hM THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 7, 1912. EVENING EDITION. fc" Goodfj AU ifti 3 eleotiuo i IX)" iiest I rl DISC0UNT3 "-vi ior tb Wirin?i 'J left (QGriila ra$ th." wvik i v vjpx n. rt1 z; sr r . x . uenuen i Domntle Wo action Om,.J rkJ'ktleiJ rroni I nhJIcld. oods, landG uiitof. licit, rj omj titi )i I' OOOl "". fro I " ud i r ud to Ser ireful CrirJ :, Otr 're it iy Hotel ud I Phorei Tt VXI A cidhlif : im-iI ChifjK I VISI jrRJ Kiting I tin es mil M SdesJ Shoe HUM Ahff ibon ffl oof Make your dollars count. Why pay more than The Golden Rule price? The chances are we have it. See The Golden Rule first. Holiday Goods for the Whole Family Here are a few suggestions of the many appropriate gifts to be found at The Golden Rule For Children TOYS DOLLS DOLL BUGGIES OLLAlttS VUJJNITURE HANDKERCHIEFS (Special Boxes.) GIHLS' BOOKS BOYS' BOOKS GTRLS' PUBSES FOR WOMEN SPJ3CTAL NECKWEAR LEATIU3R NOVELTIES BELTS (Special Boxes) HEAD SCARES (Big Line) JEWEL BONES ROGERS 1817 SILVERWARE NUT CRACKERS AND PICKS TOILET ARTICLES COMBS HANDKERCHIEFS (Special Boxes) DOILIES SCARFS CENTER PIECES HAND PURSES FANCY APRONS - . PICTURES BOOKS For Men BATH ROBES m03RELLAS INITIAL HAND1CEROIIIEFS NEOKTIES (Special Boxes) SUSPENDERS (Special Boxes.) DRESS SHIRTS HOSE WILLIAMS' GIFT BOXES TOILET ARTICLES BOOKS Marshfield U!rfiJ The Golden Rule Bandon Thorwnla rendered somo vory protty Instrumental duotB. In keoplng with a Scotch custom, J "King Wish" enko wan served. Miss Lucy Thorwald was tho fortu nate clalmor of tho ring whllo M1b3 Esther Nelson must bo contont with naving recoived tho thlmblo. Alto pthcr, the ovonlng wns a moat en Wablo ono, nnd dollcloua refresh ments wero sorvod nt a Into hour. TI1080 Invited wore: Misses Julln Johnson, Bsthor Nelson, Lucy nnd wiy Thornwnld and Mossra. John btauff and Grank Gray, Andrew wndiea, E3. Johnson, W. Knlsor, John "all, and William Scott Lnndlos. 4 yornvKfiuy' Yovsa peoplk i Last Friday evening tho Young people's Society of tho Norwegian Lu jneran Church spont n vory pleasant mo at a social gathering In tho snurch hall. MubIc, nn Impromptu Pfoerani, games and a delicious lun cheon, served by Miss Elslo Larson ana John King, wero features that . 1.1 In w minds of all tho young people r 2? Prosont wore: Rov. and IL8, ?, 0 Thorpo, Misses Elslo Lar tJ ' Ji1Uan PUman, Com Mathison, "orghlld Olsen, DIna HJollo, Jennie JOhnson, Ituby Pitman, finlla nnd Eb- Osterdahl nnd Mabel Mathison ? Ular Klrkorlpo, Oliver Lar ?". I'almer Nolson, E. Omwan, John "g, Andrew Anderson, Albert King to tho following guests: Mrs. D. C. Vnuglmn, Mrs. It. W. Morrow, Mrs. W. n. Scott Jr., Mrs. E. L. Robin- ... in o..,m. Mm. Clnvbaugh, VI : MA-"; T"'; Mrs. Hugo Quls't, Mrs. C K. I'orry and Mrs. D Y. StnfTord. ; S L SEWING PAKTY I T" - dBiVru;.Dan Keating entertained nt a nn I :ul BGW'ng party nt her homo afterno Second stroot last Monday anfi!!8, ?; L' Koblnson, who Is classed SmS 8, V.10 awoot slngorB of Marsh ftiin,VdeUehtod th euests with a HnSr .of vocal elections. Mta. th Qi.ulst accompanied her. 4"ci,. ,nostesa assisted by Mrs. P. A. nroeder, aerved a dainty luncheon HCTUKX FPU XMAS Christmas, the time of tho year that perhaps, Is dcarcs of nil to the heart of every boy ami girl, will bo hailed with doiigiu un j. ;- " dently by tho older momberB of 8e- oral house noma in " -w ." bring to their fireside ono whoso cheerful presenco, whoso happy am Jo a d con fortlng words, have been i mis sed in tho homo for somo months 1ait'ls to bo regretted that not nil of tho Mnrshfleld young peoplo, who aro auendlng schoola at different places