OFTENTIMES THE MAN WHO THINKS HE'S HRH! BELIEF IN GHOSTS ACUIRES A FINE, HEALTHY I, run PAPER OP AUTHORITY' ... Mnrshflold IS tllO Illdcpclld- ORjtt?0 WATCH THE WANT ADS. There nro ninny good bargains (o bo found thorc. Anything lost or found Is nhvnys adver tised In Tho Times. nt Times. It N for tlio city a omiiiiiiinlly Ht. -- '"' nll ttio lime. jOLV THE TIMES FAMILY. m MEMBER OP THE ASSOCIATE!) I'RES (&nm Mm VOL XXXVI. Established In 1878 us Tho Coast Mnll. ilisTis VOIED DOWN MARSHFIELD. OREGON, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 5, 1912. EVENING EDITION -6 PAGES. A Consolidation of Times, Const Mall Jq " Q and Coos Hay Advertiser. Citv Council Rejects Coos Bay Water Company's New Franchise. Tho Mnrshfleltl city council by tnanlmoiiB volo rojoctcd tho appli cation of tho Coos Bny Wntor Co., for a now 30-yonr frnnchlso nt Increased rates, Inst night. Tho mntter wns brought up by Idler from Manager It. E. Corey which requested tho council to uke action on tho mnttor. Mr. rwv. J. II Honnott nnd Jns. II. Flanagan of tlio compnny wore present. President Allen of tho council, who wna In tho chnlr In the absence of Mnyor Straw naked jlr. Bennett If ho hnd any re marks to make. Mr. Honnott snld that ho had llttlo to any boyond that tho frnnchlHO hnd boon drnft cd after conferences botwoon tho representatives of tho company nnd a commlttco of city ofllclalB with a tlew of Betting togothor on It. Chalrmnn Copplo snld that ho did not think that It wnfl hardly Htcssary for tho council to voto oa It, Lccnuso tho pooplo of Marah tell had expressed their wishes about tho wntor franchise, In Tuos dajr's election. Howovor, ho snld, be ai willing to voto on It. Councilman Ferguson moved that the frnnchlso bo rojectod. City At torney Goss snld thnt tho propor way would ho to havo tho frnn thlso called mi for tho second reading nnd thou voto on It. Councllmnn Savngo moved thnt It le taken up for tho second rend In. This was dono and tho coun , dlmcn all voted no. President Al len declared tho frnnchlso wna ro jected. Messrs. Dennett. Flnnngan nnd Corey Immediately loft tho council chamber. CITY TAX LEW IS DISCUSSED Bfi Dntprminnrl of Mnvt Council Meeting Reduce Election Bills. 1ND IE OE TERMINAL Company Given Until Last of JJext Year to Complete Lines in the City. Tho Termlnnl Hnllwny wna laat 't granted nn oxtoiiBlon from Mit April until Dccombor 31, 1913 the time for complotlng tholr "fs In Mnrshflold nndor tholr wnchlso. Tho nppllcntlon to tho woncll was mndo by W. S. Chnnd- V. ni,-...n .. . .. . ....... . 7" vimuuiiT mined mai moy "4 been delayed by threo or four --reni tilings, ono wna In got "as rails. n0 snld thnt n shlp t of tho henvy steol needed for The city council luut night took up tho question of tho tnx loty In iMnrslillold f()r next yenr. Klr.nl ac tion wns postponed until next meet ing to cnnlilo tho lliiiitico ronnnlttoc mni uuiors to iooic uio mutter up City Recorder Ilutler snhl Hint ho thought thnt by exorcising u little enro, n ten mill levy, tho sumo us hiBt yenr, would sulllco. Ho snld thnt If tho bund wns to ho pnld $150 por ...... m mi inu ensuing ycur, it might tnko moro. City Attorney Gohs snld thnt ns tho nssosscd vnluntlon hnd boon In- ....,v... ..,.,, uk ji,.uv,UUU 10 nbout $2,500,000, n ton mill l0Vy would glvo $2,500 moro thnn lust yenr. wniio It Is proposed to buy flro nppiirntus