The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957, December 10, 1912, EVENING EDITION, Page 2, Image 2

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.elp Sannfta Claims
Find Needy Goes,,
Do you know of any mm, woman, child or family
that is in need? If so, fill out the blank below and
send it to The Times.
Some Marshficld men the real good fellows are
planning lo see that Christmas cheer fills every home
on Coos Bay. They will have the aid of some avo
men, too. They don't want any praise, they just
want to piny Santa Clans, the unknown Saint of
childhood's happy dreams, and say no more about it.
All they want is the chance and they want to make
it complete.
So come to the front help them to clothe, feed or
bring joy to the needy nirl spread Christmas cheer in
every heart that might through adverse circumstances
be sad and lonely while the rest of the woifd is re
joicing. So join' in the spirit of Christmas and help
'old Santa Clans find those that might otherwise be
missed. ' '-"WL
So fill out the coupon and send it to The Times.
The following are in need of food, clothing or
Christmas joys: . Hr.
Name of man or family
Street residence .'
Ages of children in the family:
He sure and give the address and write any sug
gestions as to what you think is most needed and
send it to The Times as s on as you can.
Joy iIiIch, thoy nln't nnthln' now for I've tuk Biich rides a fow
when I wtiB u Rtrnppln' hoy llvln' Imck In llllnoy. llnln't ho very Ioiik
ago hoiico iib youiiKBtora through tho anow, imt to ilrlvo in team o'
says iroiuir tiown 1110111 uiu iukiiwujb, i w imu iiu-
tioanls IiIkIi on Jim's liob-alcil fill tho box 'most full o' straw all
climb In, and thon, O! law, how thorn hays 'ould snort anil pranco nil
tho way out to tho dniico, while tho Klrm and boyB 'ould sing, kccpln'
tlmo to bIcIkIi holla' rliiK. , . . .
All tho rest 'ould cuddlo down In tho straw whoro winter's frown
never could Kt to 'oni well nil but im and my gal, Noll, for you know
tho team wusr. mine, ho Nell holpt mo hold a lino while wo, two, was
standln' there tnlkln well, about tho air. ....
UHt to stop when It wnB late, out by old Loin Vt iKRln fl Knto, call
tiltn out and make him mud aHkln' him what tlmo ho had. Tl-oii
we'd drlvo faat down the road fearln' thnt ho mlRlit oxiilodo with
sonio curs words, purty near our bUh didn't llko to hear.
Don't HiippoHo that old-time bunch over had a roadhouao lunch,
and I KiioHH they'd thoiiKlit It wront? altiKln' somo fool raKtlmo aouB.
. . .. ....,....,1 ..... u nlnui 'ulili. I)i nti.o nniiin nnmiln L'(l lint
II III lllllliillKII uiu nunu """ "" '" " '"" . ...- ,-- c- .
thla plct ii r' In y our f nunc hoin wn s Joy jnj-LnJJ.
oi.i) .ioki:.
OIIKOON CITY. Or., Doc. 7. Tho
frlomlH of MIhh Moho JiiBtlu of Orogon
City hiivo it good Joko at hor expenao
when thoy load tho followliiB nrtlcle,
from a Michigan papor. It may bo
thnt Miss "Moso" Justin iloos not ro
ally exlat, but thoro Is a youns wo
man of OiPKon City who might havo
"lilt" on the clover Joko pulled off by
a MIcblKuu business man.
It wns cortalnly a fnr fotchod Joko,
coverlnB In tho iilghliorhooil of somo
3000 miles, hut a long dlstnnco nibble
fconta a local honx every time. Any
how, tho lotter, clipped from tho Mnr
quetto Mining Journul, follows:
"David Kulnsiowlrz, a Dossemor
lusluoss man. has on display at his
atoro a placard which reads: 'Wo will
vay $5 for 1010 Lincoln pennies,'
'which moans that ?! would be paid
for ono thousand uliio hundred and
ten Lincoln pontiles. Many of tho
oy havo "lilt" but it was hardly ex
pected thnt a 'bite' would bo received
from far off Oregon. Ilowovor, a let
tor fiom Orogon City says: 'I havo
ttceii Informed thnt you aro roilcoin-
fng I1M0 Lincoln head pennies, each
ono for $f. If this is true, and if so,
tow long Is this ofior open? How
tunny pennies would you accept from
ono person? I havo sovoral which I
would llko to scud you, Knclosod
pleaso ilnd self addressed stamped on
Tolopo. Thtnklng you very kindly, In
advance for an early reply, 1 am,
Tory sincerely, (Miss) Moso Justin,
Orogon City Oregon.,"
SIRS. KKIT1I, AfiKl) tl:i,
MINNNAI'OLIS. Minn.. Doe. 9.
