The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957, December 07, 1912, EVENING EDITION, Image 10

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The homcsitc ideal, where the park like
tract is being improved and beautified
and the level, sightly 50x120 lots face on
n graded street.
First Addition, located on the South Side,
Marshficld's finest residence section, of
fers the homcbuildcr or the investor the
highest values for the lowest price. Only
$300 each for your choice of these attrac
tive homcsitcs and we'll make the terms
to s'.iit your convenience.
Let us show you this property. You'll
want your new home on the "South
Side" where the new homes arc being
creeled and developments arc taking
place. You'll want it in First Addition,"
the choice of the sheltered section, the
homcsitc ideal.
Make selection now while you can obtain
your choice at our low price and your
AVe have a limited number of close in
acre tracts. Kieh bottom lands.
Reynolds Development Co.
Coko Building
Telephone 160-J
WORK, Rronildo Knlurglng und
Kodak Finishing.
In tlio Circuit Court of tho Stntu
of Orofioii, In nnd for tho County
of Coos,
J. II. Mllncr, I'lnlnurf,
Sarah Dallies, Onirics Dallies, Jnnica
Haines, Tliomns II. Ilnlnos, Honry
A. Raines, Mrs. Chnrlos Raines,
Mrs. James Haines, Mrs. Tliomas
II. Ilnliios, Chnrlotto Holcn Dnlncs
Flanagan, Patrick J. Flanagan,
Itose Unities Peterson nnd Louis
rctcrson, Dofonilantn,
To Sarah Dallies, Charles Dnlncs,
James Ilnlnos, Thomas II. Dnlncs,
Henry A. Dnlncs, Mrs. Clinrlcs
Haines, Mrs. J nines Ilnlnos, Mrs.
Thomas II, Dnlncs, Chnrlotto Ilolcn
Haines I'lnnngnn, Patrick J. Flan
agan, Itoso Dnlncs Potorson nnd
Louis Peterson:
You nnl each of you nro horcby
notified that you nro required to
appear nnd answer tlio complaint
now on fllo against you in tlio
alovo entitled Court, In tho abovo
entitled Milt, In which tho snld J.
H. Mllncr Is plaintiff nnd you nro
tho defendants, on or hoforo the
7th day of Docombor, 1912, tho
tame being tho Inst dny for mi
stering prescribed In tho ordor for
tlio publication of this mtmoons, nnd
If you fall to nppcar to nnawor on
or before snld duto tho plaintiff will
apply to tho Court for tho rotlor
demanded In his complnlnt, a suc
cinct Btntomont of which Is as fol
lows, to-wlt:
That tl'o Court dotormlno what
sum Is duo upon tho contract for
tho purchnso of tho horolnnftor nc
ccrlbcd rcnl property nnd apply tho
amount doposlted with tho Clork of
this (v ,Irt thereon, nnd direct entd
dofendnnta to innko, oxocuto nnd de
liver n warranty deed to snld plain
tiff for snld lora sovon, eight, nno
ami ten of block twcnty-nlno o
Hallroid Addition to Mnrshflold.
Oregon, according to tho plat
thereof of record nnd on filo In
tho County Clork's ofllco of Coos
County, Oregon, In nccordnnco with
tho tomis of tho contract of sale
described In tho complnlnt, upon
tho plaintiff paying into Court
whatever sum of money shnll bo
duo thereon; nnd nlso docreo tnat
upon failure, refusal or neglect of
jald defendants to mnko enld deed,
then In that event said decroeo be
peered and taken aa equivalent
Sec -.nd That plaintiff havo Judg
me"t for hlB costs nnd disburse
meats ngnlnst snld dofendnnta and
each of them, nnd such further re
lief ns to tlio Court shall seom
wet and equitable.
Bervlco of thla summons la mndo
y publication In pursuance 01 nn
ordc- made, by tho Honorable John
B- Coke, Judge of tho Circuit Court
of tho State Of Oregon, for Coos
County, dated tho 2Cth day of Oc
tobrr, 1912, directing the publica
tion thereof in tho Cocs Bay Times,
a newspaper published at Marsh
field, C003 County, Oregon, onco a
week for a period of six consecu
tive weeks, commencing with tho
fl"t publication of tho summons on
tho 26th.' day of October. 1912.