on which $L',00) pay mont will hnvo to ho made, tho city hnH finished pnylng for a steam roll er. Plnnl action wns deferred until noxt mooting, Mondny Dccombor 10. Election Board Pay. Tho bills from tho election bonrd enmo In Inst night nnd there wns n dlfforonco In thorn. Tho North Marsh- Unlit nlllxlnla mil ! n I. Ill ,. r. .. plcco, tho South Mnrshflold olllclnls for $0.50 n pleeo nnd tho Central Mnrshflold olllclnls for $0 n plcco, nnd nlso u bill for $3.20 for monls. Tho bills hud been approved when Councilman Copplo discovered tho dlfforonco In thorn and ho snld thnt no uiougui nu mo oiiicinis should bn lllllll till) ulimn nu limit umilnpa hnd been tho snmc. Flnnlly It wns! (icchloly to pay euch $u ns thoy hud served on tho night nnd dny bonrdsr uiii uui to iiny ior wieir menis. uuy Atffiriwiv flnuu unlil llml tlinrn wna tin provision In tho Inw for paying for meius ior me oiucuou uiiiciuis. Tho council canvassed tho voto In Tucsdny's election. Tho results pre viously announced wore doclnrcd Cor rupt nml Morhi-h. Wlnklnr nml Al- brecht woro declared duly council innn niwl Tnlin Hntlnr nlnrlml rnenrd' or. Men-hunt Patrol Quits, Mnyor Straw Informed tho coun cil that II. K. Ilooth, licnd of tho TBI TD bl D 0 I 111 Sensational Revelations Con tained in Senate Committee Report on Revolutions and American Aid. tllr AwofUIrd rrfH to Coot nay Tlmm.l WASHINGTON, Dec. 5. Presi dent Toft's attention tuny bo called dittdly to tho conditions which Sen ator William Alden Smith's sub-corn mlt'eo found nlong tho Mcxlcnn bor der In Its Investigation to learn If American cnpltnl has boon used to ferment revolutions. Tho report of mo commission is soon to Do puuiisii cd nnd submitted tcrtho sennto with -oi'inln testimony, virtually changing thnt President Mndoro wns favored from this sldo of tho boundary lino when ho led tho rovolutlon ngnlnst Diaz, nnd that friendly nets to him hnvo continued during tho rovolutlon ngalnst tho government. Tho find ings of tho commtttoo cannot bo' In llcatov lit tins time. Somo nf 'bo testimony in tho committco's report, which will bo rendy In January, Is to tho effect thnt tho Inhibition ngnln st tho shipment of arms nnd nni mu nition In to Moxlco ns being In Mn- doro'H Interest DEBATE OVER SURVEY COST Copplc Kicks on Spending $1100 on Boulevard Pre liminary Work. Another bill for over $600 for mn king tho survey for tho proposed boulovnrd, from Mnrshflold to tho sen wns prcsontcd to tho council hiBt night by Fred Gottlns, who has Mmrt'n it flin uiirvfii' ittidnt CMtv ln " glnoor Gldlcy, caused qulto a lively uuuiuo. mis iiinKes n iiiuu ui uvur $1 100 tho survey hns cost so fnr nnd It Is not complotod. Couiicllmnn Copplo said thnt ho wntitpd to nrotcHt vlcorouslv tiRnlnsl. tho cost of this survey. Ho snld bo had protested two weeks ngo ngnlnst tlio cost nnd snld that ho wns nlmost' dumrouuded to mm sucii n inrgo mil coming In. Ho wnntod to know who iiullinrlml II lln nnlil Mini If wiir Illegal for tlio council to spond moro1 thnn $.100 without nn ordlnunco nnd said that It should havo bcon stopped, boforo. I Pllv l'nnlnnnr nliltnv snld thnt. bo hnd gono abend with tho work under Instruction from tho council nnd thnt tho city could not expect work dono for nothing. Ho snld thnt n good survoy wns Doing mndo. A question nbout tho authorization rnuio up nnd Mr. Copplo snld thnt Ills recollection