THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 7, 1912.-EVEN1NG EDITION. WE fe "OrWy ?i rtJlSfr u 3$ yK j!M " 4BM I Further lake Your XMas Money Go BY BUYING YOUR X-MAS GIFTS FROM GOING & HARVEY CO. ' " he of the largest stocks of X-Mas Gifts, useful, ornamental, beautifying and Tovs hd Dolls in the state of Oregon. We herewith quote you only a partial list of the many thousands upon thousands of articles we offer for sale. Remember, a dollar saved is a dollar earned RANGES RUGS! RUGS! Monarch Malleable Range Coles Hot Blast Healers Occidental Hot Blast Charter Oak Honiara Occidental Cook Stoves IMZC Axniiiislcr Rugs Body Brussels Rugs FURNITURE Hand Painted China Bungalow Rugs ' "Wilton Rugs Tapestry Brussels Rugs iUgraiu Rfigg English Art Rugs Mohair Rugs and many other kinds in both room size and small. Sugars and Creamers Cups nud Saucers Salad Sets Cake Dishes Plates Spoon Trays Tableware Carving Sets Silverware Water Sets Glasswnro .English Crockery American Crockery Brass Goods Brass Jardiniors Brass Umbrella Stands Brass Fern Dishes Brass Crumb Trays Brass Iluuging Baskets Brass Smoker Trays For the Children Toys and Dolls of all descriptions from the largest factories of Germany and America and from all over tho world. Our stock of Toys and Children's articles in general is among tho largest in tho state of Oregon. Space will not permit us to enumerate all of the many thousands of articles suitable for gifts and otherwise. Articles of use ; articles of orna ment ; articles for playthings. Articles from the world's modern factories and handcraft shops. Colonial Rockers Fumed Oak Rockers Waxed Oak Rockers Mission Oak Rockers Golden Oak Rockers Baronial Reed Rockers Willow Rockers Children's Rockers Ladies' "Writing Desks Library Tables Ladies' Dressing Tables "Dining Tables Buffet Sideboards China Closets Children's Furniture Dining Chairs Bed Room Dressers Iron Beds Brass P: " Bunga. Tabou; . . Stand Tables Pianos Pictures Curtain Scrims Curtain Goods Lace Curtains Portiere Curtains Couch Covers .' If you fail to see our line before buying, you lose money and so do we. GOING & HARVEY CO. Complete House Furnishers 'DlVCHnv TEcum:soPsuG;Ut ttOH. Doe. fi t..i.i 'I"'63- heavily gorm on- "wrant sugar bowl la . " " w "uaun ns any wer hurlod. Hold- xourgeon Genornl Ru- port Dluo of tho public lionlth sor vlco, declares that protectors of pub lic oatlng places should compel tholr customors to uso sugar tongs In re moving tho sugar and novcr romovo It with tholr fingers. , . ' ' ' . '' ' I j HBgBgViKWSMMMlja M Have your Job printing dono at The Tlmee office. USA 10 FEED ELK IS PUZZLE fet for the Home SrarSC "St kmn -."": .'ur"..' r jrvu, uan Duy is me sxuyu. Ughtlng yi Priijer. The light is soft and claar. The Rayo afcareijXi Ut youcanno 8 better light at any price. 5 - f '"oro man tnreo minion nomea. Ve the Children'! Eyes-and Your Own. mk Lamn L1Ktd without removing chimney or " M a i shadt. Easy to clean and rowlek. -..www H..O B1IU .w. rr- . 5T A " Dealers Ereryxvhera rANDARD OIL COMPANY (California) San FruwUco Animals In Yellowstono Park Re quire Much Attention. WASHINGTON. Dec. C With up wards of 30.000 elk now in tho Yellowstone National Park for tho winter, tho problem of hnndllng Mmm tins liornmn ono of BOrloUB concern to those In charge, nccord- lnc to tho roport or tno acting sup erintendent. To afford greater rango, tho grazing of livestock In National forests adjoining tho Park nnd tho Stnto of Wyoming and tho National government win uxjiuhu pnnsldfirablo suras for hny to feed tho oik this winter. Tho buffalo herd Is thriving ac cording to tho roport nnd Indi cations favor a considerable In crease next spring unless nn unus ually sovero winter prevails. There nro really two herd3, a tame and a wild one. Whllo tho exact num bor has been difficult to determine, tt 1.,.ffnln InMllrilntr 10 Of this ..