Attornoy for Plaintiff.
(First publication October 26; last
Publication Dec. 7. 1912.)
Tho ohnnces nro you would mnko n
inmlilln (if It nnvwilV. 1111(1 OlllV HIIC-
ccod In HPolnlliiK yr Bhlrt. RohIiIoh,
Is it worth wlillo to go to mo iroume
with practical)" nu fnciiiues ni nu,(
...1..t. ... nttt uni'ii l-rtll llln t Willi I 111
I It'll v liiii nutv j niv .,.. w
for n very little outlay? Wo rnll for.
nnd deliver parcel wncii promised.
Won't you glvo ub a single trlnl?
Coos Bay Steam Laundry
I Will Furnish Your
House on the
Installment Plan
W. K. Wiseman
Oil North Front St.
Pus. Phono 2 9 f,.Xnohonja16fiO
Notico Is horoby given that tho
undoralgnod, tho duly nppolntod
miniifio.i nnd acting executrix of
tho ostnto of David Roberts, de
rnnRmi. hns fllod her final account
In tho snld ostnto with tho County
Clerk of Coos County, Orogon. Aim
Mm Court has appointed Monday,
tho Cth day of January, 1912, as
tho time for hoarlng objections to
tho said final nccount and tho set
tlement thoreof.
Dated this 18th dny of .Novem-
ber, 1912.
Executrix of tho estnto of David
Roberts, deceased.
(First publication November 23.
Last Publication Doc. 2S.)
-- .. . . .... ,.... Jin Ihn
Notice is noreuy b- -underslgned
has been duly appoint
ed administrator of tho estate of
Mary A. Potorson, deceased. Now
all persons having claims against
sad estate nro hereby notified to
Present tho same, properly verified,
... ..A..AtinFa ViArnfnr. to
riuPndePrs.gnedat the offle. of
James i. unii. uuum -w'"r
jHock. Marshflold, Coos County.
Oregon, within six months from tho
datD0atearethis 23d day of October,
Administrator of tbo estate of Mary
A Peterson, deceased.
Marshfield and North Bend Auto Line
GOItST & KING. Prourlotors.
iss sss x
-tiT ,-
y"" f i7. AVWHbUBHVflRHEI mVPVht im?v
7:15 A. M.
A. M.
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Lonvo North IJend Allen's News stand.
Leavo Mjirsdifleld Chandler and Dlnnco Hotels and Dusy Cornor.
Handling Bread
that Ib always so frosh, dollclous,
dopendnblo and satisfying Is a real
plcasuro. Eating it Is n greater
ono. A loaf of our bread will con
vert nnyono Into a big bread outer
And ns brend la n perfect food tho
inoro loaves of oura you consume
tlio bottor for your uoalth.
Coos Bay Bakery
Tho place for godd goodies.
Markot Ave. Phono Ill-L
, , cogs mv. mxm.
i iii i
-Jv lr0fl vil.r
t rn rim i
Orsaniziw or musTmi
Tho past has proven that Investments in small aero tracts near growing
cities nro tho most protltablo. Tho C. B. R. S. has such to offor. Ohas. J.
nrnschko. Marshfield. Ore.
The Times Does Job Printing
0 1911, by Amrlcn I'rsts Aaioclatlon.
NE, two, three, four, Ore, lx,
eTen," Kathryn counted
twice on her slim brown Un
rers, and each time she sigh
ed a doleful sigh. "Beven unlocked
for guests coming to cat Chrtstmai
dinner with us und not a sign of any
Christmas dinner or of tho wherewith
al to procure It. Thero isn't a thing
but bacon and potatoes nnd turnips In
the house unless It la nn onion or two."
"You forget tho squash, Kathryn,"
mildly interposed her brother Tom,
with mock serious visugo and dancing
Kathryn, fresh from boarding school,
hud attempted an clnborato nnd ultra
Bcleutlllc garden tho summer beforo
with tauglblo results in tho form of a
siuglo well grown squash, drought, 111
management nnd various pests having
played havoc with tho other things.