wns uini u was oniy rn .. a...i.nt llipAiifli flin Tlnvunlfld wii nun i. i. uwiii, iivuw ui . iui ii pihiu; t,...r,.. ..w ... .... Mnrp.luuii Pntrol. hnd In formed him Dovelonmont Coniiinny's tract. City, thnt tho organization would proha- Itocordcr Ilutler dug up tho minutes bly consc soon. Tho organization or uio provioun iuvuuuk """ tumi", wnu rnrmmi n pnmiln of vinm nuo thnt tho survey had boon ordorodi to hlro n nlBhtwatchninn for tho through tho Reynolds tract and ll uirouKii on iu inu tuiioi. ir. Mi- rvinnln until Hint lin did not mi ll IlKltlllnw IIIU1. lll'LUlluj m ' ,-,-. w ...... city hair been contributing $20 por dorstnml It was to cosi r, my sucu sum month townrds tho salary of tho of monoy nnd thought that tho pre liminary Hiirvoj tuuiu uu inn ." PEACE PAGT IS TO 6E SIGNED Armistice Between Turkey and Greece Will Be Signed in a Day or Two. nr AmocUI! I'rrn lo Cooa Ilr Time.) LONDON, Doc. ii. Tho armlstlco between Grcoco nnd TiirKoy is to uo concluded In n dny or two, according to n news ngency dispatch from Con- stnntlnoplo. Ismail Kcal Hoy, louder of tho Albnnlnnu, has a statement from Avolona protesting ngnlnst tho bombardment of thnt town by two Greek gunboats, according to n iIIb pntch from tho Austrian cnpltnl. HEIjIEK VOn AliHAXIA J M Negro Pugilist and White Girl, Lucile Cameron, Are Married in Chicago. tlr AMoclttti Vmi lo Coos Hay Tlmei. CHICAGO. 111.. Doc. fj -Jack John son, tho negro pugilist, wns married hero to Lucllo Cnmoron, tho nine- tcon-yonr-old whlto girl of Minneapo lis. Tho coromony wns porformed nt tno homo of JoiniBon'B mother by n negro prenchor. uv Plan of Homo (overiinieut Pro posed by TurkH llr AuocUtM I'rft. to Coo Ilr Tlmn.) CONSTANTINOPLK, Doc. 5. Tho Turkish council of nilnlstora hns pre pared n schema of govornmont for Albnnln, which hns boon submitted to tho Sultnn for Imporlnl nctlon. AUST1UA .10IN8 IN ' riuui Biroot work wna now wna given power to n on un "jrduo forty days nnd thoy did for of Chnrlos Doano to soil t know Just whon It would bo yards of dirt to tho city for "re. Another enimn nf ilnlnv wns conts n vnril. t!'0 Till .o bo d, i - . it nun it. nuiliu uu iv. i ,Ano,her cnuso of dolny wns X? '"Junction proceedings on North JC. V.101, llllB' o said, wna "out adjusted, tho company hnv- wcaoison for tho purchnso of right V',fcms llla Property. Then i. . H1. "rondway, tho company uniting for tho council to or ItLJ 1,.ard Hraco paving bo h Cc,n,trnl n"l Curtis, so thnt uL .ula not u Put to tho ox leiv f c,on-t,MctlnB tho lino prac- ,71 twlco- , Thon another cnuso 'ay was hu inability to securo SfflthLy ""-ough tho 0. A. tL,lm. yanlB nnd tho Alliance &-uf,e for tho Bten "no Wu1!"1' cPl), wnnte(1 t0 call,." tlI0 concll could not act i th. hiiQt mter- "o said that Wit Anln0 ,W0U,d "0t OXI,,ro UUI -o or... I l tno"Blt thoro wns the mi".1 neces8Uy of granting . r?teS8 ' & Ur 0f iT" . DU.,U l,,u- ln graui fortant t txton8,n now was 1m--rouiJ i , , them becauso they ' and , the'r pinna nccordlng 414 nni ? , 3 u waa srnntod thoy louan ,,..1,ko Investing sovornl '4 thaid?lars ,n PPerty. Ho ra fn, .uth?y hn a'80 ordered A l0t the lino, CU?fCl!n,an Ferguson wanted to w fn. . would bo tho final ro Ur Chnn extension of timo, and Coun?niler sa,(l tlat It would. CeS ti,man Al'en said that ho nd fn ..? was no particular do- tk. ..r "lo road now Ami Ihnf would not harm tho "-. ivJ.9 Deceml.n i .,. c Ladlps' ' ouranco saio ai "t wp1 Emporium will continue -to. wlth 15 ana 30 per Jt ir ..