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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 3, 1912)
rW9Hf4OTnanMc-iriAA'A'-4a -Kt-- ' THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD. OREGON, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 3, 19 12. EVENING EDITION. IL HEAVY RAINS I 1 TO SELL SS M ... Total Precipitation Is Greater, Coos Bay women will Aid in Than Year Ago Storm Anti-Tuberculosis Cru Today. i sade Work Again. Aftor experiencing ouo of tho' Throo Coob Bay women's clubs wcttoat Novembers In Its history. I will unite this yenr In nldlng In . fliii nnln nf Mm Ilnil Prnnn PlirlHt- Coos Bay is today experiencing n , BttitnnB, tho proceeds of which isovcro rnlnstorni as the opening go to aid in tho crusldo against lmw of tho month of necombor. ! tuhorculosls, which tho organlzn- Tlm Rtnrm In rnlinrliil to tin nlllftl tlon Is Wnglllg. The thrCQ clubs ffnnnrnl mill Hii. wlllil Is lilowlllB ro the A. N. W. Cllll), tllO Pro nnrfnrf nnti off tlin roust. Rnrlv KreBS ctllb and tllO LndlCS Art this morning Capo Illnnco report- club, which nro federated with tho od n 31-niIlo gnlo prcvnlllng thcro NaHonnl Federation of Women's nnd It has rapidly been growing clubs. worse M t'10 mooting of tho Progress Tho total rainfall during tho club yesterday, n lottcr from Mrs. month of Novombor this year was OUno, who hns chnrgo of tho Wo- 11.77 Inches, according to tho om- men's Federation's work for tho cial records kept by H. U. Ostllnd, proyoiitlon of tuhorculosls, was local uovernment weather observer, read, siio sent $10 worth or tno During tho month Inst year, tho total rainfall was 7.11 Inches, or about four nnd three-quarter Inches less than Novombor this yenr. Tho total rainfall slnco tho first of tho rainy sonson, September 1, on Coos Hay is 21.65 Inches, or noarly doublo what it was during tho snmo period a year ago. MYRTLE POINT POINTERS. Told JN'cwB of Ujper Coqulllo iih by tho Enterprise. Friends of Miss Kate Farbcr, who Is how nt Hanford, California, havo received word from her stnt lug that sho is Improving every mlnuto of tho California sunshine. Mrs. Henry O. Plocgor, who re turned last week from a five weeks stay at tho Mercy Hospital, North Jlond, is enjoying herself at homo nnd gaining strength overy day. Mr. nnd Mrs. W. 13. Lundy nnd chlldron loft on tho stngo Tuesday morning for Cottngo Orove, in nn nwor to n tolophono mossago stal ing that Mrs. Lundy's father, C. II. Jones, was seriously 111 and not expected to llvo. James Guerln reports the arrival of a sovon-pound, dnrk-haired lit tlo daughter ut his houso last Sat urday, Nov. 23. Anothor pioneer of the Coqulllo valley hns been called to his ro wan!. Richard llaughton, who hnd boon Biifforlng from a cancer on 1ils lip, which was removed Inst summer, nnd slnco which tlino ho appeared to bo gaining In strength,! passed away Biiddonly Inst Thurs- day, tho Immcdlnto causo of his lentil bolng old ago. I stamps to tho club to bo sold, Sho roviowed tho work thnt was being done, told how an educational cam paign wns being mado against tho dronded disease, how tho poor vie tlins of It were bolng nlded with being provided with necessities for homo treatment nnd nlso how soma woro sent to warmer nnd dryer ell mates. Sho told of n number of cases that had been successfully handled, In conclusion, sho stated thnt tho association wns now In n position to nld any pcoplo whom tho lo cal club might recommend ns wor thy of assistance. KINK UMBRELLAS for ladles and Gentlemen HIM) CKOSS. HANI) DANCE Saturday ovening. FARMERS' Li MEETING HELD Directors of North Coos River Telephone Company in Session Today. The stockholders of the North Coos IMver Farmers' Tolophono Co. came to Mnrshflcld this morning to attend a mooting of tho company. Tho stockholders present nt tho mooting wore: J. II. Prico, C. 13. Edwards, '.. T. Thomas, V. B. Piper, Goo. Rook, John Hoattlo, Sam Shook, John