m-aaSmmm THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHF1ELD. OREGON, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 7, 1 912. EVEMIMG EDITION. S i . GENERAL SCHOOL NEWS. I ; 4 GENERAL SCIIOOIj NEWS. Christmas exorcises In the- schools will l)o simple- tills year. Tcnchors Jiavo boon nskod by tho Biiporln tondont to tench tho spirit of tlio season, but to push tho regulnr work of tho school with vigor right tin to tho holiday vacation. Pro They will bo ablo to make- substan tial, attractlvo baskets boforo they aro done. Tho Wednesday afternoon cook cry clas3 will not nicot again till tho first Wednesday after Now Years, January 8. Tho Friday aftornoon grams of regular school work will .class will meet for nn extra bo given In most rooms, consisting Friday, Decombor 13, at cookery lesson 2 p. of momory goms, momorlzcd iiooms, Any of tho ladles who wlsli oongs, readings and dramatics all fp mako up tho third lesson of regular school work. This proccd- to courso mny como at thnt tlmo. tiro on t no imrt oi mo scnoou . iuiumhiimi '"i"""'1"" should loavo a fresh Christmas spir it for tho churches to utilize. This department Is planning a scries of talks to bo given by var ious prominent business men and ri,ffi.i i.ia .ni cnan nn. lawyers during the year. Much in- cember 27th for two wooks. ny trcBt ' '"B &" ." ," work voto of tho Hoard of Education.! J18 manJ, students In shorthand and toachcrs will bo allowed $10 for typewriting remain til ncnr.y ,, vnnntlon nnrloil. ' ! to got Up speed in tllCSO two . liMnttAiiiiu "HMIHHJD. rri. Mtifnlmon rxt n Arwnn nltntn i-i fi-i nvti...M.ioi.fa -n'a ,,tiini. Thoro Is some talk of organlz Izcd by tho board of oducaHon at Ing a commercial club for tho pur- n recont mooting. Tho High I'?80 f 'Hscusslng various phases school building needs this added f nioilorn business inniingomont, nrotoctlon bndly. A. II. Powers etc was authorized to mako tho purchase. - HIGH SCIIOOIj. Miss Pearl jUklnson from Nova Scotia this week entered tho fresh man class. I Tho commercial arithmetic class has boon working nrobloms In tax ation and aro beginning to rcallzo whnt a great problom taxation Is. Miss Inez Bnldwln, tho Second grado teacher In tho High school building, was confined to her room several days this week. Mrs. Mor row supplied during her nbRonco. Krlenrn Deiuirtincnt Tho chemistry class for tho pnst Tho students in public spoaklng aro working hard on tho immigra tion question, which Is tho ono for County High school contest. Tho Mnrshflold High school tennis will bo picked In a fow days. I SOUTH MAHSHFIELI). I Eighth Grade. In a spoiling tost given on Frl- day, tho host papers In tho I) and Its uses In mnnufacturo of 'J a ddon Woslov Seanm ' nitroglycorlno and roflnlng of pc- P"Snif'n .' c"' , ct 0 E troloum woro iIIroiirrciI. Hydro- J" snuqulst and unronco Iiur- Bon Riilplililo was also prepared and ro"8, Its properties studied. Th(J KB,lth Brn(n coo0ry cn8S ,,, had tholr cookory lesson during t., iiiivnlrn nviiorlinnnts woro tho noon hour on Thursday, pro- 0 mnninnta And lirnpflPfl tlrmi. I WMiiivtiuu M',V,,"J wwiii Ml IIIUlllVJMlt). .M1I 'I"WMU. .. i 1... . 1. ...!. I IUI11H 111 lUtUMIKU UIl.hUl ll. T.inl Iftliiina VnnnnH TToo ii wit (lit) i iwiiiiio) atiu i uut iiiiiicuii and Myrtlo Nolson woro ahsout this Tho Senior class have completed wcok " nccount ot ,lln(V88 Sixth and Seventh Grade. Tn tho spoiling contest tho nvor- tho study of tho porlod which was undor tho govorntnont of tho Artl- i- nnnfi,lni4Allnii o ii 1 nl art n CICH Ul V wnuunmiUMi iiiiw tuuu i --... xvna OO Oft nni nnnt short study of tho formation and " ' "' --' " "" ". "a''u' ,'n ratification of tho constitution, and " 5if qutli A l no? ront will lioKln now tho porlod known ,or cot; SIxtlwJKU por cent, as tho Federal Supremacy. p B wpro ,mn(lo n by Guy Clauson. Itiith McLaughlin Tho Kngllsh history class for tho' " ; " ""i .".' st