OPE IS A PNEUMATIC TIRE THAT IS FREQUENTLY PUNCTURED ON COOS BAY (E000 latt u'kK OV AUTHORITY' TUfi LV.Jfol.I Is tho liulopcml- (Btm0 WATCH Til K WANT ADS. 1 k ' . 1 It Is tor tho city "'S, y . "' "'", !,l l,o Hnw. "oi.v J TIMKS FAM,IiY' There are many good bargains ( bo found there. Anything lost or found Is always adver tised In Tho Times. MEMBER OF THE ASSOCIATED I'RES loLXXXVI.;rTh"t:sg MARSHFIELD, OREGON, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 10, 1912 EVENING EDITION. A Consolidation of Times, Coast Mali and Coos Hay Advertiser. No. 12? fill WILL CANAL TOLLS Hi T B! UNITED STATES Statement of Objee lm There Sent o Washington. riM WMNOTr IftfOl AltUITJfATJUA' kh America Certain to 'm if ll"'"? Tribunal H S. SOLDIERS ARE ACCUSED IflM Passes on uasc. ..... -. tn rnt tit? Tlmc.l 5BwmN. npc. io.-w.th formal preneinui' i ..... Wi Protest nRnlnst tlio Puna- anal dim, ccruuj " i n to n cnroful study of objections sent by Sir Richard, . In IIOIO iraiimiiim;ii nu 11 br Ambassntlor Ilryco. tit eilitlnj? arbitration treaty Iten thO UM10U niium unit I Britain expires oy iiiumuum lone. If the controversy woro v. AfHva until tlion. tlioro ii be no treaty under which n rale by tho Senato would bo re al before n dlsputo could bo mi to Tho IlnRiio, nnd thoro itirlanco ot opinion whothor a- 'ortty of tho nnnnio wouiti per ti eaio to go Ihoro. Wal momlicrH. nmong Uioro ium tho tiest lawyers in mo r kouto of Congress dcclnrod vnltcd Staled surely wouiu lit caso nt Tho UnRiio. towhllo Secretary Knox w'll ;ire a reply to tho liritlsii noto. tDI be entirely lacking In olc- r'j of bclllKoronco. View of Tnft. & official expressions, prior to Wlrery of tho nrltish noto, nf- ii pound for tho belief that .i not agreeing with tho Ilrlt- coatcnllon Hint tho Panama Ca ll a vlolntlon of tho liny- iswfote treaty, the admlnlstrn- li Inclined to admit tho sub til ono ovor which thoro might i fair dlffcronco of opinion. wjr, It U known thnt PrcHl- !Taft docs not reRnrd tho sub- M one nffcctlnR tho vital In- i of tho United Stnlcs, but t ai ono of purely pecuniary flenco nnd thnroforo not II thA nrnlillilfn.1 aiilitnjtfa tnnti.! 'i In tho existing special nrbl- tt treaty with Gront Drltnln. t.'ore, probably tho ndmlntstra- lll hold tho question nt Ibsuo U clearly nnd nrbltnrablo ono. Dire Deeds by Men at Fort Michaels in Alska, Arc Charged. tnr AMooiiiej rrfu to coo. nr Time.. FAIRHANKS, Alaska, Doc. 10. A special to tho Nowa-Mlncr from St. MIchnolB snys: "Sovon United States soldlorB nt Port St. Michael Sunday nlfiht took an Indlnn wo mnn and hor 16-yonr-old dnttRlitor out on tho Ico, nssaultcd tho wo man and nttompted to assault tho girl, who fought madly and es caped. Tho soldlorB wcro In uni form. Two of tho assailants woro Identified by tho vlctlma and Iden tification of tho othora la hardly posslblo owIiir to tho darkness and tho uniforms making all tho men look nllko. "Thlfl Is the third offonso by sol diers In tho past 90 days. Nobody has been punlBhod. Tho Boldlcrs nro nllcgud to swear to alibis for ono nnothor." 1L 0 E'S EltiS 1 INTEREST IN LOCAL PROPEBT! BLACK LOCK IN FRISCO F EXOMSII view OF IT. Kkester Paper Thinks President iiiimiii (tin I'avor it. 7iU0fllt.il PrM. In rAA. n. !.. 