of The Times composing room, mot with tin iiinisuul nnd painful nccldont nt his homo In wiiTin ZT,,r .CVC"K- ...-.. ...,,,., nun,, 0 uollliiir water ho tripped nnd fell m B0I110 "v una ,vnB Ondly scalded. Ilia foot woro most sovcrely Inltirnil ; ho I- confined tThl? homo'to- a, be ng unnblo to walk. Whllo alnf,0.rl0"n,1,l8.InJ,,rlea nro vcr' ! t Hl.s n,,SCIll-,o makes tho work moro dllllcult In tho offlco. hnn'TH '" W"'' GS MOBkOB, WllO na been employed at Coak-do has rot rum in Mi...- i i.i ... .. . ...... ",,"' "lu " uio "4 mm uio lurKa and others, iiu was ono of tho Greek subscrib ers Of Tlwi Tln,n ...l ..... i i.. . . i .. '' 'u hub intense ly patriotic. Sent to l'oitlniul Sheriff Qulno oi uoscuiirg, writes hero that Jill droit Casteol, a Coos county girl, will ho sont from thero to tho Boys and Girls' homo In Portland. Ho has asked that tho girl's mother, Mrs. Mnggio Condlo, bo notified. ALL KINDS OF- CHAIR! Between now and C'lirist miKs litincli'ccls of Chairs and Hookers will be pur chnsctl as Holiday Gifts. r- 1 A A J MB W'BBBBB BBBBBBft Vssas,vjfffi w 1J jBH5 HBBk. " H ARE YOU A PROSPECTIVE BUYER IF SO, BEAR THIS IN MIND We have made spcial preparations (o show m, m. n n. ..,, line of Chairs and .Rockers ever shown at our Hum .'.. i, i.:ei' r...MS! lV,1 WeCkim This Line Is Greater Than All Other Lines Combined THIS MEANS YOU iroi'ft VOll find flirt rrivwfncl neo,M. (..,,.( 1...1 ,, ... I ,.vy, ui u.itiii iu syifui u-oin 1 no better stvlcs. lie new and exclusive designs. . o In plain words, von will miss flm HiV si,.. :r r.,;i i .. ,-,, . Hup '" .'" " iw auu uur unair Ohairs, Tickers, Mori-is Chairs. Make it a point to visit Marshficld's Best "Funiilm'o Store while do ing your Christmas shopping. PERRY & NICHOLSON pHSfpl Meet Wednesday. Tho DaptlBt Sunday school pupils will meet for Chrlstmns rehearsal Wednesday af ternoon after school at tho Bap tist church. Ia-iivo Tomorrow Among tlioso who lenvo tomorrow by Qardlnor and Drain nro: W. S. Fonslor, W. Thoe, Fred 1). Parr, A. D. Clair, M. W. McDowell, W. A'. McDowdll, 13. D. McArthur and J. 13. Norton. llOUtf. KUICKS0X To Mr. nnd Mrs. Os car Erlckson at their homo on 131rod nvonuo, a nlno pound son. (Jels Itonr Skin J. W. Donnott hnB JubI rccolved from Juneau. AlnBka, a big polar bear Bkln for a rug. It Is a beauty and la said to uo ono of tho best that has como out of Alaska In a long tlmo. Ho had a special ordor In for ono of tho best obtnlnnble. Son In Xcoil, Marshal Cartor Is In receipt of a tolegram from C. L. Heed of Modford asking him to locato his son, Fred Rood, whom ho says was reported 111 and lu need of nld In Marshflold. As yot no such porson has been located. Closes Condcnmry. G-oorgo Sher idan of North Ilond In In Marsh flold today sottllng up tho affairs of tho Coos liny Condonsary Com pany at North Bond, preparatory to his departure on tho noxt Hcdondo for Snn Francisco to romaln Indef initely with his folks. GKNTIM-2 Cr.OSIXO OUT SALK at COOS HAY CASH STOItK. AVIint lIiipiiciiMl