THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD. OREQON, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 6, 1912 EVENING EDITION. nMw The Sign of Good Candy Always DKCOKATIVK ELECTItIG OUT FITS FOK KENT Fruit nnd Flowor lamps at ro duccd prices. SPECIAL DISCOUNTS In Portablo Lamps for tho Holidays. Coos Bay Wiring Co. Phono 2U7-J. ir Hrondwny N E. Pale & Co. High Grade Ladies' and Gentlemen's Tailoring Imported and Domestic Woolens Fit and Satisfaction Guaranteed Wo do nil work right horo. 870 North Front Street Maratiilcld. New Goods and Second Hand Goods nought, sold or exchanged IIAIUUNGTON, DOYLK Ji CO. 8013 Front Street. Phono illO-L. Marsh field & North Bend Auto Line GORST & KING. Proprietors. CarB leavo Alarshflola ovory 46 mlautoa from 7:16 a. m. unMl 12:30 midnight. Loavo North Bond on eamo schedulo, starting at 7 n. m. until midnight. Soo Saturday Timet for Bohodulo. City Auto Service (load Curs, Caroful Drlrors and rooBonablo ohargoa. Our motto: "Will go anywhoro at any Umo." Stands Blanco Hotol and Blanco Cigar Store Day Phonos 78 and 46 Night Phono 40. RAIIKICR ."4 OOODALE, proprlotorn. WHEN YOU WANT A MESSRN GKH 110V Something cnt .for or delivered PHONE J20-L and wo'U do It. Charges reason able CTTAS CRANNY. THE SPANISH GRILL An Uiwto-Dnto Entlnj PInce. Upstairs Oppostto Mnguos & Matson'o. Bpuiilsli niNhes n Specialty. Shoes Men's Work Shore nnd Misses' High Top Storm Hoots on Sale Now nt The Electric Shoe Store 180 So. RroadwMy. Mnrdiflold. Fisher Auto Service Win. Fisher, Froprletor. Phono ordors to HUlyor's Cigar Stand, Phono 18-J. After 11 p. m. phono G-J. Night phono 181-R. Mnrshfleld, Oregon. Pictures & Framing Walker Studio Have That Roof Fixed NOW See GOJiTEELL wont: am. Palmer & Dawson Practical l'Jnno Tuners. Fourtoon years factory exper ience. Wo do tuning, voicing, ac tion adjusting, polish or rcflnlsh casoB, runko yellow Ivory koys white Uko now. Rates reasonable. Satisfaction guaranteed. Piano boxes for Balo. Now and second-hand pianos for salo. Phono 296-X, or address Box 633, Marsh- Hold. Oro. Atili UIU'AIH WORK, House Moving and Grading. Wo aro prepared to do this work by the day or contract and guaranto satisfaction. Let us figure with you. G. S. FLOYD & CO., Phone JJlfl-J. MttPwIifleld. Or R. J. MONTGOMERY Real Estate and Insurance 244 North Front Street. Havo your Job .printing dona at Tho Tlmea ofllce. STATEMENT OF CONDITION FLANAGAN & BENNETT BANK LRSIIFIELD, OREGON ESTABLISHED 1889. At tho close of business, November 20, 1012. RESOURCES. Loans and Discounts $483,657.13 Banking Houso 50,000.00 Cush nnd Sight Exchango 303,899.90 Total $797,457.09 LIABILITIES. Cnpltnl Stock paid In $ 50,000.00 SurpluB and Undlvldod Profits 04,989.75 Doposlts 082,407.34 Total J797.457.09 MAGNIFICENT SHOWING OF OREGON PRODUCTS IS MADE T5e First National Bank Of Coos Bay MAltSIIFIKLT), OREGON. CAPITAL FULLY PAH), $100,000.00. A general bonking business transnetod. Accounts of Individuals, corporations nnd firms received. Interest paid on Titno and Savings Deposits. Safo deposit boxes for rent nt CJ.OO and up xr annum. Your business solicited. DIRECTORS: W. S. CHANDLER, Prosldont. DORSEY KREITZER, Cashlor. W. U. DOUGLAS, JOHN C. MERCHANT, STEPHEN C. ROOERS, WJLJ3RIMES, JOHN F. HALL, W. P. MURPHY, JOHN S. COKE. EQUIPPED WITH WIRELESS Smjhjp Breakwater ALWAYS ON TIME. SAILINGS FROM PORTLAND, Tuesday evening of each week nt 8 P. SI. SAILING FROM MARSHFIELD, 8 A. M Saturday, Dec. 7; 1 I M., Saturday, Dec. 11th; 7 A. M., Saturday, Dec. 21; 12:30 P. M Saturday, Dec. 28. Phone Main 05-L. J. O. MILLER, Agent. THE NEW Steamer SPEEDWELL CATT. IIURTIS, Mnstcr. Sails from San Francisco, for Coos Bay direct, Saturday, Dec. 7, 1912 Sho will