-. - 4asonnt a VM dMCk feed flS? rioU. w,u have & hurry. "it.JJ-K nd cooked food ""erau Hal niDIKS IlAZAAJ nlclit-wiitchmnii. Chns. Donne. Mr Ilooth snld that somo of tho mom bora woro dropping tholr subscrip tions. Until It is definitely known what tho patrol will do, tho council will not tnko nctlon on it. Ilowovor, no appropriation wns mndo Inst night for tho Dccombor contribution by tho city to tho salary of tho pn trolmnn. Itoiitlm, Proceedings. Strpot Commissioner l.nwhorno now wna given power to net on an of- IUU ton cents n yard. t!'o Tilt .o bo damp ed In the Brnct bo'ween tho city park nnd tho Duobnor proporty In North Marshflt'3. Mr. IKnno said thnt Mr. Diiebner as wiling to pay for filling lis part of tho stroot If tho city would pay Its shnro. Tho dirt is to bo taken by Mr. Donno from tho upper end of Pnrk nvenuo, whoro ho Is ex cavating for n house. It. L. Kester, who has oponod a rollor Bknting rink on North Front street, used for n tlmo ns n prizo flght aronn by John Herron, askod tho council to mnko tho skating rink llconso of $G0 por year pay ablo quarterly becauso ho said thoro was only four or six months out of tho year that ho could run. Tho council agreed to this. City Englnor Gldloy reported thnt tho dumping of garbagb along Elrod near Broadway waa a nuls anco and would cost tho city $100 or so to remove it. Tho dumping of garbago Insldo the city limits is prohibited and it was ordoded that signs be posted there and that any ono violating tho regulation In the future bo punished. City Engineer Gldloy asked that something bo dono to keep tho floathouso on tho water front on North Front street from damaging tho mouth of tho now sower. Ho suggested that some piling bo dri ven, to protect It. Tho matter was referred to him and Street Com missioner Lawhorne to handle. Mr. Gldley also said that some thing ought to bo dono about the Contral nvenuo wharf. It is in a very dangerous condition. Ho said tho C. A. Smith Co. had been promising for two montha to repair It. but had not done so. Mayor Straw Instructed him to hayo the planking torn up and a fence built aprosa It o prevent people from City Attorney Gobs said that the Wharf north, of. the city hall a ways was In bad shape and jBhoulj at (Continued on Page Two.) Approve Pimm for Halkaii Confer euro In London my AinocUtrd Prrti lo Coo Hay Tlmcu.J nUDA PEST, Hungary, Doc. C. Tho Austrlnn-Hungnrlnn govornmont lino rnnimiinlontnil to tho British COV- ornmont Its adhesion In principal to tho proposed conforonco of ambas sadors of tho great European powers on tho liulKiui situation 10 oo iiuki in London. V K DMinll iiiiwuint. n hundred dollars or so. Ho said it was spending n lot of monoy on Just n prospect. Further more, ho said tho city attorney hnd recommended ngnlnst tho proposition of tho Hoynold'a Development Com pany and thought that a halt ought to bo called. f- ni.ii.... onl.l tint lii. liml nrlnil .mi uiinuj i .... ..w :, i Bimniv on the council's resolution and that ho had tried to carry out Instructions. Councilman Ferguson and Savage said that Mr. Gldloy had not gono bo yond his Instructions. Mr. Ferguson said that thoy had gono ahead with out knowing what tho oxponso waa. Ho said that ho guessed tho council men woro n lot of