itm i i " '' ' IUL " r - Pm0Sms wk Cw Six: 2 A STATEMENT OV CONDITION of PLANAGAN & BENNETT BANK MAItSIIFIELD, OREGON ESTABLISHED 1889. At Uio closo of butlnosB, November 20, 1012. HESOURCEB. Tn a nlnrnuntB oj,oo.ij 50,000.00 Uanklnc Houbo CaBh nnd Slet Exchanca 203,899.90 PITS rem lrr,,,tand,Ml, ,1707,457.09 T.TATirLITIES. Capital Stock paid In. 0,000.00 Surplus and Undivided Profit. brHSS'JS DopOBltB 082,407.34 aay, '- ui ,I797,4G7.09 Coos Bay Wiring '"-"' IMBraj, The mm mm Aiwa wy kxisp nv; , ,r v nVv Totm r h4ttfi$itimm& , ' HI MSsm KlV H H H H H ! E. Pale & LNl I 1 i 1 .1 1 t d i COPYWCHT VT'HEN Bobby wrote to Santa Claus, Inviting him to call, Bob's mother said that Santa would If Bobby only would be good, Which is the way that mothers should Reply to urchins small Who write a note to Santa Claus, Expecting him to call. 1912. BY AMERICAN PRESS ASSOCIATION I know not why a typewriter Was put to such a use. To answer thus a social note Would get 'most anybody's goat. For rank, bad form it has my vote; 'Twas socially obtuse ; But Santa is a busy man And that was his excuse. When Santa Claus got Bobby's note, He chuckled quite a lot; Down at his typewriter he sat And wrote an answer, saying that He'd love to call and have a chat. He'd be there on the dot; For somehow Bobby's little nolo Had hit his tender spot. hV?C 1 On Christmas Santa Claus dropped in, Down through the chimney flue. He told such tales of land and sea That Bobby often murmured "Gcel'' And Bobby's sister laughed in glee I'm sure that you would, too; And if you'd write to Santa Claus, Perhaps he'd call on you. fHKIWQii!HimiHK .. .JJ. ,H Mi. iMii-L-iirwi"', "p ( rimvfa0' TT v q p $ SANTA'S CALL fj ( By JAMES A. EDGERTON OJO P J H mm First National Bank Of Coos Bay SIAIlflHFIETil), OltEOON. OAPITAIj FUMiY PAH), 9100,000.00. A Rcncrnl ImnUliiB IiuhIiics-j tnuiRncloil. AcciiijntB of liitllvldiinls, corpo!'"" "'! "r-' rccclvcrt. Interest pnld Tlmo nntl SiivIiibs I)eiKslt. Snfo deposit lioc for rent nt ?3.00 nnd up pr nnntiin. Your Inmluess Hollclted. DIRECTORS: W. S. CHANDLER, Prosldont. DOIISEY KUEITZEU, CnBlilor. W. U. DOUOLAS, JOHN C. MERCHANT, STEPHEN C. ROGERS, WM. CRIMES, JOHN P. HALL, W. P. MURPHY, JOHN S. COKE. KOUIPPKI) WITH WIRELESS Steamship Breakwater AIAVAY8 ON TIME. fi.UMN'CS FHO.M POKTIjANI), Tuesdny evenlnj; of each week nt 8 P. .M. KAIIilXd FROM .MAItSIIFIELD, H A. M., Sntiirdny, Dec. 7; 1 P. M., Kiiturdiiy, Dec. lltlii 7 A. M., Sntin-dny, Dee. 21; 12:!I0 P. M., Siitiinlny, Dec. 2H. Phono Mnln 05-Ii. J. O. MILLER, Agent, nu.w auu uenuei Tailorincr Importod and Donmtit wJ Ft and Btiif.,.i.r2:.Wl1 Wd,a,i"0Jk'Wtte3 "" "ui rroni I Manhllcld, TVT