sail from Coos liny about December 11th for San Francisco and San Pedro. THE SPEEDWELL Is speedy nnd hns excellent passenger accom modations, Inrge clean niid airy rooms nnd electric lights and wireless. For freight nnd passage, apply, A. F. Estnbrook Co. Tltlo Guarantee and Abstract Co., 215 Cnl. St., Suit Francisco. Mnrshfleld. THE FRIEND OF COOS UAY S. S. ALLIANCE EQUIPPED WITH! WIRELESS SAILS FROM COOS BAY FOR. PORTLAND WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 27, AT 10 A. M. CONNECTING WITH THE NORTH BANK ROAD AT PORTLAND NORTH PACD7I0 STEAMSHIP COMPANY. Phone 44. O. F. McQEORGE, Agent. FAST AND COMMODIOUS Steamer Redondo Kqulpix-d with wireless nnd submarine bell SAILS FROM (MARSHFIELD for SAN FRANCISCO WEDNESDAY, DEC. 4 at 6:30 a. m. All Passenger Reservations From San Francisco Must no Mode at 805 Fife liluldiug, or Pier No 10. All reservations must bo ta ken up 24 (tours be f oro sailing, INTER-OCEAN TRANSPORTATION CO. PHONE 44. O. F. McGEORQE. Agent. Steamer Homer Sails from Coos Bay for San Francisco, With freight Only, Sunday, December 8. F. 8. DOW, Ageat. Ooeaa Dock. Abstracts, Real Estate, Fire and Marine Insurance Title Guarantee and Abstract Co. I IIKNitY BENGBTAOKKN, Mgr. Coqulllo Office Phone 291 Platting Lands a specialty. Farms Timber Coal andenU "HABTBIDR" General am Marshteld Office 14-J. STATE'S GREAT WEALTH IS SHOWN IN GOVERNMENT BUL LETIN SOON TO 11H ISSUED. (Special to tho Times.) WASHINGTON, Dec. C Stntlstlca for llvo stock products for Oregon nro prcsentod In n bullotln soon to bo Issued by Director Durnnd of tno Burenu of Census, Dopnrtmont of Commcrco nnd Lubor. It wns pro pnrod undor tho Buporvlslon of John Leo Coulter, export special agent for Agriculture. Tho rotuniB for llvo stock products obtnlncd nt tho census of 1910, like thoso for crops, rolnto to tho nctlvl tlcs of tho calendar year 1901). It la ImpoBstblo to glvo a total represent ing tho nnnunl production of llvo stock products for the reason that tho total vnluo of products from tho business of raising domestic nnlmnls for use, salo, or slaughter can not bo calculated from tho census returns. Dairy Products Tho number of farms In Oregon reporting dnlry cows on April 16, 1910, wns .10,081, but only .10,005 re ported dairy products In 1909. Thnt thoro should bo this dlfTorcnco is not surprising. Doubtless somo fur mom who have had dnlry cows In 1910 had nono In 1009, whllo othor fitrmcrn ncglooted to glvo Information for tho pucodlng yonr, or woro unnblo to do so, porhaps bocauso tho farm was thon In othor hands. Dnlry pro ducts In gonornl nro somowhnt less accurately reported than tho princi pal crops. TIiIb Is particularly tho enso as regards tho qunntlty of milk produced. Tho numbor of farms nnd 1899 for but fow of tho consus items rotating to dairy products, for tho renson thnt In 1899 ostlmntcs woro mndo for farms with incomploto reports, which wns not dono nt tho consus lnl910. Tho figures for milk produced nnd milk .sold aro particu larly nffectod, but thoso for butter nnd cheeso nro npproxlmntoly com parnblo. Thoro was n mntorlnl dn- cronso botween 1899 and 1909 In tho amount of buttor mndo nnd a still grontor rointlvo decronso In tho pro ductlon of choose. Wool Tho totnl numbor of snoop of flhonring ago In Orogon on April 15. 1010, wns 1,968,000, roprosontlng n uucrcnBo or u.z per cont, ns compnrod with tho numbor on Junol, 1900 (1.