to Mary. Tho Bocond of tho "What Happened to Mary" series will bo ropeatcd at tho Ornheum tomorrow Wednesday. Alono In Now York Is tho title of tho Instalment and considerable Interest has been nrouscd In this story. Tho comploto scries will bo shown in tho Houbo of tho Photo piny, exclusively. Thrco othor fea turo rcols will bo on exhibition to morrow nt tho houso whore, In fact, "Motion Pictures Do Look Bottor." I ALONG Till AVATKKFIIOXT. 4 4 Tho stenmor Anvil which has boon chartered by Gold Bench par ties to carry freight botweon Marsh flold and Gold Beach Is expected to arrlvo In tho Bay tomorrow. Tho launch Vega Is on tho South Inlet run again, nftor bolus repair ed. WILL ELECT II Tho launch Standard has been tnkon off tho North Bond-Marsh-flold run nnd will probably bo hold for charter scrvlco for tho tlmo bo-lng. l'LACi: ordors for CIIIMHTMAH PHOTOS with STADDHN'S on Broadway nt onco. ONLY 12 days moro to BUY your CHIUSTMAS PHKSKNTS nt iTi PKIt CI3XT IHSrOUXT at C003 HAY CASH stoih:. Nursery Stock. Sco a. 13. Scnuuin Phono 49-J. Chicken Tamales nt tho Motho dlst church, Wednesday aftornoon, Docombor 11, SAVI3 M0X13Y on CHUISTMAS PltlNKXTS nt COOS HAY CASH STOItK. Ilnvo your Job printing dono at Tho TlmM ofllc. Special School Election at Marsh field . Central Building Tonight, A special school election will he held nt tho Marshflold Contral schodl nt 7:30 this evening to elect n director to fill tho vacancy on tho board caused by tho resignation of Dr. J. T. McCormac, who rccontlr moved to Borkeloy. A. T. Haines, who has had pre vious oxporlonco on school boards, nnd Georgo 13. Cook, n Marshflold grocer, and J. M. Upton woro tho candldntcs talked of today in con nection with tho olcctlon. Various rumors hnvo boon ntlont about tho candidates, Somo nctlvo work has been dono today in tho campaign. Mrs. I. S. Kaufman stated post tlvoly this aftornoon that sho would not bo a cnndldnto for school direc tor. Her natno had neon mention ed ns ono of tho candldntcs. When In need nt -PLUMlUXa, HKATIN'fl, TIXXIXG, SIIKKT MKTATj WOKK, CALL 101 -.7 1M0XKKU HDW'ItK CO., Wlicn dono by .n I in dono rlglJ Wo MUST MOVK. Buy CHIUST MAS nrcflonts hero nnd Bavo 25 CKXTS on ovory DOLLAlt. COOS HAY CASH STOItK. Chicken Tnmnlos at tho Motho dlst church, WedncBdny afternoon. Dccombor 11. Over Stock Sale Now is the time to make one dollar do the work of two. My entire stock of ladies, and misses coats, suits and millinery to closed out at once. $35 Coats and Suits, $22.00 $22.50 Coats and Suits, $14 $30 Coats and Suits, $18.50 $20 Coats and Suits, $12.50 $25 Coats and Suits, $15.50 $15 Coats and Suits, $9.50 All Millinery at One-Half Price Ladies $30 Trimmed ITats, now $15.00 Ladies $25 Trimmed Hals, now $12.50 Ladies $20 Trimmed Hals, now $10 Ladies $15 Trimmed Hats, now $7.50 Ladies $10 Trimmed ITats, now $5 Ladies $5 Trimmed ITats, now $2.50 MRS. M. J. ELROD FRONT STREET bo IKINDS OF JOB PRINTING 00NE AT THE TIMES' OFFICE hays "The Busy Corner"--The Rexall Store TWO WEEKS TO CHRISTMAS Two Utile Santa Clauses iwiftly n the run! "e got a "week" back and "en thero was one. GOING! GOING!! GONE!!! your Christmas Chances Will Be Gone, Too, If You Don't Get Busy. SHOP NOW! Santa ... Clans Is' at the 'Busy Cor ner' with Bells on. Presents for ev erybody. We are waiting for your Inspection. 