r i icw uooas Second Hand G liniiniit, sold or tuba, HARIMNOTO.V, 1)011 .ma I'nim Hircrt. n; A modorn Ilrlok i,mi.. , IilKtlt. Stonm II,. i ri Furnished Itoomj with J I'oiu wator. HOTHI. Oftfti 0. A. Mctlln, rroj. iiniefl; ou rcnil fl; uj ! t or. nroiiflHn; mi S SPEEDWELL CAPT. I1URTIS, MiiNtcr. Sails from San Francisco, for Coos Bay direct, Saturday, Dec. 7, 1912 She will Hull from Cooh Ilayalunt December 11th for Him l'nuiclsco nnd San Pedro. THE SPEEDWELL Ih Fpcedy nnd hns excellent pnsKenj;cr, ncrnm inodiitloiiM, lai'Ke clean nnd nlry ii.iiiiih nnd eke tile llu'" nnd wireless. I'or freight nnd passiiKC, apply, A. F. IMnlirook (V. Tltlo (iiinniutec nnd Alwlrnct Co., Sin t'nl. St., San FrnurNco. Mnrnhfleld. City Auto Ser flood Car, Carefol Drit roiisounblo cbnrgct. Ou 'Will go anywhere it uj Stands Dlanco Hotel isd ClKarStoro. Day PhotM-tl MKht mono 46. it. merit .v nnouAiF. tm WHEN YOU WAX! A (Jlllt HOY KocielUof or ui'llvrml 1' noxi: IM-LI and wo II do It. Cbird aulo. nim nnwnT. THE FRIEND OF COOS DAY' S. S. ALLIANCE EQUIPPED WITH WIRELIWS SAILS FROM COOS BAY FOR. POR.TLAND WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 27, AT 10 A. M. OUNNKOTINfl WITH THE NORTH RANK ROAD AT PORTLAND NORTH PACIFIC STEAMSHIP COMPANY. Phone It. O. F. McOEOROE, Agent. FAST AND COMMODIOUS Steamer Redondo KqulpiH-d with wlrcU8 nnd Buhmnrlno lcll SAILS FROM IMAR.SHF1ELD for SAN FRANCISCO WEDNESDAY, DEC. 4 at 6:30 a. m. All PnsseiiKcr Reservations From Snn lYnnclsco Must Ilo Mndo t H05 Flfo ItiuIilhiK, or Pier No 10. All reservations must ho Ux- Ken up 21 Im)ius heforo sailing. INTER-OCEAN TRANSPORTATION CO. PHONE 44. C. F. McOEOROE. Agent. Steamer Homer Sails from Coos Bay for San Francisco, With Freight Only, Sunday, December 8. F, S. DOW, AjfCMt. Ocean Dock. THE SPANISI GRI An lyio-nato fttln; I Upstair Opposlto Magnei & V SimnMi DMiei &P Shoes Men's Work SIion and 51K Top Storm Hood on Sale S- The Electric M eiin C. llriiiihlT. inw - ' fisher Auto St 1-I.I...T. I'idnIc Will. '"I ., I Phono orders to IM1 Stand, Phone 'A'" phono i-J- "i1" " Mnrliflcli1. Abstracts, Real Estate, Five and Marine Insurance Title Guarantee and Abstract Co. HENitY SENG9TA0KEN, Mgr. Coqullle Offlc Phono 11 PlatUng Landa a pwlaltT. Fjurnu Tlmbar Ool ndnU "EAflTBIDI" Pictures&Pra( Walker SluS Have That Rod NOW Seo 0000 ITIOXTSI"- Palmer & "a . ...! riino " ."?; m KOlinwn .'' 7..-lnr. II lonco. wo oo "MA tl Hon atljustinff, ;; fl ninfcfl Jt"v ... J casta, ""-. riki ' white HUo ne. - Satisfaction guarj'J Piano boxes for f yiSv- i'jii- i" "- j field. Ore. "n i MnNTGOl K. J. HIV.- RcalEstatcandinj -.i iirih Front! z" Owaral Xg Manhield OBm 14-J. rv -v 4.