Ma wsm frani swa Of 'o JflK" N1 " "Han's up!" cried out two bandits bold, Their ages four and three years old; An' Santa he was scared so bad Ho gave 'cm all the toys he had. They aimed their tin gun at his head "Haa'a up, er we will shoot yeu dead!" Exclaimed these terrible outlaws That dared te hold up Santa Clans. Mi m t.Z.HJll-1- i !E-w )('3KT jsi.jaK lH -vH .rtir. .fi r- j r" M 3 &fi& "'k 9 ha . fv S'rt . M r- a "jlv V m ? SsW.yil itSS'i .' .1 V vJf ift w , i.WS my j m cMm StffiM& f-LVwCw rv v.- m " vi - 3K m ANIA ClAUS Copyrljjht, 1312. by American ITcks Association. A Historic Christmas K K CI IIRISTMAS nljht. 1776. I General George Wsh Pl Infiton crossed the Dela ware, and (lie next day occurred the buttle of Vwntn XI a. If...!..... j&-g2 were naturally surprised. srJ'rT T',ey t0, ' for granted VSfit P I " 'he Revolutionary nrmy would rest upon ill nrmi nnd permit them to enjoy their Chrlstmoi In pence, but Wellington concluded thnt the doed would be bettered liv ic day, and !io loaded hit small army Into -.- ...... .iwv imv iv; Toicti ui win luddy river, lie reckoned correctly, and io result of hit daring maneuver was that e attacked Colonel Raid At mnrlm he commandlm nfflrr nml ua..u r o enemy were killed and 1,000 taken 'tioneri. Two Americans were killed. id two were frozen to death Woihlnf- jn' valor however, laved the American lUie. ODD SUPERSTITIONS ABOUT CHRISTMAS. toring Christmas Presents -Flat d.vollors In tho lib: cities hnv Bt tlu smiiio facilities for tilorliiK their JnMiiiiiiK IMKMlJJt'S t tin t peonlo imlnr Hio live hi hmixi-s. It s verv litinl to Bironl mi Intended present In a lint. Br Hint i'immui linn? ut,ii-i.j iw.i.,1 pel! KlniiiK million nnd ntlnr iikn Been n to iii'd If on., dot's liU Christ. Bh shopping (.nrl.v nnd docs not wish appear witli tin' k ft tit lis homo lore ClirNtiiiiiN eve lie oiunlovs xomo It hoso IiIiIImk pliKcs where tlio prying us or wire or rlilldivn may not dls- lor In mlvmico tho iintiiro of tliu hi. fdiil mirprlso. Rlbby COAL. Tho kind YOU have lUillH L'KI. I'lMIIIO 72. Piii-lfl. pry anil Trnimffr roiuiitinv 7 There tiro siiporstltlona nnont Christ, mns In nil roimlrloH, but probably tho follnwhiK lire a few of tho most ex traordinary: I rth Oormnny n pernnn nuiHt not spin dnrlni; tho Iwelvo nlfihts of ChrlstmnH. hbt ho or he Hliould walk nflor death, nor nfter minuet on Sat urday, for thou mlro will eat tho work. If It Is doidrcil to have monov nnd liioU nil tho year round ono must not fall to oat herrings on New Veiir' day. nor If you wIhIi to be lucky must yon rock an empty eradle or uplll salt wantonly or cross knives or point nt tho Ktunj If n dirty cloth Is left on tho table over Christ nuiH nlht It will mako tho niiRoIs weep, If you point upward to tho rainbow It will make tho miroU' foot blood, and If you talk of cabbaRes while lookliiK nt the moon you will hurt tho feelings of tho man In It. At Kllcrlriinl. near Rlackpool. In KiiKlaml a very common superstl. thin prevails that tho bell of a hidden clmrvli may be heard by any ono who bonds his oar to tho ground. In nerk hhlro It was at one tlmo n popular bo. Ilof that bolls could be heard ringing In tho ground on Christmas ovo. ntui in nine parts of Rnglnnd miners havo boon hoard to say that bells could bo hoard merrily pealing In tho most dis tant parts of the mlno The most popular superstition In many parts of nngland Is that every remnant of ChrlMums decoration must bo removed before Candlemas day. Should a sprig of holly or other ever, green be loft In nny Iiouro ono of Its occupants will die within tho year. Tlmoa' Want Ada bring results. f America's Oldest Christmas Dells mnrj oiucbi emmt 01 DOIIS In this country !s Io entfd In old Christ f horeh. on Rrond street. I'hlladidphla. Thay hart been peallnjr, ont tho triad tldlnct of "F'eart on enrth, Kood will to ward mn." for considerably over a hnndrcd yonrs nnd will do io this ynr nt Chrtstmss time. f I '.!. ..... .'ti....iQ r. Wm. Sadlor, author of "Tho Ibq and Curo of Colds," save common colds should im ini.