chumps. Mr. Cop plo Bald that ho guessed Ferguson Mr. Gldloy said that ho had orlgln n., ni,i Hnmn of the mcmbors that tho survoy would cost $1,000. Mr., Copplo said that when the bill enmo i.. i-t mnntlnc. ho had been told1 thnt $200 moro would comploto It. Ho refused to O. K. tho bill but tho other mombors of tho flnnnco com mltteo did and It was paid. Dosldes the labor bills, somo bills for provisions and tonta for tho Uot tlna survoy enmo In. Thero waa also a bill from Uobort Kruger Jr., who wanted half pay. $15. for twelve days ho has been laid up aB n result of an Injury to hla foot, while working or, the survey. Ho said Mr. Gottlns had old him that he waa entitled to some thing. Mr. Gldley would not recom mend tho payment of the claim, n fact ho asked thnt the bill be laid over and a physlclan'a cortlllcato Be ci,?ed to show that Kruger had been laid up ton daya. COOS COUNTY' CASE Oregon Supremo Court Hands Down Decision in Strong Action. (Special to The Times) . r iXi n, Tinr B. Tho Oregon Sunroine court' has handed down a , Inl the case of Lew s Strong vs7 Coos County, appollan ,i inw v , a county roau, reverut, In tho lower court. POWERS UNITE ACTION France Declares She Will Stand by England and Russia. Itlf Aiioclttfel Pmi lo Coot IU- Time. PARIS, Dec. G. Franco apoko plainly today on tho European sit uation, when Premlor Polncaro told tho commltteo on forolgn affalra of tho Chambor of Doputlea: "Wo stand by our allies and our friend ships." Tho premier was laying down tho policy to bo purauod by Franco In tho Ualkan sottlement. Franco's allies nro tho other mom bora of tho trlplo entonto, Groat Britain and Russia. BIG SLUMP III SOCK MARKET umicia IN DISTRESS. Vessel Gets In Trouble Crossing Out From Eureka. RAN FRANCISCO, Dec. 5. -Putting out from Eureka the steam Bhln F. A. Kllburn, owned by the Noith Pacific Coast Steamship Co. Bgna led for asslBtance and headed back or port. It was thought she might have "truck the bar In cross ing The Kllburn carried a crew of 25 men and about 40 passen HEAVY' SELLING ON NEW YORK EXCHANGE- CAUSES DOWN WARD SHOOT IN THE LEAD ERS TODAY'. D AMOcUted lYm lo Coot Day Time. NEW YORK. Doc. C. Heavy soiling of stocks sot In at mid day, sending general avorago of tlio Pnnifinn fn tho lowest, levels In some months and in somo ln- stnncea to tho lowest of tno year. Tho tono of tho market was moro feverish than at any timo alnco laat Monday when tho United States supremo court decision In tho Harrlman morgor case awak ened tho market from a long apathy. The decision dovolopod a goneral feeling of pessimism In fi nancial circles. Today tho weak ness affected United States Steol, which sold under 70, on extensive offerings, and Harrlman shares al so showed weakness, In ordor to got. BLUE STEM FLOUR Into every homo I will ori SATURDAY BELL- FOR 1 PER BACK, CASH. A. T. HAINES. IS TAKEN UP Chamber of Commerce to Meet Friday Night to Con sider Delegation. A mooting will bo hold nt tho Mnrshflold Clinmbor of Commerce Friday night nt 7 o'clock to discuss sending n delegation to Washington to ondonvor to securo federal aid in fitnrtlng Coos Bny harbor nnd bnr lmprovomonts nnd to especially urgo tho Jetty construction. President Grcono has had tho mntter up with Sonntor Bourno, Congrcssmnn Ilnw loy nnd tho engineers nnd will proh nbly report on It then. dipt. Mncgonn of tho Brenkwntor, who lino boon urging action In tho nmttor, stated todny thnt Coos Bny hnd tho greatest opportunity it ovor hnd to Bccuro fcdornl nld. Ho snld thnt It wns Imperntlvo that n strong dologntlon bo miit to Washington nt once. Ho declnrcd tho dologntlon should bo thoro now. Ho snld thnt nlthough tho now sur voy wns bolng dono, It would not ronch Wnslngton In tlmo to do nny good nt this sosslon of Congross, un less It wna strongly urged nnd tho govornmont olllclnls thoro mndo to. Anil AM II. n MA.