Knthryn's dreams of n tidy lucomo
from tho sale of fresh vcgetnbles nnd
of n poHslblo prlzo at tho fnll fnlr van
ished Into thin nlr. Hut tho squnsh
wns tenderly borno to tho ccllnr by
Tom nnd cnrefully guarded ns a me
mento of Knthryn's bravo If futllo at
tempt to slave off the evil day when
the dreaded mortgage, llko a dnrk bird
of prey, should swoop down nnd carry
off tho little homo,
Kitthryu was considered n very clov
er girl at boarding school and by nil
her legion friends ut homo. Hho could
pnlut strnugo birds that a naturalist
would havo beeu nt n loss to classify
and dowers unknown to the science of
botany, do fancy sewing nnd marvelous
embroidery and write charming verse,
though, alas, tlio editors were surpris
ingly obtuso to tho latter factl Re
sides which shu wus nblo to talk vol
ubly In French nnd could rnttlo on
soiuo lively two steps nnd Bchottlsches
on the plano-If she bad possessed such
nu Instrument.
Rut none of these accomplishments
wcro exchangeable for coin or the
realm In tho little country vitiligo on
the outskirts or which they lived, nnd
as they hnd only Tom's meager salary
ns a grocer's clerk to fall buck on, It
soon en mo to puss that shabby gar
ments nnd the plainest of plain faro
were tho order or tho dny, in their
household. Katlirjn'a lingers Itched
to help her brother benr tho burden
of support She longed to add her niHo
to the family Income, but ns yet hnd
not struck her "niche." Rho did not
know qulto enough to tench, nnd there
was no vacancy In either of tho two
village dry goods stores.
On this Christmas eve there was less
than a dollar In tho house, und be
sides herself, her mother und Tom.
they had received notice that seven
guests would lie with them for the
Christinas holldiiy-dlstnut relatives,
who hnd standing Invitations to "come
up to our house for Christmas some
time," and who by a coincidence hud
chosen the snino dnlo to accept tho In
vitation Thero wiih Aunt Mnttlo nnd
her twin boys, Cousin Wilbur and his
new wife, Aunt Hue nnd Undo Illrnm
-quite n tableful nt nuy time, and cer
tnlnly nn enormous crowd to be provid
ed with Christmas dainties with n fund
of less (ban n dollar.
It begun to look ns If they must
break their rigid rule never to go In
debt, even for tho necessaries of life,
and ask tho village grocer to trust
them, ii very humiliating alternative.
After Tom's brilliant remark, which
she hnd beeu expected to talto ns n
rarely humorous hit, Knthryn gazed
nt him admiringly for n moment.
"You think you'ro runny, Tom
Wreniict. hut you'ro not." sho told
him, ".Squnsh plo will bo n grateful
addition to our boiled potatoes nnd
turnips mid onions and other Christ
inas dainties. Surely no one can say
Hint I blistered my lingers nnd freck
led my noio In vnln over Hint gnr
don, since Us ono nnd lonely product
Is to reed the Christmas guest."
"Never mind, children," broke In
their mother, laying down (ho letter
Hint hnd Just come from Aunt Mnt
tlo, announcing the arrival on tho
morning train or herself nnd her twin
boys, "wo can nt least do our best to
inn he our guests feel nt homo nnd try
to enjoy their visit. It Is hard not to
bo able to entertain them ns they linvo
us In thupnst, but what can't bo cured,
you know, must bo endured,"
"Mother's n brick!" exclaimed Impul
bIvo Tom. "And I move that wo ten
der her n vote of thanks for her little
Christians speech," Whereupon ho
gave her a rousing kiss nnd a bear
hug and went out Into tho )'iird and
down Into the cellar after the squnsh
When ho enmo up from tho depths of
tho dnrkpomo ccllnr to where Knthryn
stood expectantly waiting, ho dropped'
limply on to nn upturned box near by
nnd funned himself wen lily with his
eld I sat. He opened his mouth twice
fn n vain und apparently despcrnto at
tempt to speak and then subsided Into
"Tom Wrennet," demanded his sis
ter, giving him an Impatient shake,
"drop your nonseuhe and speak. What's
the mutter?"
"It'B-lt's gono!" gasped Tom, qulto
as If "It" had been u diamond neck
Inco Instend of a wnrty and pleblan
"("one?" echoed his sister Incredu
lously. "Who would steal a squash?
Light the lantern and como with rao.