--a nnivna wpto r.ounted In July. which Is tho largest number in sev eral years. SAUER KRAUT CHOP LARGE. Product, Largest in Years, Made from Tons of Cabbage. FREMONT, O,, Dec. C With tho kraut season . owners of factories hero announce i.... -o product Is tho largest In years Tho thousands of tons of cabbage produced In this vicinity for sauor Kraut navo sold at irom $3.00 to JC.50 por ton and grocors havo made money. Fremont Is tho contor of the kraut Industry in tho Unltod States, PRISONER LIVES ON' APPLES. Locked la Car for 18 Days, Un willing Passengers' Feet Aro Frozen. SIOUX OITY, In., Dec. 6. An drew Gorchltz of Nowburgb, N. Y after being a prisoner 13 days In a car of apples, In which ho had crawled at Nowburgh, was re leased when tho car was oponed horo. His foot wero frozen and may havo to bo amputated. Ho bad eaten nearly a barrel of ap ples. Ho has a wlfo and five children In Hungary. CHOICE OF WIFE IS IMPORTANT Have your Job printing dona at Tha Tim offlc. $100 Reward, $100 The raderi ef this paper will be pleased to learn that mora 11 ai lean one areaaen aiaeaie that icleuc Jiaa oeen aoieiocuro in miu ta tea, and that UCatarrd. Hall'i Catarrh Cure la the only poaltue cure now known to me meuicai iraieruuy. uaiarrq oeinc aeon, tltutlonal dltease, require! a coiiatltutlonal treatment. Ilall.a Catarrh cure la taken Inter, nally, acting directly upon the blood and mu. cout aurlacea of tlid ayaleui, thereby deatroylng tbe foundation ot thodneaie, and giving tha pailent atrenrth In bulldiiiK up tho ronatltu lion and aailetlng nature In doing Ita work. The proprietor bave ao much faith In fta cur. a If) power that they offer One Hundred Dol lara for any caie that It falls to cure. Send for llatof teitln.onlala. F. J.CHENEY 4C0., Toledo, O BoUbrallDruggIita,75c. I'lnys Important Part In Success or . Failure, Says Chicago Professor , CHICAGO, Doc. C Professor Wil Ham C. Dagloy, of tho University ot Illinois, bolloves thnt a man's solcc tlon.of a wlfo plays an Important part in his success or fntluro In his choson vocation. Spoaklng beforo tho Central asoclatlon of sclonco and mathomatlc teachers, tho professor said; "If a boy woro consulting mo tbout what occupation to take up I would not mako my Inquiry by applying physical or mental tests. I should ask him If ho had selected a prospective partner for lifo's Joys and sorrows. I should then request a few minutes intervlow with her." HETTY GREEN GIVES GIRLS GOOD ADVICE SPECIAL CARAMEL SALE at STAFFORD'S' Saturday and Sun day. 35 CENTS per pound. RAND DANCE Saturday evening. NEW YOnK, Dec. C Mrs. Hetty Greon, "tho richest woman lit the world," was 78 yonrs old Nov. 21. "It will bo no holiday though," slio said at hor llttlo squnro rosewood dosk at tho hend ot Wall ntrcot. Why shoud I tako a holiday and wnsto a whole day Just because I happened to be born on Nov. 21, 1834?" Mrs. Greon consentod to relax Just long enough to dlctnto n sorlcs of "don'ts" for girls. They woro: "Don't overdress." "Don't fall to go to church." "Don't oat anything, but good wholosomo food." "Don't choat In your business doaltngs." "Don't forgot to lo charitable" "Don't forgot to tako a lot of exor cise" "Don't forgot to oboy tho laws of God." Times' Want Ads bring rosults, Parties Desiring Monuments Erected; Would do well to coll at PACIFIC MONUMENTAL WORKS South Broadway and mako solec tion from tho largo stock now on hand. Tfir. Wilson has in his employ tho only practical marble and granito but tho best work is turned out. I jAaiw:W'jB ImadLmiJbmEP' p i M bo tat an hoa haj Jon- has r In .'!: .inv rtlat ' get 1 forJ o otl ughta mu- t thai aB-1 .ploy-; r ;l 1 i