(.Hi A. .I.A HA... .. I 1.1111 ii.i tnu iujmjil uii inu iimv niu- Toy. Unloso tho roport Is called for from Wnflhlngton, It will not bo sent from olthor horo or Portland for somo llttlo tlmo. Cnpt. Mncgonn doolnrod todny thnt If It wub necessary ho would mort gago his proporty to ralso funds to go to Washington nnd urgo tho cnuso of Coos Bny. Ho snld thnt tho secur ing of tho survoy In tho fnll or win ter, whon tho bnr wns nt Its worst, wns n grcnt thing nnd should bo plnced boforo tho Rivers nnd Har bors commlttco. On tho Inst trip out, whon W. G. Carroll, n govornmont onglncor nccompnniod him, ho mndo somo spoclnl soundings. Mr. Carroll asslstod. Ho took threo coursos, ono llvo hundred feet from tho black buoy, ono 250 feet from It nnd ono nbout 100 fcot from It nnd tho depth Bocured wns about 1C foot. Thoso soundings hnvo bcon conllrmod by thoso of Englncor Charlston In tho spoclnl survoy. Cnpt. Mncgonn says thnt ho has It from tho host authority that tho thing to do Is to go right to Wash ington and mako tho fight In bohalf of Coos Bny. Cnpt Mncgonn hna taken the mat tor up with Henry Songatackon nnd A. II. Powors or tho Port Commla Blon, President Groono of tho Chain bor of Commorce nnd othora. It la understood thnt $80,000 np proprlntion for Cooa Bny, which Gon ornl Blxhv recommondod In tho Riv ers and Harbors roport, la for tho mnlutnlnnnco of tho now bar drodgo, which la to bo brought horo noxt Bummer. Donald M. Charlston, who has chnrgo of tho now survey of tho har bor and bar Is rushing tho bar work as rapidly as posslblo and hna prac tically complotod his soundings. Ho Is now compiling tho roport and It will, It Is understood, confirm tho re ports of Capt. Macgeon. Ho found tho shoal, which tho latter reported, and found only about sixteen or olghtoon foot of water thoro. Tho shoal Is at a very dangerous point. Mr. Charlston made tho most of tho Kood weathor In making his soundings and was very successful In the launch Tramp, which ho secured for tho work. Tho rnpldlty with which ho Is handling tho work la moro than gratifying to thoso who havo been anxious to havo tho survey completed In tlmo to got It boforo tho present sosslon of congress. CHAMBER OK COMMERCE NOTICE Tho rogular monthly meeting of the Marshflold Chamber of Commerco will bo hold Friday evening at 7 o'clock. AH aro urged to bo present, as Important harbor mattera aro to bo taken up, D. C. GREEN, President. TIDELM IS E D RIVERS AND HARBOR BILL. Tho Oregon nnd Washington river nnd hnrhor appropriations recommended In tho river nnd hnr hor bill boforo congress nro: Coos Bny Hnrhor, $80,000: TI1 lnmook Buy nnd Bnr, $307,000; Nohnlom Bny, $100,000; Wllla motto nnd Yamhill rlvors ubova Portlnnd, $12,000; Siualaw River, $8(,000. Washington Pugot Sound, $2G, 000; Grays Harbor and Chahalla Rlvor, $30,000; Skagit Rlvor, $25, 000; Wntorway connecting Pugot Sound with