Hcudrlckson, II. 13. Dcssoy, Chas. Mnharfy and T. J. Kolstnd. At tho meeting W. D. Piper, An drow Storn, T. J. Kolstnd, Charles Krugcr nnd Charles 13ngron wcro lolccted directors. Tho directors then olocted tho following ofllcors: II. 13. Dessoy, mnnagor; Chnrlcs Mahaffy, sccrotnry-tTeasuror. An assessment of $5 per phono to pny ror improvements for tho coming year was mndc. This with (ho 2C cents per month switching chnrgo Is tho only rental tho sub scribers havo to pay. BRIEFS OF 11ANDON. Trv Tho Times' Want Ads. 1UV your CHRISTMAS GIFTS irom IIAITIST LADIES BAZAAR, Iiuthornn Hnll, Dec. 7th. $1 0.00 Box of Candy Free Wo havo placed a small candy jnr of white beans on our counter nnd ovory person making a purchuso of fit) cents will bo given n free guess nnd tho ono who guesses nearest will bo given tho box of enn dy on Christmas. liny your Christmas Caudles hero nnd get n chnnco on this beautiful box of Confections. Salter's Front Street. No. 7175. REPORT OF Till: CONDITION OF THE The First National Bank of Coos Bay 'At AliirrtlifU'ld, In the Stnto of Oregon, nt the elobo of business, No vcinhor, 2(1, I OIL1. RESOURCES. Loans and Discounts 310,UU3.10 Overdrafts, secured nnd unsecured 2,262.21) U. a. Ilnuds to Sccuru Circulation 100,000.00 Othor boudH hi seeuro V. S. Doposlts (postnl savings .... 20,G00.u0 Premiums on lT. S. llouds 750.00 llonds, Securities, etc 29, (193. 14 Hnnlclng IIouso, Furnlturo and Fixtures 80,000.00 Duo from National Hanks (not reserve ngonts) 15,510.03 Duo From Statu and Prlvuto Hanks nnd Hankers, Trust Companies nnd Savings Hanks , 2,023.1 7 Duo from approved Unserve- Agouts S2.027.37 Checks nnd othor Cash Itoms 3,977.91 Notos of other National Hanks 11,005.00 Fractional Paper Currency, Nlckois and Cents 3G.35 Lawful Money Hesorvo In Hank, viz: Speck $20,410.70 Legal-tender notos 55.00 20, -105. 70 llodomptlou fund with U. S. Treasurer (?? of circulation) 5,000.00 News of Lower Coqulllo ns Told by Recorder. C. B. Bowman has moved his cigar factory from tho Gnlllor building on First street to his now building on tho hill, which ho re cently constructed for tho purpose W. B. Strowbrldgo hnB taken a IcaBo on tho building recently va cated by tho Uowmnn clear factory and will start In business soon. Ho hns not decided yet Just what lino ho will handle. Mr. Montgomery wns hurt Wed nesday Dy a log rolling on him out nt Bight Milo camp. Ho wns brought to tho Ilnndon hospital for medical attention nnd is got tlng nlong nicely nt prcsont. At n meeting of tho school board Tuosdny night It wns decided to call n mooting of votors of tho dis trict for TuoBdny evening Decem ber 10 for tho purposo of voting on sovorni propositions. First to veto on tho expenses of tho school for tho current yenr. Second, to submit tho proposition nf soiling tho old school houso building for not less than $2000. Third, whe ther or not tho entlro proporty, consisting of tno building nnd thrco lots shall bo sold for a sum not less than $5000. Fourth, who tlier or not to purchaso tho Lund' quist proporty noar tho prcsont Bchoolhouso for $3500 for school house slto, nnd fifth, to consider tho proposition of buying or othor wlso securing n slto enst of Co lumbia nvontio' or tho county rond for a schoolhouso slto. Think of It The balance wheel of your watch which is but a trifle larger than an ordinary 10 cent piece In one year will travel a distance of 5,910 1-2 miles, about equal to tho dis tance across the continent from Coos Bay to New York and return or farther than from Coos Bay to Yokahama, Japan. Doesn't it stand to reason that vour watch should be cleaned and oiled at least once every 12 or 15 months, There Is nothing that will spoil your watch quicker than dirt and old rancid oil, Cleanliness and caution is economy in a time piece, The delicate parts doing indescrib able work, will soon wear themselves to ruin if permit ted to run in accumulating dirt