The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957, December 07, 1912, EVENING EDITION, Image 3

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    &ttvaktm&t nw iwi a n imw
i rt rfliwi
I Suits
The policy of the Hub Dry Goods Co. will bo to dispose of its stocks each season never to carry over from
son to another a single garment. Therefore, we have placed the following sweeping reductions on every Lady's Coat S f
Dress in our entire stock. Remember, we have been in business less than three months every garment in this si mm ; .
oiuic is strict
ly new right up-to-the-minute in stylo and quality. AVc have sold so many Coats, Suits and Dresses this season iw
- lllilt AVC IlflVQ
had now garments como in on every boat some of them arrived just last week. Every garment is marked in plain f
Remember, our regular prices save you money then think what these reductions mean to you.
Here Are The Prices At This Great Sale
f Of 1 l n-v Sllit m our slock SM regularly at
-Vi l $ig.50 and $18.50, made of Mixtures,
Serges and Diagonals. Jackets full satin
ffiprfco $11.75 and $12.45
I fit 1 A,,v Suit sol(l regularly at $25.00 and
Llll C $22.50. a 7 r
Sale Price $ I i .JV
I tit 3 Auy Suit soll ro8'ulai,1V t $32.50, $35.00
si pl.i.l.$3T-50:....$21.56 and $23.75
These suits would cost you in Portland or San
Francisco, $10.00 and $15.00.
Dress Skirts
125 Dress Skirls in Fancy AVcavcs, Serges, Diag
onals, Tweeds, and Dell Cords. High waist of-
St!!'. 25 Per Cent Reductions
Regular prices are marked in plain figures. Just;
deduct 1-1 and you have tho sale price.
lt 1 'l0 ln'S "AV. T. Custom Maid." J1 no
LUl I Price $3.00 and $2.50. Salo price $lVO
At 9 35 Pairs "AY. T. Custom Maid." J1 AQ
LUl C Price $2.00. Salo price J1.0
tV 7 -I pairs "AY. T. Custom Maid." flo.
LUl J pHco $1.50. Salo price OC
I A A 20 pairs "AY. T. Sta-hone." Price pr .
LUl , 4 $1.25 and $1.00. Sale price ODL
These are strictly now corsets, different models,
perfect in every way. They won't last long at these
Lot 1 siSofao"! I,'!n.i:,f. ?'.! . $60
8 at J A11 oa(s Sol(1 wgiilnrlv nt $15.00, $1(5.50
LUl & an(i $18.50. Made of Mixtures and Chin-
siio ia.'y.,.i:i.lm.',.cd:. .$10.75 and $12.25
I n. 2 All Coats sold regularly at $20.00, $22.50
LUL J and $25.00. Pino Mixlurcsand Chinchillas,
bSSp .mngon"'s-.. $15.25 and $16.50
Bnfr A Ml Coats sold regularly at $30.00(TjA or
LUl faiui $27.50. Sale Price $ I ".3
Olin Lnr. Tjiirlioe' liMnn "Ariwil.-inn' fln.ilo XTrtiii.
oLyic. ieguiar price tfii'.ou. C ? A C
Sale Price tj S7
Ono Lot Ladies' Pine Raincoats. Regular price
$10.50 and $.15.00. t f ? e
Sale Price ty K).l 3
Think nf tlioso wh-il.-iiur ,.,i...i; ....
""-"5 iuuui-ilOllS on
Messaline and Charmeuse Dresv
Pcgular Price $12.50,
ki i-ico $7,50
Ivegular Price $10.50
safe phcc'. $1 0.25 and $1 1 ,75
Regular Price $22.50
Sfiog& $14.95 and $15.95
Velvet, Corduroy and Chiffon
Broadcloth Dresses
Regular Price $.16.50,
ES22:50-,,,, $12.95 and $14.95
Serge Dresses
Regular Price $8.50, $12.50, $15.00, $10.50, and
$20.00. Sale Price. . $6.25, $8.75, $10.75, $11.75
and $14.50.