will bo ablo to spend Christmas at homo this year. The difficult modes of travo ling, tho uncertainty or me no '" abort tlmo In which to mnko tho trip, are all very inconvenient to tho fltu dont. However, a fow hayo decided to spend their holidays In Marshfleld. Miss Nora Tower mm .... Pruess, who aro attending Berkeley University, aro expected homo via Drain, tho day beforo Christmas. Ro ger Goss will spend Xmns in Marsh fleld with his father Judge Goss. but it is not certain Just when ho will ar rive. Ho la also at Berkeley. MlB3 Bosslo Coke, a Junior at Berk eley, and a daughter of Mr. and Mrs Tom Coke, will enjoy Christmas with friends In San Pedro. Miss Slgna Holm will onjoy her Christmas va cation with relatives in Santa Rosa. Miss Marjory Cowan of Oregon University is undecisd yet as to whe ther aho will make the trip homo or Erlo Bolt of tho Wlllamotto Uni versity will not como homo for Christ mas this year. ! A J THIMBLE CLUB Ml " Bend last Tuesday afternoon. Tho nf tornoon wob spont In Bowing, after which rofroshmonta woro aorvod by tho hostess. Tho next meeting will bo hold next Friday. Thoso prosont nt tho mooting woro: Mrs. Derbyshire, Mrs. 0. II. Horn, Mrs. I. B. Bnrtlo, Mra. Hazer. Mrs. Grovo, Mrs. O'Marn, Mrs. Williams, and Mrs. P. S. Jennings, - -I SUIU'IMSB PARTY Last ovonlng, n surpriso party waa tendered Miss Wlnnto Simpson nt the linmn nt hnr nnronts. Mr. and Mrs. Amos Simpson, of Eostsldo. Tho af fair waa attended by a largo numbor of young pooplo and n uig evening or fun Is reported. Games nnd music minor tlm nrlnplnnl fnnttirCB. Luncheon wns sorvod at n Into hour to tho following: Mr. anil Mrs. Amos Simpson, Mr. nnd Mrs. Carl Haines, flan, llllilur Wnsf. Mmrcln Robor- son, Anna Lund, Ruth ThurBton, Ma bel Leaton, kuioi nuorson, iay irnnm AtnT.nnn. Hnttla McKay. Hoi on McLaughlin, Nolllo Olson, Flos bIo Simpson, Madgo Simpson, Wlnnlo Simpson and Messrs. nay juoo, Leon ard Clark, Martin Steckol, James Clifford McKay, Victor west, idmn West. Arcblo Simpson, Albort Simp son, Cllvo Vlnoyard, Inglo Poterson, Alex Nelson, Charles Rosa, Dowoy Anderson, James Whltty, Oscar Po torson, Leslie Clark nnd Otto Olaon. SEWING PARTY C. A. Sohlbrodo, Mrs. W. P. Morrls soy, Mrs. P. Q. Horton, Mrs. Englo hnrt, Mrs. P. M. Parsons, Mrs. Eu gono Crosthwnlto, Mrs. A. T. Haines, nnd Mrs. W. S. Nicholson. ENGAGEMENTS Cupid hna again ontorod tho olllcea of tho Homo Tolophono Company, nnd with his artful ways haa stolen tho heart of another fair inniato; that of Miss Halllo C. Davis, assistant book-keepor, who will bo marriod near tho 11 rat of tho yoar to Mr. C. E. Endlcott of Portland.. Tho young couplo will bo married in Marshflold and will loavo immedi ately for Portland to mako their futuro homo. Mr. Endlcott having employment thoro In tho SunPrlnttng Company's ofllco. 4 A. N. W. CLUB Mrs. W. C. Balloy was hostess to me Thlmblo Club at her nomqjn worm Mrs. J. S. Coko la entertaining this afternoon with tho first of a Borles of Informal sowing parties. Her guests aro: Mrs. W. A. Reld, Mrs. P. K. Gottins. Mrs. L. W. Travor. Mrs. Grand Ball Cooa Bay Camp, No. 19C, Woodmen of tho World, will give Its first annual grand ball at Eagles' Hall, next Saturday, Do- cembor 14. Prof. Low Koyzor's full orchestra will furnish music. Ono or two old-tlmo squaro dances will bo called for tho benoflt of old timers. Tickets, Gentlemen fl, ladies freo. Ticketa can bo purchased from any member or at Rohfeld Bros; Photo Supply Co., 26C Front St., or at tho door. "Remember, when W. O. W. aaya it lt'B bo." Tho A. N. W. Club mot Thursday with Mrs. C. P. McKnlght nt