and without oil, Let us examine it, . C. BARKER JEWELER 200 Front St., Mnrshflcld. HA1UHIWKLIJ 0r., Dec 3, 19i2 . I Dear Mother: t rim rrrtltir nut aiiiihh .1 .. """ "" u,u" uu now with Hole. ... wants ovory nrtornoon. Helen porsunded ni , ke 'on shoes nt Hull Drv rJmula uu' 8 Co. nnd do you know slnco wenrlng them I enn walk for hours nnd my foot never got tired. They tako such pnlns In fitting you correctly nnd thoy carry nil the widths. You know I wenr AA nnd never cnu got It nt homo, so I am going to lot tho Hub Dry Quods Co. send my bIiocb to mo In future. Your loving dnughtor, 13LSII3. HUB DRY GOODS CO. MKKfE 361-j D . .. - Ul O'CONNELL BUILDING. Bakery DAIRY LUNCHES. In addition to our bnkory wo nro proparcd to sorvo delicious lunch eons. A dollcloiis cup of cotfeo, a good cup of ton, a nlco cup of hot choc olate, In fact anything that can bo found nt a first-class bnkory lunch. Open evenings nnd Sun days. Wo always carry a full lino of Breads, Cnkos, Cookies, Pies and linked Roods. Wo havo adopted ns our motto, "Cleanliness Is noxt to godliness." Our brend Is mado clean, kopt clenn, sold clean, dollverod clean. 133 N. 2nd St. Phono 112-L Total $090,97-1.11 LIABILITIES. Capital stock paid In $100,000.00 Surplus fund 7,500.00 Undivided Profits, less Expenses nnd Taxes Paid 7,210,10 National Hnuk Notes outstanding SS, 900.00 Duo to othor Nntlonnl Hnnks 1,902.57 Duo to Stato and Private Hanks and Hnnkors 7,357.10 Individual deposits subject to check 354,410.50 Donuuul certlflcutes of dopnslt 10.1S2.99 Tlino certificates of deposit 93,303.33 Certified checks 4.G09.40 Cashier's checks outstanding 133.19 IJultod Stntes doposlts, postal savings deposits 15,344,87 Dr. Win. Sadlor, author of "Tho Cnuso and Curo of Colds." says that common colds should bo tak en seriously, ospoclnlly when thoy "hang on," Foloy's Honoy nnd Tnr Compound Is n rollablo house hold modlclno for coughs nnd colds oqunlly effective for children and grown persons. Tuko It when you fool n cold coming on. It will avert danger of sorlous results nnd curo quickly. No harmful drugs. For salo by Lockhnrt-Parsons Drug Co., tho Dusy Corner. Afi.Qfrar.fs. Ral PTofoi. P.. and Marine Insurance Title Guarantee and Abstract f n llKNiUT BENGBTACKEN, Mgr. ' CoqulllB Office Phone 191 Platting Land a tmMti. Farou Timber Coal andenti "EABT8IDK" Qeneral Ag MarahBold Office 14.J. Ruddy Roast Hint looks Slllenillil nnA ...... i. tor than It looks. That'i thVlS you got nt this markM. v j.." linvo to bo nn expert meat jade to got It cither. For wo ink "'" umiitu khiucs una an tia fc ... iui me sarao certainty satisfaction. AIAnsiIFIKM) CABH MARKBT. FOURIER BROS. .Mnrshflcld Telephone North I 221-J TwoMnrkeU 01 Marshfield & North Bend Auto Line GOIUST & KINO. Proprietors. Cars leave Marskflola overy 46 minutes from 7:15 a. m. unil 12:30 midnight. Loavo North Bond on snmo schedulo, starting at 7 a. m. until midnight. See Saturday Times for Bohodulo. Total $090,974.11 State- of Oregon, County of Coos, ss: I, Horsey Kroltzer, Cashier of tho above-named bank, do solonmly swear thnt tho above statement Is true to tho best of my knowledge nnd belief. DOKSI3Y KRRITZEH. Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to boforo mo tills 3rd day of necombor, 1912, ANNJH SMITH, Notary Public. Correct Attest: W. S. CIIANDLKIt. W. V. DOl'tiLAS. JNO. C. MUUCllANT, Directors. DRINK HAB T RELIABLE HOME TREATMENT Tho OHUINK trontmout for tho Drink Habit can bo used with ub 6oluto confldonco. It destroys all desire for whisky, beer or other alcoholic stimulants. Thousands havo successfully used It and havo beon restored to lives of sobriety nnd usefulness. Can bo given se cretly. OUUINR is prepared In two forms: No. 1, secret treatmont, a powdor, absolutely tasteless and odorloss, glvon secretly In food or drink; OIIHIN13, No. 2, In pill form, Is for thoso who desire to tako voluntary treatmont. If you fall to got results