A Few Children's Coats
left that will be closed out during this salo at
Ridiculously Low Prices
Ladies' Sweaters
One lot Ladies' Sweaters, all white, white ami
lan stripe, white and navy stripe, blade and cardin
al stripe. Price $5.00 and $0.00. T A aa
Salo Prico 5j 4.00
( One lot Ladies' Norfolk Sweater Coats. Price
Sale Price $4.00
One lot Ladies' "Wool Sweaters, colors brown and
white. Prico $2.50. 1 10
Sale Price $ I 0
Tit? . !?s5
Hub Dry Goods Co.
P KOPLB wlio Uvo for tho salto of
impressing othor pooplo nml
tlioro nro'n surprlslnt; numbor
of tlioso nro vory much Ilko chlldrem
who think that tho reflection which
looks out nt thorn from n mirror Is
not nn lmngo but n roul porson.
Thoro Is nothhiK moro ophomornl
thnn tho effoct which wo produco up
on tlioso who casually nnsa us. mul
yet somo women spend moro of tholr
tlmo nml thought mul mono drosslng
ror tuts vory purposo thnn thoy spend
in making thomsolvos interesting te
tholr friends, or comforting to their
f&mlllos, ns tho girl who pays six
times moro for nn opora clonk to
dazzlo strnngors thnn sho would for
como plonsuro of convonienco which
.would enrich tho wholo family life.
It is commondnblo to do our part
In adding to tho gayoty and attrac
tiveness of tho human procession. To
drcBS pleasingly . and cultivate, gen
tlo manners and to bo gracious and
kind is our duo to tho othor human
bolngs with whom wo shnro this good
ly frnmo, tho enrth. nut when this
deslro becomes paramount wo havo
What counts is what wo nro, not
what wo appear to bo. Nobility of
nature- is whnt gives us genulno dis
tinction. If half tho tlmo invested In
vain endeavor to appear well bred or
won road wero used to becomo either
of theso things tho result would bo
vastly satisfactory.
Our nppoaranco, our very gestures
and facial oxprosslons aro symbols of
wnni wo nro within.
4 $ 4
slcnl Study In Gormany." by Amy
A rovlow of "Cannon" and "Mar
tha" written by Mrs. A. L. Ilnrkor
was read by Mrs. W. S. Nicholson
and was greatly enjoyed by tho
guosts. During tho program two
flno selections woro rendered on tho
phonograph: "llabonora'' from
"Carmen" and "Snntasle" from
Mrs. P. G. Horton will entertain
tho club Monday, January 13.
Tlioso presont last Monday wero:
Mrs. Englohnrt, Mrs. W. M. niako,
Mrs. F. G. Horton, Mrs. I. S. Knuf
man, Mrs. J. M. Upton, Mrs. M. O.
Moloney, Mrs. H, Songstnckon, Mrs.
"W. S. Nicholson. Mrs. A. L. Duttz
and Mrs. C. W. Tower.
inoGins CLVii
Tho Progress club met last Mon
day nfternoon with Mrs. n. v
Tower, who read a vory interest
ing papor on "Musical Composers
oi America. Alter tms Mrs, Tow
er also read selections from "Mu
Mr. and Mrs. T. Af. rniivm n
tortnlnod last Wednesday ovonlng
nt tholr home on Catching Inlet for
"f. nnu .irs, j. t, uouver, tho oc
casion bolng In honor of tho let
ter's sllvor woddlng anniversary.
Novor boforo did a moro congen
ial and happy crowd assemblo
thomsolros tocotlmr. nml ) ..
onlng of conversation, music nnd
senernl uood tlnm nnsBoii nit nn
rapidly. At a lato hour, delicious
reiresnmonis were served to tho
Mr. nnd Mrs. .T. T Pniivo f-
and Mrs. Owen Moore, Mr. and
Mrs. Claronce Collver, Mr. nnd Mrs.
Fred Messerle. Mr, and Mrs. Win.
Bonobrake. Mr. nnH tm ti,.
Matson, Mr. and Mrs. Wm., DJor-
qvlst, Mr. nnd Mrs. Dan Matson,
Mr. nnd Mrs. Win, Laxfrom, Jlr.
ami .Mrs. ku. Coffelr, Mr. and Mrs.