PIkhibhIoii was rifo of tho dramatic
method UBod by Ilev. Q, L. Mor
rill to lllustrato his sermon, "Prniso
Him with tho Danco," In engaging
two chorus glrla to do tno "bunny
hug," "Jelly wobblo," "turkey trot'
and other "rag" dunces In tho pul
pit of his church.
When tho "coup do thenter" was
over nnd whllo tho congrogntlon
still gasped, tno Ho v. Morrill sniu
"I admit thoro la a decent danco,
a danco holpful to tho body, pleas
ant to tho mind nnd harmless to
tl o soul. Hut theso 'rag' dnncea
you havo JiiBt wltnossed, not at all
exaggerated, will mako tho dovll
bluah and ho would hcalrato to In
troduce thorn In hell,"
1 1 1 1() W.VS KXIM5NS KS.
JOI'LIN. Mo., Doe. C.Mrs. II.
Keith, ngod 113 years nnd hor young
est son, SO years old, took tholr llrst
ride on a railroad train recoutly.
Thoy enmo from tholr homo which Is
sovornl miles from n railroad In
southern Arkansas.
Charles McMnnaiuy was tho llrst
patrolman in uniform thoy over saw,
Mrs. Keith said she has tliroo sous
oldor than the ono who accompanied
her lioro. Tho oldest is 95, alio said,
All live with tholr mother or noar
her homo. Hor husband was killed
lu tho Civil Wnr.
Spent $-10 In Campaign for Ills,
trlct Attorney.
A Portland papor contained the
various amounts of monoy spent
by cnndldntea In tho recent gonernl
election. According to tho tnbulntod
report Ocorgo M. Hrown spout $2-10
seoklng tho ofllco of district attor
ney, whllo John T. Long spent $75
In his effort to land tho same olllco.
No account wna filed by Attorney
W. W. Cardwoll. John W. Camp
boll spent ?725 In tho campaign for
congress whllo W. C. Hawloy spout
lesa than $100,
Harm HERtjstv&HB
ELNATHAN TODD kep' company
With Lucy Kerr so tarnal
Tho women all declared that he
Was doln' her n groejous wrong.
They Mowed he ought to let her know
What his .Intentions reely were,
Or give somebody else a show
To come a-shinln' up to her.
But always when Elnathan tried
To pop the question so I've heared
He'd stammer like his tongue was tied
And choke all up, he wns so skeered.
And Lucy, beln' bashful, too,
Would set and trem'le like a leaf,
And havin' nothin' else to do
Would gnaw her pocket han'kerchlef.
At last the women folks agreed
'Twas time for them to take a hand,
So, under Wldder Barton's lead,
They told the parson what they plan
0 ltt.Cl.
And, beln's that tho parson was
Pursuln' of the wldder's heart,
He 'lowed they had a righteous cause
And promised he would do his part.
So when the Chrls'mns doln's were
The church was full as full could be,
And all the gals but Lucy Kerr
Got presents from the Chris'mas tree,
At last the parson, with a smile,
Called Lucy's nnd Elnathan's names,
And they went blushin' up the aisle,
Not knowln' of the women's alms.
"Take hold o' hands," the parson said,
And, not suspectln' what It meant,
Before they knowed it they were wed,
Both havin' give their full consent.
Then all the congregation stood,
While Widder Barton pitched the key,
And ev'rybody sang that good
Old hymn, "What Shall the Harvest
Apprehension Felt From British Navy
In the War of 1812.
Six months of tho war or SVi linU
elupxcd when tho people of tho United
States celebrated Christmas n hundred
years ngo. Hull hud surrendered De
troit, but nuntlier Hull bud won n de
cided victory over the llrltlnh ship
(juerrlcre. whllo another ship, tho
United States, had captured tho Mnce
doiilnn. In New York n great Christ
ians tin liquet was given to Captain
Isaac Hull, cotnmiiiidliig tho Constitu
tion. "Old Ironsides," which hud won
the tmttlo with the Cuerrlere, and to
Captain .Stephen Decatur, coinmuiider
of tho United States.