-. jsorlously, especially when tbov K on." Foley's Honoy nnd UOlUDOlllUl Is a rallnliln lnnin. modlolnn for rnuvlm nn.l ri.i, y offectlvo for children nnd n porsons. Tako It whon you a cold rmnlnir on. It will n v.tri or of Eorlous results and cure :iy. No harmful drugs. For by Lockhnrt-Porsons Drug Co., jusy uoruor, 11 UY snw. Some cholco lota In NORTH DEND rati be bnd at a very reasonable prlc i taken now. B. a. ClHATt & CO o Mntlnnol n.l. You Auto Call Foote IMIO.Vi: 1 1 .j night AM) OAY Stand front of Lloyd Hotel TWO NKW OAKS A,ler '.'. M 1,,ono W. Will Mako Trirw f Coqullle, j Christmas Trees and Fir. So many fires have been started bv cnndles on Christmas trees thnt lii tnnny states laws have been passed ngalnst (his form of Illumination. In tboso states whero tho practleo still prevails a hose or bucket of wnter should be kept handy to put out any blaro that may start. A very effective substitute for tho candles Is furnished by a system of tJny electric bulbs con nected with a fow smnll storago bat teries. As these bulbs rany bo used j car niter year tno oxpenso Is not high. Christmas Deception. In ono senso Christmas Is n sort of game which tho grown ups play with as much zest as tho children. Santa Clans Is not tho only deception. Every body pretends to enjoy buying pres ents and to bo dollghtod with those received from others. Yet tbeso llttlo white lies are amiable nnd nro for-1 given, let us le sure, becnuso of tho spirit behind them, Besides, It Is Just ' such Innocent pretending that makes! social life possible and that ktcpa the neart youug. Tlcrl.lnr.on In tlin Chntt. Trrltntlnn In Dm TiIP, ., . .. CoUBh moans a nunorablo nlcht for tho vrholo family. B BALLARD'S Horehound Syrup Is An Effective Remscly for the Throat and Lung, It rolloros tickling In tho throat, tl&htneis In the cheit. In flamed Itrncf dlrflcaU i Wheczlnir In tho bronchial tuboi. Coaveys a ooothlnjr, heallar lnriueae to the sor In '1 easy expoatoratlon and contributes to th eajoyraont of a qulst nlcht sad reitful lie Promote Put Up in Three Sizes, 25c, 50c and $1.00 per Bottle. Buy tho Dollar slzo. It eontnlna ftvo times nn much as tho 2Co slss, aaa you ret win, . L . . . n Dr. Horrlck'o Rod Poppor 1'orouo l'laater for tho cheat. " cach bo"l JASinS 1. IIALI.AUI) riioi'iinrroit 8T. I.OUIS, mo. Vot Sore Kxcm, aranulntcil Iil(l, Itcdnrn of tho nyclinll, WmIc Slstht, flmnrlln Ncnllou, i ih lino Stcphenn Eyo 8lvc. It t rrrurily of pravpn jnrrlt. Trt Solp Anq Kr.coMMgMocnBvMTgjg! U.ckbnrUl'nmons Drng Co. "Ttm lir Crmw" Thn lUxall 8 tor Christmas Treat. IIB grorrlng of Christmas trees Is quite an Industry In parts of the country. In the north' crn plno fonrts It Is n practice to cut tno tops out of the trees or oven branches. This does not Injure tho pnront trco. Great shiploads of these branches ami tops corao across tho great lakes early each winter to bo distributed for tho Christmas trsde. Radium Christmas Gifts. A few years atjo, when radium wan a newly discovered wonder, It was a fad of society women In London and some other cltlos to five tlnr bits of tho metal as Christmas presents. Theso cost from 310 to $30. although tho speck of radium was hardly largo enough to bo seen with the naked eyo. It was mounted In a splntharlocopo, which Is a cross botwen a mlcroscopo nnd halcldoscope. Peon through this, tho tiny point of radium shot out flashes of constantly varying light, lltto miniature fireworks. Come Out of the Big End of the Fishermen Attention ! Tlio Coos Hay Ico anil Cold Storago Comitaiiy Mill liu pro .rnred to ircelvo nil Stccllioatl Knlmoii after December 10. For further particulars, Inquire at ofllcc. Coos Bay Ice and Cold Storage Co. TAKE THE BEST CARE OF OLD RAGS Not for their valuo, but be caiiao they cnuao fires. Jkt pooplo do not know that old