week havo been studying tho!""" Cnro1 u""Bl01'r nast War of tho Hoses, and tho divi sions, causes and offecrs upon ring-land. n tho Sophomoro class tho Ho formatlon has beon tho subject of study and particularly tho Infor mation In England, togothor with tho reigns of Kings Henry VII. and VIII.. nnd tho Queona Mary and Elizabeth. Dick Waters, hoi en Jess, Emerson i NoIT, Walter Sneddon and Alum Kardeli weie aiiiong those absent this weok. Helton Kniunicror of Second A has loft school to go to California. In grammar tho following hand ed In good papers: Sovonth Ruby Cooloy, Myrl Cox, Tod Oow, Josso Frnntz, nnd hlsn hrommlnga. In tho Sixth, Charles Doano, Ernest Draws, filonda Farroll, Helen Gu lovson, Georgo Hanson, Wllma Honglaud, Wllma Jess, Mary Mc- Arthur, juigusta Mlcklon, Mnrgarot Mlnnlg, Carol Itahskopf, Vlolot Ito-borson. Tho Freshman Class lins com- on Friday tho question. "Ito plored tho governmental history of wived, Thnt Jcfforson was a grent Greoco. but now aro gaining whnt 0r man thnn Itnosovolt, wns do knowledgo thoy can of tho arts, mtod by tho following loams: Af lltoraturo, philosophy and sciences nrmatlvo, Mary McArthur. Glonda of tho pooplo of Greeco. Athletics. Athletics havo been qulot for tlif past two wooks, but beginning with Monday, tho baskothall season will begin, and as a beginning games will bo plnyod botwoon tho four High school classes, Tmmedlatoly following tho Christ mas vacation, prartlco will begin for tho league games, tho first of which will probably bo played about Jauunry 2 I. Mnrshflold Is hoping to put n strong team In tho Hold and no doubt will glvo a good account of liorsolf In lior guinea with tho oth er members of tho longuo. IVmii'stlc Science. Tho children from tho Third to tho Fifth grndos In handwork nro planning to finish nil tholr work boforo Christmas Thoso aro arti cles inado of braids and they really havo shown marked Improvement. Some have original Ideas and have begun to apply them to things out oldo of school. Tho girls of tho Sixth grades in both buildings nro doing very nlco work In cross-stitch work. Farroll, Ernest Whereat, Ellzn Me Kay and John Dyo. Nogatlvo, Ern est Drows. Huth McLaughlin, Guy Clniisen, Honry Waltor and Har old Haines. Tho Judges woro Hol ou Golovson, Carol llahskopf and Augusta Mlcklon. Tho question wns decided In favor of tho negn tlvo. Supt. Tlodgon visited tho room during tho dobnto and gava a holpful talk to tho school nt tho close of tho dobnto. Ollvo Hasklns of Portland enter ed tho Fifth grado this weok. Fourth Grade. Tho Fourth grndo enjoyed a visit from one of tho parents this week, who spent nn hour and a half with us Wednesday afternoon. First Grade. Three pupils left school this; wcok. llollls and Clifford Foster movifd to tho country and Albert LnChapollo Is going to Wisconsin to live 4 I TEXTUAL SCHOOL NEWS t Primary Edna Kcllnnd, who has been ab sent on nccount of ill health Is again In school. Itussol McOuiro has withdrawn to go to Coqulllo. Tho children nro doing Christmas work. Thoy expect to ontortnln their parents on tho afternoon of tho twen tieth. First A Pearl and Mnx Wcsslo aro now pu pils In this grndc. Hodoric O'Connor, Chnrlcs Kosoncn, nnd Agnes Ktiljtt havo boon perfect in spoiling for two weeks. Second Grade Dlnncho Thomas hns been absent on nccount of illness. Mr. nnd Mrs. Jones of Forudnlo woro visitors on Wednesday aftornoon November, 27th. Tho First nnd Second grades met in Miss Palmer's room Wednesday aftornoon, November 27th nnd spent a very onjoynblo hour singing tho songs which hnvo been learned dur ing tho year. Tho Second grado dramatized Hia watha last wcok. Fourth Grndo Stolla Chrlstcnson has completed tho hats mado of rallla. Jnmos Eddy has boon absent on nc count of Illnoss. Mrs. R. Hall. Mrs. Spado and Mrs. Hall visited the room Wednesday, Nov. 27th. Fifth Grado Lottlo Coleman, ltufus Dyorly, Al ta Lash and Anna Wilson