Lakes Union nnd Wash ington, $1,005,000; Wlllapa Rlvor nnd Harbor, $43,132. Columbia Rlvor Mouth, $1,000, 000; at Cascades, $100,000; at Threo Mllo Rapids, $000,000; nt Uppor Columbia nnd Snnlto RIvorn, $480,000; botvcon Bridgeport nnd Kottlo Falls. $25,000; Columbia nnd Lowor Wlllnmotto bolow Port lnnd, $280,000. MANY ABBIVE ON BREAKWATER WIM DUCKS all kinds. Eloven moro days In which to buy them. KTAUFF GROCERY CO. has them. Tho GUNNERY'S POCKET FLASHLIGHT is not GUARAN TEED to expose GRAFT, but It will THROW LIGJIT whevo LIGHT IS NEEDED. Steamer in From Portland Early This Morning Af ter Choppy Trip. Tho Brenkwntor arrived In thin morning from Portlnnd aftor a rathor choppy trip. Most of tho passongors got n docldod touch ot Bonslckncss. Tho Brenkwntor hnd n good enr go of frolght nnd about 125 pass ongors. Sho will Ball nt 8 o'clock Satur day morning for Portland. Among thoso arriving on hor woro tho following; Mr. Irwin, Mrs. Irwin, M. Irwin, Mr. CuylcB, Miss Russell. W. H. Troglown, W. Greonburg, L. Groon burg, A. Greonburg, J. D. Greon burg, Mrs. A. 8os8t, J. II. Stretch, Mrs. Strotch, Goo. Ebrlcht, Mr. Wnllnco. Mrs. Wnllnco, P. 8. Mlt cliol, Mrs. J. Crawford, Miss C Crnwford, Vorn Potors, L. O. Laur son, A. F. Wniinco, Mrs. A. J Qunto, D. Elmoro, C. Rlloy, O. Augustlno. E. II. Zlskn, O. W. Ir win, O. ErlckBon, D, N. Rosonfold, J. H. Miles. Mrs. Miles, Morlo Miles, F. h. Jonos, E. Chtlberg, T. Tants, H. Clausen, W. II. Daven port, M. 15. Mltchol. F. B. Btirgcs, Mrs. Baylca, Mrs. D. R. Donnla, D. n. Donnls, A. B. Chnlr, M. B. Donnhoy, A. J. Forgor, Goo. James, F. E. Dompsoy, Win. Alfred, O. Hess, II. II. Iloan, C. E. Irwin, Mrs. O. B. Irwin, E. W. Mnddon, H. S, Dorr, 13, Baylea, E. Morgan, T, O'Hnrn. Chun, McNalr, Mrs. J. A. Hagadon, II. M. Jonos, Loo Wall, A. II. Cnso, C. F. Mlllo. C. 1 McNnlty, I. It. Towor. W. C Fons lor, F. Gunn, C, F. Thompson, W. J. Hatflold, Wm. Cllft, "Mrs. O. V. Ellorbeck, Mrs. R. A. Annln, W. II. Noblo, Aug, Gor, Emma Cox. Capt. Mncgonn reports tho Colum bia bar waa very rough yesterday whon ho crossod out. A half dozen or bo Btcambrs woro barbound thoro, tho Breakwator bolng tho only ona to cross out. Tho suit, coat and skirt salo nt tho Ladles' Emporium will con tlnuo next week at 35 and Cj por cent off. OH Y'OU DUCK MULLIGAN. STAl'FF GROCERY' CO, IS THERE a DETECTIVE ON your trail? .BUY a FLASHLIGHT? at tho GUNNERY and EXPOStf HIM. Noted Suit Involving Control of Property Along Lincoln County Shore Goes Up. ' SALEM, Dec. G. Tho supreme court allowed n writ of orror In tho cnso of tho Corvnllla & East ern Railroad Co. vs. tho Stato, nnd it will now go to tho supremo court of tho United Stnto for nd Judlcatlon ub soon ns Attornoy Gon oral Crnwford can forwnrd to that tribunal tho necessary papers. The suit In brought by tho company to restrain tho stnto from soiling tldo lnuds, valued nt millions, it claim ing them under nu old grnnt. Tho Btnto will ralso tho question In tho Federnl court, thnt tho net granting tho lands was In contra vention of tho bill admitting Ore gon na n shite. In this bill It waa provided thnt nil waters ot the stnto should bo public highways nnd frco to tho pcoplo forever. The tldolnndB nro loented nlong the const of Lincoln county nnd the ownership gives tho compnny prac tlcnlly a monopoly thoro In tho transportation business on both Innd nnd sen. 1 "v. I,