raus, particularly oiled cloths utscd for il listing, etc, will often taKn flro nnnnlnnnnnalu it... .Ires whoro "cnuso U unknown'' might bs tracod to carolcssncsi In disposing of rage. Anybody knows It's wlsa to Inauro ngnlnst loss by flro. and anybody may find out, by tht least Investigation, that wa hnvo flvo of tho greatest Imur nnco companies on earth. Wo know how to wrlto poli cies thnt protect perfectly, too. I. S: KAUFMAN & CO. 177 Front Btrt fTWI jot XNiE.!TWa - 1 KOU A GOOD WAIXHI OU riNK JI3WI3LIIY E. C. BARKER JUWRLTHt I'Ine Watch nnd Jewelry Ilcpnlrliig. an l'ront St.. Mnrshflclil. Unique Pantatorium THB MODERX DTHIlfl. CliKAjnJIW, rnsHscns ai hat kkxovatoiw AcmI for BAntard IT. Straus ft Oa., ria Tailoriaf;. Let u saak yor nxt smlU Mwcflrnriuji. ntms-x For GOOD SHOES nnd (JOOD RKPAIUrNO at IUGI1T 1'ItIOKH. Qo to August Oleson U1S Sonth IlrOAdrrar. VOTE FOK WANTED ! ! ! carmit urnousTBRiNa akd FIANOR TO nr.HAN. h th Pnm. .., .H . .- mntle Cleaalag Company. Orders for work Ukia at goimg a nAiivnr, llua la T. J. BOADJM j$A. ' 1 101 )G 1X3 Instead of the Little End of the Horn ! That's What You'll Do if You Read and Heed. That Christmas shopping has to be done anyway, so why not get tlrst choice, hnvo an easv tlmo of it vnur self. IlKhten tho labors of tho shop Blrls nnd mnko overybody happy by getting nn early "start? BEAT SANTA CLAUS TO IT! PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY T K. STRATH, - Physician nnd Surceon. Rooms 5, 6 nnd 7, First National Dank riiillrilnr. Phones: OfTlce 1031, Rosldonco 411 NORTH DEND, ORB. Marsh field Paint dfe Decorating Co. FarnJsfc. rhoae 14'Mj. Onfx icUmt4M 'AruiiiriBiiii. QL1VIA ED.rAN, Scientific Swedish Massago, Modlcal Qymnastlcs .125 S. Sixth St. Phono 205.R. Try Tho Times' Want Ads. WE WILL MAIL YOU 1 for each sot of old False Teet sent us. Highest prices paid for old Gold, Silver, old Watches broken Jewelry and Preclout Stones. Money Sent by Return limi Phlla. Smelting Refining Co. Established 20 Years. 8a Chestunt St., Philadelphia, P. TO DENTISTS. We will buy your Gold Fllllngj, Gold Scrap, and Platinum. HljTu eat prlcoa paid. Fire! fire! Fire! That is tbo CRY that every one DREADS to hoar. It al ways means DESTRUCTION. Tho flro BUG may got YOU noxt. Do wiso and Insuro with tho NEWARK FIRE INSUR ANCE COMPANY. French Realty Co. AGENTS. 316 H No. Front St., Maxahfleld JOEL OSTLIND, ' Piano Tnner and Repairer. 415 S. Sixth Streot. Phono 103-L. J. W. BENNETT Dennett Swnnton, Tom T. Donnott iiuumcys ana uonnsellors at Law. Flanagan A Dennett nank IluUdtng. Marshfleld, Coos Co., Oregon. pKRL RILEY RAIiLINOER Tlaalst and Teacher Residence-Studio, 237 So. Broadway fuuni IB'Li. Barnard & Langwortiiy oar window dlnnlay of WOOD KLKOTRIO KIITt'UKS LEADKD ART GLASS UOJtES rORTAnLK BTAJiD LAMM, Thi Star Transfer and Storage Co. Is prtsare to do all kinds of baulloc on short notice. W moot all train and boats and we also have th UtMt styla Reynolds Piano Mover. W minranttt nnr work. L. H. Heisner, Prop. Phones 9I-R. 131-J '" WM. S. TURPEIf, ARCMITKOT. Marshfleld. Oregon. HOUSEOLEANRVO AND WINDOW CLEANING ... it.i. avV We make specialty c: i "j nnd also offlce Janitor work ana guarante saiisiaciion. uuii,v . sonablo. O. M. LETTS. Orders may bo sent to phone or left at the "uusy v,uru. Tli. W. MORROW, X Desitl 171 Grime Rnlldlng, over Grand jncwtcr. wiuco mono BOO. G. CHANDLKR, Architect. FOR RENT Store BnUdl with 5-rooni fl on seoond floor. One fnrauww room, close la. AUG. FRIZBRN. A rv 1 Ave- Rooms 801 and 303, Coke Bnlldlni Marshfleld, Oregon. JH. A. J. HENDRY'S Modern DenUl Parlors. Wo aro equipped to do high class work on short notice at tho Tory lowest prices. Examination free. Lady attendant. Coke Bldg., .Opp. Oluadlw Hotel, phone 112-j. Chalmer's Auto Service J. M. Dodge, Driver. Stand at Palaco Restaurant. Phonos, B-J or S-L, day and m!w. MarsnfleM. OrC. Hava your Job printing dons The Time office.