It la never worth whllo to wasto time
Tom obediently prpcurcd tho lantem
frotn the woodshed, ami together they
explored tho ccllnr. 3he hnd spent it
lot of time thero when she hnd Orst
returned from boarding school digging
nbout with tbo vain hope of locating
grandfather Kauo's money. He bad
cotno to mnko bis home with them a
few weeks previous to his death from
old ago only the year before, and onco
tboy bad caught him playing with a
handful of gold pieces as a child would
amuse Itself with a lot of pebbles. Die
bad quickly hidden tbcm from Bight,
however, wltli bis nervous, childish,
laugh, and though ho sometimes bab
bled of his "trcasuro" and hlo "for
tuno" no one ever saw them again.
Once Kathryn bad surprised him
coming out of the cellar with a shovel
In bis hand, the damp earth still cling
ing to It, and ho bad slipped nwny
guiltily. After his death slio remem
bered tbo Incident nnd surmised that
he hnd burled tits money In thero for
safe keeping. It could not bo much,
of course, not more than $100 or so,
but that would be a fortune to them
In their present straitened clrcum
stnnccs, nnd she felt It no wrong to
the dend man, who had been but llttlo
more thnn a child, to unearth the mon
ey nnd put It to good use, for It did no
one any good In Its hiding plnco.
Rut months of vnln searching hnd
dispelled the hopo of ever finding It,
If It had been concealed there, nnd
now she gazed n llttlo disdainfully nt
the deep holes nnd henps of dirt which
mnrked her former efforts. Suddenly
she underwent n revulsion of feeling.
The little excnvntlons nnd correspond
ing mounds of enrth seemed to her
overwrought mind symbolical of her
constant effort and constant failure to
bo of use to herself or those she loved.
"Oh, Tom!" sho monned, burying her
fnee In his contsleove nnd trying to
smother her sotm. "1 wish I could do
Fomcthlng-nnythlng-to help you. It'
n shiimo you nnd Rctty linvo to put
on your wedding Just becnuso you
have us to tnkc care or, and me young"
-- in U vk R 'bbbbIbbbbH
und strong. Just as soon us Christmas
Is over I nm going to try to got a
place to do common housework. I
Just can't stand for you to havo to
bear all tho burden."
"Hush, llttlo slsterl" Tom drew hor
close, with big brotherly sympathy.
"It hasn't' qulto como to that yet, nnd
you mustn't think or leaving home.
You nro uot strong enough for such
Drying her eyes ns best slio could
she begun looking around for the
squash. Hho round It at last-It hnd
only rolled Into ono or the holes that
sliu had dug near tho wnll. Tom held
tin, limlerii neiir nnd she nulled It out
or tho hole, In doing which she dislodg
ed the eurth from tho wall ubovo ami
down enmo u ruin or dump dirt it!
It cumo a small glass Jur which tin
evidently been Imbedded in the wnll.
With a wild crv Kathryu seized 1
and held It up to the light or tho Ian
"Money!" she ensnod. "Oold piece
nnd greenbacks. Orundfuther's for
tune, Tom! Como upstulrs, quick
Never mind the sqtinsli!"
A moment later she noured tho mono
Into her astonished mother's Inp am
was counting it over, trembling wit
Joy mid excitement.
"Oim. two. threo. four. (lvo. six. so
on." she counted ns slio had done ea
Her In the evening only this tlino titer
was no frown o'i her face. "Bove
hundred dollnrs-u Hundred for cac
guest! Surely that ought to feed 'on
Wns thero ever such lueli? Why, Ton
It will pay tho mortgage and glvo yo
n nest egg In tho bnnk. and wo ca
linvo mlueu plo, und uow you enn ma
rv Rutty, and wo can novo nor
dinner tomorrow nnd n big fat turko
and wo won't have to go In debt, a
we'll Btuff tho turkey with oysters hi
put n new carpet In Aunt Mnttl
room, 'cause the old one's dlsgraccfi
and havo plum pudding and enmber
sauce J"
And then she collapsed ror want
breath and hid her rnco on Ton
shoulder nnd burst Into tears. Rut
moment later she looked up to sin
triumphantly through her tears a
"There, now, Tom Wreunetl W
Jf 1 hadn't raised that squushr