- 901,000). Tho npproxlmnto tiroduc- tlon of wool during 1909 wny 2,120, 000 floocos, wolghtng 18,842,000 pounds, and valued nt $3,78.1,000. Of theso totals about ono-otghth por cont ropreHonts ostlmntcs. Tho num bor of flcocos produced In 1009 wns 0.0 por cont less thnn 1899. Tho nv orngo wolght of flooco In 1009 wnn 8.9 pounds, ns compnrod with 8.G pounds In 1899, nnd tho nvorngo vnl uo por pound wnB 20 cents, as com pnrod with 13 cents in 1899. Goat Hair nnd Moliair Although 4,144 fnrmors roportod 185,000 goats nnd kids on thalr farm April 15, 1910t only 3,075 roportod tho production of gont hair or mo hair during 1909. Thoso fnrmors reported 142,000 fleeces, weighing K91 nnn nnumta nHil t,n1t.wl n 100 - umu,wvw iiuuiiun. mil. ntiuuii tw fl.Of 000. Tho production showed a do cldod Incroaso botwoon 1899 nnd 1909. Mnny fnrmors, who have gontB. do not produco gont hnlr or mohair, 1910. Inn,!.. ... hum nn fc wax Produced V'A0." of hj returns show ti 909- Th . ooo i?d;woft.rii ,;..' ",mii SMptiM."!.! Kraffivwa ures omwht .v "B ,0Wi -j th... o total'S 5M njnls sold durlnRionl dttt 000 nd that ofVn.HS inrnis UAG rinn alliHk wlmado'ny 'report of mllk ! ,""' nuiiiuiiiiuk diiwiv ui tnu tivtuui wiu- ducod during 1909 wns 27.6G4 (somo whnt Icsb than tho totnl numbor re porting dnlry products) nnd the numbor of dnlry products on such farms on April 16, 10 10. wns 134,000 Tho nmount of milk reported wns 50, 107.000 gallons: nsslmlng thnt thoro woro tho snmo numbor of cows In 1909 ns In 1910, this would roprcs cnt nn nvorngo of 417 gallons por cow. In considering this average however, It should bo borno In mind that tho quantity of milk roportod Is probnbly doflclont and that tho dis tinction botwoon dnlry and other cowb Is not strictly observed In tho olllclal returns. By reason of tho Incomplotonoss of tho returns for milk produced, tho Consus Burenu has mndo no nttompt to determine tho totnl vnluo of dnlry products for 1909. For convonlonco, n pnrtlal totnl has been presented, comprising tho roportod vnluo of milk, cronm and buttor fnt sold and tho roportod vnluo of buttor and cheeso mndo, whothor for homo con ductlon. Poultry Products. Tho totnl numbor of fowls on Oro gon farms on April 16, 1910, wns 1,824,000. Of tho 37,120 farms re porting fowls, G.6G0 did not roport nny eggs produced In 1909, nnd 7,- 790 did not roport nny poultry rnlBcd In 1909. Tho production of oggB ac tually roportod for tho yoar 1009 wan 10,550,000 dozens, vnluod nt $2, 582,000. According to tho Twelfth Consus roports tho production of eggs In 1899 was 7,710,000 dozens, tho vnluo being $1,102,000. Tho lnttcr figures, howovor, nro somowhnt In ox cess of tho actual returns nt thnt con sus, bocauso tlioy lncluda ostlmntos mndo to covor thoso cases whoro tho schedules roportod fowls on hand ordor to mnko tho returns for 1900 compnrnblo with thoso published for 1809 slmllnr estimates havo been mndo, tho method of estlmnto nnd tliA iiiRtltlnntlnn fhnrnfnr linlm- nuti- - - .... , .1 I " .M..WW.. -..V.W. . M Huiniuiui. or ior HUiu. i no i""" j . stantlnlly tho Bnmo ub In tho enso or obtnlnod for 1909 Is $0,007,000,1 wool. Tho total production of eggs which may bo dollnod ns tho totnl ni909. Including thoso estimates, valuo of dairy products, oxcluslvo of i wns 11,907,000 dozons, vnluod nt milk nnd cream used on tho farm $2,913,000. Tho total production of producing. poultry In 1909, Including estimates Only nbout ono-fourth of tho mndo on tho Bnmo basis ns for eggs, nmout of milk roportod ns produced! wnn 2, 056,000 fowls, vnluod nt by OroRon fnrmors In 1909 was sold, $1,417,000. ns bucIi. Largo qunntitloa of milk. Honey and Wav nnd cronm woro Hold on tho buttor- Although, 8, 801, fnrma roportod fnt basis. Tho buttor mndo on farms 47,285 colonies of bcos on hand April InlOOO wns valued nt $1,000,000. 