1 (lPHP5Tcn r..i .. t ,a -"..in r.iiKiauu, uvc, in. I I. ll.nliail. rt .' w..UviicDiur uunruiau, ono 01 fill hi. lll.n.nl .,.... ' ., . . .."uiin nun puuiiuio ui Br(h TDina i.. .... i tte dispatch sent to WnshinB 7 Sir Rdwnrd Gray, nrltish n minister, on tho subject of Mama nnni tuny, oxprossoa Kwf thnt tho election of Wll- 00 has not r.omnittfml lilmnnlf "PPort tho Panama Canal bill, u iHir nnji ifnAnAi. .fiA Iter rhnnnn , ..i., i ......vu ,tu uur, uiiuiuuuui lit nf H.n ... ...... -. nil riM n li ,-,,"lu,l'u" ui on - UIBJ, Former Coos Bay Man Shot Opponent in How in Saloon There. A report has been received hero of a shooting scrapo In which Wil liam nincklock shot and probably fatally wounded a man In a saloon in San Kranclsco. nincklock, who was rnlsod on tho Pny, nnd who will bo romomborod by tho older residents, Ib a brother of Mrs. Manly Roberts nnd baa other rela tives lioro. Only monger particulars of tho affair havo boon rocolvcd. AUSTRIA ANO SERVIA CLASH n LAND WILL I K NAVY " Continue Own Appro- -irniia m, jLuumon to Contribution. '"ltn P. .. ... . ffJEv 10-AU .d0U.b.tB :iV Great Britain curtail- "I OWn llai.nl . reiti. ..'' 1'rojjrum in Em i8 ft by Canada t0 " SaMn. l "l iree poworiut w "'M at a pnst nf tic inn nnn a.lruUrch,U- firBt l0 of $&' sPeak,nB In tho ta "i Ummons, aald he adher- ... 108 nn nf ..i... .. .u- meed E.lher?ment' which was nn- lifti,ij i ". ",u Bven oy ST"ld ho In addition to the 'flTl!ti Program and that tl ..naa m,Kt take should IVemn! "suien t,lo naval forces Kr Itl and.th0 raarBln ava I vt I's secnp tv Nos security." Beneficiaries of Andy J. Davis Want Half Inter est in Pcrham Park, in Knob Hill and Part of Clement Park. A suit Involving upwards of $175,000 worth of property, part of North Marshflold, Knob Hill, Pcr ham Park nnd other tracts, Ib to bo tried soon In tho circuit court nt Coqullle. Tho caso was started by tho Southern Oregon company starting suit to quiet tltlo to tho tracf. All of North Marshflcld, from a lino CO feet north of Market nvo nuc, was originally Included In tho tract, but It Is bollovcd thnt ndvorso possession has given nil of tho oc cupied pnrts of tho tract undisput ed tltlo to tho holdings. Tho suit la being fought by tho heirs of tho Into Andy J. Davis, ono of tho earliest residents ot Coos I3ay, and who died In Dutto, Mon tann, In 1890, leaving n fortuno ot ovor $M,000,000 to bo fought ovor by his relatives In all pnrts of tho country. Ho Is well romomborod by A. Q, Alkon and others. It seems that In 1SG-I a man named Warwick sottlcd on tho townslto of Marshflold and secured tltlo to It In 18C0, ns a donntlon clnlm. Ho sold It to Andy J. Da vis, who had n cabin whoro tho John Ilcnr homo on Pino street now stands, for $3000. I-ntor Davis Bold a half interest to n man nnmed MnRco In San Kranclsco. Thoro was troublo with tho Marshflold townslto pooplo nnd Davis hnd tho Into II. S. Luso net as his agent. Later Luso bought Magco's half Interest nnd took n M quit clnlm dodo from Wnrwlck to tho tract. Then Luso sold it to n man named Knowlcs In San Fran cisco and tho latter had part of It platted by an agent named Clement tho lattcr's namo being given to tho tract In North Marshflold. Then It passed to tho Southern Oregon In vestment Company nnd tho latter through receivership proceedings transferred It notch nnd Crapo, transferred It to notch and Crapo, Izcd tho Southern Orogon Company nnd transferred tho property to It. Mcanwhllo tho Davis half Interest In tho claim was forgotten nnd un til tho Southern Oregon Company started to tranBfor Porhnm Park to 13. O. Porham It was not raised. In order to gtvo him a straight tltlo, a suit to quiet tltlo was necessary nnd Davis' holrs