woro ab- sont during tho wcok on account of sickness. Tho nnmcB of thoso who woro per fect In n spoiling test of fifty words for tho past month woro: Allco John son, Knthryn Nicholson, Jnno McLaln and Elslo Hlllstrom. Thoso making grndos above ninety woro: Aim hnsn, Agnes Johnson, An na Wilson, Ilortlo Hnmpton, Doris Songstnckon, Enunott Collins, Eminn Lou Douglas, Edgar Farloy, Hllnin Kulju, Howard howls, Holen Torry, Martha Spraguo. Marlon Wrluht. Raymond McKoown, Steward Mcln- tyro, Tliolmn Wnlkor, Alma Pratt, iiornioco rntriiou, Ethel Hiimnor, Llzzlo Erlckson nnd Rufus Dyorly. Sixth Grndo Knthryn Horton has been nbsent ou account of sickness. Seventh Grndo Harold Wnlrath Is acaln In schnnl nftor n brlof nbsonco on account of 8ICKI1088. Tho A. Class will bogln work In Pnrtlal Payments noxt weok tho 13. Class in townships. In n spoiling test of ono hundrod words given on Thursday no ono wont bolow 01 nor cent. Thoso hnvlnir porfoct pnpors aro: Helon Rocs, Goo. Englund, Holon Immol, llort Trlbboy, Ernest Ihirroughs, Geo. Hongoli, Ed ith Hnwkmnn, Ernost Potorson, Eth el Lingo, Mnbel Immol and Story Musson. Tho boys will begin weaving bas kets noxt weok. In history tho A Class aro study ing tho Revolution, tho II Clnss tho French nnd Indlnn War. Tho attendnnco for theso first threo months has beon oxccptlonnlly good. Wo havo only olght days of absonco thus far. Tho grades nro much Interested In tho Christmas songs which aro bolug laugui oy .miss spooner. Tho pupils nro making protty lit tlo Christmas cards, blottors. book' lots, etc., undor Miss Palmer's super vision. fflggigESTEiaasggasaasgajCT IK YOU ARID WOXniCKINCl ABOUT "WHAT TO (ii:'- i?on CHRISTMAS PRESENTS ii visit to our sloi-o will help you to solvo tho problem. 1U . 1 - ...... itiW i 1(i J e ri1 l1l11 MO nsiniif aP ... WC llllVU lllilllj illlicira iu Biivn.iv,ii. niv. iiv;tij.u ui u WIJIIIUU, 1111111 01' child in our cxocllont stock, including oakvijnu- sma making p,ks BOYS' .EXPRESS WAGONS, UIOYOlFq TIUOYOLES, arOTOJ? CYCLES CJTTAAMXTn CJTnrpC! . ' ' ig UUTliBRY .L"UUJS.Jli'L' AJS'IVKS ROSETTE SETS SAFETY RAZORS ' juui many otner nrticics too numerous to men-lion. "Watch our windows and visit our store for Christinas suggestions. Great CLEARANC IC4 iSi-Lily of all Fall and Winter Millimeiry "Wo arc determined not to carry over any of this season's goods and mill Comramemice Satasrdlayj, December 7th and close out the entire slock at less than cost. Watch our windows for Bargains and Prices. rso Ac Go AikE NEXT WOOLEN MILLS ST0HE M COOS 3BU.TLDTNC. Dlblo study. Servlco In St. Mary's church, North Ilond (2 p. m.) and St. huko's Church, Emplro, (3 p. m.) ovory nl tornato Sundny, - I SKVKXTU DAY ADVKNTISTS. I 9 At the Churches i (Ministers nnd others aro request ed to hand In tho Sunday church no tices not later than Friday evening to Insure insertion Saturday.) METHODIST EPISCOPAL Elwln Johnson returned to school Friday after two days' absonco on nccount of illness. Margaret Powers was absent on Wednesday, Third It nnd Fourth II. Thoso that stood 100 in arithme tic woro: Tyson Koysor, Maybollo Mchaughlln, Francis Sacchl and Er wln Ynho. Thoso who had perfect lessonB In spoiling for tho month woro: Third grndo, Johnnie- Mlrrnsoul and Tho boys of tho Sixth nnd Sov- Mnybello Mchaughlln: Fourth. El- c-nth grndes In tho Contrnl school mer Hlldonbrnnd, Margarot Lund nro planning to mako rood has-. and Milton Ilagqulst. kotB. Thoy aro to plan tho stylo Rev. II. T Rutledge, Pastor. Sunday school at 10 a. m, Morulng services nt 11 o'clock. Epworth Longuo at C:30. Evening servlco nt 7:30. Junior Leaguo Thursday aftornoon at 3:45. Prayer meeting Thursday ovonlng at 7:30 o'clock. You aro cordially Invltod to attend theso services. C. J. Colo. Pastor. Seventh Day Adventlst services are conducted every Saturday as follows: Sabbath school at 2 p. m. Preaching services at 3 p. m. Come and spend an hour with us; no will do you good. OlIUItCH OF CIIHIST. Z. O. Doward. Mlnlstor. Dlblo school at 10 a. m. Young Peoplo's mooting nt 7 p. m. C W. B. M. Day will b0 obsorv ol at tho Christian church, corner Sixth street and Central avonuo, to morrow. Rev. Doward will speak morning nnd ovonlng. Thoro will bo special music. . EMMANUEL EPISCOPAL, of weaving, shape nnd slzo of tho haakot, or tray, thoy wlBh to make. Second Grade. Duucau Dashnoy, Tholma Black, Rov. Robt. E. Browning, Rector. 