15, 1910, 3,428 of thoso fnnnB, with Comparisons nro mndo botwoon 1909 11.498 colonies on hnnd April 1 5, howovor, Involve, eo "?i Thi fc ;i!isi: purchased by tho firrT Bttino year. :arm dtrlu calves) Tff.RF.."" Htth (hri.. nbout onchal nyg,.". .W nnimals sold, nnd th. .., ' nki sold ropreaented about J'nVfk tho total. Ul ne-fonrn Tho comma of lDoo .., , iT; ",.."'' ?. farms roDn,H.r "g the yen 0 respectively, tn inBo.c.B..lnl 500,000. Tim liZ "rv,w I closely comparable with, hit! , Is bollovcd. linWn. .? '"n ensos the returns for lgM V ronor m a'"donth,fJ coin en PROGEEDI 8YNOISI8 OV THE OOUNir OOUUT PItOCEEDl) November, 1012 Ttra IN RR BILLS CONTINUE!) ' OR XOT ALLOW fn:,,n c?"!?.5 .X'. ""DU" UiBin. J0.6Q, ((ttl uou; unnB. amitn, Scarchlnc lor I Wilson, Claim $2.50, Contlnaed; P. Andorson, Soarchlng for Ed W son, Claim $2.C0, Continued;' & Callahan, Soarchlng for Ed. WUk Claim $2.50. Continued! w King, Auto Sorvlco to South Slot J in Konrcn ror Wilson, Claim ll. i ui ii.iuwuu, a, k. snuiter ml ing in 80 olectora Nor. 5, M uinim b.uu, not Mowed. County of Coos) (sa Stnto of Oregon) I.Jnmos Watson, County Clerk fl uooa county, stnto of Oreron, i officio Clork of tho Countr Court I said County nnd State, cuitodlu ma records, 'archives and nkt Hald county, do hereby ccrtlfr tb tho foregoing Is a truo and corttl stntomout of tho amounts ot til ullowod, continued or not allottl on tho various funds of toe Coo:l as nudltod by tho Countr Court i said County and State at the rt!i Novombor 1912 term thereof, ut Bnmo nppcnr In tho Journal! ot ul Court now In my offlco and cuitojj WITNESS my hand and seal oltai County Court ntiucd this zmoaya Novombor, A. D 1312. JAME8 WATSOS, Count; u if BijviffiSirjLCji GOIKH RDOHlUWGCa- Would'st be a boy ngain? In feeling in spirit? Give your stomach a chance to-morrow and tho following morning cut out tho greases, etc. eat and enjoy Golden Rod Oats, Wheat Nuts, Wheat Flukes, or Oat Flakes and on tho third day take an Inventory of yourself. "First you'll find that -NUH HEATH 1$ SWEETER ADD NllER, THAT TOUR STEP IS A TRIFLE LIGHTER, AND THAT -TOUR TH0U6KTS HOW FASTER AM STIOIOIR, AND THAT -TOUR counnioR IS IMPROVED At Your Grocers Buy Your Meats at the UNION MEAT MARKET 'Phone 58 And You Will Always Have Pure Wholesome Meats. Ruddy Roadt Beef that looks splendid and tastes hot ter than It looks. That's the kind you get at this market. You don't havo to bo an expert meat judge to get it cither. For we handle only choice grades nnd all can buy here with ,tho same certainty of satisfaction, MARSHFIELD CASH UAIUCBrT. FOURIER BROS. Marsbfleld Telephone North Band 221-J Two Market XH. In ordor to Kct. HLt'E .PI-OUK Into ovory home I MATIIHDAY KL'LIj lX)lt $1 fl SACK. CASH. A. T. HALVES. Llbby COAL. Tho kind T0U 1 ALWAYS USED. Phono 72, P Livery nd Transfer Oompaj. Nursery Stock. Bee A. E. I Phono 49-J. RAND DANCE Saturday wabj GRAY HIS QUICPI Mai A UormlncQ RftlTiedV. From Garden Sage, Resto Color to Gray Hair. A feeling of sadness accoBPj tho dlscovory of the n s-y which unfortunately w Joow . t.n.nM nt ndvanclng ..., hair, however, nadiomo j 1 , w. ! v n norson lOOK OVh I kTow tho advantages of p young. Asldo from bB fj presslon a youthful, w mnkfifl on otnars, vmiLf., J.uta that you aro "looVngm ig courage to undertake and ae. hiniFB. So why Buffer we B M of looking old on acco hairs, when a "InygJlor iv vnur hair youtmui beauty In n few days um. Most poopio ru" - . restore carden sago acw - - n. ,rn- and scalp tonic M "Tei lor mothera used a sago ft , keeping their Wjlfw J Buipnur ".-"- gags - luoai nil ,ur Hair "eBSu5.;, eosW"1 nrflnaration of Sag9 b with Sulphur and oin remedies for dand ruK. remeuy -.,,. it vw v7,ttf and in a short time d rett? every trace of danjrd JpirlJ improve the growtn l Si a aVCeanntdtDft'ffl05 onco '" ' AH druggy "tf jn treatment. A" the oontf tf. aor buo,- . re0eo - - actiy - ill' asm. Mt t BBBBBk . r a w