hnvo engaged C. II. Peck to fight It. Tho Southern Oregon Company claims that War wick's deed to Davla was insufficient and not valid nnd also that ad verso possession has destroyed nny claim that ho or his holrs might try to mako. Tho caso will probably bo hard fought. Protect I)t IJuycrs. Tho litigation affects sololy tho Southorn Oregon company. W. A. Hold, tho locnl roprcson- tntlvo of 13. O. Porham, stated to day that tho Southorn Orogon Com pany hnd entered Itno a contract with Mr. Porham nnd furnished bond to absolutely protect him nnd nil purchasers In Porham Park ngnlint any possible- flaw In tho tltlo. , - tho matter up with tho Davis holrs tho matter up wit htho Davis holrs whoroby thoy oxpoctod tho matter so far ns Porhnm Park Is concorn cd would bo elenred up within n very short tlmo. BIG BOAT AT LOS ANGELES Bjtiv!81"3 tho best and most "TAlWRVs, on Droadway. J Pew Afr.i, . . ,. . .. E&'-yAS WIOTOS to send Nlv'o balk eaflt. Come to Loolcs Like Nciu Outbreak in Southeastern Eu rope Inevitable. tnr Aioclle4 Vmt to Coot Ilir Tlmn.l nBLOnADB, DC 10. An accum ulation of Austrian troops on tho Servian border nnd provocative language In Vienna's newspapers, led to a renewal of tho oxcltoment nnd feeling in Sorvla. The nowspa por Prnvada voiced tho prevailing Sentiment nnd says: "If Austria doslres war with Sorvla, It will como. It will bo the most bitter fight in history, ovory Servian man. nna woman, juuub " -- ,;;, take part In It and Austria will havo to exterminate tho ent ro Ser vian nation boforo conquering It. .J- o l- ..laWInc In AllBtrO- juany oorviauu ii'o ,,,,. -. '. nn.na n linslncss have been arrested on tho chargo of sw ing Tho Servian government has protesteu to i"" '"""'" -nuthorltles. welcomt: to noosEVEir. Arrived In Chicago for Progressive Party Conference. rnr AMOoUted Pttf t Coo. Br Time.. CHICAGO, Dec. 10. Col. Roose velt "t the head of the eastern deegateB to tho Progressive party o eonco, which begins hero today wnn mot bv a fa r-slzed crowd when ho P osressWe special arrived here wiu iw ,. come yesieraay niici""'" . - . , back" and "Hurrah, hurrah for uul-'v .. """ !, nvi1nma- Teddy," woro somu yi " -; tlona that greeted tho Colonel. ThrSragette banners were men at ti. on7 nWsove.t was dron straight to his hotel and ma followed by a processlffn of Luther McCarthy, a White Hope, and Jim Flynn Meet Tonight. Iljr AnocLttd Trn. to Coo. D.f Time., LOS ANGELES, Dec. 10. All is In readiness for tonight's twenty round contest botween Luther Mc Carthy, tho Nobraska "whlto hopo" and Jim Flynn of Puoblo. Tho hotting Is swltcnlng back nnd forth, first ono nnd thou tho other being favored by tho bottors. Flynn expects to enter tho ring nt 190 pounds and McCarthy nt 205. McCarthy has flvo and n half Inches more reach than Flynn, threo and a half Inches moro altltudo, and a punch admittedly moro powerful than Flynn. Tho latter, neverthe less, expects to maintain his repu tation by destroying tho ambitions of the Nobrasklnn. DEAD IN HOTEL B. C. Johnson and Wife of Hutch i nson, A ansas, Double Tragedy. Ur Auorlite4 Trn. to Coo. D.T 11mm. DENVER, Colo., Dec. 10. D. O. Johnson and wlfo woro found dead In bod In tholr hotel today with ballot wounds In tholr bonds, Tho couplo, who camo hero rccontly from Hutchinson, Kansas, was last seon nlivo Thursday, Tho pollco bo llovo it a caso ot murder and sui cldo. IIANKIXO SYSTEM UP. (nr Auoclttea rrM to Coo. ny Time.. WASHINGTON, Dec. 10. A gen