from OfttUNR nftor n trial your monoy will bo rofunded. Costs only $1 00 por box. Ask for booklet tell ing nil about ORRINB. OWL PRESCRIPTION PHARMACY. FRONT STREET. City Auto Service flood Cars, Caroful Drivers and reasonable charges. Our motto: "Will go anywhoro at any time." Stands Dlanco Hotol and Blanco Cigar Storo. Day Phones 78 and 46. Night Phono 46. nAKKHn i nOODALK. nronrlntOT Fire! Fire! Fire! That Is tho CRY thnt ovory ono DREADS to honr. It al ways means DESTRUCTION. Tho flro BUG may got YOU noxt. Bo wiso and Insuro with tho NEWARK FIRE INSUR ANCE COMPANY. French Realty Co. AGENTS. 31Bj No. Front St., Mnrshtlold THE NEW Steamer SPEEDWELL CAPT. 1IUUTIH, Master. Sails from San Francisco, for Coos Bay direct, Saturday, Dec. 7, 1912 She hIII sail from Coos Bay about Dercmlter lltli. THE KPKF.DWKUi Is speedy uutl hits excellent passenger ftccom modntlons, largo clean mid airy rooms and electric lights mil wireless. 1'or freight nnd passage, apply, A. F. Lstnbrook Co. 'I'ltlo (iiiiirnuteo and Abstract Co, -in mi. Ht., Him i-'innclsco. JlmWIeW. BUILDING AM) REPAIR WORK, IIouso Moving and Grading. Wo nro prepnred to do this wort by tho dny or contract and guarantee satisfaction. Let us flguro with you. a. 8. FLOYD A CO., Phone 81fl.J. Mandiflcld. Ore. THE FRIKND OP COOS BAY' WHEN YOU WANT A MESSEN GER BOY Something bent for or delivered P II O N K I20-L nnd we'll do It. Charges reason able. OIIAB ORANBY. R. J. MONTGOMERY Real Estate and Insurance 244 North Front Street. Palmer & Dawson Practical Piano Tuners. Fourteen years factory omnr. lonco. Wo do tuning, voicing, ac tlon adjusting, polish or roflnlsh cases, make yollow ivory keys whito like new. Rntes reasonable. Satisfaction guaranteed. Phono UOO-X or address Box 533, Mwrshflold. Oregon. Pictures & Framing Walker Studio For GOOD SHOES and GOOD REPAIRING nt RIGHT PRICES. Go to August Oleson 213 South Broadway. VOTE FOR WANTED ! ! ! CARPETS UPHOLSTERING AND PIANOS TO CLEAN, by the Pneu. nmtlo Cleaning Company. Orders tor work taken at GOING & IWllVEY, Phone 10(1 Have That Roof Fixed NOW See GORTEELZ I Will- Furnish Your House on the Installment Plan W. fCWiseman 81 North Front St. Bus. Phono 296-X; Rea. Phono 166-J PHON7T 3121 NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT. Notice is horeby given thnt tho undorslgnod has filed his final ac count In tho matter of tho estate of D F. Ross, deceased; and that tho Comity Court has set Slondny, tho Cth dny of Janunry, 1913, at the Court Houso in Coqulllo City. Coos County. Oregon, as tho time uii 1MLo ior nenrmg of objec tions to said final account and tho settlement of said estate. GEORGE F. ROSS. Executor of tho Last Will and Tes tament and of tho estate of B. F. Ross, deceased. I first publication Nov. last publication, Eec. S. S. ALLIANCE EQUIPPED WITH WIRELESS SAILS FROM COOS BAY FOR. PORTLAND WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 27, AT 10 A.M. CONNECTING WITH THE NORTH BANK ROAD AT POUTUXD NORTH PACIFIC STEAMSHIP COMPANY. Phone 44. O. F. McGKOROK, Apt FAST AND COMMODIOUS Steamer Redondo Equipped with wireless nnd submarine bell SAILS FROM (MARSHFIELD for SAN FRANCISCO WEDNESDAY, DEC. 4 at 6:30 a. m. All Pnsaengcr Reservations rYom Son Francisco Mut '' H05 Fifo Bluldlng, or Pier No 10. All reservations must m " ken up SI Itours before sailing. INTER.OCEAN TRANSPORTATION CO. . . PHONE 44. C. F. McGEOROBJi Steamer Homer Sails from Coos Bay for San Francisco, Wi freight Only, Tuesday, November o P. S. DOW, AgeMt. OoNUIXck' EQUIPPED WITH WIRELESS Steamship Breakwater ALWAYS ON TRIE. SAILS FROSI AINSWORTII 10, 20. FROSI MARSHFIELD AT 10, 3, 30. Phone Main 35-L. DOCK. PORTLAND, nt 8 p. f AT SERVICE OF TI1L TIW". " j. O. MIU'E"' 26 and 24.) New Goods and Second Hand Goods Bought, sold or exclinnged. nARRINGTON, DOYLE & CO. 302 Front Street. Phono 840-L. uSuTPantelg "SSSJStf'B-- make your next suit- ?bon9ifrl 25o UlSftxiw". p