her homo in South Murshflold. Tho Club Bold flvo hundred stanpa which net ted flvo dollars for tho Rod Cross Tu borculosls fund. Aftor tho business tho aftornoon was spent In sowing, whon rofroshmonta woro served by tho hostess. Tho next meeting will bo with Mrs. L. M. Noblo next Thura day afternoon at her homo on Pino street. Thoso prosont woro: Mrs. P. E. Allen, Mrs. G. A. Bonnott, Mrs, Ed man, Mra. P. M. Frlodborg, Mra. J. T. Hall, Mrs. Pannlo Hazard, Mrs. U Kaiser, Mrs, S. Lando, Mrs. E. MIn gua. Mrs. O. Murch, Mrs. W. P. Mur phy, Mrs. Mary McKnlght, Mra. L. M, Noblo, Mrs, Charles Stauff, Mrs. 0. 0. McCarty, Mrs. Carl Evortson, Mrs. E. 8, Bargelt and Miss Mauda Noble, Holsnor, Mrs. Nats Rasmusscn, Mra. Storey, Mra. J, W. Hlldoubrnnd, Mra. E. D. McArthur nnd Mra. Lydln Lnng HONOR MISS MATHISON 4 Miss Mnbol Mathison wns tho hon or guest nt n surpriso pnrty nt tho homo of her pnronts, Mr. and Mrs. B. Mathison at Bunker Hill yesterday aftornoon. Miss MathlBon, who only recently roturned from Morcy Hospital, was presontod with two beautiful grow ing plants. Tho aftornoon was spont in sowing, music nnd conversation, nftor which sumptuous refreshments woro Borvod. Thoso prosont woro: Mrs. P. Grlnolds, Mrs. 0. Rouko, Mrs. Knuto Erlckson, Mrs. W. Onlo, Mrs. W. Nelson, Mrs. II. Olson, Misses Corn and Allco Mathison and Mrs. Mathison, 4 I MUSIC AND MUSICIANS Tho mombora of tho Elliott Or chestra on South Inlot aro Prel Elliott, Claudo Elliott, Clydo Elliott and Mra, Maudo Potors. Tho noxt concert by tho Coos Bay Concert Band will bo glvon at tho Masonic Opera Houbo Docombor 15, nt 2:30 o'clock. Our band Is a good booster for tho town, so lot ovorvono boost "our band." orybody turn out. Er Director Ponton of tho Coob Bay; Concort Bnnd is conducting ro honrsnla for n ancrod concort to ha glvou holiday wcok, on Docomlae 20. Victor Graham of Portland, Mi accomplished barltono player, has arrived in Mnrahtlold and will bo a mombor of tho Cooa Bay Con cort Band, Mr. Graham, who haa hnd yearH of oxporlonco plnyliiK In largo Eastern nnd Woatorn cities, and bolng on tho rond for a num bor of yonrn, In a flnlshod artist nnd ranks among tho vory boat. Director Ponton says ho can get plenty of oxcollont inuslclnna for tho band It ho enn only got em ployment for tho mon, Somo tit tho musicians havo boon brought hero ul tho oxponso of follow mu sicians trusting to luck to got a position. Hero Is n placo for tho business mon of Marahflold to aa- g1.8'. I, H'y p.1!0. j01"" ?fyo yjln,r (Continued on Pago Eight.) Tho Docombor cloaranco salo 'at tho Ladles' Emporium will continue noxt weok with 1C nnd 30 per cent off. LADIES' ART CLUB 1 Tho Ladles Art Club mot yesterday afternoon with Mrs. A. L. Houso worth nt her homo on Flanagan Av- enuo. Tho afternoon was spont In sewing, after wtilcli tno Hostess ser ved refreshments. Tho next meeting will ho with Mrs. E. D. McArthur. Those present at tho meeting woro: Mrs, John Blatt, Mrs. Wm. Hoagland, Mrs. Ivy Condron, Mrs. P. A. Haines, Mrs. P. M. Flyo. Mrs. W. B. Curtis. Mrs. Dorsey Kreltzor, Mrs. Palkon- Bteln, Mrs. Olivia Edman, Mrs. Levi . SPIJiELLA CORSETS may be obtained in Marshflold from Mrs. Annie Holland, Gorsetier. 163 So. 6th t. Phono aoex. Buy Yow Christmas Camdy at SARTER'S nnd get u Prco Clmnco on that Beautiful $10.00 Bov of Gundy to bo given away ChristmaH. Every 00 cents spent nt Sartor's entitles you to it guess on tho Jar of Iknwih and tho ono who guesses nearest tho number contained therein will bo given tho box of can dy. A ticket with every pur chase. Fancy Christmas Boxes ... AT SWiVS vh i hi wz r &tM'r CaW