8 a. m. Holy Communion (2nd and -1th Sundays.) 9:30 a. m., Sunday school. 11a. m., morning prayer and ser mon. Holy Communion first Sunday of each month. 7:30 p. m. Evening prayer and Sermon. Friday Evening. 7:30 p. m, Evening Service and I PIU-SHYTEIUAN CHURCH Marsh f (old J. E. Burkhart, Mlnlstor. At tho First Presbyterian church ervlcos may bo expected on sabbath as follows: Sunday school at 10 a. m. Morning worship at 11 o'clock. Young Peoplo's Meeting at U:U0. Evening worshln nt 7; an. Prayer-meotlng on Thursday oy ening nt 7:30. Special music by quartet choir at uotu morning and ovonlntr sorvlen. Subject of morning sermon. "Faith vs. Mountains." Subject of ovonlng burmoii, "uo you liollevo In Horo- auyr- This will bo tho first in a series of Sundny ovojnlng sermons on "Somo Vital Questions for Poo plo of Today." Como out and hoar these. A cordial wolcomo for all. Good music by tho choir. Hymns that nil lovo to sing. Como and bring a friend. I field, Sundny, Doe. 8, ut 11 o'clock. Sunday school at 10, Norwegian sorvlcea will bo hold In tho Swedish Luthornn church at North Ilond. Sundny. Doc. 8. at 7:30. Sunday school at 10. : - CHRISTIAN SCIENCE. - Christian Sclonco hall, 237 Third street North. Subject: "God Is tho only cniiso nnd crontor." Sorvlco Sunday at 11 a. m. Sunday school 12 M., Wednosday 8 p. m Reading room opon on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays, 3 to 5 p. m. - i catholic ciunm North BBd-.J nev. Father Bprinieji f Mass will bo celebijW . . m .... mnra ni bj o clocK bunun? "- - Father Sprinter. SWEDISH LUTHERAN. Dr. John E. Oslund, Pastor. Sunday School, 0:30 n. m. Morning sorvlro. 10:45 n. m. Tho pastor will preach on tho subject, "Tho Stand Beforo tho Son of Man." No evening servlco. In North Bond services as fol lows: Sunday school, 2 p. m. Preaching sorvlco, 3 p. m on tho thomo, "I was glad whon thoy said unto mo, let us go Into tho house of Johova." - and prayer on Thurftlar w- ' wl. nteml a cordial lnlt-l tho goncml public and til non-church goers w ;-..,. -,... ii nil us and Wl thoo good. T o.vniohio ciicncaj w n. a n. Mnnro- ".?.V CX Vo-n miMa ' Tlioro win u "--. im Mnnina's ono nt 7 and w nt 10 o'clock. pRnsnvTEniAN : off ev.D.A.McLe0d.r;i Sunday school, iw Preaching BerTlce," nkoferian nuuvi" . Preaching service. 1WJ ointrtj NORWEGIAN LUTHERAN. R. O. Thomo. PnRtnr. Services will ho hold In tho Nor wegian Lutheran church, Marsh- I UNITED BRETHREN CHURCH I North Bond. Mrs. R. N. Lewis, Pastor. Sabbath school, 10 a. m. Christian Endeavor, 7 p. m. Proachlng 11 n. in. and 8 p. m. Prayer meeting Wednesday even ing at 8 o'clock. I FIRST BAPTIST CITORCTL I - Albert F. Bassford, M. A., Pastor. Our Blblo school meets promptly nt 10. Classes for all ages. Morning worship nt 11, with ser mon by Pastor Bassford, Junior Society meets In tho church at 2:30. Young Pooplo's sorvlco at C:30. All young peoplo welcomed. Evening worship at 7:30. Ser mon on "Ezeklol, tho Prophet of tho Exllo." Midweok sorvlco for conforenco I SwrnoDwroi" a . Nona ""iiMi The services Sunday fW M 10u!ndayschoollO.o-ortSi Vesper uircio - 7 p' m' . , the P!tor Sermons by ids y nnd 8 D. Va, . - - T.Urt I ti,o suit, coat ana ..-rallies' Emporium d l tinuo next week ai cent off. r-7A.ts Nursery StoCK. p- riiimn rr- ,rnf I SfffTnTinED AT m nrui mcnnPTION H"1 .nd I will M" ' ,horpl " p Uome IT tB "; , wlU '. ,rl.l wl K"""!! money. W"" y 60 tody t Ut: Dme, I"4- Ai