'Ockhart-Parsons Drug Co. "The Busy Corner" MAIN 298- -US Dayton Bicycles .11 . I VvAv?. A jrM Cf 1 I Christmas Bicycles "Who's the Guy That Put the 'Buy' In Dayton Bi-cycles' Marshfield Cyclery DAYTON AGENTS, Phone 158-R. 172 Broadway. WANT ADS. KOU.VU T.mly'N riiy licit. Owner limy hnvo snino by paying for this ad at tlio Times ofllce. FOUND A Koltl nnd onninel frnter nnl pin of tho Foresters of Am erica. Owner niny Kot nnmo nt Tim oa ofllce by paying for this notice for farm. J. E, Fltzgorald, Phono 3151. FOIl SAW! FuiiiIhIhmI tent rnliln, Just right for two to "hatch" in, Very cheap. Knqniro on JoliiiHon nvonue, botweon Fourth and Fifth Btrcot. after 4 p. in. WANTED In country; lady to euro for two small children and to do light honsowork. Apply room 2. ovor Cook's grocory. FOIt KAIi: Fiirnltiiiv, with liun galow for rent, on South Fifth utrcot. Phono 108-L. 1'Olt Hi: NT Nine room Iioiiho In Hunker Hill, partly furnished. Apply Tlmos olllco. WA.NTICD To Itent 11 I'luno or Or gan, or both. Apply Ornnd Theater. FOR HAM' Ono linliy cot mul nuit trous. Apply CI 8 11th stroot. IIOAItD AND 1IOOM8 Hotel I,nt. tin, contrally located, flood ta blo, homo cooking, and largo comfortablo rootiiB. Ilonsonnble ratos. WA.NTUD Currier boy to deliver Tho Times. Must bo In Fourth grado or higher In school. In quire at Times ofllco after 4 o'clock. FOlt HAMO Old neH'HimiorH; n big bundle for a nickel, Just tho thing to start fires wlth IiOST Scotch ColHo nnnicd Hex, years old. Howard for return to Frank Marhoffer, 9CC South Oroadway. WANTKI) SiiloHiiuui to Ntnrt Jan. 1st for one of tho largest man ufacturers of Imported nnd do mestic calondar lines In the country, Liberal commission. Must bo well acquainted In Coob County. Address M. Marx. 318 Hamilton Dldg., Portland, Oro. FOIl HKNT Furnished houso-koop-Ing rooms, close In. Phono 239-J FOlt HUNT Funilfched rooms with heating stoves. Apply 246 North Fourth Street. Mrs. ZleKlor. . IIOAItD AND ItOOMS 207 North Third street, cor. Commercial. I-XMl SAIjK At sncrlflco. Inrgc slzo hlgh-grado piano In fine condition. Address box 533, Marshflold, Ore. FOlt 8AI.K Young team, 8 and O years, harness and wagon. Flno FOlt HAM.' UhlckerliiK INirlor Grand Piano lu oxcollont condi tion; $CC0 cash. Phono 294-X. 1,1 M)lftiltlltKlc,l f,ltfH I1 tllll $10 prlzo "bean Jar" with every GO cent purchaso botwoen now nnd Dccombor 25th. Sartor's Confoctlonory, Front streot. FOlt SAIiU Dry wooa, llr nnd nl dor, at Campbell's Wood Yard, Forry lnndlng. Phon lPrt-L. Hnneviltably Watemnraami's Udeal Foonttaiiini Fem Is tho cholco of peoplo of taste, culturo and experience Tho St oro for Quality Goods and New Designs. , V,'