The Immiiiut was given In tho City
hotel, which occupied tho wholo front
of a block from Cedar to Thnmes
streets, in tho vicinity of Wnll street.
Till, was i he last Christmas festival
In New Vnrk till nfter the signing of
the pence trenty. for In INK! the city
wns plunged Into black despnlr over
tho fenr or tho llrltlsli uuvy and tho
(listless th'it hnd been cnused to our
commerce nnd shipping.
Looked nt from this dlstnnco, It
seems llttlo less thnu n mlrnclo that
tho comparatively puny American navy
should havo whipped tho navy or Great
Britain, then tho greatest In tho world.
Tho pnnle In which our chief seaport
town was thrown by tho fenr or attack
from tho mistress of the seas Is easily
Henry Dlblier of Davenport Makes
:ow lipcoril.
DAVHNPORT, In., Doc. 9. Hen
ry Dlshor of Davenport, nged 73
years and a veteran of tho Civil
War, Just welcomed his 23d child.
It Is n fow days old. Ills oldest Is
a son, 43 old. All aro living.
Ho has boon married four times.
DON'T DKhAY ordering YOU:
DKN'S on Ilroadway.
Times' Want Ads bring rosults.
Havo your Job printing dono at
XH Times office.
Have your Job printing done at
Tho Time ofllco.
$100 Reward, $100
Tlio readers ef this paper will be pleased to
learn tliat tliero Uat least one dreaUcl disease
that science hat been able to euro In all Ita
lRei.aiul that la Catarrd. Ilall'a Catarrh
Cure U the only positive cure now known to
Hie medical fraternity. Calami belli a con.
tltutlonal disease, requires a constitutional
treatment. Ilall.i Catarrh cure Is taken inter
nally, acting directly upon the blood and mu
com surlacea ot thd system, thereby destroying
the foundation of the dlsaase, ami giving the
pa'lent strength fn butldlnir up the constltu
tlon and asiletlog uature in doing Its work.
The proprietor! have so much faith In (ts cur
atue powers that they offer One Hundrad Dot
art for any case that It falls to cure. Bend for
Hit of testimonials.
WST, k i, ' OHBNKY A CO., Toledo, O
The First Christmas
tiiiw. ii in til pVjsiL'f y - v?
iniHuo (
w ymaBBKX
w jr ari h
Lw 531 trKV i
sVaisH J TsBsHsV
A STADLE ssrved him for a H
iA dwelling,
And (or a bed a manger mean.
Vet o'er his head, his advent tell
ing, A new and. wondrous star is seen.
Angels rehearse to men the story,
The Joyful story of his birth.
To him they raise the anthem,
To Ood on hlh and pac on
On January 1 wc arc lo move into the quarters now
occupied by tlio Coos Bay Cash Store, ncxl, to (lie
Grand Theater. . order to facilitate moving vi have
decided to close out a large portion of our jn'osciit
stock. We are offering generous bargains in vpi-v near
ly all of our lines and wish o call special nt lent inn of
Christinas shoppers to the following opportunities 0f
making suitable gifts from our stock.
Keen Kutter Pocket Knives
20 Per Cent. Discount
Hunting Coats and Duck Hunters' supplies, not
including guns and ammunition, 20 per cent,
discount. Pishing rods and tackle, one-third
off. Genuine Phinney-Walker Rim Wind 8 day
Automobile Clocks, regular price $10.50. Big
reduction in sale price, $7.85. Baseball Gloves,
Bats and Balls, Tennis Rackets, Tennis Shoes.
Extra special introductory price during this sale on
our line of bicycles manufactured by the famous Pope
Manufacturing Company, one of the oldest and most
reliable firms in the business, the easiest riding wheels.
Meet Me at the Peopled
Ts!,.! For I'll Be There
a uyiauu r- -
During the past year we have demonstrated to you tho fact that .jo
1 oh Money on your everyday wants. Now we are proving to l'lullSfLs.
isfied customers that we can save them money on everything r tlio iioiuuj
See our windows.
Our Stock Is Complete
But remember don't delay.
Come Earlv. Yrm Aro iniai aiti aIwavs Welcoifl
J 7 - M1TII.VU UIIW - y-
PEOPLE'S 5-1 Or 1 5c STORE
3 tjLmtiitmu m-