T. M. Collver, Sirs. Harry HussoU,
Mrs. Harry Knlno, Miss Tda Matson,
Miss Roberts, Miss NelUo Church,
Miss Allco Church. Misses Helen
Mooro, Desslo Collver, Mny Mes
sorlo, Roso Messorlo, Ginyds Coll
ver, Knld Collver, Henrietta Coll
ver, Elnn Knlno, Elvora I.axtrom,
Mossrs. Ed. Jnckson, Ellis Fourdol
Carl Matsoil, Arthur Matson, Ralph
lllnKO. Arthur Monro llnrnl.i in.
Joo Mooro, Chester Collver, Vornon
Collver, Gordon Collver, Millard
82Ma A' !?" w?!tt: Ki'.
Collv'ep U Me8S0rl0' MnrahoU
n-AiTi.H11?11 brlt,B0 cUlb known
ns tho Lltt o Fnmllv Pii.i. i.o i
organized nnd had its first meetlnc
"iJ"- W- S. Turpen last Sday
1 r "ur Homo in West
Mnrshtteld. After nn nfir.. ..
cards the male mombors of tho fnm-
...tB mul iur u o ciock dinner. The
members of this new club aro: Mrs!
L. J. Slmnson. Mrs n t n..i ,.''
Claud Nasburg nnd MrV.' W. S? Tur-
woro Misses Ida Rood, Maudo Shop
hord, Mary Roonoy and Lillian Har
rison, nil from tho Morcv Hosnltnl
at North Rend.
I D1X.M3H l'ARTV t
Mr. nnd Mrs. A. E. Adolsporgor on-
"""111 "l n uinnKsgtving dlnnor
",' y ovonll'B ft numbor of friends.
Iho dinner wns postponed from
innnksglvlng dny on nccount of tho
absonco of Mr. Adolsporgor.
, T'l0lr suests woro: Mr. and Mrs.
Walter Clnybaugh, Miss Daisy Rush, nuBcrsirora nnu unri Davis.
j. .p .j.
-- 1 4
onn. n.i.n Al..l. ...Ml meat PYtrftf
OilUUi. i iiu iiuu i. ...v - fc
weoks, tho next meeting wm "
Mrs. William Dungan Tuesday,
comuer tho J urn.
.... i i.a nnvxl A
tin.. Ill,l,r rn MrS. R. K. Pi
Mrs. William Dungan, Mm. Fre4';
llns Mrs. F. E. HaKUO. MW. J.J.
.... , - . ... - - -- -l., I
rlL'nn. .Mrs. A. U. iiuuboiw i ...
Dorsoy Kroltzer, Mrs . Cbu.
luugm, airs. j. ii. "'""v"., .. i
Powers, Mrs. William Scott and J
E. E. Straw.
.j. .
auction jimncE
Miss May Wail entertained last
.Sunday evening at dinner at her
homo on Central Ave. Her guests
.. JI"R; ,A- Chapln wns hostess to
tho Prlscllla Club Thursday at her
homo In Bunker Hill. Ono now mem
ber wns balloted on, nftor which tho
nrtornoon wns spent In sowing when
refreshments wero served by tho
Tho next meeting of tho club will
bo Dec. 18th with Mrs. William Nel-
mi "er "omo ln By p'irk.
Those present at Thursday's moet
i?r?..woro: Uts- Gcoteq Rourko, Mrs.
William Nelson, Mrs. F. Grlnold,
urs. iienryoisen and Miss Ida Clau
' ;
Tho Auction Ilrldge Club w
D. u. ureen as . ( mt
nfternoon nt tho D.C.OWJ
Mrs. H. u. jouct u" '7 -nt,,en
Aftor cards ligiu ror"""
sorved by the hosteK. r vu-
Thoso present were. w- ; m
Airs. ii. h. ..-:-iBd Jin
nrdson, Mrs. m. v. iu.v.,
E. K. Jones.
The Rovnl Anotinn nM. Pint. .
contly organized, held Its first meet
ing with Mrs. E. B. Straw last Tues
day afternoon at her home on Pino
r Mr 7nd Jl
Last Sunday evening : Mr. ttf.
James Forty of Bunker IU bonor
talned with a blr hday P tr d!jA
of tholr son. William. Sco" - j
Music was the m,n.0"log by
Music was the main i '- w i
tho evening. Two vocal I iowi
t .n wora h chly eDJ0Jeu.
m ".tarsIo's Dream, anu
Thru the Rye." , and3
Misses Esther. Wz3&"
(Continued oaTM'