eral dofenso ot tho clearing house systom of banking and a decided stand against government regula tion, was mado by Waldo Nowcomor of tno ualtlmoro Clearing House. Tell Your Friends to Shop Early And shop early yourself. Make out your gift lists now with the aid of the advertisements that appear in THE TIMES. Arrange early for your Christmas boxes, cards of greeting and holiday ribbon. Every shopping convenience is at your service now, so early preparation means gi eater satisfac tion. Start tomorrow. Avoid the rush of Christ mas week and its many unpleasant features. Shop early in the day, because "if you are real lv to enjoy that season which is meant to be en joyed you must not be snowed under by your tasks but keep a little leisure to look about." You will know where to , purchase the "most thoughtful" and "appropriate" gifts most econo mically by closely and constantly reading IliJii TIMES Christmas advertisements. SEVELT BOLL I TD KEEP I T IS AFTER T. R. Iiooscvclt Bequest cd to Ap pear There to Face Contempt Action. (nr Afiocl.tt4 fro. to Coo. nr Time.. CHICAGO. Dec. 10. Tho Idaho friends of Colonol Roosovclt would llko to hnvo tho Colonol como to that state to faco a chargo of con tomnt In tho supremo court thcro, should tho Ilolso court caro to ful fil n quoted declaration thnt If ho enmo within tho boundnrlca of Ida ho ho would bo haled Into court. J. M. Ingorsoll, who camo hero to attend tho Progressiva confer ence, cnrrled i letter addressed to Roosovolt from P. M. Smock, tho Progressiva national committeeman from Idaho. Smock and tho editors of tho Capital City News of Ilolso havo been cited to appear In court for alleged contempt by printing re marks cited to tho progressive loader. Tho lattcr's romarks com mented on tho court doclslon pre venting tho names of tho Progres sive doctors from going on tho bal lot In Idaho. When Smock nnd tho other editors woro cited for contempt tho judgo was quoted as saying Roosovolt himself would bo brought back If ho camo within tho jurisdiction of tho court. Smock's lottor suggests that Col. Roosovolt como voluntarily to Ilolso to faco nny ono who may deslro to accuse him, molE'i T Northern Pacific Passenger and Switch Engine Collide. tnr AmocMIM rrc.a to Coo. ru Time.. TOPPENISH, Wash., Doc. 10. A Northern Pacific local passongor train collided today with a switch onglno In tho locnl yards. FIroman W. L. Evans of tho passongor, nnd nolnnrd Danks, ngod 12, who was riding on tho switch onglno, woro killed. Tho engineers of both on glnea woro badly hurt. A thick fog caused tho accldont. WO w IS SNOT DOWN Alleged Bandit Dies in a Pistol Duel at Mem phis, Tcnn, (Pj AocLtt4 Tret to Coo. B7 Time..) MEMPHIS, Tonn., Doc. 10. In a pollco raid on a houso In tho out skirts of Memphis today, "Dergon," bollovcd to bo a widely known safoblower, was killed by detectives, Frank Holloway, credited with a pollco record in many cities, and two other mon and a woman woro arrested. Dotoctlves surrounded tho house. Dorgon vowed that ho would not bo taken alivo, directed a steady flro at tho pollco and then leaned 35 feet to tho ground, making his escape. In a short tlmo ho returned to tho houso and an other pistol battle followed In which Dorgon was killed. Halloway Is tho credited loador of tho gang and was arrested In Chicago a fow months ago. At that tlmo ho mado an alleged confession Implicating himself In a robbory of tho Now Westminster, D. O., bank, when $300,000 was stolon. Ho confesflod, It Is said, to avoid being sent to Texas, whoro ho was wanted for safoblowlng. Ho was taken to Texas and sentenced to seven years. Whllo bolng taken to a hospital for a feigned illness, ho Jumped from a fast moving train and escaped. Progressive Leaders Meet to Perpetuate (he Or ganization. COLONEL' SCOPES BEPUBLTGAN BOSSES Denounces Decision of Ida ho Court in November Election Case. inr AMOfUtcl I'itm to Cool nr TImrtfl CHICAGO. Dec. 10. Dologntca tc tho Progressive party's national conference today took up tho wort of perfecting a plan of organization, preparing for n uniform loglslaUvn plan In nil th'n statcB and In Con gress nnd other buslnosfl design to plnco tho pnrty on n permanent bnslH. Sonntor J. M. Dixon cnlled th convention to order nnd prcsontel Colonol RooBovelt, who delivered a lengthy nddrcBB. Ho said, In pnrt: "In thU brief campaign wo havo overthrown a powerful, corrnnt machlno thnt betrayed and atrna- glod tho Republican party. Soma day honest men nnd women who mnko up tho rank nnd fllo or tn Ronubllcnn pnrty will ronllzo tb full Iniquity of which tho mon were Ktilltv who In tho Republican con vention Inst July, by dollboratc thoft, obtained control of tho partr from tho people, mado It a pnrty of reaction and glvo It Into abso lute control of tho bosses. Th& mon who took pnrt In It, profile by, or condonod nnd endorsed th thoft of tho Chicago convention. never should again bo trusted by mon who bollovo In honosty. "Wo stand for every principle sot forth In our platform. We stand for tho purging of tho roP of Amorlcnn public life by driving out of politics tho big bosHos who thwart tho popular will and who roly on corruption na a political In strument to sorvo tho causo ot privilege." Roosovolt roponted and omphasljr- cd his criticism of tho acts of Uto supromo court In Idaho, which eliminated tho Progrosslvo doctors from tho ballot In tho November election. "To not hnvo criticised tho decision would havo bcon cow- ardly," tho Hull Mooso loador as sorted, and ho ndvocatod that tlw Progressive parly pay any flno thrit mny bo Inflicted and that tho party sond tho best lawyers obtainable t Idaho to fight tho caso and give It tho widest publicity. "Tho notion of tho Idaho court la not only ngnlnst tho pooplo of Ida ho, but Is ngnlnst tho wholo cltlzon sblp ot tho United Stntes and tho pooplo should uso ovory effort tu combat tho outrage" W D BEING WRITTEN Big Demand for Insurance ' to Protect Frontier Properly. BT AMOd.ted PreM to Coo. Dr Tlmw.J LONDON, Doc. 10 An onormoua Insuranco covering risks ot war nnd civil commotion havo beon ef fected during tho pnst fow days on property on tho Gallcan frontlor, dividing Russia from Austro-Hun-gary. Underwriters In London are astonished at tho flow of business which thoy describe as tho most ex tonslvo placed In connection wltli nny crisis, Ono risk alono repre sented $1,250,000 nnd most ot It was placed for from thrco to sir months. TO PROI1E CANNERIES. Government Mny Investigate Cer tain Industrial Conditions. Dr Auocl.tal I'r. to Coo. tir Time.. WASHINGTON, Doc. 10. A gon oral congressional Investigation of tho canning Industry was proposed In tho resolution of Representa tive Allen of Ohio. Tho resolution sots forth tho conditions In certain , . Ilfll.li.. It .ml atnfnK cnnnuriua on mj, that dlsoasod workors aro employ- led and also tnat women ana cnuu ron are employed under adverse I conditions. - "i uu uroadwRv. autos.